5 hours ago
$.008 Geez, the whining is sounding like a new group, maybe the 'Staple Savior Singers'? I think there are more than a few not suited for the volatility of VPLM.
Wow, this DB character sure attracts alot of attention! Now he's mentally ill, is living in Vegas, in addition to Vancouver/Florida. Vancouver because he's Emil and Florida cuz he's Rich... "Their" knowledge of DB is about the level of "their" knowledge of VPLM!
I just love the "insider activities" being looked into!? RIGHT? Please, enlighten us all on the "insider info": Is there some "insider knowledge" of the court rulings? Obviously not, as I was wrong on the reconsideration ruling? DUH!
The little stooge claims I'm bringing down VPLM...RIGHT! Haven't sold a share in years and bought some a couple months ago. I'm waiting on put spreads on Costco/aapl to bust a move and I'll probably buy more.
Remember, the market doesn't care about your situation, your health, your frustrations, your whining. THE MARKET GOES WHEN IT GOES! VPLM isn't making new lows, NOR HAS IT DROPPED 400%🤔🤔🤣🤣! AGAIN, 🦌🏀z is as excited as ever and can't wait for service of the bigs!
Folks, if you think 20/40/60/80 to one returns are simple/easy, maybe you should try THINKING! I've been around the markets for 50+ years(I started in my teens), I was a broker for 14 years. EXPERIENCE TEACHES PATIENCE!
15 hours ago
VOIP-PAL.COM, INC. v. T-Mobile US, Inc. et al
Texas Western District Court
Judge: Alan D Albright
Case #: 6:21-cv-00674
Nature of Suit 830 Property Rights - Patent
Cause 35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Filed: Jun 25, 2021
Terminated: Aug 15, 2024
Parties (6)
Opinions (2)
Docket last updated: 5 hours ago
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
305 minutes Motion Hearing Wed 03/05 11:58 AM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Alan D Albright. Motion Hearing held on 3/5/2025. PARTIES ANNOUNCE READY. STATEMENTS AND ARGUMENTS OF COUNSEL HEARD. WRITTEN ORDER FORTHCOMING. (Minute entry documents are not available electronically.) (Court Reporter Kristie Davis.) (cap)
VOIP-PAL.COM, INC. v. Verizon Communications, Inc. et al
Texas Western District Court
Judge: Alan D Albright
Case #: 6:21-cv-00672
Nature of Suit 830 Property Rights - Patent
Cause 35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Filed: Jun 25, 2021
Terminated: Aug 15, 2024
Parties (5)
Opinions (2)
Docket last updated: 5 hours ago
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
223 minutes Motion Hearing Wed 03/05 3:26 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Alan D Albright: Motion Hearing held on 3/5/2025. PARTIES ANNOUNCE READY. STATEMENTS AND ARGUMENTS OF COUNSEL HEARD. WRITTEN ORDER FORTHCOMING. (Minute entry documents are not available electronically.). (Court Reporter Kristie Davis.)(cav)
1 day ago
When Tom Sawyer threatened the PTAB with filing RICO charges against them, it worked and that is the sole and real reason why all the IPRs were ruled positive for vplm. That's because the PTAB and it's leadership WERE INDEED CORRUPT. Lee even openly admitted some components of the corruption. That's why it's so stupid, all the peeps who incessantly proffer up "the 36 wins, the 36 wins", as a thing that shows how valuable the patents are, when in fact, it does no such thing and as I've proven here, has never once been noted by any component of jurisprudence (IPR "wins") to be a reason or the reason for a trial ruling or outcome. So it's no wonder that subsequent to Sawyers 6 letters, the ptab required 3 different tribunals and a full year to finally give up and give in to the very real RICO threat to them and give vplm unprecedented, before or since, all those positive outcomes for vplm, which, by the way, never have done them a lick of good other than the fact that had it gone the other way, would've been the end for vplm.
That said, if one reads and comprehends what the dumb accusations are against the various telecoms, AND what truly constitutes actual monopolies and antitrust law violations, along with what has actually occurred with these companies, it becomes easily evident that it's all FRIVOLOUS, TIME WASTING BULL! IT IS VPLM WHO NEEDS TO WORRY ABOUT THE REPERCUSSIONS OF FILING SUCH OBVIOUS DIVERSIONARY BS.
It's vplm writing their final epitaph
1 day ago
Luv how we've "upgrated" to "insensitive".
Minimum RICO jail is zero. Maximum is life. EOS. Double duh
"A misunderstood part of a federal racketeering case is what is the individual charged facing. On its face, a RICO charge carries with it the possible maximum of twenty years imprisonment. There is no floor on the possible sentence for a base RICO charge, meaning there is no mandatory minimum.
The Government Enhances RICO Cases
However, the Government rarely just charges a base RICO against somebody. Instead, one charged with a RICO can either face the twenty year maximum, or be held responsible for the underlying crime. If the underlying crime carries with it a potential higher sentence, then that is what the Court can impose. These are called RICO enhancements and can be found in the Indictment.
The Jury Must Find the RICO Enhancements Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
If charged with a RICO enhancement, then the Government will have to prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the underlying crime. For example, if one of the RICO predicate acts is a murder, then if the jury finds the defendant guilty of that murder, then they can get life in prison, or even the death penalty. We have worked on numerous death eligible RICO cases and it doesn’t matter if the murder happened in Michigan or not because federal law allows for the death penalty.
Given the seriousness of RICO enhancements, it is imperative that your lawyer understands these issues and can properly challenge them. Because of this, contact us today to discuss your options."
Anyone who actually believes the RICO charges that have been talked about here will actually be successful, is a dummy.
2 days ago
I'm repeating a post from the past. Please realize the news is not out/the lawsuits(BIGGEST IN HISTORY) haven't been served! 'Global News', I think it is called, where VPLM news is dropped, probably has the circulation of a big high school news paper. Once the lawsuits are served IS WHEN THE NEWS COMES OUT! Think VPLM will be hanging @ $.009 then??????? I DON'T! 🦌🏀z is DAMN EXCITED!
VPLM is a "grift"? Just because? Well, let me take the other side of that one and I'll provide my "becausez":
-How many "grifts" have 25 patents in the U.S., patents in the E.U., India, Indonesia and Brazil????
-How many "grifts" have 38 IPR wins, including 2 wins vs APPL in year long IPR trials?????????????? In the AAPL trials, ZERO CLAIMS WERE INVALIDATED!!! In an IPR trial, a result with zero claims invalidated happens 5% of the time; VPLM DID IT TWICE! "Grift"???
-How many "grifts" have a CEO, Emil, turn down a buyout of his shares(@ ~$.17) which would have made that CEO very, very wealthy? The offer was made by Gil Amelio, X-CEO of AAPL!!!!
-How many "grifts" have a CEO give back to the company 800mm shares/$400k????????? EMIL DID THAT!!!!! "Grift"??
-How many "grifts" have a Ray Leon sign on???? RAY LEON!!!!!!!!!! Look to bottom for more on Ray Leon "Grift"??
-How many "grifts" initiate largest class action lawsuit in history, combined with an anti-trust suit which could break up the telecom monopoly?? Guessing there are large, prestigious law firms climbing over themselves to get involved....that's what they do!
I'll end my "becasez" here, without getting into the strong possiblity of a "reconsideration" coming in the patent arena...
I know, "grift' just because.... Reminds me of claims stating VPLM would never audit/uplist from Pink....I think VPLM uplisted to OTC QB about NINE YEARS AGO...
Ray Leon Background
Broad, cross-functional leadership experience at the international level. Strong interpersonal and management skills. Comfortable in hands-on, problem-solving environments.
Summary Profile:
• Education: MBA from Harvard Business School and an Engineering degree from Villanova University
• Corporate Experience: 10+ years at GE and IBM in both engineering and international marketing roles as a direct contributor and as management
• Entrepreneurial Experience: Founder of two successful (10+ year) start-up companies; one in the software industry and the other in the hospitality industry
• International Experience: Broad corporate work experience covering Europe, Latin America and Asia at GE, IBM and M Technologies
• Mediation Certifications: Florida Supreme Court certified Circuit Civil mediator - Certification (#16161RF). RMFM Certified and American Arbitration Association neutral (#157736)
• International Mediation Certifications: Spain certified as "Mediador Civil - Mercantil" Certification (AST #3401336)
• Arbitration Certification: FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) arbitrator (#A58162)
• Languages: Bilingual; fluent in English and Spanish
• Bi-cultural: Born and educated in the USA and have lived and worked in Spain for more than 10 years
Specialties: Providing sales and marketing expertise along with dispute resolution and negotiation services to Corporate / Business clients by capitalizing on:
• Operational management experience in engineering, sales and marketing at GE, IBM and Bluefire Systems;
• Operational experience in manufacturing technology, application engineering, software production and services environments at GE, IBM and Bluefire Systems;
• International experience working with European, Latin American and Asian cultures at IBM and GE
August 2015 – Present (8 months)San Francisco Bay Area
Lumanu is a next generation platform to support marketing and sales needs in hospitality and travel. Coming out of "stealth" mode soon.
Outpace Systems, Inc.
March 2013 – Present (3 years 1 month)
Outpace is a next-generation software and services company that combines deep business expertise with deep technical expertise to deliver profits through technology. Outpace delivers simple to use sophisticated business optimization systems disruptively fast, achieving payback in weeks, not years.
Managing Director
The Charles River Group, LLC
May 2005 – March 2013 (7 years 11 months)
"CRG" provides Dispute Resolution and Negotiation services to Corporate / Business clients ... for more details visit
- Certified by the Florida Supreme Court for "Circuit-civil" Mediation.
- Certified in the country of Spain for Civil and Mercantile Mediation.
- Primary focus is to provide highly effective Disoute Resolution Management and Corporate Negotiation to business enterprises in English speaking and Spanish speaking countries.
Managing Director
Bluefire Systems, Inc.
June 2005 – June 2009 (4 years 1 month)Boca Raton, Florida
Bluefire provides merchandising, buying and supply chain optimization software and services to retailers and consumer goods companies. Bluefire's integrated suite of retail merchandising, buying, and supply chain modules substantially increased sales through better promotion, better presentation, and higher in-stock rates, while reducing total supply chain costs. Customers included Warner Home Video, Wal-Mart, Disney, Nike, The Body Shop.
VP Business Development
Bluefire Systems, Inc.
January 1999 – June 2005 (6 years 6 months)
One of four founding partners. Bluefire owns and markets a retail inventory decision system targeted at major retailers. The primary software product delivers merchandising, buying and supply chain optimization software and services to retailers and consumer goods companies. Bluefire's integrated suite of retail merchandising, buying, and supply chain modules substantially increases sales through better promotion, better presentation, and higher in-stock rates, while reducing total supply chain costs. Customers included Warner Home Video, Wal-Mart, Disney, Nike, The Body Shop. The Bluefire retail inventory decision system has over 5,000 store years of successful operation.
Managing Director
M Technologies
February 1995 – December 1998 (3 years 11 months)
M Tech is dedicated to developing export markets for product and services companies in the USA and Europe.
Business Unit Executive
July 1982 – December 1994 (12 years 6 months)
Latin America Sales Manager - Off Highway Vehicle Systems
June 1976 – August 1980 (4 years 3 months)
2 days ago
A Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) charge is a serious federal offense that can result in lengthy prison sentences, large fines, and other penalties.Prison
A minimum of 20 years in prison, and up to life in prison for the most serious offenses
Substantial fines, up to $250,000 or twice the value of the proceeds of the crime
Asset forfeiture
The court may order the forfeiture of assets derived from the racketeering activity
The court may order the defendant to pay restitution to victims of the racketeering activity
Supervised release
After completing prison, the defendant may be subject to supervised release
Other consequences damage to reputation, loss of professional licenses, and job limitations.
RICO charges are challenging to defend against.
How serious is a RICO charge?
It depends on the specific crime of course, but the majority of RICO violations are considered to be federal offenses. As such, they carry significant penalties including: Prison Time – RICO charges can carry a minimum of 20 years in prison, up to life imprisonment for the most severe offenses.Oct 25, 2024
What is the minimum sentence for a RICO charge?
AI Overview
There is no mandatory minimum sentence for a base Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) charge. However, the maximum sentence is 20 years in prison per count.