SimpleEach word or phrase in double quotes is a 'term' only one of which must be present anywhere in found articles, e.g.
john "long day"
will usually find articles, written by John or containing words 'long' and 'day' immediately following each other in that order (that is, not 'all day long' and not 'as long as bad day'). All terms are case-insensitive. This is all that Simple Search is able to do: find articles having at least one of the terms in any of its fields, i.e. headline, symbol, symbol name, author, and body.
If you add any date representation to your query, like 'today', '2003' or '20/01/2003', you'll get possibly only more results because you add an extra term. For all other queries, use Advanced Search.
Be sure what article sources selection you use, if you are trying to find bulletin boards articles with author 'johnsmith' and selected only AFX and UK Regulatory, you may not find any. Also, because Free Bulletin Board has the greatest number of articles, sometimes it's good idea to exclude it from search if you are getting too many results.
'Remember this query' checkbox specifies whether you want your query to be stored, so next time you come to this page it will be executed automatically. To clear remembered query, use 'Clear' button.