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TSXV Market Movers - Price x Volume - 6 Months

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376 (39%)
181 (18%)
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Price x Volume
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Hive Digital Technologies LtdHIVE Hive Digital Technologies Ltd2.40-1.76-42.31%927,057
Topicus Com IncTOI Topicus Com Inc133.75-0.74-0.55%33,404
Artemis Gold IncARTG Artemis Gold Inc17.024.4235.08%217,470
Kraken Robotics IncPNG Kraken Robotics Inc2.380.8050.63%980,030
Lumine Group IncLMN Lumine Group Inc39.014.0011.43%56,942
Quantum Emotion CorpQNC Quantum Emotion Corp0.560.445386.96%2,747,247
Neptune Digital Assets CorpNDA Neptune Digital Assets Corp1.371.12437.25%1,027,250
POET Technologies IncPTK POET Technologies Inc5.101.0024.39%206,331
Encore Energy CorpEU Encore Energy Corp2.04-3.13-60.54%254,249
Westaim CorporationWED Westaim Corporation30.3226.29652.36%178,561
New Found Gold CorpNFG New Found Gold Corp2.64-1.11-29.60%342,191
Atex Resources IncATX Atex Resources Inc2.080.7050.72%470,865
Luca Mining CorpLUCA Luca Mining Corp1.210.75163.04%1,024,457
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp8.192.8051.95%136,171
Zedcor IncZDC Zedcor Inc2.981.0856.84%262,091
Founders Metals IncFDR Founders Metals Inc5.553.09125.61%174,740
Montage Gold CorpMAU Montage Gold Corp2.460.7241.38%350,185
Alphamin Resources CorpAFM Alphamin Resources Corp0.46-0.54-54.00%603,700
Standard Lithium LtdSLI Standard Lithium Ltd1.920.2514.97%223,536
Power Metallic Mines IncPNPN Power Metallic Mines Inc1.600.93138.81%484,273
West Red Lake Gold Mines LtdWRLG West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd0.59-0.16-21.33%833,255
Sintana Energy IncSEI Sintana Energy Inc0.64-0.41-39.05%521,651
Goliath Resources LimitedGOT Goliath Resources Limited2.070.8164.29%297,759
Emerita Resources CorpEMO Emerita Resources Corp1.410.77120.31%348,211
High Tide IncHITI High Tide Inc3.160.175.69%111,029
Magna Mining IncNICU Magna Mining Inc1.620.5754.29%301,903
Dolly Varden Silver CorporationDV Dolly Varden Silver Corporation1.11-0.02-1.77%345,649
Blockmate Ventures IncMATE Blockmate Ventures Inc0.110.08266.67%1,589,809
Aftermath Silver LtdAAG Aftermath Silver Ltd0.600.1946.34%646,277
Realbotix CorpXBOT Realbotix Corp0.330.225214.29%818,681
Reconnaissance Energy Africa LtdRECO Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd0.53-0.37-41.11%342,104
Simply Better Brands CorpSBBC Simply Better Brands Corp0.980.3248.48%358,037
Q2 Metals CorpQTWO Q2 Metals Corp0.850.0911.84%311,717
Integra Resources CorpITR Integra Resources Corp1.800.4937.40%214,487
Rusoro Mining LtdRML Rusoro Mining Ltd0.94-0.36-27.69%313,926
DMG Blockchain Solutions IncDMGI DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc0.265-0.185-41.11%688,859
CanAlaska Uranium LtdCVV CanAlaska Uranium Ltd0.67-0.05-6.94%386,788
Lithium Ionic CorpLTH Lithium Ionic Corp0.900.2334.33%354,556
Bedford Metals CorpBFM Bedford Metals Corp0.35-0.45-56.25%351,406
Rio2 Limited NewRIO Rio2 Limited New0.790.2443.64%395,219
Common StockTAU Common Stock0.77-0.03-3.75%388,057
Sigma Lithium CorporationSGML Sigma Lithium Corporation15.681.6311.60%14,368
NG Energy International CorpGASX NG Energy International Corp0.87-0.16-15.53%239,503
NEO Battery Materials LtdNBM NEO Battery Materials Ltd0.780.68680.00%389,175
Alset AI Ventures IncGPUS Alset AI Ventures Inc0.070.0057.69%1,696,182
Power Metals CorpPWM Power Metals Corp1.301.03381.48%340,674
Omai Gold Mines CorpOMG Omai Gold Mines Corp0.3750.23158.62%851,032
Tornado Infrastructure Equipment LtdTGH Tornado Infrastructure Equipment Ltd1.020.033.03%212,353
Heliostar Metals LtdHSTR Heliostar Metals Ltd1.030.67186.11%340,999
Logan Energy CorpLGN Logan Energy Corp0.61-0.20-24.69%315,691
Blackrock Silver CorpBRC Blackrock Silver Corp0.3750.06520.97%562,144
Canada Nickel Company IncCNC Canada Nickel Company Inc1.150.021.77%229,685
Fireweed Metals CorpFWZ Fireweed Metals Corp1.750.4231.58%149,323
Hercules Metals CorpBIG Hercules Metals Corp0.760.1422.58%372,956
Goldshore Resources IncGSHR Goldshore Resources Inc0.28-0.02-6.67%668,343
New Stratus Energy IncNSE New Stratus Energy Inc0.33-0.10-23.26%405,626
F3 Uranium CorpFUU F3 Uranium Corp0.185-0.065-26.00%833,952
American Lithium CorpLI American Lithium Corp0.425-0.095-18.27%277,346
O3 Mining IncOIII O3 Mining Inc1.670.6563.73%146,432
Guanajuato Silver Company LtdGSVR Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd0.195-0.045-18.75%890,693
American Eagle Gold CorpAE American Eagle Gold Corp0.510.0255.15%303,906
Santacruz Silver Mining LtdSCZ Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd0.530.2060.61%550,291
Simply Solventless Concentrates LtdHASH Simply Solventless Concentrates Ltd0.700.1937.25%303,114
Tudor Gold CorpTUD Tudor Gold Corp0.69-0.32-31.68%217,318
Hemisphere Energy CorpHME Hemisphere Energy Corp1.770.052.91%101,475
Sparq Systems IncSPRQ Sparq Systems Inc1.090.4467.69%194,254
Orogen Royalties IncOGN Orogen Royalties Inc1.43-0.03-2.05%125,424
NTG Clarity Networks IncNCI NTG Clarity Networks Inc1.830.3221.19%119,698
Atlas Engineered Products LtdAEP Atlas Engineered Products Ltd0.92-0.40-30.30%146,449
01 Communique Laboratory IncONE 01 Communique Laboratory Inc0.250.21525.00%422,768
Plurilock Security IncPLUR Plurilock Security Inc0.30-0.34-53.12%319,639
Sitka Gold CorpSIG Sitka Gold Corp0.3950.11541.07%423,209
Colonial Coal International CorpCAD Colonial Coal International Corp1.51-1.27-45.68%79,743
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0.375-0.175-31.82%254,702
TDG Gold CorpTDG TDG Gold Corp0.450.365429.41%374,066
Midnight Sun Mining CorpMMA Midnight Sun Mining Corp0.570.1742.50%264,399
Li FT Power LtdLIFT Li FT Power Ltd2.22-0.91-29.07%45,739
Hydreight Technologies IncNURS Hydreight Technologies Inc1.240.995406.12%98,243
Bear Creek Mining CorporationBCM Bear Creek Mining Corporation0.225-0.12-34.78%364,820
Anfield Energy IncAEC Anfield Energy Inc0.070.0116.67%1,332,091
Biorem IncBRM Biorem Inc2.500.072.88%47,603
Amex Exploration IncAMX Amex Exploration Inc0.93-0.27-22.50%119,536
Osisko Development CorpODV Osisko Development Corp1.96-0.97-33.11%55,400
Metavista3D IncDDD Metavista3D Inc2.952.50555.56%63,378
Amarc Resources LtdAHR Amarc Resources Ltd0.530.36211.76%229,856
Metalla Royalty and Streaming LtdMTA Metalla Royalty and Streaming Ltd4.20-0.23-5.19%28,266
Zoomd Technologies LtdZOMD Zoomd Technologies Ltd0.610.17540.23%182,182
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated LtdSXGC Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd3.550.195.65%109,684
Osisko Metals IncorporatedOM Osisko Metals Incorporated0.500.28127.27%375,513
Minera Alamos IncMAI Minera Alamos Inc0.3450.05518.97%374,044
Lithium Chile IncLITH Lithium Chile Inc0.660.0915.79%173,007
First Nordic Metals CorpFNM First Nordic Metals Corp0.4950.1439.44%301,243
Lion One Metals LimitedLIO Lion One Metals Limited0.3150.026.78%394,125
Apollo Silver CorpAPGO Apollo Silver Corp0.2850.0051.79%481,684
Mayfair Gold CorpMFG Mayfair Gold Corp1.730.021.17%63,483
Aldebaran Resources IncALDE Aldebaran Resources Inc1.880.9397.89%65,800
Outcrop Silver & Gold CorporationOCG Outcrop Silver & Gold Corporation0.270.0312.50%476,886
Lycos Energy IncLCX Lycos Energy Inc2.19-0.68-23.69%46,709
Decisive Dividend CorporationDE Decisive Dividend Corporation6.130.071.16%19,013
Nervgen Pharma CorporationNGEN Nervgen Pharma Corporation2.740.218.30%42,410