Knight Ridder Releases June Statistical Report SAN JOSE, Calif., July 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- (KRI:NYSE) -- Total advertising revenue was up 3.2% for June and up 2.2% year to date. For the month, retail was up 2.1%, national was down 8.5% and classified was up 10.6%. For the year to date, retail was up 0.2%, national was up 1.1% and classified was up 5.1%. Within classified, recruitment was up 16.0% for the month. Twenty-five of 27 newspapers had increases in help wanted, with 24 in double digits. San Jose was up 38.5%, Columbia was up 25.8%, Miami was up 23.1%, Akron was up 20.1%, Contra Costa was up 18.9%, Fort Worth was up 16.2%, Charlotte was up 15.0% and Kansas City was up 11.9%. Real estate was up 9.8% for the month, and auto was up 0.9%. Total operating revenue was up 1.7% for the month and 2.0% for the year to date. Please note: During the quarter, certain newspapers reclassified some specific categories of retail revenue to national revenue for all periods in 2004 and 2003. These reclassifications were done in order to have consistency in reporting, both internally and among our peer newspapers. In the tabular material attached to this report, we are adding a table of restated numbers going back to the beginning of 2003 for consistency of comparison. For the month, total ad revenue was up 9.3% in Columbia, 6.9% in San Jose, 6.2% Akron, 4.6% in Kansas City, 2.8% in Charlotte, 2.5% in Fort Worth and 2.1% in Contra Costa. Philadelphia and Miami were soft. Retail for the month was up 6.7% in St. Paul, 6.3% in Columbia, 4.3% in Akron, 2.8% in Kansas City, 1.7% in Contra Costa, 1.1% in Philadelphia and 1.0% in Fort Worth. Miami and San Jose were soft. National advertising was up 21.0% in Columbia, 17.6% in Akron, 5.1% in San Jose, 2.5% in Kansas City and 0.7% in Charlotte. Philadelphia, Miami, Saint Paul and Fort Worth were soft. Travel, national financial and pharmaceuticals were up for many of the markets. Telecom and technology were mixed, while automotive was soft in most of the large markets. Classified was up in all but one of the major markets: up 19.1% in San Jose, 11.4% in Fort Worth, 10.9% in Miami, 9.3% in Philadelphia, 9.3% in Contra Costa, 8.3% in Kansas City and 5.6% in Charlotte. St. Paul was soft. Circulation revenue was down 1.6% for June, mostly from discounting. Other revenue was down 12.7%, due to a decrease in earnings from Detroit. Knight Ridder is the nation's second-largest newspaper publisher, with products in print and online. The company publishes 31 daily newspapers in 28 U.S. markets, with a readership of 8.7 million daily and 12.6 million Sunday. Knight Ridder also has investments in a variety of Internet and technology companies and two newsprint companies. The company's Internet operation, Knight Ridder Digital, develops and manages the company's online properties. It is the founder and operator of Real Cities (, the largest national network of city and regional Web sites in more than 100 U.S. markets. Knight Ridder and Knight Ridder Digital are headquartered in San Jose, Calif. STATISTICAL REPORT For the period of 05/31/04 - 06/27/04 June Year-to-Date 2004 2003 Percent 2004 2003 Percent REVENUE Change Change ($000) -- See Notes 1 & 2 Advertising Retail 80,724 79,086 2.1% 509,769 508,664 0.2% National 30,806 33,687 -8.6% 191,484 189,415 1.1% Classified 72,173 65,259 10.6% 438,338 417,191 5.1% Total 183,703 178,032 3.2% 1,139,591 1,115,270 2.2% Circulation 41,962 42,642 -1.6% 275,615 281,796 -2.2% Other Revenue 7,534 8,629 -12.7% 57,281 46,199 24.0% Total Operating Revenue 233,199 229,303 1.7% 1,472,487 1,443,265 2.0% AVERAGE CIRCULATION (000's of copies including Detroit) -- Notes 1 & 2 Morning 3,469 3,452 0.5% 3,618 3,626 -0.2% Evening 173 185 -6.7% 175 194 -10.1% Daily 3,642 3,637 0.1% 3,792 3,820 -0.7% Sunday 5,035 5,030 0.1% 5,144 5,163 -0.4% ADVERTISING LINAGE (000's of six-column inches) -- Notes 1 & 2 Full-Run ROP Retail 1,072.2 1,082.8 -1.0% 6,847.8 7,044.4 -2.8% National 257.8 285.3 -9.6% 1,596.1 1,620.7 -1.5% Classified 1,511.6 1,471.0 2.8% 9,238.2 9,056.9 2.0% Total 2,841.6 2,839.1 0.1% 17,682.1 17,722.0 -0.2% Factored Part-Run ROP 204.1 190.1 7.4% 1,240.5 1,173.2 5.7% TOTAL PREPRINTS INSERTED 594,980 562,039 5.9% 3,752,260 3,726,260 0.7% Statistical Report For the period of 05/31/04 - 06/27/04 June Year-to-Date 2004 2003 Percent 2004 2003 Percent Change Change FULL-RUN ROP ADVERTISING LINAGE DATA By Markets (000's of six-column inches) -- Notes 1 & 2 Akron Beacon 128.4 126.0 1.9% 754.0 779.6 -3.3% Journal Charlotte Observer 125.0 132.4 -5.6% 788.6 822.8 -4.2% Columbia State 94.1 99.0 -4.9% 585.6 607.1 -3.5% Contra Costa (Note 3) 126.7 130.9 -3.2% 795.5 767.8 3.6% Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, Journal Gazette 110.8 112.8 -1.8% 675.3 687.4 -1.8% Fort Worth Star Telegram 183.5 186.5 -1.6% 1,123.7 1,151.8 -2.4% Kansas City Star 160.6 158.8 1.1% 989.5 960.9 2.9% Lexington Herald-Leader 90.3 97.3 -7.2% 577.0 579.4 -0.4% Miami Herald & el Nuevo Herald 147.1 158.5 -7.2% 995.7 1,022.3 -2.6% Philadelphia Newspapers 182.3 183.5 -0.7% 1,155.0 1,168.0 -1.1% St. Paul Pioneer Press 99.9 107.2 -6.8% 626.9 633.5 -1.0% San Jose Mercury News 198.5 192.5 3.1% 1,202.9 1,185.7 1.5% Wichita Eagle 75.9 69.7 8.9% 437.4 439.8 -0.5% All Other Dailies 1,118.5 1,084.0 3.2% 6,975.0 6,915.9 0.9% Total -- Full-Run ROP 2,841.6 2,839.1 0.1% 17,682.1 17,722.0 -0.2% Note 1 -- The Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press operate under a joint operating agreement as Detroit Newspapers (DN). Revenue and linage are excluded for 2004 and 2003. Note 2 -- Measured by individual Knight Ridder newspapers. Where necessary, certain previously reported linage has been restated to be consistent with measurement guidelines currently in use. Note 3 -- Full-run ROP advertising linage represents the sum of full-run ROP linage for each of Contra Costa's three newspapers. For further information, call Polk Laffoon IV at 408-938-7838 Knight Ridder Consolidated Actual (000s) Jan 03 Feb 03 Mar 03 1Q 2003 Advertising Retail $83,329 $79,061 $78,976 $241,366 National 34,447 28,612 26,346 89,405 Classified 76,023 64,495 65,457 205,975 Total 193,799 172,168 170,779 536,746 Circulation 53,805 43,830 44,292 141,927 Other Revenue 7,330 7,032 6,278 20,640 Total Operating Revenue $254,934 $223,030 $221,349 $699,313 Apr 03 May 03 Jun 03 2Q 2003 Advertising Retail $106,063 $82,149 $79,086 $267,298 National 36,066 30,257 33,687 100,010 Classified 80,532 65,425 65,259 211,216 Total 222,661 177,831 178,032 578,524 Circulation 54,002 43,225 42,642 139,869 Other Revenue 9,119 7,811 8,629 25,559 Total Operating Revenue $285,782 $228,867 $229,303 $743,952 Jul 03 Aug 03 Sep 03 3Q 2003 Advertising Retail $88,225 $78,450 $80,066 $246,741 National 34,068 25,793 28,607 88,468 Classified 78,429 63,617 68,122 210,168 Total 200,722 167,860 176,795 545,377 Circulation 51,898 42,392 43,338 137,628 Other Revenue 8,196 7,085 8,928 24,209 Total Operating Revenue $260,816 $217,337 $229,061 $707,214 Oct 03 Nov 03 Dec 03 4Q 2003 Year 2003 Advertising Retail $107,190 $106,696 $105,600 $319,486 1,074,891 National 38,576 33,111 33,425 105,112 382,995 Classified 82,207 60,832 52,038 195,077 822,436 Total 227,973 200,639 191,063 619,675 2,280,322 Circulation 53,492 43,6628 42,690 139,810 559,234 Other Revenue 11,525 10,060 14,442 36,027 106,435 Total Operating Revenue $292,990 $254,327 $248,195 $795,512 2,945,991 Knight Ridder Consolidated Actual (000s) Jan 04 Feb 04 Mar 04 1Q 2004 Advertising Retail $82,740 $78,447 $80,657 $241,844 National 33,997 29,445 30,603 94,045 Classified 76,972 65,984 69,033 211,989 Total 193,709 173,876 180,293 547,878 Circulation 52,742 43,183 43,284 139,209 Other Revenue 8,086 8,217 8,881 25,184 Total Operating Revenue $254,537 $225,276 $232,458 $712,271 Apr 04 May 04 June 04 2Q 2004 Advertising Retail $104,283 $82,918 $80,724 $267,925 National 35,965 30,668 30,806 97,439 Classified 84,798 69,378 72,173 226,349 Total 225,046 182,964 183,703 591,713 Circulation 52,602 41,842 41,962 136,406 Other Revenue 10,907 13,656 7,534 32,097 Total Operating Revenue $288,555 $238,462 $233,199 $760,216 DATASOURCE: Knight Ridder CONTACT: Polk Laffoon, Vice President/Corporate Relations, +1-408-938-7838, or , or Lee Ann Schlatter, Director/Corporate Communications, +1-408-938-7839, or , both of Knight Ridder Web site:
