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TSXV Market Movers - Top Losers (%) - 3 Months

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216 (24%)
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Top Losers (%)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Northfield Capital CorporationNFD.A Northfield Capital Corporation4.53-16.72-78.68%343
Spectra7 Microsystems IncSEV Spectra7 Microsystems Inc0.03-0.09-75.00%98,516
Purewave Hydrogen CorpPWH Purewave Hydrogen Corp0.11-0.23-67.65%18,203
Kwesst Micro Systems IncKWE Kwesst Micro Systems Inc0.58-1.17-66.86%26,655
Pacific Imperial Mines IncPPM Pacific Imperial Mines Inc0.005-0.01-66.67%108,878
American Creek Resources LtdAMK American Creek Resources Ltd0.10-0.19-65.52%302,383
Canadian Gold Resources LtdCAN Canadian Gold Resources Ltd0.21-0.39-65.00%27,896
LQWD Technologies CorpLQWD LQWD Technologies Corp1.01-1.76-63.54%24,510
Trigon Metals IncTM Trigon Metals Inc0.26-0.38-59.37%107,628
Coppercorp Resources IncCPER Coppercorp Resources Inc0.10-0.14-58.33%218,687
Bronco Resources CorpBRON Bronco Resources Corp0.055-0.07-56.00%24,888
Hive Digital Technologies LtdHIVE Hive Digital Technologies Ltd2.52-3.16-55.63%888,338
Wellfield Technologies IncWFLD Wellfield Technologies Inc0.02-0.025-55.56%327,717
Recylico Battery Materials IncAMY Recylico Battery Materials Inc0.04-0.05-55.56%116,392
Zenith Captal CorporationZENI.P Zenith Captal Corporation0.05-0.055-52.38%373
Encore Energy CorpEU Encore Energy Corp2.16-2.34-52.00%330,094
Premier Health of America IncPHA Premier Health of America Inc0.065-0.07-51.85%59,211
Reconnaissance Energy Africa LtdRECO Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd0.52-0.55-51.40%340,426
E2gold IncETU E2gold Inc0.005-0.005-50.00%311,989
Pegasus Resources IncPEGA Pegasus Resources Inc0.06-0.06-50.00%97,464
HTC Purenergy IncHTC.H HTC Purenergy Inc0.005-0.005-50.00%109,089
Nexoptic Technology CorpNXO Nexoptic Technology Corp0.015-0.015-50.00%82,425
Bocana Resources CorpBOCA Bocana Resources Corp0.005-0.005-50.00%87,379
Infinitum Copper CorpINFI Infinitum Copper Corp0.015-0.015-50.00%42,605
Diamcor Mining IncDMI Diamcor Mining Inc0.015-0.015-50.00%107,511
BIGG Digital Assets IncBIGG BIGG Digital Assets Inc0.115-0.11-48.89%332,942
Atico Mining CorpATY Atico Mining Corp0.06-0.055-47.83%57,551
Mercanto Holdings IncMUSH Mercanto Holdings Inc0.055-0.05-47.62%32,644
Ameritrust Financial Technologies IncAMT Ameritrust Financial Technologies Inc0.055-0.05-47.62%424,806
Sintana Energy IncSEI Sintana Energy Inc0.64-0.57-47.11%610,558
Nuvau Minerals IncNMC Nuvau Minerals Inc0.53-0.47-47.00%91,129
Bear Creek Mining CorporationBCM Bear Creek Mining Corporation0.205-0.18-46.75%284,849
Silver Wolf Exploration LtdSWLF Silver Wolf Exploration Ltd0.07-0.06-46.15%28,965
Matador Technologies IncMATA Matador Technologies Inc0.29-0.23-44.23%78,501
Delphx Capital Markets IncDELX Delphx Capital Markets Inc0.07-0.055-44.00%52,483
Blockmint Technologies IncBKMT Blockmint Technologies Inc0.07-0.055-44.00%94,576
American Eagle Gold CorpAE American Eagle Gold Corp0.415-0.315-43.15%276,817
Gratomic IncGRAT Gratomic Inc0.04-0.03-42.86%115,237
Banxa Holdings IncBNXA Banxa Holdings Inc0.57-0.42-42.42%153,599
Charbone Hydrogen CorporationCH Charbone Hydrogen Corporation0.055-0.04-42.11%340,732
Rev Exploration IncREVX Rev Exploration Inc0.29-0.21-42.00%23,832
Eastwood Bio Medical Canada IncEBM Eastwood Bio Medical Canada Inc0.41-0.29-41.43%1,292
DMG Blockchain Solutions IncDMGI DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc0.27-0.19-41.30%492,460
Lithium Energi Exploration IncLEXI Lithium Energi Exploration Inc0.015-0.01-40.00%44,100
Avricore Health IncAVCR Avricore Health Inc0.045-0.03-40.00%84,174
CMC Metals LtdCMB CMC Metals Ltd0.015-0.01-40.00%79,168
Falco Resources LtdFPC Falco Resources Ltd0.17-0.11-39.29%203,108
Quetzal Copper CorpQ Quetzal Copper Corp0.085-0.055-39.29%24,384
Premier American Uranium IncPUR Premier American Uranium Inc0.85-0.54-38.85%50,175
Reyna Silver CorpRSLV Reyna Silver Corp0.065-0.04-38.10%312,417
Sato Technologies CorpSATO Sato Technologies Corp0.14-0.085-37.78%37,851
Evergen Infrastructure CorpEVGN Evergen Infrastructure Corp0.90-0.54-37.50%8,377
Cathedra Bitcoin IncCBIT Cathedra Bitcoin Inc0.05-0.03-37.50%254,970
PC 1 CorpPCAA.P PC 1 Corp0.025-0.015-37.50%9,964
Ophir Metals CorpOPHR Ophir Metals Corp0.05-0.03-37.50%69,368
Tinka Resources LimitedTK Tinka Resources Limited0.06-0.035-36.84%61,746
Thermal Energy International IncTMG Thermal Energy International Inc0.13-0.075-36.59%267,277
GreenPower Motor Company IncGPV GreenPower Motor Company Inc0.73-0.42-36.52%28,221
Voxtur Analytics CorpVXTR Voxtur Analytics Corp0.035-0.02-36.36%694,617
Barksdale Resources CorpBRO Barksdale Resources Corp0.115-0.065-36.11%132,750
Cancambria Energy CorpCCEC Cancambria Energy Corp0.45-0.25-35.71%7,146
Nugen Medical Devices IncNGMD Nugen Medical Devices Inc0.055-0.03-35.29%142,717
Zodiac Gold IncZAU Zodiac Gold Inc0.055-0.03-35.29%108,289
Strathmore Plus Uranium CorpSUU Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp0.12-0.065-35.14%51,695
Chatham Rock Phosphate LimitedNZP Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited0.065-0.035-35.00%15,874
Nexe Innovations IncNEXE Nexe Innovations Inc0.27-0.145-34.94%119,976
Greenbriar Sustainable Living IncGRB Greenbriar Sustainable Living Inc0.43-0.23-34.85%20,523
Bitcoin Well IncBTCW Bitcoin Well Inc0.115-0.06-34.29%523,154
Covalon Technologies LtdCOV Covalon Technologies Ltd2.30-1.20-34.29%41,989
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0.385-0.195-33.62%180,203
Fountain Asset CorpFA Fountain Asset Corp0.03-0.015-33.33%20,964
Vendetta Mining CorpVTT Vendetta Mining Corp0.01-0.005-33.33%129,733
Innovotech IncIOT Innovotech Inc0.12-0.06-33.33%4,474
Gatekeeper Systems IncGSI Gatekeeper Systems Inc0.46-0.23-33.33%214,428
Anfield Energy IncAEC Anfield Energy Inc0.06-0.03-33.33%701,936
Aero Energy LimitedAERO Aero Energy Limited0.03-0.015-33.33%154,338
Penbar Capital LtdPEM.P Penbar Capital Ltd0.04-0.02-33.33%473
Vortex Metals IncVMS Vortex Metals Inc0.05-0.025-33.33%97,089
Tarku Resources LtdTKU Tarku Resources Ltd0.01-0.005-33.33%36,711
Coniagas Battery Metals IncCOS Coniagas Battery Metals Inc0.04-0.02-33.33%41,173
Cleantech Vanadium Mining CorpCTV Cleantech Vanadium Mining Corp0.03-0.015-33.33%129,289
Blockmate Ventures IncMATE Blockmate Ventures Inc0.10-0.05-33.33%2,222,291
Moon River Moly LtdMOO Moon River Moly Ltd0.33-0.16-32.65%15,031
URZ3 Energy CorpURZ URZ3 Energy Corp0.135-0.065-32.50%34,621
Lotus Creek Exploration IncLTC Lotus Creek Exploration Inc1.15-0.55-32.35%191,100
Tag Oil LtdTAO Tag Oil Ltd0.095-0.045-32.14%413,208
Argentina Lithium and Energy CorpLIT Argentina Lithium and Energy Corp0.085-0.04-32.00%72,430
Pasofino Gold LimitedVEIN Pasofino Gold Limited0.395-0.185-31.90%17,851
Evome Medical Technologies IncEVMT Evome Medical Technologies Inc0.075-0.035-31.82%85,903
Alphamin Resources CorpAFM Alphamin Resources Corp0.75-0.35-31.82%803,933
Electrum Discovery CorpELY Electrum Discovery Corp0.065-0.03-31.58%397,170
Premium Resources LtdPREM Premium Resources Ltd0.34-0.155-31.31%448,851
Winshear Gold CorpWINS Winshear Gold Corp0.10-0.045-31.03%65,195
Legacy Gold Mines LtdLEGY Legacy Gold Mines Ltd0.415-0.185-30.83%3,184
World Copper LtdWCU World Copper Ltd0.045-0.02-30.77%495,382
Troubadour Resources IncTR Troubadour Resources Inc0.035-0.015-30.00%199,400
Nobel Resources CorpNBLC Nobel Resources Corp0.035-0.015-30.00%18,246
Parkit Enterprise IncPKT Parkit Enterprise Inc0.415-0.175-29.66%43,538
Independence Gold CorpIGO Independence Gold Corp0.155-0.065-29.55%174,056
Cosigo Resources LtdCSG.H Cosigo Resources Ltd0.06-0.025-29.41%11,214

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