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CSE Market Movers - Top Gainers (%) - Today

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Top Gainers (%)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Volume TradesChart
First American Uranium IncURM First American Uranium Inc0.0450.025125.00%297,00019
ChitogenX IncCHGX ChitogenX Inc0.010.005100.00%6,5002
Integrated Cyber Solutions IncICS Integrated Cyber Solutions Inc0.180.08589.47%1,0001
KWG Resources IncCACR.A KWG Resources Inc2.370.8252.90%1,5543
Renforth Resources IncRFR Renforth Resources Inc0.0150.00550.00%252,67210
Cannibble Food Tech LtdPLCN Cannibble Food Tech Ltd0.030.0150.00%3,3263
Pharmadrug IncPHRX Pharmadrug Inc0.0150.00550.00%104,0008
Go Metals CorpGOCO Go Metals Corp0.0450.01550.00%4,0002
Prospect Ridge Resources CorpPRR Prospect Ridge Resources Corp0.060.0250.00%10,5004
Onco Innovations LimitedONCO Onco Innovations Limited2.000.5336.05%728,907449
Eco Oro Minerals CorpEOM Eco Oro Minerals Corp0.020.00533.33%9,2104
Squatex Energy and Ressources IncSQX Squatex Energy and Ressources Inc0.040.0133.33%8,0002
Spearmint Resources IncSPMT Spearmint Resources Inc0.020.00533.33%1,1582
Discovery Lithium IncDCLI Discovery Lithium Inc0.080.0233.33%425,00529
Entheon Biomedical CorpENBI Entheon Biomedical Corp0.1750.0429.63%1,0202
Generation Mining LimitedGENM Generation Mining Limited0.1850.0427.59%1,6374
Eat Beyond Global Holdings IncEATS Eat Beyond Global Holdings Inc0.070.01527.27%7,8094
Restart Life Sciences CorpHEAL Restart Life Sciences Corp0.0950.0226.67%3,2502
Arway CorporationARWY Arway Corporation0.050.0125.00%27,47416
Cruz Battery Metals CorpCRUZ Cruz Battery Metals Corp0.0250.00525.00%10,0003
Predictmedix Al IncPMED Predictmedix Al Inc0.0550.0122.22%408,66624
Critical Infrastructure Technologies LtdCTTT Critical Infrastructure Technologies Ltd0.400.0721.21%44,50013
Quebec Innovative Materials CorpQIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp0.230.0421.05%1,971,574299
Diagnamed Holdings CorpDMED Diagnamed Holdings Corp0.030.00520.00%77,0005
Slave Lake Zinc CorpSLZ Slave Lake Zinc Corp0.030.00520.00%75,0003
Global Helium CorpHECO Global Helium Corp0.030.00520.00%1,0001
Seahawk Gold CorpSEAG Seahawk Gold Corp0.220.03518.92%320,15311
Nuclear Fuels IncNF Nuclear Fuels Inc0.3150.0518.87%75,52093
Dundee Sustainable Technologies IncDST Dundee Sustainable Technologies Inc0.190.0318.75%5001
Sitka Gold CorpSIG Sitka Gold Corp0.4850.07518.29%7,40015
Traction Uranium CorpTRAC Traction Uranium Corp0.340.0517.24%13,00010
Global Hemp Group IncGHG Global Hemp Group Inc0.0350.00516.67%35,0003
Golden Spike Resources CorpGLDS Golden Spike Resources Corp0.0350.00516.67%248,3656
Forty Pillars Mining CorpPLLR Forty Pillars Mining Corp0.0350.00516.67%10,0001
Aether Catalyst Solutions IncATHR Aether Catalyst Solutions Inc0.070.0116.67%43,0002
Inflection Resources LtdAUCU Inflection Resources Ltd0.330.04515.79%57,00013
Quest Critical Metals IncBULL Quest Critical Metals Inc0.0750.0115.38%19,0003
Questcorp Mining IncQQQ Questcorp Mining Inc0.150.0215.38%101,94121
Edgemont Gold CorpEDGM Edgemont Gold Corp0.160.0214.29%343,50016
Nexus Uranium CorporationNEXU Nexus Uranium Corporation0.200.02514.29%16,0006
Heritage Mining LtdHML Heritage Mining Ltd0.040.00514.29%10,3502
Ciscom CorpCISC Ciscom Corp0.040.00514.29%1,0001
ImagineAR IncIP ImagineAR Inc0.040.00514.29%71,1079
Core Assets CorpCC Core Assets Corp0.040.00514.29%126,0005
Jones Soda CoJSDA Jones Soda Co0.350.0412.90%1,5001
Captiva Verde Wellness CorpPWR Captiva Verde Wellness Corp0.0450.00512.50%115,92810
Trillion Energy International IncTCF Trillion Energy International Inc0.0450.00512.50%85,20013
Norsemont Mining IncNOM Norsemont Mining Inc0.270.0312.50%144,20029
Exploits Discovery CorpNFLD Exploits Discovery Corp0.0450.00512.50%21,0005
Star Copper CorpSTCU Star Copper Corp0.450.0512.50%1,0001
Galloper Gold CorpBOOM Galloper Gold Corp0.0450.00512.50%513,50044
Canary Gold CorpBRAZ Canary Gold Corp0.280.0312.00%2,5001
Belgravia Hartford Capital IncBLGV Belgravia Hartford Capital Inc0.050.00511.11%7,5268
Teako Minerals CorpTMIN Teako Minerals Corp0.050.00511.11%356,00011
Sasquatch Resources CorpSASQ Sasquatch Resources Corp0.0550.00510.00%12,0003
Vext Science IncVEXT Vext Science Inc0.1750.0159.38%58,50014
Q Precious & Battery Metals CorpQMET Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp0.060.0059.09%490,29846
Bayridge Resources CorporationBYRG Bayridge Resources Corporation0.060.0059.09%48,67614
Rush Rare Metals CorpRSH Rush Rare Metals Corp0.1250.018.70%32,5005
Western Uranium and Vanadium CorpWUC Western Uranium and Vanadium Corp1.270.108.55%67,275185
Hybrid Power Solutions IncHPSS Hybrid Power Solutions Inc0.0650.0058.33%1,762,219146
QNB Metals IncTIM.X QNB Metals Inc0.0650.0058.33%120,0009
First Tellurium CorpFTEL First Tellurium Corp0.1350.018.00%4,4004
Quimbaya Gold IncQIM Quimbaya Gold Inc0.540.048.00%65,00040
US Critical Metals CorpUSCM US Critical Metals Corp0.070.0057.69%98,01529
Spark Energy Minerals IncSPRK Spark Energy Minerals Inc0.0750.0057.14%10,0001
Silicon Metals CorpSI Silicon Metals Corp0.0750.0057.14%1,2122
Cameo Resources IncMEO Cameo Resources Inc0.150.017.14%18,0002
Muzhu Mining LtdMUZU Muzhu Mining Ltd0.0750.0057.14%9,0004
Foremost Clean Energy LtdFAT Foremost Clean Energy Ltd1.120.076.67%4,70019
Nuran Wireless IncNUR Nuran Wireless Inc0.080.0056.67%119,50013
Tartisan Nickel CorpTN Tartisan Nickel Corp0.1650.016.45%17,0009
Permex Petroleum CorporationOIL Permex Petroleum Corporation3.400.206.25%4005
Fox River Resources CorporationFOX Fox River Resources Corporation0.4250.0256.25%61,10012
Pan American Energy CorpPNRG Pan American Energy Corp0.4250.0256.25%8,5004
Axcap Ventures IncAXCP Axcap Ventures Inc0.180.015.88%41,0009
Temas Resources CorpTMAS Temas Resources Corp0.090.0055.88%8,6114
Ares Strategic Mining IncARS Ares Strategic Mining Inc0.180.015.88%71,55014
Sparc AI IncSPAI Sparc AI Inc0.370.025.71%35,66717
Forge Resources CorpFRG Forge Resources Corp0.930.055.68%32,42218
Burrell Resources IncBURY Burrell Resources Inc0.0950.0055.56%24,0004
Rapid Dose Therapeutics CorporationDOSE Rapid Dose Therapeutics Corporation0.200.015.26%52,4285
Supreme Critical Metals IncCRIT Supreme Critical Metals Inc0.100.0055.26%33,5003
Vital Battery Metals IncVBAM Vital Battery Metals Inc0.100.0055.26%2,0002
Westward Gold IncWG Westward Gold Inc0.100.0055.26%281,45033
Great Northern Energy Metals IncGNEM Great Northern Energy Metals Inc0.420.025.00%4,0004
Vireo Growth IncVREO Vireo Growth Inc0.630.035.00%5001
Golden Cariboo Resources LtdGCC Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd0.1150.0054.55%117,00012
Forte Group Holdings IncFGH Forte Group Holdings Inc0.470.024.44%8,4754
Lion Copper And Gold CorpLEO Lion Copper And Gold Corp0.120.0054.35%77,00013
BluSky Carbon IncBSKY BluSky Carbon Inc0.120.0054.35%1,1402
Rektron Group IncREK.U Rektron Group Inc3.750.154.17%7,5009
Silver Dollar Resources IncSLV Silver Dollar Resources Inc0.2550.014.08%14,0004
Hillcrest Energy Technologies LtdHEAT Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd0.130.0054.00%23,32511
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp8.650.313.72%10,49414
GoldHaven Resources CorpGOH GoldHaven Resources Corp0.140.0053.70%1,0001
Eagle Royalties LtdER Eagle Royalties Ltd0.1450.0053.57%14,1374
MariMed IncMRMD MariMed Inc0.1450.0053.57%116,50018
Sanu Gold CorpSANU Sanu Gold Corp0.2950.013.51%279,29636
BioNxt Solutions IncBNXT BioNxt Solutions Inc0.590.023.51%37,40023