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Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Cascada Silver CorpCSS Cascada Silver Corp0.01-0.02-66.67%2,032,088
Global Tactical Metals CorpMONI Global Tactical Metals Corp0.040.01560.00%1,617,970
Credissential IncWHIP Credissential Inc0.02-0.01-33.33%1,445,023
Quebec Innovative Materials CorpQIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp0.220.0637.50%1,411,510
Ashley Gold CorpASHL Ashley Gold Corp0.0650.000.00%1,221,575
KWG Resources IncCACR KWG Resources Inc0.030.0150.00%1,109,600
Stock Trend Capital IncPUMP Stock Trend Capital Inc0.0150.00550.00%954,449
Scope Technologies CorpSCPE Scope Technologies Corp0.520.048.33%948,493
SOL Global Investments CorpSOL SOL Global Investments Corp0.140.017.69%892,048
BC Bud CorporationBCBC BC Bud Corporation0.04-0.01-20.00%738,750
Abitibi Metals CorpAMQ Abitibi Metals Corp0.300.0625.00%708,354
Sol Strategies IncHODL Sol Strategies Inc2.280.2210.68%680,165
Luxxfolio Holdings IncLUXX Luxxfolio Holdings Inc0.190.0426.67%661,379
Element79 Gold CorpELEM Element79 Gold Corp0.025-0.005-16.67%648,692
Rain City Resources IncRAIN Rain City Resources Inc0.05-0.03-37.50%632,700
Hybrid Power Solutions IncHPSS Hybrid Power Solutions Inc0.070.01527.27%623,351
Armory Mining CorpARMY Armory Mining Corp0.095-0.005-5.00%553,463
Teako Minerals CorpTMIN Teako Minerals Corp0.050.0125.00%505,789
Q Precious & Battery Metals CorpQMET Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp0.06-0.025-29.41%497,800
Sanu Gold CorpSANU Sanu Gold Corp0.2950.04518.00%470,866
Peak Fintech Group IncPKK Peak Fintech Group Inc0.035-0.005-12.50%463,066
Beyond Oil LtdBOIL Beyond Oil Ltd3.69-0.44-10.65%436,794
Global Uranium CorpGURN Global Uranium Corp0.2050.0210.81%429,459
Red White & Bloom Brands IncRWB Red White & Bloom Brands Inc0.040.000.00%420,939
Terra Balcanica Resources CorpTERA Terra Balcanica Resources Corp0.1050.02531.25%406,982
Predictmedix Al IncPMED Predictmedix Al Inc0.0450.000.00%388,743
Onco Innovations LimitedONCO Onco Innovations Limited1.920.031.59%379,720
Cape Lithium CorpCLI Cape Lithium Corp0.0050.000.00%371,901
Dynamite Blockchain CorpKAS Dynamite Blockchain Corp0.0650.000.00%364,363
Westward Gold IncWG Westward Gold Inc0.10-0.01-9.09%352,491
Argyle Resources CorpARGL Argyle Resources Corp0.540.035.88%351,311
Intellabridge Technology CorporationKASH Intellabridge Technology Corporation0.04-0.005-11.11%337,559
Mustang Energy CorpMEC Mustang Energy Corp0.2750.02510.00%332,011
Emperor Metals IncAUOZ Emperor Metals Inc0.13-0.015-10.34%329,768
Golden Spike Resources CorpGLDS Golden Spike Resources Corp0.040.0133.33%300,006
Auric Minerals CorpAUMC Auric Minerals Corp0.570.22565.22%288,051
Nova Pacific Metals CorpNVPC Nova Pacific Metals Corp0.21-0.025-10.64%286,320
Galloper Gold CorpBOOM Galloper Gold Corp0.050.0266.67%285,697
Hi View Resources IncHVW Hi View Resources Inc0.04-0.005-11.11%281,552
Nextech3D ai CorporationNTAR Nextech3D ai Corporation0.040.000.00%277,586
Hydrograph Clean Power IncHG Hydrograph Clean Power Inc0.30-0.005-1.64%274,854
Provenance Gold CorpPAU Provenance Gold Corp0.165-0.015-8.33%269,190
Miata Metals CorpMMET Miata Metals Corp1.200.1514.29%256,181
ESGold CorpESAU ESGold Corp0.330.0622.22%252,640
Glow LifeTech CorpGLOW Glow LifeTech Corp0.06-0.01-14.29%251,555
Military Metals CorpMILI Military Metals Corp0.51-0.04-7.27%248,125
Discovery Lithium IncDCLI Discovery Lithium Inc0.080.0360.00%238,218
Diagnamed Holdings CorpDMED Diagnamed Holdings Corp0.025-0.005-16.67%234,250
Questcorp Mining IncQQQ Questcorp Mining Inc0.190.0646.15%231,252
Forty Pillars Mining CorpPLLR Forty Pillars Mining Corp0.035-0.01-22.22%209,000
Edgemont Gold CorpEDGM Edgemont Gold Corp0.170.03525.93%207,452
E Power Resources IncEPR E Power Resources Inc0.060.0120.00%204,270
One World Lithium IncOWLI One World Lithium Inc0.0150.00550.00%197,333
Red Light Holland CorpTRIP Red Light Holland Corp0.03-0.005-14.29%196,310
Neural Therapeutics IncNURL Neural Therapeutics Inc0.02-0.01-33.33%195,225
Prime Drink Group CorpPRME Prime Drink Group Corp0.1850.0052.78%189,887
Zeus North America Mining CorpZEUS Zeus North America Mining Corp0.26-0.01-3.70%188,519
NU E Power CorpNUE NU E Power Corp0.395-0.08-16.84%184,775
Spirit Blockchain Capital IncSPIR Spirit Blockchain Capital Inc0.0850.0056.25%181,470
Getchell Gold CorpGTCH Getchell Gold Corp0.230.000.00%180,527
ThreeD Capital IncIDK ThreeD Capital Inc0.120.01514.29%180,314
Blue Lagoon Resources IncBLLG Blue Lagoon Resources Inc0.260.000.00%166,615
Lion Copper And Gold CorpLEO Lion Copper And Gold Corp0.1350.05568.75%161,033
Heritage Mining LtdHML Heritage Mining Ltd0.0450.00512.50%159,634
Cult Food Science CorpCULT Cult Food Science Corp0.0350.00516.67%156,827
1933 Industries IncTGIF 1933 Industries Inc0.005-0.005-50.00%154,040
Golden Rapture Mining CorporationGLDR Golden Rapture Mining Corporation0.075-0.01-11.76%153,320
Max Power Mining CorpMAXX Max Power Mining Corp0.195-0.005-2.50%149,240
Norsemont Mining IncNOM Norsemont Mining Inc0.2550.05527.50%149,234
Exploits Discovery CorpNFLD Exploits Discovery Corp0.0450.00512.50%147,846
Protium Clean Energy CorpGRUV Protium Clean Energy Corp0.0250.000.00%143,849
NetraMark Holdings IncAIAI NetraMark Holdings Inc1.440.042.86%142,671
Trillion Energy International IncTCF Trillion Energy International Inc0.040.000.00%142,080
Fathom Nickel IncFNI Fathom Nickel Inc0.0250.000.00%139,109
Al ML Innovations IncAIML Al ML Innovations Inc0.070.0057.69%138,801
Green Thumb Industries IncGTII Green Thumb Industries Inc8.51-0.45-5.02%138,599
ImagineAR IncIP ImagineAR Inc0.040.000.00%136,878
Kuya Silver CorporationKUYA Kuya Silver Corporation0.350.039.37%136,385
Cupani Metals CorpCUPA Cupani Metals Corp0.150.000.00%136,105
First Tellurium CorpFTEL First Tellurium Corp0.1350.0053.85%135,897
PlasCred Circular Innovations IncPLAS PlasCred Circular Innovations Inc0.060.0059.09%135,826
Energy Plug Technologies CorpPLUG Energy Plug Technologies Corp0.1050.000.00%135,446
Troy Minerals IncTROY Troy Minerals Inc0.130.0218.18%135,283
Canter Resources CorpCRC Canter Resources Corp0.0550.000.00%130,234
ZTEST Electronics IncZTE ZTEST Electronics Inc0.22-0.02-8.33%123,159
Panther Minerals IncPURR Panther Minerals Inc0.0250.000.00%119,527
Mosaic Minerals CorpMOC Mosaic Minerals Corp0.040.01560.00%118,141
American Pacific Mining CorpUSGD American Pacific Mining Corp0.17-0.01-5.56%116,088
MariMed IncMRMD MariMed Inc0.14-0.01-6.67%113,631
Nuinsco Resources LimitedNWI Nuinsco Resources Limited0.0050.000.00%112,987
Alerio Gold CorpALE Alerio Gold Corp0.0150.000.00%111,400
American Tungsten CorpTUNG American Tungsten Corp0.87-0.12-12.12%108,832
Core Assets CorpCC Core Assets Corp0.0350.00516.67%107,328
Rio Grande Resources LtdRGR Rio Grande Resources Ltd0.080.0114.29%103,663
Slave Lake Zinc CorpSLZ Slave Lake Zinc Corp0.040.02100.00%103,640
Cannabix Technologies IncBLO Cannabix Technologies Inc0.570.1021.28%103,340
Champion Electric Metals IncLTHM Champion Electric Metals Inc0.010.005100.00%100,769
Highlander Silver CorpHSLV Highlander Silver Corp1.920.147.87%99,484
Pharmadrug IncPHRX Pharmadrug Inc0.01-0.005-33.33%99,433
Christina Lake Cannabis CorpCLC Christina Lake Cannabis Corp0.050.01542.86%98,034