WaterAid UK and Others to Leverage Tiltify's Interactive Livestream Broadcasts; Celebrity Gamers & Streamers Use Tiltify to Gamify Giving, Raise Millions for Global Causes

LONDON, April 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Tiltify, the peer-to-peer interactive fundraising platform, is continuing its efforts to help UK nonprofits raise money through innovative livestream broadcasting. WaterAid UK is just one of many organizations that will deploy the platform in the next few months to engage donors and solicit contributions through livestream fundraising for their flagship campaigns. Currently, Tiltify works with Make-a-Wish UK, Cats Protection UK and The Diana Award, among major UK organizations.  


Purpose-built for livestreaming since 2015, Tiltify has helped UK and U.S. millennials and Gen Zers raise tens of millions of pounds and dollars for various causes. Tiltify also allows nonprofits to partner with esports gamers and celebrities for campaigns, offering these online influencers a platform where they can mobilize millions of online followers to contribute to their favorite charitable causes. For example, last year on Tiltify, gamers raised nearly £2.3 million for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital during the 2018 GuardianCon event, with another  £1.5 million during St. Jude Play Live Prize Month, which hit it  fundraising goal in just the first 19 days.

Meanwhile, celebrity streamers use Tiltify to rake in large sums for charities, including Markiplier (real name: Mark Fishchbach), whose more than 23 million YouTube subscribers helped him raise almost  £400,000 in less than 24 hours. And, Brighton-based YouTuber Jacksepticeye (real name: Seán McLoughlin) raised over  £1.2 million so far in his fundraising efforts on Tiltify by engaging his 21 million subscribers to give to various causes through the Tiltify platform on his channel.

"While some may have never heard of these gaming and internet celebrities, there is a massive following for esports and livestream programming in the UK, which is why our platform has grown by streamer demand alone over the past four years," said Tiltify CEO Michael Wasserman. "Our platform is not just designed for celebrities or well known influencers, though. Tiltify allows anyone and everyone to reach new audiences from around the world and capitalize on the opportunity with easy-to-use features unique to our platform – like polling, rewards and milestones – that engage and motivate donors to open their wallets."

With an average fundraising campaign reaching £1,681, Tiltify has proven to be one of the most effective platforms in the market facilitated more than 10,000 campaigns last year alone and is the only fundraising platform with direct integration with the Twitch livestream platform. The Tiltify for Twitch extension allows streamers to embed Tiltify's interactive features, like milestone, incentives and real-time contribution tallies into their stream pages. Tiltify also allows donors to receive instant, on-screen recognition for their contribution and interact live with players and special guests, all of which drive donor engagement and generosity.  

"Tiltify makes livestream fundraising extremely easy, even if you've never done anything like this before," said Sean McLoughlin, also known as Jacksepticeye.  "It's a great way to get our cause out there, potentially in front of an entirely new audience.  It's amazing how even small contributions can add up in very meaningful way when you create a bit of fun competition among your online friends."

Tiltify supports a wide range of livestream fundraising activities beyond gaming, including food-related and art broadcasts, such as live music performances, and events happening in real life, such as 5K runs and walks for charity. Globally recognized organizations including the Make-A-Wish, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Direct Relief and Save the Children have raised millions of dollars for their cause on Tiltify, along with hundreds of other nonprofits serving a wide range of social causes.

Individuals and organizations alike can get started with a Tiltify livestream fundraising event in less than five minutes. To learn more, visit https://tiltify.com.

About Tiltify

Tiltify is the fundraising platform for the digital generation, providing live, interactive telethon-style technology that engages donors to invest in the cause. Tiltify harnesses the power of both traditional fundraising and modern digital livestream engagement with platforms like Twitch and YouTube, enabling any organization to dramatically expand audience reach. Organizations like Direct Relief, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Save the Children, AFSP, Make-A-Wish and hundreds more use Tiltify to engage the Millennial and Gen Z generation for single signature events and large DIY campaigns that launch in minutes. To learn more visit tiltify.com.

Sarah Petitt

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