RNS Number : 5242T

Morgan Sindall Group PLC

25 March 2021

Morgan Sindall Group plc ('the Company')

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) number: 2138008339ULDGZRB345

Annual Financial Report

25 March 2021

Further to the release of the Company's Preliminary Results announcement on 25 February 2021, the Company announces that it has today published and issued to shareholders the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts ('Annual Report'), Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021 and Form of Proxy. In addition, it has published its 2020 Responsible Business data sheet and 2020 Gender pay gap report. The following documents can be downloaded from the Company's website at www.morgansindall.com :

-- 2020 Annual Report - https://www.morgansindall.com/investors/reports-results-and-presentations

-- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021 - https://www.morgansindall.com/investors/shareholder-centre/agm

   --       2020 Responsible Business data sheet - https://www.morgansindall.com/investors/reports-results-and-presentations 
   --       2020 Gender pay gap report - https://www.morgansindall.com/who-we-are/governance 

The Annual Report, Notice of Annual General Meeting and Form of Proxy have been submitted to the Financial Conduct Authority's national storage mechanism ('NSM') and will shortly be available via the NSM website at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism .

The Company will hold its Annual General Meeting at 10.00am on Thursday, 6 May 2021 at the Company's registered office, Kent House, 14-17 Market Place, London W1W 8AJ.

Our preference is to welcome shareholders in person to our 2021 Annual General Meeting, particularly given the constraints we faced in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, at present, in light of the current Covid-19 legislation and public health guidance issued by the UK government, restricting, amongst other things, indoor public gatherings until mid-May and in order to protect the wellbeing of our people and our shareholders, the Board is currently proposing that this year's AGM will be held as a closed meeting. Accordingly, save for the Chair of the meeting and such other persons as the Chair of the meeting may decide should be admitted for the purposes of forming a quorum, shareholder attendance in person at the AGM will not be permitted as long as the current restrictions are still in place. Shareholders can, however, be represented by the Chair of the meeting acting as their proxy and we remain committed to encouraging shareholder engagement on the business of the AGM.

In light of these restrictions, arrangements have been put in place for shareholder engagement. We strongly encourage shareholders to participate in the AGM by submitting any questions on the business of the AGM in advance of the meeting by email to cosec@morgansindall.com (marked for the attention of the Company Secretary). We will endeavour to publish any questions received before 10.00am on Tuesday, 4 May 2021 and our responses to those questions on our website prior to the AGM. Following the AGM, we will publish on our website any further questions received after 10.00am on Tuesday, 4 May 2021 and our answers to those questions.

The Company will continue to closely monitor the developing impact of Covid-19 and the latest legislation and guidance issued by the UK government. If circumstances evolve such that the Board considers that, within safety constraints and in accordance with government guidance, arrangements regarding attendance at the AGM can change, the Company will notify shareholders as soon as reasonably practicable of any such changes via a Regulatory Information Service, on the 'AGM' page of our website at www.morgansindall.com and, if applicable, in accordance with the Company's articles of association. The Board encourages shareholders to monitor the Company's website and regulatory information services for any updates in relation to the AGM. Should we consider that it has become possible to allow shareholders to attend the AGM, we will only be able to accommodate a limited number of shareholders at our offices.

In accordance with the requirements of Rules 4.1 and 6.3.5 of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, a description of the principal risks and uncertainties affecting the Group is set out in Appendix 1 to this announcement. The Company's Preliminary Results announcement released on 25 February 2021 contained all other information required by DTR 6.3.5.


   Morgan Sindall Group plc                                   Tel: 020 7307 9200 

Clare Sheridan, Company Secretary

Appendix 1

The Group's risk profile continues to be supported by a strong balance sheet and secured workload, and a continued focus on contract selectivity. Following initial Covid-19 issues, all divisions are fully operational and observing safe operating practices, with impacts included in current forecasting. The government's continued support for UK construction provides confidence that future activity can be maintained without material disruption, but we remain vigilant.

Our approach

Risk is inherent in our business and cannot be completely eliminated. Our risk governance model ensures that our principal risks and the controls implemented throughout the Group are under regular review at all levels.

Group Board

The Board is responsible for setting the Group's risk appetite and for ongoing risk management, including assessing the principal risks that threaten our strategy and performance.

Audit committee 
The audit committee assists the Board in monitoring risk management and 
 internal control, and formally reviews the Group and divisional 
 risk registers on behalf of the Board. 
Divisional boards                                      Risk committee 
Each division identifies the risks                     The risk committee consists of heads 
 facing its business and takes measures                 of key Group functions, including 
 to mitigate the impacts. Senior managers               legal, company secretarial, IT, finance, 
 take ownership of specific risks                       internal audit, tax, treasury and 
 and ensure that tolerance levels                       commercial. The committee identifies 
 are not exceeded.                                      risks for the Group risk register 
                                                        and reviews the Group and divisional 
                                                        risk registers before they are presented 
                                                        to the Board and audit committee. 
                                                        The committee ensures that inherent 
                                                        and emerging risks across the Group 
                                                        are identified and managed appropriately. 
Risk reviews                Strategic planning         Delegated authorities       Divisional reporting 
                            -----------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------- 
Twice a year each           Risk management            Our finance director        The divisional 
 division carries            is part of our             and Group head              risk registers 
 out a detailed              business planning          of audit and assurance      record the activities 
 risk review, recording      process. Each year         have produced a             needed to manage 
 significant matters         objectives and             schedule of delegated       each risk, with 
 in its risk register.       strategies are             authorities that            mitigating activities 
 Each risk is evaluated,     set that align             assigns approval            embedded in day-to-day 
 both before and             with the risk appetite     of material decisions       operations for 
 after the effect            defined by the             to appropriate              which every employee 
 of mitigation,              Board.                     levels of management.       has some responsibility. 
 as to its likelihood                                   Such decisions              Rigorous reporting 
 of occurrence and                                      include project             procedures are 
 severity of impact                                     selection, tender           in place to monitor 
 on strategy. The                                       pricing and capital         significant risks 
 Group head of audit                                    requirements. Board         throughout the 
 and assurance follows                                  approval is required        divisions and ensure 
 the same process                                       before undertaking          they are communicated 
 for identifying                                        large, complex              to the Group head 
 and reviewing                                          projects. The approval      of audit and assurance. 
 Group risks, conferring                                system is regularly 
 with                                                   reviewed. 
 the risk committee. 
                            -----------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------- 
Internal audit 
The Group head of audit and assurance reviews and collates the divisional 
 risk registers and draws from them when compiling the 
 Group risk register. An annual review across the Group is undertaken, 
 focusing on significant projects and trends, and areas of concern. 

Overview of the Group's risk profile

During 2020, the Board reviewed the Group's risk appetite and concluded that no significant changes were required. The Group navigated the initial Covid-19 pandemic, resuming full operations and high levels of productivity within a relatively short space of time while maintaining an overall positive net cash position. During this period, we agreed revised programmes on our live project portfolio, reflecting the high quality of operational delivery and risk management in our operations and the strength of our client and supply chain relationships. Our strict adherence to safe operating procedures, together with the government's clear directive that construction activity continue through any lockdown restrictions, provide confidence that future activity can be maintained without material disruption.

UK macroeconomic uncertainty continues to be driven by the pandemic and, to a lesser extent, the EU/UK withdrawal agreement which could impact on materials and labour supply. We are keeping a close watch on developments and will adjust our strategy in response to any clear indicators. However, government commitments, confirmed in its November 2020 Spending Review and National Infrastructure Strategy, continue to support our business model, particularly in housebuilding and regeneration - areas expected to be a primary UK growth driver - and construction and infrastructure. In addition, our diversity of offering protects the business from cyclical changes in individual markets.

The divisions remain focused on long-term partnerships, our favoured route to market, as it allows us to operate with clients and in environments where we have a track record in delivery, thereby providing more predictable outcomes. In addition, a sizeable portion of our regeneration schemes and construction order book is supported by public sector and regulated clients, via frameworks and joint venture arrangements secured over the medium to longer term. Our regeneration activities consist mostly of non-speculative, land option style arrangements with efficient capital structures, all underpinned by a long-term visible pipeline.

Divisional perspectives

Construction & Infrastructure's long-term focus on selectivity is endorsed by its underlying outturn margin, cash and future order book. This reflects the work that the division has done over the past few years to improve all areas of its operation and risk management.

Fit Out, while more susceptible to GDP and macroeconomic fluctuations, has not witnessed any significant market or client behavioural change, with its pipeline and order book maintaining good visibility into the early part of 2021.

Property Services' contracts were remobilised during the second half of 2020, achieving a more normal level of activity. Any future challenges around access to properties can be partly mitigated through the adherence to strict operating procedures and/or completing the work when conditions allow.

Following the first lockdown, residential demand and sales exceeded expectations across a broad UK portfolio, and activity quickly recommenced on development schemes. The speed of decision-making by potential partners for new development schemes has remained cautious, although it improved in the second half of the year.

In the medium term, we are confident that, because of the UK's need for longer-term housing, the homes we build will continue to be in demand and remain affordable; this is currently endorsed by the high level of forward reservations into 2021. There are a number of uncertainties, such as consumer confidence and the end of the stamp duty holiday, that could adversely impact on the Group's sales. However, options are available to help mitigate any negative fluctuations: the majority of our schemes are subject to economic viability conditions, future phases can be remodelled or deferred, the pace of build can be accelerated or reduced, robust risk and capital controls are in place to manage exposure, and there is the possibility of further government interventions to help stimulate the market.


In terms of resourcing our medium- and long-term plans, the Group remains in a strong financial position with average daily net cash for 2020 in excess of cGBP180m. In the last quarter of 2020, the Group secured a new GBP150m committed revolving credit facility, which extends until late 2023 and includes two further one-year extension options; this is in addition to the Group's existing GBP30m facility, providing a total of GBP180m of committed facilities.


Voluntary employee turnover within the divisions is at healthy levels and where we are recruiting, we are witnessing significant interest in the new positions we have created to help us achieve our strategic objectives.

Emerging risks

The Group's strategic planning process includes identifying any emerging risks that may affect our ability to deliver our objectives over the medium to longer term. This is supplemented by additional reviews that take place via our twice-yearly internal risk management process and monthly Board reporting, which focus on any matters likely to impact the Group's strategy. The principal risks identified in this section contain details of related matters that could emerge together with the associated mitigations. In addition, the Board monitors wider emerging issues including the following:

-- the acceleration by the Covid-19 pandemic of remote working and the impact on office demand;

-- long-term scarcity of skilled labour in the industry; and

-- risks associated with the shift towards new methods of construction.

None of the above are currently considered to require adjustment of the Group's business model or strategy, but will be monitored for

any significant changes.

Principal risks

The principal risks to the business are set out on the following pages. The list is not exhaustive but includes those risks currently considered

most significant in terms of potential impact, together with mitigating actions being taken.

The risks have been extensively reviewed including those associated with Covid-19. The remaining risks have not changed significantly, although

they reflect the contributions to macroeconomic uncertainty made by the pandemic and the Brexit dynamics of the fourth quarter. Any changes

in severity and likelihood of impacts compared to 2019 have been indicated and signify the Board's opinion of pre-mitigation risk movement.

Risk and         Update on risk status                                          Mitigating activities 
Covid-19         New 
The pandemic      *    In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact across       *    The Group's focus on its balance sheet prior to the 
is an example          the Group in all areas of operations as a result of            crisis, which allowed us to navigate through the 
of the speed           compliance with government guidelines.                         pandemic with positive net cash. 
scale at 
which             *    We responded well to initial challenges from the          *    The Group's favourable risk and cash profile, which 
events can             pandemic and expect to be able to navigate subsequent          permitted us to be accepted for access to the 
unfold.                waves, avoiding material disruption.                           government's Covid Corporate Financing Facility 
In these 
circumstances     *    The government's directive that construction activity 
we must adapt          should continue through lockdowns, together with our      *    In operations, all divisions responding well to new, 
quickly and            strict adherence to safe operating procedures,                 safe ways of working and currently remaining fully 
rapidly to             provides a level of confidence that future activity            operational. 
new                    can be maintained. 
ways of 
working                                                                          *    Prior investment in IT, which allowed our employees 
and have          *    Revised Covid-19 client programmes and agreements are          to work remotely with minimal inconvenience. 
sufficient             predominantly in place and included within 
financial              forecasting, signifying the strength of our 
resources              relationships and operational management.                 *    Our decentralised structure, which allowed us to 
to ensure the                                                                         remain agile and responsive during the crisis. 
business can 
continue to       *    During the pandemic, our long-term relationships and 
operate                standing with primary UK suppliers have proved            *    Our focus on developing strong relationships with our 
effectively.           fundamental in managing product supply issues and              clients, partners and suppliers resulted in optimal 
                       should hold us in good stead post-Brexit.                      assistance being afforded to us during the pandemic. 
                 -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Changes in       Increase 
the               *    There continues to be uncertainty arising from the        *    The UK is expected to continue investing in areas 
economy                Covid-19 pandemic and, to a lesser extent, the EU              that complement our strategy, including affordable 
There could            withdrawal agreement, which includes potential                 housing, infrastructure and regeneration. This 
be fewer or            impacts on the economy. We continue                            supports our business model, which is designed to 
less                                                                                  provide a mix of earnings across different market 
profitable                                                                            cycles. 
opportunities     *    to monitor the situation closely, however, we believe 
in our chosen          that in the medium to longer term, the markets in 
markets.               which we operate remain favourable and structurally       *    Strategic focus on market spread, geographical 
Allocating             secure.                                                        capability and diversification to protect against the 
resources and                                                                         cyclical effect of individual markets. 
capital to 
declining         *    We are reassured by the quality and volume of our 
markets or             pipeline of opportunities and secured workload in         *    High proportion of secured workload with public 
less                   both regeneration and construction, and believe that           sector and regulated entities via long-term 
attractive             this, together with our business model, should                 arrangements, with a healthy level of demand and 
opportunities          provide some insulation against any specific adverse           typically preferential terms. 
would reduce           consequences. 
profitability                                                                    *    Continuing with our strategy of being selective, with 
and cash          *    The continued scrutiny of UK construction balance              our procurement routes, margins, contract terms and 
generation.            sheets remains a differentiator for us and continues           secured workload all remaining favourable. 
                       to underpin our positive position in the sector, 
                       meaning that our stakeholders can engage with 
                       confidence while allowing us to be highly selective.      *    An enhanced understanding of medium-term pipeline 
                                                                                      quality, assisted by insights generated from 
                                                                                      analytical software, that enables us to predict 
                                                                                      trends more accurately and adjust our strategy in 
                                                                                      response. Regular reporting on sales, opportunities 
                                                                                      pipeline and secured workload, using customer 
                                                                                      relationship management software. 
                 -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk and          Update on risk status                                         Mitigating activities 
Exposure to       No change 
UK housing         *    While a number of new and existing investor schemes      *    Working closely with public sector partners and 
market                  suffered some initial delay due to the pandemic,              government agencies such as Homes England to provide 
The UK housing          agreements did conclude, allowing schemes to                  viable development and affordable homes. 
sector is               recommence. 
influenced by                                                                    *    Largely non-speculative, risk-share development 
government         *    Post Covid-19 sales and volumes returned to                   vehicles, subject to viability conditions that reduce 
stimulus                pre-crisis levels and, on certain schemes, we                 any negative impact from market fluctuations. 
and consumer            accelerated build to meet increased demand. 
                                                                                 *    Targeting of forward-sold and funded sections of 
If mortgage        *    Despite external factors, there continues to be clea          large-scale residential schemes to institutional 
availability      r                                                                   investors. 
and                     government support for new affordable housing, which 
affordability           supports our business model and market positioning. 
are                                                                              *    A geographically spread residential portfolio that 
reduced this                                                                          offers protection against regional variations and is 
could make         *    The speed of decision-making by potential partners            geared to an affordable product. 
existing                for new development schemes remains cautious, 
schemes                 although it did improve in the second half of the 
difficult               year.                                                    *    A constrained land bank, preferring and targeting 
to sell and                                                                           option-type agreements with owners that limit and/or 
future                                                                                defer long-term exposure and boost return on capital 
developments       *    Macroeconomic uncertainty, including matters such as          employed. 
unviable,               consumer confidence and the end of the stamp duty 
reducing                holiday, could impact sales; however, mitigations ar 
profitability     e                                                              *    Regular forecasting and monitoring of development 
and tying up            available and there may be further government                 pipeline of opportunities and secured workload, 
capital.                interventions and housing stimulus.                           including monitoring key UK statistics such as 
                                                                                      unemployment, lending and affordability. 
                                                                                 *    For a large proportion of our portfolio we have the 
                                                                                      ability to slow down (or speed up) build rates on 
                                                                                      current schemes should the need arise. 
                                                                                 *    Rigorous three-stage approval process before 
                                                                                      committing to development schemes and capital 
                  ----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Poor contract     No change 
selection          *    The quality of our long-term secured workload should     *    Clear selectivity, strategy and business plan to 
In a volatile           underpin future performance and provide sustainable           target optimal markets, sectors, clients and projects 
market where            performance and outcomes, also allowing us to remain    , 
competition             highly selective when bidding future work.                    which have proven to have delivered favourable 
is high, a                                                                            outcomes. A deliberately large proportion of projects 
division                                                                              conducted via framework or joint venture arrangements 
might accept       *    Our order book maintains a high proportion of public          with repeat clients who share our philosophy and 
a contract              sector, regulated industry and framework clients wit          values, making predictable outcomes more likely. 
outside           h 
its core                typically healthier risk profiles and is secured in 
competencies            limited competition.                                     *    A proportion of construction work secured via sister 
or for which                                                                          company regeneration schemes, where expertise 
it has                                                                                provided at an early stage can greatly influence the 
insufficient       *    There are no changes to the sectors or markets in             likelihood of project success. 
resources.              which we operate, meaning it is less likely that we 
                        would engage with a client or carry out a project 
Failure to              that does not provide a positive outcome.                *    Divisions selecting projects according to pre-agreed 
understand                                                                            types of work, contract size and risk profile, with a 
the project                                                                           multi-stage process of bid approval, including tender 
risks may lead     *    The high quality of client and supply chain                   review boards, risk profiling and sign-off by 
to poor                 relationships, operational delivery and risk                  appropriate levels of 
delivery                management in Construction & Infrastructure has been 
and ultimately          evident throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and allowed 
result in               us to navigate the crisis well.                          *    management. 
damage and 
loss                                                                             *    Employee planning and profiling to ensure appropriate 
of                                                                                    levels of capable resource for future work. 
                                                                                 *    Initiatives to select supply chain partners who match 
                                                                                      our expectations in terms of quality, sustainability 
                                                                                      and availability. 
                  ----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk and           Update on risk status                                          Mitigating activities 
Responsible        Increase 
business            *    The focus on responsible business practice has            *    A responsible business forum with representatives 
Being socially,          increased significantly from both a governmental and           from each division, chaired by our Group finance 
economically             investor perspective and we need to ensure that we             director. As of January 2021, this role is being 
and                      communicate a clear strategy and continue to measure           undertaken by the Group management team. 
environmentally          and report our performance against it. Four of our 
responsible              divisions are using the supply chain social value 
in all that              bank that we developed with Simetrica, to measure the     *    Regeneration activities that 'enhance communities' by 
we do is                 social, economic and environmental value our projects          physically reviving town centres and stimulating 
crucial.                 bring to local communities.                                    local economies through: procuring locally where we 
                                                                                        can; providing training and work opportunities to 
As a                                                                                    local people through our projects; taking part in 
responsible         *    We have an extensive supply chain who are                      local volunteering activities; and attracting 
business, we             strategically important to us and their performance            visitors and businesses to the newly-regenerated 
have five Total          on our projects is key to our success and reputation.          areas. 
Commitments:             Our approach is to develop long-term partnerships so 
protecting               that they help deliver high-quality projects for our 
people,                  clients and meet our Total Commitments.                   *    The use of Group-wide KPIs and targets by our 
developing                                                                              divisions to measure their performance against the 
people,                                                                                 Total Commitments, which ensures consistency of 
improving the                                                                           objectives and standards throughout the Group. 
environment,                                                                            Divisional performance is then consolidated and 
working                                                                                 reported as one set of Group results. 
with our supply 
chain, and 
are aligned 
to our purpose, 
the needs of 
and our 
We must ensure 
that these key 
aspects are 
embedded in 
our culture 
and underpin 
what we do, 
in addition 
to complying 
with increasing 
regulation and 
If this is not 
well managed, 
incidents may 
occur that 
in legal 
fines, costs 
and insurance 
claims as well 
as project 
It could also 
damage the 
reputation and 
affect our 
to secure 
work and 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Health and         No change 
safety              *    Our teams adapted well to new site operating               *    Board level health, safety and environment committee 
Our number one           procedures introduced as a result of the pandemic.              focused on health and safety culture to drive better 
priority is              These procedures remain in place across the whole               behaviour and performance. 
to protect the           business and should enable us to navigate further 
health, safety           waves of the pandemic in a productive and safe 
and wellbeing            manner.                                                    *    Individuals in each division, and on the Board and 
of our key                                                                               Group management team, with specific responsibility 
stakeholders.                                                                            for health and safety matters. 
                    *    Our health and safety performance improved in the 
Health and               year, with a reduction in the number of lost time 
safety                   incidents, incidents reportable to the Health and          *    Quarterly meetings of the Group health and safety 
will always              Safety Executive (RIDDORs) and accident frequency               forum where representatives from all divisions 
feature                  rate. The results were due in part to the adoption of           continue to share best practice and exchange 
significantly            the new site operating procedures together with fewer           information on emerging risks. 
in the risk              people working on sites in the year. 
profile of a 
construction                                                                        *    Established safety systems, audits, site visits, 
business. We                                                                             incident investigation and root-cause analysis, 
carry out a                                                                              monitoring and reporting procedures, including 
significant                                                                              near-miss and reporting of incidents that could 
portion of our                                                                           potentially have resulted in serious injury. 
work in public 
areas and 
complex                                                                             *    Regular health and safety training that includes 
environments,                                                                            behavioural change, housekeeping on site and 
requiring                                                                                leadership engagement in driving site standards. 
of Health and                                                                       *    Communication of each division's health and safety 
Safety                                                                                   policy to all their employees and senior managers 
Executive                                                                                appointed to ensure they are implemented. 
Accidents could                                                                     *    Major incident management and business continuity 
result in legal                                                                          plans, periodically reviewed and tested. 
action, fines, 
costs and 
claims as well 
as project 
and damage to 
Poor health 
and safety 
could also 
our ability 
to secure 
work and 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk and         Update on risk status                                          Mitigating activities 
Climate          Increase 
change            *    The focus on the impacts of climate change has             *    A climate action panel with representatives from each 
The Group's            increased significantly. We need to communicate our             division, chaired by our Group director of 
key                    strategy for addressing climate change and the                  sustainability and procurement. 
environmental          actions we are taking in order to meet the 
impact is via          expectations of our stakeholders. 
the carbon                                                                        *    Science-based carbon measurements and targets put in 
emissions                                                                              place in response to increased demand from our 
and waste         *    We are addressing climate change by reducing our                employees and stakeholders. 
that                   carbon emissions and waste. 
we produce. 
                                                                                  *    ISO 14001- compliant environmental systems in 
Our               *    The next step is to reduce our indirect emissions 
activities             that occur in our value chain. We are doing this by 
can be                 helping our supply chain manage their own                  *    place within all construction divisions. 
impacted               climate-related regulatory and reporting obligations. 
by changes in          The Supply Chain Sustainability School, of which we 
temperature,           are a member, is providing the supply chain with           *    Plans focused upon reducing waste generated on site 
high winds             support through training.                                       and transferred to landfill. 
severity          *    We achieved an A score for leadership on climate           *    Where possible, use of on-site energy generation and 
of storms,             change from CDP (the international non-profit                   design for low carbon and climate change adaptation. 
and                    organisation that drives environmental disclosure to            Use of alternative fuels for our vehicle fleet and 
flooding. If           manage environmental impacts) and were the only major           generators to reduce emissions. 
this is not            UK based contractor to do so. 
well managed, 
incidents may 
occur that 
in legal 
fines, costs 
and insurance 
claims as 
as project 
It could also 
damage the 
affect our 
to secure 
work and 
                 -----------------------------------------------------------    ------------------------------------------------------------ 
Failure to       No change 
attract           *    Brexit complicates the skills issue as availability        *    Giving people empowerment and responsibility together 
and retain             of EU workers may reduce. However, in the short term,           with clear leadership and support. 
talented               while there could be some limited issues, our supply 
people                 chain believes this will be manageable. 
Talented                                                                          *    Attractive working environments, remuneration 
people                                                                                 packages, technology tools and wellbeing initiatives 
are needed to     *    Our current success is helping us attract and retain            to help improve our employees' working lives. 
provide                people, reflected in high levels of applicants and 
excellence             falling voluntary employee turnover rates. 
in project                                                                        *    Annual appraisals providing two-way feedback on 
delivery                                                                               performance. 
and customer      *    In divisions whose voluntary employee turnover was 
service.               higher, improvements continue to be made to the 
                       working environment and investment made in technology      *    Succession planning that includes identifying and 
Skills                 and leadership training.                                        developing future skills. 
in the 
construction      *    We are responding to the challenge of an ageing            *    Training and development to build skills and 
industry               employee population and undertaking work to improve             experience, such as our leadership development and 
remain                 our diversity, such as working with schools and                 graduate, trainee and apprenticeship programmes. 
an issue for           colleges to encourage more women to enter the 
the                    industry and providing a returnships programme for 
foreseeable            people returning to work following a career break.         *    Employee engagement surveys that ensure we target 
future.                                                                                areas to improve employee satisfaction. 
                                                                                  *    Divisional 'people boards' that meet twice a year to 
                                                                                       review talent in the business. 
                                                                                  *    Monthly HR reports to the Board, including reporting 
                                                                                       on leavers and joiners. 
                                                                                  *    Interviews with leavers and joiners to understand the 
                                                                                       reasons for their decision. 
                 -----------------------------------------------------------    ------------------------------------------------------------ 
Risk and          Update on risk status                                         Mitigating activities 
Insolvency of     Increase 
key client,        *    The Covid-19 pandemic has stretched our supply           *    A business strategy focused on the public sector and 
subcontractor,          chain's financial resources. Some businesses are              commercial clients in sound market sectors. 
joint venture           under increasing pressure from a combination of 
partner or              issues, including the unwind of government reliefs, 
supplier                reduced bank lending appetite and the ramp up in         *    A high proportion of our current secured workload is 
An insolvency           operations.                                                   public sector-focused. 
could disrupt 
project works, 
cause delay        *    As we are less able to rely on historical credit         *    Rigorous due diligence on commercial clients and 
and incur the           checks, our teams have heightened sensitivity and ar          supply chain partners, obtaining where necessary 
costs of          e                                                                   relevant securities in the form of guarantees, bonds 
finding                 looking for signs of stress that would enable early     , 
a replacement,          intervention and options to resolve; this includes            escrows and/or more favourable payment terms. 
resulting in            measures to gain greater control and transparency. 
financial                                                                        *    A formal, multi-stage approval process before 
loss.              *    Our cash position is not supported by any form of             entering into contracts, supported by tender review 
                        supply chain debtor finance and gives a clear                 boards. 
There is a              indication of our financial health. This, together 
risk                    with our strong balance sheet and shorter payment 
that credit             days, means our supply chain partners regard us as       *    Formal joint venture selection due diligence and 
checks                  dependable and reliable. It also gives us the option          approval at Board executive director level, which 
undertaken              to step in and cover short-term issues, such as cash          includes seeking protection in the event of default 
in the past             flow, if deemed appropriate.                                  by one of the partners. 
may no longer 
be valid. 
                                                                                 *    Working with preferred or approved suppliers where 
                                                                                      possible, which aids visibility of both financial an 
                                                                                      workload commitments. 
                                                                                 *    Monitoring supply chain utilisation to ensure we do 
                                                                                      not overstress their finances or operational 
                                                                                 *    Rigorous monitoring of work in progress (uninvoiced 
                                                                                      income), debts and retentions. 
                  ----------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Inadequate        No change 
funding            *    GBP150m of the Group's GBP180m committed bank            *    New banking facilities of GBP150m committed to 2023 
A lack of               facilities were renewed in October 2020.                      (with two one-year options to extend) in addition to 
liquidity                                                                             the existing GBP30m, which together with our strong 
could impact                                                                          cash position provide significant headroom. 
our ability        *    During the reporting period and for the foreseeable 
to continue             future, our average net daily cash continues to be 
to trade or             healthy and clearly indicates the cash-backed nature     *    A Group-led, disciplined capital allocation process 
restrict our            of the business.                                              for significant project-related capital, taking into 
ability to                                                                            account future requirements and return on investment 
achieve                                                                         . 
market growth      *    Our balance sheet continues to provide assurance for 
or invest in            our employees, clients, supply chain and 
regeneration            counterparties in an increasingly uncertain market.      *    Daily monitoring of cash levels and regular 
schemes.                This was particularly evident during the pandemic in          forecasting of future cash balances and facility 
                        the first half of the year when engagement from the           headroom. 
                        supply chain was notably positive. 
                                                                                 *    Regular stress-testing of long-term cash forecasts. 
                   *    The Group was accepted by the Bank of England as an 
                        eligible issuer under the CCFF. 
                                                                                 *    The strength of our balance sheet, which allows us t 
                                                                                      continue making investments in regeneration schemes 
                                                                                      whilst remaining selective in construction. 
                  ----------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk and         Update on risk status                                          Mitigating activities 
Mismanagement    No change 
of working         *    Our continuing focus on working capital management       *    Delegated authorities that require capital and 
capital                 has enabled us to maintain levels similar to prior            investment commitments to be notified and signed off 
and                     years while continuing to improve our supply chain            at key stages with senior level approval. 
investments             payment practices and navigate the pandemic. 
management                                                                       *    Reinforcing a culture in the bidding and project 
of working         *    We continue to maintain a positive momentum in cash           teams of focusing on cash returns to ensure they meet 
capital                 management in construction due to a combination of            expectations. 
and                     improved returns, cash optimisation and conversion. 
leads to                                                                         *    Monitoring and management of working capital with 
insufficient       *    Our average net daily cash for the period                     acute focus on any overdue work in progress, debtors 
liquidity and           demonstrates our disciplined working capital                  or retentions. 
funding                 management. 
                                                                                 *    Daily monitoring of cash levels and weekly cash 
                   *    Government reliefs, including CJRS receipts of                forecast reports. 
                        cGBP9.5m and GBP20m of deferred VAT, were repaid in 
                        the fourth quarter of 2020. 
                                                                                 *    Efficient management of capital on regeneration 
                                                                                      schemes, such as phased delivery, institutional and 
                                                                                      government funding solutions, and forward funding 
                                                                                      where possible. 
                 -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Mispricing a     No change 
contract          *    Despite the macroeconomic effects of the pandemic,        *    A well-established bidding process with experienced 
If a contract          when bidding for future work we have remained focused          estimating teams. 
is                     on selecting projects that are right for the business 
incorrectly            and match our risk appetite. 
costed this                                                                      *    A continued focus on key sectors that means we are 
could lead to                                                                         experienced in pricing projects and less likely to 
contract          *    Contract procurement routes and terms remain                   misprice than if entering new markets. 
losses                 favourable, influenced by our strategy to focus on 
and an                 long-term, relationship-based arrangements and 
overall                frameworks, and confirmed by our order book quality       *    A robust review of our pipeline and bids at key 
reduction in           and positive margins.                                          stages, including rigorous due diligence and risk 
gross margin.                                                                         assessment, and obtaining senior level approval. 
It might also 
damage the        *    A large proportion of projects have forms of 
relationship           protection, such as negotiated and two-stage              *    Continuing to secure projects with repeat clients via 
with the               procurement routes that allow early supply chain               negotiation, open book and framework style 
client                 price lock-in, monetary contingency and/or related             arrangements, with limited, selective open market 
and supply             contract terms, all of which help reduce risk.                 bids, thus offering a higher probability of 
chain.                                                                                successful outcomes. 
                                                                                 *    Project provision, where appropriate, for increase in 
                                                                                      cost and/or risk that hedges against inflationary and 
                                                                                      other project-related issues. 
                                                                                 *    A culture and strategy within the Construction 
                                                                                      business of prioritising selectivity over volume when 
                                                                                 *    Using the tender review process to challenge and 
                                                                                      mitigate rising supply chain costs. 
                 -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk and         Update on risk status                                      Mitigating activities 
Changes to       No change 
contracts         *    Construction's order book maintains a greater         *    Reviewing contract terms at tender stage and ensuring 
and                    proportion of repeat work, which means we are mor          any variations are approved by the appropriate level 
contract         e                                                                of management. 
disputes               likely to achieve sustainable and predictable 
Changes to             outcomes via sensible negotiated settlement. 
contracts                                                                    *    Well-established systems of measuring and reporting 
and contract                                                                      project progress and estimated outturns that include 
disputes          *    The high proportion of framework-related, two-sta          contract variations and impact on programme, cost and 
could            ge                                                               quality. 
lead to costs          and negotiated work in our current order book 
being                  continues to reduce the likelihood of unforeseen 
incurred               changes and disputes. This also applies to any EU     *    Continued use and development of electronic 
that are not           price fluctuations, as our approach allows us to           dashboards for project management and change control, 
recovered,       take                                                             and commercial metrics designed to highlight areas of 
loss                   account of known increases and to procure quickly          focus and provide early warnings. 
of                     following the award. 
and delayed                                                                  *    Where legal action is necessary, notifying the Board, 
receipt of                                                                        taking appropriate advice and making suitable 
cash.                                                                             provision for costs. 
we may need                                                                  *    Digital early-warning tools and metrics that flag 
to resort to                                                                      potential project issues, enabling intervention 
legal action                                                                      earlier in the construction cycle. 
to resolve 
which can 
costly with 
as well as 
                 -------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk and        Update on risk status                                          Mitigating activities 
Poor project    No change 
delivery         *    The pandemic caused initial project delays, but           *    Incentivising project teams on Perfect Delivery(1) 
Failure to            impacts were promptly renegotiated with our clients            outcomes to achieve high levels of client 
meet                  and supply chain. This reinforced the strength of our          satisfaction. 
client                relationships, sector strategy and approach to 
expectations          working with preferred partners. 
could incur                                                                     *    Various initiatives that focus on improvements in 
costs that                                                                           product quality, predictability and client 
erode            *    Our continued focus on project selectivity combined            experience. 
profit                with the continued quality of our order book reduces 
margins,              the probability of poor performance. 
lead to the                                                                     *    Strategic supply chain trading arrangements that help 
withholding                                                                          to ensure we achieve predictable outcomes in quality 
of cash          *    There is recognised stretch in the labour market,              and behaviours. 
payments              which has been manageable but could be exacerbated by 
and impact            Brexit. 
working                                                                         *    Digital enhancements in construction and regeneration 
capital. It                                                                          operations continue to develop at pace in pursuit of 
may also         *    In terms of product availability exacerbated by                improved business intelligence (project and 
result                Covid-19 and Brexit, a large proportion of products            pipeline-related early warning indicators) and ways 
in reduction          are UK-sourced which helps reduce risk and we                  of creating better client journeys that enhance 
of repeat             instigated precautions towards the year end, such as           relationships and outturn product quality. 
business              advancing the procurement of certain items. In 
and client            addition, our supply chain has measures in place to 
referrals.            minimise impacts, such as specialist software that        *    Formal internal peer reviews that highlight areas of 
                      simplifies procedures at ports; using their own                improvement and share best practice and 'lessons 
                      transport; and storing materials at UK factories (or           learned' exercises. 
                      on site) ahead of programme. 
                                                                                *    Regular formal and informal stakeholder feedback, 
                                                                                     allowing us to intervene when required and refine our 
                                                                                     offering to provide exceptional outcomes. 
                                                                                *    Following the Hackitt report and in advance of 
                                                                                     expected regulatory changes, Construction and Urban 
                                                                                     Regeneration have reviewed and updated their 
                                                                                     methodology and approach to ensure that outturn 
                                                                                     project specifications are compliant. This includes 
                                                                                     matters such as a complete refresh/revisit of design 
                                                                                     management standards and procedures, greater scrutiny 
                                                                                     of fire-related components incorporated in our 
                                                                                     buildings, the engagement of independent fire 
                                                                                     consultants on more complex schemes and enhancements 
                                                                                     to specifications in our developments to ensure we 
                                                                                     meet not only current but anticipated changes in 
                                                                                *    Long lead items have agreed delivery dates and 
                                                                                     typically have a period of programme float head of 
                                                                                     planned works. 
                                                                                *    Projects typically have some protection against 
                                                                                     inflation via monetary and programme contingency or 
                                                                                     related contract terms. 
                                                                                *    1 Perfect Delivery status is granted to projects that 
                                                                                     meet all four customer service criteria specified by 
                                                                                     each division. 
                -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Risk and        Update on risk status                                          Mitigating activities 
Failure to      No change 
innovate         All divisions have continued to                                *    One of our core values is to challenge the status quo 
A failure to     develop solutions to improve efficiency,                            and innovation is strongly encouraged. New ideas are 
produce or       client service and employee satisfaction.                           welcomed from every employee, partner and supplier. 
embrace          There continues to be a real drive 
new products     from the business to adopt new 
and              technology (we invested GBP2.64m                               *    Our initiatives around quality of delivery and 
techniques       in new technology in 2020), enhance                                 exceptional client experiences are not just founded 
could            existing processes and find greater                                 on process but are integral to our culture. 
diminish         efficiencies. 
our delivery     The Infrastructure business in 
to clients       particular continues to work with                              *    Our employees enjoy working on high-profile, 
and              leading UK companies, such as                                       innovative projects that provide them with the 
reduce our       Network Rail, Highways England,                                     opportunity to enhance their knowledge and 
competitive      Thames Tideway and Sellafield,                                      experience. 
advantage.       who encourage innovation and optimised 
It could         construction techniques and share 
also             in the risk and reward. This allows                            *    Business and IT come together via forums that sponsor 
make us less     us to compete in areas with high                                    and promote new innovations across the business. 
attractive       barriers to entry while sharing 
to               new ideas across the Group. For 
existing         example, on a project for Network 
or               Rail, Infrastructure created a 
prospective      curved concrete tunnel structure 
employees.       under the East Coast Main Line 
                 at Werrington, near Peterborough 
                 to carry slower moving freight 
                 trains, thus increasing capacity 
                 for the passenger service above. 
                 Our regeneration divisions utilise 
                 market-leading development structures 
                 which help unlock underperforming 
                 assets and differentiate our offering. 
                 This includes working with leading 
                 investment partners to create 
                 innovative funding solutions to 
                 improve the viability of schemes 
                 and facilitate early engagement. 
                -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
UK cyber        Increase 
activity         *    In order to protect against increasing levels of UK       *    A dedicated team focused on providing a stable and 
and failure           cyber-attack, we continue to invest in established             resilient IT environment, and continued investment in 
to invest in          security controls and external security partners who           core infrastructure and applications. 
information           actively advise on strategy. 
Investment                                                                      *    A centralised IT service that improves efficiency, 
in               *    Refreshed security awareness training was rolled out           oversight, reporting, security and performance, while 
IT is                 to all our employees in the year.                              divisional resource provides business-specific 
necessary                                                                            product support. 
to meet the 
future needs     *    Our investment in technology in prior years allowed 
of the                our employees the agility to adapt quickly to working     *    Group-wide financial software that provides a fully 
business              in a remote and secure environment during the                  integrated construction platform to manage the 
in terms of           Covid-19 pandemic.                                             project life cycle. 
security and                                                                    *    A Group security steering group that provides 
innovation,                                                                          governance and oversight and a dedicated information 
and enables                                                                          security team, certified and accredited by key 
its                                                                                  industry bodies, who create awareness and address 
long-term                                                                            threat alerts, risk and vulnerability prioritisation 
success.                                                                             and response. 
It is also 
essential                                                                       *    Government-accredited security installations and 
in order to                                                                          certification to store protectively marked 
avoid                                                                                information. 
operational                                                                     *    Certification to the government's Cyber Essentials 
impacts and                                                                          Plus Scheme and ISO 27001. 
loss of data 
that could 
fines and/or 
                -----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 25, 2021 08:51 ET (12:51 GMT)

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