RNS Number : 4294G

San Leon Energy PLC

29 June 2012

Friday 29 June 2012

San Leon Energy plc

Final audited results for year ended 31 December 2011

San Leon Energy plc ("San Leon", "Group" or the "Company"), the AIM listed company focused on oil and gas exploration in Europe and North Africa today announces its audited final results for the year ended 31 December 2011.

2011 Highlights:


-- Profit for the year of EUR15.64m compared to a loss in 2010 of EUR3.98m with a resulting earnings per share of 1.85 cent compared to a loss per share of 1.02 cent in 2010

-- Group net assets increased by EUR70.69m to EUR191.92m (2010: EUR121.23m)

-- Cash balances of EUR26.19m at 31 December 2011 (2010: EUR67.17m)


-- Completed 3 shale gas exploration wells in Baltic Basin, Poland with our partners, Talisman

-- Completed Siciny-2 well on our 100% owned play in Carboniferous Basin, Poland

-- Completed 840km(2) 3D survey over the Durresi Block, Offshore Albania

-- Completed 280km(2) 3D survey over North Porcupine FEL 1/04 licence area, Atlantic Margin Ireland

-- Completed 2,200 km 2D seismic survey over Tarfaya and Zag licences in Morocco

-- Assigned our working interest in Barryroe exploration licence in exchange for a 4.5% net profit interest with no further financial obligations to San Leon on the project

-- Acquisition of a 75% interest in three polish shale concessions from Hutton Energy in June 2012 further expanding San Leon's Polish unconventional gas acreage by an additional 468,512 acres


-- Completed acquisition of Realm Energy International Corporation

-- Establishment of an Advisory Committee to assist in strategic development of our asset base

Operational Outlook:

Poland - Baltic Basin

-- Vertically fracc and test existing three wells drilled with Talisman in 2013

-- Drill 1,000m+ horizontal well with Talisman with multi-staged fracc and testing programme in 2013

-- Acquire additional 150km 2D seismic in pending Czersk Concession in Q4 2012/2013

-- Drillvertical well in Prabuty Poludnioweconcession in Q1/Q2 2013

Poland - South West Carboniferous Basin

-- Test Siciny-2 well including vertical fracc of multiple zones for shale gas and tight gas potential

-- Acquire up to 1,000 km(2) 3D seismic and 500 km (2) 2D seismic across Carboniferous basin

-- Continue drilling Carboniferous play to test the extent of potential resources in Siciny-2 well

Poland - Permian Basin

-- Drill conventional main dolomite play in Nowa Sol for near term oil production


-- Finalise off-shore farm out process and plan to drill 1-2 wells with new partners

-- Finalise processing from the 2,200 km 2D seismic acquisition completed on Zag / Tarfaya and build a prospect inventory for future 3D seismic acquisition and drilling programmes

-- Evaluation of results on the Tarfaya Oil Shale project


-- Finalise Pre Stack Depth Migration of 2011 3D survey

-- Finalise off-shore farm out process and plan to drill 1-2 wells with new partners

Oisin Fanning, Chairman of San Leon, commented:

"This was another very significant year for San Leon. We made our largest acquisition to date, Realm Energy, further consolidating our position as one of Europe's leading shale players by acreage. We have an extensive diversified high impact portfolio across a number of regions and plays, giving us exposure to multiple sweet spots; any one of which will add significant value to the Company.

Our core focus remains the same, to realise the inherent value of our asset base, as we look to move into the next exciting phase of our development; becoming cash generative."

Enquiries to:

 San Leon Energy Plc                  Tel: + 353 1291 6292 
 Oisin Fanning, Executive Chairman 
 John Buggenhagen, Director of 
 Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited   Tel: +44 (0) 20 3037 2000 
 John Dwyer 
 Paul Connolly 
 Fox-Davies Capital Limited           Tel: +44 (0) 203 463 5010 
 David Porter 
 Westhouse Securities                 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7012 2000 
  Nominated Adviser 
 Richard Johnson 
 College Hill Associates              Tel: +44 (0) 20 7457 2020 
 Nick Elwes 
 Alexandra Roper 

Qualified person

John Buggenhagen has over 15 years experience in the oil & gas industry. He has a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Wyoming and a B.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Arizona. He is currently the Director of Exploration for the San Leon Energy Group and based in San Leon's Warsaw office in Poland.

Chairman's review

2011 was another significant year for San Leon Energy. We have continued to add value to our existing diversified and high impact portfolio of assets. We have advanced our scientific knowledge by shooting and interpreting seismic and in the case of Poland, drilling vertical wells. We have also completed our largest acquisition to date, Realm Energy.

The acquisition of Realm Energy provided San Leon Energy with a unique opportunity to increase the Company's exposure to the prospective upside that the Baltic Basin offers. The acquisition provided the Company with a further 500,000 acres in Poland (in the Baltic and Podlase basins), as well as applications in Spain for over two million acres, which have now been awarded to the Company, and in the case of France it has provided 2.35 million acres over which we remain cautiously optimistic. We also expect this deal to bring significant cost and operational synergies across the upcoming drilling programme whilst further enhancing the technical expertise in the Company.

The acquisition also:

-- strengthens San Leon Energy's focus and position as one of the leading shale players in Poland;

-- materially increases San Leon Energy's acreage in Poland's Baltic Basin;

-- leverages San Leon Energy's in-country technical team to add material value to Realm's assets;

-- has the potential to add further shale acreage to the portfolio through any successful licence applications that Realm has made in Spain and France; and

-- provides cost and operational synergies for upcoming seismic and drilling programmes.

In June 2012, San Leon Energy also strengthened its overall position further in the Baltic and Carboniferous basins in Poland through our partnership with Hutton Energy. San Leon Energy acquired a 75% working interest in certain Polish assets for US$15 million, providing 468,512 net acres to the Company in two prospective basins.


We have now drilled three wells with our partners Talisman Energy.

In the northern Baltic Basin the Lewino-1G-2 well was drilled to 3,600 metres into the Upper Cambrian including 310 metres of core. The well encountered continuous gas shows through the Silurian-Ordovician shales and into the Upper Cambrian. The Rogity-1 well was drilled to 2,788 metres including 340 metres of core. The well encountered continuous, liquid rich gas shows throughout the Silurian-Ordovician shales and into the Upper Cambrian. We are currently drilling and nearing total depth in the Szymkowo-1 well in the southern Baltic Basin. So far the well has encountered continuous gas shows in the Silurian shales. An estimated 300 metres of core is planned in the well. Ongoing detailed analysis of the core and well data is being performed in preparation for a future testing programme in Q1/Q2 2013 including potential vertical fraccing, horizontal drilling followed by multistage fraccing and flow-testing

As mentioned, San Leon Energy has also recently announced that it has purchased a 75% working interest in certain Polish assets held by Hutton Energy for US$15 million with a view to jointly developing these assets. Hutton Energy will be carried through all the seismic work and associated G&A which will be performed by NovaSeis. The Company sees this partnership with Hutton Energy as very positive bringing significant North American unconventional gas expertise to the venture.

The acquisition further expands San Leon Energy's unconventional gas acreage by an additional 468,512 net acres in two highly prospective basins - the Baltic Basin and the Carboniferous Basin - whilst also giving the Company an unprecedented acreage position in Poland. We look forward to working with the Hutton Energy team in developing these assets.


The Company acquired a total of 608km of 2D seismic on our Tarfaya licence and 1,674km of 2D seismic on the Zag licence. Processing and interpretation of this seismic is nearing completion. This work was carried out by NovaSeis, our wireless seismic company.

On the Tarfaya Oil Shale project, good progress has been made advancing the project. Two wells were drilled 10 metres apart confirming the presence of 30 metres or prospective oil at a depth of 195 metres. A third well was drilled which failed to establish connectivity between the wells, however a comprehensive hydrogeological and geochemical review is being planned to identify alternative locations in deeper zones.

On the Sidi Moussa and the Foum Draa licences San Leon Energy and its partners have completed the work programme for both licences. A data room has been opened on both licences to attract industry partners, with a view to receiving final bids by 15 June 2012.


Barryroe proved to be a highly successful well for our previous partners, Providence and Lansdowne. We were very pleased to see the result not least because we had opted for a 4.5% net profit interest which will give us very good cash flow, but without the inherent costs of this well or development costs in the future. As at the time of our fundraising, none of the partners had anticipated drilling this well, we therefore had not allocated any of that funding towards this well and so this deal was mutually beneficial.

During the year the Company completed a 250 km(2) 3D seismic survey on the North Porcupine Licence (FEL1/04). We also opened a data room with a view to gaining farm-in partners for the Slyne licence towards the end of last year. Several companies have reviewed the data in the data rooms. We also opened a data room on the North Porcupine licence in Q2 2012 and again several companies have shown interest. We will update the market on both these data rooms as appropriate.


Last year we completed 840km(2) of 3D seismic over the Durresi block offshore Albania, less than a year after we were awarded the block in February 2011. The new 3D seismic has identified numerous prospects and leads across the licence with un-risked prospective recoverable resources of more than one billion barrels of oil equivalent across the proven petroleum systems.

The Company has also recently signed confidentiality agreements with several large exploration and production companies regarding farm-in into the licence; and continues to receive unsolicited interest from other large exploration and production companies. As a result of which, San Leon Energy opened a data room early to select companies. There has been huge interest in our data room, which is now closed; and we will see letters of intent during June with an announcement expected to the market late July/early August.

We are very excited about the potential of the Durresi Block and believe that it does have huge upside potential.


NovaSeis, our wireless seismic company, has also been upgraded to allow us to shoot 3D. The team spent eight months in Morocco shooting seismic - across both the Tarfaya and Zag basins - which we are now in the process of interpreting. The equipment has now moved back to Poland where we have completed three new surveys covering the terrain twice as fast and more cost effectively than any campaign in Poland to date.

Advisory Committee

The Company has created an Advisory Committee which will work alongside the management team when considering macro-issues associated with the industry. This Committee will be made up of a number of experienced industry professionals who have a wealth of experience in the energy industry. It is expected that the Advisory Committee will help San Leon Energy build on the success that the Company has already achieved; and provide senior guidance and invaluable strategic and industry insight, as the Company looks to continue to develop its portfolio of assets. The Advisory Committee is initially made up of Gerard Medaisko, Robert Price and Nick Butler, who also serves as the Advisory Committee's Chairman.

New website

Over the last months we have also developed our new website. This is aimed at providing our investors and those interested in the Company with much more in-depth information and regular updates. We will also be engaging with our stakeholders via social media in conversations around oil and gas, the unconventional gas industry, as well as San Leon Energy and its strategy, developments and its operations.


2011 was another pivotal year for San Leon Energy with a profit of EUR15.6 million against a loss of EUR3.98 million in 2010.


The focus of the Company is to continue to prove-up our extensive shale gas acreage in Poland. Our strategy of adding as much prospective acreage as we can across different basins, but with different parameters such as depth and maturity, is we believe, the right one as it will give us exposure to at least one if not multiple sweet spots, any one of which could add significant value to your Company.

We are also working diligently towards being cash generative through the drilling of a number of oil wells in July, having already spoken to refineries in both Poland and Germany and are confident that we would be able to monetise any success within 90 days. We will be looking to test flow our carboniferous well Siciny-2 later this year and we are confident that we can monetise any success there in the first half of next year given the pipeline is just 500 metres away from the well.

Our strategy of diversified plays across not only the portfolio, but also within Poland, will allow San Leon Energy to recover much of the ground lost to the market due to its perceived disappointment in the very initial horizontal fracc in Poland. This speaks more to the market's lack of understanding as to how these shale plays are developed than the reality on the ground. Every well drilled in Poland so far has encountered gas and every player in Poland believes that the 3Legs fracc were a technical success.

PGNIG, who have also drilled a well just north of our Lewino-1G/2 well, are now organising themselves for pad-drilling with a view to being the first in Poland to produce commercial shale gas by late this year or early next year. The Baltic Basin is still at the early stages of its development; but we are, with our partners and other operators in the region, confident that it will become a significant resource for Poland and the rest of Europe.

Consolidated income statement

for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                             2011            2010 
                                              EUR             EUR 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                1,039,654         592,047 
 Cost of sales                          (566,469)       (447,750) 
                                     ------------  -------------- 
 Gross profit                             473,185         144,297 
 Other income                          25,990,204       1,501,100 
 Administrative expenses              (7,225,224)     (4,215,347) 
 Exploration costs written-off        (2,684,290)               - 
                                     ------------  -------------- 
 Profit/(loss) from operating 
  activities                           16,553,875     (2,569,950) 
 Finance expense                      (1,258,186)     (1,414,193) 
 Finance income                           344,255           8,825 
 Share of loss of equity-accounted        (4,715)               - 
 Profit/(loss) before income 
  tax                                  15,635,229     (3,975,318) 
 Income tax expense                      (35,344)         (1,057) 
                                     ------------  -------------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the year 
  attributable to equity holders 
  of the Group                         15,599,885     (3,976,375) 
                                     ------------  -------------- 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                            2011           2010 
                                             EUR            EUR 
 Profit/(loss) for the year           15,599,885    (3,976,375) 
  Foreign currency translation 
  differences                            915,281        382,768 
                                     -----------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive income/(loss) 
  for the year                        16,515,166    (3,593,607) 
                                     -----------  ------------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per share: 
 Basic earnings/(loss) per     1.85 cent   (1.02) cent 
  ordinary share 
                              ----------  ------------ 
 Diluted earnings/(loss) per   1.77 cent   (1.02) cent 
  ordinary share 
                              ----------  ------------ 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                                                 Share                        to equity     Non-controlling 
                                                 Currency        based                          holders            interest 
                        Share         Share   translation      payment          Retained         of the                                Total 
                      capital       premium       reserve      reserve          earnings          Group                               equity 
 2010                     EUR           EUR           EUR          EUR               EUR            EUR                 EUR              EUR 
  Balance at 
  1 January 
  2010             16,059,196    23,976,523             -    2,321,035       (9,323,365)     33,033,389                   -       33,033,389 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
  Total comprehensive 
  income for year 
 (Loss) for 
  the year                  -             -             -            -       (3,976,375)    (3,976,375)                   -      (3,976,375) 
 Other comprehensive 
  differences               -             -       382,768            -                 -        382,768                   -          382,768 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
  income for 
  year                      -             -       382,768            -       (3,976,375)    (3,593,607)                   -      (3,593,607) 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Transactions with owners 
  recognised directly 
  in equity 
 Contributions by and distributions 
  to owners 
 Issue of 
  shares           19,533,715    55,313,322             -            -                 -     74,847,037                   -       74,847,037 
 Issue of 
  related to 
  combinations      3,463,832    12,203,515             -            -                 -     15,667,347                   -       15,667,347 
 Share options 
  and warrants 
  exercised            43,037        95,855             -            -                 -        138,892                   -          138,892 
 Share based 
  payment                   -             -             -    1,133,534                 -      1,133,534                   -        1,133,534 
 Effect of 
  exercised                 -             -             -     (37,424)            37,424              -                   -                - 
  with owners      23,040,584    67,612,692             -    1,096,110            37,424     91,786,810                   -       91,786,810 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Balance at 
  31 December 
  2010             39,099,780    91,589,215       382,768    3,417,145      (13,262,316)    121,226,592                   -      121,226,592 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Balance at 
  1 January 
  2011             39,099,780    91,589,215       382,768    3,417,145      (13,262,316)    121,226,592                   -      121,226,592 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for year 
 Profit for 
  the year                  -             -             -            -        15,599,885     15,599,885                   -       15,599,885 
  differences               -             -       915,281            -                 -        915,281                   -          915,281 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
  income for 
  year                      -             -       915,281            -        15,599,885     16,515,166                   -       16,515,166 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Transactions with owners 
  recognised directly 
  in equity 
 Contributions by and distributions 
  to owners 
 Issue of 
  related to 
  combination      15,352,623    26,926,235             -            -                 -     42,278,858                   -       42,278,858 
 Issue of 
  shares            1,542,267     3,938,527             -            -                 -      5,480,794                   -        5,480,794 
 Share options 
  and warrants 
  exercised           663,921       437,243             -            -                 -      1,101,164                   -        1,101,164 
 Share based 
  payment                   -             -             -    2,792,554                 -      2,792,554                   -        2,792,554 
 Effect of 
  exercised                 -             -             -    (748,211)           748,211              -                   -                - 
 Share to be 
  issued on 
  on conversion 
  shares                    -             -             -            -                 -              -           5,685,721        5,685,721 
 Shares issued 
  to Realm 
  shareholders              -             -             -            -                 -              -         (3,162,540)      (3,162,540) 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
  with owners      17,558,811    31,302,005             -    2,044,343           748,211     51,653,370           2,523,181       54,176,551 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Balance at 
  31 December 
  2011             56,658,591   122,891,220     1,298,049    5,461,488         3,085,780    189,395,128           2,523,181      191,918,309 
                 ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------- 

Consolidated statement of financial position

as at 31 December 2011

                                         2011           2010 
                                          EUR            EUR 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                140,263,276     76,064,855 
 Equity accounted investments       3,026,864              - 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                         9,278,608      2,398,186 
 Other non-current assets             816,928              - 
 Financial assets - net 
  profit interest                  39,197,977              - 
                                  192,583,653     78,463,041 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
  Current assets 
 Inventory                            757,669              - 
 Trade and other receivables        8,064,400      1,593,592 
 Other financial assets               502,620      1,491,802 
 Cash and cash equivalents         26,197,963     67,168,659 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
                                   35,522,652     70,254,053 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
  Total assets                    228,106,305    148,717,094 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
  Equity and liabilities 
 Called up share capital           56,658,591     39,099,780 
 Share premium account            122,891,220     91,589,215 
 Share based payment 
  reserve                           5,461,488      3,417,145 
 Currency translation 
  reserve                           1,298,049        382,768 
 Retained profit/(loss)             3,085,780   (13,262,316) 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
 Attributable to equity 
  holders of the Group            189,395,128    121,226,592 
 Non-controlling interest           2,523,181              - 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
 Total equity                     191,918,309    121,226,592 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Provisions                         5,345,211      5,345,211 
 Loans and borrowings               2,671,219      7,886,287 
 Deferred tax liabilities           9,329,447              - 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
                                   17,345,877     13,231,498 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables          12,113,951      5,759,517 
 Loans and borrowings               5,177,144      8,499,487 
 Provisions                         1,551,024              - 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
                                   18,842,119     14,259,004 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                 36,187,996     27,490,502 
                                 ------------  ------------- 
  Total equity and liabilities    228,106,305    148,717,094 
                                 ------------  ------------- 

Consolidated statement of cash flows

for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                                   2011           2010 
                                                    EUR            EUR 
  Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit/(loss) before tax                    15,635,229    (3,975,318) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depletion and depreciation                     522,726         55,316 
 Loss on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                 -          5,089 
 Finance expense                              1,258,186      1,414,193 
 Finance income                               (344,255)        (8,825) 
 Share based payments charge                    866,038        428,438 
 Foreign exchange                           (1,283,211)        (6,624) 
 Gain on assignment of Barryroe 
  licence                                  (22,408,037)              - 
 Exploration costs written-off                2,684,290              - 
 (Increase) in stocks                         (757,669)              - 
 (Increase) in trade and other 
  receivables                               (6,030,610)      (760,769) 
 Increase in trade and other payables         3,111,101        891,230 
 Share of loss of equity-accounted 
  investments                                     4,715              - 
 Tax paid                                      (37,979)        (2,870) 
                                          -------------  ------------- 
  Net cash (used) in operating 
  activities                                (6,779,476)    (1,960,140) 
                                          -------------  ------------- 
  Cash flows from investing activities 
 Expenditure on exploration and 
  evaluation assets                        (39,440,563)   (10,190,443) 
 Joint venture partner share of 
  exploration costs                           8,999,859      2,879,848 
 Purchases of property, plant 
  and equipment                             (7,353,565)    (2,225,931) 
 Interest received                              318,206          8,825 
 Net cash acquired with subsidiary            5,216,546        244,092 
 Release of bank guarantees                     941,883              - 
                                          -------------  ------------- 
  Net cash (used) in investing 
  activities                               (31,317,634)    (9,283,609) 
                                          -------------  ------------- 
  Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from issue of share 
  capital, net of costs                       6,302,541     75,140,429 
 Repayment of convertible loan              (2,150,000)      (600,000) 
 Proceeds from drawdown of other 
  loans                                               -      2,343,321 
 Repayment of other loans                   (7,360,572)              - 
 Interest paid                                (370,798)      (520,566) 
 Net cash (used) in/generated 
  from financing activities                 (3,578,829)     76,363,184 
                                          -------------  ------------- 
  Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                     (41,675,939)     65,119,435 
 Effect of foreign exchange fluctuation 
  on cash and cash equivalents                  705,243         66,705 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  start of year                              67,168,659      1,982,519 
                                          -------------  ------------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of year                                26,197,963     67,168,659 
                                          -------------  ------------- 

Notes to the Financial Statements


San Leon Energy plc ("the Company") is a company incorporated in Ireland. The Group financial statements consolidate those of the Company with those of its subsidiaries (together referred to as "the Group").

The financial information presented in this report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union and as set out in the Group's annual financial statements in respect of the year ended 31 December 2011. The financial information herein does not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, however the full financial statements are included within the Annual Report which are being distributed to shareholders and which are available on the Company's website www.sanleonenergy.com. It will also be filed with the Company's Annual Return in the Companies Registration Office.

The financial information herein for the prior year ended 31 December 2010 represents an abbreviated version of the Group's statutory financial statements and which full financial statements have been filed with the Companies Registration Office.

The auditors' report in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011 contains the following emphasis of matter paragraph:

Emphasis of matter - Carrying value of Intangible Assets and Financial Assets - Net Profit Interest

In forming our opinion, which is not qualified, we have considered the adequacy of disclosures made in Note 9 and Note 14 to the financial statements in relation to the Directors' assessment of the carrying value of the Group's Intangible Assets amounting to EUR140.3 million and the carrying value of the Group's Financial Assets - Net Profit Interest amounting to EUR39.2 million. The financial statements do not include adjustments that would result if the Group could not recover the full carrying value of the Intangible Assets or the full carrying value of the Financial Assets - Net Profit Interest.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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