RNS Number : 8341Y

Medusa Mining Limited

30 January 2014

Medusa Mining Limited

("Medusa" or the "Company")

30 January 2013


Snapshot of Medusa:

   --    Un-hedged, low cost, gold producer focused on organic growth in the Philippines 
   --    Successful Capital Raising of A$34 million during the quarter 
   --    Commissioning of new mill delayed to 6 December 2013 due to powercell failures 
   --    December 2013  quarter production of 11,587 ounces (YTD: 26,089 ounces) 
   --    Safety - No lost time accidents during the quarter. 

Board of Directors:

Andrew Teo (Non-executive Chairman)

Peter Hepburn-Brown (Managing Director)

Raul Villanueva (Executive Director)

Ciceron Angeles (Non-executive Director)

Robert Weinberg (Non-executive Director)

Gary Powell (Non-executive Director)

Capital Structure:

  shares:     207,794,301 
  options:      1,575,000 


ASX and LSE (Code: MML)

Address and Contact Details:

PO Box 860

Canning Bridge WA 6153

Telephone : +618 9367 0601

   Facsimile   :  +618 9367 0602 
   Email          : admin@medusamining.com.au 
   Website      : www.medusamining.com.au 


   --      Successfully raised gross proceeds of A$34 million via a placement 

-- Exploration drilling utilised four underground drill rigs at Co-O and two surface rigs at Tambis

   --      Crosscutting south from the 8L Shaft has reached all the veins on the resource model 
   --      Commissioning of the new SAG Mill was delayed until 6th December due to powercell failures 
   --      The new SAG Mill operated at 1,800 tpd in the last days of December 
   --      Gold Production of 11,587 ounces for the quarter 


-- Level development continued on the 8L and all the veins in the resource model were intersected. The Great Hamish Veins (including Footwall and Hangingwall veins), Jereme Veins and Catto Veins are now being developed

   --      Development and stoping continued on all 8 levels during the quarter 
   --      Production and development is continued on the Don Pedro and Don Pedro East Veins 
   --      Exploration drilling continued on the 8L, 2L and on the 3L west of the Tinago Fault 

-- Production of 11,587 ounces was down on the September quarter's production (14,502 ounces) due to powercell failures with the new SAG Mill, which was not operational until 6th December 2013

-- The grade was lower due to milling low grade stockpiles and development ore was lower due to mining narrow vein lodes


-- Drilling is continuing with two underground rigs on contract and two Company owned rigs. Surface exploration, including geophysical surveys is on-going


-- Diamond drilling at the B2 area is temporarily suspended pending results and planning of the 2014 exploration and development programmes


-- Total cash and cash equivalent in gold on metal account at the end of quarter of approximately US$20.77 million

-- Successfully raised gross proceeds of A$34 million via the placement of 18,890,390 shares at A$1.80 per share to clients of Euroz Securities Limited

-- Retirement of Non-executive Chairman Mr Geoff Davis (Founding Managing Director) and appointment of Mr Andrew Teo as his replacement


The locations of the Company's projects are shown on Figures 1 and 2 (please see link at the end of the announcement).


There were no Lost Time Accidents and no environmental breaches during the quarter.


On 6 July 2012, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III signed Executive Order No. 79 entitled "Institutionalizing and Implementing Reforms in the Philippine Mining Sector Providing Policies and Guidelines to Ensure Environmental Protection and Responsible Mining in the Utilization of Mineral Resources" ("EO 79").

On 10 September 2012, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR") issued Administrative Order No. 2012-07 ("Rules and Regulations to Implement EO-79" or "EO-79 IRR"), and on 8 October 2012, issued Administrative Order No. 2012-07-A2 ("EO-79 Amended IRR") to revise Sections 3, 7 and 9 of EO-79 IRR. EO-79 IRR and its amendments took effect on 25 October 2012.

The implications of the EO-79 with regards to the Company's projects are discussed in the June 2012 and September 2012 quarterly reports. There has been no change in the Company's view since then.

On 7 March 2013, the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) approved the lifting of the moratorium on acceptance of applications for Exploration Permits and Financial and Technical Assistance Agreements.

The new legislation on mining taxes and royalties is yet to be finalised for submission to Congress.


On 26 November 2013, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III signed Executive Order No. 147 entitled "Creating the Philippine Extractive industries transparency Initiative" ("EO 147").

Pursuant to Section 14 of the EO 79, the Philippine government commits to participate in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) that sets international standards for transparency and accountability in the extractive industries and in government. Established in 2003, the EITI is a global coalition of governments, companies and civil society collaborating to improve honest and responsible management of revenues from natural resources, particularly oil, gas, metals and minerals.

Through EO 147, the Philippine government has instituted the Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI), which commits to ensure greater transparency and accountability in the extractive industries, specifically in the way the government collects, and companies pay taxes from extractive industries.

The implications of the EO 147 with regards to the Company's projects are not considered to have any negative impact and the Company sees the Executive Order as a positive commitment by the Philippine Government to adopt good governance practices in accordance with International Guidelines of the EITI.


The Company's current mineral resources (including the Saugon resource) and ore reserves were previously reported in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code 2004 (Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves). Refer to announcement of 08 August 2013, the September 2013 Quarterly Report, and the 2013 Annual Report.

The Co-O and Bananghilig deposits are currently undergoing review, interpretations and revised mineral resource and ore reserve estimations in accordance with the guidelines of the recently adopted JORC Code 2012. Since there may be material changes to the mineral resources and ore reserves, due to changes in gold price, mining dilution and so forth, the Company will not be reporting the resources and reserves until the revised estimations have been completed and signed off by the independent Competent Persons. The revised resources and reserves for Co-O and Bananghilig are expected to be reported during the September 2014 quarter.



The production statistics for the December 2013 quarter and half-year with comparatives for the previous three quarters are summarised in Table 1 below.

   Table I.    Gold production statistics 
                        Unit     Qtr ended   Qtr ended   Qtr ended   Qtr ended   HY ended 
                                   31 Dec      30 Sep      30 Jun      31 Mar     31 Dec 
                                    2013        2013        2013        2013       2013 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Tonnes mined            WMT      108,264     114,380     103,028     83,134     222,644 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Ore milled              DMT      98,590      91,461      92,567      73,273     190,051 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Head grade              g/t       4.51        5.68        5.97        6.76        5.07 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Recovery                 %         85%         87%         88%         89%        86% 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Gold produced           ozs      11,587      14,502      15,642      14,021      26,089 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Cash costs (1)        US$/oz       $526       $339        $355        $296        $422 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Gold sold               ozs      11,774      15,560      16,236      17,760      27,334 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Average gold price 
  received               US$      $1,262      $1,336      $1,410      $1,630      $1,304 
--------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 


(1) Net of development costs and includes royalties and local business taxes

The Company produced 11,587 ounces of gold for the quarter, at an average head grade of 4.51 g/t and cash costs of US$526 per ounce, inclusive of royalties and local business taxes (YTD cash costs of US$422 per ounce). Cash costs were higher during the quarter primarily due to lower gold production.

Gold production for the quarter was low due to the following reasons:

   --       late commissioning of the new SAG Mill; 
   --       milling of marginal ore from low grade stockpiles; 
   --       milling of development ore sourced from narrow vein lodes. 

The new SAG Mill commenced operations on the 6(th) December 2013 and on the last days of December 2013, it achieved 1,800 tonnes per day.


Mine Development

The 8 level Shaft has been operating and during October, new sheave wheels, ropes, skips and man cages were fitted to the Shaft and the haulage speed increased from 2 m/s to 5.3 m/s.

The two ore pass system from the 6 level to 8 level loading pocket were completed and are operational.

Development continued on levels 1 to 8. During the quarter, all the veins in the resource model on the 8 level were intersected with the crosscut heading south. Development on all these veins continued during the quarter. The veins developed during the quarter were narrow, but as the south crosscut reached the Great Hamish Veins, the veins were wider and the grade from development improved towards the end of December.

Development and production continued on the Don Pedro and Don Pedro East Vein during the quarter and an exploration winze was commenced on the Don Pedro East vein from the 8 level to the 9 level.

Stoping on levels 1 to 6 continued, with stoping on the Don Pedro veins on the 8 level.

Co-O Mill

The new SAG Mill commenced operations on the 6(th) December 2013 following the re-instalment of the repaired powercells. The Mill operated for the rest of December and in the last days of December achieved 1,800 tonnes per day.

The Dominion mill was relined during December and will commence operating in January 2014. The Kurimoto Ball mill will be relined in January and be ready to operate in February 2014.

The Detox, Thickener, CIL tanks, Gold Room and associated equipment with "Wet" processing were all successfully operated during the quarter.

Co-O Mine Drilling

Underground diamond drilling continued during the quarter utilising two large and two smaller portable drilling rigs. A total of 20 holes were completed at Levels 2, 3 and 8 for an advance of 6,160 metres.

Currently there are four diamond drill rigs operating two (on contract), two (owned by the company) on Levels 2, 3 and 8.

The Company has recently purchased an additional six portable underground diamond drill rigs to be deployed at various levels within the mine to assist in exploring for zones of additional mineralisation.

   Table II.   Co-O surface and underground drill hole results of >= 0.5 metres at >= 3 g/t gold. 

(Refer Appendix A for JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1 Report)

 Hole Number      East      North       RL       Depth      Dip    Azimuth      From        Width     Gold Grade 
                   (4)        (4)       (4)     (metres)    ((o)     ((o)      (metres)      (2)         (1,3) 
                                                             )         )                   (metres)     (uncut) 
                                                                                                       (g/t gold) 
-------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                   UNDERGROUND EXLORATION DRILL HOLES - LEVEL 3 
 L3-64W-010     613348.2   913026.6     60.5      492.00     -25        124      335.60        1.10         20.30 
-------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 L3-64W-011     613341.2   913031.9     61.4      255.40      +3        331      223.65        0.90          3.47 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 241.65        1.00          3.20 
-------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 L3-64W-012     613343.1   913032.7     61.4      256.80      +3        013       65.50        1.40          5.19 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 L3-64W-014     613344.3   913032.9     61.3      327.40      +3        020       74.50        2.20          3.70 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                   UNDERGROUND EXLORATION DRILL HOLES - LEVEL 8 
 L8-19E-001     614207.3   913105.2   -192.0      487.10      +3        247       62.85        1.00          5.88 
-------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 L8-29E-008     614274.0   912908.3   -190.6      473.40      +3        174       57.80        0.65         47.77 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                  85.95        1.00          4.60 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 169.30        1.20          5.30 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 203.80        0.50          3.78 
-------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 L8-29E-009     614276.3   912912.8   -190.6      452.20      +3        093       80.65        0.85         16.77 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 186.60        5.80          5.62 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 236.55        1.00         78.50 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 326.60        0.40          5.33 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 338.25        4.15         16.51 
                                                                   includes      340.40        1.00         43.77 
-------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 L8-29E-010     614274.0   912908.3   -190.7      474.30      +3        142      194.50        1.00         13.53 
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                                 292.00        1.70         40.50 
                                                                   includes      292.00        0.75         73.73 
-------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 


1. Composited intercepts' 'weighted average grades' calculated by using the following parameters:

i. no upper gold grade cut-off applied;

ii. lower cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t gold;

iii. high-grade samples (>= 20 g/t gold) within composited interval are individually reported; and

iv. >= 0.5 metres down hole intercept width at >= 3.0 g/t gold, or

v. >= 6 gram.metres,and

vi. maximum of 1.0 metre of down-hole internal dilution at <= 3 g/t gold.

2. Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths;

3. Assays are by Philsaga Mining Corporation's laboratory; and

4. Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92. RL is elevation in metres relative to Mine Datum.


IP Survey

The ground Induced Polarisation ("IP") and Resistivity ("RES") survey is ongoing within the Co-O tenements including the Co-O mine environs. During the December 2013 quarter, approximately 67 line kilometres of IP survey were completed. Heavy rain has hampered the survey and it is now expected that the balance (104 line kilometres) will be completed early in the June 2014 quarter, with interpretation being carried out during the June/September 2014 quarters.

Ground Magnetics Survey

A Ground Magnetics survey is ongoing, using the same grid as the IP survey. A total of approximately 118 line kilometres were completed during the December quarter. Approximately 94 line kilometres remains to be completed, and is expected to be completed at the same time as the IP survey, with interpretation being carried out concurrent with the IP interpretation.

Reconnaissance Programmes

Reconnaissance mapping and sampling programmes are ongoing.


The Tambis project comprising the Bananghilig Gold Deposit (Figure. 2) is operated under a Mining Agreement with Philex Gold Philippines Inc. over Mineral Production Sharing Agreement ("MPSA") 344-2010-XIII, which covers 6,262 hectares.

The Executive Order on Mining (EO 79) signed on 6 July 2012, by the President of the Philippines, will have no immediate impact on the Bananghilig Project as the Company can continue to explore, conduct feasibility studies and planning.


The announcement of 12 September 2011 summarises the Tambis regional geological setting, local geological setting, deposit description and mineralisation. Additional information is contained in the September 2011 quarterly report dated 24 October 2011, drilling updates on 17 January 2012, 8 August 2012, 21 November 2012, and 02 April 2013, operations update on 08 July 2013, and resource estimation updates on 29 January 2013 and 08 August 2013.

Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource Estimation

The Bananghilig resource was previously announced in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code 2004 (Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves). Refer to announcement of 08 August 2013, the September 2013 Quarterly Report, and the 2013 Annual Report.

The Bananghilig deposit is currently undergoing review, interpretation and revised mineral resource and estimation in accordance with the guidelines of the recently adopted JORC Code 2012. Since there may be material changes to the mineral resources, due to changes in gold price, and so forth, the Company will not be reporting the project's mineral resources until the revised estimations have been completed and signed off by the independent Competent Persons. The revised mineral resources for Bananghilig are expected to be reported during the September 2014 quarter.

Bananghilig Scoping & Pre-Feasibility Study(1)

On 09 April 2013, the Company published the results of a first pass Scoping Study(1) of the Bananghilig Gold Deposit. The Scoping Study was carried out and reported under the guidelines of the JORC Code 2004, therefore the results of the Scoping Study do not now necessarily comply with the requirements of the JORC Code 2012 and will not be reported henceforth.

(1) The Scoping Study referred to in the announcement dated 9 April 2013 was based on low-level technical and economic assessments of Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources, as defined under the guidelines of JORC Code 2004, and is insufficient to support estimation of Ore Reserves or to provide assurance of an economic development case at this stage, or to provide certainty that the conclusions of the Scoping Study will be realised.

A Feasibility Study was initiated on the completion of the Scoping Study. Sterilisation and geotechnical drilling programmes were completed in early October 2013.

A decision was made towards the end of the September quarter to temporarily suspend the feasibility study given the mineralisation being encountered at the new B2 discovery area, as well as given consideration to the depressed gold price and commissioning of the new Co-O milling circuit.

B2 Discovery Area

During the September reporting period, two large capacity diamond drilling rigs completed two diamond drill holes (TDH332 & TDH334) within the B2 area for a total advance of 622.6 metres.

Figure 3 shows the Bananghilig area geology showing the position of the new B2 mineralisation discovery, beneath the limestone cover, relative to the Bananghilig resource (please see link a the end of the announcement to view Figure 3).

Figure 4 shows the drill hole projection plan of the B2 drill holes relative to the Bananghilig 2013 resource model (please see link at the end of the announcement to view Figure 4).

B2 Drilling Results

Results of diamond drilling at B2 were announced on 2 April 2013 and 8 July 2013, in the March 2013, June 2013 and September 2013 Quarterly Reports, and the September 2013 Annual Report. Results have subsequently been received for all outstanding sample submissions as well as for the holes completed during this quarter. Significant intercepts for completed drill holes are included in Table III below.

Geotechnical and Sterilisation Drilling Programmes

The Geotechnical drilling and test pitting programmes were completed in first week of October with one last diamond drill hole completed for a total of 60 metres. Drilling was carried out to investigate sites suitable for infrastructure associated with the potential development of the Bananghilig resource, including plant site, waste, tailings and process water storage facilities. Sterilisation drilling programme was completed in the same areas. No significant assay results have been received for any of the drilling programmes in these areas.

Regional Exploration

Reconnaissance mapping and sampling is on-going within the Tambis Region.

Table III. Bananghilig B2 Discovery Area drill hole results >= 1 g/t gold.

(Refer Appendix B for Table 1 prepared in accordance with JORC Code 2012)

   Hole       East      North      RL       Depth      Dip    Azimuth      From        Width     Gold Grade 
               (4)        (4)      (4)                                                  (2)         (1,3) 
  Number                                   (metres)    ((o)     ((o)      (metres)    (metres)    (g/t gold) 
                                                         )        ) 
---------  ---------  ---------  ------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                       BANANGHILIG - B2 DISCOVERY AREA 
 TDH328     613241.7   945191.7   214.6      312.50     -60        130      260.20        1.45          8.82 
                                                                        ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                            289.20       15.60          1.51 
---------  ---------  ---------  ------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 TDH330     613626.8   945064.5   123.7      294.50     -56        130      154.85       16.50          3.78 
                                                              includes      159.05        0.55         40.64 
                                                              includes      161.05        0.75         16.71 
                                                                        ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                            197.85        5.80          0.93 
---------  ---------  ---------  ------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 TDH332     613554.7   945020.3   142.1      320.50     -60        130      170.35        7.00          7.27 
                                                              includes      174.70        1.00         45.49 
                                                                        ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                            236.30        0.70         22.40 
                                                                        ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                            254.50        7.55          5.79 
                                                              includes      254.50        1.00         21.90 
                                                              includes      259.70        1.00         14.69 
---------  ---------  ---------  ------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 TDH334     613001.7   944955.1   147.5      302.10     -60        130       80.30        9.50          2.77 
                                                                        ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                                            200.15        6.85          1.26 
---------  ---------  ---------  ------  ----------  ------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 


1. Composited intercepts' 'weighted average grades' calculated by using the following parameters:

i. no upper gold grade cut-off applied;

ii. lower cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold;

iii. high-grade samples (>10 g/t gold) within composited interval are individually reported;

iv. >= 5 metres down hole intercept width at >= 1.0 g/t gold, or

v. <= 5 metres down hole intercept width at >= 5 gram per metres, and

vi. maximum of 3 metres of downhole internal dilution at <=0.5 g/t gold;

2. Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths;

3. Assays are by Intertek McPhar Mineral Services Inc. in Manila; and

4. Grid coordinates and RL (elevation) based on the Philippine Reference System 92.


The Lingig prospect is located in Mineral Production Sharing Agreement 343-2010-XIII with an area of 3,824 hectares over which the Company has an operating agreement.

Detailed geological mapping was completed during the quarter. Data compilation from the mapping, soil sampling, and geophysical surveys will commence during the March 2014 quarter. Interpretations will be reviewed prior to planning drill targets.


A Memorandum of Agreement with Corplex Resources Inc. covers the Usa prospect, which is located within MPSA application XIII-00077. Processing of the tenement application is progressing.


Detailed and reconnaissance geological mapping, trenching and sampling programmes are on-going.

FINANCIALS (unaudited)

As at 31 December 2013, the Company had total cash and cash equivalent in gold on metal account of approximately US$20.77 million (30 September 2013: US$5.99 million).

The Company sold 11,774 ounces of gold at an average price of US$1,262 per ounce (September 2013 quarter: sold 15,560 ounces at an average price of US$1,336 per ounce).

During the quarter, the Company incurred,

   --       exploration expenditure of US$4.1 million (September 2013 quarter: US$4.4 million); 

-- US$2.7 million on capital works associated sustaining capital at the mine and mill and costs for the new mill construction and infrastructure (September 2013 quarter: US$8.9 million); and

   --       US$8.3 million on continued mine development (September 2013 quarter: US$9.2 million). 


-- During the quarter, the Company raised gross proceeds of A$34,002,702 via the issue of 18,890,390 shares at A$1.80 each to clients of Euroz Securities Limited. (refer announcement dated 31 October 2013)

-- Mr Geoff Davis (Founding Managing Director of Medusa) retired as Non-executive Chairman on 22 November 2013 and was succeeded by Non-executive Director, Mr Andrew Teo.


Medusa Mining Limited

Information in this report relating to Exploration Results has been reviewed and is based on information compiled by Mr Gary Powell who is a member of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Powell is a Non-Executive Director and has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration, and to the activity which they are undertaking, to qualify as a "Competent Person" as defined in the 2012 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Powell consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.


This report contains certain forward-looking statements. The words 'anticipate', 'believe', 'expect', 'project', 'forecast', 'estimate', 'likely', 'intend', 'should', 'could', 'may', 'target', 'plan' and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Indications of, and guidance on, future earnings and financial position and performance are also forward-looking statements.

Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Medusa, and its officers, employees, agents and associates, that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.

Actual results, performance or outcomes may differ materially from any projections and forward-looking statements and the assumptions on which those assumptions are based.

You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and neither Medusa nor any of its directors, employees, servants or agents assume any obligation to update such information.

For further information please contact:

  Medusa Mining Limited                              +61 8 9367 0601 
  Peter Hepburn-Brown, Managing Director 
  United Kingdom 
  SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (Financial 
   Adviser & Broker)                                 +44 (0)20 3463 2260 
  Ewan Leggat/Laura Littley 


(Please see link at the end of this announcement to view tables)

Co-O Gold Project

JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1 Report

Section 1. Sampling Techniques and Data

Section 2. Reporting of Exploration Results

Tambis Project - Bananghilig Gold Deposit

JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1 Report

Section 1. Sampling Techniques and Data

Section 2. Reporting of Exploration Results

To view the figures, graphs, photos and appendices, please click on or paste the following link in your browser:


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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