US Special Opportunities Trust PLC

Half yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 November 2007

Company highlights

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

Total return performance                                       % change
Assets attributable to shareholders*                             -1.97%
Gross assets*                                                    -2.48%
US Growth portfolio (�)**                                        +1.56%
Russell 2000 Index (�)                                          -12.29%
Income portfolio**                                              -11.10%
FTSE All-Share Index                                             -3.10%

NAV returns and share prices                  30 Nov   31 May  % change
                                             2007     2007             
                                            pence    pence             
Zero Dividend Preference share   NAV        175.05p  167.80p   +4.32   
                                 Mid price  175.25p  169.50p   +3.39   
Income share                     NAV        101.64p  101.60p   +0.04   
                                 Mid price   93.00p   92.75p   +0.27   
Capital share                    NAV         14.94p   22.68p  -34.13   
                                 Mid price   14.00p   15.50p   -9.68   
Unit (1 Capital and 1 Income     NAV        116.58p  124.28p   -6.20   
                                 Mid price  107.50p  106.75p   +0.70   
Revenue return per Income share               1.32p                    
Net dividends declared per                    1.60p                    
Income share***                                                        

* Total return performance calculated, adjusted for any dividends distributed,
share buybacks and any impact due to the change in accounting standards, using
previous UK GAAP monthly data up to 31 December 2005 and revised UK GAAP
monthly data thereafter.

** Total return performance calculated, before deduction of bank interest,
management fees and other expenses, using previous UK GAAP monthly data up to
31 December 2005 and revised UK GAAP monthly data thereafter.

*** First and second interim dividends of 0.8p and 0.8p.

Data as at 30 November 2007, all performance figures for the period ended 30
November 2007 unless otherwise stated. Past performance and dividends paid are
not a guarantee of future returns. Figures sourced from Premier Fund Managers
Ltd and Bloomberg.

Chairman's statement

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

"Beating the benchmark - again"

Dear Shareholder,

Despite market conditions proving to be unusually challenging as the Company
entered the final year of its planned life, I am pleased to report that,
relative to its benchmark, your Company weathered the storm well in the period
under review. During the six months to 30 November, the global financial system
was hit by an unexpectedly sudden contraction of liquidity within the banking
system - the so called credit crunch - triggered by the problems associated
with the financing of sub-prime mortgages in the United States. The tightening
in the availability of credit and the losses incurred in the sub-prime market
had an impact on financial markets globally. Fortunately, your Company has had
no direct exposure to investment in sub-prime mortgage instruments, but has
nonetheless been potentially exposed to the general increased aversion of
investors to risk which in turn has resulted in a sharp set back in smaller
company sectors both in the UK and the US. Furthermore, over the six months to
30 November the US Dollar weakened against Sterling by 3.95% and this has
restrained performance for the UK investor.

During the period under review, the Russell 2000 total return index fell 8.83%
in US Dollars and in Sterling by 12.29%. Against this background the US Growth
portfolio performed well, with a positive total return of 4.45% in Dollars and
1.56% in Sterling. Holdings of particular note were Points International and
Fushi International. The Income portfolio, which had an exceptionally strong
performance last year, had a much more difficult period. Total return was a
negative 11.10% with the bond element performing better than the investment
companies, which suffered from a widening of discounts to asset value and in
some cases a geared exposure to declining markets. Overall, the Company's net
assets fell by 3.35%.

During the period, significant realisations have been made from the US Growth
portfolio, such as KDH Humbolt Wedag and Quintana Maritime, in some cases
crystallising substantial gains against cost price. The proceeds of these sales
allowed some new investments to be made and a tranche of bank debt to be repaid
(see below). In the Income portfolio your Investment Manager has made sales of
some of the less liquid investment company shares and reinvested the proceeds
in bonds and short term money market instruments with good liquidity and
attractive yields.

Gearing and currency hedges

In August 2007, with market conditions deteriorating and with a significant
level of cash in the portfolio, the Board agreed to the repayment of $25
million of its $51.968 million debt liability. At the same, time the
corresponding interest rate and currency swap positions were closed. This left
borrowings of �7 million Sterling and a $26.968 million US Dollar loan fixed at
an exchange rate of US$1.856 to the Pound. Since the period end the remaining
$26.968 million Dollar debt has been repaid and the associated swap positions
closed. As at the date of this report, the Company had only the �7 million
Sterling loan in place.

Also in August, having regard to the planned wind-up of the Company in 2008 and
the positioning of the US Dollar at the time, the Board agreed to make a change
to the Company's cap and collar currency "cylinder" by moving the exchange rate
cap from $1.6610 to $1.9500 whilst leaving the collar at $2.10. The closures of
the swaps in August, together with the change in the currency cylinder,
generated a cash payment to the Company of �1.681 million. The subsequent
closing in November 2007 of the remaining swaps linked to the Dollar loan
generated a further �1.241 million payment. These values had been reflected in
the published net asset value as all derivative positions are marked to market.
However, by carrying out these derivative transactions the Company has been
able to crystallise value which might otherwise have declined as a result of
reducing time value and a changing Dollar exchange rate.

Revenue and dividends

In the six months to 30 November 2007, the Company paid the third and fourth
interim dividends in respect of the previous year; both dividends at the rate
of 0.8p per Income share. The first interim in respect of the current year was
paid on 19 October, also at the rate of 0.8p per Income share. The second
interim of 0.8p was declared on 11 January 2008 and will be payable on 16
February 2008. Revenue per Income share for the first half was 1.32p compared
with 1.40p for the same period the previous year.

Future prospects, risks and uncertainties

The Company has a planned wind-up date of 31 May 2008. As indicated in the 2007
annual report, the Board has been considering the options and the feasibility
of providing a rollover or extension of life scheme for shareholders. This
process continues. The merits of such a scheme are that it would provide
shareholders with a means of mitigating potential capital gains tax
liabilities, provide a cost effective way for investors to retain exposure to
what has been a successful investment strategy and possibly reduce the
potentially detrimental impact of liquidating the whole portfolio against what
could prove to be an unfavourable market background. The Board has appointed
Cenkos Securities plc as Corporate Broker to assist it in the process of
considering the various options.

The principal risk and uncertainty facing the Company over the coming months is
the market risk and uncertainty associated with the possible need to liquidate
the portfolio in volatile conditions, particularly evident in recent days.
Falling equity markets and poor liquidity in the stocks in which your Company
is invested could impact on the terminal asset value for the Capital shares and
Income shares. Foreign exchange movements are an added risk factor, although
the recent change in sentiment affecting the Sterling/Dollar exchange rate
could, if sustained, be advantageous. As we approach the Company's planned
wind-up date, we are increasingly persuaded of the desirability of achieving an
ongoing vehicle that will enable shareholders to benefit from the proven
success of your Manager's investment approach and the longer term prospects of
many of the stocks that the Company holds.

Lord Lang of Monkton
29 January 2008

Investment Adviser's report: US Growth portfolio

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

For the six months ended 30 November 2007, the US Growth portfolio had a return
in Sterling of 1.6% against a loss of 12.3% in the Russell 2000. For the same
period, the US Growth portfolio had a Dollar return of 4.4% against a loss of
8.8% in the Russell 2000. Since the Company's inception, a period of 6.7 years
to 30 November 2007, the US Growth portfolio has exceeded the returns of all
major US indices. Measured in Sterling, the US Growth portfolio had an
annualised rate of return of 14.6%, against the Russell 2000's annual return of
3.8%. Measured in Dollars, the US Growth portfolio had an annualised rate of
return of 19.6%, against the Russell 2000's annual return of 9.7%.

At 30 November 2007, the US Growth portfolio was valued at approximately $176
million. At the end of the interim period, the portfolio had 29% of its assets
in cash, fixed income and privately placed debt instruments and 71% of its
assets in equities. Below is a table showing our top ten holdings and their
respective allocations. The top ten holdings represent 34% of the portfolio.

Top ten holdings by company as at 30 November 2007

Company                                        Value       Allocation
                                                US$                % 
Fushi International, Inc.                  9,199,125              5.2
Zhongpin, Inc.                             8,771,045              5.0
Bovie Medical Corp.                        7,051,000              4.0
Points International, Ltd.                 6,260,000              3.5
Integrated Security Systems, Inc           5,677,562              3.2
Comtech Group, Inc.                        5,322,000              3.0
Quintana Maritime Limited                  5,310,000              3.0
Cover-All Technologies, Inc.               5,135,720              2.9
Medical Action Industries, Inc.            3,751,875              2.1
Williams Companies, Inc.                   3,471,000              2.0
                                          59,949,327             33.9

Below are highlights from three of the top holdings.

Fushi International, Inc. (OTC: FSIN) has risen from the third to the largest
holding after appreciating 38% over the last six months. Including the exercise
of warrants, this holding has appreciated 458% since our investment in December
of 2005. Fushi is the largest non-state owned manufacturer of bimetallic cable
products in China, with a significant market share amongst domestic suppliers.
Bimetallic composite products are used in cable television, telecommunications,
utility, electronics and other industrial applications.

The Company's sound strategy is to first dominate the Chinese market, and then
to aggressively take international market share. This was demonstrated recently
when the company announced a definitive agreement to acquire US based
Copperweld Bimetallics. The North American leader, Copperweld Bimetallics was
established in 1915 and has the most well known brand name in the industry
worldwide. Upon completion, this will give Fushi significant additional
manufacturing capacity, new intellectual property and, most importantly, new
distribution channels throughout North and South America as well as Europe.

For the twelve months ended June 2007, Fushi had earnings of $19 million on
revenues of $82 million. The addition of Copperweld should more than double the
size of the company. On 31 October, Fushi announced that it sold 2.8 million
shares for $14 per share raising $39 million. The company also provided
guidance of between $0.86 and $0.96 earnings per share for 2007 and $1.50 to
$1.60 per share for 2008. Fushi International is another example of the
benefits of partnering with successful founders. We believe this company has
the potential to increase few fold over the upcoming years.

Points International, Ltd (OTC: PTSEF) is new to the top ten list due to its
340% appreciation since it was acquired in the open market within the last
year. A provider of information technology solutions to the loyalty industry,
it owns and operates, a reward program management portal that
enables consumers to earn, buy, gift, share, swap and redeem airline miles and
points with various loyalty programs and retail partners worldwide. This "web
2.0" company is growing rapidly evidenced by its 75% annual revenue growth
reported for the second quarter of 2007. With virtually no competition, we
expect Points to continue to dominate this market and become the sole
"exchange" for businesses and consumers to manage their loyalty programs.

Quintana Maritime Limited (NASDAQ: QMAR) remained on the top ten list even
though we sold half of our position. During the six months ended 30 November,
Quintana appreciated 70%. A provider of dry bulk marine transportation services
internationally, Quintana has benefitted from a rapid increase in the price of
shipping services as China and India place increasing demands upon the world's
grain and iron ore supplies. The average price of renting a ship to carry raw
materials from Brazil to China has nearly tripled to $180,000 per day from just
a year ago. In some cases, ocean shipping can be more expensive than the cargo
itself. Iron ore, for example, costs about $60 per ton, but ship owners are
currently charging about $88 per ton to transport it from Brazil to Asia.
Quintana has the largest fleet of young ships with the longest time charters of
any publicly-traded dry bulk shipper. Quintana has been a less risky way to
participate in the rapid growth of Asian markets.

New investments

We are enthusiastic about the growth prospects of several new investments made
since 31 May 2007. During the period, your Company invested approximately $10
million into 9 new companies. Below is a list of these investments with a brief
description followed by further highlights on three of these investments.

AuraSound (OTC: HMCU) engages in the design, development, manufacture and sale
of audio speakers and micro-audio products used in television sets, computers
and cell phones.

BPO Management Services, Inc. (OTC: BPOM) provides back-office business process
outsourcing services to middle market organisations in the United States.

China Fortune Acquisition Corp. (OTC: CFAUF) is a special purpose acquisition
corporation which intends to acquire through merger, capital stock exchange,
asset acquisition or other business combination with an operating business in

Foothills Resources (OTC: FTRS) engages in the acquisition exploration and
development of oil and gas properties in northern California, Texas and

Gaoke Energy Group (OTC: CSCA) is the largest Chinese engineering company
providing design, construction, installation and operating expertise for
distributed power generation and micro power networks in China. This company is
currently known as Chardan South China Acquisition Corporation.

HLS Systems International (OTC: HLSYF) is one of the leading automation control
systems providers in China. HLS automation equipment is used in the nuclear,
rail, subway, light rail and petrochemical industries.

Narrowstep, Inc. (OTC: NRWS) produces, transmits and manages streaming video
broadcasts via the Internet and television (TV) channels in Europe, Asia and
the US.

Petrohunter Energy Corp. (OTC: PHUN) engages in the acquisition, exploration,
development and production of crude oil and natural gas reserves in the western
US and Australia.

Vertical Branding, Inc. (OTC: VBDG) operates as a consumer product branding,
marketing and distribution company in the US.


During the six months ended 30 November 2007 the US Growth portfolio sold
approximately $22 million in securities, more than two times the Dollar amount
of new investments. We sold all of our Cano Petroleum for $1.8 million making a
gain of $538,000. We sold our entire $1.3 million position in ChinaBak Battery
for a slight gain. We sold two of our convertible debentures, Compudyne and
Kaman Corporation for $1.5 million. We sold all of our Express-1 Expedited
Solutions for a small loss. We sold approximately half of our Gasco Energy,
realising sale proceeds of $3.8 million from a cost basis of just $1.3. The
largest sale and capital gain came from KHD Humbolt Wedag where we realised
sale proceeds of $5.5 million from a cost of just $456,000. The second largest
sale was that of Quintana Maritime where we sold half of our position for $5.4
million. In addition to the above, your Company made a partial sale of US Home
Systems and a complete sale of Vaso Active Pharmaceuticals. Uninvested cash was
used in August 2007 to repay the $25 million bank loan with a further $26.968
million repayment made after the period end.

RENN Capital Group, Inc.
29 January 2008

Investment Manager's report: Income portfolio

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

The FTSE 100 Index of larger companies produced a total return of minus 1.2%
while the broader based FTSE All-Share Index generated minus 3.1%. Our
investment company and reverse convertible bond portfolios, together
constituting the Income portfolio, produced a minus 11.1% total return. Poorest
performance was from the investment company exposure and specifically high
yielding geared ordinary shares. The FD/AIC Split Capital Ordinary Income Share
Index was down 15.8%.

Investment company portfolio

We moved to a more defensive position within the investment company portfolio,
while the UK market rallied almost 15% between mid August and mid October in
response to a 25 basis point cut in interest rates by the monetary policy
committee. In particular, we sold or reduced our holdings in leveraged ordinary
income shares improving the portfolio's liquidity and protecting capital as the
market retreated. Stocks sold included New Star Financial, Jupiter Second
Enhanced and Investec High Income.

Our holding in Investors Capital `A' shares was sold towards the October peak
while funds were received from our holding in Premier Pacific which paid a
large terminal dividend when it returned cash to shareholders. We have opted
for cash in Schroder Split's scheme on wind-up.

The result of these sales was to reduce our exposure to high income and split
capital investment companies within the Income portfolio from �13.6 million to
�5.9 million equivalent to 7.2% of assets attributable to shareholders.

Most of the funds raised from investment companies had been reinvested in short
bonds and certificates of deposit.

Bond portfolio

The reverse convertible bond ("RCB") holdings returned a loss in total return
terms despite generating an income in excess of 5%. Over the same period the
FTSE 100 Index lost -1.2% including dividends. RCBs linked to Kingfisher, DSGI,
LogicaCMG and Wolseley were all particularly disappointing. Noteworthy good
performances came from RCBs linked to BP and Rio Tinto.

Money raised in the investment company portfolio has been invested into short
bonds and certificates of deposits ("CDs"). Money markets have become
distressed following various financial institutions reporting losses on assets
related to US sub-prime mortgages. This has presented an unusual opportunity to
invest in cash equivalents on yields significantly above the Bank of England's
base rate. Over �4 million has been invested into CDs and short bonds,
generally achieving discount yields in excess of 6%.

At 30 November 2007, the RCBs had an income yield over 11% and an average
weighted life of 18 months.

Premier Fund Managers
29 January 2008

Interim management report

Listed companies are now required by the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency
Rules to include an interim management report within their half yearly results.
The Company's interim management report is comprised of the information
contained in the Chairman's statement, the Investment Adviser's report, the
Investment Manager's report and the risk factors contained in this half yearly

The interim management report and the financial statements have not been
reviewed or audited by the Company's Auditor.

Responsibility statements

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

(a) the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared in     
    accordance with applicable accounting standards in the United Kingdom,    
    gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position 
    and profit of the Company as required by the Disclosure and Transparency  
    Rule ("DTR") 4.2.4R,                                                      
(b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information   
    required by DTR 4.2.7R, being an indication of the important events that  
    have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their 
    impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of 
    the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the 
(c) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information   
    required by DTR 4.2.8R, being related party transactions that have taken  
    place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have 
    materially affected the financial position and performance of the entity  
    during that period, and any changes in the related party transactions     
    described in the last annual report that could do so.                     

This half yearly report was approved by the Board of Directors on 29 January
2008 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the

Lord Lang of Monkton
29 January 2008

Financial summary


                        30 November       31 May        Change      Premium/
                               2007         2007             %    (discount)

Assets attributable to       82,111       84,958        (3.35)               
shareholders (�'000)                                                         
Gross assets (�'000)**      103,638      119,948       (13.60)               
Net asset value per Zero      175.05p      167.80p       4.32                
Preference share***                                                          
Mid-market price per Zero     175.25p      169.50p       3.39           0.11 
Preference share                                                             
Net asset value per           101.64p*     101.60p       0.04                
Income share***                                                              
Mid-market price per           93.00p       92.75p       0.27          (8.50)
Income share                                                                 
Net asset value per            14.94p       22.68p     (34.13)               
Capital share***                                                             
Mid-market price per           14.00p       15.50p      (9.68)         (6.29)
Capital share                                                                
Net asset value per Unit*     116.58p*     124.28p      (6.20)               
(1 Capital share and 1                                                       
Income share)                                                                
Mid-market price per Unit     107.50p      106.75p       0.70          (7.79)

                    Six months  Six months to     Change 
                             to   30 November          % 
                     30November          2006            
                           2007         pence            
Return per Income          1.32          1.40      (5.71)
Net dividend paid          2.40          2.30       4.35 
per Income share                                         

*Including current period revenue.

**Total assets less current liabilities (excluding bank loan and net assets
attributable to shareholders).

*** Net asset values calculated in accordance with Articles of Association.

                                        As at
Hurdle rates                                 
Zero Dividend Preference shares:             
Hurdle return rate to share price      (78.8)
of 175.25p                                   
Hurdle rate to redemption price of     (77.8)
182.608201p on 31 May 2008                   
Income shares:                               
Hurdle return rate to share price      (13.1)
of 93.00p                                    
Hurdle rate to redemption price of      (6.6)
100.00p on 31 May 2008                       
Capital shares:                              
Hurdle return rate to share price        7.4 
of 14.00p                                    
Hurdle return rate to unit price of      0.8 

Source: Fundamental Data Limited (all rights reserved).

                                    Six months Six months
                                            to         to
                                            30         30
                                      November   November
                                          2007       2006
                                             %          %
Total return                                             
Total return on assets attributable     (1.97)     (2.81)
to shareholders*                                         
Total return on gross assets*           (2.48)     (3.48)
Total return on US Growth portfolio      1.56      (3.21)
Total return on US Growth portfolio      4.45       1.25 
Russell 2000 Index (�) - total         (12.29)      4.38 
Russell 2000 Index ($) - total          (8.83)      9.72 
Total return on Income portfolio**     (11.10)      9.93 
FD/AIC SCI Ordinary Income Share -     (15.83)     11.01 
total return***                                          
FD/AIC SCI Income Share - total         (1.39)     13.43 
FTSE All-Share Total Return Index       (3.10)      8.62 
Total return per Unit***                 2.20      (1.34)
Total return per Income share***         2.00       5.07 
Total expenses ratio/cost of             0.88       0.91 
running the Company                                      

*Total return performance calculated, adjusted for any dividends distributed,
share buybacks and any impact due to the change in accounting standards, using
previous UK GAAP monthly data up to 31 December 2005 and revised UK GAAP
monthly data thereafter.

**Total return performance calculated, before deduction of bank interest,
management fees and other expenses, using previous UK GAAP monthly data up to
31 December 2005 and revised UK GAAP monthly data thereafter.

*** Source: Fundamental Data Limited (all rights reserved).

US Growth portfolio:
Principal investments

as at 30 November 2007

                                                      Fair  % of assets
                                                     value attributable
                                                     �'000           to
Company            Classification   Sector                             
US T-Bill          Government stock Government      12,125        14.77
Fushi              Common stock     Industrial       4,474         5.45
Zhongpin           Convertible pref Food processing  4,266         5.20
                   Common stock                                        
Bovie Medical      Common stock     Medical          3,429         4.18
Points             Common stock     Internet         3,045         3.71
International                       software                           
                                    & services                         
Integrated         Loan notes/      Security &       2,752         3.35
Security Systems   Convertible      protection                         
                   deb/Common stock services                           
Comtech Group      Common stock     Consumer goods   2,588         3.15
Quintana Maritime  Common stock     Shipping         2,582         3.15
Cover-All          Common stock/    Application      2,499         3.04
Technologies                        software                           
Medical Action     Common stock     Medical          1,825         2.22
Industries                          equipment                          
Williams Companies Common stock     Oil & gas        1,688         2.06
Gasco Energy       Common stock     Oil & gas        1,629         1.98
OmniVision         Common stock     Semiconductions  1,358         1.65
China Security &   Common stock/    Business         1,294         1.58
Surveillance       Warrants         security                           
Skystar            Convertible deb/ Pharmaceuticals  1,292         1.57
Bio-Pharmaceutical Warrants                                            
Silverleaf         Common stock     Property         1,274         1.55
eOriginal Holdings Convertible pref Software         1,242         1.51
Motorcar Parts of  Common stock     Auto parts       1,241         1.51
Hanwei Energy      Common stock     Oil & gas        1,231         1.50
services                            equipment                          
                                    & services                         
BPO Management     Convertible pref Application      1,193         1.45
Services           /Warrants        software                           
                                                    53,027        64.58

As at 30 November 2007, the US Growth portfolio consisted of 172 holdings in 92
companies with a total market value of �81,628,000, excluding cash, being
99.41% of assets attributable to shareholders.

Income portfolio (Investment Companies):
All investments
as at 30 November 2007

                                               Fair   % of assets
                                              value  attributable
                                              �'000            to
Company                  Classification                          
Acorn Income             Ordinary shares      1,019          1.24
Small Companies Dividend Ordinary shares        886          1.08
Investec High Income     Ordinary shares        585          0.71
Middlefield Canadian     Redeemable             492          0.60
Income                   participating                           
                         preference shares                       
Glasgow Income           Ordinary shares        470          0.57
European Assets          Ordinary shares        444          0.54
Edinburgh New Income     Ordinary shares        440          0.54
M & G High Income        Income shares          317          0.39
Babcock & Brown Public   Ordinary shares        309          0.38
T2 Income                Ordinary shares        240          0.29
Ecofin Water & Power     Ordinary shares        184          0.22
HSBC Infrastructure      Ordinary shares        173          0.21
Rutley European Property Convertible            108          0.13
                         preference shares                       
Kenmore European         Ordinary shares        105          0.13
Henderson High Income    Ordinary shares         76          0.09
INVESCO Leveraged High   Ordinary shares         52          0.06
Aberdeen Asian Income    Warrants                 9          0.01
City Merchant High Yield Ordinary shares          6          0.01
                                              5,915          7.20

Income portfolio (Reverse Convertible Bonds):

Principal investments
as at 30 November 2007

                           Year of   Strike     Fair  % of assets
                          maturity   price*    value attributable
                                               �'000           to
Reverse Convertible                                              
National Australia            2008       -     1,000         1.22
Bank 6.50% CD 28/01/08                                           
Ulster Bank 6.38% CD          2008       -       800         0.97
ING Bank 5.49% CD 02/         2008       -       699         0.85
KPN 8.25% Mtn Stp 11/         2008       -       503         0.61
Deutsche Bank 5.875%          2008       -       399         0.49
CD 08/02/08                                                      
GE Capital UK Funding         2010       -       293         0.36
4.75% 15/12/10                                                   
Rabo 9.62% 03/07/09           2009   566.00p     291         0.35
Barclays 10.90% 16/08/        2010 1,695.00p     276         0.34
10 (Land Securities)                                             
SG 11.04% 06/02/09            2009   172.00p     210         0.26
(DSG Intl)                                                       
Rabo 10.15% 18/05/09          2009   126.00p     203         0.25
Danske 5.525% CD 04/01        2008       -       200         0.24
DB 9.84% 18/06/10             2010 1,270.00p     196         0.24
Barclays 10.00% 03/10/        2008   744.00p     196         0.24
2008 (Emap)                                                      
Rabo 10.00% 22/02/2008        2008   641.00p     185         0.22
DB 11.20% 09/03/09            2009   177.00p     180         0.22
HBOS 6.0884% Non                 -        -      177         0.21
Barclays 10.01% 17/08/        2009   959.00p     167         0.20
09 (HBOS)                                                        
Calyon 10.25% 08/12/08        2008   397.75p     147         0.18
(Bae Systems)                                                    
DB 9.05% 02/03/09             2009   544.50p     140         0.17

SG 10.14% 10/11/08            2008 1,407.00p     136         0.17
                                               6,398         7.79

As at 30 November 2007, the Income portfolio consisted of 57 holdings with a
total market value of �12,911,000, excluding cash, being 15.72% of the assets
attributable to shareholders.

* Strike prices are in Sterling unless otherwise stated.

Risks of investing

The principal risk and uncertainty facing the Company over the coming months is
the market risk and uncertainty associated with the possible need to liquidate
the portfolio in volatile conditions. Falling equity markets and poor liquidity
in the stocks in which your Company is invested could impact on the terminal
asset value for the Capital shares and Income shares. Foreign exchange
movements are an added risk factor, although the recent change in sentiment
affecting the Sterling/Dollar exchange rate could, if sustained, be

The capital structure of the Company includes gearing through bank debt and, in
respect of any one share class, through the capital attributable to any prior
ranking share class. This gearing means that for any movement - up or down - in
the Company's gross assets there will (in most circumstances) be a greater
percentage movement in the net asset value of the Capital shares and the Units.
This in turn may be reflected in greater volatility in the share prices of the
Capital shares and Units and adds to the risk associated with these
investments. If the final capital entitlement of the Income shares (100p) is
uncovered, the movement of the NAV of the Income shares will also be geared in
the same way, as would the NAV attributable to the Zero Dividend Preference
shares if their current entitlement to assets were uncovered. This adds to the
risk associated with these investments. If, on a wind-up, the gross assets of
the Company are insufficient to cover the bank loan and the capital
entitlements of prior ranking share classes, the terminal asset value of any of
the share classes where the prior ranking liabilities are uncovered could be

The dividend on the Income shares and hence also on the Units depends on the
receipt of interest payments and dividends from the securities in which the
Company invests.

Investments by the Company in the shares of other investment companies may be
themselves substantially geared by prior charges, resulting in the potential
for greater volatility in the share prices of investments in the Income

The Zero Dividend Preference shares rank after the repayment of bank debt but
ahead of the Income shares and the Capital shares for repayment of capital on a
winding-up of the Company and hence can be regarded as lower risk in respect of
capital entitlement than the other two classes of share. A decline in the gross
assets of the Company could result in the Zero Dividend Preference shares
failing to receive their full redemption value on wind-up and if gross assets
were equal to or less than the amount required to repay the bank loan and other
liquidation costs, you would lose all of your capital invested in the Zero
Dividend Preference shares.

The income and the capital value of the Company's investments can be
significantly affected, either favourably or unfavourably, by currency
movements as a significant proportion of the Company's assets and income is
denominated in US Dollars.

A proportion of the Company's assets is invested in smaller and unquoted
companies which are inherently higher in risk and have a lower marketability
than larger listed companies.

Income statement (unaudited)
for the six months ended 30 November 2007

                      Period 1 June to 30       Period 1 June to 30   
                         November 2007             November 2006      
                          (unaudited)               (unaudited)       
                   Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                     �'000    �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000 
Losses on                 -  (2,788) (2,788)        -  (2,596) (2,596)
investments at                                                        
value through                                                         
profit or loss                                                        
Income               1,496        -   1,496    1,690        -   1,690 
Investment            (222)    (520)   (742)    (237)    (555)   (792)
management fee                                                        
Other expenses        (169)       -    (169)    (244)       -    (244)
Exchange gains/           -   1,815   1,815         -  (1,115) (1,115)
(losses) on                                                           
capital items                                                         
Movement in fair          -    (417)   (417)        -   1,756   1,756 
value of                                                              
Net return before    1,105   (1,910)   (805)   1,209   (2,510) (1,301)
finance costs                                                         
and taxation                                                          
Finance costs                                                         
Interest payable      (254)    (593)   (847)    (297)    (692)   (989)
and similar                                                           
Appropriations in                                                     
respect of:                                                           
Zero Dividend            -   (1,053) (1,053)       -     (963)   (963)
Preference shares                                                     
Income shares         (657)    (671) (1,328)    (697)    (654) (1,351)
Capital shares           -    4,036   4,036        -    4,628   4,628 
Return on ordinary     194     (191)      3      215     (191)     24 
before taxation                                                       
Taxation on           (194)     191      (3)    (215)     191     (24)
                         -        -       -        -        -       - 
Return per share      pence    pence   pence    pence    pence   pence
(FRS 25)                                                              
Capital share            -    (8.07)  (8.07)       -    (9.26)  (9.26)
Income share          1.32     1.35    2.67     1.40     1.32    2.72 
Zero Dividend            -     7.63    7.63        -     6.98    6.98 
Preference share                                                      
Unit (1 Capital, 1    1.32    (6.72)  (5.40)    1.40    (7.94)  (6.54)

The total column of this statement is the income statement of the Company. The
supplementary revenue return and capital return column have been prepared in
accordance with the AIC's SORP. Revenue and capital return per share figures
shown are also supplementary information.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations. There are no recognised gains or losses other than those passing
through the income statement.

Income statement (unaudited)

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

Year ended 31 May                     

Revenue Capital   Total               
  �'000   �'000   �'000               
      -   3,703   3,703 Gains on      
                        investments at
                        value through 
                        profit or loss
 3,477     100   3,577  Income        
  (474) (1,106) (1,580) Investment    
                        management fee
  (555)       -   (555) Other expenses
     -  (1,037) (1,037) Exchange      
                        losses on     
                        capital items 
     -   1,668   1,668  Movement in   
                        fair value of 
 2,448   3,328   5,776  Net return    
                        before finance
                        and taxation  
                        Finance costs 
  (590) (1,376) (1,966) Interest      
                        payable and   
                        in respect of:
     -  (1,965) (1,965) Zero Dividend 
(1,435) (1,313) (2,748) Income shares 
     -     928     928  Capital shares
   423    (398)     25  Return on     
  (423)    398     (25) Taxation on   
    -        -      -                 
  pence   pence   pence Return per    
                        share (FRS 25 
     -   (1.86)  (1.86) Capital share 
  2.89    2.64    5.53  Income share  
     -   14.24   14.24  Zero Dividend 
  2.89    0.78    3.67  Unit (1       
                        Capital, 1    

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been
prepared in accordance with the AIC's SORP. Revenue and capital return per
share figures shown are also supplementary information.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations. There are no recognised gains or losses other than those passing
through the income statement.

Statement of movements in net assets attributable to shareholders (unaudited)
for the six months ended 30 November 2007

                                    Period      Period      Year 
                                 1 June to   1 June to     ended 
                                30 November 30 November   31 May 
                                       2007       2006           
                                (unaudited) (unaudited)    �'000 
Net assets attributable to          84,958      82,713    82,713 
shareholders at the start of                                     
the period                                                       
Appropriations to shareholders                                   
Zero Dividend Preference shares      1,053         963     1,965 
Income shares                        1,328       1,351     2,748 
Capital shares                      (4,036)     (4,628)     (928)
                                    (1,655)     (2,314)    3,785 
Dividends paid to Income            (1,192)     (1,142)   (1,540)
Net assets attributable to          82,111      79,257    84,958  
shareholders at period end                                       

Balance sheet (unaudited)
as at 30 November 2007

                                   30    31 May          30
                             November      2007    November 
                                 2007  (audited)       2006 
                           (unaudited)    �'000  (unaudited)
                                �'000                 �'000 
Fixed assets                                                
Investments at fair value      94,539   110,712      90,540 
Currency swap                   1,414     1,728       1,581 
Cap and collar cylinder            82       172         457 
Interest rate swap                 29        41           - 
                               96,064   112,653      92,578 
Current assets                                              
Debtors                           917     1,325         595 
Cash at bank                    6,911     6,479      21,461 
                                7,828     7,804      22,056 
Creditors - amounts                                         
falling due within one year                                                        
Creditors                         254       509         383 
Bank loan                      21,527    34,990           - 
Net assets attributable to     82,111    84,958           - 
                              103,892   120,457         383 
Net current (liabilities)/    (96,064) (112,653)     21,673 
Total assets less current           -         -     114,251 
Creditors - amount falling                                  
due after more than one year                                                        
Bank loan                           -         -      34,985 
Interest rate swap                  -         -           9 
Currency swap                       -         -           - 
Cap and collar cylinder             -         -           - 
Assets attributable to              -         -      79,257 
                                    -         -     114,251 
                                    -         -           - 
Net asset values per share     pence     pence       pence  
(FRS 25)                                                    
Capital share                   15.29     23.37       15.96 
Income share                   101.40    101.13       99.12 
Zero Dividend Preference       174.63    167.00      159.74 
Unit                           116.69    124.50      115.08 

Statement of cashflows (unaudited)

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

                              Period      Period      Year 
                           1 June to   1 June to     ended 
                          30 November 30 November   31 May 
                                2007        2006  (audited)
                          (unaudited) (unaudited)    �'000 
                               �'000       �'000           
Operating activities                                       
Investment income              1,155       1,041     2,268 
Deposit interest received        162         369       766 
Investment management           (808)       (798)   (1,532)
fees paid                                                  
Secretarial fees paid            (46)        (36)      (89)
Other cash payments             (192)       (232)     (394)
Net cash inflow from             271         344     1,019 
operating activities                                       
Servicing of finance                                       
Interest paid                   (841)       (985)   (1,958)
Non-equity dividends paid     (1,192)     (1,142)   (1,540)
(Income shares)                                            
Net cash outflow from         (2,033)     (2,127)   (3,498)
servicing of finance                                       
Corporation tax paid               -           -         - 
Income tax recovered               -           -         - 
Total taxation paid                -           -         - 
Capital expenditure and                                    
financial investment                                       
Purchases of investments    (113,016)    (11,240)  (96,447)
Sales of investments         127,111      22,501    93,406 
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                                  
from capital expenditure                                   
and financial investment      14,095      11,261    (3,041)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)     12,333       9,478    (5,520)
before financing                                           
Repayment of loan            (11,789)          -         - 
Net cash outflow from        (11,789)          -         - 
Net cash inflow/(outflow)        544       9,478    (5,520)
after financing                                            
Increase/(decrease) in           544       9,478    (5,520)

Notes to the half yearly financial report

for the six months ended 30 November 2007

1. basis of preparation

This financial information has been prepared under the historical cost
convention as modified by the revaluation of certain investments and in
accordance with the Accounting Standard Board's ("ASB") Statement on Half
Yearly Financial Reports, applicable law and Accounting Standards in the United
Kingdom ("UK GAAP") and with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial
Statements of Investment Trust Companies" ("SORP") issued by the Association of
Investment Companies ("AIC") in January 2003 and revised in December 2005 and
in accordance with accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for
the year ended 31 May 2007.

2. revenue appropriations in respect of income shares

Revenue appropriations in respect of Income shares are split between dividends
paid in the period and the remaining balance of the revenue account for the

                                      Period        Period         Year 
                                   1 June to     1 June to        ended 
                                 30 November   30 November  31 May 2007 
                                        2007          2006              
                                       �'000         �'000              
Dividends                              1,192         1,142        1,540 
Residual balance of revenue             (535)         (445)        (105)
Total revenue appropriations in          657           697        1,435 
respect of Income shares                                                
Dividends are comprised as                                              
Relating to prior period                                                
Third interim paid of 0.80p net          398           348          348 
(2006: 0.70p)                                                           
Fourth interim paid of 0.80p             397           397          397 
net (2006: 0.80p)                                                       
                                         795           745          745 
Relating to current period                                              
First interim paid of 0.80p net          397           397          397 
(2006: 0.80p)                                                           
Second interim not yet paid                -             -          398 
(2006: 0.80p)                                                           
                                       1,192         1,142        1,540 

In addition a second interim dividend of 0.80p per Income share will be paid on
16 February 2008. This dividend relates to the period 1 June to 30 November
2007, but in accordance with the Company's accounting policies it is recognised
in the period in which it is paid.

3. return per share

                     Period 1 June to        Period 1 June to         Year ended    
                    30 November 2007         30 November 2006         31 May 2007   

                 Revenue Capital   Total Revenue Capital    Total Revenue Capital Total        
                   pence  Pence    pence    pence  pence    pence    pence  pence pence        
Return per                                                                               
share (FRS 25)                                                                           
Capital share          -  (8.07)   (8.07)       -  (9.26)   (9.26)       -  (1.86) (1.86)
Income share        1.32  1.35      2.67     1.40   1.32     2.72     2.89   2.64   5.53 
Zero Dividend          -  7.63      7.63        -   6.98     6.98        -  14.24  14.24 
Unit (1             1.32  (6.72)   (5.40)    1.40  (7.94)   (6.54)    2.89   0.78   3.67 
Capital, 1                                                                               

Capital shares

The return per Capital share is based on appropriations for the period of loss
�4,036,000 (period 1 June 2006 to 30 November 2006: loss �4,628,000; year ended
31 May 2007: loss �928,000) and on 50,000,000 (period 1 June 2006 to 30
November 2006: 50,000,000; year ended 31 May 2007: 50,000,000) Capital shares.

Income shares

The revenue return per Income share is based on revenue appropriations of �
657,000 (period 1 June 2006 to 30 November 2006: �697,000; year ended
31 May 2007: �1,435,000) and on 49,670,000 (period 1 June 2006 to 30 November
2006: 49,670,000; year ended 31 May 2007: 49,670,000) Income shares being the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The capital
return per Income share is based on an annualised redemption yield from 12
April 2001 of approximately 2.79% and on 49,670,000 Income shares.

The redemption yield is contingent on the Company having sufficient assets at
the time of redemption.

Zero Dividend Preference shares

The return per Zero Dividend Preference shares is based on an annualised
redemption yield from 12 April 2001 of approximately 8.8%, and on 13,799,000
(period 1 June 2006 to 30 November 2006: 13,799,000; year ended 31 May 2007:
13,799,000) being the weighted average number in issue during the period 1 June
2006 to 31 May 2007.

The return per share based on the allocation of available assets in the event
of a return of capital in accordance with the Articles of Association was:

                  Period 1 June to           Period 1 June to          Year ended    
                  30 November 2007           30 November 2006          31 May 2007   

                Revenue Capital   Total  Revenue Capital   Total  Revenue Capital Total        
                   pence pence    pence     pence pence    pence     pence pence  pence        
Return per                                                                              
Capital shares         - (7.74)   (7.74)        - (8.95)   (8.95)        - (1.23) (1.23)
Income shares       1.32  1.12     2.44      1.40  1.10     2.50      2.89  2.20   5.09 
Zero Dividend          -  7.25     7.25         -  6.66     6.66         - 13.57  13.57 
Unit (1             1.32 (6.62)   (5.30)     1.40 (7.85)   (6.45)     2.89  0.97   3.86 
Capital, 1                                                                              

4. Net asset values

Total net asset values attributable to shareholders calculated in accordance
with FRS 25 are as follows:

                               30    31 May        30
                         November            November
                             2007                2006
                            �'000               �'000
For the purposes of                                  
calculating net asset                                
Total net assets                                     
attributable to:                                     
- Capital shareholders      7,646   11,682     7,982 
- Income shareholders      50,368   50,232    49,233 
- Zero Dividend            24,097   23,044    22,042 
Preference shareholders                              
                           82,111   84,958    79,257 
- Unit holders             58,014   61,914    57,215 
                            pence    pence     pence 
Net asset value per:*                                
- Capital share             15.29    23.37     15.96 
- Income share             101.40   101.13     99.12 
- Zero Dividend            174.63   167.00    159.74 
Preference share                                     
- Unit                     116.69   124.50    115.08 
They are represented by:                             
                                30  31 May         30
                         November           November 
                             2007               2006 
                            �'000              �'000 
Share capital                 113      113       113 
Special reserve            60,983   60,983    60,983 
Capital redemption              2        2         2 
Capital reserve -          (9,755) (13,563)  (12,379)
Capital reserve -          10,887   18,731    13,847 
Redemption reserve         18,502   16,778    15,117 
Revenue reserve             1,379    1,914     1,574 
Assets attributable to     82,111   84,958    79,257 

* Net asset values per share calculated on the number of shares in issue of:

                               30     31 May         30
                         November              November
                             2007                  2006
- Capital share        50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
- Income share         49,670,000 49,670,000 49,670,000
- Zero Dividend        13,799,000 13,799,000 13,799,000
Preference share                                       

Total net asset values attributable to shareholders calculated in accordance
with the Company's Articles of Association are as follows:

                                30  31 May       30
                          November         November
                              2007             2006
                             �'000            �'000
For the purposes of                                
calculating net asset                              
Total net assets                                   
attributable to:                                   
- Capital shareholders       7,471  11,340    7,480
- Income shareholders       50,485  50,463   49,575
- Zero Dividend             24,155  23,155   22,202
Preference shareholders                            
                            82,111  84,958   79,257
- Unit holders              57,956  61,803   57,055
                             pence   pence    pence
Net asset value per:*                              
- Capital share              14.94   22.68    14.96
- Income share              101.64  101.60    99.81
- Zero Dividend             175.05  167.80   160.89
Preference share                                   
- Unit                      116.58  124.28   114.77

Amounts attributable to Income shareholders and Zero Dividend Preference
shareholders are increased monthly or compounded at a daily compound rate as
set out in the Company's Articles of Association whereas their entitlements,
calculated under FRS 25, are lower due to adjustments made relating to their
share issue costs.

The net asset values calculated (on both bases above) include unaudited current
period revenue net of dividends paid as at 30 November 2007 and 2006.

The bi-weekly net asset values released to the stock exchange are calculated in
accordance with AIC guidelines, and exclude unaudited current period revenue
and dividends relating to the current accounting period. At 30 November 2007,
the difference between the two methods equated to �260,000 (0.52p per Income

* Net asset values per share calculated on the number of shares in issue as

                              30     31 May         30
                        November              November
                            2007                  2006
- Capital share       50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
- Income share        49,670,000 49,670,000 49,670,000
- Zero Dividend       13,799,000 13,799,000 13,799,000
Preference share                                      

5. movement in assets attributable to shareholders on a winding-up

                     Capital Special  Capital    Capital Redemption Revenue
                  redemption reserve  reserve    reserve    reserve reserve
                     reserve   �'000 realised unrealised      �'000   �'000
                       �'000            �'000      �'000                   
Balance brought                                                            
1 June 2007                2  60,983 (13,563)    18,731     16,778   1,914 
Gains/(losses) on          -       -   4,526     (7,314)         -       - 
Exchange gains/                                                            
(losses) on                                                                
capital item               -       -   1,928       (113)         -       - 
Movements in fair                                                          
value of                                                                   
derivative                 -       -       -       (417)         -       - 
Costs charged to           -       -  (1,113)         -          -       - 
Tax relief on              -       -     191          -          -       - 
capital costs                                                              
Appropriations in                                                          
respect of:                                                                
Zero Dividend                                                              
shares                     -       -  (1,053)         -       1,053      - 
Income shares              -       -    (671)         -         671      - 
Net revenue                -       -       -          -           -   (535)
At 30 November             2  60,983  (9,755)    10,887      18,502  1,379 

6. movement in fair value of derivative financial instruments

                           Period    Period     Year
                        1 June to 1 June to    ended
                               30        30   31 May
                         November  November         
                             2007      2006         
                            �'000     �'000         
Interest rate swap          (314)     1,352    1,499
Currency swap                (12)        45       95
Cap and collar cylinder      (91)       359       74
                            (417)     1,756    1,668


The tax charge for the six months ended 30 November 2007 of �3,000 (period 1
June 2006 to 30 November 2006: �24,000; year ended 31 May 2007: �25,000)
relates to irrecoverable taxation charged on overseas income.

The Company has an effective tax rate of 0% for the year ending 31 May 2008.
The estimated effective tax rate is 0% as investment gains are exempt from tax
owing to the company status as an Investment Trust and there is expected to be
an excess of management expenses over taxable income.


                                     30        30  31 May
                                November November        
                                    2007     2006        
                                   �'000    �'000        
Net return before finance costs    (805)  (1,301)  5,776 
and taxation                                             
Losses/(gains) on investment      2,788   2,596   (3,703)
Exchange (gains)/losses on       (1,815)   1,115   1,037 
capital items                                            
Movement in fair value of           417   (1,756) (1,668)
derivative financial                                     
(Decrease)/increase in             (103)     (14)    112 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors     (151)    (145)     44 
Capital dividend                      -             (100)
Reinvested dividends                (57)    (127)   (454)
Tax deducted on investment           (3)     (24)    (25)
Net cash inflow from operating      271      344   1,019 


                                     30       30   31 May
                               November November         
                                   2007     2006         
                                  �'000    �'000         
Increase/(decrease) in cash in     544    9,478   (5,520)
Repayment of loan               11,789        -        - 
Realised foreign exchange gain   1,681        -        - 
on repayment of bank loan                                
Amortisation of costs incurred      (7)      (5)     (10)
on bank loan                                             
Realised foreign exchange         (112)  (1,056)  (1,040)
Movement in net debt            13,895    8,417   (6,570)
Net debt at start of period    (28,511) (21,941) (21,941)
Net debt at end of period      (14,616) (13,524) (28,511)


                          30   31 May       30
                    November          November
                        2007              2006
                       �'000             �'000
Cash at bank          6,911    6,479   21,461 
Debts due within    (21,527) (34,990)       - 
one year                                      
Debts due after           -        -  (34,985)
more than one year                            
                    (14,616) (28,511) (13,524)


The Investment Managers, Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited and
Premier Fund Managers Limited, are regarded as related parties to the Company.
The amounts paid to the Managers for Investment Management fees are disclosed
in the Income Statement. At 30 November 2007 there were amounts outstanding of
�117,000 (31 May 2007: �181,000; 30 November 2006: �128,000). The investment
management fee is based on the Company's gross assets less current liabilities
which are reduced by the value of investments held in the companies where
Premier are the investment manager. At 30 November 2007 the market value of
these holdings was �1,020,000 (31 May 2007: �2,823,000; 30 November 2006: �

12. Financial information

The financial information contained in this half yearly financial report does
not constitute full statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the six months ended 30
November 2007 and 30 November 2006 has not been audited.

The information for the year ended 31 May 2007 has been extracted from the
latest published audited accounts. Those accounts have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies and included the report of the auditors which was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Sections 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.


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