RNS No 1792b
6 April 1999


Not  for  release, publication or distribution in or into  the
United  States  of America, Canada, Australia,  Japan  or  the
Republic of Ireland

1 April 1999

Recommended Cash Offer
Cazenove & Co.
on behalf of
Ashtenne Holdings PLC
The Cleveland Trust Plc

-    The  boards  of  Ashtenne and Cleveland announce  that
     they have agreed the terms of a recommended cash offer
     to  be  made  by Cazenove, on behalf of  Ashtenne,  to
     acquire the entire issued share capital of Cleveland.

-    The  Offer will be 111 pence for each Cleveland  Share
     payable  in  cash and values the entire  issued  share
     capital of Cleveland at approximately #33 million.

-    The  directors of Cleveland consider the terms of  the
     Offer  to be fair and reasonable in the circumstances,
     although  this  advice should be read  in  conjunction
     with  the  background statement set out  in  the  full

-    The directors of Cleveland intend, in the absence of a
     higher  offer being announced before the first closing
     date  of  the  Offer, to accept or to recommend  their
     connected  persons to accept the Offer in  respect  of
     all  the 1,912,807 Cleveland Shares, representing  6.4
     per cent. of the issued share capital of Cleveland  in
     which they or their connected persons are interested.

-    As   announced  on  25  February  1999,  Ashtenne  has
     acquired  an option (which expires on 11 May 1999)  at
     an  exercise  price  of  105  pence  per  share,  over
     8,480,514  Cleveland  Shares,  representing  28.4  per
     cent. of the issued share capital of Cleveland.

-    The Offer represents a premium of approximately 47 per
     cent. to the closing middle-market price of 75.5 pence
     per  Cleveland  Share on 9 September  1998  (the  last
     dealing  day  prior to the announcement  by  Cleveland
     that  Trefick had acquired a 5.49 per cent holding  in
     the  company)  and  a premium of 3 per  cent.  to  the
     closing   middle-market  price  of  107.5  pence   per
     Cleveland  Share on 26 March 1999, the  last  business
     day before the commencement of the Offer Period.

-    The  Offer will be conditional, inter alia,  upon  the
     approval of Ashtenne Shareholders.

This  summary should be read in conjunction with  the  full
text  of  the  following  announcement.  The  formal  Offer
Document  will  be  despatched by Cazenove,  on  behalf  of
Ashtenne, as soon as practicable.

Commenting on the Offer, Ian Watson and Morgan Jones  Joint
Chief Executives of Ashtenne made the following statement:

"The  acquisition of Cleveland is in line with our strategy
to  increase  our industrial holdings in the UK.   It  also
offers  Cleveland Shareholders the opportunity  to  realise
their  holdings  for  cash at what  we  believe  to  be  an
attractive and fair price."


Ashtenne Holdings PLC      Morgan Jones/Ian Watson 0171 930 9425

Cazenove & Co.             Robert Pickering        0171 588 2828

Tavistock Communications   Jeremy Carey/Vikki Hennen0171 600 2288

The Cleveland Trust Plc    David Heynes            0171 823 2393

Hawkpoint Partners Limited Lawrence Guthrie        0171 665 4500

City Profile Group Limited Jonathan Gillen        0171 726 8588

Cazenove  &  Co., who are regulated by the  Securities  and
Futures Authority Limited, are acting for Ashtenne and  no-
one  else  in  connection with the Offer and  will  not  be
responsible to anyone other than Ashtenne for providing the
protections afforded to customers of Cazenove & Co. or  for
giving advice in relation to the Offer.

Hawkpoint  Partners  Limited, which  is  regulated  by  the
Securities  and Futures Authority Limited,  is  acting  for
Cleveland and no-one else in connection with the Offer  and
will not be responsible to anyone other than Cleveland  for
providing   the  protections  afforded  to   customers   of
Hawkpoint Partners Limited or for giving advice in relation
to the Offer.

The  Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in  or
into   or   by   use  of  the  mails,  or  any   means   or
instrumentality  (including, without limitation,  facsimile
transmission, telex or telephone) of interstate or  foreign
commerce,  or  any  facilities  of  a  national  securities
exchange  of,  the United States, nor will it  be  made  in
Canada,  Australia,  Japan  or  the  Republic  of  Ireland.
Accordingly,  copies  of this announcement  and  any  other
document relating to the Offer, are not being, and must not
be,  mailed  or otherwise distributed or sent in,  into  or
from  the  United States, Canada, Australia, Japan  or  the
Republic of Ireland.

Not  for  release, publication or distribution in or into  the
United  States  of America, Canada, Australia,  Japan  or  the
Republic of Ireland.

1 April 1999

Recommended Cash Offer
Cazenove & Co.
on behalf of
Ashtenne Holdings PLC
The Cleveland Trust Plc


The  boards  of Ashtenne and Cleveland announce  that  they
have  agreed  the terms of a recommended cash offer  to  be
made  by  Cazenove, on behalf of Ashtenne, to  acquire  the
entire issued share capital of Cleveland.  The Offer values
each  Cleveland  Share at 111 pence and the  entire  issued
ordinary  share  capital of Cleveland at approximately  #33
million.  The Offer will be conditional, inter  alia,  upon
the  approval  of  Ashtenne Shareholders. An  Extraordinary
General  Meeting  of  Ashtenne will  be  convened  for  the
purpose of seeking such approval.


In   considering  the  Offer  from  Ashtenne  the  Board  of
Cleveland   has  carefully  reviewed  Cleveland's  position.
Cleveland has an attractive portfolio of industrial property
assets,  a stable rental flow and, following the acquisition
of  March  Estates plc in December 1997, has  established  a
development   programme.   These  factors,  together,   have
enabled   Cleveland   to   pay   attractive   dividends   to
shareholders in recent years.  In addition, as a  result  of
applying a policy of augmenting capital value, the directors
of  Cleveland believe there has been a significant  increase
in  net  asset value during the financial year  just  ended.
The  Offer  Document will contain a formal updated valuation
of  Cleveland's  properties.  Despite this good  performance
but   in  common  with  many  other  small  listed  property
companies  which have been shunned by investors, Cleveland's
shares  traded  at a significant discount  to  historic  net
assets  in the latter part of last year.  In September  1998
Trefick Limited was able to commence building a shareholding
in  Cleveland which has now risen to 28.4 per cent. and over
which it was announced on 25 February 1999 that Ashtenne had
acquired  an option.  The board of Cleveland is  also  aware
that  some  institutional  shareholders  would  welcome   an
opportunity  to  sell  their shareholding  now  rather  than
participate  in  Cleveland's longer term  growth  prospects.
Against  this  background and in the  absence  of  a  higher
offer,  the  Board  of Cleveland believes that  shareholders
should have the opportunity of considering Ashtenne's offer,
although  it  does not believe that this offer fully  values

The  directors  of Cleveland, who have been  so  advised  by
Hawkpoint Partners Limited, consider the terms of the  Offer
to  be  fair  and  reasonable.  This recommendation  should,
however,  be read against the background set out above.   In
providing  advice to the board of Cleveland,  Hawkpoint  has
taken account of the commercial assessments of the directors
of Cleveland.

The  directors of Cleveland and their connected persons are,
in  aggregate,  interested  in  1,912,807  Cleveland  Shares
representing  6.4  per  cent. of  Cleveland's  issued  share
capital.   In the absence of a higher offer being  announced
before the first closing date of the Offer, the directors of
Cleveland  intend  to accept the Offer in respect  of  those
Cleveland  Shares  which  they  beneficially  own  and  will
recommend  to their connected persons that they  accept  the
Offer in respect of the balance of those Cleveland Shares.

The Offer

On  behalf  of  Ashtenne, Cazenove will offer  to  acquire,
subject  to the conditions set out in Appendix  I  and  the
further  terms  to be set out in the formal Offer  Document
and  the  Form  of Acceptance that will accompany  it,  the
entire  issued share capital of Cleveland on the  following

     For  each Cleveland Share           111 pence  in cash

The  Offer  represents  a premium of approximately  47  per
cent. to the closing middle-market price of 75.5 pence  per
Cleveland  Share on 9 September 1998 (the last dealing  day
prior  to  the announcement by Cleveland that  Trefick  had
acquired  a  5.49  per  cent holding in  Cleveland)  and  a
premium  of 3 per cent. to the closing middle-market  price
of  107.5  pence per Cleveland Share on 26 March 1999,  the
last business day before the announcement by Cleveland that
it was in discussions which may lead to an offer.

Cleveland Shares will be acquired under the Offer free from
all   liens,  equities,  charges,  encumbrances  and  other
interests  together  with  all  rights  now  and  hereafter
attaching to them including the right to receive and retain
all  dividends  and other distributions declared,  made  or
paid after the date of this announcement.

The  Offer  will be subject to the conditions  set  out  in
Appendix  I  to  this announcement and those further  terms
contained in the Offer Document and the Form of Acceptance,
or  otherwise  as  may  be  required  to  comply  with  the
provisions of the City Code.

Information on Ashtenne

Ashtenne  is a specialist property company with a portfolio
of  7.5 million sq.ft. of industrial property and 680 acres
of  developable land on 108 estates and an annualised  rent
roll  of  #18.1 million. Since its flotation in July  1997,
Ashtenne  has  built  up  a major presence  in  the  United
Kingdom, particularly in Wales and Scotland, and is one  of
the largest industrial landlords in both regions.

For  the year ended 31 December 1998, net rental income  of
the  Ashtenne Group was #16.1 million (1997: #9.6  million)
and  profit  before taxation was #12.5 million (1997:  #7.6
million).  As  at 31 December 1998, Ashtenne's  net  assets
were #114.8 million (1997: #99.7 million).

Information on Cleveland

The  principal activities of Cleveland are the acquisition,
management,   trading   and   development   of   investment
properties  in  the industrial sector.  It  also  owns  and
operates the Port of Boston in Lincolnshire.

For  the  year  ended 31 March 1998, the Cleveland  Group's
turnover  was #9.1 million (1997: #7.7 million) and  profit
before taxation was #2.3 million (1997: #2.0 million) after
profits  on sales of investment properties of #0.7 million.
As  at  31  March  1998,  the audited  net  assets  of  the
Cleveland  Group  were  #32.5  million.  In  the  Cleveland
Group's unaudited interim results for the six months to  30
September 1998, the Cleveland Group reported profit  before
taxation of #1.3 million on turnover of #5.0 million. As at
30   September  1998,  the  unaudited  net  assets  of  the
Cleveland Group were #33 million.

Background to the Offer

Ashtenne  specialises in the acquisition, active management
and   profitable   disposal  of  industrial   estates   and
portfolios. This specialisation enables the Ashtenne  Group
to  combine  a  very strong cashflow with high  returns  on
shareholder capital.

The  Cleveland  portfolio  consists  of  the  category   of
properties in which Ashtenne typically invests  and  is  in
geographical locations which complement Ashtenne's existing
portfolio. Being specialists in the area, Ashtenne believes
the  acquisition  of  Cleveland to  be  in  line  with  its
purchase criteria.


Subject   to   the   Offer  becoming  or   being   declared
unconditional  in  all respects or in accordance  with  the
requirements   of  the  London  Stock  Exchange,   Ashtenne
intends, as soon thereafter as it is appropriate to do  so,
to apply for the cancellation of Cleveland's listing on the
Official List of the London Stock Exchange.

Financing of the Offer

The  cash  consideration payable under the  Offer  will  be
financed  from the existing cash resources held by Ashtenne
for the purposes of making the Offer.

Cleveland Management and employees

Ashtenne  has  given assurances to the board  of  Cleveland
that the existing rights, including pension rights, of  all
employees of the Cleveland Group will be fully safeguarded.

Cleveland Share Option Scheme

The  Offer  will extend to all Cleveland Shares  issued  or
unconditionally allotted upon the exercise of options under
the  Cleveland Share Option Scheme whilst the Offer remains
open  for acceptance or until such earlier date as, subject
to   the  City  Code,  Ashtenne  may  decide.   Appropriate
proposals  will  be  made, in due  course,  to  holders  of
options over Cleveland Shares once the Offer becomes or  is
declared unconditional in all respects.

Disclosure of interests in Cleveland Shares

On  25 February 1999, Ashtenne entered into an Option  with
Trefick   to   purchase  Trefick's  holding  of   8,480,514
Cleveland Shares, representing 28.4 per cent. of the issued
share  capital  of Cleveland, at a price of 105  pence  per
Cleveland  Share.  In consideration of the  grant  of  this
Option,  Trefick  has  an  option to  require  Ashtenne  to
purchase its shares at 105 pence per share.  In each  case,
exercise is conditional upon Ashtenne obtaining shareholder
approval and, in each case, the expiry date for the  Option
is 11 May 1999.

Save  as disclosed above, neither Ashtenne nor any  of  its
Directors  nor,  so  far as Ashtenne is  aware,  any  party
acting  in  concert  with Ashtenne, owns  or  controls  any
Cleveland Shares or holds any options to purchase Cleveland
Shares  or  holds any derivatives referenced  to  Cleveland


This  document does not constitute, or form  part  of,  any
offer  for,  or solicitation of any offer for,  securities.
Any  acceptance  or other response to the Offer  should  be
made only on the basis of the information contained in  the
Offer  Document which Ashtenne will dispatch  to  Cleveland
Shareholders,  and  for  information  only  to  holders  of
options under the Cleveland Share Option Scheme, as soon as

The  directors  of Ashtenne accept responsibility  for  the
information contained in this announcement, other than that
relating   to   the  Cleveland  Group,  the  directors   of
Cleveland, members of their immediate families and  persons
connected with the directors of Cleveland. To the  best  of
the  knowledge and belief of the directors of Ashtenne (who
have  taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is  the
case), the information for which they accept responsibility
is  in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything
likely to affect the import of such information.

The  directors of Cleveland accept responsibility  for  the
information contained in this announcement relating to  the
Cleveland Group, directors of Cleveland, members  of  their
immediate families and persons connected with the directors
of  Cleveland. To the best of the knowledge and  belief  of
the  directors of Cleveland (who have taken all  reasonable
care to ensure that such is the case), the information  for
which they accept responsibility is in accordance with  the
facts  and  does  not omit anything likely  to  affect  the
import of such information.

In view of the size of Cleveland, and in order to implement
the Offer, a circular containing details of the Offer and a
notice  convening an Extraordinary General Meeting to  seek
approval  for the acquisition of Cleveland and the exercise
of  the  Option will be dispatched to Ashtenne Shareholders
as soon as is practicable.

This  announcement,  which is the  sole  responsibility  of
Ashtenne,  has  been  approved solely for  the  purpose  of
Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986, by Cazenove,
who  are  regulated by The Securities and Futures Authority

Certain  terms  used in this announcement  are  defined  in
Appendix II.

The  Cleveland  share price information  set  out  in  this
announcement is derived from the Daily Official List of the
London Stock Exchange.


Ashtenne Holdings PLC      Morgan Jones/Ian Watson 0171 930 9425

Cazenove & Co.             Robert Pickering        0171 588 2828

Tavistock Communications   Jeremy Carey            0171 600 2288
                           Vikki Hennen

The Cleveland Trust Plc    David Heynes            0171 823 2393

Hawkpoint Partners Limited Lawrence Guthrie        0171 665 4500

City Profile Group Limited Jonathan Gillen        0171 726 8588

Cazenove & Co., who are regulated by the Securities and Futures
Authority  Limited, is acting for Ashtenne and no-one  else  in
connection with the Offer and will not be responsible to anyone
other  than Ashtenne for providing the protections afforded  to
customers of Cazenove & Co. or for giving advice in relation to
the Offer.

Hawkpoint   Partners  Limited,  which  is  regulated   by   the
Securities  and  Futures  Authority  Limited,  is  acting   for
Cleveland and no-one else in connection with the Offer and will
not be responsible to anyone other than Cleveland for providing
the  protections  afforded to customers of  Hawkpoint  Partners
Limited. or for giving advice in relation to the Offer.

The Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or into
or  by  use  of  the  mails, or any means  or  instrumentality
(including, without limitation, facsimile transmission,  telex
or  telephone)  of  interstate or  foreign  commerce,  or  any
facilities  of a national securities exchange of,  the  United
States, nor will it be made in Canada, Australia, Japan or the
Republic of Ireland.  Accordingly, copies of this announcement
and  any other document relating to the Offer, are not  being,
and  must not be, mailed or otherwise distributed or sent  in,
into  or  from the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan  or
the Republic of Ireland.



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