RNS Number : 9927O

City of London Investment Group PLC

15 February 2016

15th February 2016


("City of London", "the Group" or "the Company")


City of London (LSE:CLIG) announces half year results for the six months to 31st December 2015.


-- Funds under Management ("FuM") of US$3.8 billion (GBP2.6 billion) at 31st December 2015. This compares with US$4.2 billion (GBP2.7 billion) at the beginning of this financial year on 1st July 2015 and US$4.0 billion (GBP2.6 billion) at 31st December 2014

-- FuM at 31st January 2016 of US$3.5 billion (GBP2.5 billion)

-- Revenues representing the Group's management charges on FuM, were GBP11.8 million (2014: GBP12.2 million)

Profit before tax of GBP3.6 million (2014: GBP4.3 million)

-- Maintained interim dividend of 8p per share payable on 11th March 2016 to shareholders on the register on 26th February 2016

-- Cash and cash equivalents at the period end of GBP8.4 million (2014: GBP8.1 million)

This release includes forward-looking statements, which may differ from actual results. Any forward-looking statements are based on certain factors and assumptions, which may prove incorrect, and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to future events, the Group's operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity.

For further information, please visit www.citlon.co.uk or contact:

Barry Olliff (CEO)

City of London Investment Group PLC

Tel: +1 215 313 3774

Roger Lambert

Canaccord Genuity Limited

Financial Adviser and Broker

Tel: +44 (0)20 7523 8000


The expression "May you live in interesting times" is often erroneously attributed to the Chinese. There can be little question, however, that the immediate trigger for the current "interesting times" is attributable to the Chinese but we should not forget that in giving the global economy a very extended diet of highly intoxicating free money, Western governments are surely to blame for the inevitable huge underlying debt fuelled problems that the global economy now faces. I know that some people hold that the best cure for a hangover is another drink, but when it comes to the global economy I would have hoped that the world's economists could have come up with a better solution.

At City of London Investment Group we have certainly not been immune from these problems. With markets falling across both the developed and emerging economies we have at least been fortunate to record, if only on a relative basis, a strong performance. As a consequence we have been favoured by contrarian investors awarding us new mandates including asset allocations for our diversification products.

At end December 2015 total Funds under Management (FuM) were US$3.8 billion (GBP2.6 billion), down from US$4.2 billion (GBP2.7 billion) at the 30th June 2015 year end. The new mandates noted above combined with good relative performance reduced the actual decline in FuM to 11% against a fall in the MSCI Emerging Markets index of 17%.

Results - unaudited

Unaudited profit before taxation for the period was GBP3.6 million which compares to GBP4.3 million for the six months to end December 2014. In a falling market these results were exacerbated by losses incurred on our seed investments. No let up could be afforded in our ongoing programme of cost controls.

Gross revenue for the period fell back to GBP11.8 million (2014: GBP12.2 million), whilst commissions payable to our ex-third party marketing consultant continued to reduce amounting to GBP0.8 million (2014: GBP1.2 million). Custody fees relating to the safekeeping and administration of the assets of our commingled funds were unchanged at GBP0.4 million (2014: GBP0.4 million).

Administrative expenses were GBP6.9 million (2014: GBP6.4 million). The largest components of which were staff costs (essentially salaries, benefits and related employment taxes) of GBP3.3 million (2014: GBP3.0 million) and profit-share, including related employment taxes, of GBP1.8 million (2014: GBP1.9 million).

Basic earnings per share, after a 27% tax charge of GBP1.0 million (2014: GBP1.2 million also representing 27% of profit before tax), were 10.6p (2014: 12.7p). Diluted earnings per share were 10.4p (2014: 12.5p).


As I have previously noted, it is recognised by your Board that for many of our shareholders a strong and consistent dividend is particularly important. For this reason we have endeavoured over the recent more difficult years to at least maintain the dividend, whilst always ensuring that our finances have remained sound. In view of your Company's strong balance sheet and cash reserves (cash and cash equivalents at end December 2015 were GBP8.4 million up from GBP8.1 million at end December 2014), your Board has agreed to maintain the 8p interim dividend payable on 11th March 2016 to shareholders on the register on 26th February 2016. Whilst it remains your Board's policy that over a rolling five year period the intention is to achieve an average dividend cover of circa 1.2 times, in the light of current trading some flexibility in this policy may be advisable. No decision on the final dividend will be taken until both the results for the full year are known and the outlook for 2017 is much clearer.

Your Board

Following the 2015 AGM we have welcomed two new directors, Mark Dwyer, CIO Emerging Markets and Tracy Rodrigues, Finance Director to the CLIG Board. Their contribution has been greatly appreciated particularly at a time of Carlos Yuste's departure after 15 years at CLIG. The handover of Carlos's broadly based business development and client responsibilities has gone well with clear benefits in terms of staff motivation in taking on the new roles that became available. Achieving success over the longer term in fund management is very dependent on staff continuity and as a firm we are constantly looking for ways to improve on our already impressive level of key staff retention. We hope in 2016 to be able to ensure staff further identify their interests with those of shareholders by enabling a higher level of equity ownership throughout the firm whilst avoiding shareholder dilution.


Notwithstanding our demonstrated success in attracting new mandates and the early success of our diversification strategies, it remains the case that our fortunes are closely tied to those of the emerging markets. The benchmark index for our core emerging markets product (MSCI Emerging Markets index) has, at the time of writing, given up over 10 years of gains. Whether this is now a buy opportunity is not for me to opine - I leave that up to individual investors - however if markets do turn, and they are often in the habit of overshooting, then I am confident that our well established investment process will ensure that we provide icing on any positive cake.

Finally, it is worth noting, in his CEO report Barry Olliff again sets out a template whereby shareholders and interested investors can work out on the basis of given assumptions the likely level of profitability. The template is self explanatory however I draw shareholders' attention to the importance of the US$ to GBP Sterling exchange rate. A weak pound vs the US$ has a very beneficial effect on profits.

Post-tax profit: Illustration of US$/GBP rate effect

 FUM US$bn:   3.0         3.5   4.0   4.5   5.0 
-----------  ----------  ----  ----  ----  ----- 
 US$/GBP      Post-tax, 
-----------  ----------  ----  ----  ----  ----- 
 1.35         4.3         5.9   7.5   9.2   10.8 
-----------  ----------  ----  ----  ----  ----- 
 1.40         4.1         5.6   7.2   8.7   10.3 
-----------  ----------  ----  ----  ----  ----- 
 1.45         3.9         5.4   6.9   8.4   9.9 
-----------  ----------  ----  ----  ----  ----- 
 1.50         3.7         5.1   6.6   8.0   9.5 
-----------  ----------  ----  ----  ----  ----- 
 1.55         3.5         4.9   6.3   7.7   9.1 
-----------  ----------  ----  ----  ----  ----- 


Average net fee 0.85%

Annual operating costs GBP4.0m plus $7m plus S$1m (GBP1 = S$2)

Profit-share 30% of operating profit

Average tax rate 27%

Note: The above table is intended to illustrate the approximate impact of movement in US$/GBP, given an assumed set of trading conditions. It is not intended to be interpreted or used as a profit forecast.

In conclusion I am confident that we will continue to make the best of very uncertain markets and that we will again weather the storms just as we have in previous downturns.

David Cardale


12th February 2016


Funds under management (FuM) at the Group's half year end on 31st December 2015 were US$3.8 billion (GBP2.6 billion). This compares with US$4.2 billion (GBP2.7 billion) at the year-end on 30th June 2015.

The fall in underlying FuM (US$) of 11% compares with a fall of 17% in the MSCI Emerging Markets TR Index (NDUEEGF).

The first six months of our financial year have continued with net inflows and also outperformance aiding both FuM and the P&L. Unfortunately the index that we use to measure the environment in which we work has not been so accommodating.

As shareholders will be aware this has been a difficult time for fund managers who invest in emerging markets. It is only fund managers who are outperforming, providing clients with useful solutions and managing their businesses efficiently that will survive and prosper.

We believe that it is as a result of the Size Weighted Average Discount (SWAD) being so wide that there is at present such significant interest in emerging markets via closed-end funds.

With confirmed additional net inflows of just under US$200 million in the next 3-6 months, we are in a good place both within our peer group and also from a client stability perspective.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

February 15, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

While subsequent to 31st December the emerging markets have continued to fall, we have continued to notice the return of some risk taking with recent allocations being to Global Tactical Asset Allocation, Frontier, EM and three specialist China mandates. This level of asset allocation diversity is not something that we have experienced in the past. In addition our book of potential business, at well in excess of US$500 million, is as large as we have experienced in the recent past. As usual, shareholders and other interested parties will be kept up to date with our progress in this regard on a monthly basis via our web site www.citlon.co.uk.

Since the end of our financial year in June, the MSCI Emerging Markets TR Index has fallen significantly but because we were aggressive in terms of cost reductions in July and August and with the effects of this now coming through to the P&L, we have come out of the recent downturn in much better condition than if we had not acted.

Opportunities have been taken to switch resources so that more responsibilities are automated, or put another way we have placed additional resources in Operations which we see as the engine room for creating additional technology related efficiencies.

As a result of the afore referenced increase in risk appetite, shareholders and other interested parties should note that in our dividend cover template we have increased the amount of new emerging markets FuM from US$250 million to US$500 million for next financial year, 2016/2017. We have maintained the diversification products figure at US$250 million.

The template shows the quarterly estimated cost of a maintained dividend over a three year period against actual post-tax profits and assumed post-tax profit based upon some key assumptions.

Given these assumptions it should be possible for shareholders and other interested parties to construct models projecting our profitability based upon their own opinions while taking into account changing market circumstances.

The updated template can be viewed on our website www.citlon.co.uk/shareholders/announcement.php.

Over the next few months we intend to put in place an improved incentive scheme for staff as the present scheme that was put together prior to listing has become out-dated in many respects.

Barry Olliff

Chief Executive Officer

12th February 2016

For further information please see the most recent presentation to CLIG shareholders. This is on our website www.citlon.co.uk



                                                Six months 
                                  Six months         ended 
                                       ended      31st Dec         30th June 
                         Note           31st          2014    2015 (audited) 
                                    Dec 2015    (restated)               GBP 
                                 (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
                                         GBP           GBP 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Gross fee income        2        11,761,261    12,203,702        25,356,009 
Commissions payable                (823,557)   (1,191,994)       (2,274,745) 
Custody fees 
 payable                           (361,730)     (365,916)         (737,513) 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Net fee income                    10,575,974    10,645,792        22,343,751 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Staff costs                       5,114,846     4,937,907        10,418,571 
Other administrative 
 expenses                          1,696,006     1,415,564         3,027,637 
 and amortisation                     75,806        77,049           170,852 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
                                 (6,886,658)   (6,430,520)      (13,617,060) 
Operating profit                   3,689,316     4,215,272         8,726,691 
Interest receivable 
 and similar gains     3           (112,506)        81,227           204,979 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Profit before 
 tax                               3,576,810     4,296,499         8,931,670 
Income tax expense                 (982,495)   (1,151,471)       (2,318,004) 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Profit for the 
 period                            2,594,315     3,145,028         6,613,666 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Profit attributable 
 Equity shareholders 
  of the parent                    2,632,839     3,161,769         6,577,845 
  interest                          (38,524)      (16,741)            35,821 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Basic earnings 
 per share             4               10.6p         12.7p             26.4p 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Diluted earnings 
 per share             4               10.4p         12.5p             26.0p 
---------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ---------------- 



                                      Six months            Six 
                                           ended         months 
                                        31st Dec           31st 
                                2015 (unaudited)            Dec 
                                             GBP    (unaudited)         30th 
                                                            GBP          GBP 
----------------------------  ------------------  -------------  ----------- 
Profit for the period                  2,594,315      3,145,028    6,613,666 
----------------------------  ------------------  -------------  ----------- 
Fair value (losses)/gains 
 on available-for-sale 
 Release of fair value 
 gains on disposal 
 of available-for-sale                   (1,971)            353        2,117 
 Foreign currency movements                    -              -           40 
 in foreign operations                    96,018              -            - 
Foreign exchange gains 
 on non-monetary assets                   28,245         55,981       50,988 
----------------------------  ------------------  -------------  ----------- 
Other comprehensive 
 income                                  122,292         56,334       53,145 
----------------------------  ------------------  -------------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the period                 2,716,607      3,201,362    6,666,811 
----------------------------  ------------------  -------------  ----------- 
Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of 
  the parent                           2,755,131      3,218,103    6,630,990 
 Non-controlling interest               (38,524)       (16,741)       35,821 
*Net of deferred tax 



                                                       Dec 2014 
                                            31st     (restated)         30th 
                                        Dec 2015    (unaudited)         June 
                                     (unaudited)                        2015 
                             Note            GBP            GBP          GBP 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Non-current assets 
Property and equipment                   398,916        393,132      384,083 
Intangible assets                        205,816        219,072      196,343 
Other financial 
 assets                                2,073,625      1,940,006    2,075,954 
Deferred tax asset                       451,013        415,249      395,354 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                       3,129,370      2,967,459    3,051,734 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other 
 receivables                           4,082,052      4,230,870    4,509,184 
Other financial 
 assets                                        -         58,798            - 
Cash and cash equivalents              8,382,280      8,129,359   10,226,705 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                      12,464,332     12,419,027   14,735,889 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other 
 payables                            (2,012,317)    (2,084,998)  (2,609,944) 
Current tax payable                    (686,771)      (600,822)    (814,638) 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Creditors, amounts 
 falling due within 
 one year                            (2,699,088)    (2,685,820)  (3,424,582) 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Net current assets                     9,765,244      9,733,207   11,311,307 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Total assets less 
 current liabilities                  12,894,614     12,700,666   14,363,041 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

February 15, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax liability                 (102,865)       (99,624)    (115,525) 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Net assets                            12,791,749     12,601,042   14,247,516 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
  Capital and reserves 
Share capital                            267,973        269,123      269,123 
Share premium account                  2,117,888      2,117,888    2,117,888 
Investment in own 
 shares                     5        (5,607,771)    (5,854,471)  (5,692,430) 
Fair value reserve                         6,648          6,815        8,619 
Foreign exchange 
 reserve                                 116,612        (2,658)      (7,651) 
Share option reserve                     854,417        816,205      807,106 
Capital redemption 
 reserve                                  22,747         21,597       21,597 
Retained earnings                     14,416,559     14,678,883   16,127,877 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Total equity                          12,195,073     12,053,382   13,652,129 
  interest                               596,676        547,660      595,387 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
Total equity                          12,791,749     12,601,042   14,247,516 
--------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------- 



                                 Share     Investment       Fair    Foreign      Share      Capital                            to 
                    Share      premium         in own      value   exchange     option   redemption       Retained         share- 
                  capital      account         shares    reserve    reserve    reserve      reserve       earnings        holders         NCI          Total 
                      GBP          GBP            GBP        GBP        GBP        GBP          GBP            GBP            GBP         GBP            GBP 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
At 1st 
 July 2015        269,123    2,117,888    (5,692,430)      8,619    (7,651)    807,106       21,597     16,127,877     13,652,129     595,387     14,247,516 
 for the 
 period                 -            -              -          -                     -            -      2,632,839      2,632,839    (38,524)      2,594,315 
 income                 -            -              -    (1,971)    124,263          -            -              -        122,292           -        122,292 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 income                 -            -              -    (1,971)    124,263          -            -      2,632,839      2,755,131    (38,524)      2,716,607 
 with owners 
Forex movement 
 on NCI 
 investment             -            -              -          -          -          -            -              -              -      39,813         39,813 
Share option 
 exercise               -            -         84,659          -          -   (13,746)            -         13,746         84,659           -         84,659 
 cancellation     (1,150)            -              -          -          -          -        1,150      (375,502)      (375,502)           -      (375,502) 
 payment                -            -              -          -          -      9,479            -              -          9,479           -          9,479 
 tax                    -            -              -          -          -     51,578            -            100         51,678           -         51,678 
 tax share 
 opts                   -            -              -          -          -          -            -          2,516          2,516           -          2,516 
 paid                   -            -              -          -          -          -            -    (3,985,017)    (3,985,017)           -    (3,985,017) 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 with owners      (1,150)            -         84,659          -          -     47,311        1,150    (4,344,157)    (4,212,187)      39,813    (4,172,374) 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
As at 
 31st December 
 2015             267,973    2,117,888    (5,607,771)      6,648    116,612    854,417       22,747     14,416,559     12,195,073     596,676     12,791,749 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
                                 Share     Investment      Fair    Foreign      Share      Capital                            to 
                    Share      premium         in own     value   exchange     option   redemption       Retained         share- 
                  capital      account         shares   reserve    reserve    reserve      reserve       earnings        holders         NCI          Total 
                      GBP          GBP            GBP       GBP        GBP        GBP          GBP            GBP            GBP         GBP            GBP 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
At 1st 
 July 2014        269,727    2,060,809    (4,884,025)     6,462   (58,639)    732,651       20,582     15,759,107     13,906,674     518,494     14,425,168 
 for the 
 period                 -            -              -         -                     -            -      3,161,769      3,161,769    (16,741)      3,145,028 
 income                 -            -              -       353     55,981          -            -              -         56,334           -         56,334 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 income                 -            -              -       353     55,981          -            -      3,161,769      3,218,103    (16,741)      3,201,362 
 with owners 
Forex movement 
 on NCI 
 investment             -            -              -         -          -          -            -              -              -      45,907           45,907 
Share option 
 exercise             411       57,079         26,495         -          -   (13,550)            -         13,550         83,985           -         83,985 
 cancellation     (1,015)            -              -         -          -          -        1,015      (325,054)      (325,054)           -      (325,054) 
 of own 
 shares                 -            -      (996,941)         -          -          -            -              -      (996,941)           -      (996,941) 
 payment                -            -              -         -          -   (19,308)            -              -       (19,308)           -       (19,308) 
 tax                    -            -              -         -          -    116,412            -         15,471        131,883           -        131,883 
 tax share 
 opts options           -            -              -         -          -          -            -         28,828         28,828           -         28,828 
 paid                   -            -              -         -          -          -            -    (3,974,788)    (3,974,788)           -    (3,974,788) 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
 with owners        (604)       57,079      (970,446)         -          -     83,554        1,015    (4,241,993)    (5,071,395)      45,907    (5,025,488) 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
As at 
 31st December 
 2014             269,123    2,117,888    (5,854,471)     6,815    (2,658)    816,205       21,597     14,678,883     12,053,382     547,660     12,601,042 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------------- 
                                 Share     Investment      Fair    Foreign      Share      Capital                            to 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

February 15, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

                    Share      premium         in own     value   exchange     option   redemption       Retained         share- 
                  capital      account         shares   reserve    reserve    reserve      reserve       earnings        holders        NCI          Total 
                      GBP          GBP            GBP       GBP        GBP        GBP          GBP            GBP            GBP        GBP            GBP 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 
At 1st 
 July 2014        269,727    2,060,809    (4,884,025)     6,462   (58,639)    732,651       20,582     15,759,107     13,906,674    518,494     14,425,168 
 for the 
 period                 -            -              -         -          -          -            -      6,577,845      6,577,845     35,821      6,613,666 
 income                 -            -              -     2,157     50,988          -            -              -         53,145          -         53,145 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 
 income                 -            -              -     2,157     50,988          -            -      6,577,845      6,630,990     35,821      6,666,811 
 with owners 
Forex movement 
 on NCI 
 investment             -            -              -         -          -          -            -              -              -     41,072           41,072 
Share option 
 exercise             411       57,079        188,536         -          -   (36,358)            -         36,358        246,026          -        246,026 
 cancellation     (1,015)            -              -         -          -          -        1,015      (325,054)      (325,054)          -      (325,054) 
 of own 
 shares                 -            -      (996,941)         -          -          -            -              -      (996,941)          -      (996,941) 
 payment                -            -              -         -          -     10,037            -              -         10,037          -         10,037 
 tax                    -            -              -         -          -    100,776            -          8,737        109,513          -        109,513 
 tax share 
 opts options           -            -              -         -          -          -            -         30,711         30,711          -         30,711 
 paid                   -            -              -         -          -          -            -    (5,959,827)    (5,959,827)          -    (5,959,827) 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 
 with owners        (604)       57,079      (808,405)         -          -     74,455        1,015    (6,209,075)    (6,885,535)     41,072    (6,844,463) 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 
As at 
 30th June 
 2015             269,123    2,117,888    (5,692,430)     8,619    (7,651)    807,106       21,597     16,127,877     13,652,129    595,387     14,247,516 
--------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 



                                     Six months    Six months 
                                          ended         ended 
                                       31st Dec      31st Dec         30th June 
                               2015 (unaudited)          2014    2015 (audited) 
                                            GBP   (unaudited)               GBP 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Cash flow from operating 
Operating profit                      3,689,316     4,215,272         8,726,691 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation charges                     51,028        54,319           125,392 
Amortisation of intangible 
 assets                                  24,778        22,730            45,460 
Share-based payment 
 charge                                   9,479      (19,308)            10,037 
Translation adjustments                (79,804)     (147,946)         (154,153) 
(Profit) on disposal 
 of fixed assets                           (50)             -                 - 
Cash generated from 
 operations before 
in working capital                    3,694,747     4,125,067         8,753,427 
 in trade and other 
 receivables                            427,132     (592,765)         (873,707) 
 in trade and other 
 payables                             (597,627)       787,914         1,315,488 
Cash generated from 
 operations                           3,524,252     4,320,216         9,195,208 
Interest received                        22,246        34,072            57,482 
Interest paid                                 -             -                 - 
Taxation paid                       (1,123,995)   (1,281,553)       (2,219,304) 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Net cash generated 
 from operating activities            2,422,503     3,072,735         7,033,386 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Cash flow from investing 
Purchase of property 
 and equipment                         (72,042)      (41,118)         (108,136) 
Proceeds from sale 
 of property and equipment                  225             -                 - 
Purchase of non-current                       -             -                 - 
 financial assets 
Proceeds from sale 
 of non-current financial 
 assets                                       -             -             5,960 
Purchase of current 
 financial assets                             -     (332,088)         (328,962) 
Proceeds from sale 
 of current financial 
 assets                                       -       322,676           329,382 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Net cash used in 
 investing activities                  (71,817)      (50,530)         (101,756) 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Cash flow from financing 
Proceeds from issue 
 of ordinary shares                           -        57,491            57,490 
Ordinary dividends 
 paid                               (3,985,017)   (3,974,788)       (5,959,827) 
Purchase and cancellation 
 of own shares                        (375,502)     (325,054)         (325,054) 
Purchase of own shares 
 by employee share 
 option trust                                 -     (996,941)         (996,941) 
Proceeds from sale 
 of own shares by 
share option trust                       84,659        26,495           188,536 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Net cash used in 
 financing activities               (4,275,860)   (5,212,797)       (7,035,796) 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Net decrease in cash 
 and cash equivalents               (1,925,174)   (2,190,592)         (104,166) 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 at start of period                  10,226,705    10,242,906        10,242,906 
Effect of exchange 
 rate changes                            80,749        77,045            87,965 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 at end of period                     8,382,280     8,129,359        10,226,705 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------  ---------------- 



The financial information contained herein is unaudited and does not comprise statutory financial information within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The information for the year ended 30th June 2015 has been extracted from the latest published audited accounts. The report of the independent auditor on those financial statements contained no qualification or statement under s498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the European Union. The accounting policies are consistent with those set out and applied in the statutory accounts of the Group for the period ended 30th June 2015, which were prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. In line with current accounting policies the six months ended 31st December 2014 have been restated to account for the effects of adopting IFRS10.


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February 15, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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