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Top Gainers ($)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Quantum BioPharma LtdQNTM Quantum BioPharma Ltd13.656.5391.71%10,036
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp8.452.0532.03%1,883
Beyond Oil LtdBOIL Beyond Oil Ltd3.721.3758.30%337,345
Draganfly IncDPRO Draganfly Inc3.950.4412.54%3,832
Tocvan Ventures CorporationTOC Tocvan Ventures Corporation0.840.2952.73%43,211
Miata Metals CorpMMET Miata Metals Corp1.300.2827.45%238,888
Patriot Battery Metals IncPMET Patriot Battery Metals Inc2.680.2510.29%4,341
Clara Technologies CorpCLTE Clara Technologies Corp2.020.2212.22%1,085
Barranco Gold Mining CorpBAR Barranco Gold Mining Corp1.300.2018.18%5,753
Sweet Poison Spirits IncSPS Sweet Poison Spirits Inc0.290.18163.64%51,845
Apex Critical Metals CorporationAPXC Apex Critical Metals Corporation0.950.1823.38%44,462
Asante Gold CorporationASE Asante Gold Corporation1.180.1818.00%52,269
Happy Belly Food Group IncHBFG Happy Belly Food Group Inc1.200.1716.50%133,369
King Global Ventures IncKING King Global Ventures Inc0.580.1741.46%31,650
Western Uranium and Vanadium CorpWUC Western Uranium and Vanadium Corp1.170.1615.84%64,618
NameSilo Technologies CorporationURL NameSilo Technologies Corporation0.830.1623.88%69,449
Highlander Silver CorpHSLV Highlander Silver Corp1.910.169.14%63,371
Spetz IncSPTZ Spetz Inc0.590.1431.11%47,614
Quimbaya Gold IncQIM Quimbaya Gold Inc0.470.13540.30%88,984
Inflection Resources LtdAUCU Inflection Resources Ltd0.3350.1255.81%112,586
Relevant Gold CorpRGC Relevant Gold Corp0.400.1033.33%6,379
Critical One Energy IncCRTL Critical One Energy Inc0.280.1055.56%40,173
Cannabix Technologies IncBLO Cannabix Technologies Inc0.540.09521.35%61,164
Integral Metals CorpINTG Integral Metals Corp1.000.099.89%101,995
Sixty North Gold Mining IncSXTY Sixty North Gold Mining Inc0.170.0888.89%16,464
Faraday Copper CorpFDY Faraday Copper Corp0.820.0810.81%1,045
Sanu Gold CorpSANU Sanu Gold Corp0.340.0725.93%370,244
Norsemont Mining IncNOM Norsemont Mining Inc0.230.0743.75%91,273
ESGold CorpESAU ESGold Corp0.330.06524.53%199,742
Auric Minerals CorpAUMC Auric Minerals Corp0.530.06513.98%129,216
Torrent Gold IncTGLD Torrent Gold Inc0.0950.06171.43%1,050
Quebec Innovative Materials CorpQIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp0.250.0525.00%1,733,880
First Tellurium CorpFTEL First Tellurium Corp0.1650.0543.48%145,177
Cerro de Pasco Resources IncCDPR Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc0.300.04517.65%186,957
Ares Strategic Mining IncARS Ares Strategic Mining Inc0.1950.04530.00%70,526
Xebra Brands LtdXBRA Xebra Brands Ltd0.090.045100.00%65,475
BioNxt Solutions IncBNXT BioNxt Solutions Inc0.540.048.00%103,831
Aether Catalyst Solutions IncATHR Aether Catalyst Solutions Inc0.090.0480.00%22,551
Questcorp Mining IncQQQ Questcorp Mining Inc0.160.0433.33%218,974
Abitibi Metals CorpAMQ Abitibi Metals Corp0.2750.0417.02%435,980
Argyle Resources CorpARGL Argyle Resources Corp0.520.048.33%182,429
Temas Resources CorpTMAS Temas Resources Corp0.1150.03543.75%158,322
Lion Copper And Gold CorpLEO Lion Copper And Gold Corp0.1250.03538.89%95,587
Muzhu Mining LtdMUZU Muzhu Mining Ltd0.100.03553.85%29,225
Giant Mining CorpBFG Giant Mining Corp0.400.0359.59%209,858
BGX Black Gold Exploration CorpBGX BGX Black Gold Exploration Corp0.2150.0318517.36%30,937
Vext Science IncVEXT Vext Science Inc0.180.0320.00%34,030
Kuya Silver CorporationKUYA Kuya Silver Corporation0.310.0310.71%142,459
Valdor Technology International IncVTI Valdor Technology International Inc0.060.02571.43%45,512
Hybrid Power Solutions IncHPSS Hybrid Power Solutions Inc0.060.02571.43%849,079
C21 Investments IncCXXI C21 Investments Inc0.260.02510.64%23,885
New Break Resources LtdNBRK New Break Resources Ltd0.090.0228.57%40,400
Hertz Energy IncHZ Hertz Energy Inc0.140.0216.67%10,805
Discovery Lithium IncDCLI Discovery Lithium Inc0.070.0240.00%101,468
Britannia Life Sciences IncBLAB Britannia Life Sciences Inc0.0750.0236.36%105,696
Hillcrest Energy Technologies LtdHEAT Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd0.130.0218.18%215,640
Vireo Growth IncVREO Vireo Growth Inc0.630.023.28%42,037
KWG Resources IncCACR KWG Resources Inc0.040.02100.00%1,348,589
Steadright Critical Minerals IncSCM Steadright Critical Minerals Inc0.050.0266.67%40,688
Green Bridge Metals CorporationGRBM Green Bridge Metals Corporation0.180.0212.50%218,859
Supreme Critical Metals IncCRIT Supreme Critical Metals Inc0.110.0222.22%8,487
Beyond Lithium IncBY Beyond Lithium Inc0.050.01542.86%82,562
Ashley Gold CorpASHL Ashley Gold Corp0.0650.01530.00%565,974
KO Gold IncKOG KO Gold Inc0.190.0158.57%5,960
Avanti Gold CorpAGC Avanti Gold Corp0.0350.01575.00%207,906
Pasinex Resources LimitedPSE Pasinex Resources Limited0.040.01560.00%49,995
Rapid Dose Therapeutics CorporationDOSE Rapid Dose Therapeutics Corporation0.200.0158.11%20,109
Dark Star Minerals IncBATT Dark Star Minerals Inc0.0650.0118.18%17,007
First American Uranium IncURM First American Uranium Inc0.0250.0166.67%43,008
Athena Gold CorporationATHA Athena Gold Corporation0.060.0120.00%54,652
Scope Technologies CorpSCPE Scope Technologies Corp0.460.012.22%446,368
Safe Supply Streaming Co LtdSPLY Safe Supply Streaming Co Ltd0.0750.0115.38%46,082
Eagle Royalties LtdER Eagle Royalties Ltd0.150.017.14%26,117
Cartier Silver CorporationCFE Cartier Silver Corporation0.130.018.33%29,972
Galloper Gold CorpBOOM Galloper Gold Corp0.050.0125.00%282,527
Cloud3 Ventures IncCLDV Cloud3 Ventures Inc0.1750.016.06%51,727
Prospect Ridge Resources CorpPRR Prospect Ridge Resources Corp0.060.0120.00%119,360
Revive Therapeutics LtdRVV Revive Therapeutics Ltd0.020.01100.00%233,356
Teako Minerals CorpTMIN Teako Minerals Corp0.0550.0122.22%242,753
Nine Mile Metals LtdNINE Nine Mile Metals Ltd0.0250.0166.67%82,059
St Georges Eco Mining CorpSX St Georges Eco Mining Corp0.0750.0115.38%226,137
Shoal Point Energy LtdSHP Shoal Point Energy Ltd0.040.0133.33%5,661
Westward Gold IncWG Westward Gold Inc0.100.0111.11%227,332
Red Canyon Resources LtdREDC Red Canyon Resources Ltd0.160.016.67%22,437
Maple Leaf Green World IncMGW Maple Leaf Green World Inc0.040.00514.29%5,432
Fluent CorpFNT.U Fluent Corp0.060.0059.09%43,569
American Aires IncWIFI American Aires Inc0.200.0052.56%97,014
GOAT Industries LtdGOAT GOAT Industries Ltd0.350.0051.45%63,476
ThreeD Capital IncIDK ThreeD Capital Inc0.120.0054.35%200,595
Champion Electric Metals IncLTHM Champion Electric Metals Inc0.010.005100.00%183,430
BrandPilot AI IncBPAI BrandPilot AI Inc0.0250.00525.00%187,296
Lobe Sciences LtdLOBE Lobe Sciences Ltd0.030.00520.00%30,660
Regenx Tech CorpRGX Regenx Tech Corp0.020.00533.33%73,158
Rio Grande Resources LtdRGR Rio Grande Resources Ltd0.070.0057.69%94,326
Renforth Resources IncRFR Renforth Resources Inc0.0150.00550.00%143,267
Crestview Exploration IncCRS Crestview Exploration Inc0.030.00520.00%8,132
Canter Resources CorpCRC Canter Resources Corp0.0550.00510.00%76,223
Gold n Futures Mineral CorpFUTR Gold n Futures Mineral Corp0.010.005100.00%192,353
Diagnamed Holdings CorpDMED Diagnamed Holdings Corp0.0350.00516.67%227,591
PlasCred Circular Innovations IncPLAS PlasCred Circular Innovations Inc0.0750.0057.14%171,142

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