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TSXV Market Movers - Top Losers (%) - Today

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Top Losers (%)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Volume TradesChart
Highcliff Metals IncHCM.H Highcliff Metals Inc0.02-0.08-80.00%1,3332
Avaron Mining CorpAVR Avaron Mining Corp0.05-0.075-60.00%180,00013
Running Fox Resource CorpRUN.H Running Fox Resource Corp0.005-0.005-50.00%1,0001
Aequus Pharmaceuticals IncAQS Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc0.005-0.005-50.00%14,0001
Pond Technologies Holdings IncPOND Pond Technologies Holdings Inc0.005-0.005-50.00%3,5003
Marksmen Energy IncMAH Marksmen Energy Inc0.005-0.005-50.00%90,0001
TresOr Resources LtdTRS TresOr Resources Ltd0.06-0.035-36.84%5,0001
iMetal Resources IncIMR iMetal Resources Inc0.21-0.12-36.36%10,0003
Martello Technologies Group IncMTLO Martello Technologies Group Inc0.01-0.005-33.33%3,0003
Hawkeye Gold and Diamond IncHAWK Hawkeye Gold and Diamond Inc0.03-0.015-33.33%31,0002
Cosigo Resources LtdCSG.H Cosigo Resources Ltd0.06-0.03-33.33%63,0003
Yerbae Brands CorpYERB.U Yerbae Brands Corp0.11-0.05-31.25%17,0009
Purewave Hydrogen CorpPWH Purewave Hydrogen Corp0.11-0.04-26.67%14,0004
SuperBuzz IncSPZ SuperBuzz Inc0.03-0.01-25.00%23,0001
Vision Lithium IncVLI Vision Lithium Inc0.015-0.005-25.00%55,0004
Bonanza Mining CorporationBNZ Bonanza Mining Corporation0.015-0.005-25.00%10,0001
Generation Uranium IncGEN Generation Uranium Inc0.045-0.015-25.00%1,0001
Copper Road Resources IncCRD Copper Road Resources Inc0.015-0.005-25.00%2,0001
Romios Gold Resources IncRG Romios Gold Resources Inc0.015-0.005-25.00%130,5005
Tearlach Resources LimitedTEA Tearlach Resources Limited0.015-0.005-25.00%66,0002
Diamcor Mining IncDMI Diamcor Mining Inc0.015-0.005-25.00%1,0001
Genesis Acquisition CorpREBL.P Genesis Acquisition Corp0.015-0.005-25.00%5,0002
Big Tree Carbon IncBIGT Big Tree Carbon Inc0.015-0.005-25.00%22,0001
Hank Payments CorpHANK Hank Payments Corp0.03-0.01-25.00%523,0004
Patagonia Gold CorpPGDC Patagonia Gold Corp0.035-0.01-22.22%47,0002
Ostrom Climate Solutions IncCOO Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc0.035-0.01-22.22%12,0002
RIWI CorpRIWI RIWI Corp0.51-0.14-21.54%3,0004
Carlton Precious IncCPI Carlton Precious Inc0.075-0.02-21.05%103,10012
New Tymbal Resources LtdNTB New Tymbal Resources Ltd0.02-0.005-20.00%40,0002
Plato Gold CorpPGC Plato Gold Corp0.02-0.005-20.00%17,0001
Grid Battery Metals IncCELL Grid Battery Metals Inc0.02-0.005-20.00%150,0003
Transition Metals CorpXTM Transition Metals Corp0.04-0.01-20.00%34,7783
Global Energy Metals CorpGEMC Global Energy Metals Corp0.02-0.005-20.00%46,0007
Canada One Mining CorpCONE Canada One Mining Corp0.02-0.005-20.00%1,0012
Cleantek Industries IncCTEK Cleantek Industries Inc0.41-0.10-19.61%75,62512
Goldgroup Mining IncGGA Goldgroup Mining Inc0.40-0.095-19.19%452,678151
DavidsTea IncDTEA DavidsTea Inc0.67-0.15-18.29%8,71614
EV Nickel IncEVNI EV Nickel Inc0.265-0.055-17.19%1,5615
Legacy Gold Mines LtdLEGY Legacy Gold Mines Ltd0.415-0.085-17.00%4,0002
Sparton Resources IncSRI Sparton Resources Inc0.025-0.005-16.67%41,0002
Thunder Gold CorpTGOL Thunder Gold Corp0.05-0.01-16.67%390,00021
Sato Technologies CorpSATO Sato Technologies Corp0.135-0.025-15.63%73,41023
Gensource Potash CorporationGSP Gensource Potash Corporation0.085-0.015-15.00%58,64512
Chakana Copper CorpPERU Chakana Copper Corp0.085-0.015-15.00%34,5004
Ventripoint Diagnostics LtdVPT Ventripoint Diagnostics Ltd0.145-0.025-14.71%266,01575
Silver Valley Metals CorpSILV Silver Valley Metals Corp0.03-0.005-14.29%1,1502
Fountain Asset CorpFA Fountain Asset Corp0.03-0.005-14.29%30,0001
VR Resources LtdVRR VR Resources Ltd0.03-0.005-14.29%2,0001
Gabo Mining LtdGAB Gabo Mining Ltd0.06-0.01-14.29%6,2955
Harvest Gold CorpHVG Harvest Gold Corp0.03-0.005-14.29%1,4002
Chatham Rock Phosphate LimitedNZP Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited0.065-0.01-13.33%44,0002
Magnetic North Aquisition CorpMNC Magnetic North Aquisition Corp0.065-0.01-13.33%50,0007
Hayasa Metals IncHAY Hayasa Metals Inc0.065-0.01-13.33%247,00021
Fredonia Mining IncFRED Fredonia Mining Inc0.165-0.025-13.16%2,9003
Sendero Resources CorpSEND Sendero Resources Corp0.31-0.045-12.68%72,63817
Cariboo Rose Resources LtdCRB Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd0.035-0.005-12.50%39,0001
Rivalry CorpRVLY Rivalry Corp0.105-0.015-12.50%1,6003
Pinnacle Silver and Gold CorpPINN Pinnacle Silver and Gold Corp0.035-0.005-12.50%2,0002
Helius Minerals LimitedHHH Helius Minerals Limited0.35-0.05-12.50%6,7005
Northern Graphite CorpNGC Northern Graphite Corp0.105-0.015-12.50%82,68523
Troubadour Resources IncTR Troubadour Resources Inc0.035-0.005-12.50%192,0002
Ecolomondo Corporation IncECM Ecolomondo Corporation Inc0.14-0.02-12.50%120,00012
Euro Manganese IncEMN Euro Manganese Inc0.035-0.005-12.50%74,0005
Prospera Energy IncPEI Prospera Energy Inc0.035-0.005-12.50%810,39633
Volcanic Gold Mines IncVG Volcanic Gold Mines Inc0.11-0.015-12.00%94,00012
PEZM Gold IncPEZM.H PEZM Gold Inc0.37-0.05-11.90%3,5003
Copaur Minerals incCPAU Copaur Minerals inc0.15-0.02-11.76%1,0001
Huntsman Exploration IncHMAN Huntsman Exploration Inc0.075-0.01-11.76%117,0007
Onyx Gold CorpONYX Onyx Gold Corp0.265-0.035-11.67%10,69110
New Age Metals IncNAM New Age Metals Inc0.115-0.015-11.54%109,5009
Sokoman Minerals CorporationSIC Sokoman Minerals Corporation0.04-0.005-11.11%679,80029
Recylico Battery Materials IncAMY Recylico Battery Materials Inc0.04-0.005-11.11%136,30712
Aumega Metals LtdAUM Aumega Metals Ltd0.04-0.005-11.11%295,37211
Innovotech IncIOT Innovotech Inc0.12-0.015-11.11%50,0005
Usha Resources LtdUSHA Usha Resources Ltd0.04-0.005-11.11%426,0004
Rocky Mountain Liquor IncRUM Rocky Mountain Liquor Inc0.08-0.01-11.11%23,0007
BTU Metals CorpBTU BTU Metals Corp0.04-0.005-11.11%12,0001
Kwesst Micro Systems IncKWE Kwesst Micro Systems Inc0.58-0.07-10.77%1,1003
Focus Graphite IncFMS Focus Graphite Inc0.085-0.01-10.53%366,81635
Unigold IncUGD Unigold Inc0.085-0.01-10.53%11,0005
Rakovina Therapeutics IncRKV Rakovina Therapeutics Inc0.13-0.015-10.34%101,09051
Lara Exploration LtdLRA Lara Exploration Ltd1.15-0.13-10.16%56,18527
Orecap Invest CorpOCI Orecap Invest Corp0.045-0.005-10.00%102,6197
Canstar Resources IncROX Canstar Resources Inc0.045-0.005-10.00%1,0001
Thiogenesis Therapeutics CorpTTI Thiogenesis Therapeutics Corp0.55-0.06-9.84%47,00012
Next Hydrogen Solutions IncNXH Next Hydrogen Solutions Inc0.74-0.08-9.76%37,73219
Northfield Capital CorporationNFD.A Northfield Capital Corporation4.53-0.47-9.40%1312
Avante CorpXX Avante Corp0.90-0.09-9.09%24,77015
Clean Air Metals IncAIR Clean Air Metals Inc0.05-0.005-9.09%166,18614
Eros Resources CorpROCK Eros Resources Corp0.05-0.005-9.09%431,0005
Torrent Capital LtdTORR Torrent Capital Ltd0.50-0.05-9.09%35,4009
Comet Lithium CorporationCLIC Comet Lithium Corporation0.15-0.015-9.09%80,0009
Bold Ventures IncBOL Bold Ventures Inc0.05-0.005-9.09%3,4632
Vortex Metals IncVMS Vortex Metals Inc0.05-0.005-9.09%103,00010
Future Fuels IncFTUR Future Fuels Inc0.40-0.04-9.09%69,70023
Alliance Mining CorpALM Alliance Mining Corp0.20-0.02-9.09%20,0002
Precipitate Gold CorpPRG Precipitate Gold Corp0.10-0.01-9.09%32,5004
US Copper CorpUSCU US Copper Corp0.05-0.005-9.09%1,0001
KIDOZ INCKIDZ KIDOZ INC0.255-0.025-8.93%10,5002
Xortx Therapeutics IncXRTX Xortx Therapeutics Inc1.25-0.12-8.76%11,33337

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