RNS Number : 1755P


08 October 2019

Amati AIM VCT plc


For the six months ended 31 July 2019

Amati AIM VCT plc announces that its 2019 Half-Yearly Report has been published. The full report will be made available on the National Storage Mechanism website: http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM and can be accessed via the Company's website at http://amatiglobal.com/amat_literature.php. It will be circulated to shareholders shortly.

Page numbers and cross-references in this announcement below refer to page numbers and cross-references in the PDF of the Half-yearly Report.


Investment Objectives

The investment objectives of Amati AIM VCT plc (the "Company") are to generate tax free capital gains and regular dividend income for its shareholders, primarily through Qualifying Investments in AIM-traded companies and through non-qualifying investments as allowed by the VCT legislation. The Company will manage its portfolio to comply with the requirements of the rules and regulations applicable to VCTs. The Company's policy is to hold a diversified portfolio across a broad range of sectors to mitigate risk.

Dividend Policy

The Board aims to pay an annual dividend equal to between 5% and 6% of the Company's Net Asset Value at its immediately preceding financial year end, subject to distributable reserves and cash resources, and with the authority to increase or decrease this level at the directors' discretion.

Key Data

                                               6 months         Year       6 months 
                                                  ended                       ended 
                                               31/07/19        ended       31/07/18 
                                            (unaudited)     31/01/19    (unaudited) 
 Net Asset Value ("NAV")                      GBP137.6m    GBP125.0m      GBP141.5m 
 Shares in issue                             89,064,825   85,549,682     80,513,669 
 NAV per share                                   154.5p       146.1p         175.7p 
 Share price                                     142.5p       134.5p         165.5p 
 Market capitalisation                         GBP126.9    GBP115.1m      GBP133.3m 
 Share price discount to NAV                       7.8%         7.9%           5.8% 
 NAV Total Return (assuming re-invested 
  dividends)                                       8.5%       -10.0%           5.9% 
 Numis Alternative Markets Total Return 
  Index                                            3.5%       -13.6%           2.3% 
 Ongoing charges*                                  2.1%         2.0%           2.0% 
 Dividends in respect of the period                3.5p         7.5p           3.5p 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ------------- 

* Ongoing charges calculated in accordance with the Association of Investment Companies' ("AIC's") guidance.

Table of investor returns to 31 July 2019

                                                                          Numis Alternative 
                                                              NAV Total       Markets Total 
                                                            Return with              Return 
                                                              dividends               Index 
                                                   Date     re-invested 
------------------------------------  -----------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 NAV following re-launch of the 
  VCT under management of Amati              9 November 
  Global Investors ("Amati")                      2011*          132.2%               36.1% 
------------------------------------  -----------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 NAV following appointment of Amati 
  as Manager of the VCT, which was 
  known as ViCTory VCT at the time        25 March 2010          143.6%               39.8% 
------------------------------------  -----------------  --------------  ------------------ 

*Date of the share capital reconstruction when the NAV was re-based to approximately 100p per share.

A table of historic returns is included on page 26.

Chairman's Statement


After a sharp correction on AIM last year, the first half of the current year saw a reasonable bounce back in many of our holdings and this produced a positive performance in excess of that of the AIM market as a whole. The NAV total return for the six month period was +8.5% which compares to a rise of 3.5% for the Numis Alternative Markets Total Return Index.

The first half also saw a good rate of new qualifying investments being made, with a total of GBP9.8m being deployed over the period. Further details of these new investments are given in the Fund Manager's Review.

The Company's Top Up Offer, which was launched on 1 February 2019, closed for new applications on 27 February 2019, having raised GBP6.8m. The Board has since announced its intention to launch a further Offer for Subscription, with the Company seeking to raise GBP25m over a 12 month period from the date of the prospectus. The directors will also have discretion to utilise an additional over-allotment facility of up to GBP20m, either in whole or in part. However, this facility will only be utilised if the directors are satisfied that there is a suitable pipeline of investments to deploy the extra funds and if there is sufficient demand from investors. In order to ensure the efficient deployment of funds and to provide the Company with greater flexibility, the amount to be raised under the Offer prior to the Company's year end on 31 January 2020 will be capped at GBP15m of the GBP25m fundraising. Full details of the Offer will be set out in a prospectus to be issued around the end of October this year.

The availability of new funds will ensure that the Manager has the ability to continue to make new investments in the portfolio when good opportunities present themselves and these new investments will, in turn, allow the portfolio to continue to evolve and renew itself over the longer term as they mature.

Other Corporate Developments

Amati AIM VCT has now passed its first anniversary since the merger of the two former Amati VCTs in May of last year and the benefits of the merger remain apparent with the ongoing charges ratio having fallen from 2.4%, where it stood two years ago, to 2.1% in the first half of this financial year.

In June, Mike Killingley, the longest serving director of Amati AIM VCT, retired at the AGM and both the Board and the Manager would like to express their gratitude to him for his astute guidance and advice and skillful chairing of the audit committee over many years.

Investment Performance and Dividend

The dividend policy of the Company continues to be to pay an annual dividend equal to between 5% and 6% of the Company's Net Asset Value at its immediately preceding financial year end, subject to distributable reserves and cash resources, and with the authority to increase or decrease this level at the directors' discretion. In line with this, the Board is declaring an interim dividend of 3.5p per share, to be paid on 22 November 2019 to shareholders on the register on 18 October 2019.

Evolution of the VCT Legislation

The new tests governing the level of qualifying investments held by the Company, which have been discussed in previous reports, come into force in two stages, with the first commencing in February of this year. Accordingly, for funds raised after 31 January 2019, we are now monitoring to ensure that at least 30% is invested in qualifying holdings prior to the second financial year end following the allotment date. In addition, from the Company's next financial year end onwards (beginning 1 February 2020), we will be required to ensure that all pools of money derived from funds raised prior to the second financial year end before the allotment date are at least 80% invested in qualifying holdings. Currently this requirement is set at 70%. The former Amati VCTs both had a history of maintaining the level of qualifying holdings according to this test well in excess of 80% in any case, thereby leaving a significant margin of safety relative to the requirements. Consequently this means that the merged entity, Amati AIM VCT, is in a similar position, so we do not currently anticipate any problems from the requirement moving to 80%, albeit that our margin of safety will be reduced.


The outlook seems remarkably similar to that of a year ago, still being dominated (at least in the UK) by the wait for clarification over both the timing and terms of Britain's departure from the European Union. The Board is confident that the Company's well diversified portfolio of growth oriented businesses and the policy of retaining the most successful investments over the longer term leaves the Company well positioned in these uncertain times. I endorse the opinion of the Manager on page 8, which gives its detailed outlook on the current situation.

Peter Lawrence


8 October 2019

For any matters relating to your shareholding in the Company, dividend payments, or the Dividend Re-investment Scheme, please contact Share Registrars on 01252 821390, or by email at enquiries@shareregistrars.uk.com. For any other matters please contact Amati Global Investors ("Amati") on 0131 503 9115 or by email at info@amatiglobal.com. Amati maintains an informative website for the Company - www.amatiglobal.com - on which monthly investment updates, performance information, and past company reports can be found.

Fund Manager's Review

Market Review

After sustained weakness in the final quarter of 2018, the UK stock market staged a strong recovery in the early months of 2019. The drivers behind this appeared to be more global than domestic, and influenced more by investor sentiment than fundamental data. A key component was the decision by the US Federal Reserve to step away from monetary policy tightening in late January, which represented a sharp reversal of its previous stance. Pointing to sluggish inflation and slowing growth in Europe and China, it said that the case for raising interest rates had weakened. Buoyed by this dovish tone, US investors shifted towards an expectation of rate cuts and further global stimulus. Despite a roller coaster of conflicting headlines, there was also faith that a trade deal would eventually be struck between the US and China. These sentiment tailwinds saw US indices achieve all time high levels by late April and, as global stock markets joined in with the momentum, the UK recorded strong gains across all segments. This was despite poor domestic news involving a fairly chaotic political environment and the failure to negotiate a Brexit agreement by the initial deadline of the end of March. In May, stock markets suffered their first weakness of the year. The most likely catalyst was profit-taking, as highly rated valuations contrasted with a backdrop of fairly mixed macroeconomic and earnings data, particularly in the UK. May also saw a turning point in currency markets where Sterling started to weaken after several months of surprising strength. With Brexit rhetoric hardening towards a possible "no-deal" outcome in the lead up to the Conservative leadership contest, Sterling continued to fall heavily into the end of July, even as the UK stock market rebounded to reach a high point for the period. Currency trends influenced the pattern of the UK's recovery, as investors heavily favoured companies with international earnings likely to benefit from Sterling's weakness. As a result, larger capitalisation companies provided the strongest performance over the period, with smaller companies and AIM stocks lagging some way behind.


The VCT's NAV Total Return for the six month period was 8.5%. This outperformed the benchmark Numis Alternative Markets Total Return Index which gained 3.5% over the same period. The biggest contributor to performance was the VCT's largest holding, AB Dynamics ("ABD"), the specialist automotive engineering group which gained 65%. The shares made steady progress throughout the period, but were particularly strong following buoyant results in April and a placing in May to raise funds for working capital, investment in production capacity and future acquisitions. ABD continues to benefit from structural demand for its advanced testing systems and measurement products, used by global automotive manufacturers in driver assist technology and autonomous vehicle development. A number of other holdings registered strong gains, recovering most of the weakness they had experienced in the fourth quarter 2018 sell-off of AIM stocks. This included Learning Technologies Group, the digital learning and talent management specialist, which gained 50% after announcing that full year EBIT profitability to December 2019 is likely to be materially ahead of market expectations, combining organic growth with integrated acquisitions. Keywords Studios, the outsourced services provider to the global video gaming industry, gained 40% after similarly reporting strong results. The company is seeing revenue growth across all of its seven service lines, and particularly its two largest areas, Functional Testing and Game Development. Its half year update indicated it had accelerated investment in recruitment, training and IT to cope with this growth and that this will dilute margins near term. GB Group, the identity management software and data specialist, gained 30% after its final results exceeded market expectations in terms of revenue and operating profit. The company also announced a US acquisition, IDology Inc, which focuses on identity verification and fraud prevention for financial services clients. This will materially enhance GB Group's global capability and scale. Other strong performers included Block Energy, the Georgian focused oil and gas exploration company which almost doubled in value as it raised funds to develop a major prospective field (detailed below); Premier Technical Services, the building maintenance specialist which was the subject of a cash bid from financial conglomerate Macquarie at around a 140% premium to the prevailing share price; the TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund, which gained 9.1% over the period against a rise in its benchmark of 4.2%; and Polarean Imaging ("Polarean"), the developer of enhanced medical imaging technology, which gained 47% following progress with its ongoing Phase III clinical trials and a further placing to finance this (detailed below).

The greatest detractor from performance was Craneware, the US hospital healthcare software provider which warned that current year growth had been impacted by the launch of three new products that had experienced slower than anticipated uptake. There were also exceptional costs incurred on an acquisition which did not complete. Management remain confident in the group's pipeline and renewal levels, but the highly rated shares suffered a sharp correction and fell 30%. LoopUp Group, the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider of conference call technology also warned that it had experienced year-on-year revenue declines across its predominantly professional services client base. This was attributed to lower activity volumes caused by Brexit uncertainty and global macroeconomic conditions. The group had also invested in additional management and training resource to service an expanded sales team, causing a near term drag on profitability. The shares fell 56%. Creo Medical Group, the developer of minimally invasive surgical devices, gave back its previous strong gains, dropping 34% despite an absence of negative news. Accesso Technology Group, the ticketing, queuing and visitor experience software provider, fell sharply after a trading update stated that the executive chairman, Tom Burnet, was moving to a non-executive role, and that exceptional costs had been incurred relating to an aborted acquisition. Subsequent to this, it was announced that following a number of approaches, the group had initiated a formal sales process (which remains ongoing). The shares fell 28% across the period.

Portfolio Activity

The Company made four new investments and three follow-on investments during the period. The new investments comprised one Initial Public Offering ("IPO") and three placings in companies already quoted on AIM.

The IPO involved Diaceutics, a company providing specialist data services and consultancy in the rapidly growing area of precision medicines. These medicines are targeted at patients with specific biomarkers that require diagnostic testing and Diaceutics collects data from laboratories on an anonymised basis and analyses it for drug company clients, implanting a plan of action to assist laboratories which are not reaching the expected level of testing to support the usage of the drug. Turnover has more than doubled in three years to over GBP10m. A new investment was also made in Evgen Pharma, a life sciences company with technology based on the active compound sulforaphane, which is made naturally in the body when broccoli (or any other brassica plant) is eaten. Sulforaphane has an excellent safety profile and Evgen is currently in Phase II trials for treatments relating to metatastic breast cancer and subarachnoid haemorrhages. Both applications offer significant value inflection points for the company, which also has a pipeline of other early stage developments. Another new investment was in Sosandar, a rapidly growing online retailer of women's fashion targeting an older demographic which has become poorly served by declining high street stores. Key metrics such as conversion rates (of website views to sales), basket sizes and repeat orders are all supportive, and funds were raised to improve upfront buying terms with suppliers and to build inventory levels. The final new investment was in Velocys, a company with a reactor technology which can convert waste into commercial fuels at around 80% efficiency. This technology has been demonstrated at commercial scale and is targeted at the sustainable production of jet-fuel and clean diesel. The company has formed a consortium with BA (part of IAG) and Shell to build the first commercial plants using municipal waste and wood chip as feedstock. Currently there is no source of sustainable jet fuel, hence BA's strategic interest in Velocys' technology. Velocys' revenues will be from licences, the supply of reactors, the supply of catalysts, and from royalties. The placing raised funds for ongoing engineering design work and working capital.

The first follow-on placing the Company took part in was for Maxcyte, which has a proprietary cell-engineering platform delivering medicines to patients with unmet medical needs. The underlying technology involves electroporation, a technique which allows genetic material to be passed into a cell as part of the development of innovative medicines. Maxcyte's clients currently include 20 of the top 25 global pharmaceutical companies. Funds were raised to cover working capital, drug trials and product development. The second follow-on investment was Block Energy, the Georgian based oil and gas explorer. The company drilled a horizontal well in its West Rustavi field, and initial flow tests showed an exceptional result, following which the company raised money for a further drilling campaign on this block. However, since bringing this well into production it has proven problematic, with a high rate of water getting into the well, with the result that the shares have fallen since the period end. It appears most likely that this is due, at least in part, to some problems with the way the well was completed,

leaving a section open to a higher reservoir horizon. The result of the second well will be known shortly, after which the company will consider its options for rectifying the problem with the first. The third follow-on placing was in Polarean, the developer of technology which enables existing MRI scanners to achieve an improved level of lung imaging by using a highly polarised non-radioactive isotope of Xenon gas as an inhaled agent. This technique displays detail down to the smallest airways of the lung and the related vasculature. The funds raised will be used mainly for ongoing Phase III trials.

During the period, there were further part-disposals of the Company's holding in ABD, representing just under 20% of the position. Together with previous sales, a total of circa 35% of the investment of GBP620,885 made in 2013, split between Amati VCT plc and Amati VCT 2 plc, has now been realised for a total of GBP3.8m. This follows significant outperformance with share disposals made at successively higher levels. The company remains a core holding and the portfolio's largest position, but would have become too heavy a weighting without these trades. A sub-scale position in ADVFN, the private investor website, and appScatter Group, the apps distribution and management platform which had failed to live up to our expectations, were exited.


Uncertainty has become a persistent state of mind for investors as the year has progressed. Principal concerns involving Brexit and the US/China trade dispute have shown little sign of early resolution, but global equity markets have climbed this wall of worry nevertheless. One reason for this in the US has been the expectation of multiple interest rate cuts following the central bank's change of tone in January. This pushed US indices to further all time highs by late July. The first cut for more than a decade occurred right at the end of July, but the accompanying comments from the Federal Reserve Chairman suggested that it should be taken as a mid-cycle adjustment to policy with no guarantee of further moves. US equities reacted with disappointment and, alongside a further deterioration in Chinese relations, there was a sharp sell-off in August which quickly spread to global markets. September has seen a rebound, but this has been led by value stocks with investor appetite for previously outperforming growth stocks noticeably weaker. This shift has had an impact on AIM, which has continued to lag the main market, although another contributory factor has been the significant underperformance of its largest constituent, Burford Capital, following a research report published by a short seller.

The final Brexit outcome, together with the political and economic environment created in its aftermath, is impossible to predict. There is the prospect, nonetheless, that a combination of the need for domestic stimulus to boost business activity and a heavily discounted valuation for UK equities, creates the conditions for renewed investor appetite. The Company's portfolio is, however, slow moving by necessity and investments are selected for their longer term potential rather than any alignment with the stock market's more immediate time horizons. We remain confident about the ultimate growth potential contained within the portfolio, across a range of diverse businesses and end markets.

Dr Paul Jourdan, David Stevenson and Anna Macdonald

Amati Global Investors

8 October 2019

Note:- July saw the fund management team at Amati augmented by the appointment of Dr Gareth Blades as an analyst. Prior to Amati, Gareth has worked for the University of Edinburgh building and spinning-out therapeutic, med-tech, diagnostic and e-health companies, and also for PharmaVentures in healthcare corporate finance.


as at 31 July 2019

                                                      in period 
                                                        GBP'000    Market                            Dividend     Fund 
                                                                      Cap                          Yield(NTM) 
                         Cost*    ValuationGBP'000                   GBPm                                   %     % of 
                       GBP'000                                               Sector 
 AB Dynamics 
  plc(1,3)               2,708              12,027        5,625     566.6   Industrials                   0.2      8.7 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 TB Amati UK 
  Companies Fund         9,373              11,929          936         -   Financials                    1.6      8.7 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Group plc(1,3)         5,078               8,701        2,911     755.0   Technology                    0.6      6.3 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Keywords Studios 
  plc(1,3)               5,174               8,452        2,394   1,075.6   Industrials                   0.1      6.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Ideagen plc(2)          3,303               6,948          286     320.9   Technology                    0.2      5.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 GB Group plc(2,3)       3,203               6,761        1,583   1,160.2   Technology                    0.6      4.9 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Developments                                                              Consumer 
  plc(1)                 4,698               6,109          561     379.7    goods                          -      4.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Tristel plc(2)          3,290               5,256           92     127.0    care                         1.9      3.8 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Quixant plc(2,3)        4,196               5,054          261     192.7   Technology                    1.2      3.7 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Craneware plc(2)        3,899               4,189      (1,762)     520.6   Technology                    1.5      3.0 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Top Ten                44,922              75,426                                                                54.8 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Block Energy 
  plc(1,3)               3,000               3,989        1,064      30.7   Oil & Gas                       -      2.9 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Polarean Imaging                                                           Health 
  plc(1)                 1,900               3,115          958      28.6    care                           -      2.3 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  plc(2)                 1,218               2,688        (179)      55.8   Industrials                     -      2.0 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Angle plc(1)            1,615               2,455          549     131.3    care                           -      1.8 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Hardide plc(1)          2,361               2,351        (724)      25.6   Basic materials                 -      1.7 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Group plc(1)             221               2,233        (884)     278.5   Technology                      -      1.6 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Anpario plc(2)          1,829               2,219            -      79.3    care                         2.2      1.6 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Velocys plc(1)          2,000               2,000            -      19.3   Oil & Gas                       -      1.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Creo Medical 
  Group                                                                     Health 
  plc(1)                 1,613               1,935        (980)     182.3    care                           -      1.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Ixico plc(1)            1,409               1,912          553      17.8    care                           -      1.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Top Twenty             62,088             100,323                                                                72.9 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Equals Group 
  plc(1,3)               1,137               1,874          521     207.0   Financials                      -      1.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Sosandar plc(1)         1,872               1,872            -      24.4    services                       -      1.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Diaceutics plc(1)       1,557               1,865          307      63.3    care                           -      1.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Science in Sport                                                           Consumer 
  plc(2)                 1,956               1,859          270      76.1    goods                          -      1.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Brooks Macdonald 
  Group plc(2)           1,154               1,731          212     267.9   Financials                    2.7      1.3 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 SRT Marine 
  plc(1)                 1,174               1,367          116      55.0   Technology                      -      1.0 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 LoopUp Group 
  plc(1,3)               2,577               1,267      (1,613)      72.9   Technology                      -      0.9 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 MaxCyte, Inc.(1)        1,984               1,203        (533)      68.8    care                           -      0.9 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Evgen Pharma                                                               Health 
  plc(1)                 1,000               1,183          183      23.5    care                           -      0.8 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Rosslyn Data 
  plc(1)                   947               1,104            -      13.5   Technology                      -      0.8 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Amryt Pharma                                                               Health 
  plc(1,3)               1,563               1,041        (319)      33.7    care                           -      0.8 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Solid State 
  plc(2)                   520                 951           83      39.1   Industrials                   2.8      0.7 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Belvoir Lettings 
  plc(1)                   783                 900          143      39.5   Financials                    6.4      0.6 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Fusion Antibodies                                                          Health 
  plc(1)                 1,444                 872          268      14.4    care                           -      0.6 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Falanx Group 
  Limited(1)             1,350                 788        (563)       7.0   Industrials                     -      0.6 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Holdings                                                                  Health 
  plc(1)                 1,013                 767         (25)      58.2    care                           -      0.5 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 i-nexus Global 
  plc(1)                 2,500                 728        (380)       6.8   Technology                      -      0.5 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Bilby plc(2)            1,681                 679        (722)      12.8   Industrials                     -      0.5 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Byotrol plc(1)            859                 605         (45)      10.4   Basic materials                 -      0.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Group plc 
  (The)(2)                 352                 516          168      45.2   Financials                    5.1      0.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Bonhill Group                                                              Consumer 
  plc(1,3)                 670                 511        (235)      29.6    services                     1.3      0.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Universe Group 
  plc(1)                   488                 502         (24)      10.8   Industrials                     -      0.4 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Brady plc(2)              395                 363         (32)      46.7   Technology                      -      0.3 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Corporation(1)           645                 344        (424)      16.5   Oil & Gas                       -      0.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Diurnal Group                                                              Health 
  plc(1)                 1,440                 323           83      36.4    care                           -      0.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Escape Hunt                                                                Consumer 
  plc(1)                   752                 293        (195)      12.9    services                       -      0.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Synectics plc(2)          342                 268           15      34.9   Industrials                   3.0      0.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Brighton Pier 
  Group                                                                     Consumer 
  plc (The) (1)            489                 227           57      22.4    services                       -      0.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Netcall plc(2)            110                 214           18      50.2   Technology                    0.3      0.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  plc(1)                   803                 207         (21)       6.5   Industrials                     -      0.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Advertising                                                               Consumer 
  plc(1)                   834                 191            -      32.0    services                       -      0.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 FireAngel Safety 
  Technology Group 
  plc(1)                   690                 182           13      22.0   Industrials                     -      0.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Ilika plc(1)              265                 175          (7)      25.2   Oil & Gas                       -      0.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Dods (Group)                                                               Consumer 
  plc(1)                   596                 140          (4)      38.9    services                       -      0.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Antenova Limited 
  Ordinary shares 
  A Preference 
  Shares(1)                100                 128            -       4.2   Telecommunications              -      0.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Genedrive plc(1)          442                 125         (55)       5.4    care                           -      0.1 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
  Therapeutics                                                              Health 
  plc(1)                    29                  31          (6)      73.2    care                           -        - 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Sabien Technology 
  Group plc(1)             408                   8          (5)       0.6   Industrials                     -        - 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Investments held 
  at nil value           2,000                   -          253         -   -                               -        - 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Total investments     101,009             127,727                                                                92.8 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Net current 
  assets                                     9,854                                                                 7.2 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
 Net assets            101,009             137,581                                                               100.0 
                    ----------  ------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------  -------------  ------- 
   1        Qualifying holdings. 
   2        Part of holding qualifying, part is non-qualifying. 
   3        These investments are also held by other funds managed 
             by Amati. 
   (NTM)    Next twelve months consensus estimate (Source: FactSet 
             and Fidessa). 
 The Manager rebates the management fee of 0.75% on the TB 
  Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund and this is included in the 
 All holdings are in ordinary shares unless otherwise stated. 
 Investments held at nil value: Celoxica Holdings plc(1) , 
  China Food Company plc, Leisurejobs.com Limited(1) (previously 
  The Sportsweb.com Limited), Polyhedra Group Limited(1) (previously 
  Polyhedra Group plc), Rated People Limited(1) , Sorbic International 
  plc, TCOM Limited(1) , VITEC Global Limited1. 
 As at the period end, the percentage of the Company's portfolio 
  held in qualifying holdings for the purposes of Section 274 
  of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 2007 was 88.76%. 
 * Cost is either the result of market trades or events or, 
  for investments acquired from Amati VCT plc at the merger 
  on 4 May 2018, is the value of the investments at that date. 


The Company's assets consist of equity and fixed interest investments and cash. Its principal risks include market risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. Other risks faced by the Company include economic, investment and strategic, regulatory, reputational, operational and financial risks as well as the potential for loss of approval as a VCT. These risks, and the ways in which they are managed, are described in more detail in Notes 19 to 22 to the Financial Statements in the Company's Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 January 2019. The Company's principal risks and uncertainties have not changed materially since the date of that report.


in respect of the Half-yearly financial report

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the condensed set of financial statements which has been prepared in accordance with FRS 104 "Interim Financial Reporting" gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company;

-- the Chairman's Statement and Fund Manager's Review (constituting the interim management report) include a true and fair review of the information required by DTR4.2.7R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements;

-- the Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties on page 12 is a fair review of the information required by DTR4.2.7R, being a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

-- the financial statements include a fair review of the information required by DTR4.2.8R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that period, and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

For and on behalf of the Board

Peter Lawrence


8 October 2019


for the six months ended 31 July 2019

                                          Six months ended                  Six months ended                            Year ended 
                                              31 July 2019                      31 July 2018                       31 January 2019 
                             Revenue    Capital      Total     Revenue    Capital      Total     Revenue      Capital        Total 
                    Note     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Gain/(loss) on 
  investments                      -     12,092     12,092           -      6,682      6,682           -     (14,939)     (14,939) 
 Income                7         412          -        412         268          -        268         596            -          596 
  management fee               (295)      (885)    (1,180)       (218)      (654)      (872)       (488)      (1,464)      (1,952) 
 Other expenses                (216)          -      (216)       (182)          -      (182)       (376)            -        (376) 
 (Loss)/profit on 
  before taxation               (99)     11,207     11,108       (132)      6,028      5,896       (268)     (16,403)     (16,671) 
 Taxation on                                                                                           -            -            - 
 activities                        -          -          -           -          -          - 
-----------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
  and total 
  attributable to 
  shareholders                  (99)     11,207     11,108       (132)      6,028      5,896       (268)     (16,403)     (16,671) 
-----------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Basic and 
  per Ordinary 
  share                5     (0.11)p     12.61p     12.50p     (0.23)p     10.32p     10.10p     (0.38)p     (22.90)p     (23.28)p 
-----------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 

The total column of this Income Statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns have been prepared in accordance with The Association of Investment Companies' Statement of Recommended Practice. There is no other comprehensive income other than the results for the period discussed above. Accordingly a Statement of Total Comprehensive Income is not required.

All the items above derive from continuing operations of the Company.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.


For the six months ended 31 July 2019

                                      Non-distributable reserves                               Distributable reserves 
                                                       Capital       Capital reserve 
                      Share      Share     Merger   redemption   (non-distributable)    Special    Capital reserve     Revenue       Total 
                    capital    premium    reserve      reserve               GBP'000    reserve    (distributable)     reserve    reserves 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000                          GBP'000            GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
---------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ---------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Opening balance 
  as at 1 
  2019                4,278     10,571        425          509                18,867     96,718            (5,984)       (395)     124,989 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ---------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 
  and total 
  income for the 
  period                  -          -          -            -                 8,865                         2,342        (99)      11,108 
 Share issues 
  and buy backs*        176      7,066          -           81                     -    (2,276)                  -           -       5,047 
 Dividends paid           -          -          -            -                     -    (3,563)                  -           -     (3,563) 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ---------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Closing balance 
  as at 31 July 
  2019                4,454     17,637        425          590                27,732     90,879            (3,642)       (494)     137,581 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ---------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.

For the six months ended 31 July 2018

                                      Non-distributable reserves                                Distributable reserves 
                                                       Capital       Capital reserve 
                      Share      Share     Merger   redemption   (non-distributable)     Special    Capital reserve     Revenue       Total 
                    capital    premium    reserve      reserve               GBP'000     reserve    (distributable)     reserve    reserves 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000                           GBP'000            GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
---------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ----------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Opening balance 
  as at 1 
  2018                1,804     19,359        425          418                33,359      10,386            (4,073)       (127)      61,551 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ----------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 
  and total 
  income for the 
  period                  -          -          -            -                 7,265           -            (1,237)       (132)       5,896 
 Share issues 
  and buy 
  backs*#             2,223     77,701          -           54                     -     (1,749)                  -           -      78,229 
 Dividends paid           -          -          -            -                     -     (4,223)                  -           -     (4,223) 
  of share 
  premium                 -   (96,397)          -            -                     -      96,397                  -           -           - 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ----------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Closing balance 
  as at 31 July 
  2018                4,027        663        425          472                40,624     100,811            (5,310)       (259)     141,453 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------------  ----------  -----------------  ----------  ---------- 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.

 For the year ended 31 January 2019 
                                              Non-distributable reserves                                Distributable reserves 
                                                              Capital         Capital reserve              Capital reserve 
                             Share      Share     Merger   redemption     (non-distributable)    Special   (distributable)      Revenue        Total 
                           capital    premium    reserve      reserve                 GBP'000    reserve           GBP'000      reserve     reserves 
                           GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000                            GBP'000                        GBP'000      GBP'000 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Opening balance as at 
  February 2018              1,804     19,359        425          418                  33,359     10,386           (4,073)        (127)       61,551 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Loss and total 
  income for the period          -          -          -            -                (14,492)          -           (1,911)        (268)     (16,671) 
 Share issues and buy 
  backs*#                    2,474     87,609          -           91                       -    (2,847)                 -            -       87,327 
 Dividends paid                  -          -          -            -                       -    (7,218)                 -            -      (7,218) 
 Cancellation of share 
  premium                        -   (96,397)          -            -                       -     96,397                 -            -            - 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Closing balance as at 
  January 2019               4,278     10,571        425          509                  18,867     96,718           (5,984)        (395)      124,989 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  -----------  ----------- 

*During the period to 31 July 2019, GBP7,401,000 was raised through share issues (31 July 2018: GBP7,471,000 31 January 2019: GBP17,781,000).

# Includes GBP72,750,000 issued in connection with the asset acquisition of Amati VCT on 4 May 2018.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.


as at 31 July 2019

                                                 31 July   31 July   31 January 
                                                    2019      2018         2019 
                                          Note   GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments held at fair value              9   127,727   133,903      112,867 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                                           3,594       105           38 
 Cash at bank                                      9,222     9,744       12,756 
 Total current assets                             12,816     9,849       12,794 
 Current liabilities 
 Creditors: amounts falling due within 
  one year                                       (2,962)   (2,299)        (672) 
 Net current assets                                9,854     7,550       12,122 
 Total assets less current liabilities           137,581   141,453      124,989 
---------------------------------------  -----  --------  --------  ----------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                           4,454     4,027        4,278 
 Share premium account                            17,637       663       10,571 
 Reserves                                        115,490   136,763      110,140 
 Equity shareholders' funds                      137,581   141,453      124,989 
---------------------------------------  -----  --------  --------  ----------- 
 Net asset value per share                   6    154.5p    175.7p       146.1p 
---------------------------------------  -----  --------  --------  ----------- 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the balance sheet.


for the six months ended 31 July 2019

                                                   Six months   Six months         Year 
                                                        ended        ended        ended 
                                                      31 July      31 July   31 January 
                                                         2019         2018         2019 
                                                      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Investment income received                               390          197          585 
 Investment management fees                           (1,126)        (547)      (1,686) 
 Other operating costs                                  (207)        (207)        (398) 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities             (943)        (557)      (1,499) 
------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchases of investments                             (7,850)      (7,957)     (12,832) 
 Disposals of investments                               3,544        4,014        6,692 
 Net cash outflow from investing activities           (4,306)      (3,943)      (6,140) 
 Net cash outflow before financing                    (5,249)      (4,500)      (7,639) 
------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Cash received as part of asset acquisition 
  of Amati VCT                                              -        9,462        9,462 
 Net cash paid in respect of assets 
  and liabilities of Amati VCT                            (4)         (88)        (101) 
 Net proceeds of share issues and 
  buybacks                                              5,282        6,270       15,429 
 Equity dividends paid                                (3,563)      (4,223)      (7,218) 
 Net cash inflow from financing activities              1,715       11,421       17,572 
 (Decrease)/ increase in cash                         (3,534)        6,921        9,933 
------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in 
  net cash 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash during 
  the period                                          (3,534)        6,921        9,933 
 Net cash at start of period                           12,756        2,823        2,823 
 Net cash at end of period                              9,222        9,744       12,756 
------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Reconciliation of profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 
   before taxation to net cash outflow from operating 
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                                      11,108        5,896     (16,671) 
 Net (gain)/loss on investments                      (12,092)      (6,682)       14,939 
 Increase in creditors                                     59          315          257 
 Increase in debtors                                     (18)         (86)         (24) 
------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities             (943)        (557)      (1,499) 
------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.


for the six months ended 31 July 2019

   1.         Basis of Accounting 

The Half-yearly financial Report covers the six months ended 31 July 2019. The condensed financial statements for this six month period have been prepared in accordance with FRS 104 ("Interim financial reporting") and on the basis of the same accounting policies as set out in the Company's Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 January 2019.

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 January 2019 have been extracted from the latest published audited Annual Report and Financial Statements. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditor and lodged with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditor was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The financial information set out in this report has not been audited and does not comprise full financial statements within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. No statutory accounts in respect of any period after 31 January 2019 have been reported on by the Company's auditors.

   2.         Going concern 

The directors have made an assessment of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern and are satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future (being a period of 12 months from the date these financial statements were approved). In reaching this conclusion the directors took into account the nature of the Company's business and Investment Policy, its risk management policies, the diversification of its portfolio, the cash holdings and the liquidity of non-qualifying investments. Thus the directors believe it is appropriate to continue to apply the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

   3.         Segmental reporting 

The directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of business, being investment business.

4. Copies of the Half-yearly Report are being made available to all shareholders. Further copies are available free of charge from Amati Global Investors by telephoning 0131 503 9115 or by email to info@amatiglobal.com.

   5.         Earnings per share 

Earnings per share is based on the gain attributable to shareholders for the six months ended 31 July 2019 of GBP11,108,000 (six months ended 31 July 2018: GBP5,896,000, year ended 31 January 2019: GBP16,671,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 88,857,658 (31 July 2018: 58,395,967, 31 January 2019: 71,619,496). There is no difference between basic and diluted earnings per share.

   6.         Net Asset Value 

The net asset value per share at 31 July 2019 is based on net assets of GBP137,581,000 (31 July 2018: GBP141,453,000, 31 January 2019: GBP124,989,000) and the number of shares in issue on 31 July 2019 of 89,064,825 (31 July 2018: 80,513,669, 31 January 2019: 85,549,682). There is no difference between basic and diluted net asset value per share.

   7.         Income 
                                                      Six months              Six months ended              Year ended 
                                                    31 July 2019                  31 July 2018              31 January 
                                                     (unaudited)                   (unaudited)               (audited) 
                                                         GBP'000                       GBP'000                 GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------- 
            Dividends from UK 
             companies                                       387                           262                     571 
            Interest from deposits                            25                             6                      25 
--------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                             412                           268                     596 
--------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------- 
   8.         Dividends paid 
                                           Six months     Six months         Year 
                                                ended          ended        ended 
                                                                       31 January 
                                         31 July 2019   31 July 2018         2019 
                                          (unaudited)    (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                              GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Final dividend for the year ended 
  31 January 2019 of 4.0p per share 
  paid on 26 July 2019                          3,563              -            - 
--------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Interim dividend for the year ended 
  31 January 2019 of 3.5p per share 
  paid on 23 November 2018                          -              -        2,995 
--------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Second interim dividend for the 
  year ended 31 January 2018 of 5.25p 
  per share paid on 27 July 2018                    -          4,223        4,223 
--------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                                3,563          4,223        7,218 
--------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
   9            Investments 
                                                   Level 1       Level 3 
                                                        on      Unquoted 
                                                       AIM   investments     Total 
                                                   GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Cost as at 1 February 2019                         92,729         2,353    95,082 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Opening unrealised appreciation/(depreciation)     20,306       (1,439)    18,867 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Opening unrealised loss recognised 
  in realised reserve                                (296)         (786)   (1,082) 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Opening valuation as at 1 February 
  2019                                             112,739           128   112,867 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Movements in the period: 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Purchases                                           9,850             -     9,850 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Sales - proceeds                                  (6,829)        (253)*   (7,082) 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Realised gain on sales                              2,373             -     2,373 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Unrealised gain in the period                       9,466          253*     9,719 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Valuation as at 31 July 2019                      127,599           128   127,727 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Cost at 31 July 2019                               98,909         2,100   101,009 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 31 July 
  2019                                              28,918       (1,186)    27,732 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Closing unrealised loss recognised 
  in realised reserve                                (228)         (786)   (1,014) 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Valuation as at 31 July 2019                      127,599           128   127,727 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Equity shares                                     127,599            81   127,680 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Preference shares                                       -            47        47 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Loan stock                                              -             -         - 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 
 Valuation as at 31 July 2019                      127,599           128   127,727 
                                                  --------  ------------  -------- 

There have been no level 2 investments during the period.

*Partial repayment of China Food Company plc Loan Notes held at nil value.

In order to provide further information on the valuation techniques used to measure assets carried at fair value, the measurement basis has been categorised into a "fair value hierarchy" as follows:

- Quoted market prices in active markets - "Level 1"

Inputs to Level 1 fair values are quoted prices in active markets. An active market is one in which transactions occur with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis. The Company's investments classified within this category are AIM traded companies and fully listed companies.

- Valued using models with significant observable market parameters - "Level 2"

Inputs to Level 2 fair values are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset, either directly or indirectly.

- Valuation technique - "Level 3"

Level 3 fair values are measured using a valuation technique that is based on data from an unobservable market.

The valuation techniques used by the Company are explained in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 January 2019.

   10.       Related parties 

The Company retains Amati Global Investors as its Manager. The number of ordinary shares in the Company (all of which are held beneficially) by certain members of the management team are:

                    31 July 2019 
                     shares held 
 Paul Jourdan            543,778 
 David Stevenson          17,583 
-----------------  ------------- 

Related party transaction

Save as disclosed in this paragraph there is no conflict of interest between the Company, the duties of the directors, the duties of the directors of the Manager and their private interests and other duties.

Shareholder Information

Share price

The Company's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The bid price of the Company's shares can be found on Amati Global Investors' website: http://www.amatiglobal.com/amat.php

Net Asset Value per Share

The Company normally announces its net asset value on a weekly basis. Net asset value per share information can be found on Amati Global Investors' website: http://www.amatiglobal.com/amat.php

Financial calendar

   31 January 2020                      Year end 

April 2020 Announcement of final results for the year ended 31 January 2020

   June 2020                                Annual General Meeting 


Shareholders who wish to have future dividends re-invested in the Company's shares or wish to have dividends paid directly into their bank account rather than sent by cheque to their registered address should contact Share Registrars Limited on 01252 821390 or email enquiries@shareregistrars.uk.com

Table of Historic Returns from launch to 31 July 2019 attributable to shares issued by VCTs which have been merged into Amati AIM VCT

                                                                                   NAV Total   Numis Alternative 
                                                                                      Return             Markets 
                                                                NAV Total     with dividends        Total Return 
                                                              Return with    not re-invested               Index 
                             Launch date      Merger date     re-invested 
----------------------  ----------------  ---------------  --------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Singer & Friedlander 
  AIM 3 VCT ('C'                               8 December 
  shares)                   4 April 2005             2005           34.8%              15.3%               14.2% 
 Amati VCT plc             24 March 2005       4 May 2018          115.8%              66.2%               10.1% 
 Invesco Perpetual                             8 November 
  AIM VCT                   30 July 2004             2011           19.3%             -11.5%               39.9% 
 Singer & Friedlander         29 January 
  AIM 3 VCT*                        2001              n/a           22.9%               4.9%              -18.0% 
 Singer & Friedlander        29 February      22 February 
  AIM 2 VCT                         2000             2006           -5.8%             -19.6%              -58.2% 
 Singer & Friedlander       28 September      22 February 
  AIM VCT                           1998             2006          -35.8%             -23.3%               27.3% 
----------------------  ----------------  ---------------  --------------  -----------------  ------------------ 

*Singer & Friedlander AIM 3 VCT changed its name to ViCTory VCT on 22 February 2006, to Amati VCT 2 on 8 November 2011 and to Amati AIM VCT on 4 May 2018.

Corporate Information

 Directors                           Registrar 
 Peter Lawrence                      Share Registrars Limited 
 Julia Henderson                     The Courtyard 
 Susannah Nicklin                    17 West Street 
 Brian Scouler                       Farnham 
                                     GU9 7DR 
 all of: 
 27/28 Eastcastle Street             Auditor 
 London                              BDO LLP 
 W1W 8DH                             55 Baker Street 
 Secretary                           W1H 7EH 
 The City Partnership (UK) Limited 
 110 George Street                   Solicitors 
 Edinburgh                           Dickson Minto W.S. 
 EH2 4LH                             16 Charlotte Square 
                                     EH2 4DF 
 Fund Manager                        Bankers 
 Amati Global Investors Limited      The Bank of New York Mellon 
 8 Coates Crescent                   London Branch 
 Edinburgh                           160 Queen Victoria Street 
 EH3 7AL                             London 
                                     EC4V 4LA 
 VCT Tax Adviser 
 Philip Hare & Associates LLP 
 Suite C, First Floor 
 4-6 Staple Inn 
 Holborn, London 
 WC1V 7QH 

For enquiries relating to share certificates, share holdings, dividends or the Dividend Re-investment Scheme, please contact:

Share Registrars Limited

on +44 (0) 1252 821390

or email: enquiries@shareregistrars.uk.com

For enquiries relating to subscriptions and for general enquiries, please contact:

Amati Global Investors

on +44 (0) 131 503 9115

or email: info@amatiglobal.com

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 08, 2019 09:07 ET (13:07 GMT)

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