RNS Number:4805U
Wynnstay Properties PLC
22 November 2005

22 NOVEMBER 2005

                            Wynnstay Properties PLC

          Interim Results for the six months ended 29th September 2005

Chairman's Statement

The results for the half-year show reduced levels of profit and earnings per
share compared with last year relating to non-recurring costs to which I refer
below.  Net assets per share reflect the property valuation conducted in March
2005 and are thus substantially above the figure I reported to you a year ago.

The results may be summarised as follows:-

                                                                           2005          2004

-        Profit on Ordinary Activities before          - 18.2%         #260,000      #318,000
-        Earnings per share:                           - 18.3%             5.8p          7.1p
-        Interim dividend per share:                      -                2.3p          2.3p
-        Net asset value per share:                    + 11.5%             377p          338p

As anticipated, rental income declined marginally in the first half, reflecting
the profitable sale of the Bognor Regis properties in February 2005.  This
decline was largely offset by the income received from the Basingstoke property
which we acquired last Autumn, together with increases from rent reviews and
lease renewals.

The largest of our industrial units at St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, remained
vacant throughout the period, but I am pleased to report that we have recently
made significant progress as regards its re-letting.  Despite this, property
outgoings were less than half of those last year, when significant repair costs
were incurred.

As referred to in my statement to Shareholders in June, our office property in
Epsom, which hitherto produced an annual rental of #148,500, became vacant on
expiry of the lease on 29th September.  Whilst this will inevitably impact on
our income, a property of this nature presents an opportunity for the Company to
consider alternative strategies and these are being actively pursued.  I will
report to you further in this connection when announcing our results for the
full year.

The increase recorded under "administration and other costs" resulted
principally from the Board's decision to make an additional single net
contribution of #56,750 in order to improve the pension provisions of our
Managing Director, Michael Cheesmer, who has decided to retire next year, just
prior to reaching his 65th birthday.  Michael's enormous contribution to the
Company's progress over a period of almost 20 years cannot be overestimated and
I will be recording a full tribute to his achievements in my annual statement.
Meanwhile, I am sure Shareholders will wish to join the Directors in wishing
Michael and his wife, Hazel, a long and happy retirement.  We expect to be in a
position to announce his successor shortly, which will be a key appointment in
taking the Company forward.

The Board is of the view that there is no purpose in making investment
acquisitions unless these will enhance Shareholder value in the medium to longer
term and whilst we continue to evaluate numerous opportunities, no property
acquisitions took place during the period.  Competition in the market remains
fierce, driving prices up and yields down and this situation appears likely to
continue for some time, especially if interest rates remain at their current
levels.  There can be no doubt that the value of your Company's properties is
being strongly sustained by these conditions.  It is, perhaps, worth noting that
a number of other quoted property companies have opted to remain out of the
market and indeed some have made sizeable disposals.

Our existing #8 million term loan facility is due to expire in June 2006 and I
am pleased to report that we are at an advanced stage in agreeing improved terms
with our bankers for a renewal of this facility.

Whilst this year's results are unlikely to be exciting in terms of headline
profit, our finances remain sound, with net gearing currently below 50%, coupled
with the fact that we have established a much improved portfolio over recent
years.  We are well positioned to take advantage of any opportunities that may

In the light of these results, the Directors have decided to declare an
unchanged interim dividend of 2.3p per share.  This will be paid on 15th
December 2005 to those Shareholders on the register on 2nd December 2005.  We
will, of course, decide on the appropriate amount to recommend as a final
dividend having regard to the results for the full year.

The financial statements included in this report have been prepared in
accordance with accounting standard FRS 21 which requires that dividends
declared after the balance sheet date are not recognised as a liability.
Accordingly, it has been necessary to restate last year's corresponding interim
results as well as those for the year ended 25th March 2005.  The impact is set
out in note 2 on the final page of this report.

Philip G.H. Collins
22nd November 2005

Unaudited Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
Six Months ended 29 September 2005

                                                                  Six Months ended         Year ended
                                                                      29 September           25 March
                                                               2005           2004               2005
                                                                          Restated           Restated
                                                              (Unaudited)                   (Audited)
                                                              #'000          #'000              #'000

Gross Rental Income                                             812            828              1,676
Fees and Commissions                                              8              9                 17
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------
                                                                820            837              1,693

Property Outgoings                                             (24)           (51)               (88)
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------
                                                                796            786              1,605

Administration and Other Costs                                (341)          (261)              (523)
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------

Operating Profit                                                455            525              1,082

Profit on Disposal of Investment Properties                       -              -                443
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------
                                                                455            525              1,525

Finance Costs (Net)                                           (195)          (207)              (432)
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------

Profit on Ordinary Activities
before Taxation                                                 260            318              1,093

Taxation                                                       (78)           (95)              (243)
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------

Profit on Ordinary Activities
after Taxation                                                  182            223                850

Dividends Declared (see note 3)                               (180)          (171)              (243)
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------

Profit Retained                                                   2             52                607
                                                      -------------  -------------      -------------

Basic Earnings per share (see note 1)                          5.8p           7.1p              26.9p

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 29 September 2005

                                                  29 September 2005   29 September 2004            25 March
                                                                               Restated                2005
                                                        (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)            Restated
                                                              #'000               #'000               #'000

Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets                                              18,750              19,037              18,751
Investments                                                       1                   1                   1
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
                                                             18,751              19,038              18,752
Current Assets
Debtors                                                          85                  81                  84
Cash at Bank and in Hand                                        369                 217                 272
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
                                                                454                 298                 356

Creditors: Amounts falling due

Within one year                                               (799)               (713)               (704)
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
Net Current Liabilities                                       (345)               (415)               (348)
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities                        18,406              18,623              18,404

Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than
one year (see note 2)
                                                            (6,200)             (7,792)             (6,200)
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
                                                             12,206              10,831              12,204
Provision for Liabilities and Charges                         (304)               (160)               (304)
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
Net Assets                                                   11,902              10,671              11,900
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------

Capital and Reserves
Share Capital                                                   789                 789                 789
Capital Redemption Reserve                                      205                 205                 205
Share Premium Account                                         1,135               1,135               1,135
Capital Reserve                                                 151                 151                 151
Revaluation Reserve                                           4,672               4,505               4,672
Distributable Reserves                                        4,950               3,886               4,948
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
Equity Shareholders' Funds                                   11,902              10,671              11,900
                                                  -----------------   -----------------   -----------------

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Six Months ended 29 September 2005

                                                                                           Year ended
                                                                     Six Months ended        25 March
                                                                         29 September
                                                                  2005           2004            2005
                                                                 (Unaudited)                (Audited)
                                                                 #'000          #'000           #'000

Cash Flow from Operating Activities (Note A)                       521            507           1,163
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------
Returns on Investment and Servicing

of Finance
Interest Received                                                    6              6              10
Interest Paid                                                    (195)          (209)           (506)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------
Net Cash (Outflow) from Returns on
Investment and Servicing of Finance                              (189)          (203)           (496)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------

Taxation Paid                                                     (55)           (54)           (164)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------

Capital Expenditure and Financial

Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets                                  (1)        (1,570)         (1,571)
Disposal of Tangible Fixed Assets                                    1              -           1,468
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------

Net Cash (Outflow) from Investing Activities                         -        (1,570)           (103)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------

Equity Dividends Paid                                            (180)          (170)           (243)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------

Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) before Financing                          97        (1,490)             157

Drawdown of Bank Loan                                                -          1,192           1,342
Repayment of Bank Loan                                               -              -         (1,742)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------
Increase/(Decrease) in Cash in the Period                           97          (298)           (243)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to

Movement in Net Debt
Increase/(Decrease) in Cash in the Period                           97          (298)           (243)
Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Debt Financing                            -        (1,192)             400
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------
Movement in Net Debt in the Period                                  97        (1,490)             157

Net Debt at 25 March 2005                                      (5,928)        (6,085)         (6,085)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------

Net Debt at 29 September 2005 (Note B)                         (5,831)        (7,575)         (5,928)
                                                         -------------  -------------   -------------

Notes to Cash Flow Statement

A.  Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Inflow from Operating

                                                             Six Months ended   Year ended 25
                                                                 29 September
                                                          2005           2004            2005
                                                         #'000          #'000           #'000

Operating Profit                                           455            525           1,082
Depreciation and Amortisation                                1              3               4
(Increase)/Decrease in Debtors                             (1)           (22)            (24)
Increase/(Decrease) in Creditors                            66              1             101
                                                 -------------  -------------   -------------
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities                  521            507           1,163
                                                 -------------  -------------   -------------

B.  Analysis of Net Debt

                                                  29 September   Cash Movement        25 March
                                                          2005                            2005
                                                         #'000           #'000           #'000

Cash at Bank and in Hand                                   369              97             272
Debt due after more than one year                      (6,200)               -         (6,200)
                                                 -------------   -------------   -------------
Net Debt                                               (5,831)              97         (5,928)
                                                 -------------   -------------   -------------


1.     Basic earnings per share have been calculated on profits after taxation
attributable to ordinary shareholders of #182,000 (2004: #223,000) and on
3,155,267 ordinary shares, being the weighted average number in issue during
both periods.

2.     Shown as a creditor falling due after more than one year in the unaudited
consolidated balance sheet at 29 September 2005 is an amount of #6,200,000,
representing a bank loan repayable on 5 June 2006.  Having resolved that the
facility concerned be renewed for a further term, the Directors consider that
any re-classification of this item at the balance sheet date would be

3.     Prior year adjustment

        In accordance with accounting standard FRS 21, "Events after the Balance
Sheet Date", dividends which have been declared after the balance sheet date are
not recognised as a liability.  Accordingly, adjustments have been made for the
following dividends:

                                                                 Six Months               Audited
                                                                      Ended            Year ended
                                                          29 September 2004         25 March 2005
                                                                      #'000                 #'000

Dividend previously provided                                             73                   180
                                                         ------------------    ------------------

The prior year adjustment arising as a result is analysed as follows:

Shareholders' Funds at 25 March 2005 as previously stated                                  11,720
Liability for 2005 final dividend not declared at 25 March 2005                               180
Shareholders' Funds at 25 March 2005 as restated                                           11,900

Shareholders' Funds at 26 March 2004 as previously stated                                  10,449
Liability for 2004 final dividend not declared at 25 March 2004                               171
Shareholders' Funds at 25 March 2005 as restated                                           10,620

4.     The figures in these statements do not constitute statutory accounts;
those for the year ended 25 March 2005 are extracted from the Group Accounts
which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and which received an
unqualified report from the Auditors and did not contain a statement under
Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 as amended.

5.     The interim dividend of 2.3p per share will be paid on 15 December 2005
to those shareholders on the register at 2 December 2005.

6.     This interim report is being posted to all shareholders and will be
available on application to the Company's registered office at Cleary Court, 21
St. Swithin's Lane, London EC4N 8AD.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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