2022 /CNW/ - Southern Empire Resources Corp.
(Southern Empire) (TSXV: SMP) (OTCQB: SMPEF) (Frankfurt: 5RE) announces that a preliminary
investigation to determine the availability and source
characteristics of groundwater needed to support future exploration
and development of its Oro Cruz Project in southeastern
California demonstrates:

- A groundwater production well (or wells) installed in the
alluvial fans on the west side of the Cargo Muchacho Mountains is
likely to provide abundant groundwater to meet anticipated demands.
Continued field exploration and groundwater test wells will be
needed to confirm the volumes and flow rates of available
- Groundwater isotope characterization records completed
previously and interpreted as part of Southern Empire's
investigation, demonstrate that alluvial groundwater recharge in
the vicinity of the Oro Cruz Project is from meteoric water and is
not sourced from Colorado River waters, implying that there should
be no concerns of future Oro Cruz Project groundwater wells
impacting local Colorado River surface water accounting.
Dale Wallster, CEO of Southern
Empire, commented, "With water resources being of the utmost
significance in the southwestern U.S.A. today, this initial, independent
assurance of groundwater availability for our Oro Cruz Project,
coupled with scientific findings that indicate no adverse impact to
the regionally critical Colorado River sourced waters, are
extremely positive."
Del Fortner, Southern Empire's
environmental and permitting coordinator,
commented, "The key to a sustainable exploration and
development plan is the availability of groundwater sufficient for
both exploration drilling and potential future mine operations.
This water assessment report points to a meteoric source for
groundwater ensuring that the use of Colorado River waters will not
be an issue."
The findings from the groundwater availability and
characterization investigation support Southern Empire's
exploration plans for the Oro Cruz Project and follow on the heels
of the United States Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) publication of both a "Notice of Intent" in the
U.S. Federal Register and a press release related to permitting of
proposed surface exploration activities at Southern Empire's Oro
Cruz Project. For more information, please see the BLM's news
release of March 4, 2022.
Southern Empire contracted WestLand Resources, Inc. (WestLand)
of Tucson, Arizona to complete the
independent, groundwater assessment technical report. WestLand is
an engineering and environmental consulting firm having a
highly experienced staff of scientists, engineers, water resource
experts, regulatory specialists, archaeologists, GIS analysists and
administrative staff focused on helping their clients successfully
achieve land use permitting and design needs.
The preliminary investigation consisted of a review of publicly
available records and reports relating to groundwater in the
vicinity of the Oro Cruz Project. Records reviewed included public
agency reports, water well records, academic publications, and
regulatory documentation submitted in support of other local
development projects.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information contained in this news
release has been prepared, reviewed and approved by David Tupper, P.Geo. (British Columbia), Southern Empire's VP
Exploration and a Qualified Person ("QP") within the context
of Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101;
Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI
About Southern Empire Resources
Southern Empire is focused on the acquisition, exploration and
development of metals and mineral deposits in North America.
In northeastern Durango State, México, Southern Empire has an
option to acquire a 100 percent beneficial interest in the
1,750-hectare (4,324-acre) Pedro Gold Project where recent core
drilling has intersected orpiment and realgar mineralization within
a silicified, brecciated limestone conglomerate unit that typifies
the gold-bearing HP Breccia Zone.
In the Cargo Muchacho mountains of Imperial County, California, Southern Empire
owns 100 percent of the historical gold-producing American Girl
mine patented claims and holds options to acquire a 100 percent
interest in the adjacent 2,160-hectare (5,338-acre) Oro Cruz
property located approximately 22.5 kilometres (14 miles) southeast
of the operating Mesquite gold mine of Equinox Gold Corp.
At Oro Cruz, extensive historical drilling and large-scale
open-pit and underground mining of the American Girl, Padre y
Madre, Queen and Cross oxide gold deposits by the American Girl
Mining Joint Venture (AGMJV; ultimately owned by MK Gold Company
and Hecla Mining Company) occurred between 1987 and 1996. During
that time, gold was recovered by either heap leaching of
lower-grade, or milling of higher-grade ores until AGMJV operations
ceased in late 1996 because of declining gold prices leaving the
Oro Cruz property with many gold exploration targets in addition to
a historical inferred resource estimate, reported In 2011 by
Lincoln Mining Corp., totalling 341,800 ounces gold based on
4,386,000 tonnes averaging 2.2 grams gold per tonne at a cut-off
grade of 0.68 g/t Au (4,835,000 tons at 0.07 ounce gold per ton).
Please refer to the Cautionary Notice Regarding the Oro Cruz
Project Historical Resource Estimate below.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Southern Empire
Resources Corp.,
Wallster, CEO and Director
Cautionary Notice on
Forward-Looking Information
Information provided in this news release may contain
forward-looking statements that are based on assumptions as of the
date of this news release. These statements reflect management's
current estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations. They are
not guarantees of future performance. Southern Empire cautions that
all forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and that
actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors,
many of which are beyond its respective control. Such factors
include, among other things: risks and uncertainties relating to
Southern Empire's limited operating history, the need to comply
with environmental and governmental regulations, results of
exploration programs on its projects and those risks and
uncertainties identified in its annual and interim financial
statements and management discussion and analysis. Accordingly,
actual and future events, conditions and results may differ
materially from the estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations
expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. Except as
required under applicable securities legislation, Southern Empire
undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise
forward-looking information.
Cautionary Notice Regarding the
Oro Cruz Project Historical Resource Estimate
The historical resource estimate for the Oro Cruz Project is
disclosed in a technical report dated April
29, 2011, prepared for Lincoln Mining Corp. by Tetra Tech,
Inc. and filed on SEDAR and is termed an inferred mineral resource,
which is a category set out in NI 43-101. It was based on
historical reverse circulation and core drill hole sample,
underground channel sample, and blasthole sample assay results and
calculated using ordinary kriging to estimate gold grades in
10-foot-by-10-foot-by-five-foot blocks. Accordingly, Southern
Empire considers this historical estimate reliable as well as
relevant as it represents key targets for future exploration work.
However, a QP has not done sufficient work to verify or classify
the historical estimate as a current mineral resource and Southern
Empire is not treating this historical estimate as current mineral
Work Programs During the COVID-19
Timing of Southern Empire's exploration programs are contingent
on governmental regulations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the
availability of exploration-related personnel, drill contractors,
equipment, lodging, et cetera. Southern Empire will adhere to
COVID-19 directives regarding safe working practices putting
worker, community and national safety first and will proceed with
exploration and development work programs only if potential
COVID-19 risks can be effectively managed.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation
Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the
Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of
this release.
SOURCE Southern Empire Resources Corp.