RNS No 3379n
2 September 1997

                        SAVE GROUP PLC
              HALF YEAR RESULTS TO 30 JUNE 1997
Save Group PLC, ("Save") the UKs largest independent petrol
retailer, which operates the Save brand of petrol filling
stations, announces half year results for the six months to
30 June 1997.

Key Points:

*  Turnover reduced 16% to #203.7m (1996: #242.1m) due to
   the continuing price war.  During May to August 1997,
   Save showed a return to growth in volume.

*  Profit before tax of #4.0m ahead of last year by 6% and
   in line with market expectations (1996: #3.78m).

*  Earnings per share increased 17% to 4.1p (1996: 3.5p)
   and dividend maintained at 3.2p with dividend cover
   increasing to 1.3x (1996: 1.1x)

*  Gross margins improved by pursuing Saves strategy of
   maintaining price and allowing volumes to fall.

*  Saves market position strengthened further by the
   proposed acquisition of Gulf UK by Shell and the
   continued closure of competitors sites

Commenting on future prospects, James Frost, Chairman said:

"I am confident that our strategy and ability to react
quickly to events will enable us to continue to participate
profitably in the market as it changes.  Whilst the current
state of the downstream market makes predicting the results
for the year as a whole very difficult, if not impossible, I
do believe that our earnings will not be materially
different from market expectations."

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to report results ahead of last year and in
line with market expectations .....

Financial results for first half of 1997
                         30.6.97   30.6.96
                           #000     #000        %
Turnover                  203733    242090   - 15.8
Profit before interest
  and tax                   6359      5686    +11.8
Profit before tax           4008      3772     +6.3
Earnings per share          4.1p      3.5p    +17.1
Dividend per share          3.2p      3.2p        -
Cover                       1.3x      1.1x        -

The decrease in turnover is due to the fact that Price
Watch, which commenced in January 1996 in the UK as a whole,
did not fully impact on sales until April 1996.  Trading for
January and February 1996 being largely unaffected because
of the lag effect and the impact for March being mainly on
margins before we reversed our policy to one of premium

Profits for the half year to end June 1997, which show an
increase of some 11.8% before interest and tax, hide the
true performance when compared with the comparative half
year.  Last year included a one-off contribution of around
#2m from unleaded four star (LRG) sales before the
Chancellor removed the tax benefit in May 1996.

Once again the tax charge has been reduced by using a part
of the unused capital allowances.

Net gearing at end June 1997 was principally affected by the
revised Budget date of 2 July 1997.  Pre budget stocking
both on the company owned sites and the privately owned
dealer sites left indebtedness of some #66m compared with
#55m at end December 1996.  We would expect this to be
reversed by the year end with indebtedness at that time
being around or marginally below that of last year.

The Group's balance sheet                       
                                    30.6.97    30.6.96
                                      #'000      #'000
Fixed  Assets                        192720     190843
Current Assets                        22051      14541
Trade Creditors                       36041      38178
Other Liabilities                      1830       2046
Bank (Gross)                          66821      55885
NET ASSETS                           110079     109275

UK Industry Commentary

Largely due to the Price Watch campaign, some 1,500 petrol
filling stations closed in 1996.  Closures have continued
during 1997 and I would expect a similar number to go this
year.  The number of site closures in the past 10 years and
the average volume per site nationally are as follows:

                              %    Average road        
        No of sites    decrease    fuel sales             %
                                    (litre)        increase
 1987      20,197         -        1,545,273            -
 1988      20,016        0.9       1,660,108           7.4
 1989      19,756        1.3       1,751,421           5.5
 1990      19,465        1.5       1,818,276           3.8
 1991      19,247        1.1       1,828,729           0.6
 1992      18,549        3.6       1,922,473           5.1
 1993      17,969        3.1       1,994,172           3.7
 1994      16,971        5.5       2,087,239           4.7
 1995      16,244        4.3       2,146,313           2.8

 1996- Price
       UK  14,748        9.2       2,459,675          14.6
 1997- Price
       UK  13,248       10.2       2,820,424          14.7

10 year
 movement     -34%                      +83%            -

Apart from the massive number of site closures since Price
Watch started there have also been, as expected, changes in
the numbers of suppliers and including:

            Mobil Oil merged with BP
            Gulf Oil - just announced to be acquired by Shell
            Charringtons (Power) - acquired by Total
            Phoenix Petroleum - acquired by Total
            3D Petroleum - acquired by Total
            MOCO Petroleum and other changes

The OFT has been asked to review the Petrol Retail Market
and will report at the end of the year.  The restructuring
is self evident but what has not been so obvious is the
extent to which suppliers have been selling petrol at a
loss.  For example:  the gross margin for unleaded petrol,
this is the national average pump price less the Platts
price (spot market price) excluding VAT, in June 1996 it was
1.5p per litre and in June 1997 it was 4.6p per litre.
These figures have to pay for the retailer's margin,
delivery to site and all of the suppliers' costs.  The total
margin needs to go back to the 7-8ppl being achieved before
Price Watch started for the major suppliers to make money.

Current trading and prospects

Sales of road fuel nationally for the period January to
April 1997 are up by 3% over the similar period for 1996.
This would, coupled with the anticipated site closures,
translate for the year into an average increase per site of
some 14.7%.  Two thirds of this being made up of diesel
sales and the remaining one third petrol sales.

Sales at the Save company owned sites during the first half
year, which included Price Watch, showed the expected trend
with January, February and March 1997 being 20% down over
the same period for 1996.  As stated above the full impact
of Price Watch did not hit sales volumes until April 1996.
April on April showed a virtually unchanged position but for
each of the months May, June, July and August 1997 Save
showed growth in volumes.  Our present competitive stance is
still slightly out of line with the market but I would
expect substantial volume increases when we are able to
profitably maintain a competitive position on a permanent
basis.  Our market share on our company owned sites based on
1997 so far, including agency diesel sales, is some 725
million litres per annum or around 2% of the UK market.
This excludes all sales to third party dealers supplied from
our wholesaling division.

In the past it has been the demise of the privately owned
dealer sites who have been the main casualties of Price
Watch, it is now the suppliers to those sites who are most
vulnerable.  Particularly those whose number of company
owned sites represents too low a percentage of their
refining capacity and where they are too dependent on the
dealer market which is contracting at an ever faster rate.
It is the solid base volume of the Save company owned sites,
currently some 2% but which I am confident will grow back to
between 3% and 4% after the expiration of Price Watch, that
makes Save so unique unencumbered as it is by an under
utilised refinery.

There has been much recent press comment about the position
of Save as a result of the Shell/Gulf proposals, ie the
acquisition by Shell of the 194 company owned sites and the
256 dealer supply contracts (as at 31 December 1996)  and
other related parts but excluding the Gulf refinery at
Milford Haven and the Gulf head office at Cheltenham.  The
Daily Telegraph said "Analysts expressed surprise that Shell
had bought Gulf UK instead of Save, which is widely regarded
as having better sites" and The Times said: "Save's share of
sales has declined sharply, as its chairman, James Frost,
has deliberately sacrificed volume in a largely successful
attempt to protect margins.  A better guide to its true
worth is still its market share before the price war of 4
per cent, or roughly twice the size of the Gulf  business."

There are to my mind three good reasons why Shell should
want to take out Gulf:

1   It increases Shell's market share to around the 20%
2   It closes down the Gulf refinery .... which is not
    shared with anyone else, reducing but not eliminating
    refinery over capacity in the UK.
3   With the top three players,  Shell, Esso and BP, having
    around 60% of the total UK market and the supermarkets
    some 25% very little is left for the other refiners
    with their under utilised refineries to increase their
    market share.

In all, this puts Save in a very strong position for the

I am confident that our strategy and ability to react
quickly to events will enable us to continue to participate
profitably in the market as it changes.  Whilst the current
state of the downstream market makes predicting the results
for the year as a whole very difficult, if not impossible, I
do believe that our earnings will not be materially
different from market expectations.

29 August 1997

for the six months ended 30 June 1997

                          Six months  Six months       Year
                               ended       ended      ended
                             30.6.97     30.6.96   31.12.96
                               #000       #000      #000
Turnover                2    203,733     242,090    429,692
Cost of Sales               (187,843)   (225,000)  (392,452)
                          ----------    --------   ---------
                              15,890      17,090     37,240

Distribution costs            (8,463)     (9,644)   (20,068)
Administrative expenses       (3,350)     (4,185)    (7,566)
Other operating income         2,282       2,425      4,736
                          ----------    ---------   ---------
                              (9,531)    (11,404)   (22,898)
                          ----------    --------   ---------
Operating profit               6,359       5,686     14,342
                          ----------    ---------   --------
Net interest                  (2,351)     (1,914)    (3,972)
                          ----------    ---------   --------
Profit on ordinary
 before taxation       2       4,008       3,772     10,370
Tax on profit on
 ordinary activities   3        (200)       (493)     1,726
                          ----------     --------  --------
Profit on ordinary 
 after taxation                3,808       3,279     12,096
Dividends               4     (3,004)     (3,004)    (6,665)
                          ----------    --------   ---------
Profit retained                  804         275      5,431
                          ----------    --------   ---------
Earnings per share      5       4.1p        3.5p      12.9p
Dividend per share              3.2p        3.2p       7.1p
                          ----------    --------   ---------

There were no recognised gains and losses other than the
profit for the period.

as at 30 June 1997
                                At 30.6.97   At 31.12.96
                                     #000         #000

Fixed assets
  Tangible                         192,720       190,843
                                ----------    ----------
Current assets
  Stocks                            11,847         9,319
  Debtors                            9,394         4,466
  Cash at bank and in hand             810           756
                                ----------    ----------
                                    22,051        14,541
                                ----------    ----------
Current liabilities
  Creditors: amounts falling
         due within one year
    Bank loans and overdrafts       23,821         7,885
    Other creditors                 36,041        38,178
                                ----------     ---------
                                    59,862        46,063
                                ----------     ---------

  Net current liabilities          (37,811)      (31,522)

  Total assets less current
                liabilities         154,909      159,321
  Creditors: amounts falling 
    due after more than one year
    Bank loans                       43,000       48,000
  Provisions for liabilities 
   and charges                        1,830        2,046
                                  ----------    -------- 
                                    110,079      109,275
                                  ----------    --------
Capital and reserves

  Called up share capital            23,467       23,467
  Share premium account              66,626       66,626
  Revaluation reserve                   285          285
  Profit and loss account            19,701       18,897
                                 ----------     ---------
Shareholders funds                 110,079      109,275
                                 ----------     ---------

for the six months ended 30 June 1997

                      Six months Six months     Year   Year
                           ended      ended    ended   ended
                         30.6.97    30.6.97 31.12.96 31.12.96
                           #000     #000     #000    #000
Net cash (outflow)
/inflow from operating 
activities after
restructuring costs
 (note 6)                           (3,040)            6,557
Returns on investments
and servicing of finance
Net interest paid         (2,328)            (4,343)
                        --------           ---------

Net cash outflow from
returnson investments
and servicing of finance            (2,328)           (4,343)
Net Corporation taxation
paid                                  (430)           (1,242)

Capital expenditure and 
financial investment
Purchase of tangible 
fixed assets              (2,332)           (6,636)
Sale of tangible fixed
 assets                      252               374
                         -------            -------
Net outflow from capital
and financial investment            (2,080)           (6,262)
                                   --------           -------
Equity dividend paid                (3,004)           (6,571)
Increase in bank loans                       8,500
Net cash inflow from financing                         8,500
Decrease in cash                   (10,882)           (3,361)
                                    -------           -------
Decrease in cash

Cash at 30 June 1997 
 (31 December 1996)                (16,011)           (5,129)
Cash at 1 January 1997
 (1 January 1996)                   (5,129)           (1,768)
                                   -------            ------
Net cash outflow                    10,882             3,361
                                   -------            ------



The  comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 1996
have  been  extracted  from  the  Groups  latest  published
accounts which contain an unqualified audit report and which
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

1. Basis of Accounting

 The   interim   results  have  been  prepared   under   the
 historical   cost  convention  modified  to   include   the
 revaluation  of certain freehold and investment  properties
 and  adopting  the  accounting  policies  set  out  in  the
 statutory  accounts for the Group for  the  year  ended  31
 December 1996.

2. Segmental analysis
                           Turnover       Profit before tax
                     Six months     Year Six months      Year
                          ended    ended      ended     ended
                        30.6.97 31.12.96    30.6.97  31.12.96
                          #000    #000      #000     #000

 Retailing of petroleum
    products            181,249  332,091      5,266    12,522
 Wholesaling of
   petroleum products    22,389   97,349        552       875
 Sales promotion schemes  1,573    3,281        490       942
 Property services           27       84         51         3
 Less: inter-company
       turnover          (1,505)  (3,113)         -         -
                         -------  ------     ------     ------

                        203,733  429,692      6,359    14,342
 Net interest payable                        (2,351)   (3,972)
                         ------   ------     -------   -------

                        203,733  429,692      4,008    10,370
                        -------  -------     ------    -------
 Net expenses of the parent undertaking have been allocated
 to the divisions in arriving at the profit before tax
 shown above.

3. Taxation

 The taxation (charge)/credit is based on the profit for
 the six months and is made up as follows:

                                       Six months      Year
                                            ended     ended
                                          30.6.97  31.12.96
                                              #000     #000

 Corporation tax at 32% (1996:  33%)         (200)    1,718
 Deferred tax                                   -         8
                                            ------    ------
                                             (200)    1,726
                                            ------    ------
 The taxation charge has been reduced by #1m (year ended  31
 December  1996 #4.3m) as a result of timing differences  on
 accelerated  capital allowances on which deferred  tax  has
 not been provided.

 The  Group  has not taken credit for capital allowances in
 these  financial  statements  of  #5.5m  (year  ended  31
 December 1996  #5.5m).  This amount  has  been carried
 forward as a credit for future periods leaving a current
 total pool for capital allowances of approximately  #29.1m
 (31 December 1996: #32.5m).

 At 30 June 1997 the Company had approximately #1m (1996:
 #1m) realised capital losses available for carry forward.

4. Dividend

 The  interim dividend of 3.2 pence per share will  be  paid
 on  7th January 1998 to shareholders on the register at the
 close  at business on 5th December 1997.  The 1996  interim
 dividend  was  paid on 3rd January 1997 to shareholders  on
 the  register  at  the close of business  on  3rd  December

5. Earnings per share

 The  calculation of earnings per share for the  six  months
 ended  30 June 1997 and 30 June 1996 is based on the profit
 on  ordinary  activities after taxation of  #3,808,000  and
 #3,279,000  respectively and on 93,866,758 ordinary  shares
 of  25p each, being the weighted average number of ordinary
 shares  in  issue.   The earnings per share  for  the  year
 ended  31  December  1996 is as shown in  the  1996  Annual
 Report  and  is based on the profit on ordinary  activities
 after  taxation  of  #12,096,000  and  93,866,758  ordinary
 shares of 25p each, being the weighted number of shares  in
 issue during that year.

6. Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities

                             Six months          Year
                                  ended         ended
                                30.6.97      31.12.96
                                  #000         #000

  Operating profit                6,359        14,342
  Depreciation and amortisation     428           844
  Profit on sale of fixed assets   (225)         (152)
  Movement on redemption fund         7          (165)
  (Increase)/decrease in stocks  (2,528)        3,763
  (Increase)/decrease in debtors (4,123)        3,525
  (Decrease) in creditors        (2,735)      (13,913)
                                --------      --------
  Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
  operating activities           (2,817)        8,244
  Restructuring costs              (223)       (1,687)
                                --------      -------
  Net cash (outflow)/inflow
   from operating activities     (3,040)        6,557
                                --------      -------

A copy of the Interim Report will be sent to shareholders on
9 September 1997.

Further copies are available from the Company  Secretary,
Save Group PLC, Walton Lodge, Walton Street, Aylesbury,
Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QY.

Save Group PLC                         Tel: 01296 436661
R. James Frost, Chairman
John Murgatroyd, Group Finance DirectorTel: 01296 395951
Charles Ryland/Tim Anderson
Buchanan Communications Ltd            Tel: 0171 466 5000


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