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Symbol Name Price Change Change % Volume TradesChart
Cascada Silver CorpCSS Cascada Silver Corp0.01-0.005-33.33%8,392,661119
KWG Resources IncCACR KWG Resources Inc0.030.00520.00%2,616,22579
Quebec Innovative Materials CorpQIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp0.22-0.01-4.35%1,412,843232
Golden Spike Resources CorpGLDS Golden Spike Resources Corp0.040.0133.33%1,376,32627
1933 Industries IncTGIF 1933 Industries Inc0.0050.000.00%1,293,4597
Heritage Mining LtdHML Heritage Mining Ltd0.0450.00512.50%1,148,50027
Fineqia International IncFNQ Fineqia International Inc0.005-0.005-50.00%1,113,0008
Credissential IncWHIP Credissential Inc0.02-0.005-20.00%1,055,50028
Red White & Bloom Brands IncRWB Red White & Bloom Brands Inc0.040.000.00%1,041,0003
SOL Global Investments CorpSOL SOL Global Investments Corp0.14-0.015-9.68%1,028,999179
Global Tactical Metals CorpMONI Global Tactical Metals Corp0.04-0.005-11.11%973,60026
Mustang Energy CorpMEC Mustang Energy Corp0.2750.0155.77%715,544139
BC Bud CorporationBCBC BC Bud Corporation0.040.0133.33%649,15250
Glow LifeTech CorpGLOW Glow LifeTech Corp0.06-0.005-7.69%624,00013
Nuinsco Resources LimitedNWI Nuinsco Resources Limited0.0050.000.00%566,0007
Questcorp Mining IncQQQ Questcorp Mining Inc0.190.0426.67%564,99573
Hydrograph Clean Power IncHG Hydrograph Clean Power Inc0.300.013.45%537,42582
One World Lithium IncOWLI One World Lithium Inc0.0150.000.00%466,00011
Getchell Gold CorpGTCH Getchell Gold Corp0.23-0.01-4.17%453,50015
Westward Gold IncWG Westward Gold Inc0.100.0055.26%450,25028
Sol Strategies IncHODL Sol Strategies Inc2.28-0.07-2.98%448,249479
Ashley Gold CorpASHL Ashley Gold Corp0.065-0.015-18.75%407,85048
Predictmedix Al IncPMED Predictmedix Al Inc0.045-0.005-10.00%405,00014
Emperor Metals IncAUOZ Emperor Metals Inc0.130.0054.00%397,54530
Abitibi Metals CorpAMQ Abitibi Metals Corp0.300.013.45%380,99187
Scope Technologies CorpSCPE Scope Technologies Corp0.52-0.10-16.13%379,055162
Q Precious & Battery Metals CorpQMET Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp0.06-0.005-7.69%375,62026
Blue Lagoon Resources IncBLLG Blue Lagoon Resources Inc0.260.014.00%350,68238
BrandPilot AI IncBPAI BrandPilot AI Inc0.020.00533.33%348,0005
Zeus North America Mining CorpZEUS Zeus North America Mining Corp0.260.014.00%343,05046
Syntheia CorpSYAI Syntheia Corp0.150.01511.11%341,50049
MariMed IncMRMD MariMed Inc0.14-0.005-3.45%328,77036
Hybrid Power Solutions IncHPSS Hybrid Power Solutions Inc0.070.000.00%324,37938
Boba Mint Holdings LtdTNJ Boba Mint Holdings Ltd0.100.000.00%313,0006
infinitii ai incIAI infinitii ai inc0.045-0.005-10.00%308,00019
MedBright AI Investments IncMBAI MedBright AI Investments Inc0.060.000.00%292,10113
Edgemont Gold CorpEDGM Edgemont Gold Corp0.170.016.25%288,50015
Mistango River Resources IncMIS Mistango River Resources Inc0.0350.0140.00%280,00011
Forty Pillars Mining CorpPLLR Forty Pillars Mining Corp0.0350.000.00%233,00012
Formation Metals IncFOMO Formation Metals Inc0.3450.0154.55%230,42150
Argyle Resources CorpARGL Argyle Resources Corp0.540.048.00%219,650101
E Power Resources IncEPR E Power Resources Inc0.060.02571.43%214,00025
Nuran Wireless IncNUR Nuran Wireless Inc0.075-0.005-6.25%212,86624
Golden Rapture Mining CorporationGLDR Golden Rapture Mining Corporation0.075-0.01-11.76%211,85025
Exploits Discovery CorpNFLD Exploits Discovery Corp0.0450.000.00%208,00013
Fathom Nickel IncFNI Fathom Nickel Inc0.0250.000.00%206,0006
Hi View Resources IncHVW Hi View Resources Inc0.040.0133.33%202,0004
American Tungsten CorpTUNG American Tungsten Corp0.87-0.07-7.45%201,872108
PlasCred Circular Innovations IncPLAS PlasCred Circular Innovations Inc0.060.000.00%201,10022
Mountain Valley MD Holdings IncMVMD Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc0.030.00520.00%193,09318
Miata Metals CorpMMET Miata Metals Corp1.200.000.00%191,52292
Christina Lake Cannabis CorpCLC Christina Lake Cannabis Corp0.050.000.00%186,11210
Red Light Holland CorpTRIP Red Light Holland Corp0.03-0.005-14.29%184,00015
Armory Mining CorpARMY Armory Mining Corp0.0950.0055.56%179,50021
Energy Plug Technologies CorpPLUG Energy Plug Technologies Corp0.105-0.005-4.55%176,17623
Troy Minerals IncTROY Troy Minerals Inc0.130.01513.04%169,50021
Highlander Silver CorpHSLV Highlander Silver Corp1.920.021.05%167,58250
Green Bridge Metals CorporationGRBM Green Bridge Metals Corporation0.1750.000.00%167,50039
Teako Minerals CorpTMIN Teako Minerals Corp0.050.000.00%165,0003
Military Metals CorpMILI Military Metals Corp0.510.012.00%163,02349
Stock Trend Capital IncPUMP Stock Trend Capital Inc0.0150.00550.00%162,0002
Big Red Mining CorpRED Big Red Mining Corp0.1250.01513.64%161,50013
Hillcrest Energy Technologies LtdHEAT Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd0.1350.0053.85%160,50035
Railtown Al Technologies IncRAIL Railtown Al Technologies Inc0.390.038.33%152,92877
NU E Power CorpNUE NU E Power Corp0.3950.0051.28%152,49349
Core Assets CorpCC Core Assets Corp0.035-0.005-12.50%150,0001
Cruz Battery Metals CorpCRUZ Cruz Battery Metals Corp0.0250.000.00%148,5006
eXeBlock Technology CorporationXBLK.X eXeBlock Technology Corporation0.05-0.01-16.67%145,0003
American Aires IncWIFI American Aires Inc0.2150.0157.50%139,50022
Regenx Tech CorpRGX Regenx Tech Corp0.020.00533.33%136,0008
Onco Innovations LimitedONCO Onco Innovations Limited1.92-0.13-6.34%135,17597
Cape Lithium CorpCLI Cape Lithium Corp0.0050.000.00%132,3026
Cresco Labs IncCL Cresco Labs Inc1.02-0.02-1.92%132,27898
Kuya Silver CorporationKUYA Kuya Silver Corporation0.35-0.015-4.11%130,27525
Jushi Holdings IncJUSH Jushi Holdings Inc0.39-0.015-3.70%129,70027
Western Uranium and Vanadium CorpWUC Western Uranium and Vanadium Corp1.440.1511.63%128,832324
Belgravia Hartford Capital IncBLGV Belgravia Hartford Capital Inc0.060.0120.00%128,2509
Common StockWIN Common Stock0.0150.000.00%124,0009
Prospect Ridge Resources CorpPRR Prospect Ridge Resources Corp0.055-0.005-8.33%121,0006
First Lithium Minerals CorpFLM First Lithium Minerals Corp0.09-0.005-5.26%120,1816
Mydecine Innovations Group IncMYCO Mydecine Innovations Group Inc0.010.000.00%119,5007
XTM IncPAID XTM Inc0.035-0.005-12.50%118,00015
American Pacific Mining CorpUSGD American Pacific Mining Corp0.170.016.25%115,97640
Goldrea Resources CorpGOR Goldrea Resources Corp0.0150.000.00%115,0002
NetraMark Holdings IncAIAI NetraMark Holdings Inc1.440.021.41%114,37962
Element79 Gold CorpELEM Element79 Gold Corp0.0250.000.00%112,15719
Max Power Mining CorpMAXX Max Power Mining Corp0.1950.0158.33%108,45035
Global Hemp Group IncGHG Global Hemp Group Inc0.03-0.005-14.29%108,03310
ESGold CorpESAU ESGold Corp0.33-0.01-2.94%103,35530
Nova Pacific Metals CorpNVPC Nova Pacific Metals Corp0.210.015.00%100,50027
Star Navigation Systems Group LtdSNA Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd0.0050.000.00%100,0112
Giant Mining CorpBFG Giant Mining Corp0.405-0.02-4.71%98,33542
Global Uranium CorpGURN Global Uranium Corp0.2050.000.00%90,00034
ThreeD Capital IncIDK ThreeD Capital Inc0.120.019.09%89,76114
Alerio Gold CorpALE Alerio Gold Corp0.0150.00550.00%89,0003
Red Metal Resources LtdRMES Red Metal Resources Ltd0.040.000.00%89,0003
Cult Food Science CorpCULT Cult Food Science Corp0.0350.00516.67%86,87415
Renforth Resources IncRFR Renforth Resources Inc0.01-0.005-33.33%86,5005
Beyond Lithium IncBY Beyond Lithium Inc0.0450.00512.50%86,43519
Happy Belly Food Group IncHBFG Happy Belly Food Group Inc1.170.010.86%82,16460