RNS No 2779c
31st March 1998
Save  Group  PLC ("Save") the UKs largest independent  petrol
retailer,  which  operates the Save brand  of  petrol  filling
stations,  announces results for the year  ended  31  December

Key points:

* Total  road  fuel  sales  for all  UK  petrol  retailers
  increased  nationally by 2.6% during 1997, as  site  numbers
  decreased by a further 5.4%.  Resulting in an average increase
  per site nationally of 7.9%.

* Turnover of #420.6m (1996: #429.7m).  Overall volumes are
  lower  but  the second half of the year shows the continuing

* Profit  before  tax and exceptionals  #9.0m  and  profit
  before tax #7.32m.  A strong performance in the face of  two
  specific  factors, relating to licensees and transportation,
  which should have a limited impact in 1998.

* Recommended final dividend of 3.9 per share,  making  an
  unchanged total for the year of 7.1p.

* Year  ended  on an improving trend as the  severe  price
  cutting in the industry draws to a close.
* Saves pump prices now fully competitive.

Commenting  on further prospects, James Frost, Chairman said:

"We  are now fully competitive for the first time in over  two
years  and  our sales continue to recover as a  result.   This
could  be  another  false  dawn but  I  believe  that  due  to
pressures  upstream it could be the beginning of  a  sustained
period of growth downstream."


I am pleased to present my Report for 1997. I believe that
these results represent the very best of results which could
have been achieved at a time of great upheaval and continued
losses in the downstream petroleum industry in the UK as a

                       1993     1994    1995     1996    1997
                       #000     #000    #000     #000    #000

Turnover exc VAT    177,166  229,398 451,495  429,692 420,571
Profit before tax
  & exceptionals      7,654   10,862  15,114   10,370   9,008
Profit before tax     7,654   10,862  11,114   10,370   7,321
Profit after tax      5,825    8,146   8,502   12,096   9,056
Earnings per share     9.0p    11.0p   10.2p    12.9p    9.7p
Dividend per share     4.7p     5.6p    7.0p     7.1p    7.1p

Whilst  our volumes for the year are clearly down, the  second
half  of  the year shows the continuing recovery from the  low
point  in July 1996. As industry average margins have improved
through  the  second  half, Saves  pump  prices  have  become
increasingly  competitive and are now fully  competitive.  The
pre-tax  result has, however, been adversely affected  by  two
specific  factors which should have a limited impact  in  1998
relating to licensees and transportation. The year ended on an
improving trend as price cutting was drawing to a close as the
falling oil price reduced oil company upstream profitability.



The  year  has  again been dominated by the Esso  Price  Watch
campaign  which  started in Scotland and  the  North  East  of
England  in September 1995. This campaign was a price  cutting
war  designed to increase Essos market share by 25% from  16%
to 20% overall. The result has been massive monetary losses in
the  industry as participants fell over themselves to  compete
and  thousands  of  sites closed. In  addition,  a  number  of
suppliers  have also decided to give up a struggle they  could
not  see  themselves  winning and have  disappeared  from  the

The number of sites which are reported to have closed during
the year was 795 representing 5.4% of the total. Since Price
Watch started around 2,700 sites have closed.

Movements in number of sites:

            Total        Owned by     Supermarkets Privately 
                         Suppliers       All*        owned
1964        38,500         5,435          -         33,065
1985        21,140         6,642         190        14,498
1990        19,465         6,490         357        12,618
1995        16,244         5,870         823         9,551
1996        14,748         5,528         877         8,343
1997(-5.4%) 13,953 (-2.6%) 5,383 (+6.5%) 934 (-8.5%) 7,636

* "All supermarkets" include 842 for the big four: Tesco,
Sainsburys, Asda and Morrisons

The  Institute of Petroleum Survey has also found  "871  small
sites  which have not featured in previous surveys.  Typically
these  are  single  pumps attached to small  shops  in  remote
locations." The total volume probably adds up to no more  than
20  million litres and therefore I have ignored these sites as
they  have been ignored before. I also believe that the  above
figures for 1997 are flattered by duplications and some closed

Notwithstanding the imperfections of the survey, it  is  clear
that  since  1964  the  number of  Supplier  Owned  Sites  has
declined  by  just  1% whereas the number of  Privately  Owned
Sites has collapsed by no less than 77% over the same period.

Movements in suppliers

Since 1995 there has also been a significant contraction in
the number of independent suppliers providing competition in
the market place including:

Mobil - merged with BP
Burmah - acquired by Save
Gulf - acquired by Shell
Power (Charringtons) - acquired by Total
Proteus - acquired by Texaco
Phoenix - acquired by Total
3D - acquired by Total
MOCO and others

Growth in consumption

During the year, road fuel sales increased nationally by 2.6%
and the effect on average volumes per site is significant.

     No.of      %         Total      %    Average        % 
     Sites    decrease    Volume  change  fuel sales  increase
                        (m. tonnes)       per site 
1988 20,016    - 0.9       25.0     +6.5  1.66m         +7.4
1989 19,756    - 1.3       26.1     +4.1  1.75m         +5.5
1990 19,465    - 1.5       26.7     +2.3  1.82m         +3.8
1991 19,247    - 1.1       26.5     -0.6  1,83m         +0.6
1992 18,549    - 3.6       26.9     +1.3  1.92m         +5.1
1993 17,969    - 3.1       27.0     +0.5  1.99m         +3.7
1994 16,971    - 5.5       26.7     -1.1  2.09m         +4.7
1995 16,244    - 4.3       26.3     -1.6  2.15m         +2.8
1996 14,748    - 9.2       27.3     +4.0  2.46m        +14.6
1997 13,953    - 5.4       28.0     +2.6  2.65m         +7.9

10 year
movement        -31%       (37 billion litres)          +72%

Fewer sites, fewer suppliers and higher volumes, must
eventually mean higher prices at the pump.


Clearly  the number of sites, the number of suppliers and  the
amount  of road fuel sold all affect the profitability of  the
market place in the UK. However, there is no reference here to
the raw cost of product - crude oil.

An  integrated  oil  company can be split  into  upstream  and
downstream   activities.   That   is   the   exploration   and
transportation  of crude oil - upstream, and  the  wholesaling
and retailing of refined product - downstream.

There  are other activities in between, such as refining,  but
these do not materially affect the upstream/downstream split.

In  1997  Brent crude (the benchmark price) averaged $19.32  a
barrel but by March 1998 was some $6.50 lower at under  $13  a
barrel.  This has a very material impact on the upstream  part
of the industry as a whole.

OPEC quotas for 1998 are 27.5 million barrels day so that for
every $ that crude goes down it costs OPEC as a whole $27.5m
each day or $10 billion each year. Therefore a drop of $6.5
average for a whole year will cost OPEC alone some $65

Shell  executives  were quoted in the Financial  Times  on  13
February 1998 as saying that for every $ crude goes down as an
average  it  hits  Shells profits by $400m  a  year.  A  $6.5
average  drop could therefore reduce Shells profits  by  $2.6
billion a year.

What  applies  to  OPEC and Shell also applies  to  all  other
producer  nations and upstream oil companies alike. Certainly,
the  price  war  in  the UK from September  1995  onwards  was
sustained  by very high profits upstream. In other words,  the
integrated  oil  companies  could  afford  to  take  the  pain
downstream in the UK.

There  are  four  main  reasons for this  dramatic  change  of

*    OPEC increased its output quotas for 1998 by 10%
*    The financial turmoil in the Far East has reduced demand
*    A  second  mild  winter in the USA and Europe  has  also
     reduced demand
*    An  increased quota of oil for Iraq from $2b  every  six
     months to $5.2b every six months compounded by the fact that
     as  the  price goes down Iraq can produce more oil for  each

The  negative  impact of this situation for upstream  players,
can   only  be  reduced  by  selling  more  of  their  product
downstream at higher margins. That way the price is fixed  not
by  reference  to  the cost of crude but  by  the  amount  the
motorist  will  pay. After all, margins are  still  below  pre
Price Watch levels.


Your  Company Owned network comprises some 411 sites, as  good
as  most  oil  company networks, and supplies  a  further  113
privately owned Dealer sites. Our sales are secure,  over  90%
of  them coming as they do from our Company Owned Sites  (COS)
network  rather  than from the Privately owned  dealer  sites.
Those  suppliers who rely for their sales on the dealer sites,
which  are  the  ones closing at the fastest rate,  are  in  a
particularly vulnerable position.

Market share by brand as at 31 December 1997

Brand       Total      %    COS     %    Dealers &      %
            Sites                        Supermarkets

Esso        1,874    13.4    905   48.3      969      51.7
Shell inc
    Gulf    1,858    13.3  1,033   55.6      825      44.4
BP          1,831    13.2    925   50.5      906      49.5
Texaco      1,147     8.2    448   39.1      699      60.9
Total Group   783     5.6    413   52.7      370      47.3
UK            726     5.2     11    1.5      715      98.5
Jet           670     4.8    221   33.0      449      67.0
Fina Group    614     4.4    203   33.1      411      66.9
Save          524     3.8    411   78.4      113      21.6
Elf           499     3.6    383   76.8      116      23.2
Q8 Group      467     3.3    103   22.1      364      77.9
Murco         401     2.9    117   29.2      284      70.8
Repsol        188     1.3     42   22.3      146      77.7
 Supermarkets 934     6.7     -     -        934     100.0
Others      1,437    10.3    168   11.7    1,269      88.3

Total      13,953          5,383           8,570

The above market shares are by site numbers only. The
supermarkets together account for about 22% in volume terms
and the "Others" about 3%. Esso average sales per site due to
Price Watch will probably be about four times that of the
average site supplied by UK Petroleum. In volume terms I would
expect Esso, Shell and BP together to account for around 55% -
60% and Save for 1997 was some 2%.

We survived the price wars by pricing up to maintain a margin
at the expense of sales. Sales hit their all time low in the
week ended 18 July 1996 from which time they have
progressively recovered, by some 38% currently. Sales on a
unit basis for the last two months are up by approximately 6%
over the comparable months last year so that they now stand at
around 80% of their pre Price Watch levels.

Margins from the refinery gate to the pump, before deducting
suppliers oncost, delivery etc., have gone up from a low of
1.79 pence per litre for week ended 18 July 1996, based on
national average pump prices, to a current level of just over
6ppl. This compares with 8ppl before Price Watch. There is
therefore no reason for petrol prices to fall in line with

Two areas have, however, prevented these improvements being
fully reflected in the 1997 results. These relate to the
licensees and transport.

Retaining licensees is very important in running a successful
operation, otherwise sales on those sites which are
temporarily company- run slump and of course no licence fees
are received. The group installed a support scheme for
licensees to soften the worst excesses of Price Watch and to
afford them a measure of protection. This scheme, under the
control of the former Managing Director, was mismanaged during
the year leading by November to an unusually large number of
Company Owned sites being temporarily operated direct. The
management of this scheme has now been reorganised and is
working very smoothly although it will by its nature take
another three months to be fully effective. We aim to care for
all our people, whether they be licensees, dealers or staff.

The exceptional item relates to charges under a Transport
Agreement. These charges have been referred to an independent
expert under the terms of the Agreement, whose determination
has varied the charges in the Groups favour for all of the
periods that have been finalised to date, but with six months
of 1997 still to be finalised. The finalisation of the
remaining determinations could result in a credit in 1998. The
Group has served 12 months written notice to terminate the

The Group has obtained a number of quotations for future
possible contracts. The exceptional item referred to above
equates to the difference between those quotations and the sum
charged under the Agreement. This has been written off as an
exceptional item so as to better reflect the ongoing
performance of the Group. This amount may reflect that the
tanker fleet used on the current Save business was that
acquired by the Transporter on the 22 June 1994 for use on
that business in its previous ownership and may not be
comparable with the fleets used by the alternative quoting
companies. Those companies are able to quote on the basis of
their own tanker fleets.

During the year the contract of employment of the Managing
Director was terminated for reasons related to employees and
licensees. This has already been the subject of a letter to
shareholders so I do not propose to comment further. We are
looking for a replacement in due course but are not under any
pressure to do so at this time.

The Groups finances are very robust, operating well within
the facilities available. However, indebtedness at the end of
the year was higher than I would have liked due mainly to
higher stocks and higher debtors. This year, Christmas/New
Year stocking was two days longer than the previous year and
debtors include all the rating appeals which accumulate until
settled usually three or four years after the new assessments
are made. We will be continuing our efforts during the current
year to reduce gearing further.

Group balance sheet
                            31 12 97    31 12 96
                               #000       #000

Fixed assets                 193,590     190,843
Current assets                21,393      13,785
Trade creditors              (43,819)    (38,178)
Other liabilities             (1,859)     (2,046)
Bank - net                   (57,639)    (55,129)
Net assets                   111,666     109,275

It   has   always  been  the  Companys  policy  to  adopt   a
conservative  position on tax. In both 1996 and 1997  earnings
benefited substantially by tax credits from the utilisation of
capital  allowances.  There remains a  large  pool  of  unused
capital  allowances and some #22m remains for  use  in  future


Last  year I ended my Statement by saying that I was confident
about  reporting  higher profits, earnings and  dividends  for
1997 together with improved dividend cover - I was wrong.

I based my view on two main factors:
* That  1996 saw an average crude price of $20.82 and  the
  forecasts  for 1997 were for a range of $15 to $20:  clearly
  this did not happen, averaging as it did $19.32 resulting in
  higher  upstream profits to support the continuation of  the
  price war.

* Stable pump prices continuing on from a good start to the
  year. This did not continue because from March 1997 Esso and
  Tesco appeared to restart a private fight. Clearly all  that
  happened was everyone in the market, including ourselves, lost
  a lot of money.

This  year, it is indisputable that none of the oil  companies
have  the  cushion of a high crude price upstream  which  will
allow them the luxury of a price war downstream. Furthermore,
most analysts are expecting crude to fall even further with no
bottom in sight particularly given the increasing prospect  of
substantial long term supply coming from the former USSR.

Prior to the Yom Kippur War in 1973 crude prices traded at  an
average  of  around $13 per barrel for the previous  70  years
since when we have become even more self-sufficient worldwide.

We  are  now fully competitive for the first time in over  two
years  and  our  sales continue to recover  as  a  result.  In
addition,  margins are also at their best for over two  years.
The  ICI  supply contract expired on the 31 December 1997  and
this  has  given us the freedom to negotiate for  supplies  on
improved terms.

We intend to be cautious in 1998, we do not intend to undercut
our  competitors  to gain market share, rather  to  build  the
group steadily throughout the year. Further ahead, in 1999, we
see three areas of future development:

*    Purchase of new Company Owned sites on a selective basis
*    A national marketing or trade link with a non petrol
*    The acquisition of small groups of dealer business

This could be another false dawn but I believe that it could
be the beginning of a sustained period of growth.

R James Frost
24 March 1998

Preliminary Unaudited Results
For the Year Ended 31st December 1997


                      1997                     1997
                    Before       1997         After
               Exceptional  Exceptional Exceptional
                      Item       Item          Item      1996
               Note  #'000      #'000         #'000     #'000

Turnover           420,571                  420,571   429,692

Cost  of  Sales   (384,965)                (384,965) (392,452)
                  ---------    ---------    -------   ---------
Gross Profit        35,606                   35,606    37,240

Distribution costs (19,936)    (1,687)      (21,623)  (20,068)
  expenses          (6,612)                  (6,612)   (7,566)
Other operating
 Income              4,664                    4,664     4,736
                 ----------   ----------    -------   --------
                   (21,884)    (1,687)      (23,571)  (22,898)
                 ----------   ----------    -------   --------
Operating Profit    13,722     (1,687)       12,035    14,342
                  ---------    ---------    --------  -------
Net Interest        (4,714)                  (4,714)   (3,972)
                  ----------   ---------    --------  -------
Profit on ordinary
 before  taxation    9,008     (1,687)        7,321    10,370
Tax credit on
 profit on
 activities     4    1,204        531         1,735     1,726
                   -------     ------       -------     ------
Profit for the
 financial year     10,212     (1,156)        9,056    12,096

Dividends       5   (6,665)                  (6,665)   (6,665)
                  ---------    ------       -------    -------
Profit  retained     3,547     (1,156)        2,391     5,431
                 ---------     -------      -------    -------

Earnings per 
share          3     10.9p                     9.7p     12.9p

Preliminary Unaudited Results
For the Year Ended 31st December 1997


                               1997             1996
                              #'000            #'000

Fixed Assets                193,590          190,843

Current Assets

  Stocks                     11,985            9,319
  Debtors                     9,408            4,466
  Cash at bank
  and in hand                   901              756
                             ------           ------
                             22,294           14,541
                             ------           -------
Current Liabilities

Creditors: amounts falling
 due within one year         64,359           46,063
                             ------           ------- 

Net current liabilities     (42,065)         (31,522)
                             ------           -------         
Total assets less current 
 liabilities                151,525          159,321
Creditors: amounts falling 
due after more
than one year                38,000           48,000
Provisions for liabilities
 and charges                  1,859            2,046
                            -------          -------        
                            111,666          109,275
                            -------          ------- 

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital      23,467           23,467
Share premium account        66,626           66,626
Revaluation reserve             285              285
Profit and loss account      21,288           18,897
                            -------          -------
Shareholders' funds         111,666          109,275
                            -------          -------

Preliminary Unaudited Results
For the Year Ended 31st December 1997


Cash Flow                      1997     1997     1996    1996
                       Note   #'000    #'000    #'000   #'000

Net cash inflow from 
 activities after
 restructuring costs     1            13,188            6,557

Returns on investments
 and servicing
 of finance
Net interest paid           (4,727)           (4,493)
                           --------  --------  -----   --------
Net cash outflow from 
 returns on
 investments and
 servicing of finance                 (4,727)          (4,493)

Net UK Corporation
 Tax paid                             (1,315)          (1,242)

Capital Expenditure
 and financial investment
Expenditure on tangible
 fixed assets               (3,629)          (6,486)
Sale of tangible
 fixed assets                  638              374
                          --------    -------  ----     -------

Net outflow from
 capital expenditure
and financial investment             (2,991)           (6,112)
                         --------    --------  ----    --------
                                      4,155            (5,290)
Equity Dividend Paid                 (6,665)           (6,571)

 in bank loans         2  (2,000)             8,500
                         --------    -------  -----    -------

Net cash (outflow)
 /inflow from financing              (2,000)            8,500
                         -------     -------   -----   -------

Decrease in cash      3              (4,510)           (3,361)
                         ------      ------    -----   --------

Preliminary Unaudited Results
For the Year Ended 31st December 1997


1. Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities
                                        1997         1996

                                       #'000        #'000
Operating Profit                      12,035       14,342
Depreciation and amortisation            901          844
Profit on sale of fixed assets          (547)        (152)
Movement on redemption fund               36         (165)
(Increase)/Decrease in stocks         (2,666)       3,763
(Increase)/Decrease  in debtors       (2,519)       3,525
Increase/(Decrease) in creditors       6,171      (13,913)
                                   ----------   ----------
                                      13,411        8,244
Restructuring costs                     (223)      (1,687)
                                   ----------   ----------
Net cash inflow from operating 
 activities                           13,188        6,557
                                   ----------   ----------
2.Reconciliation of net cashflow to
  movement in net debt
                                        1997         1996

                                       #'000        #'000

Decrease in cash                        4,510        3,361
Cash (outflow)/inflow from financing   (2,000)       8,500
                                     ---------       -----
Movement in net debt in the year        2,510       11,861
Net debt at 1st January 1997           55,129       43,268
                                    ---------      -------
Net debt at 31st December 1997         57,639       55,129
                                    ---------      -------
3.Analysis of changes in net debt

                       At 1.1.97    Cashflow  At 31.12.97
                           #'000       #'000        #'000

Cash at bank and in hand     756         145          901
Overdrafts                (5,885)     (4,655)     (10,540)
                          -------     -------      -------
                          (5,129)     (4,510)      (9,639)
Debt                     (50,000)      2,000      (48,000)
                          -------     ------       -------
Net Indebtedness         (55,129)     (2,510)     (57,639)
                         --------     -------      -------

Preliminary Unaudited Results
For the Year Ended 31st December 1997

Cashflow Notes:

1.   The   above   accounts  are  not  full   accounts.    The
     information relating to the year ended 31st December 1996
     is  based on full accounts which have been filed with the
     Registrar  of  Companies  and  upon  which  the  auditors
     opinion was unqualified.

2.   The exceptional item relates to charges under a Transport
     Agreement.   These  charges  have  been  referred  to  an
     independent  expert  under the terms  of  the  Agreement,
     whose determination has varied the charges in the Group's
     favour for all of the periods that have been finalised to
     date,  but with six months of 1997 still to be finalised.
     The  finalisation  of the remaining determinations  could
     result  in  a  credit in 1998.  The Group has  served  12
     months' written notice to terminate the Agreement.

     The  Group has obtained a number of quotations for future
     possible  contracts.  The exceptional  item  referred  to
     above  equates to the difference between those quotations
     and  the sum charged under the Agreement.  This has  been
     written  off  as  an exceptional item  so  as  to  better
     reflect  the  ongoing performance  of  the  Group.   This
     amount  may  reflect that the tanker fleet  used  on  the
     current   Save   business  was  that  acquired   by   the
     Transporter  on  the  22nd June  1994  for  use  on  that
     business  in  its  previous  ownership  and  may  not  be
     comparable  with  the  fleets  used  by  the  alternative
     quoting companies.  Those companies are able to quote  on
     the basis of their own tanker fleets.

3.   Earnings  per  share:  The calculation  of  earnings  per
     share  is based on the profit on ordinary activities  for
     the year after taxation of #9,056,000 (1996: #12,096,000)
     and  on 93,866,758 (1996: 93,866,758) ordinary shares  of
     25p  each, being the weighted average number of  ordinary
     shares   in  issue.   The  calculation  of  the  adjusted
     earnings per share of 10.9 pence, is based on the  profit
     on  ordinary activities after taxation for the  year  and
     adding back the charge for exceptional items relating  to
     the  transport  contract  of #1,687,000  and  tax  credit
     thereon  of #531,000 calculated at the standard tax  rate
     for  the year.  The adjusted earnings per share has  been
     presented   to  better  reflect  the  Group's  underlying
     performance.   Fully diluted earnings per share  has  not
     been disclosed because the dilution is not material.

4.   The  taxation  credit includes a credit of #4.05m  (1996:
     #4.3m)  as  a result of timing differences on accelerated
     capital  allowances on which deferred tax  has  not  been
     fully provided.  The reduction includes a credit of #1.8m
     (1996:  #1.8m) being the tax value of capital  allowances
     disclaimed as at 31st December 1996 of #5.5m,  which  the
     group has claimed in 1997.  This credit was achieved as a
     result  of  agreeing the 1995 and 1996 group  corporation
     tax computations with the Inland Revenue.

     As  at  31st  December 1997 the current  total  pool  for
     capital allowances was #22m (1996: #32.5m).

5.   The  final  dividend of 3.9p per share (net) if  approved
     will  be  paid  on 1st July 1998 to Shareholders  on  the
     Register on 1st June 1998.

Contact: Save Group PLCTel: 
       R. James Frost, Chairman      Tel:01296 436661
       John Murgatroyd,
       Group Finance Director        Tel:01296 395951
       Charles Ryland/Tim Anderson
       Buchanan Communications Ltd   Tel:0171 466 5000



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