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MineralRite Corporation (PK)

MineralRite Corporation (PK) (RITE)

Closed February 17 4:00PM

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Trum Trum 11 hours ago
It does... but bottom line , like i stated.... every buy is because there was a seller. now I know that there are some pumpers out there that are paid to claim that it is just weak hands.... sure ...or maybe it is smart hands selling too. ... in my case I'll take several K in selling half my hold ( well over a year.) and now holding out for some really nice gain. and if this things finds half a cent ... sweet and congrats to those who held on long enough... it is odd how some fault folks for making a profit here....hmmm makes one wonder what the true motivation is there
🥵 1 🫨 1
Trum Trum 11 hours ago
It doesn't look like it will be worth any more than what somebody will pay for it... and sadly .. the previous owner of the mining rights could hardly pay it's claim fees to BLM ...and nobody was interested in buying any of the claims... had there been any actual mining worth .. they would have sold any/all of the claims to a real mining company. But I am pulling that this story can play a little higher. the volume of buys and sales is just not where it needs to be... too many people dumping. and keeping the PPS from shooting up
🤕 1 🤬 1
Ribo Ribo 2 days ago
$RITE best DD in OTC, $432m Asset is actually going to be north of $2b
👍️ 3 💥 1 🤑 3
rs99 rs99 2 days ago
Buying at the bid or the middle usually shows up as a sell! It's called accumulation! For the most part! It's coming!
👍️ 3 💯 2
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago

👍 2 💌 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
L2, volume, chart all looking just RITE 
👍️ 2 💥 1 🤑 2 🤩 1
Momentum_Scalper Momentum_Scalper 3 days ago
very impressive rebound from the selling yesterday! Speaks volumes,
👍️ 2 💥 1 💯 3 🤑 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
Yes and lots of bids in the waits ie reserve Panzers ready to be unleashed 
👍️ 1 🧐 1
don estaban don estaban 3 days ago
Some good old fashion ask slappin''''''' !!!!
💥 1 🤑 1
Trum Trum 3 days ago
seems like for every buy...there is someone selling ... basics if we can just get solid verifiable data in the hoped for and long overdue filing
👍 2 👽️ 1 🤓 1 🤬 1 🥵 1
Patrick Bateman Patrick Bateman 3 days ago
Hope you ain't referring to me. 

First of all I own this for over three years. 

Secondly, show me where I (or anyone on here for that matter) lacks patience. 
👍️ 1 👽️ 1 💋 1 🥵 1 🫨 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
Totally agree and despite a massive run up in last 6 weeks holding virtually all gains.

Haven't seen this in a long time and shows that the CEO has cleaned up / canceled any toxic notes, shareholders, and what is left is organic investors that are looking longer term and way more than a quarter of a penny.

The best part is we are just getting started.

FOMO rally to .01+ will be epic and then RITE will never look back and we as investors CRUSH 2025 and this time next year paying some nice taxes. 

👍️ 2 💯 1
don estaban don estaban 3 days ago
Panzer this guy wants Rome built in 1 day lol ! It went from .0004 to .0037 settled back to lets say .0028 ready for the next leg up
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Panzer Panzer 3 days ago

Well done sir! 
👍️ 1 😋 1 🤑 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
How come no one hitting the bid?
💥 1 🤐 1 🤑 1 🧐 1
Ragnar Ragnar 3 days ago
Looking good here. Patience will pay off big time from these levels.

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Diamondhands45 Diamondhands45 3 days ago
Just slapped a few.  😉😉
👍️ 2 🤑 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
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Patrick Bateman Patrick Bateman 3 days ago
What about ask sitting and no one buys?
👍️ 1 🤬 1 🥵 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
Love that bid sitting there no one selling into. says a lot! Boom 
💥 1 💯 2 😎 1
don estaban don estaban 3 days ago
Smart Woman !!!
👍️ 1 👨‍🔬 1 🧠 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
Mrs Panzer said "hold tune flowers today" and buy RITE

Smart lady 
🌟 1 👍️ 1 🪐 1
Ribo Ribo 3 days ago
The Form 10 to be filed with the SEC shortly!

Investor Submitted Q&A
Q: | 02/13/ 2025 | When will the Company file the Form 10?
02/13/2025. LM asked:

Q: … [I am] curious if we can expect to see the Form 10 [to] be filed within the next couple of days…[do we know] a time frame for it?

A: …Many shareholders have asked this question, and the answer is that the Form 10 will be filed with the SEC shortly.

A Form 10 is a massive amount of work. The OMB estimates 220 hours of work. Our legal team estimated a cost of between $80,000 at the bare minimum, but more likely approaching $250,000 in man-hours. Fortunately for us, CEO Burgauer has done most of the work on it himself, thereby saving the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is a massive undertaking, and one that just happens to be occurring coincident with the release of the financials and the release of information regarding a massive acquisition.

To our understanding, the last Exhibits have now been added to the document (relating to the Definitive Agreement and historical data on the subsidiaries) and pretty much all that remains is the conversion of the document into the format required by the SEC, which we are told by our tech team and others, including the SEC themselves, that formatting often entails “certain challenges”.
👍️ 4 💥 2 🙂 1 🤑 1
Panzer Panzer 3 days ago
Couldn't agree more! 

Going to be so much fun

Cannot wait for inbound FOMO rallies 

Moscow .05++
🏆️ 1 👍 2 💥 2 😎 1 🤑 1
Pickens Pickens 3 days ago
You know things are about to get good when multiple trolls show up trying to talk you into selling shares!

If you do not respond to trolls like N8Dad and Trum; they do not get credit for trolling.

Check out this info instead and congrats on your RITE investment. We’re going to 🚀
🏋️ 1 👍️ 1 💥 1 💯 2 😎 1
Trum Trum 3 days ago
So I have done well.. but not as well as I planned out. If i am lucky enough to sell the rest then yeah will be good enough given the circumstances. Sure, if it does hit half a cent then I'll clearly wonder bout what if... but making what i did ...nobody can fault that. I basically lost confidence in the pump once they got greedy and started dumping too much too early.... on such little felt like they really did not have much left to play out- which made me drop my sell targets but now that you say what you made me consider that what if part... what if they actually have a rabbit in that hat. so yeah I'll leave a milly for that penny possibility... we all know that we will be buying back in at .0001 at some point so I don't mind hanging on to those if I can't sell em this round. . they will come up with something .... the typical ploy is that they are filing to get current with the SEC .. cause we all know now that their claim to the minerals have to transfer to RITE..and the BLM needs to log it as RITE owned... even if it is valued at 0.00 since they are not current with the SEC... once they get current then there is the cost to validate the claims... ( keep in mind... the previous owners of the very same mineral rites put it at half a cent...and that was generously unverified at the time...pure speculation) so all this pumping and hyping of 3 cents is clearly just that... I would have been on that side had they played this a bit smarter.
🥵 1 🫨 1
rs99 rs99 3 days ago
Well apparently you have done good so far. Maybe not the penny run you listened to the pumpers about but still have done good. This is going higher and once it reaches that 35 area you are looking for to dump the rest of what you have got. This will churn and go higher. Then you will be kicking your azz for dumping it all. Do you have some valed conserens? I do but am going to ride this horse until it drops. There is alit in the works. Will it all work out? Who knows? Time will tell. Save some for the end!
👍️ 1 😵 1 🥵 1
Trum Trum 3 days ago
yeah... starting to lose some faith in intelligent scammers these days.... used to be easier to ride the backs of these pumpers...and eat some free lunches. I was hoping my less than 9 milly shares would have reaped more ... I was more than happy to dump off a chunk when it got over .0025 and now even more... It looks like this scam is not going to be the USXP run I nearly retired on or PAIM a bit later. learned my lessons to find the right scams ... heavy trading so shares are moving ..and watch as they issue hundreds of millions of more shares 'restricted' of course cough cough... and all the while the CEO is only getting paid via share dumping. I loved how they 'acquired ' the assets of a broke company in NMC Inc... who held the same properties for over a decade and praised that it could be worth .005c/share... but never mined an ounce. the got some shares from RITE and soon the RITE time will be triggered to talk about some Canadian company taking RITE to the rite places if not the moon. I really hope these clowns have something better for their next $250 buck announcement
💤 1 🤬 1 🥱 1 🥵 1
Trum Trum 3 days ago
Thanks... it helped. Today i was able to drop my sell prices and was able to sell more shares. I am now left with about 65% of my initial buy at .0001 to sell off ... fingers grossed we can get to .0035 soon. The books don't look good and that $432MM asset value is being carried at a $0.00 valuation due to SEC rules ...and it won't change until they get rite with the SEC filings. but even if they do ... one has to ask why NMC never mined their 'so called claim'...they had just one employee and sure they had BLM claim rights but they really did not have a mining business ... enter RITE which also is not in the mining business to offer shares for said claims....which are still not approved makes for great news and hyping... I just hope they have a better card to play next
👽️ 1 😴 1 🤬 1 🥵 1
ZJ Pick ZJ Pick 4 days ago
👍️ 1 🗺️ 1
Golden Cross Golden Cross 4 days ago
Getting ready for that next step up here...
👍️ 5 💥 2 💯 3 🧗 1
Panzer Panzer 4 days ago

What would lead you to believe Panzer is a "criminal manipulator"? 

Why aismt Panzer buying RITE? Pre-loading? Huh?!

I guess I am still pre loading and just happily nibbled on some .0027s. I will continue to nibble or buy lots more. I will also be happy and ready to smack the asks with massive Panzer strike units if the opportunity presents itself. 

The only thing criminal is not buying RITE subpenny. Get it?

Over the coming weeks and months you will understand. Seen this a million times...

Watch and learn "Pops"! 
👍️ 2 💥 3 💯 2
GR8 Dad GR8 Dad 4 days ago
I can understand!!!??? If its such a good deal why aren't you guys buying enough to support or increase the price?

If its such huge news why is the price going down??? I mean this stock is worth .03 at book right??? its worth at least 10x its current price right?

Is it possible this is an "puff and divest" (Don't say P&D)?

No way! You guys are awesome you would never do that!!! Criminal Stock manipulation is way below you.

(I know you preloaded and made all your money already but ya gotta have fun.)


👍️ 1 🤬 1 🫨 1
Panzer Panzer 4 days ago
Right into the 8 milly bid ez money 
👍️ 1 🤑 1 ✔️ 1
capo capo 4 days ago
MM's shook out some shares today
💌 1 💯 1
Panzer Panzer 4 days ago
Because RITE isn't a pump and dump 
👍️ 3 💥 2 💯 3 🤣 1
Patrick Bateman Patrick Bateman 4 days ago
Go to their website. It's there under investor relations tab. 
🌛 1 🌜️ 1
Trum Trum 4 days ago
anybody have a link to just what this $432MM of audited asset value is, where it is, and who held the asset previously?
😎 1 🙈 1 🥱 1 🫨 1
EyeInTheSky EyeInTheSky 4 days ago
If news like this doesn't move a subpenny stock then what will? I can see why many people abandoned this exchange.
👍️ 2 👽️ 2 💤 1
Ribo Ribo 4 days ago
$432MM audited asset based on today’s price of gold

Investor Submitted Q&A
Q: | 02/11/2025 | Is the $432MM of audited asset value based on today’s price of gold/metals?
02/11/2025. HB asked:

Q: The $432MM of audited asset value that you’ve acquired – is that $432MM based on today’s price of gold/metals?

A: When a company buys a subsidiary, it inherits the book value of the assets held by that subsidiary unless there is some question as to current value of those assets (i.e., the assets have declined in value and need to be written off, such as broken machinery, worthless inventory, etc.)

The $432MM was the book value of one specific asset that was held on the books in one of the subsidiaries acquired by RITE, which was previously reported on NMC’s audited books as the former parent company. It was established based on the purchase price of the asset from 1996.

We believe that that specific asset is more valuable than the stated book value – and we likewise believe each of the 3 additional mining properties have significant value. Investors on the internet believe the same, supported by the research they have done finding the old reports relating to the assets that NMC publicly disclosed years ago.

But, pursuant to the SEC’s 2018 Modernization of Property Disclosures for Mining Registrants, RITE cannot state “mineral reserve” estimates until we have the proper documentation in hand. Even though we have access to NMC’s old reports, and even though NMC truly made these prior public disclosures about their former properties, the reporting rules have since changed and we want to be certain that when RITE makes a public disclosure, it will be both accurate and properly documented under the new rules.

As we said in our prior disclosure on this matter: Even though the mineralization on the mining claims appears significant in the historical exploration reports, the properties will be considered “Exploration Stage Properties” under the SEC Rules, pending formal review of prior reserve valuations and updated reports – consistent with the Committee for Reserves International Reporting Standards (“CRIRSCO”) and compliant with the SEC rules for Property Disclosures for Mining Registrants. As exploration stage properties with no publicly stated qualified mineral reserves, these three assets will initially be held at a net $0 value on the Company’s books.
👍️ 2 💥 2 😍 1 🤑 1
don estaban don estaban 4 days ago
Bid/ask a bit thin today !!!
👍️ 1 💯 1
Panzer Panzer 4 days ago
Purely entertainment 
🎳 1 🕹️ 1
Panzer Panzer 4 days ago
You sound confused - didn't take your meds as instructed? 
👍️ 1 💯 1
Patrick Bateman Patrick Bateman 4 days ago
Though I think you're just a little troll who will disappear when the stock is rolling again, I agree with you here. 

That dude has no idea what he's even saying 
👣 1 👶 1
GR8 Dad GR8 Dad 4 days ago
Wait!! So "market makers trying to keep the lid on rite" and "market maker manipulation" are two different pumps now??

It must be exhausting trying to keep these pumps organized.

Lets see where this stock -- that just closed a 400 gazzillion dollar deal is sitting.... YIKES!!!! .0026 and plummeting!!!! But hey, you have $70 of support at .0026!!!

(Damn "Market Makers"!!!) 🤣

Get the pumps out boys!!!!

Ya gotta have fun down here!

👍️ 1 💤 1 😴 1 🤬 1 🥱 1
Panzer Panzer 4 days ago
I can do whatever I want with L2. Buy, sell, put up huge ask blocks, put up huge bids, and I have AI/algos that help me trade.

Yes, I can do whatever I want. 
👍️ 1 💯 1
Panzer Panzer 4 days ago
No shit 
👍️ 1 🤣 1
Diamondhands45 Diamondhands45 4 days ago
Market makers trade with algos and the idea that retail can do what they do when they have level 3 is absurd.  
💡 1 ☎️ 1
Patrick Bateman Patrick Bateman 4 days ago
You literally wrote to watch level 2

I said that level 2 doesn't give you whole picture 

And you said I'm wrong because ...

Level 2 doesn't give you whole picture. 

You're a moron 
🟥 1 🟩 1
Panzer Panzer 5 days ago
Market makers have lives to and that's to make profit, so "manipulation" is all how you define it.

Retail traders can do that same thing it's a game. 

And just like in poker you hide your cards to get the play you want to make money.

Really basic stuff here 
👍️ 1 🤓 1 🧐 1

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