17 hours ago
Part one of the "Investor Education Series" was the press release of the day. This is the pitch to the U.S market to get your speculation juices flowing. 😆195 million shares traded Thursday and the price went nowhere. Research paper linked below released November 06, 2023 the Mexedia stock closed at €22 on that day. Pretty impressive isn't it? Stock Price target of €46.50. 😮Current closing price of the Mexedia stock is € 3.50. All that work that went into that promo piece and the stock went down continuously since. Mexedia announced this deal with Raadr on October 15, 2024 in Europe and by October 22 the stock rose slightly to €6.70. Down hill ever since to the current €3.50. Down 48% since October. Down 77% YOY. Consider that they have been selling the Mexedia stock off on the Paris exchange and the deal isn't a threat to their stock. It actually serves as a lifeline to their cash burning enterprise. On the other hand OTC retail traders ran this up and Mexedia diluted the living he77 out of it. 😆 And they aren't done. There is $4 million in merger related agreements in the regulation A offering which is currently pending its SEC qualification.
Raadr (Doing Business as Telvantis) Launches Investor Education Series: Demystifying the Future of Digital Communications
Feb. 27, 2025 8:00 AM ET Source: Telvantis Inc.
We provide the critical infrastructure for Application-to-Person (A2P) communications - the messages that keep the modern world connected.
Enterprise messaging (A2P) is experiencing rapid growth, expected to grow from $41 billion in 2023 to $46 billion in 2028.
From Telecom to Tech - Driving Innovation with Customer eXperience Platform as a Service (CXPaaS)-
Significant boost in sales and profits anticipated\
Date and time of the first disclosure of the research report: 11.05.2023 (10:00)
Rating: BUY
Target price: € 46.50
Mexedia serves as an intermediary for wholesale SMS and Voice traffic, facilitating interconnections between carriers. In the telecommunications industry, international phone calls and SMS messages are treated as tradeable commodities that are exchanged wholesale between telcos.
Page 2
We expect Mexedia to generate € 324.11m revenue in 2023, increasing to € 361.22m in 2024 and € 397.29m in 2025. The company has expanded to the USA, strengthened its position in existing markets, and diversified its client base. It recently acquired Matchcom Telecommunications Inc. and Phonetime Inc. in the US, which are alone expected to bring in an additional € 190m in revenue and € 6m in EBITDA in 2023.
Page 10
Voice Traffic and A2P SMS
Voice Traffic refers to international calls, while Application to Person (A2P) SMS traffic refers to such messages.
Regulation A offering as amended January 13, 2025
Page F-32
22 hours ago
That statement is true enough but someone is playing with this. 😆 The company has launched this latest promotion for reason and the odd trading just feeds the manipulation narrative. The day of February 18th press release announcing the "Investor Education Series" we have the odd clearing of the 7s with 90 million shares bought in less than 60 seconds. Screenshot in post# 41045 linked below.
Then on Thursday, February 27th, with the next "Investor Education Series" press release and part 1, we have odd selling of a bit more than 41 million shares over the course of about 33 minutes. We see 35 consecutive trades of 500K shares each all sells at 8, capped by a sell of 10 million at 8 and a couple of more for 5.5 million. The stage was pretty much clear for these dumps during that period. Part 2 of the series is Tuesday. I wonder at what level will these hopeful flippers build the bid next.
Re: linkvest post# 41043
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 1:24:27 PM
Post# 41045 of 41488
Really? you bought those 7s? 😏 I would like to see evidence, then we will circle back after the SEC qualifies that reg A and this becomes a screaming sell. 😆 I doubt very seriously. Talk about market manipulation. 90,159,441 bought in less than 60 seconds at 12:39, and no, they didn't want any 8s. This is trash.
Raadr (Doing Business as Telvantis) Launches Investor Education Series to Showcase Business Strategy, Technology Focus, and Uplisting Plans
Feb. 18, 2025 8:00 AM ET
Part 1: "Understanding Telvantis – Technology, Innovation & Market Position"
Releasing Thursday, February 27, 2025
Part 2: "Financial Growth Strategy - Revenue Roadmap & Expansion Plans"
Releasing Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Part 3: "Shareholder Value & Uplisting Plans - Next Steps"
Releasing Tuesday, March 11, 2025
1 day ago
I don't see anything there about Maickel Abdou the reported new CEO for Telvantis Voice Services. That December announcement was yet another promo at the end of 2024 while they company was dumping more than 3 billion new shares into the float. The last two press releases included statements by Daniel Contreras presented as CEO of Telvantis. I see two employment contracts, one for each guy, in the group of documents filed with the amended reg A offering on January 13th 2025.
So I posed the question to google of the potential difference between "Telvantis" and "Telvantis Voice Services". Mexedia as a whole has few employees yet how many executives? 🙄 Can they pay these people without the reg A offering and your donations? Right now you can bet given the serious cash burn revealed by the Mexedia earnings report that they are borrowing heavily from that credit line. Credit lines are nice, but you have to make payments.
Google AI Generated Response
"Telvantis" is the name of the parent company, while "Telvantis Voice Services" is a subsidiary that specifically focuses on providing voice communication solutions, meaning it's a dedicated division within Telvantis that handles only voice-related services like call routing, voicemail, and long-distance calling, whereas Telvantis as a whole may encompass other technology solutions beyond just voice communication.Bubae
Re: None
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 12:06:33 PM
Post# 40765 of 41533
You all realize that this CEO of the Telvantis business segment has an employment contract that pays out twice as much as a U.S. Senator. 😆 Referring to the 2023 annual we see that the two Mexedia subsidiaries rolled into Telvantis, Mexedia Inc (U.S.) and Mexedia DAC (Ireland) had eleven employees during a year when the claimed €349 in revenue. Two of them are considered executives. This CEO has two direct reports has a salary package of $350K, has stock options and benefits to boot. This from Mexedia who had to borrow €623K to patch the €534K cash flow negative first half of 2024. With only two direct reports this CEO should have the time to come up with something better than yesterdays press release announcement that common sense says is not workable in the context of the reverse merger agreements.Amended Reg A docs Filed January 13, 2025
Telvantis Inc. Announces Appointment of New CEO for Telvantis Voice Services Inc., Maickel Abdou
Dec. 10, 2024
December 10, 2024 - Telvantis Inc., formerly known as Raadr, Inc. (OTC: RDAR) ("Telvantis" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce the appointment of Maickel Abdou as Chief Executive Officer of its subsidiary, Telvantis Voice Services Inc. Raadr (Doing Business as Telvantis) Launches Investor Education Series: Demystifying the Future of Digital Communications
Feb. 27, 2025
“Telvantis' robust CPaaS platform and strategic carrier relationships establish a clear competitive advantage in a rapidly growing global market,” said Daniel Contreras, CEO of Telvantis. Change in Control or Court Appointed Custodian
Effective October 8, 2024, a change in control of Raadr, Inc., a Nevada corporation (“RDAR”) occurred, in connection with RDAR’s acquisitions (the “Mexedia Acquisitions”) of Mexedia, Inc., a Florida corporation with its operations headquartered in Miami, Florida (“Mexedia Florida”), and Mexedia DAC, an Ireland corporation now wholly-owned by Mexedia Florida (“Mexedia DAC”) (Mexedia Florida and Mexedia DAC are referred to as the “Mexedia Companies
Daniel Contreras – Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Contreras is a multi-cultural financial
executive with over 30 years of experience...
Prior to the Mexedia Acquisitions, Mr. Contreras served as CEO for Mexedia Florida,
providing financial services to companies in the telecom and technology sector.
3 days ago
No, the dump was yesterday. 😆 Build it back up for part 2 lesson 2, the next dump. 😆 You can troll me all you like and I will keep hitting you with the facts friendo. Hey, here is the beautiful pic of yesterday's dumps you have been asking for. 🤭
Re: None
Friday, February 28, 2025 6:42:47 AM
Post# 41484 of 41523
The "Education Series" was launched yesterday with Part 1. Lesson 1, how to unload the 8s in massive quantities to those who believe they can flip the next two lessons in March. 😆 Nice strategy to not only encourage new traders to buy but also encourages people to hold while they sell. What will Part 2 bring on March 4th? more dumps at 8 or do we settle for 7s or 6s. 🤔 You all didn't realized that the education series meant that you all would get schooled again in the art market manipulation to support conversions. The company updated the OS on the 26th showing no increase which is pretty handy timing. I wouldn't expect another until after "Education Series" part 3, March 11th. Shows me what their time table is for banging out the new dilution.