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TSXV Market Movers - Price x Volume - 3 Months

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Price x Volume
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Topicus Com IncTOI Topicus Com Inc139.3021.3018.05%38,289
Quantum Emotion CorpQNC Quantum Emotion Corp0.57-0.17-22.97%4,533,347
Hive Digital Technologies LtdHIVE Hive Digital Technologies Ltd2.52-3.16-55.63%888,338
Artemis Gold IncARTG Artemis Gold Inc16.211.9913.99%216,553
Kraken Robotics IncPNG Kraken Robotics Inc2.14-0.56-20.74%975,653
Lumine Group IncLMN Lumine Group Inc38.60-3.55-8.42%57,652
Neptune Digital Assets CorpNDA Neptune Digital Assets Corp1.440.1915.20%1,126,628
Luca Mining CorpLUCA Luca Mining Corp1.110.59113.46%1,639,805
POET Technologies IncPTK POET Technologies Inc4.82-1.78-26.97%180,994
Atex Resources IncATX Atex Resources Inc2.030.4830.97%621,928
Encore Energy CorpEU Encore Energy Corp2.16-2.34-52.00%330,094
New Found Gold CorpNFG New Found Gold Corp2.470.177.39%386,773
Power Metallic Mines IncPNPN Power Metallic Mines Inc1.520.6472.73%652,423
Goliath Resources LimitedGOT Goliath Resources Limited1.750.6863.55%457,497
Founders Metals IncFDR Founders Metals Inc5.210.5010.62%147,179
Zedcor IncZDC Zedcor Inc2.83-0.53-15.77%233,849
Emerita Resources CorpEMO Emerita Resources Corp1.14-0.20-14.93%525,157
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp7.542.5350.50%116,999
Alphamin Resources CorpAFM Alphamin Resources Corp0.75-0.35-31.82%803,933
Realbotix CorpXBOT Realbotix Corp0.3450.1468.29%1,377,963
Blockmate Ventures IncMATE Blockmate Ventures Inc0.10-0.05-33.33%2,222,291
West Red Lake Gold Mines LtdWRLG West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd0.590.011.72%857,525
Westaim CorporationWED Westaim Corporation30.7525.66504.13%34,744
Sintana Energy IncSEI Sintana Energy Inc0.66-0.55-45.45%610,558
Alset AI Ventures IncGPUS Alset AI Ventures Inc0.065-0.025-27.78%3,294,976
Montage Gold CorpMAU Montage Gold Corp2.350.156.82%212,411
Magna Mining IncNICU Magna Mining Inc1.480.1410.45%293,746
Standard Lithium LtdSLI Standard Lithium Ltd1.86-0.14-7.00%212,150
Common StockTAU Common Stock0.760.1524.59%674,167
Integra Resources CorpITR Integra Resources Corp1.540.2216.67%285,373
Omai Gold Mines CorpOMG Omai Gold Mines Corp0.3450.14572.50%1,126,497
Power Metals CorpPWM Power Metals Corp1.230.78173.33%387,745
NG Energy International CorpGASX NG Energy International Corp0.85-0.16-15.84%331,245
CanAlaska Uranium LtdCVV CanAlaska Uranium Ltd0.65-0.10-13.33%453,934
TDG Gold CorpTDG TDG Gold Corp0.420.255154.55%732,605
High Tide IncHITI High Tide Inc3.32-1.17-26.06%75,430
01 Communique Laboratory IncONE 01 Communique Laboratory Inc0.29-0.08-21.62%709,425
Simply Better Brands CorpSBBC Simply Better Brands Corp1.00-0.07-6.54%280,890
Reconnaissance Energy Africa LtdRECO Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd0.52-0.55-51.40%340,426
Sparq Systems IncSPRQ Sparq Systems Inc0.920.1824.32%250,423
Dolly Varden Silver CorporationDV Dolly Varden Silver Corporation1.050.066.06%272,741
New Stratus Energy IncNSE New Stratus Energy Inc0.375-0.085-18.48%548,130
Logan Energy CorpLGN Logan Energy Corp0.62-0.08-11.43%387,282
Rio2 Limited NewRIO Rio2 Limited New0.740.1117.46%378,432
Amarc Resources LtdAHR Amarc Resources Ltd0.410.2095.24%420,379
Metavista3D IncDDD Metavista3D Inc2.710.6632.20%94,128
Fireweed Metals CorpFWZ Fireweed Metals Corp1.660.1912.93%158,297
Lithium Ionic CorpLTH Lithium Ionic Corp0.850.078.97%271,162
Heliostar Metals LtdHSTR Heliostar Metals Ltd0.930.3766.07%306,006
Aftermath Silver LtdAAG Aftermath Silver Ltd0.540.1022.73%462,073
Hydreight Technologies IncNURS Hydreight Technologies Inc1.060.054.95%123,918
Canada Nickel Company IncCNC Canada Nickel Company Inc1.000.033.09%260,949
Hercules Metals CorpBIG Hercules Metals Corp0.720.1016.13%364,044
Midnight Sun Mining CorpMMA Midnight Sun Mining Corp0.590.17542.17%321,791
NTG Clarity Networks IncNCI NTG Clarity Networks Inc1.860.2616.25%116,166
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated LtdSXGC Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd3.480.123.57%85,295
Hemisphere Energy CorpHME Hemisphere Energy Corp1.73-0.14-7.49%109,731
Lycos Energy IncLCX Lycos Energy Inc2.07-0.46-18.18%81,639
NEO Battery Materials LtdNBM NEO Battery Materials Ltd0.720.1322.03%255,947
Simply Solventless Concentrates LtdHASH Simply Solventless Concentrates Ltd0.61-0.02-3.17%277,009
F3 Uranium CorpFUU F3 Uranium Corp0.185-0.05-21.28%825,544
Blackrock Silver CorpBRC Blackrock Silver Corp0.35-0.035-9.09%540,511
Tornado Infrastructure Equipment LtdTGH Tornado Infrastructure Equipment Ltd0.96-0.14-12.73%174,194
DMG Blockchain Solutions IncDMGI DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc0.27-0.19-41.30%492,460
Banxa Holdings IncBNXA Banxa Holdings Inc0.57-0.42-42.42%153,599
Osisko Metals IncorporatedOM Osisko Metals Incorporated0.450.15552.54%461,166
First Nordic Metals CorpFNM First Nordic Metals Corp0.490.13538.03%348,138
Premium Resources LtdPREM Premium Resources Ltd0.335-0.16-32.32%448,851
Arras Minerals CorpARK Arras Minerals Corp0.950.645211.48%257,979
Lithium Chile IncLITH Lithium Chile Inc0.64-0.09-12.33%213,975
Graphene Manufacturing Group LtdGMG Graphene Manufacturing Group Ltd0.960.3557.38%174,003
Q2 Metals CorpQTWO Q2 Metals Corp0.850.067.59%178,820
Santacruz Silver Mining LtdSCZ Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd0.470.1862.07%402,795
Orogen Royalties IncOGN Orogen Royalties Inc1.440.139.92%99,003
Goldshore Resources IncGSHR Goldshore Resources Inc0.2650.03515.22%517,868
Biorem IncBRM Biorem Inc2.50-0.72-22.36%50,768
Liberty Defense Holdiings LTDSCAN Liberty Defense Holdiings LTD1.410.5665.88%96,000
Mako Mining CorpMKO Mako Mining Corp3.760.8428.77%38,618
American Eagle Gold CorpAE American Eagle Gold Corp0.41-0.32-43.84%276,817
Hemostemix IncHEM Hemostemix Inc0.120.0571.43%707,596
Aldebaran Resources IncALDE Aldebaran Resources Inc1.840.126.98%72,441
Zoomd Technologies LtdZOMD Zoomd Technologies Ltd0.62-0.25-28.74%171,818
Colonial Coal International CorpCAD Colonial Coal International Corp1.58-0.30-15.96%81,766
Mayfair Gold CorpMFG Mayfair Gold Corp1.73-0.12-6.49%78,129
American Lithium CorpLI American Lithium Corp0.43-0.11-20.37%258,857
Sigma Lithium CorporationSGML Sigma Lithium Corporation15.65-0.75-4.57%7,887
Covalon Technologies LtdCOV Covalon Technologies Ltd2.30-1.20-34.29%41,989
Lion One Metals LimitedLIO Lion One Metals Limited0.280.027.69%429,010
Coelacanth Energy IncCEI Coelacanth Energy Inc0.830.022.47%149,557
Mimedia Holdings IncMIM Mimedia Holdings Inc0.510.325175.68%285,177
EMX Royalty CorporationEMX EMX Royalty Corporation2.540.114.53%50,801
Argenta Silver CorpAGAG Argenta Silver Corp0.265-0.02-7.02%541,769
Nervgen Pharma CorporationNGEN Nervgen Pharma Corporation2.81-0.01-0.35%41,417
Atlas Engineered Products LtdAEP Atlas Engineered Products Ltd0.90-0.34-27.42%109,229
Tuktu Resources LtdTUK Tuktu Resources Ltd0.110.03546.67%935,382
Tudor Gold CorpTUD Tudor Gold Corp0.66-0.01-1.49%174,922
Osisko Development CorpODV Osisko Development Corp1.89-0.63-25.00%56,831
Pulsar Helium IncPLSR Pulsar Helium Inc0.53-0.03-5.36%198,260
Decisive Dividend CorporationDE Decisive Dividend Corporation6.150.071.15%19,359
Monument Mining LimitedMMY Monument Mining Limited0.3250.04516.07%344,854

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