Sony Corporation

Issuance of Euro Yen Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2008

~Toward the Implementation of Growth Strategy of Transformation 60~

At the Executive Board held today, Sony Corporation ("Sony") has decided the
issuance of the Euro Yen Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2008 (bonds with
stock acquisition rights, tenkanshasaigata shinkabu yoyakuken-tsuki shasai or
the "Bonds") in the maximum principal amount of Y250 billion (including those in
the maximum amount of Y30 billion to be issued upon exercise of the Greenshoe
Option) with a contingent conversion feature.

Purpose of Financing

On October 28, 2003, Sony announced "Transformation 60" ("TR60"), a series of
fundamental reforms across the Sony Group, consisting of two pillars; growth
strategy through convergence of the Group's resources and technology; and a
second phase of structural reforms aimed at enhancing the Group's operational
profit structure. This financing is intended to provide strong support from a
financial strategy perspective for the TR60, where growth strategy and
structural reforms are simultaneously pursued, and should enable implementation
of focused investments in growth areas.

Use of Proceeds and Objective

--  The proceeds will be applied primarily to make capital investment for growth
    in semiconductors and key devices, in order to accelerate convergence
    strategies in Sony's Home Electronics (including Game) and Mobile
    Electronics. Specifically, the proceeds will be allocated to finance
    investments for the development and manufacturing of semiconductors such as
    CELL, a highly-advanced processor that will be embedded in a broad range of
    next-generation digital consumer electronics products, and key devices
    including display devices.

--  Zero coupon financing allows to support forthcoming investments and
    structural reform. At the same time, by targeting a conversion price with a
    high premium, that exceeds market value (with a premium of more than 45
    percent) and by further adding a contingent conversion feature (), the
    Bonds are structured to minimize potential dilution of earnings until the
    TR60 has generated sufficient returns.

--  Improved profitability through the TR60 could lead to the conversion of the
    Bonds, which will further strengthen our equity position and provide
    increased opportunity for further investments for growth.

 Contingent conversion feature: This condition limits investors to exercise the
conversion rights unless the share price is above a certain level of the
conversion price for a certain period of time or longer. In this case, 1) in the
initial 4 year period, if the share price for any 20 trading days in a period of
30 consecutive trading days in the previous quarter is more than 110 percent of
the conversion price, 2) in the final year, at any time after the share price is
more than 110 percent of the conversion price for at least one trading day,
bondholders may exercise the stock acquisition rights. Dilution will not be
recognized under US GAAP until the conditions are met for exercising the stock
acquisition rights.

1. Name of the Bond        SONY CORPORATION Euro Yen Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2008
                            (bonds with stock acquisition rights, tenkanshasaigata shinkabu
                            yoyakuken-tsuki shasai) (the "Bonds with Stock Acquisition
                            Rights", of which the Bonds and the Stock Acquisition Rights are
                            to be the "Bonds" and the "Stock Acquisition Rights",
2.Issue price of the       100 percent of the principal amount of the Bonds. (Principal amount
Bonds:                      of Y5,000,000 for each Bond)
3. Issue price of a Stock  Zero
Acquisition Right:
4. Date of payment and     December 18, 2003
date of issuance:
5.Matters related to
(1)Method of offering:     Offering will be made to overseas markets mainly in Europe (except
                            for the U.S. and Canada) through underwriting of the aggregate
                            principal amount of the Bonds by the Managers, including Goldman
                            Sachs International and Merrill Lynch International as the Joint
                            Lead Managers.
                           The Company has granted to the Managers an option exercisable at
                            any time up to and including December 15, 2003 (London time), by
                            notification to the Company therefore, to additionally subscribe
                            for the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights, up to a further Y30
                            billion aggregate principal amount of the Bonds. The Bonds with
                            Stock Acquisition Rights will be deposited with JPMorgan Chase
                            Bank, London Branch and the Certificated Depositary Interests
                            representing interests in the Global Bond will be offered in the
                            manner set forth above.
(2)Offer price of the      102.5 percent of the principal amount of the Bonds.
Bonds with Stock
Acquisition Rights:
6. Particulars of the
Stock Acquisition

(1)Class and number of   Class of shares to be acquired upon exercise of the Stock
 shares to be acquired    Acquisition Rights is shares of common stock of the Company
upon exercise of the     (the "Shares").
Stock Acquisition
Rights:                  The number of Shares to be newly issued upon the exercise of the
                          Stock Acquisition Rights or to be transferred in lieu of such
                          issuance (hereinafter, the issuance or transfer of the Shares is
                          referred to as "delivery" of the Shares) shall be determined by
                          dividing the aggregate issue price of the Bonds deposited at the
                          same time upon exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights by the
                          Conversion Price (as defined in Item 6.(3)(B) below); provided,
                          however, that fractions less than one (1) Share resulting from such
                          exercise shall be rounded down and no adjustment by cash shall be
                          made in respect thereof. As to Shares constituting less than one
                          unit (tangen) resulting from the exercise of the Stock Acquisition
                          Rights, the holders of such Shares shall be deemed to request the
                          Company to purchase such Shares and such Shares shall be subject to
                          the relevant cash adjustment, pursuant to the relevant provisions
                          of the Commercial Code of Japan.

(2)Aggregate number of   44,000 and the number obtained by dividing an aggregate principal
Stock Acquisition         amount of the Bonds in respect of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition
Rights to be issued:      Rights to be additionally issued upon exercise of option granted to
                          the Managers as set forth in Item 5.(1) above by Y5,000,000, plus
                          the number obtained by dividing an aggregate principal amount of
                          replacement Bond Certificates that may be issued against
                          appropriate evidence and indemnity in case of loss, theft or
                          destruction of any Bond Certificates by Y5,000,000.

(3)Amount to be paid     (A)The amount to be paid upon exercise of each Stock Acquisition
upon exercise of the      Right shall be equal to the issue price of each Bond.
Stock Acquisition        (B)The amount to be paid per Share upon exercise of the Stock
Rights:                   Acquisition Rights (the "Conversion Price") shall initially be
                          determined by Mr. Teruhisa Tokunaka, Executive Deputy President and
                          Group Chief Strategy Officer, Representative Corporate Executive
                          Officer of the Company, or Mr. Takao Yuhara, Corporate Senior Vice
                          President and Group Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Executive
                          Officer of the Company, pursuant to the authorization by the
                          Executive Board of the Company, taking into account the demand of
                          investors in bookbuilding procedures for convertible bonds to be
                          taken in accordance with the market practices of Euromarket, and
                          any other market condition or trend; provided, however, that the
                          initial Conversion Price shall be not less than the amount obtained
                          by multiplying the Closing Price as of the date on which the
                          Purchase Agreement in relation to the Bonds with Stock Acquisition
                          Rights is entered into between the Company and the Managers or the
                          date prior thereto by 1.45.
                         (C)The Conversion Price shall be adjusted in accordance with the
                          following formula, if the Company issues new Shares or disposes of
                          the Shares, after the issuance of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition
                          Rights, at an issue price or disposal price below the current
                          market price of the Shares.  In the following formula, the "Number
                          of issued shares" means the total number of Shares already issued
                          (but excluding those held by the Company).

                                                             Number of
                                                              shares to
                                                   Number     be issued  x
                                                     of          or        Issue or disposal
                                                    issued     disposed      price per share
                                                    shares   --------------------------------
                                                           +      Market price per share
                         Conversion   Conversion   ------------------------------------------
                            Price        Price   x Number
                           after        before       of      Number of shares to be issued or
                         adjustment   adjustment    issued               disposed
                                    =               shares +

                         The Conversion Price will also be appropriately adjusted in case of
                          a stock split, consolidation of the Shares or an issue by the
                          Company of stock acquisition rights to acquire the Shares
                          (including stock acquisition rights incorporated in bonds with
                          stock acquisition rights) at a price below the current market price
                          of the Shares or in certain other cases.

 (4)Rationale for         The rationale for determining the issue price of the Stock
 determining the issue     Acquisition Rights as zero and the amount to be paid upon exercise
 price of the Stock        thereof shall be determined by Mr. Teruhisa Tokunaka, Executive
 Acquisition Rights as     Deputy President and Group Chief Strategy Officer, Representative
 zero and the amount       Corporate Executive Officer of the Company, or Mr. Takao Yuhara,
 to be paid upon           Corporate Senior Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer,
 exercise thereof:         Corporate Executive Officer of the Company, pursuant to the
                           authorization by the Executive Board of the Company, taking into

                          (A) that the Bonds and the Stock Acquisition Rights have a close
                          on the grounds that the Stock Acquisition Rights are incorporated in
                           the bonds with the stock acquisition rights of convertible bonds
                           type (tenkanshasaigata) and shall not be transferable separately
                           from the Bonds, that all Bonds shall cease to exist upon exercise of
                           the related Stock Acquisition Rights due to substitute payment; and
                          (B) the value of the Stock Acquisition Rights calculated on the basis
                           of the
                          initial Conversion Price to be determined as set forth in Item
                           6.(3)(B) above, and the economic value obtainable from the interest
                           rate, the issue price and other terms of issue of the Bonds.

 (5)Amount to be          The amount of the Conversion Price multiplied by 0.5, with any
 transferred to stated     fraction less than one (1) yen being rounded up.
 capital out of the issue
 price of a Share to be
 issued upon exercise
 of the Stock
 Acquisition Rights:

 (6)Exercise period of    From and including January 28, 2004, up to, and including December 4,
 the Stock Acquisition     2008 when the Exercise Agent closes its business (the "Exercise
 Rights:                   Period").
                              Provided, however, that the Stock Acquisition Rights shall be
                               exercised in each case (a) if the relevant Bond shall have been
                               called for redemption pursuant to either one of Item 7 (5)(A),
                               (B) or (C) below, then up to the close of business on the 10th
                               business day in Tokyo prior to the date fixed for redemption
                               thereof, or (b) if such Bond shall have been cancelled by the
                               Company or delivered by a subsidiary to the Company for
                               cancellation pursuant to Item 7.(4) below, then up to the time
                               when such Bond is so cancelled or delivered, or (c) if such Bond
                               shall become due and repayable pursuant to Item 7.(5), then up
                               to the time when such Bond shall become so due and repayable;
                               provided, however, that the relevant Deposit Date falls during
                               the Exercise Period above, and provided further that in no event
                               shall the Stock Acquisition Rights be exercised after December
                               4, 2008 (excluding the relevant day).
 (7)Other conditions for  (A)No Stock Acquisition Right may be exercised in part only.
 the exercise of the      (B)Prior to December 19, 2007, a holder of the Bonds with Stock
 Stock Acquisition         Acquisition Rights may exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights only
 Rights:                   if, as of the last day of any calendar quarter, the Closing Price of
                           the Shares for any twenty 20 Trading Days in a period of thirty 30
                           consecutive Trading Days ending on the last Trading Day of such
                           quarter is more than 110 percent of the Conversion Price.  If this
                           condition is satisfied, then a holder of the Bonds with Stock
                           Acquisition Rights may (subject to the Conditions) exercise the
                           Stock Acquisition Rights on and after the first day of the following
                           quarter until the end of such quarter; provided, however, that the
                           relevant Deposit Date falls during the Exercise Period.

                           On any date on or after December 19, 2007, a holder of the Bonds
                            with Stock Acquisition Rights may exercise the Stock Acquisition
                            Rights at any time after the Closing Price of the Shares is more
                            than 110 percent of the Conversion Price at least for one 1 Trading
                            Day; provided, however, that the relevant Deposit Date falls during
                            the Exercise Period. Provided, however, that, conditions regarding
                            the exercise of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights set forth
                            in this clause will not apply during the period set forth in
                            (a),(b) or (c) below.

                           (a)During any period in which any rating assigned to the Company's
                            long-term senior debt or, as the case may be, to the Bonds (if
                            rated) by Standard & Poor's International LLC or its successors
                            (together, "Standard & Poor's") are BBB+ or lower, or by Moody's
                            Investors Service, Inc. and its successors (together, "Moody's") is
                            Baa1 or lower, or either the Company's long-term senior debt or the
                            Bonds (if ever so rated) are no longer rated by either Standard &
                            Poor's or Moody's, or the rating assigned to either the Company's
                            long-term senior debt or the Bonds (if ever so rated) has been
                            suspended or withdrawn by either Standard & Poor's or Moody's.

                           (b)During any period after the Company gives notice concerning the
                            redemption prior to maturity set forth in Item 7.(5) below to the
                            holder of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights.

                           (c)In case of consolidation in which the Company will not be a
                            surviving company, transfer of all or substantially all assets of
                            the Company, split of the business of the Company (only in cases
                            when obligations of the Company under the Bonds with Stock
                            Acquisition Rights are assumed by t the corporation to which the
                            business is transferred) or share exchange (kabushiki-kokan) or
                            share transfer (kabushiki-iten) by which the Company becomes a
                            wholly-owned subsidiary of another corporation is performed, the
                            period from and after the date which is thirty 30 days prior to the
                            effective date thereof until one day prior to the relevant
                            effective day.
 (8)Events and conditions   None.
 of the cancellation of
 the Stock Acquisition
 (9)Dividends for the     The Company shall pay the full amount of annual dividends or interim
 Shares delivered          dividends (being a cash distribution pursuant to Article 293-5 of
 during a dividend         the Commercial Code of Japan), on the Shares delivered upon exercise
 accrual period:           of the Stock Acquisition Rights with respect to the full dividend
                           accrual period (currently being the period of six (6) months ending
                           on March 31 and September 30 of each year) during which the relevant
                           effective date of such exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights
                           falls, as if such exercise had taken effect at the beginning of such
                           dividend accrual period.
 (10) Substitute payment: Pursuant to Items 7 and 8 of Paragraph 1 of Article 341-3 of the
                           Commercial Code of Japan, when the Stock Acquisition Rights are
                           exercised, the holder of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights who
                           exercised such Stock Acquisition Rights shall be deemed to have made
                           the request that the full amount required to be paid upon exercise
                           of such Stock Acquisition Rights shall be deemed to be paid in lieu
                           of the full redemption of the Bonds in respect of such Stock
                           Acquisition Rights.
 7. Matters related to the
 (1)Total amount of issue The aggregate amount of Y 220,000,000,000, plus an aggregate
 of the Bonds:             principal amount of the Bonds in respect of the Bonds with Stock
                           Acquisition Rights to be additionally issued upon exercise of the
                           option granted to the Managers as set forth in Item 5.(1) above, and
                           an aggregate principal amount of replacement Bond Certificates that
                           may be issued against appropriate evidence and indemnity in case of
                           loss, theft or destruction of any Bond Certificate.
 (2)Rate of interest:     The Bonds shall not bear interest.
 (3)Redemption at         The Bonds shall be redeemed at 100 percent of their principal amount
 maturity:                 on December 18, 2008.
 (4)Purchase and          The Company and any of its subsidiaries may at any time purchase the
 cancellation of the       Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights in the open market or otherwise.
 Bonds:                     The Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights that have been purchased by
                           the Company may, at its option, be cancelled, at which time the
                           Stock Acquisition Rights incorporated therein shall simultaneously
                           be deemed to be waived and forfeited.  The Bonds with Stock
                           Acquisition Rights that have been purchased by any subsidiary of the
                           Company may, at the option of the relevant subsidiary, be delivered
                           to the Company for cancellation, at which time the Acquisition
                           Rights incorporated therein shall simultaneously be deemed to be
                           waived and forfeited.
 (5)Redemption prior to   (A) Redemption prior to maturity pursuant to the provision of 130
  maturity:                percent call option:
                          The Company may, at its option, on or after December 18, 2006, having
                           given not less than thirty 30 nor more than sixty 60 days' prior
                           notice of redemption (such notice shall be irrevocable) to the
                           holders of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights, redeem all, but
                           not some only, of the Bonds then outstanding at 100 percent of their
                           principal amount; provided, however, that no such redemption may be
                           made unless the closing price of the shares of common stock of the
                           Company (the "Shares") on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (the
                           "Closing Price") for each of the thirty 30 consecutive Trading Days,
                           the last of which occurs not more than thirty 30 days prior to the
                           date upon which the notice of such redemption is first published, is
                           at least 130 percent of the Conversion Price (as defined in 6.(3)(B)
                           above) in effect on each such Trading Day. "Trading Day" means a day
                           when the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. is open for business, but does
                           not include a day when no such Closing Price is reported.
                          (B) Redemption prior to maturity for taxation reasons:
                          The Company may, having given not less than thirty 30 nor more than
                           sixty 60 days' prior notice of redemption (such notice shall be
                           irrevocable) to the holders of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition
                           Rights, redeem all, but not some only, of the Bonds then outstanding
                           at 100 percent of their principal amount at any time at the
                           Company's option, if the Company satisfies the Trustee that as a
                           result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws or regulations of
                           Japan or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or
                           therein having power to tax, or any change in the application or
                           official interpretation of such laws or regulations, the Company has
                           or will become obliged to pay any additional amounts in accordance
                           with a special covenant set forth concerning the payment with
                           respect to the Bonds and such payment obligation cannot be avoided
                           by the Company taking reasonable measures available to the Company;
                           provided, however, that, no such notice of redemption to the holders
                           of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights shall be given earlier
                           than ninety 90 days prior to the earliest date on which the Company
                           would be obligated to pay such additional amounts were a payment in
                           respect of the Bonds then due.
                          (C) Redemption prior to maturity in case the Company becomes a
                           wholly-owned subsidiary of another corporation:
                              In the case of a resolution being passed at a general meeting of
                               shareholders of the Company for the Company to become a wholly-
                               owned subsidiary of another corporation by way of share exchange
                               (kabushiki-kokan) or share transfer (kabushiki-iten), subject to
                               certain conditions, the Company may, having given not less than
                               thirty 30 nor more than sixty 60 days' prior notice of
                               redemption to the holders of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition
                               Rights (such notice shall be irrevocable), redeem prior to the
                               effective date of such share exchange or share transfer all, but
                               not some only, of the Bonds then outstanding at the following
                               redemption prices:
      When the redemption date is from and including
       December 18, 2003 to and including December 17,
       2004                                                                                104%
      When the redemption date is from and including
       December 18, 2004 to and including December 17,
       2005                                                                                103%
      When the redemption date is from and including
       December 18, 2005 to and including December 17,
       2006                                                                                102%
      When the redemption date is from and including
       December 18, 2006 to and including December ,17
       2007                                                                                101%
      When the redemption date is from and including
       December 18, 2007 to and including December 17,
 (6)    Form:             The Form of the certificates of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition
                           Rights (hereinafter referred to as the "Bond Certificates") shall be
                           in bearer form representing Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights.
 (7)    Security or       Not applicable.
 (8)    Financial         Negative pledge
 8.    Listing:           The Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights are scheduled to be listed on
                           the London Stock Exchange plc
 9.    Others:            Stabilization for our shares of stock will not take place.


For Media: Corporate Communications Tel: 03-5448-2200

For Investors and Analysts: Investor Relations Tel: 03-5448-2180


1. Use of Proceeds

(1) Use of Proceeds from the Issuance of the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights

The net proceeds will be applied principally towards capital investment in
semiconductors and key devices, including the next-generation microprocessor
("CELL") and display devices.

(2) Change of Use of Proceeds from the Previous Financing

Not applicable.

(3) Influence on the Company's Earnings

As the Bonds are issued with zero coupon, there will be no influence due to
interest payment on the Company's consolidated earnings.

2. Distribution of Profits to Shareholders

(1) Basic Policy regarding Profit Distribution

Sony believes that by continuously increasing corporate value, its shareholders
can be rewarded.

(2) View on Determining Dividends

Based on the above basic policy, Sony paid annual ordinary dividend of Y25 (of
which Y12.5 paid as interim dividend) per Share for the year ended March 2003.

(3) Use of Retained Earnings

As for retained earnings, Sony plans to utilize them to carry out various
investments that are indispensable for ensuring future growth and strengthening
its competitiveness.

(4) Dividends in the Last 3 Years

                                March 2001           March 2002           March 2003
Earning per Share                         Y49.18               Y32.22               -Y5.46
Dividend per Share                        Y25.00               Y25.00               Y25.00
Actual Dividend Payout
 Ratio                                     51.0%                77.6%                   -%
Return on Equity                            2.5%                 1.6%                -0.3%
Dividends/Equity                            1.3%                 1.2%                 1.2%

(Note) 1. Return on equity is the figure calculated by dividing net income of
the year by shareholders' equity

(average of total shareholders' equity at the beginning and the end of the
fiscal year).

2. Dividends/Equity is calculated by dividing the total annual dividends by
shareholders' equity (average of

total shareholders' equity at the beginning and the end of the fiscal year).

(5) Compliance with the Past Profit Distribution Rule

Not applicable.

3. Others

(1) Dilution from Contingently Issuable Shares

The Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights have contingent conversion provisions,
which impose certain limits upon exercise of the conversion rights. The Bonds
with Stock Acquisition Rights are categorized as the contingently issuable
shares under the "Accounting Standard for Earnings per Share" (Accounting
Standards Board Statement No. 2) and the "Application Guideline of Accounting
Standard for Earnings per Share" (Accounting Standards Board Statement
Application Guideline No. 4). Therefore, they are not regarded as potential
shares and the dilution effect is not recognized for the accounting purpose
unless the conditions for exercising the conversion rights are met. Accordingly,
we do not provide a statement on dilution.

(2) Equity Finance in the Last 3 Years

1. Equity Finance

                                 Total Amount of Issue   Date of Issue  Total Shares Issued
Subsidiary Tracking Stock            Y9,529,344 thousand                  3,072,000 shares
(Targeted Subsidiary:
Sony Communication Network
Corporation)                                                  6/20/2001

L isted below were issued for the purpose of the incentive plans to directors
and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.

                                     Total Outstanding Amount    Date of Issue    Exercise
U.S. Dollar Denominated Convertible          US$69,708 thousand                    Y8,814
 Bonds Due 2011                                                        4/16/2001
U.S. Dollar Denominated Convertible          US$57,221 thousand                   Y5,952.23
 Bonds Due 2006                                                       12/17/2001
The Thirteenth Series of Unsecured          Y6,920,000 thousand                    Y6,039
 Bonds with Warrants due 2007
 bearing 0.9% Coupon                                                  12/21/2001
The Fourteenth Series of Unsecured            Y150,000 thousand                    Y3,300
 Bonds with Warrants for Shares of
 Subsidiary Tracking Stock due 2006
 bearing 0.9% Coupon                                                  12/21/2001
U.S. Dollar Denominated Convertible          US$62,973 thousand                    Y6,931
 Bonds Due 2012                                                        4/15/2002
                                     Aggregate Amount of the     Date of Issue    Exercise
                                     Shares of Common Stock to                      Price
                                     be Issued or Transferred
                                      upon Exercise of Stock
                                         Acquisition Rights
The First Series of Common Stock          Y6,477,358.4 thousand                    Y5,396
 Acquisition Rights                                                    12/9/2002
The Second Series of Tracking Stock            Y45,864 thousand                    Y1,008
 Acquisition Rights                                                    12/9/2003
The Third Series of Common Stock         US$52,935.075 thousand                   US$36.57
 Acquisition Rights                                                    3/31/2003
The Fourth Series of Common Stock         Y5,732,377.8 thousand                    Y4,101
 Acquisition Rights                                                   11/14/2003
The Fifth Series of Tracking Stock           Y37,082.5 thousand                     Y815
 Acquisition Rights                                                   11/14/2003

2. Last 3 (Fiscal) Years and Year to Date Share Price Performance

                March 2001          March 2002          March 2003          March 2004
Open                    Y14,490              Y8,810              Y6,750              Y4,100
High                    Y15,100             Y10,340              Y7,460              Y4,200
Low                      Y7,510              Y3,960              Y4,070              Y3,680
Close                    Y8,900              Y6,700              Y4,200              Y3,800
PER                      181.0x              207.9x                  -                   -
Note: This press release is intended as general information regarding
 Sony Corporation's issuance of convertible bonds and shall not be
 considered an offering of securities. This press release shall not be
 construed as an offering of securities in any region including Japan,
 the United States or Canada. The securities may not be offered or
 sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable
 exemption under the Securities Act of 1933. In the event of an
 offering of securities in the United States, a prospectus in English
 prepared in accordance with the Securities Act of 1933 will be used.
 This transaction does not involve any public offering of securities
 in the United States.


(Note) 1. Share price data for the year ending March 2004 is as of November 28,

2. PER is calculated by dividing share price (closing price) at end of the
fiscal year by net income per share of

the fiscal year.

Note: This press release is intended as general information regarding
 Sony Corporation's issuance of convertible bonds and shall not be
 considered an offering of securities. This press release shall not be
 construed as an offering of securities in any region including Japan,
 the United States or Canada. The securities may not be offered or
 sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable
 exemption under the Securities Act of 1933. In the event of an
 offering of securities in the United States, a prospectus in English
 prepared in accordance with the Securities Act of 1933 will be used.
 This transaction does not involve any public offering of securities
 in the United States.


Note: This press release is intended as general information regarding
 Sony Corporation's issuance of convertible bonds and shall not be
 considered an offering of securities. This press release shall not be
 construed as an offering of securities in any region including Japan,
 the United States or Canada. The securities may not be offered or
 sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable
 exemption under the Securities Act of 1933. In the event of an
 offering of securities in the United States, a prospectus in English
 prepared in accordance with the Securities Act of 1933 will be used.
 This transaction does not involve any public offering of securities
 in the United States.
