RNS Number : 4862I

Wynnstay Properties PLC

15 June 2011

Wynnstay Properties PLC

Preliminary Results for Year Ended 25th March 2011


I am pleased to report on the results and the performance of your company for the year ended 25 March 2011, the 125th year of its existence. Despite the uncertainties in the economy and the financial and commercial property markets which have been challenging for many businesses, including some of Wynnstay's tenants, this has been a satisfactory year and, I am pleased to say, your company remains in good health.

Overview of financial performance

The financial performance may be summarised as follows:

                                              Change         2011         2010 
 ---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
          -- Profit before movement in       - 10.6%   GBP886,000   GBP990,000 
           fair value of investment 
           properties and taxation 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
          -- Earnings per share              - 60.5%        16.6p        43.1p 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
          -- Dividends per share, paid             -        10.5p        10.5p 
           and proposed: 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
          -- Net asset value per share:       + 1.5%         462p         456p 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 

Property Management and Portfolio

As anticipated in my interim statement, property income was lower at GBP1.69 million (2009 - GBP1.93 million), principally as the result of the disposal of our retail premises at Dorking for GBP925,000 (excluding sale costs) in August 2010 on which I reported in that statement, and the existence of a number of vacant premises, notably our Crawley warehouse which has been non-income producing since the lease expired in July 2010.

We conducted negotiations with several prospective tenants for this property, but ultimately none proceeded to completion. However, close to the year end we received a satisfactory offer for the freehold of this building and took the decision to sell it in view of the difficulty of securing a good tenant in the short to medium term on a basis which would provide value for shareholders. I am pleased to report that this sale was completed on 10th June and the sale price of GBP1.1million was significantly in excess of book value, which together with the release of a provision for repairs to the building, results in a profit of circa GBP265,000 which will be reflected in next year's accounts.

One of the larger units at our industrial estate in Aylesford became vacant during the year and this also contributed to the reduction in income, although I am delighted that since the year end it has been re-let on satisfactory terms.

As shareholders are aware we obtained planning consent in 2008 for the redevelopment of our property at Twickenham and after considering various options we obtained vacant possession of the four units which had been let on a short term basis in order to prepare for the development or disposal of the site. We are currently discussing with our architects certain changes to the scheme to improve its marketability.

Following the grant of planning consent for the change of use of the upper floors of our office building in Colchester, which I reported on last year, and with little prospect of future rental and capital growth, we marketed the freehold of the property for sale and have accepted an offer. I hope to be in a position to update you further about this at the Annual General Meeting.

In a busy year on the management side we have been successful in re-letting or renewing leases on other units at our Aylesford Industrial Estate, in addition to the one already mentioned above, and in renewing the two leases on generally satisfactory terms at Hertford as well as securing a new tenant at one of the three units at the Oakcroft Business Centre at Chessington, and for one of the retail units at Colchester.

We continue to manage actively our relationships with our tenants and to work closely with them to understand their current and future needs and thus to reduce the incidence of vacant premises and tenant defaults arising in the portfolio, with their attendant costs and loss of income.

Portfolio Valuation

As at 25 March 2011, our Independent Valuers, Sanderson Weatherall, have undertaken the annual valuation of the Company's portfolio at GBP20,120,000, representing a modest fall, on a like-for-like basis of GBP225,000 or 1%, over the valuation at the end of the prior year. This fall, coupled with the sale of the Dorking property, results in a total reduction in the value of the investment portfolio of 5.5%. This is a satisfactory outcome given the conditions and challenges in the economy and the markets.

Following the revaluation, as at the year-end, the industrial sector within the portfolio accounted for 70% by value, with the retail and office elements each comprising 15%.

Borrowings and Gearing

Net borrowings at the year-end were GBP7.45 million (2010 - GBP8.5 million) and net gearing at the year-end was 52% compared to 62% last year as a result of the sale of the Dorking property in August 2010.

The Company has benefited from the historically very low levels of interest payable on that part of our borrowing facility where the rate of interest is variable. The fixed rate of interest on the other part of our borrowing expired in March 2011, so all our borrowings are now on variable terms. At the time of writing, there seems to be little indication of an increase in interest rates until later in the calendar year, but the Board continues to keep the position under close review.


Our property costs during the year were significantly impacted by the level of empty business rates on the vacant premises to which I have referred above, although our total property costs were only slightly above last year. Administrative costs were somewhat lower compared to the previous year, as we continue to exercise tight control over overheads and the changes that we made in 2007-8 continue to deliver significant savings.

Purchase by the Company of its own shares

In January 2010, the Company held an Extraordinary General Meeting at which resolutions authorising the Company to make market purchases of its own shares were duly passed. This authority expires at the conclusion of this year's Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, a General Meeting is being convened following the Annual General Meeting in order to consider resolutions granting a new authority for the Company to purchase its own shares. A separate circular is being posted to shareholders together with this Annual Report and Financial Statements.


The Directors are recommending a total dividend for the year at the same level as last year, namely 10.5p per share. An interim dividend of 2.9p per share was paid in December 2010 and, subject to approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, a final dividend of 7.6p per share will be paid on 22nd July 2011 to shareholders on the register on 24th June 2011.


Prospects for the United Kingdom economy continue to be uncertain in the light of many challenges including rising taxation, lack of consumer confidence, increasing inflation and reduced public spending. As we have seen over the past year in your Company, these conditions can affect the ability to retain tenants and to relet vacant premises promptly and on acceptable terms.

Nevertheless, your Company remains in a sound and healthy position and we will continue to seek out opportunities that will add to the quality of our earnings and the value of our assets, so as to maximise value for shareholders.


John Langrishe

John Langrishe was a descendant of one of the founding families of Wynnstay and had a long and active involvement with the Company over his long life. He was a solicitor and a partner in the firm, Peake & Co., which had formed the Company in 1886. As well as being a shareholder, he acted as legal adviser, Board member, Managing Director and Chairman. He oversaw the disposal of the flats at Wynnstay Gardens, Kensington in the 1960's and the significant strategic move of the Company into commercial property. With detailed knowledge of Wynnstay's history, he knew a significant number of its shareholders and their family connections with the Company, and kept in contact with many of them after retirement. After standing down from the Board, which he had joined in 1959 he retained an active interest in the Company's development right up to the time of his death in December 2010.

Ian Lockhart

Ian Lockhart, who joined the Board as a non-executive Director in 1972, was also a solicitor and a partner in Peake & Co. and thus also knew a considerable number of the shareholders and their families. He provided informed and wise counsel to the Board during a period of significant change and considerable challenges. He retired prematurely due to sudden ill-health and died in April 2011.

Hugh Bird

Hugh Bird, like John Langrishe, was also a descendant of one of the founding families of Wynnstay. He was a significant individual shareholder and a regular attendee at our Annual General Meetings, in latter years despite his advancing age and ill-health. He always took a keen interest in the Company's affairs and was keen to preserve its individual character and its future as a family enterprise.

I am sure that many shareholders would join with me in conveying our condolences to their wives and families.

Colleagues and Advisers

As always, it would not be possible for Wynnstay to operate as it does, in a tight, lean and purposeful way without the hard work of Paul Williams, our Managing Director, and Toby Parker, our Finance Director and I would like to thank them as well as my fellow directors and our professional advisers for their support and advice throughout the past challenging year.

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting will be held at the Royal Automobile Club on Thursday 14th July 2011 at 12 noon. As always, I would encourage as many shareholders as possible to attend so that they can meet the Board and other shareholders and learn more about your Company's activities.

The Company's Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 25th March 2011 have today been posted to shareholders and are available to download on the Company's website http://www.wynnstayproperties.co.uk

14th June 2011

Philip G.H. Collins


For further information please contact:

 Wynnstay Properties Plc 
 Toby Parker, Finance Director             020 7554 8766 
 Charles Stanley Securities - Nominated 
  Adviser                                  020 7149 6000 
 Dugald J. Carlean / Carl Holmes 


                                    Notes       2011      2010 
                                             GBP'000   GBP'000 
Property Income                       1        1,691     1,934 
Property Costs                        2        (136)     (121) 
Administrative Costs                  3        (389)     (448) 
                                               1,166     1,365 
Movement in Fair Value of 
 Investment Properties                9        (225)       545 
Loss on Sale of Investment 
 Property                                       (39)         - 
Operating Income                                 902     1,910 
Investment Income                     5            6         7 
Finance Costs                         5        (247)     (382) 
Income before Taxation                           661     1,535 
Taxation                              6        (212)     (367) 
Income after Taxation                            449     1,168 
Basic and diluted earnings                     16.6p     43.1p 
 per share 
       The company has no other items of comprehensive income. 


                                             2011     2010 
                                   Notes  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Non Current Assets 
Investment Properties                9     18,825   21,290 
Other Property, Plant and 
 Equipment                          10          6        8 
Investments                         12          3        3 
                                           18,834   21,301 
Current Assets 
Accounts Receivable                 14         26      103 
Cash and Cash Equivalents                     881      753 
                                              907      856 
Current Liabilities 
Bank Loans Payable                              -    (200) 
Accounts Payable                    15      (757)    (877) 
Derivative Financial Instruments                -     (65) 
Income Taxes Payable                        (240)    (269) 
                                            (997)  (1,411) 
Net Current Assets                          1,205    (555) 
Total Assets Less Current 
 Liabilities                               20,039   20,746 
Non-Current Liabilities 
Bank Loans Payable                  16    (7,455)  (8,300) 
Deferred Taxation                   17       (56)     (81) 
Net Assets                                 12,528   12,365 
Capital and Reserves 
Share Capital                       18        789      789 
Treasury shares                           (1,570)  (1,570) 
Share Premium Account                       1,135    1,135 
Capital Redemption Reserve                    205      205 
Retained Earnings                          11,969   11,806 
                                           12,528   12,365 


                                               2011     2010 
                                            GBP'000  GBP'000 
Cashflow from operating activities 
Income before taxation                          661    1,535 
Adjusted for: 
Depreciation                                      2        2 
Decrease/(Increase) in fair value 
 of investment properties                       225    (545) 
Interest income                                 (6)      (7) 
Interest expense                                312      317 
(Profit)/Loss on financial liabilities 
 at fair value                                 (65)       65 
Loss on disposal of investment properties        39        - 
Changes in: 
Trade and other receivables                      77      (2) 
Trade and other payables                      (120)       93 
Income taxes paid                             (266)    (226) 
Interest paid                                 (312)    (315) 
Net cash from operating activities              547      917 
Cashflow from investing activities 
Interest and other income received                6        7 
Sale of investment properties                   906        - 
Net cash from investing activities              912        7 
Cashflow from financing activities 
Dividends paid                                (286)    (320) 
Proceeds from bank loans                          -      800 
Repayments of bank loans                    (1,045)    (200) 
Purchase of treasury shares                       -  (1,570) 
Net cash from financing activities          (1,331)  (1,290) 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and 
 cash equivalents                               128    (366) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of period                                      753    1,119 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
 period                                         881      753 



                              Capital     Share 
                    Share  Redemption   Premium  Treasury  Retained 
                  Capital     Reserve   Account    Shares  Earnings    Total 
                  GBP 000     GBP 000   GBP 000   GBP 000   GBP 000  GBP 000 
Balance at 26 
 March 2010           789         205     1,135   (1,570)    11,806   12,365 
 income for 
 the year               -           -         -         -       449      449 
Dividends - 
 note 7                 -           -         -         -     (286)    (286) 
Balance at 25 
 March 2011           789         205     1,135   (1,570)    11,969   12,528 
                              Capital     Share 
                    Share  Redemption   Premium  Treasury  Retained 
                  Capital     Reserve   Account    Shares  Earnings    Total 
                  GBP 000     GBP 000   GBP 000   GBP 000   GBP 000  GBP 000 
Balance at 26 
 March 2009           789         205     1,135         -    10,958   13,087 
 income for 
 the year               -                     -         -     1,168    1,168 
Dividends               -           -         -         -     (320)    (320) 
Purchase of 
 shares                 -           -         -   (1,570)         -  (1,570) 
Balance at 25 
 March 2010           789         205     1,135   (1,570)    11,806   12,365 



Wynnstay Properties PLC is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales. The principal activity of the company is property investment, development and management. The Company's ordinary shares are traded on the Alternative Investment Market.

Basis of Preparation

The Accounts have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the EU. The financial statements have been presented in pounds sterling being the functional currency of the company. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost basis modified for the revaluation of investment properties, financial assets and financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, and investments.

The financial statements comprise the results of the Company drawn up to 25th March each year.

(a) New interpretations and revised standards effective for the year ended 25 March 2011

The directors have adopted all new and revised standards and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") of the IASB that are relevant to the operations and effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 26 March 2010.

(b) Standards and Interpretations in issue but not yet effective

The International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") have issued revisions to a number of existing standards and new interpretations with an effective date of implementation after the date of these financial statements.

It is not anticipated that the adoption of these revised standards and interpretations will have a material impact on the figures included in the financial statements in the period of initial application.

Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty

The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that may affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses.

Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period. The key sources of estimation uncertainty that have a significant risk of causing material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are those relating to the fair value of investment properties.

Investment Properties

All the company's investment properties are revalued annually and stated at fair value at 25th March. The aggregate of any resulting surpluses or deficits are taken to profit or loss.

Non-current assets are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. This condition is regarded as met only when the sale is highly probable and the asset is available for immediate sale in its present condition. Management must be committed to the sale, which should be expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification. Non-current assets classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of the assets' previous carrying amount and fair value less cost to sell.


In accordance with IAS 40, freehold and leasehold investment properties are included in the balance sheet at fair value, and are not depreciated. Leasehold improvements are amortised over the period of the underlying lease.

Other plant and equipment is recognised at cost and depreciated on a straight line basis calculated at annual rates estimated to write off each asset over its useful life of 5 years.

Disposal of Investments

The gains and losses on the disposal of investment properties and other investments are included in the statement of comprehensive income in the year of disposal.

Property Income

Property Income represents the value of accrued charges under operating leases for rental of the Group's properties. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received. All income is derived in the United Kingdom.


The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax. Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year based on the tax rate enacted or substantially enacted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of prior years. Taxable profit differs from income before tax because it excludes items of income or expense that are deductible in other years, and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible.

Deferred taxation is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profits, and is accounted for using the statement of financial position liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences (including unrealised gains on revaluation of investment properties) and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.

Deferred tax is calculated at the rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled, or the asset is realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the statement of comprehensive income, including deferred tax on the revaluation of investment property.


The quoted investment is recognised as held at fair value, and is measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value, which is either at the bid price, or the latest traded price, depending on the convention of the exchange on which the investment is quoted. Changes in fair value are recognised in profit or loss.

Trade and other accounts receivable

Trade and other receivables are initially measured at fair value as reduced by appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts. All receivables do not carry any interest and are short term in nature.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash at bank and on demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short term (less than three months from inception), repayable on demand and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

Trade and other accounts payable

Trade and other payables are initially measured at fair value. All trade and other accounts payable are not interest bearing.

Comparative information

The information for the year ended 25 March 2010 has been extracted from the latest published audited financial statements.


Pension contributions towards employees' pension plans are charged to the statement of comprehensive income as incurred. The pension scheme is defined as a pension contribution scheme.

Financial Instruments

Derivative financial instruments are initially measured at fair value at the contract date entered into, and subsequently measured to their fair value at each reporting date. Embedded derivatives are recognised separately on the statement of financial position, when not closely related to the host contract. Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised in profit or loss.

2. PROPERTY COSTS                                           2011        2010 
                                                         GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Rents payable                                             5           4 
     Empty rates                                              46           - 
     Property management and repairs                          29           7 
                                                              80          11 
     Legal fees                                               37          30 
     Agents fees                                              12          74 
     Credit losses                                             7           6 
                                                             136         121 
3. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS                                     2011        2010 
                                                         GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Rents payable - operating lease rentals                  20          15 
     General administration, including staff 
      costs                                                  330         395 
     Auditors' remuneration: Audit fees                       32          32 
     Tax services                                              5           4 
     Depreciation and amortisation                             2           2 
                                                             389         448 
     Included within General administration costs above are pension 
      payments made to a former director of GBP5,724 (2010: GBP5,724). 
4. STAFF COSTS                                              2011        2010 
                                                         GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Staff costs, including Directors, during 
      the year were as follows: 
     Wages and salaries                                      166         163 
     Social security costs                                    18          16 
     Other pension costs                                      15          15 
                                                             199         194 
     Details of Directors' emoluments, totalling 
      GBP174,989 (2010: GBP171,623), are shown 
      in the Report of the Directors 
                                                             No.         No. 
     The average number of employees, including 
      Directors, engaged wholly in management and 
      administration was:                                      5           5 
     The number of Directors for whom the 
      Company paid pension benefits during 
      the year was:                                            1           1 
5. FINANCE COSTS (NET)                                     2011     2010 
                                                        GBP'000  GBP'000 
     Interest payable on bank loans                         312      317 
     (Profit)/Loss on financial liabilities 
      at fair value 
      through profit or loss (note 19)                     (65)       65 
                                                            247      382 
     Less: Bank interest receivable                         (6)      (7) 
                                                            241      375 
6. TAXATION                                                2011     2010 
                                                        GBP'000  GBP'000 
     (a) Analysis of the tax charge for the 
     UK Corporation tax at 28% (2010: 28%)                  237      269 
     Overprovision from previous years                        -      (3) 
                                                            237      266 
     Deferred tax - timing differences - note 
      17                                                   (25)      101 
     Current tax charge for the year                        212      367 
     (b) Factors affecting the tax charge 
      for the year: 
     Net Income before taxation                             661    1,535 
     Current Year: 
     Corporation tax thereon at 28% (2010 
      - 28%)                                                185      430 
     Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                 8       24 
     Excess of capital allowances over depreciation         (7)     (24) 
     Investment loss/(gain) not taxable                      63    (153) 
     Marginal rate relief                                  (12)      (8) 
                                                            237      269 
7. DIVIDENDS                                               2011     2010 
                                                        GBP'000  GBP'000 
     Final dividend paid in year of 7.6p per 
     (2010: 7.25p per share)                                206      229 
     Interim dividend paid in year of 2.9p 
      per share 
     (2010: 2.9p per share)                                  80       91 
                                                            286      320 
     The Board recommends the payment of a final dividend of 7.6p 
      per share, which will be recorded in the Financial Statements 
      for the year ending 25th March 2012. 
     Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing Income 
      after Taxation attributable to Ordinary shareholders of GBP449,000 
      (2010: GBP1,168,000) by the weighted average number of 2,711,617 
      (2010: 3,155,267) ordinary shares in issue during the period. 
      There are no instruments in issue that would have the effect 
      of diluting earnings per share. The share buy back of 443,650 
      shares took place in March 2010 and therefore had no effect 
      on the weighted average number of shares in issue as at March 
9. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES                                     2011         2010 
                                                          GBP'000      GBP'000 
     Balance at 25th March 2010                            21,290       20,745 
     Disposals                                              (945)            - 
     Assets held for sale (note 13)                       (1,295)            - 
     Revaluation (Deficit)/Surplus                          (225)          545 
     Balance at 25th March 2011                            18,825       21,290 
     The Group's freehold investment properties were valued at GBP20,120,000 
      by Independent Valuers, Sanderson Weatherall, Chartered Surveyors, 
      as at 25th March 2011, in accordance with the RICS Appraisal 
      and Valuation Standards, on the basis of Market Value, defined 
      "The estimated amount for which a property should exchange 
      on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing 
      seller in an arm's-length transaction, after proper marketing 
      wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently 
      and without compulsion." 
      Freehold investment properties, including assets held for sale 
      (Note 13), would have been shown at an historical cost of GBP16,613,000 
      (2010: GBP17,270,000) if revaluations had not been undertaken. 
                                      2011      2010 
                                   GBP'000   GBP'000 
     Balance at 25th March 2010 
      at 25th March 2011                47        47 
     Balance at 25th March 2010         39        37 
     Charge for the Year                 2         2 
     Balance at 25th March 2011         41        39 
     Net Book Values at 25th 
      March 2011                         6         8 
                                                           2011        2010 
     The future minimum lease 
      payments receivable under 
      non-cancellable operating 
      leases which expire:                              GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Not later than one year                              1,389       1,556 
     Between 2 and 5 years                                2,439       2,557 
     Over 5 years                                           197         141 
                                                          4,025       4,254 
     Rental Income recognised in the statement of comprehensive 
      income amounted to GBP1,691,000 (2010: GBP1,934,000). 
     Typically, the properties were let for a term of between 5 
      and 15 years at a market rent with rent reviews every 5 years. 
      The properties are leased on terms where the tenant has the 
      responsibility for repairs and running costs for each individual 
      unit with a service charge payable to cover common services 
      provided by the landlord on certain properties. 
12. INVESTMENTS                                               2011        2010 
                                                           GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Quoted investments                                          3           3 
13. NON CURRENT ASSETS HELD FOR SALE                          2011        2010 
                                                           GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Investment properties                                   1,295           - 
     The company anticipates that it will sell two commercial properties 
      within the current financial year and as a result, these properties 
      are re-classified under this heading in accordance with IFRS5. 
14. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                                       2011        2010 
                                                           GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Other receivables                                          26          82 
     Prepayments                                                 -          21 
                                                                26         103 
15. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                                          2011        2010 
                                                           GBP'000     GBP'000 
     Other creditors                                           153         108 
     Accruals and deferred income                              604         769 
                                                               757         877 
16. BANK LOANS PAYABLE                                         2011       2010 
                                                            GBP'000    GBP'000 
     Bank Loan: Repayable on 17 December 2013                 7,455      7,700 
     Bank Loan: Repayable equally over 4 years 
      from 31 March 2010                                          -        800 
                                                              7,455      8,500 
     Interest has been fixed at 6.351% per annum on GBP3,600,000 
      of the bank loan until 31st March 2011, with interest on any 
      variable rate element being charged at 1.25% per annum over 
      LIBOR. Thereafter, interest is accruing on the remaining balance 
      of GBP3,855,000 at a rate of 1.25% per annum over LIBOR until 
      17 December 2013. 
     The loan facility is secured by fixed charges over a number of freehold 
     land and buildings owned by the Group, which at the year end had a 
     combined value of GBP11,625,000 (2010: GBP13,100,000). The undrawn 
     element of the loan facility available at 25th March 2011 was 
     GBP1.05million (2010: GBPnil). The loan is additionally secured by a 
     memorandum of security over cash deposits of GBP300,000 (2010: 
     Under IAS 12 Income Tax, provision is made for the deferred 
      tax liability associated with the revaluation of investment 
      properties. The Group provides for deferred tax on investment 
      properties by reference to the tax that would be due on the 
      sale of investment properties by applying the corporation tax 
      rate of 28% (2010: 28%) to the revaluation deficit after indexation 
                                                                Deferred Tax 
                                                                 on property 
     At 26th March 2010                                                   81 
     Release of provision in the year - note 
      6                                                                 (25) 
     At 25th March 2011                                                   56 
18. SHARE CAPITAL                                         2011          2010 
                                                       GBP'000       GBP'000 
     Ordinary Shares of 25p each: 
     Authorised: 8,000,000 shares                        2,000         2,000 
     Allotted, Called Up and Fully Paid                    789           789 
     All shares rank equally in respect of 
      Shareholder rights. 
     In March 2010, the company acquired 443,650 Ordinary shares 
      of Wynnstay Properties plc from Channel Hotels and Properties 
      Ltd at a price of GBP3.50 per share as the Directors deemed 
      it was in the best interests of the Company to do so. These 
      shares, representing in excess of 14% of the total shares in 
      issue, are held in Treasury. At 25th March 2011, total shares 
      in issue and fully paid are 3,155,267, of which 443,650 are 
      held in treasury. 
     Analysis of Net Debt                  25th March      Cash   26th March 
                                                 2011  Movement         2010 
                                              GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000 
     Cash and cash equivalents                  (881)     (128)        (753) 
     Bank loans due within one year                 -     (200)          200 
     Bank loan due after more than one 
      year                                      7,455     (845)        8,300 
     Net Debt                                   6,574     1,173        7,747 
     Future rental commitments at 25th March 2011 under non-cancellable 
      operating leases are as follows:- 
                                                           2011         2010 
                                                        GBP'000      GBP'000 
     Within one year                                         15            3 
     Between two to five years                                7           18 
                                                             22           21 
     The Company has entered into an agreement with I.F.M.Consultants 
      Ltd, a company owned and controlled by T.J.C. Parker, a Director 
      of the Company, for that company to provide certain consultancy 
      services. During the year to 25th March 2011, I.F.M. Consultants 
      Ltd was paid GBP33,825 (2010: GBP35,875). There were no other 
      related party transactions other than with the Directors, which 
      have been disclosed under Directors' Emoluments in the Report 
      of the Directors on page 8. 

22. EVENTS after the end of the reporting period

On 27th May 2011 the company entered into a sale contract for GBP1,100,000 of its freehold interest at Crawley with a completion date of 10th June 2011. This sale, together with a release of provisions for repairs to the building, will give rise to a profit to the company of circa GBP265,000. The proceeds from sale will be used to discharge bank loans.


The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 25(th) March 2011 will be posted to shareholders on or about 15 June 2011.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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