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CSE Market Movers - Top Gainers (%) - 3 Months

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154 (39%)
161 (41%)
76 (19%)
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Top Gainers (%)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Izotropic CorporationIZO Izotropic Corporation0.400.36900.00%139,975
Clara Technologies CorpCLTE Clara Technologies Corp2.051.80720.00%5,676
Trojan Gold IncTGII Trojan Gold Inc0.0250.02400.00%35,965
Predictmedix Al IncPMED Predictmedix Al Inc0.0450.035350.00%347,634
Argo Living Soils CorpARGO Argo Living Soils Corp0.560.42300.00%83,811
Global UAV Technologies LtdUAV Global UAV Technologies Ltd0.540.40285.71%5,650
Questcorp Mining IncQQQ Questcorp Mining Inc0.190.14280.00%186,336
Edgemont Gold CorpEDGM Edgemont Gold Corp0.170.12240.00%156,555
Pan American Energy CorpPNRG Pan American Energy Corp0.4150.2925238.78%18,168
Rockland Resources LtdRKL Rockland Resources Ltd0.150.105233.33%44,470
Safe Supply Streaming Co LtdSPLY Safe Supply Streaming Co Ltd0.080.055220.00%141,063
MedBright AI Investments IncMBAI MedBright AI Investments Inc0.060.04200.00%406,101
Stock Trend Capital IncPUMP Stock Trend Capital Inc0.0150.01200.00%1,082,209
Kingsview Minerals LtdKVM Kingsview Minerals Ltd0.0150.01200.00%57,688
Canadian Metals IncCME Canadian Metals Inc0.0750.05200.00%8,908
KWG Resources IncCACR KWG Resources Inc0.030.02200.00%562,541
Sweet Poison Spirits IncSPS Sweet Poison Spirits Inc0.170.11183.33%35,656
Quebec Innovative Materials CorpQIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp0.220.14175.00%2,566,739
Beyond Medical Technologies IncDOCT Beyond Medical Technologies Inc0.0950.06171.43%13,069
Onco Innovations LimitedONCO Onco Innovations Limited1.921.18159.46%489,823
Trenchant Technologies Capital CorpAITT Trenchant Technologies Capital Corp0.1550.095158.33%68,602
Moss Genomics IncMOSS Moss Genomics Inc0.200.12150.00%35,240
Beyond Oil LtdBOIL Beyond Oil Ltd3.692.21149.32%172,803
Bird River Resources IncBDR Bird River Resources Inc0.060.035140.00%22,509
Battery X Metals IncBATX Battery X Metals Inc0.2150.12126.32%55,729
Giant Mining CorpBFG Giant Mining Corp0.4050.225125.00%456,827
P2P Group LtdPPB P2P Group Ltd0.130.07116.67%147,445
Inflection Resources LtdAUCU Inflection Resources Ltd0.3350.18116.13%96,612
Rektron Group IncREK.U Rektron Group Inc3.752.00114.29%14,306
Terra Balcanica Resources CorpTERA Terra Balcanica Resources Corp0.1050.055110.00%139,671
Refined Energy CorpRUU Refined Energy Corp0.3650.19108.57%140,700
Lexston Mining CorporationLEXT Lexston Mining Corporation0.520.27108.00%193,149
Inspiration Energy CorpISP Inspiration Energy Corp0.1350.07107.69%71,717
Highlander Silver CorpHSLV Highlander Silver Corp1.920.97102.11%43,896
Sixty North Gold Mining IncSXTY Sixty North Gold Mining Inc0.130.065100.00%17,342
StickIt Technologies IncSTKT StickIt Technologies Inc0.010.005100.00%8,931
Slave Lake Zinc CorpSLZ Slave Lake Zinc Corp0.040.02100.00%68,003
Global Hemp Group IncGHG Global Hemp Group Inc0.030.015100.00%102,854
Regenx Tech CorpRGX Regenx Tech Corp0.020.01100.00%142,926
Arctic Fox Lithium CorpAFX Arctic Fox Lithium Corp0.010.005100.00%94,133
KWG Resources IncCACR.A KWG Resources Inc2.601.30100.00%54
Loyalist Exploration LimitedPNGC Loyalist Exploration Limited0.010.005100.00%133,822
Hybrid Power Solutions IncHPSS Hybrid Power Solutions Inc0.070.035100.00%394,334
Spetz IncSPTZ Spetz Inc0.460.23100.00%19,433
Defence Therapeutics IncDTC Defence Therapeutics Inc1.180.5896.67%93,188
Lion Copper And Gold CorpLEO Lion Copper And Gold Corp0.1350.06592.86%48,357
Blue Lagoon Resources IncBLLG Blue Lagoon Resources Inc0.260.12592.59%216,499
Aether Catalyst Solutions IncATHR Aether Catalyst Solutions Inc0.0750.03587.50%25,850
Doseology Sciences IncMOOD Doseology Sciences Inc0.300.1487.50%4,788
Miata Metals CorpMMET Miata Metals Corp1.200.5687.50%279,057
Emperor Metals IncAUOZ Emperor Metals Inc0.130.0685.71%266,551
Good Flour CorpGFCO Good Flour Corp0.1450.06581.25%3,200
Sanu Gold CorpSANU Sanu Gold Corp0.2950.1378.79%630,771
Cannabix Technologies IncBLO Cannabix Technologies Inc0.570.2578.12%56,196
BioNxt Solutions IncBNXT BioNxt Solutions Inc0.580.2575.76%152,717
Silver Hammer Mining CorpHAMR Silver Hammer Mining Corp0.070.0375.00%70,380
High Tide Resources CorpHTRC High Tide Resources Corp0.0350.01575.00%24,265
Hydrograph Clean Power IncHG Hydrograph Clean Power Inc0.300.12571.43%482,029
Quimbaya Gold IncQIM Quimbaya Gold Inc0.550.22569.23%60,839
EnviroGold Global LimitedNVRO EnviroGold Global Limited0.110.04569.23%123,757
Global Li Ion Graphite CorpLION Global Li Ion Graphite Corp0.0250.0166.67%198,207
NanoSphere Health Sciences IncNSHS NanoSphere Health Sciences Inc0.0750.0366.67%7,805
Relevant Gold CorpRGC Relevant Gold Corp0.400.1666.67%3,445
Getchell Gold CorpGTCH Getchell Gold Corp0.230.0964.29%180,161
First Lithium Minerals CorpFLM First Lithium Minerals Corp0.090.03563.64%49,973
Ashley Gold CorpASHL Ashley Gold Corp0.0650.02562.50%236,198
Quantum BioPharma LtdQNTM Quantum BioPharma Ltd8.253.1561.76%11,048
NameSilo Technologies CorporationURL NameSilo Technologies Corporation0.800.30561.62%92,008
Formation Metals IncFOMO Formation Metals Inc0.3450.1360.47%181,801
Gemina Laboratories LtdGLAB Gemina Laboratories Ltd1.080.4058.82%15,709
Gold Hunter Resources IncHUNT Gold Hunter Resources Inc0.0950.03558.33%144,534
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp8.152.9857.64%1,206
Tocvan Ventures CorporationTOC Tocvan Ventures Corporation0.780.28557.58%20,208
CDN Maverick Capital CorpCDN CDN Maverick Capital Corp0.180.06556.52%10,797
Ameriwest Lithium IncAWLI Ameriwest Lithium Inc0.180.06556.52%6,461
Peak Minerals LtdPEK Peak Minerals Ltd0.420.1555.56%60,375
BGX Black Gold Exploration CorpBGX BGX Black Gold Exploration Corp0.200.066850.15%8,631
Beyond Lithium IncBY Beyond Lithium Inc0.0450.01550.00%61,072
Psyence Group IncPSYG Psyence Group Inc0.0150.00550.00%15,437
ESGold CorpESAU ESGold Corp0.330.1150.00%127,399
Abound Energy IncABND Abound Energy Inc0.060.0250.00%46,339
Goldrea Resources CorpGOR Goldrea Resources Corp0.0150.00550.00%19,318
TAAT Global Alternatives IncTAAT TAAT Global Alternatives Inc0.240.0850.00%7,173
Muzhu Mining LtdMUZU Muzhu Mining Ltd0.090.0350.00%25,967
PanGenomic Health IncNARA PanGenomic Health Inc0.240.0850.00%22,482
Syntheia CorpSYAI Syntheia Corp0.150.0550.00%262,396
Forge Resources CorpFRG Forge Resources Corp0.900.3050.00%182,625
GOAT Industries LtdGOAT GOAT Industries Ltd0.380.12549.02%36,522
Dundee Sustainable Technologies IncDST Dundee Sustainable Technologies Inc0.170.05547.83%2,526
King Global Ventures IncKING King Global Ventures Inc0.470.1546.87%22,158
Christina Lake Cannabis CorpCLC Christina Lake Cannabis Corp0.050.01542.86%39,594
Great Northern Energy Metals IncGNEM Great Northern Energy Metals Inc0.440.1341.94%19,781
Hercules Resources CorpHERC Hercules Resources Corp0.210.0640.00%14,558
Prospect Ridge Resources CorpPRR Prospect Ridge Resources Corp0.0550.01537.50%154,393
Super Copper CorpCUPR Super Copper Corp0.460.12537.31%203,464
Kuya Silver CorporationKUYA Kuya Silver Corporation0.350.09537.25%120,648
Western Uranium and Vanadium CorpWUC Western Uranium and Vanadium Corp1.440.3937.14%71,290
Norsemont Mining IncNOM Norsemont Mining Inc0.2550.06534.21%64,637
Mayo Lake Minerals IncMLKM Mayo Lake Minerals Inc0.020.00533.33%24,149
Mosaic Minerals CorpMOC Mosaic Minerals Corp0.040.0133.33%53,647