RNS Number : 6719W

Manroy PLC

02 February 2012

2 February 2011

Manroy Plc

Preliminary announcement of audited results for year ended 30 September 2011

Manroy Plc ("Manroy" or the "Group") (AIM: MAN), the AIM quoted leading UK machine gun manufacturer, announces its audited results for the year ended 30 September 2011.

Manroy's shares were admitted to trading on AIM in December 2010 following the reverse takeover of Manroy Systems Limited ("Manroy Systems") by the Company. The results set out below therefore include only a nine month contribution from Manroy Systems.

Financial highlights

-- Trading business achieved profit before tax and non-recurring acquisition costs of GBP2.8 million

   --      Earnings per share of 18.0p in comparison to loss per share of 9.4p in 2010. 

-- Gross margins improved to 37% in the year from 33% in the acquired business in the comparable year.

   --      Interim dividend of 1p paid, increased by further 1p final dividend proposed. 
   --      Raised GBP9 million gross through two share placings. 
   --      Capital base restructured, increasing distributable reserves by GBP12 million. 

Operational highlights

   --      Acquisition of Manroy Systems Ltd and re-admission of shares to trading on AIM 
   --      Acquisition of the business and assets of AEI Land Systems Ltd. 

-- Acquisition of 49% of Manroy USA LLC ("MUSA"), following that company's purchase of the business and assets of Sabre Defence Industries LLC.

-- Reduced reliance in the acquired business on UK annual revenue, reducing concentration from 93% in 2010 to 65% in 2011.

Andrew Blurton, Chairman of Manroy, commented: "The Group has come a long way in a very short time and the Board is confident that it will achieve its objective of becoming a highly regarded defence contractor in its specialised fields. The Board is firmly of the view that we have all the building blocks in place to further develop and grow the business both internationally and in the domestic market. While the current economic and political climate makes us cautious, we are optimistic that, over the next two years and thereafter, Manroy will continue to expand both here and abroad."

For further information please contact:

 Manroy Plc 
  Andrew Blurton , Chairman 
  Glyn Bottomley, Chief Executive    Tel: 01252 874 177 
  Paul Carter, Finance Director 
 Canaccord Genuity Limited          Tel: 020 7050 6500 
  Robert Finlay 
  Peter Stewart 
 Tavistock Communications           Tel: 020 7920 3150 
  Baron Phillips 
  Simon Compton 

Chairman's statement

This has been an eventful year of transformation for your Company. The Company completed the acquisition of Manroy Systems Limited financed by a GBP6.0 million share placing at 75p a share. We changed our name from Hurlingham Plc to Manroy Plc and the Company's shares were re-admitted to AIM. We also completed the acquisition of AEI and a 49% interest in MUSA and raised a further GBP3 million via a share placing at 95p per share. I am pleased to report that this transformation has gone well.

Group revenue for the year ended 30 September 2011 amounted to GBP7.9 million and produced a pre-tax profit of GBP2.2 million. This was after recording GBP1.1 million of costs associated with our successful corporate acquisitions, the AIM admission and the fund raisings, GBP0.8 million of amortisation of intangible assets from acquisitions and a credit amounting to GBP2.5 million of negative goodwill. There are no directly comparable figures for the previous period as the Hurlingham business within the Group was effectively that of a cash shell. Earnings per share were 18p for the year ended 30 September 2011, up from a loss of 9.4p per share last year, and the earnings this year also reflect the increased number of shares now in issue.

In light of these positive results for the year ended 30 September 2011, the Board is proposing a final dividend of 1p per share payable to shareholders on the register on 10 February 2012, excluding those shares issued in August 2011 which did not rank for the dividend. This final dividend, together with the 1p per share interim dividend already paid, takes the total to 2p per share for the year and will be payable on 11 April 2012.

Shareholders should be aware that the Group's results only include a nine month contribution from Manroy Systems since its takeover was completed in December 2010, but we have also included 12 month information for Manroy Systems so that shareholders can appreciate the full extent of our operations.

For the year ended 30 September 2011, Manroy Systems generated total revenue of GBP11.0 million and produced GBP2.7 million of pre-tax profits, against revenue of GBP12.3 million and pre-tax profits of GBP2.8 million for the comparable year to 30 September 2010. Recognising the adverse economic backdrop throughout the 2010/11 financial year, this augurs well for the future. The reduction in revenue in comparison to the previous year should be viewed in the context of the unusual trading conditions in some of Manroy's overseas markets. In particular, the "Arab Spring" brought considerable and well documented unrest to parts of North Africa and the Middle East. Its effect has been to slow the business process as international and regional attention has understandably been focussed on addressing the unrest in a co-ordinated and constructive manner. Several large orders have been on hold for some time, although we expect to secure these contracts together with the necessary UK Government export licences over the course of the current financial year. It is also important to highlight that the Group has not lost any business in this region as a consequence of the unrest.

In addition, the Group has never undertaken arms sales to any embargoed countries and prides itself in being a key supplier to the UK MoD for over 26 years. Manroy adheres strictly to UK legislation concerning the sale of armaments and weapons to foreign countries and governments and where the Group sells its products overseas, such sales are undertaken in strict adherence to UK Government export regulations and approvals, and are only undertaken after all appropriate UK Government licences have been granted.

The corporate activity already referred to was also aimed at strengthening the Board and senior management team, and secured a number of new contract wins. We have also increased distributable reserves by GBP12 million following our capital reconstruction in September 2011, with a further GBP1.4 million being allocated to merger reserve.

As part of Manroy's growth plans we recognised the importance of expanding the Board and the senior management team. In addition to Glyn Bottomley and Paul Carter being appointed Chief Executive and Finance Director respectively on completion of the acquisition of Manroy Systems in December 2010, two non-executives - Gerry Clark and Brian O'Donnell - joined the Board in February 2011. We are pleased to have their additional expertise available to the Group. Further key senior operational directors have also been appointed demonstrating the Company's commitment to its ongoing development.

In addition to the GBP6.0 million share placing in December 2010, we issued 2.1m shares in August 2011 to acquire a 49% interest in Manroy USA LLC ("MUSA") and raised a further GBP3.0 million to fund our 49% share of the acquisition by MUSA of the assets of Sabre Defence Industries. The importance of the MUSA acquisition should not be under estimated as it gives the Group a direct presence in the world's largest defence market.

Sabre was previously a direct competitor of MUSA. It manufactured the M2 HMG, Quick Change Barrel kits and M2 parts and had production capability for a range of M4, M5 and M16 rifles. In addition there were $10.2 million (GBP6.3 million) of outstanding US Department of Defense contracts within Sabre which are being novated to MUSA. The increased business that will arise from the novation together with forecast business volumes required a larger production facility which MUSA completed through the acquisition of new freehold premises in Spindale, North Carolina. Due to the highly complex regulations associated with the MUSA business this has necessitated a new application process for these novations which is expected to complete in the first quarter of 2012 with the commercial benefits starting to accrue in the current financial year.

The other key acquisition completed during the year was the business and assets of AEI, a UK based designer and producer of weapon mounting systems, for an initial cash payment of GBP250,000, together with a two year earn out to be paid from the profits earned by the AEI business. This was a synergistic acquisition as Manroy and AEI have a common customer base and have regularly worked together to provide customers with complete solutions. AEI also brought a highly sophisticated design capability to the Group, which is already enabling Manroy to create tailor-made products for certain customers at an enhanced profit margin.

While it has been an extremely active period corporately, I am also pleased to report that the underlying business has also made significant progress. The MoD continues to be Manroy's leading customer but our reliance on it is lessening as new markets and customers are being opened up by the Group. Already, revenue from the MoD has been reduced from 93% of total orders in 2010 to 65%, reflecting our broader customer base.

Clearly the strategically important acquisition of MUSA will play a large part in our ability to access the US market which is the world's largest defence market. In addition to this, the Group's increased product range, which now includes the 7.62mm GPMG and weapons solutions through AEI, is increasingly attractive to a wider customer market.

During the period under review we secured three significant MoD contracts, including a five year GBP4.1 million blank ammunition contract which we believe will lead to an expanded role in this area of supply. The other two contracts were for a GBP1.6 million spare parts order and a three year technical support programme. Our business relations with the MoD are extremely good and we are in continual dialogue with key procurement personnel which enable us to work with the Ministry to ensure that future contracts continue be sourced and fulfilled on budget.

Not only has the year under review been transformational for Manroy it has also enabled the Group to develop and expand both its product range and its customer base. As with any company embarking on such expansion, there are some growing pains as certain elements of the business take longer to commence full production than planned, and also reflect the current market conditions and prevailing political climate, both of which can affect the growth of our business. Nevertheless, the Board is confident of the future prospects of the Group.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all staff across the Group for their contribution to a very busy and rewarding year. We have the team in place to take the business forwards and this puts the Group in a strong position as we continue to expand its sphere of operations.

The Group has come a long way in a very short time and the Board is confident that it will achieve its objective of becoming a highly regarded defence contractor in its specialised fields. The Board is firmly of the view that we have all the building blocks in place to further develop and grow the business both internationally and in the domestic market. While the current economic and political climate makes us cautious, we are optimistic that, over the next two years and thereafter, Manroy will continue to expand both here and abroad.

Andrew Blurton


2 February 2012

Chief Executive's Operating Review


I am pleased to report on what has been a very eventful and important year for Manroy. Our AIM flotation in December 2010 stands out as the key event during the last 12 months. Additionally there have been a number of other significant developments including the acquisition of Manroy Systems, the purchase of the business and assets of AEI and, shortly before the year end, completion of our US acquisition and its proposed re-location into an expanded 105,000 sq ft property in Spindale, North Carolina.

At the time of the flotation we set out our intention to expand the business and enhance the substantial opportunities that existed as a result of our 26 year relationship with the UK MoD. Total new orders from the MoD during the 2010/11 financial year of GBP6.5 million and the acquisitions of AEI and 49% of Manroy USA ("MUSA") during this period, demonstrate the success of our strategy and commitment to making the most of the AIM quote.

As a result of this activity, the foundations are in place for significant potential expansion. There is also a greatly increased opportunity to expand our product portfolio and broaden our geographic reach. All these factors have enhanced the financial standing of the Group whilst at the same time reducing the Group's dependence on the UK MoD as its principal customer.

Review of operations

Whilst the acquisitions of AEI and MUSA have significantly enhanced Manroy's future prospects, the original business of manufacturing HMGs is set to continue in 2012 with a number of very positive prospects expected to materialise during the first half of the current financial year. Our relationship with the MoD remains very strong, generating GBP6.6 million of revenue this financial year, which equates to 61% of total revenue for the year ended 30 September 2011. This compares with 93% of revenue in 2010 and is in line with our forecasts of easing dependency on the MoD.

The work we have undertaken over the last few years to develop our export market is also beginning to reap real benefits. We anticipate that in 2012 exports will account for 60% of revenue, well up on the 2010-11 financial year. Manroy only deals with UK Government approved countries and we are currently awaiting some major bids to convert into confirmed orders for the current financial year. However we continue to depend on UK Government licence approvals which, of course, affect the timing of actual sales. While certain areas have been affected by unrest and economic austerity, new regions continue to be developed as part of the ongoing plan to improve revenue generation for the Group.

The MoD, nevertheless, continues to be an important customer, with Manroy contracted to provide ongoing support and spares contracts for the HMG and further business with our HMG Blank Firing System and ammunition. Additionally there are a number of significant new tenders in our business area that will be released by the MoD during the current year for which we will be tendering that will potentially take us into new product areas.

While certain areas have been affected by unrest and economic austerity, new regions continue to be developed as part of the ongoing plan to improve revenue generation for the Group. We have secured a number of important contract wins during 2011, including, most recently, a GBP1.6 million agreement to supply the MoD with spare parts for the HMG which commenced delivery towards the end of the 2011 financial year and is continuing during 2012. The extension of an existing contract to supply the MoD with blank ammunition which is worth GBP4.1 million over five years commences delivery in spring 2012. In addition to the MoD we have also supplied products to a number of new export customers, including Turkey, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia and Ireland.

Having recognised the potential worldwide market for the GPMG, Manroy undertook the significant task of establishing this gun as a Manroy product alongside the HMG. This included marketing to both MoD and export customers, as well as establishing a technical team to produce a product build standard and production method. Substantial time and effort has been invested in this project as part of our commitment to increasing our product range and thereby expanding the capabilities of the Group. We see sales of the GPMG as being an area of significant growth and we have undertaken successful customer trials and tests during 2011, which have resulted in a number of valuable tenders being submitted to export customers. As a result of this business development work in the export market we expect to be in serious production of the GPMG during summer 2012. Consequently, we anticipate producing the GPMG alongside the HMG and the work to undertake this is currently underway.

In April 2011, Manroy acquired AEI which is a UK-based designer and producer of weapon support systems, including turrets, gun mounts, bespoke tow bars and systems for armoured vehicles. The integration of the business and assets of AEI is now complete.

Importantly, AEI also provides Manroy with a precision engineering design capability. The rationale for the acquisition was further underpinned through approximately GBP2.0 million of orders received towards the end of the 2011 financial year. The addition of the AEI product range to Manroy's existing product range allows Manroy to offer a complete system solution to customers, which can include mountings and turrets in addition to weapons. This valuable revenue stream is a central part of the long-term vision for Manroy and is expected to make an important and increasing contribution to growth over the coming years.

The other major corporate acquisition during the year was the 49% interest in MUSA which we completed in August 2011. The acquisition became even more attractive following MUSA's purchase of the business and assets of Sabre Defence Industries LLC ("Sabre") in March 2011 for approximately $6.0 million (GBP3.7 million). This purchase has advanced MUSA's development significantly as it enhances the Group's penetration of the HMG market in the US. MUSA now offers a significantly increased product range which includes M2 receivers and bolts, M10 chargers, M2 barrel extensions, 7.62 minigun barrels, M2HB and QCB barrels, M16 A3 and A4 weapons and M4 weapons. Sabre derived most of its income from the US DoD and MUSA now has the opportunity to further build on this important relationship in the world's largest defence market.

As we outlined at the time of our flotation in December 2010, Manroy has an existing manufacturing agreement with General Dynamics for the supply of certain parts for the HMG in the US. This agreement has been further strengthened through the MUSA acquisition and places the Group in a firm position to supply General Dynamics, the main supplier of HMGs to the US DoD, which we believe is planning to order approximately 35,000 new HMGs over the next ten years.

The past six months have seen a re-structuring and streamlining of MUSA to bring it in line with the Group's UK operations. In June 2011 MUSA was granted Small Business Accreditation (SBA) status by the US Government. This is important as it allows MUSA to bid for contracts that are 'set aside' for small businesses without competition from large companies.

MUSA is also in the process of relocating to a Historically Underutilised Business Zone (HUBZone) in Spindale North Carolina, following information obtained from the US management team that Scottsboro would be losing its beneficial HUBZone status. This process will be completed during the second quarter of the current financial year, thus underpinning operations in subsequent financial periods. HUBZone status gives MUSA advantageous pricing conditions when bidding for US Government contracts against companies that are not located within a HUBZone. HUBZones are geographic areas within the USA that have been identified by the US Government as areas that require economic support, therefore there are real commercial advantages offered by the US Government to companies that are located therein.

MUSA is currently engaged in novating $10 million (GBP6.3 million) of contracts from the US DoD which were originally placed with Sabre, with fulfilment planned to occur during 2012. As part of the novation process, the related manufacturing machinery and equipment has already been transferred from MUSA's and Sabre's previous premises in Scottsboro and Nashville to the new facility in Spindale, North Carolina, thereby permitting commencement of production of initial product runs which can then be tested and confirmed as part of the novation process.

With the high volume of corporate acquisitions in 2011 we recognised the need to enhance the structure of the business to meet our anticipated growth targets. As a result, we have significantly restructured the organisation of the Group with the introduction of new operational director roles in our trading subsidiary (Sales, Technical & Operational) giving these operational directors direct responsibilities for specific areas of the business.

Strategy and outlook

Our financial year that ended on 30 September 2011 has been a transformational time for Manroy. A considered programme of expansion has been executed across the business creating a platform for future growth. The Board recognises the significance of ensuring that these important elements of expansion are integrated fully into the Group and therefore there continues to be an important period of consolidation following the three corporate acquisitions and MUSA's move to its new premises.

The expansion of the AIM listed Group has significantly increased profile and helped to attract new customers who appreciate the additional transparency and status of a London quoted company.

Whilst the MoD continues to be a key customer of the Group, and with whom we continue to maintain an excellent relationship, we are continuing to diversify the revenue stream through an expanded product range, accessing new markets and deriving enhanced benefit from our US operations.

The hard work of the past 12 months has underpinned our profitable, cash generative business with a strong forward order book. The management team is committed to the creation of a scalable, precision engineering business that uses established partners to underpin its investment proposition. Our first period as a quoted company has been very encouraging and we look to the future with confidence.

Glyn Bottomley

Chief Executive

2 February 2012

Financial Review

Key performance indicators monitored by the Board

The Board uses a number of key performance indicators ('KPIs') to monitor Group performance against budgets and forecasts as well as to measure progress against the Board's strategic objectives. These are summarised below.

Comparative numbers in KPI analysis

With the quantity of corporate acquisitions during the 2010/11 financial year, and noting that the operations of the Group in the previous year was that of a cash shell, the following financial analysis comments on the comparatives of the Manroy Systems sub-group. For completeness, the consolidated Group numbers for Manroy Plc for the current year have also been shown.

                                                                  Manroy Plc    Manroy Systems 
                                                                consolidated          Ltd 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 KPI                                 Purpose of KPI                     2011      2011      2010 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP,000 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                            A principal earnings driver 
 Revenue                     for the Group.                            7,681    10,776    12,308 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                            This is used to measure 
                             the growth in expanding 
 Revenue outside             our revenue over and above 
  the UK                     existing UK activity.                     3,313     3,814       884 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                            EBITDA affects cash and 
 EBITDA                      profitability.                              800     2,900     3,233 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                            Cash generation and investment 
 Cash (used /                is an important indicator 
  invested) / generation     of financial strength                     (576)     (416)       404 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                                                                           %         %         % 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                            To ensure revenue margin 
 Gross profit                increase is matched to profits 
  margin                     generated.                                   37        36        33 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 
                            To maintain and where possible 
 Net profit margin           improve profit levels.                       26        18        16 
-------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------  --------  -------- 

Revenue and market share

For the year ended September 2011 Manroy Systems recorded revenue of GBP10.8 million (GBP12.3 million: 2010). The Board's strategy is to increase the Group's market share in the export market through an increased customer and product base.

The challenges posed in increasing export revenue are the complexity of managing export regulations, variations in tender processes and cultural factors across varied regions. The political unrest across Asia and North Africa and the global economic climate adversely affected sales generation throughout the year, reducing revenue by 12% from the levels achieved in 2010.

The Group did not supply to countries where major levels of unrest occurred in 2011. However, the effect of this unrest delayed the grant of export licenses for other countries across these regions. Regulation of licenses for the export of weapons is a complicated and controlling item in the delivery of sales.

Manroy was highly successful with all major competitive export tenders it handled during the year and the Board continues to manage revenues performance with vigilance. While certain areas have been affected by unrest and economic austerity, new regions continue to be developed as part of the ongoing plan to improve revenue generation for the Group.

Analysis of revenue generation during 2011

                            Manroy Plc            Manroy Systems Limited 
 Region                           2011     %      2011     %      2010     % 
                               GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
 United Kingdom                  4,368    57     6,962    65    11,424    93 
 Europe                          1,405    18     1,866    17       462     4 
 North America                      43     1        83     1       177     1 
 South America                       -     -         -     -       244     2 
 Asia and Australasia            1,865    24     1,865    17         1     - 
                                 7,681   100    10,776   100    12,308   100 
======================  ==============  ====  ========  ====  ========  ==== 

Manroy has enjoyed success in the UK market in recent years, with a significant majority of its revenue being generated from the UK MoD. Over the last three years, Manroy has increased revenues activities in expanding the customer base for the export market. 2011 provides evidence that this strategy is successful with revenues to export markets increasing from 7% of total revenue in 2010 to 35% on 2011. Revenue for 2012 is expected to continue along this trend, further reducing the risks of customer concentration.

During the year ended 30 September 2011, the increase in export orders has originated from Europe, Asia and Australasia, with these regions producing 34% of total revenue in 2011, up from 4% of total revenue in 2010.

Maintaining gross profit margins at 33%

Gross margins increased to 36% in the year (2010: 33%) reflecting the Board's tight control over costs, pricing methodology and increased royalty income generated in the year.

Overheads and acquisition costs in Income Statement

                                           Manroy    Manroy Systems Limited 
                                 Plc consolidated 
                                             2011          2011         2010 
                                                        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Administrative expenses                  (1,188)       (1,063)        (959) 
 Corporate acquisition costs              (1,097)         (149)            - 
-----------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Total                                    (2,285)       (1,212)        (959) 
=============================  ==================  ============  =========== 

Administrative overheads increased by 11% in the year, reflecting the increase in headcount following the acquisition of AEI and other key appointments throughout the year.

During the year the Group completed three corporate acquisitions, Manroy Systems in December 2010, AEI in April 2011 and Manroy USA in August 2011. Combined with these was the Admission to dealing of the Company's shares on AIM and two share placings during the year.

Results for the year ended 30 September 2011

                                                     Manroy     Manroy Systems 
                                           Plc consolidated 
                                                       2011       2011       2010 
                                                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Trade revenues                                       7,681     10,776     12,308 
 Royalties and other income                             289        267          - 
---------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Total revenue                                        7,970     11,043     12,308 
 Gross margin                                         2,971      3,982      4,063 
                                                        37%        36%        33% 
 Profit before tax and non-recurring 
  acquisition costs                                   3,318      2,820      2,804 
 Profit before tax after non-recurring 
  acquisition costs                                   2,221      2,671      2,804 
 Profit after tax                                     2,049      2,011      2,018 
=======================================  ==================  =========  ========= 
 Net profit margin (after tax)                          26%        18%        16% 

Earnings per share

The earnings per share figures have been calculated as follows:-

Basic earnings per share

                                                        Year ended      Year ended 
                                                      30 September    30 September 
                                                              2011            2010 
 Profit/(loss) per Consolidated Income 
  Statement                                GBP'000           2,049           (274) 
 Weighted average number of shares in 
  issue during the year                       '000          11,389           2,907 
 Earnings/(loss) per share                   Pence            18.0           (9.4) 
---------------------------------------  ---------  --------------  -------------- 
 Diluted earnings per share                             Year ended      Year ended 
                                                      30 September    30 September 
                                                              2011            2010 
 Profit/(loss) per Consolidated Income 
  Statement                                GBP'000           2,049           (274) 
 Diluted weighted average number of 
  shares in issue during year                 '000          11,711           3,145 
 Diluted earnings (loss) per share           Pence            17.5           (8.7) 
---------------------------------------  ---------  --------------  -------------- 


An interim dividend of 1p per share was paid on 15 July 2011. In light of the positive results for the year ended 30 September 2011, the Board has also proposed a final dividend of 1p per share payable to shareholders on the register on 10 February 2012, excluding those shares issued in August 2011 which did not rank for this dividend. This is subject to approval by Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 4 April 2012 and thereafter would be payable on 11 April 2012.

Corporate acquisitions

Manroy Systems

In December 2010, the Company acquired the entire issued share capital of Manroy Systems for approximately GBP3.1 million. This was satisfied by the issue of 2,081,632 ordinary shares at 75 pence per share to Glyn Bottomley, in respect of his holding of 51 per cent. of the issued share capital of Manroy Systems, and the payment in cash of a total of GBP1.5 million to Madeleine and Roy Swainbank in respect of their joint holding of 49 per cent. of the issued share capital of Manroy Systems. In addition, the Company repaid the deferred consideration and shareholder loans (plus accrued interest) due to Madeleine and Roy Swainbank amounting, in aggregate, to approximately GBP4.7 million which was satisfied from the net proceeds of a new share issue of 8,000,000 ordinary shares at 75 pence per share, issued on 22 and 23 December 2010.

AEI Land Systems (AEI)

Integration of the business and assets of AEI was completed during the second half of this financial year. Following its acquisition, AEI has received MoD and export orders with a value of over GBP2 million. This includes a GBP0.6 million MoD order for the further supply of lightweight tow bars which were delivered during the first quarter of the 2011/12 financial year, with an option by the MoD for further deliveries over a three year period.

In addition to generating a valuable order pipeline, this acquisition also brought an improved development and design capability to the Group, which is expected by the Board to enhance the Group's product offering.

Manroy USA LLC

Manroy USA LLC is 49% owned by the Group and is accounted for as an Associated Company. Accordingly, Manroy USA's results are included in the Consolidated Income Statement as the Group's 49% share of its profit after tax. For the short period of the Group's ownership between completion on 23 August and the 30 September 2011 year end, Manroy USA recorded a loss attributable to the Group's interest of GBP115,000.

Following Manroy USA's acquisition of the assets of Sabre, MUSA also began the complicated task of novating $10 million (GBP6.3 million) in outstanding US DoD contracts from Sabre to MUSA. It is a critical success factor for Manroy USA to be in the most strategically advantageous position to win the larger contract income from the US defence market. The physical location, nationality of ownership, size and location of workforce are all important in achieving this.

In the US, the Historically Underutilized Business Zones ("HUBZone") Empowerment Contracting programme was enacted to encourage economic development in HUBZones. This is in line with the efforts of both the Federal Government and Congress in the US to promote economic development and employment growth in distressed areas by providing access to more federal contracting opportunities. The US Small Business Administration (the "SBA") regulates and implements the HUBZone programme. During the second half of the 2011 calendar year, MUSA applied for, and after a lengthy and successful process, obtained full SBA status.

The benefits for HUBZone certified companies include:

   --      Competitive and sole source contracting. 

-- 10% price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions, as well as subcontracting opportunities. This essentially results in a HUBZone contractor's quoted price being automatically discounted by 10% against those from businesses without such status for the purposes of awarding contracts, though the full price is paid on sale.

The US Federal Government has a goal of awarding 3% in value of all federal prime contracts to HUBZone certified small business concerns.

The table below demonstrates the qualification criteria for the programme and the achievements of MUSA.

 HUBZone qualification criteria                   Manroy USA         Qualification 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 The company must be a small business by SBA      Awarded June             P 
  standards.                                       2011 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 The company must be owned and controlled         51% owned                P 
  at least 51% by U.S. citizens, or a community    by US citizen 
  development corporation, an agricultural 
  cooperative, or an Indian tribe. 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 The company's principal office must be located   Spindale,                P 
  within a HUBZone.                                North Carolina 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 At least 35% of the company's employees must     Main management          P 
  reside in a HUBZone.                             team relocating 
                                                   and hiring 
                                                   in HUBZone 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------- 

Manroy USA is now registered as a small business with the SBA and is working towards becoming a HUBZone certified business. Manroy USA was originally located in Scottsboro, Alabama but during the year the management team was advised that this area was at risk of losing its HUBZone certified status; in addition Nashville (the then location of Sabre) was not in a HUBZone. The Board also considered that the facilities held by Manroy USA in these regions were not of sufficient size and were too distant from each other to be long term beneficial assets to match MUSA's plans for the future. It was also not possible to fulfil the $10 million (GBP6.3 million) of DoD contracts from either of these facilities on a permanent basis, and therefore relocation to a new long term base of manufacture was required.

With the decision to move production facilities to Spindale it was also decided to sell MUSA's original facility in Scottsboro to contribute towards the capital expenditure required for the move once a sale had been concluded. At 30 September 2011, the Group's 50% interest in this property is held in current assets at GBP144,000 as a property held for sale.

Strategy of Manroy USA inclusive of Sabre

The acquisition of the business and assets of Sabre also included an extensive barrel manufacturing capability that can be used by the Group to continue supplying existing customers of Sabre as well as those of Manroy. This provides excellent opportunities to utilise existing plant and machinery within the Group to secure continuity of supply and quality for our core customers without the reliance of external contractors.

The Directors believe that there are only two qualified barrel manufacturers in the United States for the supply of the M2 HMG to the US DoD. The first is General Dynamics, with whom Manroy USA already has a manufacturing agreement, and the second is Sabre, whose business is now part of Manroy USA. The board of Manroy USA believes that the US DoD has a requirement for approximately 10,000 M2 HMG barrels each year, of which approximately half were supplied by Sabre prior to July 2010.

The purchase also included the opportunity to complete and deliver $10.2 million (GBP6.3 million) of contracts from the US DoD previously awarded to Sabre, subject to novation of these contracts to MUSA. The novation of these contracts is being undertaken as part of the HUBZone and contract accreditation process, together with the move to Spindale, North Carolina, referred to above. Whilst the MUSA management team remain confident of a successful novation of the DoD contracts, this requires first article inspection of the new premises and detailed operational and manufacturing checks by other US Government agencies before novation can be completed and manufacture for these contracts can commence.

This strategic move, while delaying novation of the DoD contracts, has produced a greatly improved facility with benefits of full HUBZone status that the Board is confident will underpin the future success of Manroy USA in its areas of activity.

Intangible assets

The Group is required to value intangible assets acquired in corporate acquisitions and to amortise them over their useful economic lives. The three types of asset acquired were:

Manroy Systems

   (i)            Trademarks valued at GBP548,000, amortised over six years 
   (ii)           Customer relationships valued at GBP6,871,000, amortised over 10 years 
   (iii)          Developed technology / know how valued at GBP1,684,000, amortised over six years. 

Manroy USA

   (i)            Patents valued at $171,000 (GBP105,000), amortised over 15 years 
   (ii)           Customer relationships valued at $7,411,000 (GBP4,583,000) amortised over 15 years. 

Intangible assets in the US are being amortised over a longer period than those in the UK Group, which reflects the expectation of longer future economic benefits to be generated from these assets.

These valuations together with the tangible assets and liabilities of the businesses acquired resulted in negative goodwill of GBP2,460,000 arising on the two acquisitions, which has been credited to the Income Statement for the year ended 30 September 2011. This arose as follows:

 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition of 100% of Manroy 
  Systems                                                         1,609 
 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition of 49% interest 
  in Manroy USA                                                     851 
------------------------------------------------------------  --------- 
 Credit to Income Statement                                       2,460 
============================================================  ========= 

Further detail on these acquisitions and the negative goodwill arising is included in notes 6.1 and 8.1 to the preliminary announcement.


The Group has achieved many goals during the year ended 30 September 2011. We completed three corporate acquisitions, the Company's shares have been admitted to trading on AIM, the Company's distributable reserves have been increased by GBP12 million by restructuring our share capital and we have enhanced our available banking facilities. In parallel to this, the Board has maintained Manroy's underlying profitable, cash generative business.

These results are an excellent outcome in a year affected by a deteriorating economic climate and political unrest in key markets for our business. Our first period as a quoted company has been very encouraging and we look to the future with confidence as the hard work of the past 12 months provides a strong foundation for our continued financial growth.

P. J. Carter

Finance Director

2 February 2012


For the year ended 30 September 2011

                                            Notes      Year ended      Year ended 
                                                     30 September    30 September 
                                                             2011            2010 
                                                          GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Trade revenues                              2              7,681               - 
 Royalties and other income                                   289               - 
----------------------------------------  -------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total revenue                                              7,970               - 
 Cost of operations                                       (4,999)               - 
 Gross profit                                               2,971               - 
 Administrative expenses                                  (1,188)           (153) 
 Corporate acquisition costs                 3            (1,097)           (130) 
 Negative goodwill                                          2,460               - 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                          (794)               - 
 Results from operating activities                          2,352           (283) 
 Finance income                                                15               9 
 Finance expenses                                            (65)               - 
 Movement in fair value of interest                            34               - 
  rate swaps 
  Profit / (loss) before income from 
  Associated Company                                        2,336           (274) 
 Share of results of Associated Company     8.3             (115)               - 
  Profit / (loss) before tax                                2,221           (274) 
 Tax                                         4              (172)               - 
  Profit after tax                                          2,049           (274) 
 Exchange movement on translation of                          158               - 
  investment in Associated Company 
----------------------------------------  -------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  period                                                    2,207           (274) 
========================================  =======  ==============  ============== 

Earnings per share

 Basic      18.0p   (9.4p) 
 Diluted    17.5p   (8.7p) 
=========  ======  ======= 
 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL            30 September   30 September 
  POSITION                                              2011           2010 
  REGISTERED NUMBER: 2451413            Notes 
                                                     GBP'000        GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                7.1             303              - 
 Intangible assets                        9            8,499              - 
 Property, plant and equipment           10              401              - 
 Interest in Associated Company          8.3           4,630              - 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                      13,833              - 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                           2,097              - 
 Trade and other receivables                           5,133            480 
 Asset held for sale                                     144              - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               847          1,423 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                       8,221          1,903 
 Total assets                                         22,054          1,903 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                              11            (700)              - 
 Obligations under finance leases                       (24)              - 
 Current tax liability                                 (172)              - 
 Trade and other payables                            (2,541)          (419) 
                                                     (3,437)          (419) 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                              11            (699)              - 
 Obligations under finance leases                       (18)              - 
 Deferred tax                            12          (2,283)              - 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                     (3,000)              - 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                                   (6,437)          (419) 
-------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net assets                                           15,617          1,484 
=====================================  ======  =============  ============= 
 Share capital                                           910          2,179 
 Share premium account                                   295            331 
 Other reserves                                        1,674              - 
 Retained earnings                                    12,738        (1,026) 
 Total equity                                         15,617          1,484 
=====================================  ======  =============  ============= 


For the year ended 30 September 2011

                                       Share     Share      Capital    Merger   Special   Exchange   Retained    Total 
                                     capital   premium   redemption   reserve   reserve   movement   earnings   equity 
                                     account   account      reserve                        reserve 
                                     GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
  At 30 September 2009                 2,179       331            -         -         -          -      (752)    1,758 
  Total comprehensive income for 
   the year                                -         -            -         -         -          -      (274)    (274) 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
  At 30 September 2010                 2,179       331            -         -         -          -    (1,026)    1,484 
   Capital reorganisation            (2,034)         -        2,034         -         -                     -        - 
  New shares issued in the year          765    10,434            -     1,457         -          -          -   12,656 
  Share issue costs                        -     (600)            -         -         -          -          -    (600) 
  Cancellation of share premium 
   account and capital redemption 
   reserve                                 -   (9,870)      (2,034)         -        59          -     11,845        - 
  Exchange movement on translation 
   of foreign operations                   -         -                      -                  158          -      158 
   Profit after tax for the year 
   ended 30 September 2011                 -         -            -         -         -          -      2,049    2,049 
  Dividends paid in the year (note 
   5)                                      -         -            -         -         -          -      (130)    (130) 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
  At 30 September 2011                   910       295            -    1,457*       59*       158*     12,738   15,617 
==================================  ========  ========  ===========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ======= 

* = Disclosed as Other reserves totalling GBP1,674,000 in the consolidated statement of financial position at 30 September 2011


Year ended 30 September 2011

                                                        Year ended      Year ended 
                                                      30 September    30 September 
                                                              2011            2010 
                                              Note         GBP'000         GBP'000 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit / (loss) for the year                                2,049           (274) 
 Finance expense                                                65             (9) 
 Finance income                                               (15)               - 
 Tax expense                                                   172               - 
 Negative goodwill                                         (2,460)               - 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                             794               - 
 Share of results of Associated                                115               - 
 Unrecognised exchange movements                               (2)               - 
 Movement in fair value of interest                           (34)               - 
  rate swaps 
 Depreciation of property, plant                               113               - 
  and equipment 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from operations before 
  changes in 
  working capital                                              797           (283) 
 (Increase) / Decrease in inventory                          (441)               - 
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                     (411)               1 
 (Decrease) / increase in trade 
  and other payables                                         (750)              99 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash generated from/(used in) operations                    (805)           (183) 
 Interest received                                              15               9 
 Interest paid                                                (65)               - 
 Tax paid                                                    (336)             (7) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash used in operating activities                     (1,191)           (181) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cashflows from investing activities 
 Investment in development of products                       (190)               - 
 Acquisition of Manroy Systems Limited                     (1,500)               - 
 Acquisition of business and assets                          (250)               - 
  of AEI 
 Acquisition of 49% interest in                            (1,670)               - 
  Manroy USA 
 Loans made to Manroy USA                                    (816)               - 
 Cash acquired on purchase of Manroy                         1,971               - 
  Systems and AEI 
 Purchase of property, plant and                             (224)               - 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities                     (2,679)               - 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cashflows from financing activities 
 Issue of new ordinary shares                                9,000               - 
 Costs incurred on issue of shares                           (602)           (184) 
 Purchase of own shares                                          -            (13) 
 Repayment of finance leases                                  (35)               - 
 Dividends paid                                              (130)               - 
 Repayments of bank loans                                    (223)               - 
 Repayment of shareholder and other                        (4,716)               - 
 Net cash generated from/(used in) 
  financing activities                                       3,294           (197) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash and cash equivalents used 
  in year                                                    (576)           (378) 
 Opening cash and cash equivalents                           1,423           1,801 
 Closing cash and cash equivalents                             847           1,423 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

Notes to the preliminary announcement

1. Basis of preparation

Manroy Plc is a Company incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom. The address of the Company's registered office is 6 Lakeside Business Park, Swan Lane, Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 9DN. The preliminary announcement of the Company for the year ended 30 September 2011 comprise the Company and the subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group"). The preliminary announcement for the year ended 30 September 2011 has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU ("Adopted IFRS").

This announcement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted by Manroy Plc for the year ended 30 September 2011.These policies have been applied consistently in all material respects in the preparation of these results unless otherwise stated.

This preliminary announcement has been prepared on a going concern basis and on a historical cost basis as modified by the valuation of certain assets and liabilities. This preliminary announcement is presented in UK Sterling, which is the Company's functional currency. All financial information has been rounded to the nearest thousand pounds.

2. Segmental information

The information provided to the Chief Executive, as the principal decision maker of the Board, for the purpose of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance undertaken by the Group is the supply of guns and spares. There is only one overseas asset being the Group's net interest in its Associated Company Manroy USA. The Group's ongoing strategy is to increase the revenue penetration into the export market which is demonstrated in the below table:

 Region                    Year ended 30    %       Year ended    % 
                          September 2011          30 September 
                                 GBP'000                  2010 
 United Kingdom                    4,368    57          11,424    93 
 Europe                            1,405    18             462     4 
 North America                        43     1             177     1 
 South America                         -     -             244     2 
 Asia and Australasia              1,865    24               1     - 
                                   7,681   100          12,308   100 
======================  ================  ====  ==============  ==== 

During the year ended 30 September 2011 revenue of GBP6,622,000 was made to the Group's largest customer (2010: GBP11,220,000).

The comparative is for the full year of Manroy Systems Ltd for the year ended 30 September 2010.

3. Corporate acquisition costs

                                               Year ended      Year ended 
                                             30 September    30 September 
                                                     2011            2010 
                                                  GBP'000         GBP'000 
  Cost incurred in acquiring Manroy 
  Systems Limited                                   (632)           (130) 
 Cost incurred in acquiring business                (149)               - 
  and assets of AEI Land Systems Limited 
 Cost incurred acquiring 49% interest               (316)               - 
  in Manroy USA LLC 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                  (1,097)           (130) 
=========================================  ==============  ============== 


4. Tax charge

                                    Year ended      Year ended 
                                  30 September    30 September 
                                          2011            2010 
                                       GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Current tax charge                      (383)               - 
 Deferred tax credit (note 12)             211               - 
------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Tax expense for the year                (172)               - 
==============================  ==============  ============== 

Taxation has been calculated by applying the standard corporate tax rates ruling in the operating territories of the Group. The difference between the total current tax shown above and the amount calculated by applying the standard rates of corporation tax to the profit before tax is as follows:

                                                    Year ended      Year ended 
                                                  30 September    30 September 
                                                          2011            2010 
                                                       GBP'000         GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit / (loss) before tax                              2,221           (274) 
==============================================  ==============  ============== 
 Tax on profit at an average rate of 
  27%                                                    (600)               - 
 Factors affecting charge:- 
 Negative goodwill on Manroy Systems 
  not taxable                                              435               - 
 Capital allowances in excess of depreciation                3               - 
 Income from US subsidiary                                 133               - 
 Allowances for non-trade loan relationships                45 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                       (214)               - 
 Losses carried forward                                   (20)               - 
 Acquisition costs and other expenditure                 (165)               - 
  disallowed for taxation purposes 
 Current tax expense for the year                        (383)               - 
==============================================  ==============  ============== 

5. Dividends

An interim dividend of 1p per share, amounting to GBP130,000, was paid on 15 July 2011. In light of the positive results for the year ended 30 September 2011, the Board has also proposed a final dividend of 1p per share, payable to shareholders on the register on 10 February 2012, excluding those shares issued in August 2011 which did not rank for this dividend. The final dividend is subject to approval by Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 4 April 2012 and has therefore not been included as a liability in this preliminary announcement. After approval, the final dividend is expected to be paid on 11 April 2012.

                                           Year ended      Year ended 
                                         30 September    30 September 
                                                 2011            2010 
                                              GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Interim dividend paid for the year             (130)               - 
  ended 30 September 2011 of 1p per 
 Proposed final dividend for the year           (130)               - 
  ended 30 September 2011 of 1p per 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                (260)               - 
=====================================  ==============  ============== 

6. Acquisition of Manroy Systems

6.1 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition of Manroy Systems

On 23 December 2010, Manroy completed the acquisition of Manroy Systems for GBP3,061,000. Negative goodwill arose on this acquisition as follows:

 Purchase price                               Year ended 
                                            30 September 
 Cash paid in accordance with the terms 
  of acquisition agreement                         1,500 
 2,081,632 ordinary shares issued at 
  75p per share                                    1,561 
----------------------------------------  -------------- 
  Cost of acquisition                              3,061 
 Adjusted net assets of Manroy Systems 
  Limited on acquisition (note 6.2)              (4,670) 
  Negative goodwill credited to Income 
   Statement                                     (1,609) 
========================================  ============== 

The fair values of assets acquired from Manroy Systems at the date of acquisition were formally reviewed at the year end which has increased the negative goodwill reported in the half yearly financial report by GBP258,000.

6.2 Net assets of Manroy Systems at acquisition

                                                       At acquisition 
                                                       on 23 December 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Trademarks                                                       548 
 Customer relationships                                         6,871 
 Developed technology / Know how                                1,684 
 Property, plant and equipment                                    211 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                                    1,546 
 Trade and other receivables                                    3,304 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                      1,874 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Total assets                                                  16,038 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Bank loans                                                     (700) 
 Finance leases                                                  (43) 
 Derivative financial instruments                                (34) 
 Trade and other payables                                     (2,544) 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank loans                                                     (922) 
 Finance leases                                                  (34) 
 Other payables                                               (4,716) 
 Deferred tax                                                 (2,375) 
 Total liabilities                                           (11,368) 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Net assets at acquisition                                      4,670 
===================================================  ================ 

The net assets of Manroy Systems were adjusted on acquisition to restate the goodwill figure of GBP6,538,000 into its component parts of trademarks, customer relationships and developed technology totalling GBP9,103,000. In relation to these intangible assets, a deferred tax liability of GBP2,367,000 was also provided. These combined elements had an effect of increasing net assets of Manroy Systems at acquisition by GBP198,000.

6.3 Manroy Systems consolidated income statement

From date of acquisition on 23 December 2010 to 30 September 2011.

 Revenue                                7,944 
 Cost of sales                        (4,999) 
 Gross profit                           2,945 
 Administrative expenses                (734) 
 Corporate acquisition costs            (149) 
-----------------------------------  -------- 
 Results from operating activities 
 Finance income                            13 
 Finance expense                         (65) 
 Profit before taxation                 2,010 
 Taxation                               (379) 
-----------------------------------  -------- 
 Profit for the period                  1,631 
===================================  ======== 

6.4 Manroy Systems Limited consolidated income statements

The below is the consolidated results for Manroy Systems Ltd and its wholly owned subsidiary Manroy Engineering Ltd.

                                         Year ended      Year ended 
                                       30 September    30 September 
                                               2011            2010 
                                            GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Revenue                                     11,043          12,308 
 Cost of sales                              (7,061)         (8,245) 
 Gross profit                                 3,982           4,063 
 Administrative expenses                    (1,064)           (959) 
 Corporate acquisition costs                  (149)               - 
-----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Results from operating activities            2,769           3,104 
 Net finance expense                           (98)           (300) 
 Profit before taxation                       2,671           2,804 
 Taxation                                     (660)           (786) 
-----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit for the year                          2,011           2,018 
===================================  ==============  ============== 

7. Acquisition of business and assets of AEI

   7.1   Goodwill arising on acquisition of business and assets of AEI 

The Group completed the acquisition of the business and assets of AEI on 1 April 2011. Goodwill arose on this acquisition as follows:

                                              Year ended 
                                            30 September 
 Cash paid on acquisition                            250 
 Deferred royalty consideration                      291 
------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Total cost of acquisition                           541 
 Less net fair value of net assets of 
  the business and assets of AEI at acquisition    (238) 
 Carrying amount at 30 September 2011                303 
================================================  ====== 

Goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated at acquisition to the cash generating units that are expected to benefit from that business combination. The carrying amount of goodwill had been allocated to Manroy Engineering Limited, the Company's wholly owned subsidiary.

At 30 September 2011 the value in use of goodwill was determined by discounting future cash flows from continuing use of the cash generating unit. This is based on projected cash flows to 30 September 2012 and further projections to 30 September 2022 to produce a 10 year cash flow model. A nil growth assumption has been applied to cash flows from the end of year 3. A pre-tax discount rate of 10 per cent. was applied to resultant cash flows to determine value in use at 30 September 2011. The impairment review at 30 September 2011 supported the value in use of the goodwill and accordingly goodwill has been retained at a value of GBP303,000 in this preliminary announcement.

Deferred consideration is payable on the acquisition of the business and assets of AEI for two years from the date of acquisition. This was calculated based on forecast revenues at the time of acquisition, at the highest rate payable of 7 per cent. of AEI related revenue and provided in this preliminary announcement. If actual revenue generated matches forecast revenue then the full deferred consideration will be covered by the provisions already made. If revenues fall below the expected revenues then the deferred consideration would be over provided and any residual balance would be credited the income statement at the end of the two year period. If the revenues exceed expectations then higher profit levels would have been generated and the additional deferred consideration in excess of the deferred consideration provided would be charged to the income statement against the higher profit levels as it arose.

7.2 AEI Income Statement

From date of acquisition on 1 April 2011 to 30 September 2011.

 Revenue                                  440 
 Cost of sales                          (306) 
 Gross profit                             134 
 Administrative expenses                (162) 
 Results from operating activities       (28) 
 Net finance expense                        - 
 Profit before taxation                  (28) 
 Taxation                                   - 
-----------------------------------  -------- 
 Loss for the period                     (28) 
===================================  ======== 

8. Investment in Associated Company

In August 2011, the Group acquired a 49% interest in Manroy USA through a newly formed US subsidiary, Manroy USA Holdings Inc.

8.1 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition of interest in Associated Company

                                                        GBP'000      Year ended 
                                                                   30 September 
 Consideration shares 
 Market value of 2,049,069 consideration 
  shares issued in August 2011                                            2,095 
 Repayment of loan from Caledonian 
  Heritable to MUSA to purchase business 
  and assets of Sabre                                                     1,670 
 Total consideration for 49% holding 
  in Manroy USA                                                           3,765 
 Less 49% Group share of net assets 
  of Associated Company at acquisition 
  (note 8.2)                                              4,586 
 Less 50% interest in MUSA property 
  in Alabama                                                139 
--------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition                                 (960) 
  Less deferred tax liability on intangible 
   assets                                                                   119 
--------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition                                 (841) 
 Foreign exchange movement                                                 (10) 
============================================  =================  ============== 

8.2 Net assets of Manroy USA at acquisition

                                                      At acquisition 
                                                           23 August 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                                             4,688 
 Property, plant and equipment                                 2,504 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                                   2,199 
 Trade and other receivables                                     449 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                        71 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------- 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------- 
 Total assets                                                  9,911 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                                      (241) 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------- 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank loans                                                    (309) 
 Total liabilities                                             (550) 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------- 
 Net assets at acquisition                                     9,361 
===================================================  =============== 
 49% Group share of net assets at acquisition                  4,586 
===================================================  =============== 

8.3 Investment in Associated Company

  Share of assets at acquisition (note 8.2)       4,586 
 Results for the period from acquisition on 23 
  August 2011 to 30 September 2011                (115) 
 Exchange movements on translation at year end      159 
-----------------------------------------------  ------ 
 At 30 September 2011                             4,630 
===============================================  ====== 

9. Intangible assets

                             Trademarks         Customer     Developed        Product     Total 
                                           relationships    technology    development 
                                GBP'000          GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Cost or valuation 
 At 30 September                      -                -             -              -         - 
 Manroy Systems 
  acquisition                       548            6,871         1,684              -     9,103 
 Additions in the 
  year                                -                -             -            190       190 
--------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------  -------------  -------- 
 At 30 September 
  2011                              548            6,871         1,684            190     9,293 
--------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------  -------------  -------- 
 Accumulated amortisation 
 At 30 September                      -                -             -              -         - 
 Charge for the 
  year                               68              515           211              -       794 
--------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------  -------------  -------- 
 At 30 September 
  2011                               68              515           211              -       794 
--------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------  -------------  -------- 
 Net book value 
  at 30 September 
  2011                              480            6,356         1,473            190     8,499 
==========================  ===========  ===============  ============  =============  ======== 

All intangible assets arose as a result of corporate acquisitions undertaken during the year, except for product development costs which were internally generated and incurred against specific projects

10. Property, plant and equipment

                                    Property   Leasehold improvements   Plant and equipment   Motor vehicles     Total 
                                     GBP'000                  GBP'000               GBP'000          GBP'000   GBP'000 
 At 1 October 2009 and 30                  -                        -                     -                -         - 
 September 2010 
 Acquisition of Manroy Systems             -                       53                   157                1       211 
 Acquisition of assets from AEI            -                        -                    77                2        79 
 Assets acquired through MUSA 
  acquisition                            144                        -                     -                -       144 
 Reclassified as held for sale         (144)                        -                     -                -     (144) 
 Additions at cost                         -                       70                   136               18       224 
---------------------------------  ---------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------  -------- 
 At 30 September 2011                      -                      123                   370               21       514 
---------------------------------  ---------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Accumulated depreciation 
 At 1 October 2009 and 30                  -                        -                     -                -         - 
 September 2010 
 Charge for the year                       -                       10                    99                4       113 
---------------------------------  ---------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------  -------- 
 At 30 September 2011                      -                       10                    99                4       113 
---------------------------------  ---------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Net book value at 30 September 
  2011                                     -                      113                   271               17       401 
=================================  =========  =======================  ====================  ===============  ======== 
 Net book value at 30 September            -                        -                     -                -         - 
=================================  =========  =======================  ====================  ===============  ======== 

11. Bank loans

                                              30 September   30 September 
                                                      2011           2010 
                                                   GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Due within one year or on demand (Secured)            700              - 
 Repayable within two to five years                    699              - 
                                                     1,399              - 
===========================================  =============  ============= 

In April 2008, the Group entered into a 5 year loan facility with the Royal Bank of Scotland for GBP3.5 million. Capital was repaid at a rate of GBP58,000 per month. Interest was charged at a rate of 2.5% per annum over base, with GBP2 million of the loan swapped at a base rate of 5.4% per annum. On 30 September 2011 the balance of this loan totalling GBP1.2 million was repaid through the utilisation of a new loan facility provided by Barclays Bank. The new loan facility is a GBP1.4 million two year facility with capital repaid at the same rate of GBP58,000 per month at an interest rate of 2.5 per cent per annum above LIBOR. As part of this agreement, Manroy Engineering Limited granted a debenture supported by fixed and floating charges over its assets and an unsecured guarantee was provided by Manroy Plc.

12. Deferred tax

The movement on deferred tax asset arose as follows:

                                               30 September   30 September 
                                                       2011           2010 
                                                    GBP'000        GBP'000 
 At beginning of the year                                 -              - 
 Arising on intangible assets acquired                2,375              - 
  in Manroy Systems 
 Arising on intangible assets acquired 
  in Manroy USA                                         119 
                                                      2,494              - 
 Credited to tax charge in income statement           (211)              - 
  (note 4) 
                                                      2,283              - 
============================================  =============  ============= 

Deferred tax has been provided at acquisition because amortisation of intangible assets is non-deductable for corporation tax purposes. Accordingly, the deferred tax of GBP2,494,000 recorded on the acquisition of Manroy Systems and Manroy USA is being amortised against the Group's corporation tax charge in parallel to the amortisation of intangible assets acquired.

13. Related party transactions

On 3 December 2010, the Company entered into an acquisition agreement with Manroy Systems Limited, pursuant to which Glyn Bottomley agreed to sell his entire issued share capital of Manroy Systems Ltd to the Company for 2,068,633 Ordinary Shares at 75 pence per share. Under the acquisition agreement, Glyn Bottomley has given warranties to the Company regarding the Manroy Systems Limited and Manroy Engineering Limited, including warranties relating to ownership of assets, their statutory accounts, litigation and disputes, current contracts, intellectual property rights, taxation and employees. Liability under these warranties is subject to a maximum liability of GBP1.5 million. Claims made by the Company under the warranties (other than taxation) must be made within two years from 23 December 2010 and claims made by the Company in respect of taxation must be made within seven years following 23 December 2010. Further details can be found in the Admission Document dated 3 December 2010.

On 3 December 2010, the Company entered into the Relationship Agreement with Glyn Bottomley, Caledonian Heritable Limited and Surinder Rajput (the "Concert Party Members"). Under this agreement, the Concert Party Members undertook to the Company to use their reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Group is able at all times to carry on its business independently and that any transactions between any of them with the Group are on an arm's length basis and on normal commercial terms. The Relationship Agreement will continue in force for so long as the Ordinary Shares are admitted to AIM and the Concert Party Members are deemed to control the Group under the terms of the City Code or the Articles of the Company.

On 3 December 2010, the Company entered into Lock-In and Orderly Market Agreements with the Concert Party Members. Under these agreements, the Concert Party Members each agreed not to offer, dispose of, or agree to offer or otherwise dispose of directly or indirectly, conditionally or unconditionally, whether for consideration or not, any of the Company's Shares in which they are legally or beneficially entitled to until 23 December 2011 (the "Restricted Period") which period has now expired. Each of the Concert Party Members also agreed under the Lock-In and Orderly Market Agreements that for a period of one year following expiry of the Restricted Period, they will not dispose of more than half of their respective shareholdings in the Company. Any dealing in this subsequent period is subject to the Company's code of dealing, the consent of the Company and the consent of the Company's Nominated Adviser, and any disposals can only be only made through the Company's brokers. No such dealings have been undertaken by any Concert Party Member between the date of the agreement and the date of this report.

On 25 June 2009, the Company entered an agreement with Caledonian Heritable to pay an introductory fee of GBP45,000 relating to the acquisition of Manroy Systems which was settled following completion of that acquisition.

On 1 April 2011, the Company acquired the business and assets of AEI, a company owned equally between Glyn Bottomley and Caledonian Heritable Limited for GBP250,000, payable in cash, together with an earn out at the lower of 7 per cent. of AEI related turnover and 50 per cent. of profit after tax generated from the acquired assets of the AEI business for two years from the date of acquisition which has been provided in this preliminary announcement. If actual revenue generated matches forecast revenue then the full deferred consideration will be covered by the provisions already made. If revenues fall below the expected revenues then the deferred consideration would be over provided and any residual balance would be credited the income statement at the end of the two year period. If the revenues exceed expectations then higher profit levels would have been generated and the additional deferred consideration in excess of the deferred consideration provided would be charged to the income statement against the higher profit levels as it arose. During the year ended 30 September 2011, the Group incurred costs of sale of GBP38,000 and earned management fee income of GBP24,000 (shown within royalties and other income) from AEI, arising from the management services agreement between Manroy and AEI. This agreement was cancelled at no cost to the Group at the date of acquisition of the business and assets of AEI by the Company in April 2011.

In August 2011, 2,049,069 shares were issued to Caledonian Heritable Limited at 75 pence per share in accordance with the Group's acquisition of a 49% interest in Manroy USA. Further details of this issue were set out in the circular to shareholders dated 25 July 2011. These shares ranked pari passu in all respects with the then issued Ordinary Shares, except that they did not rank for any final dividend recommended by the Company in respect of the year ended 30 September 2011. In addition, the Group paid interest of GBP169,000 on the loan provided by Caledonian Heritable to MUSA to acquire the business and assets of Sabre.

During the year ended 30 September 2011, the Group has accrued sales consultancy fees of GBP279,000 to Surinder Rajput relating to export sales generated during the year.

Apart from these contracts and the service contracts and letters of engagement between the Directors and the Company, no contract existed during the financial year in relation to the Group's business in which any Director was interested.


In this preliminary announcement, unless the context otherwise requires or provides, the expressions set out below bear the following meanings:

 "Admission Document"      the admission document published by the 
                            Company on 3 December 2010 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "AEI"                     AEI Land Systems Limited, a company controlled 
                            by Glyn Bottomley and Caledonian Heritable 
                            Limited and whose business and assets were 
                            acquired by the Company in 2011 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "AIM"                     the market of that name operated by the 
                            London Stock Exchange 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Board" or "Directors"    the directors of Manroy 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "City Code"               The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Companies Act"           the Companies Act 2006, as amended from 
                            time to time 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Company" or "Manroy"     Manroy Plc 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Concert Party"           Glyn Bottomley, Caledonian Heritable Limited, 
                            Paul Carter, and Surinder Rajput (each 
                            of them being "a member of the Concert 
                            Party"), all of whom are regarded for the 
                            purposes of the City Code as acting in 
                            concert (as defined in the City Code) 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "EBITDA"                  Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation 
                            and amortisation. 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Form of Proxy"           the form of proxy which accompanies this 
                            document for use by Shareholders in connection 
                            with the Annual General Meeting 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Group"                   the Company and its subsidiaries as at 
                            the date of this document 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "General Dynamics"        General Dynamics Armament and Technical 
                            Products Inc., a company incorporated in 
                            the United States of America 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "LIBOR"                   The rate at which each bank submits must 
                            be formed from that bank's perception of 
                            its cost of funds in the interbank market 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "London Stock Exchange"   London Stock Exchange Plc 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "M2 HMG"                  12.7mm M2 Heavy Machine Gun, Manroy's principal 
                            revenue generating product 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Manroy USA" or           Manroy USA LLC, a partnership incorporated 
  "MUSA"                    in the United States of America, with 510 
                            units of membership owned by John Buckner 
                            and 490 units of membership owned by the 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "MoD"                     the UK Ministry of Defence 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Novation"                the act of either replacing an obligation 
                            to perform with a new obligation, or replacing 
                            a party to an agreement with a new party. 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Ordinary Shares"         ordinary shares of 5 pence each in the 
  or "Shares"               capital of the Company 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Panel"                   The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "QCB"                     Quick change barrel 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Sabre"                   Sabre Defense Industries LLC and Sabre 
                            Defense Holdings LLC, the business and 
                            assets of which were acquired by MUSA in 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Section 5"               Section 5 of the Firearms Act, under which 
                            storage and production of firearms is required 
                            to be licensed annually by the UK Government 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "Shareholders"            persons who are registered holders of Ordinary 
                            Shares from time to time 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 "US DoD"                  United States Department of Defense 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 

The exchange rate used for the acquisition of the Group's interest in MUSA on 23 August 2011 was $1.6173 = GBP1. Transactions during the year were translated at an average exchange rate of $1.5987 = GBP1. Assets and liabilities held at 30 September 2011 were translated at $1.5625= GBP1.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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