3 hours ago
SilviaJ $NLST Un-stay the Samsung/Google Case, let the trial begin.
D.I. 127-02 at -34172 see Samsung statement that “Netlist"is well known in the industry as a company that created a system for LRDIMM technology”.
After presenting its LRDIMM technology to Samsung, Google, and much of the industry, Netlist’s LRDIMM designs were copied by Samsung and others and subsequently purchased and used by Google.
Rather than take a license, Google instead purchased and customized LRDIMMs from other entities. Google’s procurement of LRDIMMs include, without limitation, the DDR4 LRDIMMs identified in Netlist’s Preliminary Infringement Contentions, served on April 27, 2023.
Netlist intends to seek injunctive relief against Google.
5 hours ago
SilviaJ $NLST Something that was posted by @4realdoe a few days ago seems to have gone unnoticed. It is a shame that it won't affect the 024 patent case (a big numbers case/affecting over $30 Bil worth of product) but it is about PTAB vs District courts.
In the new, pro-patent directive it essentially says, if there is a district court case that has already started, the PTAB won't initiate an IPR.
If that had been in effect before our Samsung case in TX, the HBM and DDR5 patents would never have been allowed to have been challenged at the PTAB.
If there was no IPR, we would have been paid by now (over $1 Bil for past infringement & continuing royalties).
I think pro-patent directives and legislation are just starting under this Comm. Secretary (see my previous comments on Lutnick)
"patent owners may feel emboldened by the rescindment of the 2022 memorandum as the PTAB can now revert back to wider discretion to deny institution based on parallel district court litigation"
6 hours ago
NLST IRVINE, CA / ACCESS Newswire / March 25, 2025 / Netlist, Inc. (OTCQB:NLST) announced today that it will report its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 28, 2024, before 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Netlist will host a conference call at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time on March 27, 2025. Netlist encourages participants to pre-register for the conference call. Callers who pre-register will be given a unique PIN to gain immediate access to the call and bypass the live operator. To pre-register, click (on Website).
For those who would like to join the call but have not pre-registered, they can do so by dialing +1 (412) 317-5443 and requesting the "Netlist Conference Call."
7 hours ago
here you go
C.K. Hong , Netlist's Chief Executive Officer, said, "The unanimous jury decision confirmed Samsung breached the Agreement and does not have a license to Netlist's patent portfolio. On behalf of all stakeholders, we remain committed to protecting our patents from unauthorized use and securing fair value for them."
As the largest memory manufacturer in the world, Samsung faces significant exposure from its tens of billions of dollars in annual memory revenue. In April 2023 and November 2024 , Netlist received jury awards for the willful infringement of its patents against Samsung and was awarded $303 million and $118 million in damages, respectively. This brings total damages awarded to Netlist against Samsung to date to $421 million .
12 hours ago
"cafc will think there crazy and say the verdict stands!!!"
The CAFC has nothing to say regarding this licensing contract trial. This is 100 percent a CONTRACT case and nott a patent case. It is only reviewable by the Ninth Circus and the appeal will be there, nott the CAFC.
Unlike this case, often cases involve a mix of contract and patent law claims, in which case the contract issues are appealed to the Circuit Court of Appeals in which jurisdiction that District Court resides and the patent issues are often separately appealed to the CAFC. As there are frequently claims that are mixed contract and patent, which this instant case does nott have, then the appellant can file in the CAFC for all its appealable issues (contract and patent) and the CAFC will generally accept. However, generally appeals that clearly involve patent issues, such as validity, infringement, inequitable conduct in patent prosecution and enforceability generally re: affirmative defenses will go to the CAFC - at least for those specific patent issues being appealed. The appellant has a little bit of discretion as to whether to file appellate contract claims along with the patent matters in a single appeal to the CAFC or to segregate the contract issues in a separate appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals for the local District Court. Even then, it is possible for the appellee to move to consolidate both types of subject matter in a single CAFC case.
As usual in law, almost everything can be argued almost endlessly - including which appellate court(s) should hear the appeal(s). However, the present case is pretty clearly solely a contract matter and so in this case the Ninth Circus will be the appellate court hearing the appeal by Samsung.
BTW, you guys killed the Samsung co-CEO from stress: https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/25/samsung-electronics-says-co-ceo-han-jong-hee-has-passed-away.html
This (stress and endless argumentation) is why litigation sucks. High-stakes commercial litigators tend to die young from cardiovascular disease (at least the male litigators). I knew one litigator (guy) in Chicago who was getting his SECOND 4-way CABG at age 44 - and redo CABGs are very tough and risky because of all the scar tissue around the grafts from the first CABG, especially a 4-vessel. Or you can read about my very good friend, Dan Furniss, a patent litigator who came to work one morning and just keeled over dead at his desk from a heart attack - in his 50s. High stakes commercial litigation is a brutal lifestyle. And it is tough on the families too. High-end commercial litigators (of both genders) often have one or more divorces under their belt. It is a quite unhealthy lifestyle both physically and in regard to mental health and relationship stability.
I sense from your many posts that you have personally gotten a small taste of the endless frustration and stress - just from observation and whatever small amount of munny you have at stake. Multiply that by 100 or more and mebbe you can appreciate the stress and frustration the litigators feel. You stand to lose a few bucks, butt they stand to lose their future business opportunities and more if things go south. And there is always another new unexpected fire (motion, etc.) popping up and requiring quick response. Very much like military staffs managing a war. Very much coffee is consumed, especially at trial - and sleep is catnaps at best, as in trial you're working at night and early morning to prepare for the next day and any motions/replies/oppositions that need to be filed first thing in the AM, in addition to preparing your witness examination in view of the prior day(s) trial testimony(ies). It is always a moving target and no matter how much you have tried to pre-bake your witness exam/cross before the trial, the twists and turns as the trial unfolds requires you to change your gameplan constantly - like an NFL coach during a game or a commander during a battle.
Like managing a war, this can be exciting and certainly nott boring. Butt IMO, it is a brutal lifestyle. In WW2 photos and films you can often see Eisenhower with a cigarette. He smoked more than three packs a day while he was SACEUR in WW2. That is the level of stress that top-end, bett-the-company commercial litigators live. Nott for a few years like Ike, butt for their entire professional careers. And, unlike with Ike, all that is at stake in court/arbitration litigation is only money - nott human lives.
Well, mebbe excepting that of co-CEO Han Jong Hee (intended in jest).
It's just munny - nott really that important enough to surrender your life and personal well-being fighting over endlessly.
16 hours ago
Samsung has 30 days to file an appeal, starting when Hsu submits his final verdict.
But once Hsu does that, I suspect we’ll see Samsung file a slew of motions (JMOL, demand for a new trial, etc) that will set that 30 day time back a bit, because Hsu will have to address each motion made.
Look over the time line for the 00463 case. It might very well follow along with that time line.
17 hours ago
Hey man, didn't know you were here!
Correct, this is an upbeat crew with good information always coming, and no one's died nor gone completely insane, yet [smile]. Plus, we've got excellent counsel and a great company (knock wood). God willing I'll be 79 in July so I already put all my holdings in my kids's name, but promised her I'd come back and haunt the crap outta her if she even thinks about selling any of this play. Gotta admit, tho', the one that went south on us was pretty entertaining, and with some interesting folks. I've been here for years but laying low and trying to control my big mouth. In any case, I think we got ourselves a winner here, brother, altho' I sure as hell didn't advise anyone to get on board like I did last time -- I took a lot of gas for that, but had fun laughing at them for taking advice from just another Bozo on the bus in the first place.
Hope I'll still be around to celebrate together. Cheers!!