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Rennova Health Inc (CE)

Rennova Health Inc (CE) (RNVA)

Closed March 11 4:00PM

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MJAM2020 MJAM2020 8 minutes ago
in the words of Frank Drebbin... "Uhhhhh That Would Be Me!!"

Signor Signor 2 hours ago
Is Seamus cleaning RNVA for a massive reverse merger? They have been buddying with some unknowns. Could squeeze nakeds extra hard.
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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 3 hours ago
And CEO 🎅
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jay_tee jay_tee 3 hours ago
Yall know we are at least 4 months away if Seamus actually plans on getting current. Q1 now has to be reported. The longer he does not release financials, the further delayed we will be. Being delinquent does not even matter to him now. Sabby is also taken cared of. No urgency...If he waits until almost end of 2nd q, then that's another 45 days .......
LetGoodTimesRoll LetGoodTimesRoll 3 hours ago
Who's ready for the $RNVA==>$FOXO party??

jay_tee jay_tee 4 hours ago
Yeah that's Seamus's alarm song. Imagine Seamus practicing all those dance moves with Badazz
Signor Signor 4 hours ago
IRNVA gained control over
FOXO via the stock it received, which is a reverse acquisition.
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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 4 hours ago
Whoever made the vid seemed to know the story very well 🎅
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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 4 hours ago
Gets up at 5am but doesn't believe anything is coming. Fraud
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GoonOfWallSt GoonOfWallSt 5 hours ago
Here is your daily reminder

The fact that scamming pumpsh!ts limited my posts count to 1 per day of this scamstock’s board doesn’t change the fact that this scam turd is soooo done lol. Paid pumpsh!ts can’t keep up with their bs lies anymore lmfao. One can literally track the progressive retardation in every post of pumpsh!t squad’s members. Those paid scumbags retards dipshits have their head sooo up their own asses that they started posting some sh!t from several years ago as if it was recently. Soon they will start posting shit from 10 years ago when this scam was on nasdaq as if it was yesteday lmfao… buyers beware.

This scam is so bad that even if you had 100 trillions shares before first reverse split, you would’ve been splitted out a long time ago. 9 r/s-s… how obvious it has to be to be named number 1 scam in whole stock market?
Where is that fag jmoney who screamed about ceo having cash to buy back shares during massive dilution and that this will never end on em? Where is that pumpsh!t?
It’s ridiculously funny watching other pumpch!ts pumping this turd and several other turds which are being run by same “great ceo” when even their pumpsh!t general monkey clown jNoMoney stopped posting his bs pumpchants like daily darkpool volume updates and “ceo got cash to buy back shares” nonsense. Lolo12 farted and left into abyss with something on his face.
Pumpers are screwed bigly on this pile of garbage worthless pile of junk and they know it lmfao whooooooooooo
Even paid pumpsh!tty interview won’t save this scam from being delisted soon lol
diggitydoodle diggitydoodle 5 hours ago
What in the world, besides absolutely nothing...points to hearing something within a few weeks? 🤔
jay_tee jay_tee 6 hours ago
Pump IT UP!! Seamus!
MJAM2020 MJAM2020 6 hours ago
Yeah who knows. Possible whoever made that doesn't know fully what they are talking about? IDK...I figure we will probably hear something within a few weeks one way or the other. Hopefully those accountants are moving and shaking.

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jay_tee jay_tee 6 hours ago
Seamus and friends! LOL My niece, who is 11, uploaded how to bake delicious double fudge brownies, has more views than that. Maybe I should get her to promote RNVA. LOL
diggitydoodle diggitydoodle 7 hours ago
The party pumping is heating up...
So far today...FOXO falling like a stone.
RNVA doing nothing.
WOW! What a hoot! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 7 hours ago
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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 7 hours ago
Thats 100 more viewers on this and an major acquisition since these frauds claim to have bought🎅
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jay_tee jay_tee 7 hours ago
Yep the party is about to begin! LOL Hope so. That YouTuber with 100 followers will definitely get the word out. Seamus might as well put out one of those podcasts! Ya'll let me know when Cramer on Mad Money mentions RNVA or FOXO.
ScottishTexan ScottishTexan 8 hours ago
Interesting. I am ready for sure.
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badshah badshah 10 hours ago
The party is about to begin...these guys repeatedly state that RNVA purchased FOXO...FOXO PR guy needs to object if this is not true...
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diggitydoodle diggitydoodle 12 hours ago
Coming off another nothing day. Nothing new here. Maybe today we get something from the great CEO. The pumpers howling, begging and guessing have done nothing for years.
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mwab52 mwab52 13 hours ago
Good morning (RNVA-Land & Team).........🤑😎.........Go (RNVA)
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hotrodemon hotrodemon 22 hours ago
Looks like someone is trying to gin up some support through the use of YouTube. There's got to be a huge deal going on in the sidelines.
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MJAM2020 MJAM2020 23 hours ago
Who starting to put out the awareness campaign?

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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 1 day ago
looks like opportunity
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Dingbatt Dingbatt 1 day ago
Good times
Bitcoin down $22000 a coin from last month and Walstreet down 800 points today looks like the creosote is on fire in the chimney question is whose burnt logs are in the fire
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diggitydoodle diggitydoodle 1 day ago
Lookie there, the pumping troll has a lap dog. 🤣🤣🤣
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Signor Signor 1 day ago
poop paste
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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 1 day ago
Diggy, did you brush your teeth before posting?
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diggitydoodle diggitydoodle 1 day ago
280 shares shoots this back down to worthless.
FOXO down again.
Happy Monday.
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diggitydoodle diggitydoodle 1 day ago
A new week...and no one knows what's gonna happen.
The great CEO has his secrecy strategy firmly in place. And the pumpers are nothing but guessers.
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jay_tee jay_tee 2 days ago
Not true, if you become a billionaire, you'd make the Forbes list. Therefore solidifying your place in history. But yeah who actually cares to read it? Umm I don't lol
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 2 days ago
Truth is, these days you could make a make million, even a billion dollars off a stock and youre still a complete nobody in this world outside your friends and family.
💯 4
LetGoodTimesRoll LetGoodTimesRoll 2 days ago

Interesting take on vultures...

"Vultures often compete with other scavengers, such as mammals, birds, and insects, for access to carrion. By targeting fresher carcasses, vultures can secure a meal before other scavengers arrive or before the carcass becomes too decomposed."

The vultures are still here.
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Dingbatt Dingbatt 2 days ago
A lot of individuals posting on this board are pretty smart but you are still all nobodies like me should Seamus pull this back together and the stock soars it could make a number of people real players instead of those currently walking the boardwalk
I’m waiting to change my name back to the lost family tree
jay_tee jay_tee 3 days ago
Tik Tok you NUDs!!!     
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 3 days ago
Tick Tock 🎅
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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 3 days ago
NUD - Negativity Uncertainty & Doubt
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jay_tee jay_tee 3 days ago
I'll ask again. How is it bashing if it's proven facts? Posting the negatives is part of a public forum. Sorry you just want to "hear" one side. Maybe you should create a new board. RNVA- Pumpers Only that might quell your anxiety towards all pertinent information....
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jay_tee jay_tee 4 days ago
Umm I'll agree to disagree. It's like saying I took Alabama football from a powerhouse 12-0 and took it to a 3-9 team for ten yrs and now we are finally 7-5. Does that mean I turned the program around? Ummmmmmm...... no! Lol Seriously, that coach would have been fired after 2 yrs. Seamus is brilliant. Any other profession resulting in years of miniscule results usually ends up with a pink slip.....
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canthelpit canthelpit 4 days ago
FILTER ,,, Its all good I will be here with ya on this one,, hope it is sooner than later............... GLTA
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canthelpit canthelpit 4 days ago
JT once anyways that I hade the opportunity to wittness
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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 4 days ago
Sorry I hurt you feeling calling out insincere frauds bashing a stock I own

I'll continue to call these POS out unless they go away. Sorry, not sorry.

It won't stop until they stop.
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canthelpit canthelpit 4 days ago
filter been sitting in here for more than a year now and yes i have a full hand of shares waiting on the main event,, I do understand 1 day dollars next day cents on this ticker and not my first rodeo ,,I am not sure what your claim of me making shit up is all about I only stated in my OPINION you are like a broken fukin record calling out the few who post how they feel about this stock,, it is and open forum on this stock and besides GOON who is bashing they are only venting,, Besides that if they did not post there feelings you would not have a thing to post here since there is no news with the symbol RNVA attached to it,, not even a pr off globe news wire.,,, So truth is filter they as well as myself hope seamus is that great and pulls it off and we all get rewarded and that is a fact !!
MJAM2020 MJAM2020 4 days ago
Yes a huge turnaround story... $3M revs to $20M revs? Merger with an NYSE ticker? Looking for growth?

RNVA was near death...Seamus put a plan in place and executed meticulously over the past 3 years. The next Jolly interview should be a good one...or maybe that interview will be on CNBC or some other financial outlet?

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Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 4 days ago
Ya. Normally when one stands up for an obvious FUD being called out, they are frauds too.

But I like to give the benefit of the doubt until the grass is cut. The bashers wouldn't be here if they couldn't deceive some, so it can happen.
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jay_tee jay_tee 4 days ago
In all us bagholders' defenses, I've lost track but any bid we had lasted all but 5 minutes. Unless you had an order in already or watching every tick, it would be very easy to miss a bid here. Hold up!! We had a bid several times in 2024? Are you sure? lol I'm going to have to go and confirm that! Lol
Signor Signor 4 days ago
Had the chance to sell, leave and go find peace when bid was hit several times last year. He didn’t, my guess is he got fake tickets.
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jay_tee jay_tee 4 days ago
Be patient? lol Woth this whole em crap and no bid. One can't help be patient. But you can't tell someone not to bitch about their own money.. or towards who's in charge. Any position of authority comes with scrutiny... smh If I want to bitch about being reversed split and my stock sitting at no bid for 3yrs, then that's my right. Bosses? No hedge fund is worried about RNVA. They covered a long time ago. Seamus could have caught "shorty" a long time ago. But hey if there are some shorts, I win also
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jay_tee jay_tee 4 days ago
RNVA is NOT a turnaround story. Let's just be clear about that. RNVA was trading in the NASDAQ when Seamus the great took over. He conducted no due diligence whatsoever and brought this company into the struggling rural hospital sector... If anything, he's fixing what he screwed up over a decade ago. I mean he should not receive any accolades for doing what he's paid to do which is fix HIS mess. 

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