RNS Number : 6102H

Computacenter PLC

25 March 2020

Computacenter plc

Incorporated in England

Registration number: 03110569

LEI: 549300XSXUZ1I19DB105


Computacenter plc

(the 'Company')

The following notifications are made under Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation ('MAR') relating to certain transactions in the shares of the Company by Directors of the Company, Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities ('PDMR') of the Company and Persons Closely Associated ('PCA') with the Directors and PDMRs.

Grant of Awards - Performance Share Plan

The Company announces that on 23 March 2020, in accordance with the rules of the Computacenter Performance Share Plan 2005 (the 'PSP'), the Company granted awards of nil-cost options (the 'PSP Awards') over Ordinary Shares of 7(5) /(9) pence each in the capital of the Company ('Ordinary Shares') , to the following Directors/PDMR:

 Director                        Number of shares 
 Mr F A Conophy (Director)            62,915 
 Mr M J Norris (Director)             110,977 
 (1) Calculated using a price of 993.00 
  pence per Ordinary Share which is the average 
  middle market closing quotation, as derived 
  from the Daily Official List of the London 
  Stock Exchange, over the period from 18 
  March 2020 to 20 March 2020, being the 
  three trading days before the date of grant 
  of the award. 

Performance Criteria

No consideration was paid for the grant of the PSP Awards which are structured as nil cost options, and which shall ordinarily vest and become exercisable by the two participants listed above, subject to the satisfaction of the performance conditions set by the Remuneration Committee of the Company which are based on (i) the compound annual growth rate of the Group's EPS, commencing on 1 January 2020 and ending on 31 December 2022 (the 'Performance Period') and (ii) the compound annual growth rate of the Group's Services Revenue over the Performance Period. The PSP Awards for Messrs Conophy and Norris are subject to a two-year holding period following vesting. The vested PSP Awards held during the holding period will include the right to receive dividend equivalents.

 PDMR                          Number of shares 
 Mr K James (PDMR)                  12,085 
 Mr R Gray (PDMR)                    4,582 
 (1) Calculated using a price of 993.00 
  pence per Ordinary Share which is the average 
  middle market closing quotation, as derived 
  from the Daily Official List of the London 
  Stock Exchange, over the period from 18 
  March 2020 to 20 March 2020, being the 
  three trading days before the date of grant 
  of the award. 

Performance Criteria

No consideration was paid for the grant of the PSP Awards which are structured as nil cost options, and which shall ordinarily vest and become exercisable by the two participants listed above, subject to the satisfaction of the performance condition set by the Remuneration Committee of the Company which is based on the compound annual growth rate of the Group's EPS over the Performance Period.

All of the PSP Awards set out above will be satisfied out of shares held by the 2011 Computacenter Employee Benefit Trust or by treasury shares held by the Company at the discretion of the Board of the Company. The relevant FCA notifications are set out below.

Grant of Awards - Deferred Bonus Plan

The Company announces that on 21 March 2020, in accordance with the rules of the Computacenter 2017 Deferred Bonus Plan (the 'DBP'), the Company granted conditional awards (the 'Bonus Awards') over Ordinary Shares of 7(5) /(9) pence each, to the following Directors:

 Director                        Number of shares 
 Mr F A Conophy (Director)            16,538 
 Mr M J Norris (Director)             32,068 
 (1) Calculated using a price of 993.00 
  pence per Ordinary Share which is the average 
  middle market closing quotation, as derived 
  from the Daily Official List of the London 
  Stock Exchange, over the period from 18 
  March 2020 to 20 March 2020, being the 
  three trading days before the date of grant 
  of the award. 

Performance Criteria

The annual performance bonus for each of the two participants listed above is based on performance measures and targets set at the beginning of each financial year. Performance is normally assessed over one financial year. For the bonus paid in respect of 2019, 50 per cent will be paid in cash and 50 per cent, the 2019 Bonus Awards, has been deferred into Ordinary Shares of 7(5) /(9) pence each, as detailed above. One-half of the deferred shares from the 2019 Bonus Awards will vest after one year and the remaining deferred shares from the 2019 Bonus Awards will vest after two years. Ordinary Shares subject to deferral as part of the 2019 Bonus Awards will include the right to receive dividend equivalents.

No consideration was paid for the grant of the 2019 Bonus Awards which are structured as conditional awards, and which shall ordinarily vest for the two participants listed above, subject to confirmation by the Remuneration Committee of the Company.

All of the Bonus Awards set out above will be satisfied by market purchase of shares. The relevant FCA notifications are set out below.

Exercise of Options and Subsequent Sale of Shares

Computacenter Performance Share Plan 2005

The Company announces that on 23 March 2020, the following Directors and PDMRs exercised nil cost option awards over Ordinary Shares. This followed, in accordance with the rules of the PSP, the Company vesting the related nil-cost option awards, which were granted on 22 March 2017, over Ordinary Shares. Vesting of the PSP Award was subject to the achievement of performance conditions over a three year period. There was no price payable on the exercise of the PSP Award. Further, certain of the Ordinary Shares, resulting from the exercise of options, were sold for 998.68 pence each.

   DIRECTOR       Number       % Award       Number        Number        Number        Number       Number 
    / PDMR       of options    vested(2)    of options    of options    of options    of shares    of shares 
                  awarded                     vested      exercised      retained      sold(3)     retained 
     Mr F 
   A Conophy 
  (Director)      80,788        80.78%       65,260           -          65,260          -            - 
     Mr M 
   J Norris 
  (Director)      142,566       80.78%       115,164       115,164          -          54,246       60,918 
     Mr K 
    (PDMR)        13,442       100.00%       13,442        13,442           -          6,337        7,105 
     Mr R 
    (PDMR)         4,684       100.00%        4,684           -           4,684          -            - 
 (2) On 23 March 2020, the Directors and PDMRs listed above 
  became entitled to Ordinary Shares as a result of awards 
  vesting under the PSP. Awards granted under the PSP scheme 
  vest subject to the satisfaction of performance conditions 
  at the end of a three year period. The level of vesting 
  for awards granted in 2017 was 80.78% for the PSP Enhanced 
  Scheme and 100% for the PSP Standard Scheme. 
 (3) For Mr M Norris and Mr K James, the sale of Ordinary 
  Shares was sufficient only to fund the tax and national 
  insurance liabilities and administrative fees arising from 
  the exercise of the vested options. 

Computacenter 2017 Deferred Bonus Plan

The Company announces that on 21 March 2020, the following conditional awards over Ordinary Shares vested for the Directors below. This followed, in accordance with the rules of the Computacenter 2017 Deferred Bonus Plan, the Company vesting tranches of the related conditional 2017 Bonus Awards and 2018 Bonus Awards, which were granted on 21 March 2018 and 21 March 2019 respectively, over Ordinary Shares. Vesting of these tranches of the 2017 Bonus Awards was subject to the completion of a two-year holding period. Vesting of these tranches of the 2018 Bonus Awards was subject to the completion of a one-year holding period. The remainder of the 2018 Bonus Awards will vest at the completion of a second year of holding. Further, certain of the Ordinary Shares, resulting from the vesting of the award, were sold for 998.68 pence each.

    DIRECTOR           Number of          Number of         Number of 
                    shares vested(4)    shares sold(3)    shares retained 
 Mr F A Conophy 
    (Director)          12,962              6,111             6,851 
  Mr M J Norris 
    (Director)          24,509             11,553             12,956 
 (3) For both Mr F Conophy and Mr M Norris, 
  the sale of Ordinary Shares was sufficient 
  only to fund the tax and national insurance 
  liabilities and administrative fees arising 
  from the vesting of the Bonus Awards. 
 (4) On 21 March 2020, the Directors and PDMRs 
  listed above became entitled to ordinary shares 
  of 7(5) /(9) pence each in the capital of the 
  Company, as a result of awards vesting under 
  the DBP. Awards granted under the DBP scheme 
  vest in two tranches with one-half of the deferred 
  shares from the Bonus Awards vesting after 
  one year and the remaining deferred shares 
  from the Bonus Awards vesting after two years. 
  The shares vesting above relate to the second 
  tranche of the Bonus Award made on 21 March 
  2018 and the first tranche of the Bonus Award 
  made on 21 March 2019. The shares were released 
  to the Directors on 23 March 2020 when the 
  transactions noted above took place. 

The relevant FCA notifications are set out below.

Position following Grant of Awards, Vesting of Awards and Options, Exercise of Options and Sale of Ordinary Shares

Following the completion of the transactions set out in this announcement:

    DIRECTOR          Number of        Vested but     Balance of        Balance of 
                    Ordinary Shares    unexercised    conditional       conditional 
                        held(5)         nil-cost      awards under     awards under 
                                         options        the PSP       the Bonus Award 
 Mr F A Conophy 
    (Director)        1,851,961          65,260         164,609           22,971 
  Mr M J Norris 
    (Director)        1,219,504            -            290,363           43,766 
 (5) Includes interests held by a PCA 

PDMR/PCA FCA Transaction Notification

   1.       Details of Director /Person Discharging Managerial 
            Name                      Francis Anthony Conophy 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   2.       Reason for the notification 
   2(a)     Position/Status           Group Finance Director 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   2(b)     Initial Notification/     Initial Notification 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   3.       Details of the issuer 
   3(a)     Name                      Computacenter plc 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   3(b)     LEI                       549300XSXUZ1I19DB105 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Grant of a nil-cost option award over 
            Transaction               Ordinary Shares under the Computacenter 
                                      Performance Share Plan 2005 (the 'PSP 
                                      Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                      the grant, vesting or exercise of the 
                                      PSP Award. Vesting of the PSP Award 
                                      is subject to the achievement of performance 
                                      conditions over a three year period. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             62,915 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             62,915 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Grant of a conditional award over Ordinary 
            Transaction               Shares under the Computacenter 2017 
                                      Deferred Bonus Plan (the 'Bonus Award'). 
                                      There is no price payable on the grant 
                                      or vesting of the Bonus Award. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             16,538 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             16,538 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               21-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Ordinary Shares acquired following the 
            Transaction               vesting of a conditional award, made 
                                      on 21 March 2018, under the Computacenter 
                                      2017 Deferred Bonus Plan (the 'Bonus 
                                      Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                      the grant or exercise of the Bonus Award. 
                                      Vesting of this tranche of the 2017 
                                      Bonus Award was subject to the completion 
                                      of a two year holding period. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             6,530 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             6,530 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. The Ordinary 
            transaction               Shares for the above-mentioned exercise 
                                      were satisfied out of those held by 
                                      the 2011 Computacenter Employee Benefit 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Ordinary Shares acquired following the 
            Transaction               vesting of a conditional award, made 
                                      on 21 March 2019, under the Computacenter 
                                      2017 Deferred Bonus Plan (the 'Bonus 
                                      Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                      the grant or exercise of the Bonus Award. 
                                      Vesting of this tranche of the 2018 
                                      Bonus Award was subject to the completion 
                                      of a one year holding period. The remainder 
                                      of the 2018 Bonus Award will vest at 
                                      the completion of a second year of holding. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             6,432 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             6,432 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. The Ordinary 
            transaction               Shares for the above-mentioned exercise 
                                      were satisfied out of those held by 
                                      the 2011 Computacenter Employee Benefit 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Sale of Ordinary Shares. Ordinary Shares 
            Transaction               sold sufficient only to fund the tax 
                                      and national insurance liabilities and 
                                      administrative fees arising from the 
                                      conditional awards vested under the 
                                      Computacenter 2017 Deferred Bonus Plan 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  9.9868                          6,111 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     9.9868                          6,111 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              XLON 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   1.       Details of Director /Person Discharging Managerial 
            Name                      Michael John Norris 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   2.       Reason for the notification 
   2(a)     Position/Status           Chief Executive Officer 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   2(b)     Initial Notification/     Initial Notification 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   3.       Details of the issuer 
   3(a)     Name                      Computacenter plc 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   3(b)     LEI                       549300XSXUZ1I19DB105 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Grant of a nil-cost option award over 
            Transaction               Ordinary Shares under the Computacenter 
                                      Performance Share Plan 2005 (the 'PSP 
                                      Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                      the grant, vesting or exercise of the 
                                      PSP Award. Vesting of the PSP Award 
                                      is subject to the achievement of performance 
                                      conditions over a three year period. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             110,977 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             110,977 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Grant of a conditional award over Ordinary 
            Transaction               Shares under the Computacenter 2017 
                                      Deferred Bonus Plan (the 'Bonus Award'). 
                                      There is no price payable on the grant 
                                      or vesting of the Bonus Award. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             32,068 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             32,068 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               21-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Ordinary Shares acquired following exercise 
            Transaction               of a nil-cost option awarded under the 
                                      Computacenter Performance Share Plan 
                                      2005 (the 'PSP Award'). There was no 
                                      price payable on the grant or exercise 
                                      of the PSP Award. Vesting of the PSP 
                                      Award was subject to the achievement 
                                      of performance conditions over a three 
                                      year period. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             115,164 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             115,164 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. The Ordinary 
            transaction               Shares for the above-mentioned exercise 
                                      were satisfied out of those held by 
                                      the 2011 Computacenter Employee Benefit 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Sale of Ordinary Shares. Ordinary Shares 
            Transaction               sold sufficient only to fund the tax 
                                      and national insurance liabilities and 
                                      administrative fees arising from the 
                                      conditional awards vested under the 
                                      Computacenter Performance Share Plan 
                                      2005 . 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  9.9868                          54,246 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     9.9868                          54,246 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              XLON 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Ordinary Shares acquired following the 
            Transaction               vesting of a conditional award, made 
                                      on 21 March 2018, under the Computacenter 
                                      2017 Deferred Bonus Plan (the 'Bonus 
                                      Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                      the grant or exercise of the Bonus Award. 
                                      Vesting of this tranche of the 2017 
                                      Bonus Award was subject to the completion 
                                      of a two year holding period. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             12,811 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             12,811 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. The Ordinary 
            transaction               Shares for the above-mentioned exercise 
                                      were satisfied out of those held by 
                                      the 2011 Computacenter Employee Benefit 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Ordinary Shares acquired following the 
            Transaction               vesting of a conditional award, made 
                                      on 21 March 2019, under the Computacenter 
                                      2017 Deferred Bonus Plan (the 'Bonus 
                                      Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                      the grant or exercise of the Bonus Award. 
                                      Vesting of this tranche of the 2018 
                                      Bonus Award was subject to the completion 
                                      of a one year holding period. The remainder 
                                      of the 2018 Bonus Award will vest at 
                                      the completion of a second year of holding. 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  nil                             11,698 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     nil                             11,698 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              Outside of a trading venue. The Ordinary 
            transaction               Shares for the above-mentioned exercise 
                                      were satisfied out of those held by 
                                      the 2011 Computacenter Employee Benefit 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description               Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial          in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                      ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                 Sale of Ordinary Shares. Ordinary Shares 
            Transaction               sold sufficient only to fund the tax 
                                      and national insurance liabilities and 
                                      administrative fees arising from the 
                                      conditional awards vested under the 
                                      Computacenter 2017 Deferred Bonus Plan 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
                                      Price(s) (in GBP)               Volume(s) 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                  9.9868                          11,553 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                     9.9868                          11,553 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction               23-03-2020 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the              XLON 
         ------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
   1.       Details of Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities 
            Name                        Kevin James 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   2.       Reason for the notification 
   2(a)     Position/Status             Group Chief Commercial Officer 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   2(b)     Initial Notification/       Initial Notification 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   3.       Details of the issuer 
   3(a)     Name                        Computacenter plc 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   3(b)     LEI                         549300XSXUZ1I19DB105 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description                 Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial            in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                        ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                   Grant of a nil-cost option award over 
            Transaction                 Ordinary Shares under the Computacenter 
                                        Performance Share Plan 2005 (the 'PSP 
                                        Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                        the grant, vesting or exercise of the 
                                        PSP Award. Vesting of the PSP Award 
                                        is subject to the achievement of a performance 
                                        condition over a three year period. 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
                                        Price(s) (in GBP)                 Volume(s) 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                    nil                               12,085 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                       nil                               12,085 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction                 23-03-2020 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the                Outside of a trading venue. 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description                 Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial            in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                        ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                   Ordinary Shares acquired following exercise 
            Transaction                 of a nil-cost option awarded under the 
                                        Computacenter Performance Share Plan 
                                        2005 (the 'PSP Award'). There was no 
                                        price payable on the grant or exercise 
                                        of the PSP Award. Vesting of the PSP 
                                        Award was subject to the achievement 
                                        of performance conditions over a three 
                                        year period. 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
                                        Price(s) (in GBP)                 Volume(s) 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                    nil                               13,442 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                       nil                               13,442 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction                 23-03-2020 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the                Outside of a trading venue. The Ordinary 
            transaction                 Shares for the above-mentioned exercise 
                                        were satisfied out of those held by 
                                        the 2011 Computacenter Employee Benefit 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description                 Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial            in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                        ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                   Sale of Ordinary Shares. Ordinary Shares 
            Transaction                 sold sufficient only to fund the tax 
                                        and national insurance liabilities and 
                                        administrative fees arising from the 
                                        conditional awards vested under the 
                                        Computacenter Performance Share Plan 
                                        2005 . 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
                                        Price(s) (in GBP)                 Volume(s) 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                    9.9868                            6,337 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                       9.9868                            6,337 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction                 23-03-2020 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the                XLON 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   1.       Details of Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities 
            Name                        Raymond John Gray 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   2.       Reason for the notification 
   2(a)     Position/Status             Group Company Secretary, Group Head 
                                        of Financial Reporting 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   2(b)     Initial Notification/       Initial Notification 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   3.       Details of the issuer 
   3(a)     Name                        Computacenter plc 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   3(b)     LEI                         549300XSXUZ1I19DB105 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4.       Details of the transaction(s): Section to be repeated 
            for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type 
            of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each place 
            where transaction(s) have been conducted 
   4(a)     Description                 Ordinary shares of 7 (5) /(9) pence 
            of the financial            in Computacenter plc ('Ordinary Shares') 
                                        ISIN: GB00BV9FP302 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(b)     Nature of                   Grant of a nil-cost option award over 
            Transaction                 Ordinary Shares under the Computacenter 
                                        Performance Share Plan 2005 (the 'PSP 
                                        Award'). There is no price payable on 
                                        the grant, vesting or exercise of the 
                                        PSP Award. Vesting of the PSP Award 
                                        is subject to the achievement of a performance 
                                        condition over a three year period. 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
                                        Price(s) (in GBP)                 Volume(s) 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
          Price(s) and 
 4(c)      Volume(s)                    nil                               4,582 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Volume and 
   4(d)     Price                       nil                               4,582 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------- 
            Date of the 
   4(e)     transaction                 23-03-2030 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
   4(f)     Place of the                Outside of a trading venue. 
         --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 


 Name:         Raymond Gray 
               Company Secretary 
 Address:      Computacenter plc 
                Hatfield Avenue 
                AL10 9TW 
 Telephone:    01707 631 000 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 25, 2020 12:45 ET (16:45 GMT)

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