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ASE Market Movers - Most Traded - Today

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Most Traded
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Volume TradesChart
National Bank of GreeceETE National Bank of Greece8.9640.040.45%4,249,6228,579
Alpha Services and Holdings SAALPHA Alpha Services and Holdings SA1.96250.02251.16%13,150,6626,716
Piraeus Financial Holdings SATPEIR Piraeus Financial Holdings SA4.517-0.023-0.51%3,592,3604,533
Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings SAEUROB Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings SA2.491-0.058-2.28%5,558,4804,036
Greek Organisation Of Football Prognostics SAOPAP Greek Organisation Of Football Prognostics SA17.010.020.12%131,4831,531
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SAHTO Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA14.970.060.40%333,6651,486
Metlen Energy & Metals SAMYTIL Metlen Energy & Metals SA35.36-0.24-0.67%110,4061,482
Public Power Corporation SAPPC Public Power Corporation SA12.980.040.31%385,5351,227
Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries SAMOH Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries SA21.40-0.32-1.47%105,6241,038
Jumbo SABELA Jumbo SA26.34-0.22-0.83%53,927687
Titan Cement International SATITC Titan Cement International SA40.050.200.50%38,315594
Lamda Development S.A.LAMDA Lamda Development S.A.6.47-0.07-1.07%175,844503
Aegean Airlines SAAEGN Aegean Airlines SA10.850.040.37%68,239380
Elvalhalcor Hellenic Copper and Aluminium Industry SAELHA Elvalhalcor Hellenic Copper and Aluminium Industry SA2.150.0050.23%190,398365
Ellaktor S AELLAKTOR Ellaktor S A2.2950.0452.00%164,051351
Cenergy Holdings SACENER Cenergy Holdings SA9.080.111.23%78,206336
Viohalco SAVIO Viohalco SA5.63-0.05-0.88%74,125335
HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings SAELPE HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings SA7.745-0.06-0.77%65,891322
Gek Terna S AGEKTERNA Gek Terna S A18.440.060.33%61,231313
Optima bank SAOPTIMA Optima bank SA14.36-0.02-0.14%35,933309
Athens International Airport SaAIA Athens International Airport Sa8.9080.0140.16%61,420306
Intralot SA Integrated Lottery Systems and ServicesINLOT Intralot SA Integrated Lottery Systems and Services1.040.010.97%662,136300
Intracom Holdings SAINTRK Intracom Holdings SA3.050.000.00%105,860294
AVAX SAAVAX AVAX SA2.245-0.055-2.39%134,263264
Admie IPTO Holding SAADMIE Admie IPTO Holding SA2.805-0.015-0.53%164,513253
Aktor SA Holding Company Technical and Energy ProjectsAKTR Aktor SA Holding Company Technical and Energy Projects5.21-0.04-0.76%71,599234
Phoenix Vega Mezz PlcPVMEZZ Phoenix Vega Mezz Plc0.0654-0.0025-3.68%2,766,638209
Alter Ego Media SAAEM Alter Ego Media SA4.54450.04450.99%401,832172
Bank of CyprusBOCHGR Bank of Cyprus5.360.020.37%225,653171
Attica Bank SATATT Attica Bank SA0.708-0.008-1.12%366,033164
GR Sarantis SASAR GR Sarantis SA12.52-0.40-3.10%11,395153
Hellenic Exchanges -Athens Stock Exchange S.A.EXAE Hellenic Exchanges -Athens Stock Exchange S.A.4.85-0.03-0.61%36,383131
Thrace Plastics Holding and Commercial Societe AnonymePLAT Thrace Plastics Holding and Commercial Societe Anonyme3.900.0350.91%31,284116
Intertech SA Inter TechnologiesINTET Intertech SA Inter Technologies1.26-0.02-1.56%45,407112
Athens Water Supply & Sewerage SAEYDAP Athens Water Supply & Sewerage SA5.83-0.05-0.85%16,677111
Ekter REKTER Ekter R1.998-0.027-1.33%19,471106
Premia Real Estate Investment Company Societe AnonymePREMIA Premia Real Estate Investment Company Societe Anonyme1.28-0.01-0.78%29,46089
Piraeus Port Authority SAPPA Piraeus Port Authority SA32.900.200.61%2,95688
KriKri Milk Industry SAKRI KriKri Milk Industry SA16.15-0.20-1.22%11,45985
Cairo Mezz PLCCAIROMEZ Cairo Mezz PLC0.380.0010.26%206,93483
Albio BiokarpetBIOKA Albio Biokarpet1.73-0.005-0.29%11,70181
Autohellas SAOTOEL Autohellas SA10.800.121.12%7,76278
Alumil RALMY Alumil R4.20-0.05-1.18%169,58574
Galaxy Cosmos Mezz PlcGCMEZZ Galaxy Cosmos Mezz Plc0.564-0.009-1.57%107,38472
As Company SAASCO As Company SA3.07-0.03-0.97%12,54371
Coca Cola HBC AGEEE Coca Cola HBC AG41.240.280.68%5,01068
Quest Holdings SAQUEST Quest Holdings SA6.130.010.16%8,13559
Centric Holdings SACENTR Centric Holdings SA0.333-0.01-2.92%32,88058
Ideal Holdings SAINTEK Ideal Holdings SA5.91-0.04-0.67%1,43955
Profile Systems and SoftwarePROF Profile Systems and Software5.05-0.04-0.79%20,31655
EuroconsultantsEUROC Euroconsultants1.100.000.00%22,16153
Iktinos Hellas SAIKTIN Iktinos Hellas SA0.3495-0.009-2.51%41,97953
BriQ Properties REICBRIQ BriQ Properties REIC2.37-0.02-0.84%58,72350
Lavipharm SaLAVI Lavipharm Sa0.7880.0020.25%81,23243
Bank Of GreeceTELL Bank Of Greece14.75-0.10-0.67%3,80842
Technical Olympic SAOLYMP Technical Olympic SA2.53-0.03-1.17%7,87041
Unibios Holdings SABIOSK Unibios Holdings SA1.48-0.02-1.33%8,81834
Pipe Works L Girakian Profil SAPROFK Pipe Works L Girakian Profil SA1.39-0.05-3.47%2,78032
Trade Estates Real Estate Investment CompanyTRESTATES Trade Estates Real Estate Investment Company1.640.0020.12%17,77032
Terna Energy SATENERGY Terna Energy SA20.120.100.50%120,76032
Dimand Real Estate DevelopmentDIMAND Dimand Real Estate Development8.29-0.10-1.19%3,96626
PetropoulosPETRO Petropoulos7.80-0.16-2.01%2,52126
Sunrisemezz PlcSUNMEZZ Sunrisemezz Plc0.234-0.0035-1.47%64,85426
Revoil Petrol RREVOIL Revoil Petrol R1.700.000.00%5,05125
Ilyda SAILYDA Ilyda SA1.655-0.015-0.90%5,03724
Athens Medical Center SAIATR Athens Medical Center SA1.925-0.035-1.79%3,83424
Interwood-Xylemporia ATENEXYLEK Interwood-Xylemporia ATENE0.2650.0020.76%29,05523
Noval Property Real Estate Investment CoNOVAL Noval Property Real Estate Investment Co2.53-0.02-0.78%6,99922
Quality and Reliability SAQUAL Quality and Reliability SA1.280.000.00%4,71022
Orilina Properties Real Estate Investment CoORILINA Orilina Properties Real Estate Investment Co0.796-0.004-0.50%10,06621
Papoutsanis SAPAP Papoutsanis SA2.620.031.16%3,14820
Evropi Holdings SAEVR Evropi Holdings SA1.68-0.025-1.47%4,58520
Performance Technologies SAPERF Performance Technologies SA5.150.000.00%3,67820
Evrofarma S.AEVROF Evrofarma S.A1.82-0.04-2.15%6,16119
Mig Holdings SAMIG Mig Holdings SA2.880.0351.23%1,93319
AVE SAAVE AVE SA0.422-0.002-0.47%5,05018
Interlife General Insurance SAINLIF Interlife General Insurance SA4.71-0.01-0.21%3,34917
Loulis Food Ingredients SAKYLO Loulis Food Ingredients SA3.34-0.04-1.18%2,80417
Fourlis Holdings SAFOYRK Fourlis Holdings SA4.100.0250.61%3,72214
Onyx Touristiki SAONYX Onyx Touristiki SA1.260.000.00%15,60014
Alpha Trust Andromeda Investment Trust SAANDRO Alpha Trust Andromeda Investment Trust SA6.500.020.31%1,22713
Elve S AELBE Elve S A5.550.458.82%2,90012
Elastron SAELSTR Elastron SA2.32-0.01-0.43%2,67412
Attica Holdings S.A.ATTICA Attica Holdings S.A.2.310.010.43%5,56912
Domika Kritis RDOMIK Domika Kritis R2.695-0.035-1.28%1,13311
Motorcycles & Marine Engine Trade & Import Company S.A.MOTO Motorcycles & Marine Engine Trade & Import Company S.A.2.7650.0250.91%3,15211
Kordellos Ch Bros SAKORDE Kordellos Ch Bros SA0.440.012.33%1,31310
Thessalonikiport Authority SAOLTH Thessalonikiport Authority SA28.00-0.20-0.71%4368
Karelia Tobacco Company Inc SAKARE Karelia Tobacco Company Inc SA320.00-4.00-1.23%448
Elton SAELTON Elton SA1.77-0.02-1.12%1,9747
Mple Kerdos REICBLEKEDROS Mple Kerdos REIC3.82-0.01-0.26%1,8707
E Pairis RPAIR E Pairis R0.95-0.034-3.46%2,4757
Austriacard Holdings AGACAG Austriacard Holdings AG6.03-0.03-0.50%8107
Mathios RefracMATHIO Mathios Refrac0.760.0243.26%3,3107
Real Consulting SAREALCONS Real Consulting SA3.50-0.08-2.23%4,2077
Minerva Knitwear SAMIN Minerva Knitwear SA0.48-0.025-4.95%2,1106
Alpha Trust Holdings SAATRUST Alpha Trust Holdings SA8.800.020.23%5006
Trastor Real Estate Investment CompanyTRASTOR Trastor Real Estate Investment Company1.290.000.00%5006
SOFTWeb Adaptive IT Solutions SASOFTWEB SOFTWeb Adaptive IT Solutions SA1.9250.0050.26%9306
Thessaloniki Water & Sewage Co SAEYAPS Thessaloniki Water & Sewage Co SA3.410.051.49%5,5106