3 days ago
For what it is worth. If we pick a starting date of 6 months ago. They make there plan and start to execute it. At the end of the first 3 months they have their the money to order their first unit. Three months later, which is now. They get it and set it up. How fast and when and where, we do not know. Now on the way to the Forum, funny things happen. They use a back flush system. How often does it operate, we do not know. Maybe it has to back flush 2 or 3 or 4 more times more then they thought it would. Also may be different in different locations. Until it is up and running for 3 months. I don't know, you don't know and they don't know if their projections are spot on or not. So,three to 6 months from now, we will know what we have. Best of luck to all.
5 days ago
Okay, I appreciate your reply. I will dig a bit deeper, and reach out on X for any information that is available. I remain optimistic, and I'm just feeling somewhat uncomfortable with looking back at the drastic change in communications of today, compared to how we were privy to most information as it was happening, back when the merger was first announced. We we're included in receiving some of the "behind the scenes information, and it made us feel like part of the team, if you know what I mean, and now we're kind of being left out of the sharing of really any/all information. I feel we're being treated as outsiders, and we shouldn't be, after all we should be respected and appreciated as early the investors of $ZHUD?!