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Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Quebec Innovative Materials CorpQIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp0.220.000.00%2,275,804
Sol Strategies IncHODL Sol Strategies Inc2.282.101,132.43%1,506,246
SOL Global Investments CorpSOL SOL Global Investments Corp0.140.10250.00%1,012,580
Peak Fintech Group IncPKK Peak Fintech Group Inc0.035-0.045-56.25%1,000,222
Bluesky Digital Assets CorpBTC Bluesky Digital Assets Corp0.190.145322.22%875,671
Military Metals CorpMILI Military Metals Corp0.51-0.14-21.54%837,848
Cascada Silver CorpCSS Cascada Silver Corp0.01-0.01-50.00%833,728
Protium Clean Energy CorpGRUV Protium Clean Energy Corp0.025-0.025-50.00%821,031
Stock Trend Capital IncPUMP Stock Trend Capital Inc0.0150.01200.00%819,077
Credissential IncWHIP Credissential Inc0.02-0.335-94.37%783,432
Spirit Blockchain Capital IncSPIR Spirit Blockchain Capital Inc0.0850.05142.86%776,581
BC Bud CorporationBCBC BC Bud Corporation0.040.025166.67%737,826
Sanu Gold CorpSANU Sanu Gold Corp0.2950.235391.67%686,004
Al ML Innovations IncAIML Al ML Innovations Inc0.07-0.01-12.50%616,257
Cerro de Pasco Resources IncCDPR Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc0.260.10567.74%552,049
Provenance Gold CorpPAU Provenance Gold Corp0.1650.05550.00%547,780
Prime Drink Group CorpPRME Prime Drink Group Corp0.1850.02515.62%539,218
ImagineAR IncIP ImagineAR Inc0.04-0.02-33.33%527,168
Spearmint Resources IncSPMT Spearmint Resources Inc0.020.00533.33%523,481
Energy Plug Technologies CorpPLUG Energy Plug Technologies Corp0.1050.055110.00%517,172
Star Navigation Systems Group LtdSNA Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd0.005-0.005-50.00%483,731
Leef Brands IncLEEF Leef Brands Inc0.1850.135270.00%464,595
Hi View Resources IncHVW Hi View Resources Inc0.040.025166.67%457,007
Boba Mint Holdings LtdTNJ Boba Mint Holdings Ltd0.100.075300.00%451,986
Prophecy DeFi IncPDFI Prophecy DeFi Inc0.010.005100.00%446,159
Hybrid Power Solutions IncHPSS Hybrid Power Solutions Inc0.070.0240.00%434,127
Red Light Holland CorpTRIP Red Light Holland Corp0.03-0.01-25.00%429,445
KWG Resources IncCACR KWG Resources Inc0.030.015100.00%408,486
Abitibi Metals CorpAMQ Abitibi Metals Corp0.30-0.05-14.29%404,077
BrandPilot AI IncBPAI BrandPilot AI Inc0.02-0.01-33.33%402,098
Mustang Energy CorpMEC Mustang Energy Corp0.275-0.045-14.06%392,013
Onco Innovations LimitedONCO Onco Innovations Limited1.921.32220.00%391,548
ThreeD Capital IncIDK ThreeD Capital Inc0.12-0.14-53.85%362,616
Max Power Mining CorpMAXX Max Power Mining Corp0.195-0.125-39.06%356,723
infinitii ai incIAI infinitii ai inc0.045-0.01-18.18%354,325
Auric Minerals CorpAUMC Auric Minerals Corp0.570.37185.00%353,312
Hydrograph Clean Power IncHG Hydrograph Clean Power Inc0.300.19172.73%349,327
Nextech3D ai CorporationNTAR Nextech3D ai Corporation0.04-0.03-42.86%345,214
Railtown Al Technologies IncRAIL Railtown Al Technologies Inc0.39-0.12-23.53%345,123
Global Uranium CorpGURN Global Uranium Corp0.205-0.265-56.38%328,410
Global Tactical Metals CorpMONI Global Tactical Metals Corp0.040.000.00%326,677
Pharmala Biotech Holdings IncMDMA Pharmala Biotech Holdings Inc0.190.10111.11%326,069
Cult Food Science CorpCULT Cult Food Science Corp0.035-0.035-50.00%324,336
Trillion Energy International IncTCF Trillion Energy International Inc0.04-0.10-71.43%316,660
Lexston Mining CorporationLEXT Lexston Mining Corporation0.52-0.08-13.33%308,753
Exploits Discovery CorpNFLD Exploits Discovery Corp0.045-0.025-35.71%306,316
Giant Mining CorpBFG Giant Mining Corp0.4050.16568.75%304,516
Spark Energy Minerals IncSPRK Spark Energy Minerals Inc0.07-0.06-46.15%292,154
Cloud3 Ventures IncCLDV Cloud3 Ventures Inc0.140.0440.00%274,976
Dynamite Blockchain CorpKAS Dynamite Blockchain Corp0.065-0.12-64.86%266,058
Scope Technologies CorpSCPE Scope Technologies Corp0.52-1.30-71.43%256,412
Luxxfolio Holdings IncLUXX Luxxfolio Holdings Inc0.190.0990.00%254,528
Element79 Gold CorpELEM Element79 Gold Corp0.025-0.12-82.76%251,477
Green Bridge Metals CorporationGRBM Green Bridge Metals Corporation0.175-0.035-16.67%250,955
Glow LifeTech CorpGLOW Glow LifeTech Corp0.060.0059.09%242,424
Trulieve Cannabis CorpTRUL Trulieve Cannabis Corp5.80-8.94-60.65%240,977
American Tungsten CorpTUNG American Tungsten Corp0.87-0.13-13.00%237,789
Emperor Metals IncAUOZ Emperor Metals Inc0.130.0562.50%236,060
Hillcrest Energy Technologies LtdHEAT Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd0.135-0.105-43.75%235,731
Q Precious & Battery Metals CorpQMET Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp0.06-0.015-20.00%231,814
MedBright AI Investments IncMBAI MedBright AI Investments Inc0.06-0.025-29.41%222,853
Fineqia International IncFNQ Fineqia International Inc0.0050.000.00%222,358
Cape Lithium CorpCLI Cape Lithium Corp0.005-0.30-98.36%219,753
Birchtree Investments LtdBRCH Birchtree Investments Ltd0.02-0.005-20.00%217,523
Galloper Gold CorpBOOM Galloper Gold Corp0.05-0.055-52.38%216,644
ZTEST Electronics IncZTE ZTEST Electronics Inc0.22-0.065-22.81%216,360
UniDoc Health CorpUDOC UniDoc Health Corp0.355-0.325-47.79%214,065
Nova Pacific Metals CorpNVPC Nova Pacific Metals Corp0.21-0.145-40.85%213,354
Armory Mining CorpARMY Armory Mining Corp0.095-0.065-40.62%213,106
Safe Supply Streaming Co LtdSPLY Safe Supply Streaming Co Ltd0.080.055220.00%210,052
Syntheia CorpSYAI Syntheia Corp0.15-0.10-40.00%209,319
Common StockWIN Common Stock0.015-0.005-25.00%207,731
Regenx Tech CorpRGX Regenx Tech Corp0.02-0.005-20.00%206,642
Alerio Gold CorpALE Alerio Gold Corp0.0150.00550.00%204,644
Predictmedix Al IncPMED Predictmedix Al Inc0.0450.03200.00%203,998
Fathom Nickel IncFNI Fathom Nickel Inc0.025-0.01-28.57%203,031
Neural Therapeutics IncNURL Neural Therapeutics Inc0.02-0.01-33.33%195,225
American Pacific Mining CorpUSGD American Pacific Mining Corp0.170.02517.24%194,246
Troy Minerals IncTROY Troy Minerals Inc0.13-0.02-13.33%190,227
One World Lithium IncOWLI One World Lithium Inc0.015-0.005-25.00%189,577
Miata Metals CorpMMET Miata Metals Corp1.200.4662.16%187,247
PlasCred Circular Innovations IncPLAS PlasCred Circular Innovations Inc0.060.0120.00%179,312
Cruz Battery Metals CorpCRUZ Cruz Battery Metals Corp0.025-0.015-37.50%178,694
Diagnamed Holdings CorpDMED Diagnamed Holdings Corp0.0250.015150.00%173,255
Golden Spike Resources CorpGLDS Golden Spike Resources Corp0.04-0.20-83.33%173,092
Cresco Labs IncCL Cresco Labs Inc1.02-1.13-52.56%172,080
Green Thumb Industries IncGTII Green Thumb Industries Inc8.51-5.17-37.79%171,598
Core Assets CorpCC Core Assets Corp0.035-0.035-50.00%170,941
Mountain Valley MD Holdings IncMVMD Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc0.03-0.01-25.00%170,827
Treatment com AI IncTRUE Treatment com AI Inc0.44-0.30-40.54%168,149
Getchell Gold CorpGTCH Getchell Gold Corp0.230.0964.29%166,422
Ayr Wellness IncAYR.A Ayr Wellness Inc0.225-2.29-91.04%163,914
Dunbar Metals CorpDMC Dunbar Metals Corp0.1250.01513.64%162,079
BluSky Carbon IncBSKY BluSky Carbon Inc0.175-0.415-70.34%160,864
American Aires IncWIFI American Aires Inc0.215-0.155-41.89%160,457
Kuya Silver CorporationKUYA Kuya Silver Corporation0.35-0.02-5.41%160,448
NU E Power CorpNUE NU E Power Corp0.395-0.165-29.46%160,109
Leocor Mining IncLECR Leocor Mining Inc0.070.02555.56%158,478
Prospect Ridge Resources CorpPRR Prospect Ridge Resources Corp0.055-0.125-69.44%158,098
Silicon Metals CorpSI Silicon Metals Corp0.07-0.13-65.00%156,138