RNS Number:7740Y
European Goldfields Ltd
17 May 2004

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                               17 May 2004

                          EUROPEAN GOLDFIELDS LIMITED

                  RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 31 MARCH 2004


The following discussion of the operations, results and financial position of
the Company for the period ended March 31, 2004 should be read in conjunction
with the March 31, 2004 unaudited Financial Statements and the related Notes.

European Goldfields Limited is a resource company involved in the acquisition,
exploration and development of precious and base metal properties. The Company's
primary focus is the continued development of its joint venture projects in
Romania and Greece.

Results of Operations

During the 1st quarter of 2004, the Company continued its regional exploration
programs in Romania, resulting in deferred exploration expenditures of
$1,597,135 (2003, $1,214,354) of this, $1,345,589 (84%) was incurred on the
Certej Belt and $156,521(10 %) on the Zlatna Belt. The 100% owned Voia
concession incurred expenditure of $ 51,629.

The results of operations are summarized in the following table:

$Cdn                                                  2004            2003            2003            2003
                                               1st Quarter     4th Quarter     3rd Quarter     2nd Quarter
Income Statement
Loss                                             7,007,542       2,157,954         409,177         491,208
Loss per share                                        0.24            0.11            0.01            0.02
Balance Sheet
Working Capital                                 18,880,139       6,544,948       7,334,737       9,095,416
Total Assets                                    88,914,819      59,485,286      40,404,466      40,378,492
Statement of Cash Flows
Investments in exploration and development       1,597,135       1,324,522       1,345,316       1,646,105

$Cdn                                                    2003            2002            2002            2002
                                                 1st Quarter     4th Quarter     3rd Quarter     2nd Quarter
Income Statement
Loss                                                 373,044         881,293         315,306         313,239
Loss per share                                          0.02            0.04            0.01            0.02
Balance Sheet
Working Capital                                   11,262,891      12,918,205      16,877,306      19,540,980
Total Assets                                      40,900,628      41,798,205      42,806,265      42,647,928
Statement of Cash Flows
Investments in exploration and development         1,214,354       1,075,639       4,205,775       1,623,503

For the three months ended March 31, 2004, the Company incurred a loss of
$7,007,542 or $0.24 per share (2003, $373,044 or $0.02 per share). The increase
in the Company's administrative and overhead costs can be primarily attributed
to recognized stock option compensation costs of $2,576,952 based on the
weighted average fair value of stock options granted during the period, the
remaining portion of financing costs of $1,488,825 relating to the issuance of
convertible loan notes expensed in the 1st quarter of 2004. Other costs include
directors being compensated with the issuance of shares with a total cost of
$1,626,000 expensed during the quarter. The company acquired a 37.98% in Hellas
Gold SA and the share of loss for the period amounted to $338,384.

An analysis of the deferred exploration expenditure for the quarter is provided

Certej Belt

Certej Concession

In the three months of 2004 drilling activities continued, with a total of 5,792
meters drilled at a total cost of $599,852.

Bulk density samples, for the determination of specific gravity were collected
from the Coranda and Dealul Grozii area drill holes.

An in house QA/QC report was completed using 415 RC and 31 DC cross-check
samples sent to Chemex laboratories in Canada.

A report entitled "Certej Project Romania Review Environmental Report" by Scott
Wilson was completed.

Aker Kvaerner was retained to conduct further studies on the advancement of the
Certej project.

Project overheads of $336,621 include costs relating to the Company's local and
regional support offices.

Project management expenditures of $192,370 were principally associated with the
payment of mining tax of $141,096 in January 2004.

Bolcana Concession

In accordance with the 2004 work programme no exploration work was carried out
on the Bolcana license during the Quarter.

Voia Concession

In accordance with the work programme no drilling was carried out during the
quarter. Certain surface trenching work was carried out and composite samples
collected for analysis.

Zlatna Belt

Zlatna Concession

Expenditures of $91,086 for Diamond Drilling Core and Reverse Circulation were
incurred on the Valea Tisei gold copper porphyry target.

A total of 1,407m of drilling were completed during the period.

Related Party Transaction

The Company entered into a loan agreement with the Chief Executive Officer
whereby it has loaned him the sum of $200,000, bearing interest of 0.5%, per
annum. If he remains an executive director of the Company at January 31, 2005
50% of the remaining amount of the principal amount of the loan will be waived.
If he remains a director at January 31, 2006 the remaining amount of the loan
will be waived. To the extent not waived, the loan will be repayable in the
event that he ceases for whatever reason to be employed by the Company.

New Accounting Policies

The Company adopted the following accounting policies during the quarter.

Investments in companies and partnerships in which the Company does not have
joint control, but does have significant influence on them, are accounted for
using the equity method.

Goodwill represents the difference between the price the Company paid for the
business, using the purchase method of accounting, and the fair value of the net
tangible assets and identifiable intangible assets acquired. The Company will
test goodwill annually for impairment, rather than amortize goodwill over a
specific period.

Contractual Obligations

The Company has spending commitments of US$1,649,270 over the five year term of
the Voia exploration license.

Acquisition of Investment

In February 2004, the Group acquired 38% of the issued share capital in Hellas
Gold S.A, a joint venture company established for the purposes of acquiring the
Stratoni, Olympias and Skouries mines in Chalkidiki, Greece from the Greek
government. Hellas Gold S.A completed the acquisition of these interests on
January 28, 2004. The 38% shareholding will be subsequently diluted to 30% on
completion of subscriptions by all parties to the transaction.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

As at 31 March 2004, European Goldfields' working capital stands at $18,880,139.

In February 2004, the Company raised a further $23.6 million by way of a
non-brokered private placing of 9,458,750 special warrants at a price of $2.50
per special warrant. The special warrants were exercised, effective as of
February 12, 2004 convertible into one common share in the Company. The
subscription proceeds were used to part fund the subscription by the Group of
its interest in Hellas Gold S.A.

During the period, the Company received proceeds of $7,778,675 through the
exercise of 3,111,470 share warrants at a price of $2.50. Following Quarter end,
a further 807,500 warrants were exercised for an aggregate total of 3,918,970
warrants converted into common shares, for total proceeds to the Company of
$9,797,425. After the exercise there were no warrants outstanding and the
Company's issued share capital was 43,933,798 common shares.

The Company presently has sufficient funds to fully fund planned expenditures
for 2004.

Risks and Uncertainties

Foreign Country and Political Risks

All of the Group's property interests are located in Romania and Greece and,
consequently, the Group is subject to certain risks, including currency
fluctuations and possible political or economic instability in those countries
or in the region which may result in the impairment or loss of mineral
concessions or other mineral rights, and mineral exploration and mining
activities may be affected in varying degrees by political stability and
government regulations relating to the mining industry. Any changes in
regulations or shifts in political attitudes are beyond control of the Group and
may adversely affect its business. Exploration may be affected in varying
degrees by government regulations with respect to restrictions on future
exploitation and production, price controls, export controls, foreign exchange
controls, income taxes, expropriation of property, environmental legislation and
mine and site safety.

Exploration and Mining Risks

The business of exploring for minerals and mining involves a high degree of
risk. Only a small proportion of the properties that are explored are ultimately
developed into producing mines. At present, none of the Group's properties in
Romania have proven or probable reserves and the resource estimates relating to
the Greeks Assets are historic. The proposed work programs assigned to these
projects are for the purposes of exploratory search for proven or probable
reserves. The mining areas presently being assessed by the Group may not contain
economically recoverable volumes of minerals or metals.

Financing Risks

The Directors are of the opinion having made due and careful enquiry that, the
working capital available to the Company and the Group will be sufficient for
its present requirements, and is for the next 12 months. Thereafter, further
exploration and development of one or more of the Group's properties will be
dependant upon the Group's ability to obtain financing through joint ventures,
equity or debt financing or other means, and although the Group has been
successful in the past in obtaining financing through the sale of equity
securities, there can be no assurance that the Group will be able to obtain
adequate financing in the future or that the terms of financing will be
favourable. Failure to obtain such additional financing could result in delay or
indefinite postponement of further exploration and development of its projects
with the possible loss of such properties.

No Experience of Development- Stage Mining Operations

The Group has no previous experience in placing resource properties into
production and its ability to do so will be dependant upon using the services of
appropriately experienced personnel or entering into agreements with other major
resource companies that can provide such expertise. There can be no assurance
that the Group will have available to it the necessary expertise when and if it
places its resource properties into production.

Estimates of Mineral Resources and Production Risks

The mineral resource estimates included in this document are estimates only and
no assurance can be given that any proven or provable reserves will be
discovered or that any particular level of recovery of minerals will in fact be
realized or that an identified reserve or resource will ever qualify as a
commercially mineable (or viable) deposit which can be legally and economically
exploited. In addition, the grade of mineralization which may ultimately be
mined may differ from that indicated by drilling results and such differences
could be material. Production can be affected by such factors as permitting
regulations and requirements, weather, environmental factors, unforeseen
technical difficulties, unusual or unexpected geological formations and work

Mineral Prices

The mineral exploration and development industry in general is intensely
competitive and there is no assurance that, even if commercial quantities of
proven and probable reserves are discovered, a profitable market may exist for
the sale of the same. Factors beyond control of the Group may affect the
marketability of any substances discovered. Mineral prices have fluctuated
widely, particularly in the recent years. The marketability of minerals is also
affected by numerous other factors beyond the control of the Group, including
government regulations relating to price, royalties, allowable production and
exporting of minerals, the effect of which cannot accurately be predicted.

Uninsured Risks

In the course of exploration, development and production of mineral properties,
certain risks, and in particular, unexpected or unusual geological operating
conditions including rock bursts, cave-ins, fore, flooding and earthquakes may
occur. It is not always possible to fully insure against such risks as a result
of high premiums or other reasons. Should such liabilities arise, they could
reduce or eliminate any future profitability and result in increased costs, have
a material adverse effect on the Group's results and a decline in the value of
the securities of the Company.


The Group competes with many companies and individuals that have substantially
greater financial and technical resources than the Group for the acquisition of
mineral concessions as well as for the recruitment and retention of qualified

Environmental and other Regulatory Requirements

The activities of the Group are subject to environmental regulations promulgated
by government agencies from time to time. Environmental legislation generally
provides for restrictions and prohibitions on spills, releases or emissions of
various substances produced in association with certain mining industry
operations, such as seepage from tailings disposal areas, which would result in
imposition of fines and penalties. In addition, certain types of operations
require the submission and approval of environmental impact assessments.
Environmental legislation is evolving in a manner which means stricter
standards, and enforcement, fines and penalties for non-compliance are more
stringent. Environmental assessments of proposed projects carry a heightened
degree of responsibility for companies and their directors, offices and
employees. The cost of compliance with changes in governmental regulations has a
potential to reduce the profitability of operations.

Exploration, Mining and Other Licences

The Group's exploration and mining activities are dependant upon the grant of
appropriate licences, concessions, leases, permits and regulatory consents ("
Authorisations") which may not be granted or may be withdrawn or made subject to
limitations. There can be no assurance that such Authorisations will be renewed
following expiry or granted (as the case may be) or as to the terms of such
grants or renewals.

Title Matters

The acquisition of title to mineral concessions in Romania and Greece is a
detailed and time consuming process. Title to and the area of mining concessions
may be disputed. While the Group has diligently investigated title to all
mineral concessions and, to the best of its knowledge, title to all of its
properties in good standing, this should not be construed as a guarantee of
title. Title to properties may be affected by undisclosed and undetected

Conflicts of Interest

The Company's directors and officers may serve as directors or officers of other
companies or have significant shareholdings in other resource companies and, to
the extent that such other companies may participate in ventures in which the
Group may participate, the directors of the Company may have a conflict of
interest in negotiating and concluding terms respecting the extent of such
participation. In the event that such a conflict of interest arises at a meeting
of the Company's directors, a director who has such a conflict will abstain from
voting for or against the approval of such participation or such terms. From
time to time several companies may participate in the acquisition, exploration
and development natural resource properties thereby allowing for their
participation in larger programs, permitting of involvement in a greater number
of programs and reducing financial exposure in respect of any one program. It
may also occur that a particular company will assign all or a portion of its
interest in a particular assignment. In accordance with the laws of the Yukon
Territory, the directors of the Company are required to act honestly, in good
faith and in the best interests of the Company. In determining whether or not
the Company will participate in a particular program and the interest therein to
be acquired by it, the directors will primarily consider the degree of risk to
which the Company may be exposed and its financial position at that time.

Repatriation of Earnings

Currently there are no restrictions on the repatriation from Romania and Greece
of earnings to foreign entities. However, there can be no assurance that
restrictions of earnings from Romania and Greece will not be imposed in the

Dependence on Management

The Group's development to date has largely depended and in the future will
continue to depend on the efforts of key management. Loss of any of these people
could have a material adverse effect on the Group and its business. The Company
has not taken out and does not intend to take out key man insurance in respect
of any Directors or other employees.

Joint Ventures

Members of the Group hold, and expect to hold in the future, interests in joint
ventures. Joint ventures may involve special risks associated with the
possibility that the joint venture partners may (i) have economic or business
interests or targets that are inconsistent with those of the Group; (ii) take
action contrary to the Group's policies or objectives with the respect to their
investments, for instance by veto of proposals in respect of joint venture
operations; (iii) be unable or unwilling to fulfil their obligations under the
joint venture or other agreements; or (iv) experience financial or other
difficulties. Any of the foregoing may have a material adverse effect on the
results of the operations or financial condition of the Group. In addition, the
termination of certain of these joint venture agreements, if not replaced on
similar terms, could have a material adverse effect on the results of operations
or financial condition of the Group.

Share Price Fluctuations

In recent years, the securities market have experienced a high level of price
and volume volatility, and the market price of securities of many companies,
particularly those considered to be development stage companies, have
experienced wide fluctuations in price which have not necessarily been related
to the operating performance, underlying asset values or prospects of such

General Economic Conditions

Changes in the general economic climate in which the Group operates may
adversely affect the financial performance of the Group. Factors which may
contribute to that general economic climate include the level of direct and
indirect competition against the Group, industrial disruption, the rate of
growth or gross domestic product, interest rates and the rate of inflation for
each country in which the Group operates.


The Common Shares trade on AIM rather than the Official List of the UK Listing
Authority. An investment in shares traded on AIM may carry a higher risk than an
investment in shares quoted on the Official List. Investors should be aware that
the value of the Common Shares may be volatile and may go down as well as up and
investors may therefore not recover their original investment, especially as the
market in the Common Shares on AIM may have limited liquidity.

The market price of the Common Shares may not reflect the underlying value of
the Company's net assets.

The price at which investors may dispose of their shares in the Company may be
influenced by a number of factors, some of which may pertain to the Company, and
others of which are extraneous. Investors may realize less than the original
amount they invested.

Legislative Changes

Changes in governmental regulations and policies may adversely affect the
financial performance of the Group. Future Romanian and Greek legislations and
regulations relating to labour may further increase the Group's costs or
otherwise alter the Group's relationship with its employees.

Tax Risk on Migration

The Company is currently resident for fiscal purposes in Canada. Any subsequent
relocation of the Company (by reference to the location of its management or
otherwise) may give rise to a significant tax charge.

Enforcement of Civil Liabilities

As substantially all of the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries are
located outside of Canada and the UK, and certain directors and officers of the
Company are resident outside of Canada and the UK, it may be difficult or
impossible to enforce judgments granted by a court in Canada or the UK against
the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries or the directors and officers of
the Company residing outside of Canada or the UK.

Currency Fluctuations

The Group's operations in Romania and Greece make it subject to foreign currency
fluctuations and such fluctuations may materially affect the Group's financial
position and results.


The Company intends to continue to grow its portfolio of assets by investigating
projects of interests within its area of strategic focus of operations. As well,
the Company will define work programs for its Greek assets in partnership with
its local partner and complete an intensive technical study of its Romanian
based Certej project.

For Further Information:

IR/Media Contact:

Ed Baer

London Office:                        +44 (0)20 7763-7118   e-mail:

London Mobile:                        +44 (0)77 4681-5902  website:

Buchanan Communications               +44 (0)20 7466 5000
Tim Thompson / Catherine Miles

Disclosure of auditor review of interim financial statements

The interim quarterly financial statements for the period ended 31st March 2004
have not been reviewed by the auditors.

European Goldfields Limited

Consolidated Financial Statements  March 31, 2004 and 2003

(Expressed in Canadian dollars)

Consolidated Balance Sheets as at March 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003

(Canadian Dollars)
                                                                                       2004            2003
                                                                                          $               $
                                                                                  Unaudited         Audited

Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents                                                        17,565,223      19,409,354
Short-term investments                                                            1,765,000       4,000,000
Accounts receivable, prepaid expenses and supplies                                1,265,865       2,591,094
                                                                                 20,596,088      26,000,448

Non current assets
Equity Investment                                                          4     33,214,085               -

Capital assets                                                             2        584,298         629,790

Mineral properties and deferred exploration costs                          3     34,520,348      32,855,048
                                                                                 88,914,819      59,485,286


Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                          1,715,949        918,668
Convertible loan notes                                                                    -      18,536,832
                                                                                  1,715,949      19,455,500

Shareholders' Equity

Capital stock and warrants                                                 6     95,343,252      42,840,058

Contributed surplus                                                        6      4,843,350       3,169,918

Deficit                                                                        (12,987,732)     (5,980,190)
                                                                                 87,198,870      40,029,786
                                                                                 88,914,819      59,485,286

Approved by Board of Directors

David Grannell                                Glenn Featherby
Executive Director                            Non Executive Director

European Goldfields Limited
Consolidated Statements of Loss and Deficit
For the three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2003
(Canadian Dollars)
                                                                                     March 31,       March 31,
                                                                                          2004            2003
                                                                                             $               $
General and administrative expenses
Administrative and overhead costs                                                    4,846,302         177,409
Audit, accounting, legal and other professional fees                                   983,343         273,277
Financing Costs - Convertible loan notes                                             1,488,825               -
Foreign Exchange gain                                                                (627,998)               -
Interest income                                                                       (23,997)        (79,903)
Amortization                                                                             2,683           2,261
Share of loss in Investment                                                            338,384               -

Loss for the period                                                                  7,007,542         373,044

Deficit - Beginning of period                                                        5,980,190       2,548,807

Deficit - End of period                                                             12,987,732       2,921,851

Loss per share                                                                            0.24            0.02

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

European Goldfields Limited
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
For the three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2003
(Canadian Dollars)
                                                                                     March 31,       March 31,
                                                                                          2004            2003
                                                                                             $               $
Cash flows from operating activities
Loss for the period                                                                (7,007,542)       (373,044)
Amortization                                                                             2,683           2,261
Financing Costs - convertible loan notes                                             1,488,825               -
Stock option expense                                                                 2,576,952               -
Loss on disposal of capital assets                                                       3,041               -
Share of loss                                                                          338,384               -
Directors' compensation shares                                                       1,626,000               -
Net changes in non-cash working capital                                                197,222       (277,682)

                                                                                     (774,435)       (648,465)

Cash flows from investing activities
Exploration expenditures                                                           (1,597,137)     (1,214,354)
Short term investment                                                                2,235,000               -
Acquisition of investment                                                         (33,116,004)               -
Proceeds from disposal of capital assets                                                29,187               -
Purchase of capital assets                                                            (57,583)        (70,734)

                                                                                  (32,506,537)     (1,285,088)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds for exercise of share purchase warrants                                    31,425,550               -
Financing Costs - Non brokered private placement                                     (331,209)               -
Proceeds from stock options                                                            342,500               -

                                                                                    31,436,841               -

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                              (1,844,131)     (1,933,553)

Cash and cash equivalents - Beginning of period                                     19,409,354      13,218,589

Cash and cash equivalents - End of period                                           17,565,223      11,285,036

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

European Goldfields Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
For the three months ended March 31, 2004 and 2003
(Canadian Dollars)

1.         Nature of operations

European Goldfields Limited (the "Company") is in the process of exploring its
mineral properties in Romania and has not yet determined whether those
properties contain economic reserves. The underlying value of the mineral
properties and deferred exploration costs is dependent upon the existence and
economic recovery of such reserves in the future, and the ability to raise
long-term financing to complete the development of the properties.

The Company believes it has adequate funds available to meet its corporate and
administrative obligations for the coming year and its planned expenditures on
its mineral properties.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern
basis, which assumes the Company will be able to realize assets and discharge
liabilities in the normal course of business for the foreseeable future. These
consolidated financial statements do not include the adjustments that would be
necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.

The interim consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared
in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada using the
same accounting policies as those disclosed in note 2 to the Company's audited
consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2003.

The Company adopted the following accounting policies during the quarter.

Investments in companies and partnerships in which the Company does not have
joint control, but does have significant influence on them, are accounted for
using the equity method.

Goodwill represents the difference between the price the Company paid for the
business, using the purchase method of accounting, and the fair value of the net
tangible assets and identifiable intangible assets acquired. The Company will
test goodwill annually for impairment, rather than amortize goodwill over a
specific period.

These interim consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction
with the Company's audited annual consolidated financial statements for the year

2.    Capital Assets
                                                                                     March 31,  March 31, 2003

                                                                                             $               $

Vehicles                                                                               560,417         540,851
Field/Office equipment                                                                 475,149         423,894
                                                                                     1,035,566         964,745

Less:  Accumulated amortization                                                        451,268         252,872

                                                                                       584,298         711,873

3.     Mineral properties and deferred exploration costs
                                           Certej      Zlatna     Bolcana  Baita-Craciunesti       Voia       Total
                                                $           $           $                  $          $           $

Balance - December 31, 2003            21,587,477   5,556,601   2,730,276          2,629,781    350,913  32,855,048

       Drilling and assaying              599,852      91,086       1,774             28,559        375     721,646
       Geosciences and technical          195,249      19,466           -                207     21,039     235,961
       Samplers, miners and surveying      21,497         846           -                  -        199      22,542
       Project management                 192,370          50           -                360          -     192,780
       Project overhead                   336,621      45,073         717             11,779     30,016     424,206
       Amortization                        47,714       6,817       6,817              6,817          -      68,165
                                        1,393,303     163,338       9,308             47,722     51,629   1,665,300
Balance - March 31, 2004               22,980,780   5,719,939   2,739,584          2,677,503    402,542  34,520,348

Romanian mineral properties

The Company's 80% owned subsidiary, Deva Gold S.A. ("Deva") presently holds 100%
interests in four mineral resource properties in Romania. Exploitation licenses
have been issued to Deva as titleholder for the Certej, Zlatna and Bolcana
projects. An exploration license has been issued to Deva as titleholder for the
Baita-Craciunesti project. Minvest S.A., together with three private Romanian
companies, holds a 20% interest in Deva and the Company holds the pre-emptive
right to acquire such 20% interest.

The Company is required to fund 100% of all expenditure related to the
exploration and development of these properties.  The Company holds a
preferential right to recover all funding plus interest from future cash flows
prior to the shareholders receiving dividends.

Individual property spending commitments for the Certej, Zlatna, Bolcana and
Baita-Craciunesti licenses have been met as at December 31, 2003.

The Company's 100% owned subsidiary European Goldfields (Romania) SRL holds a
100% interest in the Voia exploration license. The license was granted from
March 2002. The Company has spending commitments of US$1,649,270 over the
initial five year term of the license.

4.    Equity Investment
                                                                             March 31,     March 31,
                                                                                  2004          2003
                                                                                     $             $
Cost                                                                        33,552,469             -
Loss                                                                         (338,384)             -
Balance at 31March 2004                                                     33,214,085             -

A 37.98% indirect investment in Hellas Gold S.A. Hellas Gold S.A. owns the
Kassandra Mines asset in Northern Greece. The property hosts the Skouries
gold-copper, Olympias and Stratoni poly-metallic deposits.

The difference between the carrying value of the investment and the Company's
37.98% share of the net assets of Hellas Gold S.A. $ 14,854,838 is represented
by goodwill. The goodwill will be tested for impairment on an annual basis.

Summary financial information of the equity investment converted at the quarter
end exchange rate is as follows.

                                                                                            March 31, 2004
Current Assets                                                                                  20,014,939
Non Current Assets                                                                              17,817,189
Current Liabilities                                                                               (45,921)
Net Equity                                                                                      37,786,207

Interest Income                                                                                     47,488
Operating Costs                                                                                  (919,443)
Net Loss                                                                                         (871,955)

5.   Related party transaction

The Company entered into an agreement on the January 31, 2004 with the Chief
Executive Officer whereby it has loaned him the sum of $200,000, bearing
interest of 0.5 per cent, per annum. If he remains an executive director of the
Company at January 31, 2005, 50 per cent, of the principal amount of the loan
will be waived. If he remains a director at January 31, 2006, the remaining
amount of the loan will be waived. To the extent not waived, the loan will be
repayable in the event that he ceases for whatever reason to be employed by the

6.    Capital stock

Unlimited number of common shares
Unlimited number of preferred shares, issuable in series

Issued and outstanding:
                                                                                    Number of        Amount
                                                                                       shares             $

Common shares

Balance - December 31, 2003                                                        22,021,126    42,840,058

Shares issued on conversion of convertible loan                                     8,309,957    19,528,400
Shares issued from non brokered private placement                                   9,458,750    23,646,875
Share options exercised                                                               225,000       342,500
Warrants Exercised                                                                  3,111,470     7,778,675
Shares issued as compensation to directors                                            600,000     1,626,000
Share issue costs                                                                                 (419,256)

Balance -  March 31, 2004                                                          43,726,303    95,343,252

In February 2004, the Company raised $23.6 million by way of non-brokered
private placement of up to 9,458,750 warrants at a price of $2.50 per warrant.
Each warrant is convertible into one common share in the Company. The warrants
were exercised during the period.

Pursuant to the Company's share compensation arrangement, on March 9, 2004,
subject to acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange, the directors conditionally
issued common shares at a deemed price of $2.71 per share to senior officers as
follows: Eduardo Baer, 350,000 common shares and David Grannell, 250,000 common
shares. Such shares were conditionally issued in recognition of Messrs. Baer's
and Grannell's performance in achieving a number of corporate milestones.

Contributed Surplus

                                                                                          2004          2003
                                                                                             $             $

Stock option Compensation                                                            3,967,359     1,395,272
Equity component of convertible loan notes                                                   -       991,568
Financing costs - convertible loan notes                                                     -      (92,913)
Brokers warrants                                                                       875,991       875,991
                                                                                     4,843,350     3,169,918

7.    Stock options

The plan allows that the Directors are authorized to grant stock options, which
enable the directors, officers, consultants and employees to acquire common
shares.  The exercise price of the options equals the closing price on the day
prior to the option allotment.

As at March 31, 2004, common share stock options held by directors and employees
are as follows:

                                                                        Number of Options      Exercise
                                                                                                price $
Expiry date
2004                                                                             786,000           1.40
2004                                                                              639,000          2.50
2004                                                                               50,000          2.04
2004                                                                              500,000          2.05
2004                                                                               75,000          2.20
2005                                                                               15,000          1.40
2005                                                                              200,000          2.50
2006                                                                               25,000          1.40
2008                                                                              175,000          2.20
2009                                                                            1,710,000          2.80
                                                                                4,175,000          2.33

During the period ended March 31, 2004 stock options were issued, exercised and
expired as follows:

                                                                   Number of Stock         Weighted Average
                                                                          Warrants         Exercise Price $

Balance - December 31, 2003                                              2,690,000                     1.96

Options granted - 2004                                                  1,710,000                      2.80
Options exercised - 2004                                                 (225,000)                     1.52

Balance - March 31, 2004                                                 4,175,000                     2.33

On 9th March 2004, the company granted 1,225,000 fully vested stock options to
directors and 485,000 stock options (of which 50% vest in November 2004 and 50%
in August 2005) to employees and consultants; all are exercisable at $2.80 per
common share and expire five years from the date granted.

The weighted average grant-date fair value of 1,710,000 stock options granted to
employees, directors and officers during the period ended March 31, 2004 was
$2,576,952. A compensation cost has been recognised in the income statement for
theses stock options.

The fair value of the options granted has been estimated at the date of grant
using a Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions:
weighted average risk free interest rate of 4.0% (2003 - 4.3%); volatility
factor of the expected market price of the Company's stock of 93.4% (2003 -
93.4%); and a weighted average expected life of the options of 4 to 5 years
(2003 - 5 years).

8.    Warrants

As at March 31, 2004, the following common share purchase and broker warrants
were outstanding:
                                                    Expiry Date         Numbers of   Exercise Price $
Share purchase warrants                            April 4 2004            942,500               2.50
Broker warrants                                    April 4 2004            186,030               2.50
Broker warrants                                   June 12, 2005            415,498               2.35

        During the period ended March 31, 2004 warrants were issued, exercised
and expired as follows:

                                                                   Number of Stock         Weighted Average
                                                                          Warrants         Exercise Price $
Balance - December 31, 2003                                              4,655,498                     2.49

Warrants granted - 2004                                                 9,458,750                      2.50
Warrants exercised - 2004                                             (12,570,220)                     2.50

Balance - March 31, 2004                                                 1,544,028                     2.46

9.      Segmented information

The Company has one operating segment: the acquisition, exploration and
development of precious metal projects located principally in Romania.

       Geographic segmentation of capital assets and deferred exploration costs
is as follows:

                                                                            March 31, 2004     March 31, 2003
                                                                                         $                  $
Romania                                                                         35,067,583         29,088,747
Canada                                                                              37,063             27,126

                                                                                35,104,646         29,115,873

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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