Profit and Loss Account
- Turnover Total sales or gross revenue of the company during the financial period. This data is not appropriate to Banks, Insurance Companies or Investment Trusts and is therefore not presented.
- Pre Tax Profit Net income before federal income taxes
- Attributable Profit Profit on ordinary activities, after tax, minority interests and preference dividends, attributable to equity shareholders.
- Retained Profit Profit attributable to equity shareholders less dividends paid. Retained profit is the profit/loss for the financial year transferred to/from reserves
- EPS - Basic Earnings per share-basic (FRS3 earnings per share) is the relationship of the profit after tax attributable to each share in issue. Under UK General Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), and in accordance with FRS3 (Financial Reporting Standard 3) issued by the Accounting Standards Board, all companies must provide in their Annual Report an indication as to the earnings per share for the reporting period. This FRS3 earnings per share is computed after including all exceptional and extraordinary items, both of a trading and non-trading nature, and after deducting tax and minority interests. The value is expressed in pence (currency being GBP).
- EPS - Diluted Earnings per share-diluted (FRS14 earnings per share) is the relationship of the profit after tax attributable to each share in issue. Diluted earnings per share figure shows earnings per common share after assuming the exercise of all outstanding warrants and stock options, and the conversion of convertible bonds and preferred stock, all potentially dilutive securities. Under UK General Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), and in accordance with FRS14 (Financial Reporting Standard 14) issued by the Accounting Standards Board, where a company has in issue any form of security that does not, at the time the accounts are published, rank for ordinary dividends but may do so in the future, FRS14 requires it to publish in addition to the basic earnings per share what are termed diluted earnings per share. FRS14 requires publication wherever the effect is dilutive, and not where it is antidilutive. This FRS14 earnings per share is computed after including all exceptional and extraordinary items, both of a trading and non-trading nature, and after deducting tax and minority interests. The value is expressed in pence (currency being GBP).
- Dividends Per Share Earnings and profits of a corporation appropriated for distribution among shareholders. The dividend is paid net of income tax, but the payment amount is expressed as a gross amount (excluding all the Special dividends paid). Dividends per share are calculated by dividing the total dividend amount paid for the financial period by the number of ordinary shares in issue. Dividends per share are expressed in pence (currency being GBP). The directors may pay an interim dividend during the accounting period and then recommend a final rate of dividend per share for approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Dividends can be divided into the following types: Interim, Final, Quarterly, Provisional, Special, Monthly and Maiden. Dividend amounts are displayed if they are known and the total dividend amounts are displayed only for the Final dividends i.e. the total dividend amount per share for the whole financial period. If the Final total dividend amount is zero, it means that the company have not paid any dividends for that period. Ex Date is the date when share goes "ex dividend" (xd) and buying the share after that date does not entitle buyers to receive the most recently declared dividend. That is why normally on the day that a share goes "ex dividend", its share price will fall. Payment Date is the date when the dividend is payable to shareholders on the register at the Record Date.