RNS Number : 0725C 
Wynnstay Properties PLC 
05 November 2009 
Wynnstay Properties PLC 
Interim Results for the six months ended 29th September 2009 
Chairman's Statement 
Against the background of troubled economic conditions and uncertainty about the 
timing and strength of recovery, I am pleased to report on a very satisfactory 
first half of the financial year for your Company. 
The results for the six months to 29th September 2009 may be summarised as 
|                                              |          |       2009 |           2008 | 
| Operating income before movement in fair     |    21.8% | GBP713,000 |     GBP585,000 | 
| value of                                     |          |            |                | 
|  investment properties                       |          |            |                | 
| Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before  |          | GBP551,000 | (GBP1,712,000) | 
| taxation                                     |          |            |                | 
| Earnings per share                           |          |      13.3p |        (49.2p) | 
| Normalised earnings per share                |      33% |      13.3p |          10.0p | 
| Interim dividend per share                   |     5.5% |      2.90p |          2.75p | 
| Net asset value per share                    |  (14.7%) |       421p |           494p | 
| Adjusted net asset value per share+          |  (17.5%) |       420p |           509p | 
+ Adjusted net asset value per share is net asset value per share determined in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and adjusted to 
exclude deferred tax arising on the revaluation of the investment portfolio. 
You will recall that at this time last year the Directors considered that it 
would be a prudent step to revalue the portfolio at the interim stage in view of 
market conditions. Given the signs that the commercial property market is 
stabilising, and may indeed be turning or about to turn for the better, we 
considered that it was not necessary or cost effective to undertake an interim 
revaluation this year but rather to await the full annual revaluation as at 25 
March 2010. 
I mention this because at the interim stage last year we wrote down the value of 
the portfolio by GBP2,106,000 or 8.1% and under International Financial 
Reporting Standards to which we are now required to prepare our financial 
statements, we are obliged to reflect any revaluation adjustment in full in our 
income statement which thus impacts on profits and earnings rather than only on 
net asset value per share. This revaluation adjustment led to the reported loss 
of GBP1.7 million at the interim stage last year even though our operating 
income from the core business of managing and securing rental income from its 
portfolio was a healthy GBP585,000. 
At the end of this half-year, I am pleased to report that our operating income 
rose by 21.8% to to GBP713,000 and our pre tax profit increased to GBP551,000 
which represents an increase on a like-for-like basis, i.e. excluding the impact 
of any revaluation, of GBP 157,000 or 39.8%. 
Property rental income was significantly higher than for the same period last 
year reflecting receipt of a full six months rental from the Aylesford 
industrial estate which was acquired in June 2008 plus some modest increases in 
rents achieved following settlement of rent reviews, new lettings and lease 
renewals. Property costs were only marginally lower than last year, since 
despite tight cost control, both this year's and last year's figures include the 
costs and fees associated with plans for the possible redevelopment of our 
Twickenham property. Administrative costs continue to reflect the benefits of 
our earlier cost reduction exercise. Interest costs are substantially lower due 
to the lower interest rates now prevailing, the greater flexibility in choice of 
rates that we now enjoy under our new facility and the reduction in our total 
The portfolio was fully let at the end of the half-year and we have collected 
substantially all the rental income due for the period. 
The last six months have been an active period for the management of the 
portfolio. For instance at our retail premises in Dorking, the leases of all 
four units came to and end in the summer. Given the conditions on the high 
street, we were concerned about the tenants desire to renew and the 
opportunities for re-letting if the present tenants decided not to renew their 
leases and thus leave us with the loss of rental income and the considerable 
costs that can be associated with vacant premises. I am pleased to say that we 
have agreed terms for new leases for three of the four premises and terms for 
the fourth are under negotiation. 
Last year I reported on our planning application and the consent obtained to 
redevelop our industrial units at Twickenham which are in a predominantly 
residential area and where some of the leases expired in 2009. Those 
shareholders who attended the Annual General Meeting in July will have seen our 
initial proposals for this site. I am able to report that we now have all the 
units let on a relatively shorter-term basis, including to one new tenant, and 
on terms that will allow us to terminate on grounds of redevelopment. As the 
housing market appears to show signs of life after a very difficult period, we 
continue to keep the project under review and to investigate possibilities for 
further enhancing the value of the site. 
Our tenant at Crawley, a subsidiary of the French Post Office, have advised that 
they will not be renewing their lease when it expires in the middle of 2010 as 
they need, and have now found, significantly larger premises. The property is 
well located, close to Gatwick Airport and as a consequence of the present 
tenant's early indication of its plans, we have been able to actively market the 
premises well in advance of the present lease coming to an end. I hope to have 
further news for you when I report on the full year's results. 
So far, your Company has been relatively unscathed by difficulties in the 
financial markets and the recession. It is comforting that despite the economic 
conditions that they face, the majority of our tenants seem to be coping and are 
looking to the longer term, investing in the future of their businesses in the 
hope that confidence and economic stability will soon return. 
Despite much talk there has been little activity at least until recently in the 
investment market where we continue to look for additions to the portfolio. The 
properties that have been available and which we have actively investigated have 
not turned out to be of the type, with the tenant mix or income profile that we 
seek. Nevertheless, we have explored a number of prospective purchases and 
continue to seek out opportunities. 
The outlook for interest rates in the short-to medium terms appears at the 
moment to be benign as the authorities seek to stabilise the economy and the 
financial markets and to stimulate investment and demand, even if the 
longer-term outlook is far less certain. 
Wynnstay has considerable headroom within its current borrowing facility as a 
result of having repaid some of its borrowings from cashflow during the past 
year and we have a number of uncharged properties that we can use to secure 
additional borrowings, if necessary. We are thus well placed to invest for the 
future growth of the business as and when suitable opportunities arise. 
In the light of the results described above, the Directors have decided to 
declare an interim dividend of 2.9p per share, representing an increase of 5.45% 
over last year. This will be paid on 10th December 2009 to those Shareholders on 
the register on 13th November 2009. A decision on the appropriate amount to 
recommend as a final dividend must have to be taken in the light of the results 
for the full year, but as things stand at present, the Board is hopeful that 
this can reflect a similar proportionate increase. 
I would remind you that our website, www.wynnstayproperties.co.uk, contains 
details of the portfolio as well as the current share price and access to the 
company recent published documents and announcements. 
Our Annual General Meeting next year will again be held at the Royal Automobile 
Club, 89 Pall Mall, London SW1 on Wednesday 16th July 2010 at 12 noon and I hope 
that as many shareholders as possible will take the opportunity of a day in 
London to attend the event . 
Finally, on behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all Shareholders for 
their continued interest in, and support for, Wynnstay. We hope that all 
Shareholders enjoy a peaceful and restful Christmas and convey our best wishes 
for 2010. 
Philip G.H. Collins 
Paul Williams, Managing Director, Wynnstay Properties PLC - 0207745 7160 
Rick Thompson, Nominated Adviser & Broker, Charles Stanley Securities - 0207149 
|                                    |        Six months ended         |  Year ended  | 
|                                    |29th September  |29th September  |  25th March  | 
|                                    |      2009      |      2008      |    2009      | 
|                                    |    GBP'000     |    GBP'000     |   GBP'000    | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Property Income                    |            976 |            870 |        1,874 | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Property Costs                     |           (61) |           (64) |         (97) | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Administrative Costs               |          (202) |          (221) |        (430) | 
| Operating Income before movement   |                |                |              | 
| in fair value of investment        |                |                |              | 
| properties:                        |                |                |              | 
+                                    +----------------+----------------+--------------+ 
|                                    |                                713 |            585 |          1,347 | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Movement in fair value of:         |                |                |              | 
| Investment Properties              |              - |        (2,106) |      (5,421) | 
| Other investments                  |              - |            (1) |            - | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Operating Income/(Expense)         |            713 |        (1,522) |      (4,074) | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Investment Income                  |              2 |             34 |           41 | 
| Other income                       |              - |              - |            - | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Finance Costs                      |          (164) |          (224) |        (424) | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Net Income/(Expense) before        |            551 |        (1,712) |      (4,457) | 
| Taxation                           |                |                |              | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Taxation                           |          (133) |            160 |          484 | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Net Income/(Expense) after         |            418 |        (1,552) |      (3,973) | 
| Taxation                           |                |                |              | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Dividends paid                     |          (229) |          (216) |        (303) | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Retained Earnings for the period   |            190 |        (1,768) |      (4,276) | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Basic Earnings per share           |           13.3 |         (49.2) |      (125.9) | 
| Normalised Earnings per Share      |           13.3 |           10.0 |         45.9 | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
| Net Asset value per share - IFRS   |            421 |            494 |          550 | 
| Net Asset value per share - UK     |            420 |            509 |          572 | 
| GAAP                               |                |                |              | 
|                                    |                |                |              | 
|                                          |    29th    |    29th    |  25th    | 
|                                          | September  | September  |  March   | 
|                                          |    2009    |    2008    |  2009    | 
|                                          |  GBP'000   |  GBP'000   | GBP'000  | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Non Current Assets                       |            |            |          | 
| Investment Properties                    |     20,745 |     24,060 |   20,745 | 
| Other property, plant and equipment      |          7 |          9 |       10 | 
| Investments                              |          3 |          2 |        3 | 
|                                          |     20,755 |     24,071 |   20,758 | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Current Assets                           |            |            |          | 
| Accounts Receivable                      |         51 |         50 |      101 | 
| Deferred tax                             |         20 |          - |       20 | 
| Cash and Cash equivalents                |      1,057 |      1,354 |    1,119 | 
|                                          |      1,128 |      1,404 |    1,240 | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Current Liabilities                      |            |            |          | 
| Accounts Payable                         |      (544) |      (626) |    (782) | 
| Income Tax payable                       |      (362) |      (300) |    (229) | 
|                                          |      (906) |      (926) |  (1,011) | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Net Current Assets                       |        222 |        478 |      229 | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Total Assets Less Current Liabilities    |     20,977 |     24,549 |   20,987 | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Non-Current Liabilities                  |            |            |          | 
| Loans Payable                            |    (7,700) |    (8,500) |  (7,900) | 
| Deferred Tax                             |          - |      (454) |        - | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Net Assets                               |     13,277 |     15,595 |   13,087 | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Capital and Reserves                     |            |            |          | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Share Capital                            |        789 |        789 |      789 | 
| Share Premium Account                    |      1,135 |      1,135 |    1,135 | 
| Capital Redemption Reserve               |        205 |        205 |      205 | 
| Retained Earnings                        |     11,148 |     13,466 |   10,958 | 
|                                          |            |            |          | 
| Equity attributable to equity holders of |     13,277 |     15,595 |   13,087 | 
| the parent                               |            |            |          | 
+                                          +------------+------------+----------+ 
|                                          |                                          |            |            | 
|                                     |   Six months ended    |   Year    | 
|                                     |     29 September      | ended 25  | 
|                                     |                       |  March    | 
|                                     |   2009    |   2008    |   2009    | 
|                                     |  GBP'000  |  GBP'000  |  GBP'000  | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Cashflow from operating activities  |           |           |           | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Profit/(Loss) before taxation       |       713 |   (1,522) |   (4,457) | 
| Adjusted for:                       |           |           |           | 
| Depreciation                        |         1 |         1 |         1 | 
| Decrease in fair value of           |         - |     2,106 |     5,421 | 
| investment properties               |           |           |           | 
| Decrease in fair value of           |         - |       (1) |         - | 
| investment                          |           |           |           | 
| Interest income                     |         2 |         - |      (41) | 
| Interest expense                    |         - |         - |       424 | 
| Changes in:                         |           |           |           | 
| Trade and other receivables         |      (50) |       102 |        51 | 
| Trade and other payables            |     (238) |        66 |       234 | 
| Income tax paid                     |       101 |         - |     (221) | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Net cash from operating activities  |       530 |       752 |     1,412 | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Cashflow used in investing          |           |           |           | 
| activities                          |           |           |           | 
| Interest and Other income received  |         2 |        34 |        41 | 
| Purchase of property, plant and     |         - |   (4,786) |   (4,786) | 
| equipment                           |           |           |           | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Net cash used in investing          |         2 |   (4,752) |   (4,745) | 
| activities                          |           |           |           | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Cashflow from financing activities  |           |           |           | 
| Dividends paid                      |     (229) |     (216) |     (303) | 
| Interest payable                    |     (164) |     (218) |     (433) | 
| Loans drawn down                    |         - |     4,900 |     8,500 | 
| Repayments on bank loans            |     (200) |         - |   (4,200) | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Net cash from financing activities  |     (593) |     4,466 |     3,564 | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Net increase in cash and cash       |      (60) |       466 |       231 | 
| equivalents                         |           |           |           | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at        |     1,119 |       888 |       888 | 
| beginning of period                 |           |           |           | 
|                                     |           |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of |     1,057 |     1,354 |     1,119 | 
| period                              |           |           |           | 
|                       |            SIX MONTHS ENDED 29 SEPTEMBER 2009              | 
|                       |  Share    |  Capital   |  Share    | Retained  |  Total    | 
|                       |  Capital  |Redemption  |  Premium  | Earnings  |           | 
|                       |           |  Reserve   |  Account  |           |           | 
|                       |   GBP 000 |    GBP 000 |   GBP 000 |   GBP 000 |   GBP 000 | 
|                       |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Balance at 26 March   |       789 |        205 |     1,135 |    10,958 |    13,087 | 
| 2009                  |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Net income for the    |         - |          - |         - |       418 |       418 | 
| period                |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Dividends             |         - |          - |         - |     (229) |     (229) | 
| Balance at 29         |       789 |        205 |     1,135 |    11,148 |    13,277 | 
| September 2009        |           |            |           |           |           | 
|                        |            SIX MONTHS ENDED 29 SEPTEMBER 2008              | 
|                        |  Share    |  Capital   |  Share    | Retained  |  Total    | 
|                        |  Capital  |Redemption  |  Premium  | Earnings  |           | 
|                        |           |  Reserve   |  Account  |           |           | 
|                        |   GBP 000 |    GBP 000 |   GBP 000 |   GBP 000 |   GBP 000 | 
|                        |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Balance at 26 March    |       789 |        205 |     1,135 |    15,234 |    17,363 | 
| 2008                   |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Net income for the     |         - |          - |         - |   (1,552) |   (1,552) | 
| year                   |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Dividends              |         - |          - |         - |     (216) |     (216) | 
| Balance at 29          |       789 |        205 |     1,135 |    13,466 |    15,595 | 
| September 2008         |           |            |           |           |           | 
|                        |           |            |           |           |           | 
|                        |                  YEAR ENDED 25 MARCH 2009                  | 
|                        |  Share    |  Capital   |  Share    | Retained  |  Total    | 
|                        |  Capital  |Redemption  |  Premium  | Earnings  |           | 
|                        |           |  Reserve   |  Account  |           |           | 
|                        |   GBP 000 |    GBP 000 |   GBP 000 |   GBP 000 |   GBP 000 | 
|                        |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Balance at 26 March    |       789 |        205 |     1,135 |    15,234 |    17,363 | 
| 2008                   |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Net income for the     |         - |          - |         - |   (3,973) |   (3,973) | 
| year                   |           |            |           |           |           | 
| Dividends              |         - |          - |         - |     (303) |     (303) | 
| Balance at 25 March    |       789 |        205 |     1,135 |    10,958 |    13,087 | 
| 2009                   |           |            |           |           |           | 
|                        |           |            |           |           |           | 
Wynnstay Properties PLC is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled 
in England and Wales. The principal activity of the company and group is 
property investment, development and management. The Company's ordinary shares 
are traded on the Alternative Investment Market. 
Basis of Preparation and Consolidation 
The Group Accounts have been prepared in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the EU. The financial statements have 
been presented in pounds sterling being the functional currency of the company. 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost basis 
modified for the revaluation of investment properties measured at fair value. 
The comparative figures represent the Group's results and cash flows for the six 
months ended 29th September 2008 and for the year ended 25th March 2009 under 
the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS. 
The consolidated financial statements comprise the results of the Company drawn 
up to 25th March each year. 
Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty 
The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make 
judgements, estimates and assumptions that may affect the application of 
accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income 
and expenses. 
Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the 
estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period. The key sources of 
estimation uncertainty that have a significant risk of causing material 
adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next 
financial year are those relating to the fair value of investment properties. 
Investment Properties 
All the Group's investment properties are revalued annually and stated at fair 
value at 25th March. The aggregate of any resulting surpluses or deficits are 
taken to the income statement. 
In accordance with IAS 40, freehold and leasehold investment properties are 
included in the balance sheet at fair value, and are not depreciated. Leasehold 
improvements are amortised over the period of the underlying lease. 
Depreciation of other plant and equipment is on a straight line basis calculated 
at annual rates estimated to write off each asset over its useful life of 5 
Disposal of Investments 
The gains and losses on the disposal of investment properties and other 
investments are included in the income statement in the year of disposal. 
Property Income 
Property Income represents the value of accrued charges under operating leases 
for rental of the Group's properties. Revenue is measured at the fair value of 
the consideration received. All income is derived in the United Kingdom. 
The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred 
tax. Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year 
based on the tax rate enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet 
date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of prior years. Taxable 
profit differs from income before tax as reported in the income statement 
because it excludes items of income or expense that are deductible in other 
years, and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. 
Deferred taxation is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on 
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the 
financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of 
taxable profits, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. 
Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences 
(including unrealised gains on revaluation of investment properties) and 
deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that 
taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences 
can be utilised. 
Deferred tax is calculated at the rates that are expected to apply in the period 
when the liability is settled, or the asset is realised. Deferred tax is charged 
or credited in the income statement, including deferred tax on the revaluation 
of investment property. 
Investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less provision for impairment. 
Quoted investments are recognised as held at fair value, and are measured at 
subsequent reporting dates at fair value, which is either at the bid price, or 
the latest traded price, depending on the convention of the exchange on which 
the investment is quoted. Changes in fair value are recognised in the income 
Trade and other accounts receivable 
Trade and other receivables are initially measured at fair value as reduced by 
appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts. All receivables do 
not carry any interest and are short term in nature. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash comprises cash at bank and on demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short 
term, repayable on demand and which are subject to an insignificant risk of 
change in value. 
Trade and other accounts payable 
Trade and other payables are initially measured at fair value. All trade and 
other accounts payable are not interest bearing. 
Comparative information 
The information for the year ended 25 March 2008 has been extracted from the 
latest published audited financial statements. 
Pension contribution towards employees' pension plans are charged to the income 
statement as incurred. 
|                            |                |            |                   | 
|                            |    Payment     | Per share  |  Amount absorbed  | 
| Period                     |      Date      |  (pence)   |      GBP'000      | 
|                            |                |            |                   | 
| 6 months to 29th September | 10th Dec 2009  |    2.90    |        93         | 
| 2009                       |                |            |                   | 
|                            |                |            |                   | 
| 6 months to 29th September | 12th Dec 2008  |    2.75    |        87         | 
| 2008                       |                |            |                   | 
|                            |                |            |                   | 
| Year ended 25th March 2009 |22nd July 2009  |    7.25    |        229        | 
|                            |                |            |                   | 
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing Net Income after Taxation 
attributable to Ordinary Shareholders of GBP418,000 (2008: Loss (GBP1,552,000)) 
by the weighted average number of 3,155,267 ordinary shares in issue during the 
period (2007: 3,155,267). There are no instruments in issue that would have the 
effect of diluting earnings per share. 
A copy of the interim report will be distributed to shareholders shortly and 
will be made available on the company's website. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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