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CSE Market Movers - Top Gainers ($) - Today

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Top Gainers ($)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Volume TradesChart
Bright Minds Biosciences IncDRUG Bright Minds Biosciences Inc50.251.362.78%1,00010
KWG Resources IncCACR.A KWG Resources Inc2.600.239.70%2001
Western Uranium and Vanadium CorpWUC Western Uranium and Vanadium Corp1.440.1511.63%128,832324
Foremost Clean Energy LtdFAT Foremost Clean Energy Ltd1.250.108.70%36,50073
Tocvan Ventures CorporationTOC Tocvan Ventures Corporation0.780.0913.04%40,00014
Lexston Mining CorporationLEXT Lexston Mining Corporation0.520.07516.85%51,37114
High Tide IncHITI High Tide Inc3.140.072.28%7057
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0.4450.06517.11%2,0505
BluSky Carbon IncBSKY BluSky Carbon Inc0.1750.05545.83%15,90420
Trulieve Cannabis CorpTRUL Trulieve Cannabis Corp5.800.050.87%63,489190
Trenchant Technologies Capital CorpAITT Trenchant Technologies Capital Corp0.1550.04540.91%43,0001
Sweet Poison Spirits IncSPS Sweet Poison Spirits Inc0.170.0430.77%13,5003
Supreme Critical Metals IncCRIT Supreme Critical Metals Inc0.140.0440.00%29,3165
Argyle Resources CorpARGL Argyle Resources Corp0.540.048.00%219,650101
Luxxfolio Holdings IncLUXX Luxxfolio Holdings Inc0.190.0426.67%1,2503
Questcorp Mining IncQQQ Questcorp Mining Inc0.190.0426.67%564,99573
Greenridge Exploration IncGXP Greenridge Exploration Inc0.540.035.88%33,06023
Railtown Al Technologies IncRAIL Railtown Al Technologies Inc0.390.038.33%152,92877
Rise Resources IncRISE Rise Resources Inc0.1050.02531.25%57,0005
E Power Resources IncEPR E Power Resources Inc0.060.02571.43%214,00025
Muzhu Mining LtdMUZU Muzhu Mining Ltd0.090.0228.57%15,0002
Collective Metals IncCOMT Collective Metals Inc0.070.0240.00%65,0006
EMP Metals CorpEMPS EMP Metals Corp0.270.028.00%67,00015
Highlander Silver CorpHSLV Highlander Silver Corp1.920.021.05%167,58250
NetraMark Holdings IncAIAI NetraMark Holdings Inc1.440.021.41%114,37962
Verano Holdings CorpVRNO Verano Holdings Corp0.970.022.11%5001
King Global Ventures IncKING King Global Ventures Inc0.470.024.44%27,00013
Lion Copper And Gold CorpLEO Lion Copper And Gold Corp0.1350.01512.50%34,8427
Max Power Mining CorpMAXX Max Power Mining Corp0.1950.0158.33%108,45035
Big Red Mining CorpRED Big Red Mining Corp0.1250.01513.64%161,50013
Mustang Energy CorpMEC Mustang Energy Corp0.2750.0155.77%715,544139
Troy Minerals IncTROY Troy Minerals Inc0.130.01513.04%169,50021
Battery X Metals IncBATX Battery X Metals Inc0.2150.0157.50%24,7509
Formation Metals IncFOMO Formation Metals Inc0.3450.0154.55%230,42150
American Aires IncWIFI American Aires Inc0.2150.0157.50%139,50022
Syntheia CorpSYAI Syntheia Corp0.150.01511.11%341,50049
BC Bud CorporationBCBC BC Bud Corporation0.040.0133.33%649,15250
Belgravia Hartford Capital IncBLGV Belgravia Hartford Capital Inc0.060.0120.00%128,2509
Toggle3D ai IncTGGL Toggle3D ai Inc0.0450.0128.57%48,00014
Slave Lake Zinc CorpSLZ Slave Lake Zinc Corp0.040.0133.33%54,0002
Golden Spike Resources CorpGLDS Golden Spike Resources Corp0.040.0133.33%1,376,32627
Military Metals CorpMILI Military Metals Corp0.510.012.00%163,02349
Izotropic CorporationIZO Izotropic Corporation0.400.012.56%31,78210
Nova Pacific Metals CorpNVPC Nova Pacific Metals Corp0.210.015.00%100,50027
Hi View Resources IncHVW Hi View Resources Inc0.040.0133.33%202,0004
First American Uranium IncURM First American Uranium Inc0.0450.0128.57%7,6395
Mistango River Resources IncMIS Mistango River Resources Inc0.0350.0140.00%280,00011
Cybeats Technologies CorpCYBT Cybeats Technologies Corp0.140.017.69%23,00015
Edgemont Gold CorpEDGM Edgemont Gold Corp0.170.016.25%288,50015
Moss Genomics IncMOSS Moss Genomics Inc0.200.015.26%1,0252
Quebec Nickel CorpQNI Quebec Nickel Corp0.0950.0111.76%7,0001
American Pacific Mining CorpUSGD American Pacific Mining Corp0.170.016.25%115,97640
InnoCan Pharma CorporationINNO InnoCan Pharma Corporation0.200.015.26%21,5003
Silver Hammer Mining CorpHAMR Silver Hammer Mining Corp0.070.0116.67%11,0003
CENTR Brands CorpCNTR CENTR Brands Corp0.050.0125.00%2,0402
ThreeD Capital IncIDK ThreeD Capital Inc0.120.019.09%89,76114
Highrock Resources LtdHRK Highrock Resources Ltd0.0250.0166.67%56,5423
Rockland Resources LtdRKL Rockland Resources Ltd0.150.017.14%48,16412
Safe Supply Streaming Co LtdSPLY Safe Supply Streaming Co Ltd0.080.0114.29%1,0001
BIOSENTA IncZRO BIOSENTA Inc0.160.016.67%5001
Asante Gold CorporationASE Asante Gold Corporation1.200.010.84%53,83691
C21 Investments IncCXXI C21 Investments Inc0.210.015.00%12,5004
BioMark Diagnostics IncBUX BioMark Diagnostics Inc0.2550.014.08%12,0002
Great Northern Energy Metals IncGNEM Great Northern Energy Metals Inc0.440.012.33%11,0008
Integral Metals CorpINTG Integral Metals Corp0.920.011.10%63,10831
Happy Belly Food Group IncHBFG Happy Belly Food Group Inc1.170.010.86%82,16460
Blue Lagoon Resources IncBLLG Blue Lagoon Resources Inc0.260.014.00%350,68238
American Salars Lithium IncUSLI American Salars Lithium Inc0.080.0114.29%15,0002
GOAT Industries LtdGOAT GOAT Industries Ltd0.380.012.70%4,5062
Super Copper CorpCUPR Super Copper Corp0.460.012.22%33,65018
Abitibi Metals CorpAMQ Abitibi Metals Corp0.300.013.45%380,99187
NameSilo Technologies CorporationURL NameSilo Technologies Corporation0.800.011.27%35,65027
Zeus North America Mining CorpZEUS Zeus North America Mining Corp0.260.014.00%343,05046
Blockchain Venture Capital IncBVCI Blockchain Venture Capital Inc0.1450.017.41%32,5005
Sanu Gold CorpSANU Sanu Gold Corp0.2950.013.51%36,80014
Nexus Uranium CorporationNEXU Nexus Uranium Corporation0.2050.015.13%20,50011
Hydrograph Clean Power IncHG Hydrograph Clean Power Inc0.300.013.45%537,42582
Axcap Ventures IncAXCP Axcap Ventures Inc0.190.015.56%48,74810
Nextleaf Solutions LtdOILS Nextleaf Solutions Ltd0.0650.0058.33%24,1559
Armory Mining CorpARMY Armory Mining Corp0.0950.0055.56%179,50021
Urano Energy CorpUE Urano Energy Corp0.080.0056.67%10,0005
Affinor Growers IncAFI Affinor Growers Inc0.0750.0057.14%16,1004
Sassy Gold CorpSASY Sassy Gold Corp0.0650.0058.33%9,0001
Cloud3 Ventures IncCLDV Cloud3 Ventures Inc0.140.0053.70%36,99013
Gold Digger Resources IncGDIG Gold Digger Resources Inc0.3450.0051.47%5,0003
Emperor Metals IncAUOZ Emperor Metals Inc0.130.0054.00%397,54530
UniDoc Health CorpUDOC UniDoc Health Corp0.3550.0051.43%20,6007
Terra Balcanica Resources CorpTERA Terra Balcanica Resources Corp0.1050.0055.00%62,00082
Aether Catalyst Solutions IncATHR Aether Catalyst Solutions Inc0.0750.0057.14%50,0005
Cerro de Pasco Resources IncCDPR Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc0.260.0051.96%41,85218
Golden Cariboo Resources LtdGCC Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd0.120.0054.35%7593
Anteros Metals IncANT Anteros Metals Inc0.090.0055.88%5,0001
HYTN Innovations IncHYTN HYTN Innovations Inc0.1750.0052.94%6,3007
Sitka Gold CorpSIG Sitka Gold Corp0.4850.0051.04%2,5005
McLaren Resources IncMCL McLaren Resources Inc0.0650.0058.33%4,5003
BGX Black Gold Exploration CorpBGX BGX Black Gold Exploration Corp0.200.0052.56%25,4007
P2P Group LtdPPB P2P Group Ltd0.130.0054.00%17,5004
Vext Science IncVEXT Vext Science Inc0.180.0052.86%14,0002
Red Canyon Resources LtdREDC Red Canyon Resources Ltd0.150.0053.45%30,0003
Good Flour CorpGFCO Good Flour Corp0.1450.0053.57%33,5533