Downing Protected Opportunities VCT 1 plc 
Initial Accounts for the period from 12 January 2009 to 31 July 2009 
Downing Protected Opportunities 1 VCT plc announces audited initial 
accounts for the period for from 12 January 2009 to 31 July 2009. 
as at 31 July 2009 
                                               Note     2009 
                                                    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                     8          6,457 
Current assets 
Debtors                                         9     787 
Cash at bank and in hand                        15  2,577 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year  10  (146) 
Net current assets                                         3,218 
Net assets                                                 9,675 
Capital and reserves 
Called up Ordinary Share capital                11             9 
Called up 'A' Share capital                     11             9 
Called up Management 'A' Share capital          11            10 
Share premium account                           12         1,518 
Special reserve                                 12         7,115 
Share capital to be issued                      12           520 
Investment holding gains                        12           583 
Revenue reserve                                 12          (89) 
Total equity Shareholders' funds                           9,675 
Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
Ordinary Share                                  13        100.2p 
'A' Share                                       13          0.1p 
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 
24 September 2009 and were signed on its behalf by 
Howard Flight 
The accompanying  notes  form an  integral  part of  these  financial 
for the period from 12 January 2009 to 31 July 2009 
                                            Period ended 31 July 2009 
                                       Note Revenue   Capital   Total 
                                              GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Income                                  2         6         -       6 
Gain on investments     - realised      8         -       126     126 
                        - unrealised    8         -       482     482 
                                                  6       608     614 
Investment management fees              3      (20)      (20)    (40) 
Other expenses                          4      (75)       (5)    (80) 
Return on ordinary activities before           (89)       583     494 
Tax on ordinary activities              6         -         -       - 
Return attributable to equity 
shareholders                                   (89)       583     494 
Basic and diluted return per share: 
Ordinary Share                          7    (1.3p)      8.3p    7.0p 
'A' Share                               7         -         -       - 
All Revenue and Capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations.  The total column within the Income Statement 
represents the profit and loss account of the Company. 
A Statement  of  Total  Recognised  Gains and  Losses  has  not  been 
prepared as  all  gains  and  losses are  recognised  in  the  Income 
Statement noted above. 
Other than revaluation movements arising on investments held at  fair 
value through the Income Statement, there were no differences between 
the return/deficit as stated above and historical cost. 
                                      Period ended 
                             Note     31 July 2009 
Opening Shareholders' funds                      - 
Proceeds from share issue    11/12           9,162 
Share issue costs               12           (501) 
Unallotted shares               12             520 
Total recognised gains for the period          494 
Closing Shareholders' funds                  9,675 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial 
for the period from 12 January 2009 to 31 July 2009 
                                          Note   31 July 2009 
Net cash inflow from operating activities  14              29 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                               (7,902) 
Proceeds from disposal of investments                   1,269 
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure             (6,633) 
Net cash outflow before financing                     (6,604) 
Proceeds from Ordinary Share issue                      9,143 
Proceeds from 'A' Share issue                              19 
Proceeds from Preference Share issue                       50 
Redemption of Preference Shares                          (50) 
Unallotted shares                                         520 
Share issue costs                                       (501) 
Net cash inflow from financing                          9,181 
Increase in cash                           15           2,577 
The accompanying  notes  form an  integral  part of  these  financial 
for the period ended 31 July 2009 
1. Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The Company has prepared its financial statements under UK  Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP")  and in accordance with  the 
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment 
Trust Companies  and Venture  Capital  Trusts" revised  January  2009 
The financial  statements  are  prepared under  the  historical  cost 
convention as  modified  by  the  revaluation  of  certain  financial 
Presentation of Income Statement 
In accordance with the SORP, supplementary information which analyses 
the Income Statement between  items of a  revenue and capital  nature 
has been presented alongside the Income Statement. The net revenue is 
the measure  the  Directors  believe  appropriate  in  assessing  the 
Company's compliance with certain requirements  set out in Part 6  of 
the Income Tax Act 2007. 
All investments are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" 
assets and  are  measured  at  fair value.    A  financial  asset  is 
designated within this category if  it is both acquired and  managed, 
with a view to selling after a period of time, in accordance with the 
Company's  documented  investment  policy.   The  fair  value  of  an 
investment  upon  acquisition  is  deemed  to  be  cost.   Thereafter 
investments are  measured  at  fair  value  in  accordance  with  the 
International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines 
("IPEV") together with FRS26. 
Structured product  investments  are  measured using  bid  prices  in 
accordance with the IPEV. 
In respect  of unquoted  instruments, fair  value is  established  by 
using the  IPEV. The  valuation methodologies  for unquoted  entities 
used by the IPEV to ascertain the fair value of an investment are  as 
*   Price of recent investment; 
*   Earnings multiple; 
*   Net assets; 
*   Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying business); 
*   Discounted cash flows (from the investment); and 
*   Industry valuation benchmarks. 
The methodology  applied  takes  account of  the  nature,  facts  and 
circumstances of the individual investment and uses reasonable  data, 
market inputs, assumptions and estimates  in order to ascertain  fair 
Where an investee company has  gone into receivership or  liquidation 
the loss on the investment,  although not physically disposed of,  is 
treated as being realised. 
Gains and losses arising from changes  in fair value are included  in 
the Income Statement for the year  as a capital item and  transaction 
costs on acquisition or disposal of the investment expensed. 
It is  not the  Company's policy  to exercise  either significant  or 
controlling influence over investee companies.  Therefore the results 
of these  companies are  not incorporated  into the  Revenue  Account 
except to the extent of any income accrued. 
Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' 
rights to  receive  payment has  been  established, normally  the  ex 
dividend date. 
Interest income is accrued on a time apportioned basis, by  reference 
to the  principal  outstanding and  at  the effective  interest  rate 
applicable  and  only   where  there  is   reasonable  certainty   of 
All expenses are accounted  for on an accruals  basis. In respect  of 
the analysis between revenue and  capital items presented within  the 
Income Statement, all expenses have  been presented as revenue  items 
except as follows: 
*                      Expenses which are incidental to the disposal 
  of an investment are deducted from the disposal proceeds of the 
*                      Expenses are split and presented partly as 
  capital items where a connection with the maintenance or 
  enhancement of the value of the investments held can be 
The Company has adopted  a policy of charging  50% of the  investment 
management fees to the revenue account and 50% to the capital account 
to reflect the  Board's estimated split  of investment returns  which 
will be achieved by the company over the long term. 
The tax  effects  on different  items  in the  Income  Statement  are 
allocated between  capital  and revenue  on  the same  basis  as  the 
particular item to which they  relate, using the Company's  effective 
rate of tax for the accounting period. 
Due to  the Company's  status  as a  Venture  Capital Trust  and  the 
continued intention to  meet the conditions  required to comply  with 
Part 6  of the  Income Tax  Act 2007,  no provision  for taxation  is 
required in respect of any realised or unrealised appreciation of the 
Company's investments which arises. 
Deferred taxation  is provided  in full  on timing  differences  that 
result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or 
a right to pay less tax at a future date, at rates expected to  apply 
when they  crystallise based  on current  tax rates  and law.  Timing 
differences  arise  from  the  inclusion  of  items  of  income   and 
expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from  those 
in which they are included in the accounts. 
Issue costs 
Issue costs in relation to the shares issued have been deducted  from 
the share premium account. 
2. Income 
Other income 
Bank interest       6 
3. Investment management fees 
Investment management fees    40 
4. Other expenses 
Administration services                                     16 
Trail commission                                            16 
Directors' remuneration                                     20 
Auditors' remuneration for audit                             6 
Auditors' remuneration for non-audit services (taxation)     1 
Other                                                       21 
The annual running costs of the Company for the period are subject to 
a  cap  of  3.5%  of  net  assets  of  the  Company  plus  cumulative 
5. Directors' remuneration 
The Company  had  no  employees (other  than  Directors)  during  the 
period.  Directors' remuneration  is disclosed in  note 4 above.   No 
other emoluments or  pension contributions were  paid by the  Company 
to, or on behalf of any Directors. 
6. Tax on ordinary activities 
(a)              Tax charge for period 
UK corporation tax at 28%                                           - 
Charge for the period                                               - 
(b)              Factors affecting tax charge for the period 
Revenue return on ordinary activities before taxation            (89) 
Tax charge calculated on return on ordinary activities before    (25) 
taxation at the applicable rate of 28% 
Effects of: 
Expenses disallowed for tax purposes                                4 
Losses available to carry forward                                  21 
7. Return per share 
                                         Ordinary Shares   'A' Shares 
Return per share based on: 
Net  revenue  after  taxation  for   the            (89)            - 
financial year (GBP'000) 
Weighted average  number  of  shares  in       7,008,935   15,590,017 
Capital return per share based on: 
Net capital gain for the financial  year             583            - 
Weighted average  number  of  shares  in       7,008,935   15,590,017 
As the Company  has not  issued any convertible  securities or  share 
options, there is no  dilutive effect on the  return per Ordinary  or 
'A' Share. The return per  share disclosed therefore represents  both 
basic and diluted return per Ordinary and 'A' Share. 
8. Fixed Assets - Investments 
                                       Structured Product Investments 
Movement in the period: 
Purchased at cost                                               7,902 
Disposals                 - proceeds                          (2,053) 
                - realised gains on                               126 
Unrealised gains in the Income                                    482 
Closing value at 31 July 2009                                   6,457 
Closing cost at 31 July 2009                                    5,975 
Gains at 31 July 2009                                             482 
No costs incidental to the acquisitions of investments were  incurred 
during the period. 
9. Debtors 
Other debtors                    784 
Prepayments and accrued income     3 
10. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
Accruals and deferred income   146 
11. Called up share capital 
30,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each          30 
60,000,000 'A' Shares of 0.1p each               60 
50,000 Preference Shares of GBP1 each              50 
Allotted, called up and fully-paid: 
9,117,210 Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each            9 
9,117,210 'A' Shares of 0.1p each                 9 
10,000,000 Management 'A' Shares of 0.1p each    10 
The authorised share capital upon incorporation was GBP140,000  divided 
into 50,000 Redeemable Preference Shares  of GBP1 each, 60,000,000  'A' 
Shares of 0.1p each and 30,000,000  Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each,  of 
which 2  Ordinary  Shares  were  issued to  the  subscribers  to  the 
Memorandum of Association. 
On 12 January 2009 the two Ordinary Shares issued to the  subscribers 
were paid up in  full. On the same  day 50,000 Redeemable  Preference 
Shares  were   issued  to   Downing  Management   Services   Limited, 
one-quarter paid up, to  enable the Company  to obtain a  certificate 
under Section 117 of the Companies Act 1985. 
On 6 March 2009, the 50,000 Redeemable Preference Shares were paid up 
in full and  then subsequently redeemed  out of the  proceeds of  the 
Between 6 March  2009 and  30 April 2009,  7,544,764 Ordinary  Shares 
were issued at 99.9p per share, 17,544,764 'A' Shares were issued  at 
0.1p per share  and 10,000,000  Management 'A' Shares  (known as  the 
"Management 'A' Shares") were  issued at 0.1p  per share pursuant  to 
the offers for  subscription by  way of a  prospectus. The  aggregate 
consideration for  the shares  was  GBP7,555,000 which  excludes  issue 
costs of GBP415,000. The holders of 'A' Shares are not entitled to vote 
at any  meeting, save  where the  resolution put  to the  meeting  of 
Shareholders is to amend  any provision of  the Articles relating  to 
the rights of the 'A' Shares or where a takeover offer has been  made 
and remains open to acceptance. 
On 2 June  2009, 598,396 Ordinary  Shares were issued  at 102.6p  per 
share and 598,396 'A' Shares were  issued at 0.1p per share  pursuant 
to the offers for subscription by way of a prospectus. The  aggregate 
consideration for the shares was GBP614,000 which excludes issue  costs 
of GBP33,000. 
On 3 July  2009, 974,050 Ordinary  Shares were issued  at 101.8p  per 
share and 974,050 'A' Shares were  issued at 0.1p per share  pursuant 
to the offers for subscription by way of a prospectus. The  aggregate 
consideration for the shares was GBP993,000 which excludes issue  costs 
of GBP54,000. 
Following the close  of the  offers for subscription  on 2  September 
2009, a  number of  Management 'A'  Shares were  converted into  0.1p 
Deferred  Shares  such  that  the  remaining  Management  'A'  Shares 
represented one third of the total  number of 'A' Shares in issue  at 
that date. 
Provided that  the  performance  hurdle  is  met  (i.e.  Shareholders 
receive proceeds of at least GBP1  per Share and a 7% compound  return) 
distributions or returns of  capital shall be  made on the  following 
basis between the holders of Ordinary Shares and 'A' Shares: 
*    97% to Ordinary Shares and 3% to 'A' Shares until an amount 
  equivalent to the 100p per one Ordinary  Share and one 'A' Share 
  has been distributed; thereafter 
*   80% to Ordinary Shares and 20% to 'A' Shares 
If the  distribution  set  out above  would  result  in  Shareholders 
receiving less  than 100p  per  Share or  lower  than a  7%  Compound 
Return,  then  the  return  to  Management  will  be  reduced   until 
Shareholders receive  at  least 100p  per  Share and  a  7%  Compound 
Return. Management's share of the Total Proceeds will be subject to a 
Cap of 1.25% of Net Assets per annum and will only be payable if  the 
Hurdle is achieved. If, in any accounting period of the Company,  the 
Performance Incentive payable is less than the Cap then the shortfall 
will be aggregated to the Cap in respect of the following  accounting 
period and so on until fully utilised. 
12. Reserves 
                 Share         Share capital Investment 
               Premium Special  to be issued    holding Revenue 
               account reserve                    gains reserve Total 
                 GBP'000   GBP'000                    GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
At  12 January       -       -             -          -       -     - 
Issue of new     9,134       -             -          -       - 9,134 
Share issue      (501)       -             -          -       - (501) 
Unallotted           -       -           520          -       -   520 
Transfer       (7,115)   7,115             -          -       -     - 
Gains on             -       -             -        608       -   608 
Expenses             -       -             -       (25)       -  (25) 
Retained net         -       -             -          -    (89)  (89) 
At 31 July       1,518   7,115           520        583    (89) 9,647 
The Special Reserve was created on 30 April 2009 by the cancellation 
of the Share Premium account following court approval.  The Special 
Reserve is available to the Company to enable the purchase of its own 
shares in the market without affecting its ability to pay capital 
distributions.  The Special Reserve and Revenue Reserve are both 
distributable reserves. 
13. Net asset value per share 
                                                            Net asset 
                                  Shares in issue Pence per     GBP'000 
Ordinary Shares                         9,117,210     100.2     9,136 
'A' Shares                             19,117,210       0.1        19 
Net assets in respect of shares                       100.3     9,155 
in issue at 31 July 2009 
Share capital to be issued                                        520 
Net assets per Balance Sheet                                    9,675 
The Directors allocate the assets and liabilities of the Company 
between the Ordinary Shares and 'A' Shares such that each share class 
has sufficient net assets to represent its dividend and return of 
capital rights as described in note 11. 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share 
options, there is no dilutive effect on net asset per share.  The net 
asset value per share disclosed therefore represents both basic and 
diluted return per share. 
14. Reconciliation of return on ordinary activities before taxation 
to net cash flow from operating activities 
Return on ordinary activities before taxation                     494 
Gains on investments                                            (608) 
Increase in debtors                                               (3) 
Increase in creditors                                             146 
Net cash  inflow  from  operating  activities  and  returns  on    29 
15. Analysis of changes in cash during the period 
Beginning of period     - 
Net cash inflow     2,577 
End of period       2,577 
16. Financial instruments and derivatives 
The  Company's   financial   instruments  comprise   investments   in 
structured products,  other debtors,  cash and  liquid resources  and 
accruals. Investments are designated as "fair value through profit or 
loss on initial  recognition". The  main purpose  of these  financial 
instruments is to generate revenue  and capital appreciation for  the 
Company's operations.  The  fair value of  investments is  determined 
using the detailed accounting policy as shown in note 1. 
Loans and  receivables  (including  cash  at bank  and  in  hand  and 
debtors) and other financial liabilities are stated at amortised cost 
which the Directors consider is equivalent to fair value. 
The Company has not entered into any derivative transactions. 
Interest rate profile of financial assets and financial liabilities 
The Company's financial assets (excluding  cash at bank and in  hand) 
and liabilities,  other  than  the  Company's  investments,  have  no 
attributable interest  rate and  cash at  bank and  in hand  attracts 
interest at a floating rate. 
                                     Average   Average period    2009 
                               interest rate   until maturity   GBP'000 
Floating rate                  0.6%                 n/a         2,577 
No interest rate                                                7,098 
*    "Floating rate assets" represent investments with interest rates 
  linked to Bank of England base rate. 
*   "No interest rate assets" include structured product investments, 
  debtors and creditors having no attributable rate of interest. 
Financial liabilities 
The Company had no financial liabilities or guarantees other than the 
creditors disclosed within the Balance Sheet. 
Currency exposure 
As at 31 July 2009, the Company had no foreign currency exposures. 
Borrowing facilities 
The Company has no committed borrowing facilities as at 31 July 2009. 
17. Principal financial risks 
As a VCT,  the majority of  the Company's assets  are represented  by 
financial instruments  which  are  held as  part  of  the  investment 
portfolio. In order to ensure continued compliance with relevant  VCT 
regulation and to be in a  position to deliver the long term  capital 
growth, which  is part  of the  Company's investment  objective,  the 
Board is very much aware of the need to manage and mitigate the risks 
associated with the financial instruments held within the  investment 
The management of these risks starts with the application of a  clear 
investment strategy which  has been  developed by the  Board who  are 
experienced investment  professionals.  Furthermore,  the  Board  has 
appointed an experienced  Investment Manager  and Structured  Product 
Manager to  whom  they  have communicated  the  Company's  investment 
objectives. The  Investment Manager  and Structured  Product  Manager 
report regularly to the Board on performance, investment activity and 
discuss planned future investment activity. 
In assessing the risk profile of its investment portfolio, the  Board 
has identified one principal class  of financial instrument as  shown 
in note 8.   All financial  instruments are "fair  value through  the 
profit and  loss  account" and  are  recognised as  such  on  initial 
A review of  the specific  financial risks  faced by  the Company  is 
presented below. 
Market risks 
Market risk arises from uncertainty about fair values or future  cash 
flows of financial instruments because of changes in market prices. 
The  Company's  investment  portfolio  is  comprised  of   structured 
products, the  fair  values  of which  are  influenced  primarily  by 
changes in the FTSE 100 Index. 
Sensitivity has been tested to movements in the FTSE 100 Index  (and, 
in the case of one investment, the TOPIX index) as follows: 
                                                  Risk exposure at 31 
                                                            July 2009 
Structured products                                             6,457 
FTSE 100 at 31 July 2009                                        4,608 
                                                            Impact on 
                                   Estimated                  NAV per 
                               Impact on NAV           Ordinary Share 
                                       GBP'000                    pence 
Movement in Index: 
20% decrease to 3,683                  (464)                   (5.1p) 
At 31  July  2009, the  Company's  only investments  were  structured 
products.  The investments have significant protection against  falls 
in value  below a  base value.   This limits  the Company's  downside 
exposure to movements in the FTSE 100 index. 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument 
is unable to discharge  a commitment to the  Company made under  that 
instrument.  The  Company's  financial  assets that  are  exposed  to 
credit risk are summarised as follows: 
Fair value through profit or loss assets 
Investments in structured products       6,457 
Loans and receivables 
Cash and cash equivalents                2,577 
Interest and other receivables             784 
Investments in  structured  products  are  managed  so  as  to  limit 
exposure to any one counterparty  and taking into account the  credit 
rating of the counterparty. 
Cash is mainly held  by Bank of  Scotland plc, which  is an A+  rated 
financial institution and, consequently  the Directors consider  that 
the risk profile associated  with cash deposits is  low and thus  the 
carrying value in the financial  statements is a close  approximation 
of its fair value. 
Interest, dividends and other  receivables are predominantly  covered 
within the investment management procedures. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk  that the Company encounters  difficulties 
in meeting obligations associated with its financial liabilities.  As 
the Company only ever has  a very low level  of creditors and has  no 
borrowings,  the  Board  believes  that  the  Company's  exposure  to 
liquidity risk is minimal. 
18. Management of capital 
The Company's objective  when managing  capital is  to safeguard  the 
Company's ability to continue as a going concern in order to continue 
to provide returns for Shareholders. 
The requirements of  the Venture  Capital Trust  Regulations and  the 
fact that the Company has a policy of not having any borrowings  mean 
that  there  is  limited  scope  to  manage  the  Company's   capital 
structure.  However, to the  extent it is  possible, the Company  can 
maintain or adjust its capital  structure by adjusting the amount  of 
dividends paid to Shareholders, purchasing its own shares or  issuing 
new shares. 
As the Company has  a low level of  liabilities, the Board  considers 
the Company's net assets to be its capital. 
The Company does not have any externally imposed capital 
19. Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 
At 31  July 2009,  the Company  had no  contingencies, guarantees  or 
financial commitments. 
The directors are responsible for  preparing the initial accounts  in 
accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
The directors  have  elected  to  prepare  the  initial  accounts  in 
accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice 
(United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). 
Under company law the directors must not approve the initial accounts 
unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of  the 
state of affairs  of the company  and of  the profit or  loss of  the 
company for  that period.  In preparing  these initial  accounts  the 
directors are required to: 
*            select suitable accounting policies and then apply them 
*            make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and 
*            state whether applicable accounting standards have been 
  followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and 
  explained in the initial accounts; 
*            prepare the initial accounts on the going concern basis 
  unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will 
  continue in business. 
The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records 
that are sufficient  to show and  explain the company's  transactions 
and disclose  with  reasonable accuracy  at  any time  the  financial 
position of the company  and enable them to  ensure that the  initial 
accounts  comply  with  the  Companies   Act  2006.  They  are   also 
responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence  for 
taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and 
other irregularities. 
The directors are  responsible for the  maintenance and integrity  of 
the corporate  and financial  information included  on the  company's 
website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the  preparation 
and dissemination of the  financial statements and other  information 
included in  annual  reports may  differ  from legislation  in  other 
The directors  confirm,  to the  best  of their  knowledge  that  the 
initial accounts,  which have  been prepared  in accordance  with  UK 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, give a true and fair view  of 
the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the 
By Order of the Board 
Grant Whitehouse 
Kings Scholars House 
230 Vauxhall Bridge Road 
London SW1V 1AU 
24 September 2009 
We  have   audited  the   initial  accounts   of  Downing   Protected 
Opportunities VCT  I plc  for the  period ended  31 July  2009  which 
comprise the  income statement,  the reconciliation  of movements  in 
shareholders' funds, the balance sheet,  the cash flow statement  and 
the related notes.  The financial reporting  framework that has  been 
applied in their  preparation is  applicable law  and United  Kingdom 
Accounting Standards  (United Kingdom  Generally Accepted  Accounting 
This report is made solely to the company's directors, as a body,  in 
accordance with section 839(5) of  the Companies Act 2006. Our  audit 
work has been  undertaken so  that we  might state  to the  company's 
directors those  matters we  are  required to  state  to them  in  an 
auditors' report  and for  no other  purpose. To  the fullest  extent 
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone 
other than the company and the company's directors as a body, for our 
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors 
As explained more fully in the directors' responsibilities statement, 
the directors  are responsible  for the  preparation of  the  initial 
accounts and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. 
Our responsibility is  to audit  the initial  accounts in  accordance 
with applicable law and International  Standards on Auditing (UK  and 
Ireland) and to report to you  our opinion as to whether the  initial 
accounts have been  properly prepared within  the meaning of  section 
839(4) of  the Companies  Act  2006. Those  standards require  us  to 
comply with  the Auditing  Practices  Board's Ethical  Standards  for 
Scope of the audit 
An  audit  involves   obtaining  evidence  about   the  amounts   and 
disclosures in  the initial  accounts sufficient  to give  reasonable 
assurance  that  the   initial  accounts  are   free  from   material 
misstatement, whether  caused by  fraud or  error. This  includes  an 
assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the 
company's  circumstances  and  have  been  consistently  applied  and 
adequately disclosed;  the reasonableness  of significant  accounting 
estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of  the 
initial accounts. 
Opinion on initial accounts 
In our opinion the initial accounts: 
*        give a true and fair view of the state of the company's 
  affairs as at 31 July 2009 and of its return for the year then 
*        have been properly prepared in accordance with United 
  Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and 
*        have been properly prepared within the meaning of section 
  839(4) of the Companies Act 2006. 
Matters on which we are required to report by exception 
We have nothing to report in respect of the following: 
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if,  in 
our opinion: 
*        adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns 
  adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not 
  visited by us; or 
*        the financial statements are not in agreement with the 
  accounting records and returns; or 
*        we have not received all the information and explanations we 
  require for our audit. 
Stuart Collins 
Senior statutory auditor 
for and on behalf of PKF (UK) LLP, 
Statutory auditors 
24 September 2009 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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