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TSXV Market Movers - Top Losers ($) - 1 Month

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Top Losers ($)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
BQE Water IncBQE BQE Water Inc54.00-8.49-13.59%613
Westaim CorporationWED Westaim Corporation30.69-2.36-7.14%24,538
POET Technologies IncPTK POET Technologies Inc4.76-2.19-31.51%170,712
Encore Energy CorpEU Encore Energy Corp2.08-2.09-50.12%552,169
Topicus Com IncTOI Topicus Com Inc140.75-2.01-1.41%47,609
Hive Digital Technologies LtdHIVE Hive Digital Technologies Ltd2.49-1.64-39.71%929,519
LQWD Technologies CorpLQWD LQWD Technologies Corp1.00-1.15-53.49%20,653
Artemis Gold IncARTG Artemis Gold Inc15.99-1.01-5.94%272,899
Banxa Holdings IncBNXA Banxa Holdings Inc0.56-0.95-62.91%98,648
Los Andes Copper LtdLA Los Andes Copper Ltd5.90-0.90-13.24%7,733
Metalla Royalty and Streaming LtdMTA Metalla Royalty and Streaming Ltd3.80-0.86-18.45%19,654
Sigma Lithium CorporationSGML Sigma Lithium Corporation15.66-0.84-5.09%9,344
High Tide IncHITI High Tide Inc3.31-0.84-20.24%57,941
Covalon Technologies LtdCOV Covalon Technologies Ltd2.33-0.76-24.60%40,622
Li FT Power LtdLIFT Li FT Power Ltd2.32-0.71-23.43%33,221
Zedcor IncZDC Zedcor Inc2.73-0.69-20.18%206,924
Palisades Goldcorp LtdPALI Palisades Goldcorp Ltd1.42-0.62-30.39%19,962
Goliath Resources LimitedGOT Goliath Resources Limited1.76-0.61-25.74%624,634
Neptune Digital Assets CorpNDA Neptune Digital Assets Corp1.37-0.60-30.46%813,495
Emerita Resources CorpEMO Emerita Resources Corp1.16-0.59-33.71%852,012
Hydreight Technologies IncNURS Hydreight Technologies Inc1.00-0.55-35.48%116,048
Enablence Technologies IncENA Enablence Technologies Inc1.50-0.50-25.00%1,411
Electra Battery Materials CorporationELBM Electra Battery Materials Corporation2.06-0.50-19.53%17,516
New Zealand Energy CorpNZ New Zealand Energy Corp0.30-0.49-62.03%24,646
Alvopetro Energy LtdALV Alvopetro Energy Ltd4.62-0.49-9.59%10,358
Lotus Creek Exploration IncLTC Lotus Creek Exploration Inc1.22-0.48-28.24%187,089
Premier American Uranium IncPUR Premier American Uranium Inc0.86-0.46-34.85%47,838
Kraken Robotics IncPNG Kraken Robotics Inc2.16-0.45-17.24%971,144
GreenPower Motor Company IncGPV GreenPower Motor Company Inc0.69-0.39-36.11%39,882
Highwood Asset Management LtdHAM Highwood Asset Management Ltd5.58-0.39-6.53%5,283
Avante CorpXX Avante Corp0.99-0.36-26.67%29,522
Standard Lithium LtdSLI Standard Lithium Ltd1.79-0.35-16.36%195,600
Sucro LimitedSUGR Sucro Limited11.60-0.35-2.93%132
Biosyent IncRX Biosyent Inc10.76-0.34-3.06%1,789
Tethys Petroleum LimitedTPL Tethys Petroleum Limited0.95-0.32-25.20%1,462
Osisko Development CorpODV Osisko Development Corp1.85-0.30-13.95%82,753
Sparq Systems IncSPRQ Sparq Systems Inc0.79-0.30-27.52%94,218
Future Fuels IncFTUR Future Fuels Inc0.44-0.30-40.54%63,222
Mako Mining CorpMKO Mako Mining Corp3.78-0.30-7.35%29,141
NG Energy International CorpGASX NG Energy International Corp0.83-0.28-25.23%207,335
CanAlaska Uranium LtdCVV CanAlaska Uranium Ltd0.64-0.28-30.43%325,519
Hannan Metals LtdHAN Hannan Metals Ltd0.89-0.27-23.28%110,459
Lara Exploration LtdLRA Lara Exploration Ltd1.28-0.27-17.42%43,199
Zentek LtdZEN Zentek Ltd1.32-0.26-16.46%31,374
Amaroq Minerals LtdAMRQ Amaroq Minerals Ltd1.75-0.26-12.94%21,270
Lavras Gold CorpLGC Lavras Gold Corp2.03-0.26-11.35%54,067
Everyday People Financial CorpEPF Everyday People Financial Corp0.71-0.25-26.04%47,233
Founders Metals IncFDR Founders Metals Inc5.10-0.25-4.67%191,333
Wilton Resources IncWIL Wilton Resources Inc0.55-0.25-31.25%50,511
MustGrow Biologics CorpMGRO MustGrow Biologics Corp1.05-0.25-19.23%9,340
Amarc Resources LtdAHR Amarc Resources Ltd0.44-0.25-36.23%209,156
NEO Battery Materials LtdNBM NEO Battery Materials Ltd0.68-0.24-26.09%116,534
Ongold Resources LtdONAU Ongold Resources Ltd0.50-0.24-32.43%9,140
Midnight Sun Mining CorpMMA Midnight Sun Mining Corp0.59-0.24-28.92%310,857
Evergen Infrastructure CorpEVGN Evergen Infrastructure Corp0.90-0.23-20.35%7,189
Reconnaissance Energy Africa LtdRECO Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd0.50-0.22-30.56%288,432
Omni Lite Industries Canada IncOML Omni Lite Industries Canada Inc1.02-0.21-17.07%17,660
Magna Mining IncNICU Magna Mining Inc1.48-0.21-12.43%278,083
Pacific Booker Minerals IncBKM Pacific Booker Minerals Inc0.66-0.21-24.14%6,163
Atex Resources IncATX Atex Resources Inc2.04-0.21-9.33%601,605
Torrent Capital LtdTORR Torrent Capital Ltd0.55-0.21-27.63%16,398
Teuton Resources CorpTUO Teuton Resources Corp0.81-0.21-20.59%29,715
Matador Technologies IncMATA Matador Technologies Inc0.28-0.205-42.27%50,425
Horizon Copper CorpHCU Horizon Copper Corp1.10-0.20-15.38%9,173
California Nanotechnologies CorpCNO California Nanotechnologies Corp0.63-0.20-24.10%52,459
Lycos Energy IncLCX Lycos Energy Inc2.11-0.20-8.66%32,553
DavidsTea IncDTEA DavidsTea Inc0.82-0.19-18.81%18,230
Vizsla Royalties CorpVROY Vizsla Royalties Corp1.78-0.19-9.64%31,749
Biorem IncBRM Biorem Inc2.50-0.19-7.06%38,245
Amex Exploration IncAMX Amex Exploration Inc0.89-0.19-17.59%127,213
Primary Hydrogen CorpHDRO Primary Hydrogen Corp0.31-0.19-38.00%188,372
Bear Creek Mining CorporationBCM Bear Creek Mining Corporation0.21-0.185-46.84%479,578
Westbridge Renewable Energy CorpWEB Westbridge Renewable Energy Corp0.62-0.18-22.50%33,421
Western Exploration IncWEX Western Exploration Inc0.73-0.18-19.78%24,538
Falcon Energy Materials PlcFLCN Falcon Energy Materials Plc0.51-0.18-26.09%32,710
Realbotix CorpXBOT Realbotix Corp0.345-0.175-33.65%480,131
Zoomd Technologies LtdZOMD Zoomd Technologies Ltd0.65-0.17-20.73%126,568
Galway Metals IncGWM Galway Metals Inc0.465-0.165-26.19%50,364
EMX Royalty CorporationEMX EMX Royalty Corporation2.50-0.16-6.02%24,286
Atlas Engineered Products LtdAEP Atlas Engineered Products Ltd0.90-0.16-15.09%119,335
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0.36-0.16-30.77%151,115
Pulsar Helium IncPLSR Pulsar Helium Inc0.53-0.16-23.19%351,263
Hill IncorporatedHILL Hill Incorporated0.27-0.155-36.47%1,308
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated LtdSXGC Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd3.38-0.15-4.25%89,499
West Red Lake Gold Mines LtdWRLG West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd0.57-0.15-20.83%1,359,267
Aldebaran Resources IncALDE Aldebaran Resources Inc1.84-0.15-7.54%108,460
Mongolia Growth Group LtdYAK Mongolia Growth Group Ltd1.10-0.15-12.00%14,809
Pender Growth Fund IncPTF Pender Growth Fund Inc10.25-0.15-1.44%2,810
TDG Gold CorpTDG TDG Gold Corp0.41-0.15-26.79%318,024
Alphamin Resources CorpAFM Alphamin Resources Corp0.76-0.15-16.48%1,181,185
Mayfair Gold CorpMFG Mayfair Gold Corp1.65-0.15-8.33%120,978
Tudor Gold CorpTUD Tudor Gold Corp0.67-0.15-18.29%160,698
Hemostemix IncHEM Hemostemix Inc0.125-0.145-53.70%1,206,820
Arch Biopartners IncARCH Arch Biopartners Inc1.74-0.14-7.45%8,652
Simply Solventless Concentrates LtdHASH Simply Solventless Concentrates Ltd0.60-0.14-18.92%187,045
Q2 Metals CorpQTWO Q2 Metals Corp0.85-0.14-14.14%212,172
SSC Security Services CorpSECU SSC Security Services Corp2.46-0.14-5.38%3,443
Omai Gold Mines CorpOMG Omai Gold Mines Corp0.31-0.135-30.34%1,492,108
Trifecta Gold LtdTG Trifecta Gold Ltd0.19-0.135-41.54%123,882
American Creek Resources LtdAMK American Creek Resources Ltd0.095-0.135-58.70%394,902