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Top Gainers ($)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Westaim CorporationWED Westaim Corporation30.7025.61503.14%34,744
Topicus Com IncTOI Topicus Com Inc138.0020.0016.95%38,289
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp7.592.5851.50%116,999
Artemis Gold IncARTG Artemis Gold Inc16.141.9213.50%216,553
Green Impact Partners IncGIP Green Impact Partners Inc4.741.5347.66%12,574
Electra Battery Materials CorporationELBM Electra Battery Materials Corporation2.001.42244.83%29,999
Claren Energy CorpCEN.H Claren Energy Corp0.920.8852,528.57%11,794
Black Swan Graphene IncSWAN Black Swan Graphene Inc0.930.84933.33%93,098
Mako Mining CorpMKO Mako Mining Corp3.760.8428.77%38,618
Power Metals CorpPWM Power Metals Corp1.200.75166.67%387,745
Spackman Equities Group IncSQG Spackman Equities Group Inc2.400.7545.45%21,186
BuildDirectCom Technogies IncBILD BuildDirectCom Technogies Inc1.210.71142.00%37,153
Gold Reserve LtdGRZ Gold Reserve Ltd2.900.6931.22%7,729
Metavista3D IncDDD Metavista3D Inc2.740.6933.66%94,128
Goliath Resources LimitedGOT Goliath Resources Limited1.730.6661.68%457,497
Black Mammoth Metals CorporationBMM Black Mammoth Metals Corporation1.590.6569.15%13,226
Arras Minerals CorpARK Arras Minerals Corp0.940.635208.20%257,979
Power Metallic Mines IncPNPN Power Metallic Mines Inc1.500.6270.45%652,423
Luca Mining CorpLUCA Luca Mining Corp1.110.59113.46%1,639,805
Liberty Defense Holdiings LTDSCAN Liberty Defense Holdiings LTD1.420.5767.06%96,000
Cannara Biotech IncLOVE Cannara Biotech Inc1.250.5783.82%44,582
Sucro LimitedSUGR Sucro Limited11.800.554.89%325
Atex Resources IncATX Atex Resources Inc2.050.5032.26%621,928
Founders Metals IncFDR Founders Metals Inc5.200.4910.40%147,179
Mawson Finland LimitedMFL Mawson Finland Limited2.070.4628.57%22,224
Cybercatch Holdings IncCYBE Cybercatch Holdings Inc0.550.44400.00%26,570
Ramp Metals IncRAMP Ramp Metals Inc1.150.4359.72%49,784
Carrier Connect Data Solutions IncCCDS Carrier Connect Data Solutions Inc0.460.41820.00%65,347
Bravo Mining CorpBRVO Bravo Mining Corp2.180.4022.47%25,767
Graphene Manufacturing Group LtdGMG Graphene Manufacturing Group Ltd0.970.3659.02%174,003
Itafos IncIFOS Itafos Inc2.060.3520.47%21,243
Vizsla Royalties CorpVROY Vizsla Royalties Corp1.890.3421.94%56,280
Heliostar Metals LtdHSTR Heliostar Metals Ltd0.900.3460.71%306,006
Cleantek Industries IncCTEK Cleantek Industries Inc0.450.33275.00%107,974
Doubleview Gold CorpDBG Doubleview Gold Corp0.680.3394.29%215,392
Mimedia Holdings IncMIM Mimedia Holdings Inc0.510.325175.68%285,177
Goldgroup Mining IncGGA Goldgroup Mining Inc0.400.295280.95%301,867
Millennial Potash CorpMLP Millennial Potash Corp0.590.295100.00%71,616
Graphite One IncGPH Graphite One Inc1.000.2838.89%60,847
C3 Metals IncCCCM C3 Metals Inc0.520.28116.67%51,607
Greenheart Gold IncGHRT Greenheart Gold Inc0.810.2852.83%68,584
NTG Clarity Networks IncNCI NTG Clarity Networks Inc1.870.2716.87%116,166
Silver Viper Minerals CorpVIPR Silver Viper Minerals Corp0.3150.27600.00%38,954
TDG Gold CorpTDG TDG Gold Corp0.430.265160.61%732,605
Chesapeake Gold CorpCKG Chesapeake Gold Corp1.130.2629.89%22,309
DavidsTea IncDTEA DavidsTea Inc0.690.25558.62%48,111
Frontier Lithium IncFL Frontier Lithium Inc0.640.2564.10%132,581
Quartz Mountain Resources LtdQZM Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd0.630.2565.79%19,907
San Lorenzo Gold CorpSLG San Lorenzo Gold Corp0.310.25416.67%291,353
NorthIsle Copper and Gold IncNCX NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc0.640.24562.03%144,650
PEZM Gold IncPEZM.H PEZM Gold Inc0.420.23121.05%5,868
Horizon Copper CorpHCU Horizon Copper Corp1.120.2325.84%18,956
Integra Resources CorpITR Integra Resources Corp1.530.2115.91%285,373
Kingsmen Resources LtdKNG Kingsmen Resources Ltd0.860.2132.31%29,171
Sterling Metals CorpSAG Sterling Metals Corp0.240.205585.71%166,475
Rock Tech Lithium IncRCK Rock Tech Lithium Inc1.050.2023.53%47,638
Amarc Resources LtdAHR Amarc Resources Ltd0.410.2095.24%420,379
Sailfish Royalty CorpFISH Sailfish Royalty Corp1.610.1913.38%13,308
Fireweed Metals CorpFWZ Fireweed Metals Corp1.660.1912.93%158,297
Everyday People Financial CorpEPF Everyday People Financial Corp0.710.1936.54%113,966
Intrepid Metals CorpINTR Intrepid Metals Corp0.550.1952.78%56,937
Sabio Holdings IncSBIO Sabio Holdings Inc0.650.1941.30%50,645
Enablence Technologies IncENA Enablence Technologies Inc1.500.1813.64%1,331
New Found Gold CorpNFG New Found Gold Corp2.480.187.83%386,773
Valkea Resources CorpOZ Valkea Resources Corp0.490.1858.06%40,089
Koryx Copper IncKRY Koryx Copper Inc1.180.1818.00%65,523
Santacruz Silver Mining LtdSCZ Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd0.470.1862.07%402,795
Leading Edge Materials CorpLEM Leading Edge Materials Corp0.280.18180.00%101,170
Midnight Sun Mining CorpMMA Midnight Sun Mining Corp0.590.17542.17%321,791
Critical Elements Lithium CorporationCRE Critical Elements Lithium Corporation0.530.17549.30%199,626
Neptune Digital Assets CorpNDA Neptune Digital Assets Corp1.420.1713.60%1,126,628
BluMetric Environmental IncBLM BluMetric Environmental Inc1.030.1719.77%46,881
Adya IncADYA Adya Inc0.190.165660.00%2,324
Trailbreaker Resources LtdTBK Trailbreaker Resources Ltd0.440.16560.00%38,633
Sparq Systems IncSPRQ Sparq Systems Inc0.900.1621.62%250,423
Common StockTAU Common Stock0.770.1626.23%674,167
Montage Gold CorpMAU Montage Gold Corp2.360.167.27%212,411
Osisko Metals IncorporatedOM Osisko Metals Incorporated0.450.15552.54%461,166
Newcore Gold LtdNCAU Newcore Gold Ltd0.500.15544.93%131,134
West Point Gold CorpWPG West Point Gold Corp0.460.1548.39%155,396
Omai Gold Mines CorpOMG Omai Gold Mines Corp0.3450.14572.50%1,126,497
Metalla Royalty and Streaming LtdMTA Metalla Royalty and Streaming Ltd3.990.143.64%21,146
Realbotix CorpXBOT Realbotix Corp0.3450.1468.29%1,377,963
SKRR Exploration IncSKRR SKRR Exploration Inc0.300.13581.82%11,812
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated LtdSXGC Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd3.490.133.87%85,295
First Nordic Metals CorpFNM First Nordic Metals Corp0.4850.1336.62%348,138
Magna Mining IncNICU Magna Mining Inc1.470.139.70%293,746
Sage Potash CorpSAGE Sage Potash Corp0.330.1365.00%101,041
Western Alaska Minerals CorpWAM Western Alaska Minerals Corp0.580.12527.47%31,305
Cerrado Gold IncCERT Cerrado Gold Inc0.470.12536.23%213,468
Orogen Royalties IncOGN Orogen Royalties Inc1.430.129.16%99,003
NEO Battery Materials LtdNBM NEO Battery Materials Ltd0.710.1220.34%255,947
Regulus Resources IncREG Regulus Resources Inc2.050.126.22%27,192
Aldebaran Resources IncALDE Aldebaran Resources Inc1.840.126.98%72,441
Relevant Gold CorpRGC Relevant Gold Corp0.380.1246.15%31,660
GoldQuest Mining CorporationGQC GoldQuest Mining Corporation0.390.11541.82%83,786
Western Investment Company of Canada LimitedWI Western Investment Company of Canada Limited0.600.11523.71%33,444
Alliance Mining CorpALM Alliance Mining Corp0.200.115135.29%2,112
Capitan Silver CorpCAPT Capitan Silver Corp0.420.1135.48%47,643
KIDOZ INCKIDZ KIDOZ INC0.2550.1175.86%15,249

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