Washington, D.C. 20549




Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 under the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of March, 2012

Commission File Number 1-8910




(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



(Address of principal executive office)



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Form 20-F   x      Form 40-F   ¨

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On March 13, 2012, the registrant filed with the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other stock exchanges in Japan on which its securities are traded a notice regarding the results of the tender offer by NTT DOCOMO, INC., a subsidiary of NTT, for Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd.’s common shares and stock acquisition rights, which commenced on January 31, 2012 and was completed on March 12, 2012. Attached is an English translation of the notice filed with the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

The information included herein contains forward-looking statements. The registrant desires to qualify for the “safe-harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and consequently is hereby filing cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause the registrant’s actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the attachment.

The registrant’s forward-looking statements are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of the registrant in light of information currently available to it regarding the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements, as well as other risks included in the registrant’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

No assurance can be given that the registrant’s actual results will not vary significantly from any expectation of future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements included herein.

The attached material is a translation of the Japanese original. The Japanese original is authoritative.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.




/s/ Koji Ito

Name:   Koji Ito
Title:   General Manager
  Finance and Accounting Department

Date: March 13, 2012

March 13, 2012

Company Name: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Representative: Satoshi Miura, President and CEO

(Code No.: 9432, First section of Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya Stock Exchanges and

Fukuoka and Sapporo Stock Exchanges)



NTT DOCOMO, INC. (“NTT DOCOMO”), a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (“NTT”), has announced the results of the tender offer for common shares of and stock acquisition rights in Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd. (Code Number: 3146, JASDAQ Standard Market of the Osaka Securities Exchange), which commenced on January 31, 2012 and was completed on March 12, 2012, pursuant to the decision adopted at its Board of Directors’ meeting held on January 30, 2012. For more details, please see the attached press release by NTT DOCOMO.


For further inquiries, please contact:
Takayuki Kimura or Yusuke Aida
Investor Relations Office
Finance and Accounting Department
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Phone: +81-3-5205-5581
Fax: +81-3-5205-5589


President and CEO: Ryuji Yamada

Tokyo Stock Exchange: 9437

London Stock Exchange: NDCM

New York Stock Exchange: DCM

March 13, 2012

Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd. Common Shares and Stock Acquisition Rights

NTT DOCOMO, INC. (the “Company” or the “Offeror”) hereby announces the results of a tender offer (the “Tender Offer”) that commenced on January 31, 2012 and ended on March 12, 2012, pursuant to the Board of Directors’ decision on January 30, 2012 to initiate the Tender Offer for the common shares and stock acquisition rights (the “Stock Acquisition Rights” collectively referring to (1) Series 2 Stock Acquisition Rights issued in accordance with a resolution approved at Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd.’s (the “Target Company”, Osaka Securities Exchange JASDAQ Standard Market (“JASDAQ”) code 3146) extraordinary shareholders meeting and its Board of Directors’ meeting held on July 25, 2005 (“Series 2 Stock Acquisition Rights”), (2) Series 3 Stock Acquisition Rights issued in accordance with a resolution approved at the Target Company’s extraordinary shareholders meeting held on July 25, 2005 and the Target Company’s Board of Directors’ meeting held on November 29, 2005 (“Series 3 Stock Acquisition Rights”), (3) Series 4 Stock Acquisition Rights issued in accordance with a resolution approved at the Target Company’s extraordinary shareholders meeting and the Target Company’s Board of Directors’ meeting held on February 16, 2007 (“Series 4 Stock Acquisition Rights”), (4) Series 5 Stock Acquisition Rights issued in accordance with a resolution approved at the Target Company’s extraordinary shareholders meeting and the Target Company’s Board of Directors’ meeting held on February 16, 2007 (“Series 5 Stock Acquisition Rights”), and (5) Series 6 Stock Acquisition Rights issued in accordance with a resolution approved at the Target Company’s extraordinary shareholders meeting and the Target Company’s Board of Directors’ meeting held on February 16, 2007 (“Series 6 Stock Acquisition Rights”)) of the Target Company, as described below.


I. Results of the Tender Offer

1. Outline of the offer


1) Name and address of the Offeror


Address: 2-11-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


2) Name of Target Company

Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd.


3) Class of securities subject to the offer


  A. Common shares


  B. Stock Acquisition Rights


  i Series 2 Stock Acquisition Rights


  ii Series 3 Stock Acquisition Rights


  iii Series 4 Stock Acquisition Rights


  iv Series 5 Stock Acquisition Rights


  v Series 6 Stock Acquisition Rights


– 1 –

  4) Number of shares to be purchased


Number of

Shares to be Purchased


Minimum Number of

Shares to be Purchased


Maximum Number of

Shares to be Purchased


   3,706,600 shares    —  shares


Note 1:

  The number of shares to be purchased is noted as 6,990,517 shares, the maximum number of the Target Company’s shares the Company will acquire via the Tender Offer. Please note that the maximum number in question is the number of shares derived by taking the number of shares (7,267,817 shares) obtained by the sum of (i) the total number of the Target Company’s common shares issued (6,939,317 shares) as of November 30, 2011, as stated in the third quarter report for the 24th period, which was issued by the Target Company on January 13, 2012, and (ii) the number of the Target Company’s common shares (a total of 328,500 shares) subject to the Series 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Stock Acquisition Rights as of November 30, 2011, as stated in the same quarterly report (a total of 3,285 rights), and subtracting the amount of treasury stock (277,300 shares) held by the Target Company as of November 30, 2011, as stated in the same quarterly report.

Note 2:

  If the total number of shares tendered is less than the minimum number to be purchased (3,706,600 shares), the tendered shares will not be purchased in their entirety. If the total number of shares tendered exceeds the minimum number to be purchased, the tendered shares will be purchased in their entirety. Please note that the minimum number of shares to be purchased (3,706,600 shares) constitutes 51.00% of the total number of shares after full dilution.

Note 3:

  Shares constituting less than one unit will also be subject to the Tender Offer. Moreover, should the right to request the purchase of shares constituting less than one unit be exercised by a shareholder in accordance with the Companies Act, the Target Company may buy its own shares during the Tender Offer period as provided for by law.

Note 4:

  The Company does not intend to acquire the treasury stock held by the Target Company through the Tender Offer.

Note 5:

  It is possible that the above-mentioned Stock Acquisition Rights will be exercised before the end of the Tender Offer period; however, the Target Company’s common shares that would be issued or transferred as a result of this would also be subject to the Tender Offer.


  5) Tender Offer period

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 to Monday, March 12, 2012 (30 business days)


  6) Tender Offer price


  A. Common shares            990 yen per share


  B. Stock acquisition rights



   Series 2 Stock Acquisition Rights    31,300 yen per right   


   Series 3 Stock Acquisition Rights    31,300 yen per right   


   Series 4 Stock Acquisition Rights    14,000 yen per right   


   Series 5 Stock Acquisition Rights    14,000 yen per right   


   Series 6 Stock Acquisition Rights    14,000 yen per right   


– 2 –

2. Results of the Tender Offer


1) Outcome of the Tender Offer

The Tender Offer contained the condition that if the total number of shares tendered did not meet the minimum number of shares to be purchased (3,706,600 shares), the tendered shares would not be purchased in their entirety. However, the total number of shares tendered (5,294,668 shares) exceeded the minimum number of shares to be purchased (3,706,600 shares), and therefore the tendered shares will be purchased in their entirety, as stated in the tender offer commencement notice and tender offer registration statement.


2) Date of public notice of the outcome of the Tender Offer and the name of the publishing newspapers

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 27-13, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act. No. 25 of 1948), the results were disclosed to the media on March 13, 2012 through Tokyo Stock Exchange Inc., using the method prescribed in Article 9-4 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Cabinet Order No. 321 of 1965, including subsequent revisions) and Article 30-2 of the Cabinet Office Ordinance Concerning Disclosure of a Tender Offer for Share Certificates by a Party other than the Issuer (Ministry of Finance No. 38 of 1990, including subsequent revisions).


3) Number of shares purchased


Class of shares

   A. Number tendered
(converted into shares)
     B. Number purchased
(converted into shares)


     4,973,668 shares           4,973,668 shares     

Stock acquisition rights

     321,000                      321,000                

Bonds with stock acquisition rights

     —                        —                  

Trust beneficiary certificates for the shares
(            )

     —                        —                  

Depositary receipts for the shares
(            )

     —                        —                  








     5,294,668                      5,294,668                







(Total number of potential shares)

     —                        (321,000)               








– 3 –

4) Percentage of shares held after the purchase


Number of voting rights for shares held by the Offeror prior to the purchase      —   rights       (Percentage of shares held prior to the purchase —  %)
Number of voting rights for shares held by parties with special relationships prior to the purchase      —   rights       (Percentage of shares held prior to the purchase —  %)
Number of voting rights for shares held by the Offeror after the purchase      52,946 rights       (Percentage of shares held after the purchase 75.74%)
Number of voting rights for shares held by parties with special relationships after the purchase      —   rights       (Percentage of shares held after the purchase —  %)

Number of voting rights held by all shareholders of the Target Company

(as of August 31, 2011)

     67,606 rights      


Note 1:

  The “number of voting rights held by all shareholders of the Target Company (as of August 31, 2011)” is the number of voting rights for all shareholders as of August 31, 2011 stated in the Target Company’s report for the third quarter of the 24th period issued on January 13, 2012. However, since all common shares (excluding, however, the treasury stock held by the Target Company) and all stock acquisition rights issued by the Target Company are subject to the Tender Offer, the number of voting rights (69,905 rights) for the number of shares (6,990,517 shares) calculated from the sum (7,267,817 shares) of the total number of common shares issued by the Target Company as of November 30, 2011, stated in the above-mentioned quarterly report (6,939,317 shares) plus the number of Target Company shares subject to the Series 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Stock Acquisition Rights (3,285 rights) as of November 30, 2011, stated in the above-mentioned quarterly report (328,500 shares), minus the amount of treasury stock held by the Target Company as of November 30, 2011, stated in the same quarterly report mentioned above (277,300 shares) constitutes the denominator for the calculation of “Percentage of shares held prior to the purchase” and “Percentage of shares held after the purchase.”

Note 2:

  The “Percentage of shares held prior to the purchase” and “Percentage of shares held after the purchase” have been rounded to the nearest third decimal place.


5) Calculation method where proportional distribution is used for the Tender Offer

Not applicable


6) Method of settlement


  A. Name and head office address of financial instruments business operator, bank, or other institution in charge of settlement of the Tender Offer

Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.

2-5-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


  B. Settlement commencement date

Monday, March 19, 2012


  C. Method of settlement

Notification of the purchases under the Tender Offer will be sent to the address or residence of all accepting shareholders (or the standing proxy for foreign shareholders) immediately after the conclusion of the Tender Offer period.

Purchases will be settled in cash. In accordance with the instructions of the accepting shareholders (or the standing proxy for foreign shareholders), the Tender Offer Agent will, without delay after the settlement commencement date, remit the funds for the shares purchased to the location designated by the accepting shareholders (or the standing proxy for foreign shareholders).


– 4 –

3. Post-Tender Offer policies and outlook

For information about business policies subsequent to the Tender Offer, please refer to the “Notice Regarding Commencement of Tender Offer for Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd. Common Shares and Stock Acquisition Rights” dated January 30, 2012.

The Tender Offer will have a negligible impact on the Company’s consolidated performance in the current fiscal year (the year ending March 31, 2012).

4. Locations where copies of the Tender Offer report may be viewed



  2-11-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Osaka Stock Exchange Co. Ltd.

  1-8-16 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations Department

Tel: +81-3-5156-1111



This document contains information on future prospects based on the current expectations and beliefs of the management of NTT DOCOMO, INC. and Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd. The actual results may substantially deviate from these statements due to a number of factors.

All procedures related to the Tender Offer shall be conducted in Japanese unless otherwise stated. All or part of the documents related to the Tender Offer shall be prepared in English, but in the event of a discrepancy between the English document and the Japanese document, the Japanese document shall take precedence.


– 5 –

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