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EU Market Movers - Top Losers ($) - 3 Months

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Top Losers ($)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
AEX X4 everage Net Return IndexAEX4L AEX X4 everage Net Return Index268,808.33-39,222.62-12.73%0
AEX X5 Leverage Net Return IndexAEX5L AEX X5 Leverage Net Return Index144,074.21-28,592.95-16.56%0
AEX X3 LeverageAEX3L AEX X3 Leverage279,510.19-27,835.31-9.06%0
AEX X7 Leverage Net Return IndexAEX7L AEX X7 Leverage Net Return Index61,056.52-19,865.02-24.55%0
AEX X10 Leverage NRALE10 AEX X10 Leverage NR21,185.75-12,416.68-36.95%0
Financiere Moncey SAFMONC Financiere Moncey SA140.00-11,960.00-98.84%1,574
Cambodge NOMCBDG Cambodge NOM114.00-9,386.00-98.80%253
CAC Large 60 EW NR JPYCLEJP CAC Large 60 EW NR JPY613,988.83-5,744.19-0.93%0
CAC 40 X3 LeverageCAC3L CAC 40 X3 Leverage42,678.81-3,397.75-7.37%0
BEL All-Share Index NRBELAR BEL All-Share Index NR57,680.36-2,783.66-4.60%0
BEL Continuous Stocks Index NRBELCU BEL Continuous Stocks Index NR53,531.13-2,592.05-4.62%0
CAC40 X4 Leverage IndexCAC4L CAC40 X4 Leverage Index16,646.23-1,993.91-10.70%0
BEL ContinuousBELCP BEL Continuous36,059.28-1,867.43-4.92%0
PSI 20 X3 Leverage Net ReturnPS3LN PSI 20 X3 Leverage Net Return7,081.78-1,309.90-15.61%0
BEL Mid GRBELMG BEL Mid GR11,105.56-1,186.71-9.65%0
Lotus Bakeries NVLOTB Lotus Bakeries NV10,980.00-1,080.00-8.96%429
BEL Mid NRBELMC BEL Mid NR9,512.75-1,030.35-9.77%0
PSI 20 TRPSITR PSI 20 TR19,157.72-925.32-4.61%0
PSI UtilitiesPTUT PSI Utilities3,163.23-914.73-22.43%0
CAC 40 X15 Leverage NRCLE15 CAC 40 X15 Leverage NR725.04-909.02-55.63%0
Netherlands AEX X12 Leverage TRNA12LE Netherlands AEX X12 Leverage TRN1,014.77-836.50-45.19%0
PSI 20 Net Return IndexPSINR PSI 20 Net Return Index15,076.12-735.61-4.65%0
Brussels All Shares Price IndexBELAS Brussels All Shares Price Index13,633.82-703.73-4.91%0
Bel MidBELM Bel Mid5,942.12-663.86-10.05%0
BEL Consumer Staples NRBECS BEL Consumer Staples NR3,721.60-637.87-14.63%0
AEX Total Return LeverageAEXTL AEX Total Return Leverage10,010.18-587.04-5.54%0
PSI 20 ex Banks GRPTEBG PSI 20 ex Banks GR7,266.46-572.08-7.30%0
CAC40 X6 Leverage Net ReturnCAC6L CAC40 X6 Leverage Net Return2,594.81-571.23-18.04%0
PSI 20 ex Banks NRPTEBN PSI 20 ex Banks NR6,872.25-545.39-7.35%0
CAC 40 X10 Leverage Net Return IndexCA10L CAC 40 X10 Leverage Net Return Index1,000.78-527.99-34.54%0
CAC40 X5 Leverage IndexCAC5L CAC40 X5 Leverage Index3,083.88-513.09-14.26%0
AEX Leverage Net Return IndexAEXNL AEX Leverage Net Return Index8,336.58-490.53-5.56%0
PSI 20 ex BanksPTEB PSI 20 ex Banks5,803.20-471.61-7.52%0
CAC Small Gross Return IndexCACSR CAC Small Gross Return Index18,991.02-463.90-2.38%0
BEL 20 X3 Leverage Net ReturnBE3LN BEL 20 X3 Leverage Net Return21,041.16-461.61-2.15%0
BEL Consumer StaplesBECSP BEL Consumer Staples2,662.32-456.31-14.63%0
AEX Technology Gross ReturnNLTCG AEX Technology Gross Return13,360.85-453.72-3.28%0
CAC Mid 60 Gross Return IndexCACMR CAC Mid 60 Gross Return Index27,191.00-448.49-1.62%0
CAC Mid and Small Gross ReturnCMSG CAC Mid and Small Gross Return25,917.87-448.01-1.70%0
PSI Geral TR IndexBVLGR PSI Geral TR Index4,176.42-432.70-9.39%0
CAC Small Net Return IndexCACSN CAC Small Net Return Index16,577.02-407.86-2.40%0
AEX Consumer Staples GRNLCSG AEX Consumer Staples GR4,718.39-397.15-7.76%0
AEX TechnologyNLTEC AEX Technology10,796.88-390.93-3.49%0
Reit Europe GRREITG Reit Europe GR3,059.88-390.81-11.33%0
CAC Mid and Small Net ReturnCMSN CAC Mid and Small Net Return21,876.94-382.75-1.72%0
CAC Mid 60 Net Return IndexCACMN CAC Mid 60 Net Return Index22,811.00-381.13-1.64%0
CAC 40 Gross TRPX1GR CAC 40 Gross TR23,261.48-358.97-1.52%0
Euronext US Consumer Discretionary GRUCDIG Euronext US Consumer Discretionary GR13,412.92-345.01-2.51%0
Teit Europe NRREITN Teit Europe NR2,635.60-339.04-11.40%0
Euronext US Consumer Discretionary NRUCDIN Euronext US Consumer Discretionary NR12,670.38-326.67-2.51%0
AEX Health Care Gross ReturnNLHCG AEX Health Care Gross Return1,939.18-326.20-14.40%0
PSI 20PSI20 PSI 206,435.22-323.51-4.79%0
BEL Energy NRBEOG BEL Energy NR2,452.10-312.27-11.30%0
CAC Next 20 Gross ReturnCN20G CAC Next 20 Gross Return20,717.75-310.47-1.48%0
CAC 40 Leverage Gross Return IndexCACGL CAC 40 Leverage Gross Return Index7,050.79-308.08-4.19%0
CAC Basic Materials Net ReturnFRBMN CAC Basic Materials Net Return3,726.29-297.82-7.40%0
Euronext US Basic Materials GRUBMAG Euronext US Basic Materials GR4,326.24-297.63-6.44%0
PSI UtilitiesPTUTP PSI Utilities996.82-290.46-22.56%0
Euronext Global Health Care 50 EW ESG GRGHCGR Euronext Global Health Care 50 EW ESG GR6,635.85-286.96-4.15%0
Euronext US Consumer Discretionary PRUCDI Euronext US Consumer Discretionary PR11,061.12-286.81-2.53%0
CAC Next 20 Net ReturnCN20N CAC Next 20 Net Return17,908.18-284.57-1.56%0
CAC 40 X 12 Shares Gross ReturnCA12S CAC 40 X 12 Shares Gross Return6,333.25-281.77-4.26%0
Euronext France Investissement 40 GRFRI4G Euronext France Investissement 40 GR6,048.88-280.80-4.44%0
CAC Net TRPX1NR CAC Net TR17,324.97-280.49-1.59%0
Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials GRTBMAG Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials GR3,314.46-280.07-7.79%0
CAC Small IndexCACS CAC Small Index10,929.39-274.71-2.45%0
Euronext Global Health Care 50 EW ESG NRGHCNR Euronext Global Health Care 50 EW ESG NR6,254.39-273.93-4.20%0
Euronext US Basic Materials NRUBMAN Euronext US Basic Materials NR3,911.95-271.34-6.49%0
Belgium TechnologyBETEC Belgium Technology1,825.12-271.21-12.94%0
Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials GRBASMG Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials GR2,593.76-267.05-9.33%0
Euronext Transatlantic Health Care GRTHECG Euronext Transatlantic Health Care GR6,763.16-264.80-3.77%0
Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials NRTBMAN Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials NR3,052.02-259.90-7.85%0
Euronext US Industrials GRUINDG Euronext US Industrials GR9,591.16-259.69-2.64%0
Euronext US Consumer Staples GRUCSTG Euronext US Consumer Staples GR5,255.56-257.10-4.66%0
PSI 20 Total Return LeveragePSITL PSI 20 Total Return Leverage2,260.74-252.61-10.05%0
AEX Consumer StaplesNLCS AEX Consumer Staples2,817.78-250.11-8.15%0
Euronext Transatlantic Health Care NRTHECN Euronext Transatlantic Health Care NR6,224.10-248.77-3.84%0
PSI Consumer Discretionary GRPTCG PSI Consumer Discretionary GR7,709.13-246.60-3.10%0
Euronext France Investissement 40 NRFRI4N Euronext France Investissement 40 NR5,463.30-244.36-4.28%0
Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials NRBASMN Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials NR2,331.65-242.71-9.43%0
SBF 120 Gross TRPX4GR SBF 120 Gross TR15,692.83-242.33-1.52%0
Euronext US Industrials NRUINDN Euronext US Industrials NR8,878.73-241.58-2.65%0
CAC Mid and Small IndexCACMS CAC Mid and Small Index12,893.81-240.20-1.83%0
ESGL US 20 GREUEGR ESGL US 20 GR4,636.76-239.49-4.91%0
AEX Health CareNLHC AEX Health Care1,414.92-238.02-14.40%0
Euronext Global Health Care 50 EW ESGGHCPR Euronext Global Health Care 50 EW ESG5,205.56-236.59-4.35%0
CAC Mid 60 IndexCACMD CAC Mid 60 Index13,190.78-236.41-1.76%0
Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples GRCSTAG Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples GR2,429.56-232.64-8.74%0
CAC All Trade Gross Return IndexCACTR CAC All Trade Gross Return Index15,374.39-230.53-1.48%0
CAC 40 Total Return LeverageCACTL CAC 40 Total Return Leverage5,073.43-229.59-4.33%0
Euronext US Consumer Staples NRUCSTN Euronext US Consumer Staples NR4,595.16-228.49-4.74%0
CAC Large 60 GRCAR CAC Large 60 GR14,763.35-227.25-1.52%0
Euronext USA Real Estate Total Market GREUREG Euronext USA Real Estate Total Market GR3,851.03-221.13-5.43%0
Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples NRCSTAN Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples NR2,244.17-215.86-8.77%0
CAC Basic MaterFRBM CAC Basic Mater2,619.97-212.95-7.52%0
ESGL US 20 NREUENR ESGL US 20 NR4,043.78-212.82-5.00%0
Euronext US Basic Materials PRUBMA Euronext US Basic Materials PR3,008.14-212.62-6.60%0
CAC Large 60 NRCACLN CAC Large 60 NR12,991.43-209.94-1.59%0
BEL EnergyBEOGP BEL Energy1,501.81-209.90-12.26%0
BEL TechnologyBETP BEL Technology1,316.74-208.05-13.64%0