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TSXV Market Movers - Top Losers (%) - 1 Year

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Top Losers (%)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Spectra7 Microsystems IncSEV Spectra7 Microsystems Inc0.03-0.54-94.74%49,573
Wildpack Beverage IncCANS Wildpack Beverage Inc0.005-0.055-91.67%55,217
XPlore Resources CorpXPLR XPlore Resources Corp0.02-0.18-90.00%41,725
Rivalry CorpRVLY Rivalry Corp0.105-0.895-89.50%24,821
Premier Health of America IncPHA Premier Health of America Inc0.065-0.485-88.18%39,807
Northfield Capital CorporationNFD.A Northfield Capital Corporation4.53-26.72-85.50%86
Coniagas Battery Metals IncCOS Coniagas Battery Metals Inc0.04-0.23-85.19%20,083
Aero Energy LimitedAERO Aero Energy Limited0.03-0.17-85.00%174,305
Yerbae Brands CorpYERB.U Yerbae Brands Corp0.11-0.54-83.08%13,226
Lithium South Development CorporationLIS Lithium South Development Corporation0.095-0.415-81.37%106,421
Scandium Canada LtdSCD Scandium Canada Ltd0.015-0.065-81.25%149,082
PEZM Gold IncPEZM.H PEZM Gold Inc0.37-1.58-81.03%6,928
Xortx Therapeutics IncXRTX Xortx Therapeutics Inc1.25-5.05-80.16%7,486
BlockchainK2 CorpBITK BlockchainK2 Corp0.08-0.32-80.00%57,426
BioNeutra Global CorporationBGA BioNeutra Global Corporation0.03-0.11-78.57%2,559
Recylico Battery Materials IncAMY Recylico Battery Materials Inc0.04-0.145-78.38%84,581
Tag Oil LtdTAO Tag Oil Ltd0.10-0.355-78.02%269,395
MCF Energy LtdMCF MCF Energy Ltd0.065-0.225-77.59%314,853
GreenPower Motor Company IncGPV GreenPower Motor Company Inc0.69-2.16-75.79%17,866
E2gold IncETU E2gold Inc0.005-0.015-75.00%363,518
Gold Basin Resources CorporationGXX Gold Basin Resources Corporation0.025-0.075-75.00%68,481
Aequus Pharmaceuticals IncAQS Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc0.005-0.015-75.00%79,343
Diamcor Mining IncDMI Diamcor Mining Inc0.015-0.045-75.00%62,613
Copper Road Resources IncCRD Copper Road Resources Inc0.015-0.045-75.00%83,730
GoviEx Uranium IncGXU GoviEx Uranium Inc0.045-0.125-73.53%1,129,982
First Hydrogen CorpFHYD First Hydrogen Corp0.395-1.10-73.49%66,404
Gratomic IncGRAT Gratomic Inc0.04-0.11-73.33%125,259
Hypercharge Networks CorpHC Hypercharge Networks Corp0.065-0.175-72.92%98,448
Lithium Energi Exploration IncLEXI Lithium Energi Exploration Inc0.015-0.04-72.73%18,615
Cielo Waste Solutions CorpCMC Cielo Waste Solutions Corp0.09-0.24-72.73%66,665
Avanti Helium CorpAVN Avanti Helium Corp0.12-0.315-72.41%105,045
Alaska Energy Metals CorporationAEMC Alaska Energy Metals Corporation0.105-0.26-71.23%359,853
Argentina Lithium and Energy CorpLIT Argentina Lithium and Energy Corp0.085-0.21-71.19%66,958
Montfort Capital CorpMONT Montfort Capital Corp0.055-0.135-71.05%17,572
Sato Technologies CorpSATO Sato Technologies Corp0.135-0.33-70.97%42,935
Nevada Sunrise Metals CorporationNEV Nevada Sunrise Metals Corporation0.015-0.035-70.00%118,312
Genesis Acquisition CorpREBL.P Genesis Acquisition Corp0.015-0.035-70.00%1,096
Canada Carbon IncCCB Canada Carbon Inc0.015-0.035-70.00%189,180
Baselode Energy CorpFIND Baselode Energy Corp0.095-0.22-69.84%285,590
Angel Wing Metals IncAWM Angel Wing Metals Inc0.05-0.115-69.70%46,912
First Andes Silver LtdFAS First Andes Silver Ltd0.08-0.18-69.23%33,325
Carbon Done Right Developments IncKLX Carbon Done Right Developments Inc0.02-0.045-69.23%134,693
Canadabis Capital IncCANB Canadabis Capital Inc0.07-0.155-68.89%76,311
Peruvian Metals CorpPER Peruvian Metals Corp0.025-0.055-68.75%175,907
Volt Carbon Technologies IncVCT Volt Carbon Technologies Inc0.025-0.055-68.75%96,602
Pegasus Resources IncPEGA Pegasus Resources Inc0.06-0.13-68.42%79,029
SuperBuzz IncSPZ SuperBuzz Inc0.03-0.065-68.42%58,182
Strathmore Plus Uranium CorpSUU Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp0.12-0.25-67.57%51,844
Century Lithium CorpLCE Century Lithium Corp0.235-0.475-66.90%77,183
Cytophage Technologies LtdCYTO Cytophage Technologies Ltd0.18-0.36-66.67%65,873
Lithium ION Energy LtdION Lithium ION Energy Ltd0.03-0.06-66.67%34,283
Pacific Imperial Mines IncPPM Pacific Imperial Mines Inc0.005-0.01-66.67%33,514
Canadian Spirit Resources IncSPI Canadian Spirit Resources Inc0.025-0.05-66.67%21,094
Big Tree Carbon IncBIGT Big Tree Carbon Inc0.015-0.03-66.67%96,835
Aston Bay Holdings LtdBAY Aston Bay Holdings Ltd0.05-0.10-66.67%192,651
Avricore Health IncAVCR Avricore Health Inc0.045-0.09-66.67%144,002
MTB Metals CorpMTB MTB Metals Corp0.015-0.03-66.67%113,391
Vision Lithium IncVLI Vision Lithium Inc0.015-0.03-66.67%107,963
TVI Pacific IncTVI TVI Pacific Inc0.005-0.01-66.67%302,516
LithiumBank Resources CorpLBNK LithiumBank Resources Corp0.34-0.66-66.00%39,219
Scorpio Gold CorpSGN Scorpio Gold Corp0.08-0.155-65.96%148,444
Badlands Resources IncBLDS Badlands Resources Inc0.15-0.29-65.91%7,211
Atico Mining CorpATY Atico Mining Corp0.06-0.115-65.71%39,062
Brunswick Exploration IncBRW Brunswick Exploration Inc0.16-0.30-65.22%127,905
Macarthur Minerals LimitedMMS Macarthur Minerals Limited0.04-0.075-65.22%45,250
Voxtur Analytics CorpVXTR Voxtur Analytics Corp0.035-0.065-65.00%413,881
Regency Silver CorpRSMX Regency Silver Corp0.07-0.13-65.00%56,610
Ostrom Climate Solutions IncCOO Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc0.035-0.065-65.00%17,299
Moon River Moly LtdMOO Moon River Moly Ltd0.33-0.61-64.89%12,508
Ameritrust Financial Technologies IncAMT Ameritrust Financial Technologies Inc0.06-0.11-64.71%379,429
Wellfield Technologies IncWFLD Wellfield Technologies Inc0.025-0.045-64.29%203,289
Bedford Metals CorpBFM Bedford Metals Corp0.35-0.63-64.29%489,499
Pepcap Resources IncWAV.H Pepcap Resources Inc0.02-0.035-63.64%4,943
Great Pacific Gold CorpGPAC Great Pacific Gold Corp0.415-0.725-63.60%167,546
Purewave Hydrogen CorpPWH Purewave Hydrogen Corp0.11-0.19-63.33%52,236
LNG Energy Group CorpLNGE LNG Energy Group Corp0.08-0.135-62.79%68,048
Libero Copper & Gold CorporationLBC Libero Copper & Gold Corporation0.235-0.395-62.70%140,217
Evome Medical Technologies IncEVMT Evome Medical Technologies Inc0.075-0.125-62.50%82,693
Evergen Infrastructure CorpEVGN Evergen Infrastructure Corp0.90-1.50-62.50%5,870
Nexoptic Technology CorpNXO Nexoptic Technology Corp0.015-0.025-62.50%52,770
Tearlach Resources LimitedTEA Tearlach Resources Limited0.015-0.025-62.50%102,717
Decade Resources LtdDEC Decade Resources Ltd0.03-0.05-62.50%119,597
Pulsar Helium IncPLSR Pulsar Helium Inc0.53-0.88-62.41%133,199
EV Nickel IncEVNI EV Nickel Inc0.265-0.435-62.14%174,140
CGX Energy IncOYL CGX Energy Inc0.125-0.205-62.12%53,502
Char Technologies LtdYES Char Technologies Ltd0.18-0.295-62.11%49,925
Kwesst Micro Systems IncKWE Kwesst Micro Systems Inc0.58-0.94-61.84%32,381
Forum Energy Metals CorpFMC Forum Energy Metals Corp0.05-0.08-61.54%242,744
Prospera Energy IncPEI Prospera Energy Inc0.035-0.055-61.11%503,665
Thunderbird Minerals CorpBIRD Thunderbird Minerals Corp0.035-0.055-61.11%15,483
Blue Star Gold CorpBAU Blue Star Gold Corp0.09-0.14-60.87%110,391
Zodiac Gold IncZAU Zodiac Gold Inc0.055-0.085-60.71%74,673
Mercanto Holdings IncMUSH Mercanto Holdings Inc0.065-0.10-60.61%30,546
Comet Lithium CorporationCLIC Comet Lithium Corporation0.15-0.23-60.53%21,509
Premier American Uranium IncPUR Premier American Uranium Inc0.87-1.32-60.27%48,707
American Lithium CorpLI American Lithium Corp0.43-0.65-60.19%212,979
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0.375-0.565-60.11%375,104
Many Bright Ideas Technologies IncMBI.H Many Bright Ideas Technologies Inc0.02-0.03-60.00%1,487
Tarku Resources LtdTKU Tarku Resources Ltd0.01-0.015-60.00%109,755
Grid Battery Metals IncCELL Grid Battery Metals Inc0.02-0.03-60.00%190,923