RNS Number : 1861J
  Angus & Ross PLC
  28 November 2008

       28 November 2008





    *     Successful private placing in July raising �3.5 million gross
    *     Discussions progressing to restructure $12.5 million debt
    *     Production of on site concentrate will significantly reduce costs
    *     Loss for the period �2,359,034
    *     Cash and bank balances �2,723,142

    Dear Shareholder,

    As most of you are well aware, the particularly disappointing performance of the Company's shares now gives our net assets a valuation
of only �2.2 million. Included in this valuation is a mining licence to extract about 50,000 tonnes of high-grade zinc and lead concentrates
per year from the former Black Angel mine in Western Greenland - as well as a debt of US$12.5million.  

    Of course the background market conditions have much to do with this. In particular our ambition to raise project finance of over US$60
million and put the Black Angel mine into production has been delayed by the total paralysis of the capital markets.  

    However, another reason that the market views the shares unenthusiastically is the existence of a $12.5 million secured loan from Cyrus
Capital Partners. The loan in question was drawn down in June 2007 in the hope and expectation that work could be undertaken in the
Greenland summer and that it would allow the company to refinance the loan in late 2007 or early 2008. The results of the work, which
included a Bankable Feasibility Study and additions to the reserves, were positive but their late arrival coincided with the start of
deteriorating markets. Also, throughout this year the price of zinc has continued to fall, requiring changes in the business plan. This had
originally been based on the simple concept of extracting some of the high grade ore and shipping it to concentrators outside Greenland. 
Studies were successfully commissioned in August to determine the most cost effective way to produce a concentrate on site to avoid the high
costs of shipping and external toll milling. The results indicate that costs will be significantly reduced.

    The loan agreement provides Cyrus with security over the assets in Greenland and elsewhere. Interest at 11% per year has been paid to
date but, partially due to the recent depreciation of sterling, now represents an unsustainable burden for the Company, notwithstanding our
current cash position. Cyrus is aware of this and believes it is in its interest to ensure the survival of the Company. Hence discussions
are currently progressing to re-structure the debt so that it can be repaid and shareholders rewarded when markets recover.  

    The good news about the Black Angel project is that the ore grade is high and that the necessary zinc price for operations could be as
low as US$1,500 per tonne.


    The loss for the period amounts to �2,359,034 compared to a loss of �2,434,166 for the same period last year. At 31 August 2008, our
cash and bank balances amounted to �2,723,142 compared to �7,418,298 at 31 August 2007.  

    In July, the Company undertook a successful private placing, raising �3.5 million gross; this money has enabled the Company throughout
the summer, to undertake further work at Black Angel, but as  important, it has provided a small cash buffer until capital markets recover.
However, since then many of the bills relating to work in Greenland and a further quarterly interest payment on the debt have reduced cash
balances to around �1 million at the time of writing.

    The investment in our associate in Australia, Queensland Gold and Minerals Ltd, is likely to be diluted in the near future by a further
injection of funds from third parties.
    Consideration will be given to the disposal of this investment in due course, once market conditions show some sign of recovery.

    We are disappointed that our operations in Brazil have made little progress during the period under review. Operations are now shut down
and attempts are being made by local management to sell the remaining assets. The investment in our Brazilian operations has already been
written off in previous accounting periods.


    On a positive note I would like to say something about zinc and lead prices. Currently zinc trades at around $1,200 per tonne, a level
that makes the majority of zinc production throughout the world uneconomic. Indeed the last six months has seen the closure of mines and
postponement of new projects across the world. Soon the perceived surpluses for 2009 and 2010 will be a memory and as the world economy
recovers there will be a realisation that deficits could be ahead. The zinc price has been declining longer than any other metal. Hence it
is likely to recover first - especially as the effects of shut downs in production start to be felt.

    Providing your Company can restructure the Cyrus debt on terms that are both fair and acceptable to all parties, the future remains
bright. Your management is working with Cyrus as well as its brokers and financial advisers to achieve this.

    Robin Andrews
    28 November 2008

                                         6 months to 31        6 months to 31  12 months to 29 February 2008
                                            August 2008                August                        Audited
                                              Unaudited                  2007
                                                      �  �                                                 �
 Continuing operations           
 Revenue                                              -                     -                              -
 Exploration costs written off                (428,212)           (1,930,851)                    (2,922,260)
 Gain on part disposal of                             -               256,441                        761,936
 holding in subsidiary           
 Impairment of goodwill                               -                     -                       (26,545)
 Other operating costs                        (689,171)             (547,909)                    (1,479,257)
 Operating loss                             (1,117,383)           (2,222,319)                    (3,666,126)
 Finance income                    33,652                131,418                                     232,974
 Finance costs - exchange loss     (607,588)             -                                                 -
 on loan                           (499,298)             (210,000)                                 (635,022)
 Finance costs - other           
 Share of loss of associate                   (168,417)             (133,265)                      (191,039)
 Loss before tax                   (2,359,034)           (2,434,166)                             (4,259,213)
 Taxation                          -                     -                                                 -
 Loss for the period from          (2,359,034)           (2,434,166)                             (4,259,213)
 continuing operations           
 Attributable to:                
 Equity holders of the parent      (2,359,034)           (2,432,124)                             (4,169,654)
 Minority interest                 -                     (2,042)                                    (89,559)
                                   (2,359,034)           (2,434,166)                             (4,259,213)
 Earnings per share              
 Basic loss per share              (1.42)p               (1.74)p                           (2.97)p
 Diluted loss per share            (1.42)p               (1.72)p                 ( 2.86)p  

    AS AT 31 AUGUST 2008
                                 31 August 2008      31 August  29 February 2008
                                      Unaudited           2007           Audited
                                              �              �                 �

 Non-current assets
 Intangible assets                            -              -                 -
 Property, plant and equipment        6,346,768      1,718,603         5,333,830
 Investments accounted for              185,301        411,492           353,718
 using the equity method
                                      6,532,069      2,130,095         5,687,548

 Current assets
 Inventories                            113,714              -           126,017
 Trade and other receivables            277,617        421,616           199,088
 Cash and cash equivalents            2,723,142      7,418,298         2,233,363
                                      3,114,473      7,839,914         2,558,468

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables               504,146      1,410,034         1,024,149
                                        504,146      1,410,034         1,024,149

 Net current assets                   2,610,327      6,429,880         1,534,319

 Total assets less current            9,142,396      8,559,975         7,221,867

 Non-current liabilities
 Other payables                         467,314      5,977,161           356,430
 Non-current borrowings               6,339,373              -         5,670,176
 Non-current provisions                 250,000              -           250,000
                                      7,056,687      5,977,161         6,276,606

 Net assets                           2,085,709      2,582,814           945,261

 Share capital                        2,120,163      1,413,772         1,413,772
 Share premium                       15,114,063     12,473,896        12,473,896
 Translation reserve                     39,360         31,513         (113,564)
 Retained earnings                 (15,187,877)   (11,326,384)      (12,828,843)
                                      2,085,709      2,592,797           945,261
 Equity attributable to equity
 holders of the parent company
 Minority interest                            -        (9,983)                 -

 Total equity                         2,085,709      2,582,814           945,261


                                         6 months to 31        6 months to 31  12 months to 29 February 2008
                                            August 2008                August                        Audited
                                              Unaudited                  2007
                                                      �                     �                              �
 Loss before tax                            (2,359,034)           (2,434,166)                    (4,259,213)
 Adjusted for:                   
 Depreciation                                   267,312                     -                        210,734
 Amortisation of goodwill                             -                     -                         26,545
 Share of loss of associate                     168,417               133,265                        191,039
 Profit on part disposal of                           -             (256,441)                      (761,936)
 Finance income                                (33,652)             (131,418)                      (232,974)
 Finance costs                                  499,298               210,000                        635,022
 Decrease (increase) in                          12,303                     -                      (126,017)
 (Increase) decrease in trade                  (78,529)              (25,695)                        196,833
 and other receivables           
 (Decrease) increase in trade                 (430,473)               897,789                        825,071
 and other payables              
 Share based payments                                 -               136,870                        371,941
 Other non-cash movements                       760,512              (16,112)                      (170,463)
 including exchange differences  
 Net cash outflow from                      (1,193,846)           (1,485,908)                    (3,093,418)
 operating activities            
 Investing activities            
 Purchase of property, plant                (1,280,250)           (1,666,615)                    (5,233,303)
 and equipment                   
 Interest received                               33,652               131,418                        232,974
 Cash flows from investing                  (1,246,598)           (1,535,197)                    (5,000,329)
 Financing activities            
 Equity share capital                         3,346,558               509,479                        509,479
 subscription (net)              
 New borrowings, net of costs                         -             5,723,898                      5,470,780
 Proceeds of shares issued to                         -               248,500                        824,950
 Interest paid                                (416,335)                     -                      (435,625)
 Cash flows from financing                    2,930,223             6,481,877                      6,369,584
 Net increase/(decrease) in                     489,779             3,460,772                    (1,724,163)
 cash and cash equivalents       
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 2,233,363             3,957,526                      3,957,526
 start of period                 
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 2,723,142             7,418,298                      2,233,363
 end of period                   


                                    Ordinary share       Share     Translation  Retained earnings     Total     Minority interest  Total
                                       capital           premium     reserve
                                                                                        �                               �               �
                                                           �            �
 At 1 March 2007                            1,387,772  11,990,416                     (9,031,130)    4,394,683                  -    
 Loss for the period                                -           -                     (2,432,124)  (2,432,124)            (2,042)  
 Shares issued                                 26,000     498,000            -                  -      524,000                  -      
 Costs of issues                                    -    (14,520)            -                  -     (14,520)                  -     
 Effect of changes in minority                      -           -                               -            -            (7,941)      
 interests                                                                   -
 Share based payments                               -           -                         136,870      136,870                  -      
 Exchange difference                                -           -                               -     (16,112)                  -     
 At 31 August 2007                          1,413,772                                (11,326,384)    2,592,797            (9,983)    
                                                       12,473,896       31,513

 Loss for the period                                -           -            -        (1,737,530)  (1,737,530)           (87,517)  
 Effect of changes in minority                      -           -            -                  -            -             97,500       
 Share based payments                               -           -            -            235,071      235,071                  -      
 Exchange difference                                -           -                               -    (145,077)                  -    
 At 29 February 2008                        1,413,772  12,473,896                    (12,828,843)      945,261                  -      

 Loss for the period                                -           -                     (2,359,034)  (2,359,034)                  -  
 Shares issued                                706,391   2,825,560                               -    3,531,951                  -    
 Costs of share issues                              -   (185,393)                               -    (185,393)                  -    
 Exchange difference                                -           -                               -      152,924                  -      
 Balance at 31 August 2008                  2,120,163                                (15,187,877)    2,085,709                  -    
                                                       15,114,063       39,360

      Notes to the financial statements

    *     Accounting policies


            The following is a summary of the Group's principal accounting policies.

    Basis of preparation

    The financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2008 were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS), which comprise standards and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the
International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) as adopted by the European Union and those parts of the Companies Act 1985 applicable to
companies reporting under IFRS.

    The accounting policies and methods of computation followed in the half year statements are the same as those adopted in the preparation
of the audited financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2008.

    The half year statements are unaudited and they do not constitute full financial statements as defined in section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985. The comparative figures for the year ended 29 February 2008 do not constitute full financial statements and have been extracted
from the Company's financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2008.

    A copy of the statutory accounts for the year ended 29 February 2008, prepared under IFRS, has been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies and contained an unqualified auditor's report in accordance with s235 of the Companies Act 1985 and no report was given under
s237(2) or (3). However, the auditor's report did contain a paragraph entitled "Emphasis of matter - going concern" which made reference to
the accounting policy regarding going concern and the existence of a material uncertainty.

        The financial statements of the Group have been prepared on the historical cost basis.

    Going concern 

    The Directors continue to give detailed consideration to the Group's ability to continue as a going concern.

    All costs are under constant scrutiny to preserve cash wherever possible. The Directors have already implemented a voluntary reduction
in remuneration and all further work on the Black Angel mine and other projects has been suspended, the former being now kept on a care and
maintenance basis.

    However, the Board is currently in discussion with Cyrus Capital Partners LP, with a view to restructuring the debt and relieving the
Group of the interest charge. The successful conclusion of these discussions is expected to ensure that the Company can meet all of its
financial obligations until project funding for the Black Angel mine is fully secured.

    The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six months ended 31 August 2008 have been prepared on a
going concern basis which assumes that the Group will realise its assets, discharge its liabilities and meet its future obligations in the
normal course of business. Accordingly they do not include any adjustments to the recoverability and reclassification of recorded assets, or
the amounts or classification of liabilities, that might be necessary in the event that the Group is unable to continue as a going concern.

    Taking into account the above, these financial statements have been prepared on the basis of accounting principles applicable to a going

    Basis of consolidation

    The Group financial information consolidates that of the Company and its subsidiaries. Businesses acquired or disposed of during the
period are consolidated from the effective date of acquisition or until the effective date of disposal.

    All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. 

    Business combinations
    The Group applied the exemption from retrospectively recalculating goodwill which arose on acquisitions prior to 1 March 2006. This
goodwill is included at its deemed cost, being the amount recorded under UK GAAP as at 1 March 2006 following an impairment review.

    Subsidiaries are entities over which the Group has the power to govern the financial and operating policies to obtain economic benefit
to the group. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as

    The purchase method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition of subsidiaries by the Group. The cost of an acquisition is
measured as the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange, plus
costs directly attributable to the acquisition. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a
business combination are initially measured at fair value at the acquisition date irrespective of the extent of any minority interest.

    The excess of cost of acquisition over the fair values of the Group's share of identifiable net assets acquired is recognised as
goodwill. Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition below the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired (i.e. discount on acquisition)
is recognised directly in the income statement. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring
the accounting policies used into line with those used by other members of the Group.
    All intra-group transactions, balances, and unrealised gains on transactions between Group companies are eliminated on consolidation.
Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the assets transferred.

    An associate is an entity over which the Group is in a position to exercise significant influence, but not control or joint control,
through participation in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee.

    The results and assets and liabilities of associates are incorporated in these financial statements using the equity method of
accounting. Investments in associates are carried in the balance sheet at the Group's share of net assets of the associate. Losses of the
associates in excess of the group's interest in those associates are not recognised.

    Any excess of cost of acquisition over the Group's share of the fair values of identifiable net assets acquired of the associate at the
date of acquisition is recognised as goodwill. Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition below the Group's share of the fair values of
identifiable net assets of the associate at the date of acquisition (i.e. discount on acquisition) is recognised in the income statement.

    Where a group company transacts with an associate of the Group, profits and losses are eliminated to the extent of the Group's interest
in the relevant associate or joint venture. Losses may provide evidence of an impairment of the assets transferred in which case appropriate
provision is made for impairment.


    Goodwill arising on consolidation consists of the excess of the fair value of the consideration over the fair value of the Group's
interest in the identifiable assets net of liabilities including contingencies of the business acquired at the date of acquisition.

    Goodwill is recognised as an asset at cost less any recognised impairment losses. It is reviewed for impairment at least annually and
any impairment is recognised immediately in the income statement.

    Goodwill arising on acquisitions prior to the date of transition to IFRS had already been fully impaired prior to the date of

    Exploration expenditure

    Expenditure on the acquisition cost, exploration and evaluation of interests in licences including related overheads is capitalised.
Such costs are carried forward in the balance sheet under property, plant and equipment and are amortised over the minimum period of the
licences in respect of each area of interest where such costs are expected to be recouped through successful development and exploration of
the area of interest or alternatively by its sale. Where doubt exists over the viability of a project, the associated deferred exploration
expenditure and development costs are written off to the income statement.

    Property, plant and equipment

    Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any recognised impairment losses. Assets in the
course of construction have not been depreciated.

    Depreciation is calculated to write off, on a straight line basis, each asset, less its estimated residual value, over its estimated
useful life as follows:

    *     Land and buildings - 10% per annum
    *     Plant and machinery - 20% to 25% per annum
    *     Office equipment - 10% to 25% per annum

    The gain or loss arising on disposal or retirement of an asset is determined as the difference between the sale proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in income.

    Useful economic lives, residual values and the method of depreciation are reviewed each year.

    Investments in undertakings accounted for using the equity method

    Investments in undertakings accounted for using the equity method on consolidation are recognized in the Company financial statements at
historical cost less any provision for impairment.

    Impairment of assets

    The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that any of its assets have been impaired. If such
indication exists, the asset's recoverable amount is estimated in the light of current business prospects and forecasts and compared to its
carrying value.

    Recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use the estimated future
cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of
money and the risks specific to the asset, for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted.

    For goodwill, intangible assets that have an indefinite life and intangible assets not yet available for use, the recoverable amount is
estimated at each balance sheet date and whenever there is an indication of impairment.

    An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses
are recognised in the income statement.


    The Group's inventories comprise items held for consumption within operations, principally fuel and consumables, which are stated at a
value based on purchase price. No provisions have been required.

    Financial instruments

    Financial instruments are classified as financial assets, financial liabilities or equity instruments.

    Following the adoption of IAS 32 "Financial Instruments: Presentation", financial instruments issued by the Group are treated as equity
only to the extent that they meet the following two conditions:

    *     They include no contractual obligations upon the Group to deliver cash or other financial assets that are potentially unfavourable
to the Group; and

    *     Where the instrument will or may be settled in the Group's own equity instruments, it is either a non-derivative that includes no
obligation to deliver a variable number of the Group's own equity instruments or is a derivative that will be settled by the Group
exchanging a fixed amount of cash or other financial assets for a fixed number of its own equity instruments.

    To the extent that this definition is not met, the proceeds of issue are classified as a financial liability. Where the instrument so
classified takes the legal form of the Company's own shares, the amounts presented in these financial statements for called up share capital
and share premium account exclude amounts in relation to those shares.
    Financial payments associated with financial instruments that are classified as equity are dividends and are recorded directly in
equity. Finance payments associated with financial liabilities are dealt with as part of finance costs.

    The Group's financial instruments comprise borrowings, cash and items such as trade payables that arise directly from its operations.
The primary purpose of these financial instruments is to manage the finance of the Group's operations.

    Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised in the Group's balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual
provisions of the instrument.

    Equity instruments
    Equity instruments issued by the Group are recorded at the proceeds received net of direct issue costs.

    Trade payables
    Trade payables are initially recognised at fair value (nominal value) and then subsequently recorded at amortised cost. They do not
carry any interest.

    Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value being net proceeds less transaction costs and are subsequently measured at amortised
cost using the effective interest method.

    Deferred taxation

    Deferred tax is provided in full using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax is the future tax consequence of temporary
differences between the carrying amounts and tax bases of assets and liabilities shown on the balance sheet. Deferred tax assets and
liabilities are not recognised if they arise in the following situations:

    *     The initial recognition of goodwill; and
    *     The initial recognition of assets and liabilities that affect neither accounting nor taxable profit.

    The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of recovery or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and
liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date.

    The Group does not recognise deferred tax liabilities or deferred tax assets on temporary differences associated with investments in
subsidiaries and associates as it is not considered probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future. It is
the Group's policy to reinvest undistributed profits arising in Group companies.

    A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which
the asset can be utilised. The carrying amount of the deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent
that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.

    Foreign currencies

    The Group's presentational currency is Sterling.

    Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the prevailing rate on the day of the transaction.

    Trading assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Sterling at the period end exchange rate. Gains and
losses arising on the translation of foreign currencies are recognised as part of operating profit.

    A company's functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates, generally the one in which it
generates and expends cash

    Where a subsidiary's functional currency differs from the group's presentational currency, the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary
undertaking are translated into Sterling at the period end exchange rate. Also the income and expenditure of the undertaking are translated
into Sterling at the average rate. Exchange differences arising on retranslation of opening assets and liabilities, long term financing
denominated in foreign currency and the trading of foreign subsidiary undertakings are taken directly to the translation reserve.

    Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign
entity and translated at the closing rate. The Group has elected to treat goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on acquisitions before
the date of transition to IFRS as Sterling denominated assets and liabilities. 

    Deferred contribution to exploration costs 

    It is the policy of the Group to treat as deferred any income or contribution to costs received which the Group is not entitled to
recognise within the accounting period under review because the income or contribution relates to a specifically defined future period of

    A contribution was received from a third party to support expenditure on an exploration project covering a five year period commencing 1
January 2006. Exploration expenditure on the project in question was to be incurred evenly over its life and accordingly the contribution
received was being credited against exploration expenditure in the Income Statement on a straight line basis over that period. That
proportion of the contribution received not yet released was included in deferred income.

    The contribution was received in exchange for an option to purchase the extracted mineral at a pre agreed price if the project was
successful and therefore a potential contingent liability existed.

    During the year to 29 February 2008 this exploration project ceased and consequently the remainder of the contribution was taken to the
income statement and any contingent liability lapsed.

    Share-based payment transactions

    The Group share option plan allows Group employees and consultants to acquire shares in the Company. The fair value of options granted
in exchange for services received is recognised as an employee cost in the income statement with a corresponding increase in equity. The
fair value is measured at the date of grant using the Black-Scholes-Merton formula by reference to the fair value of those options so
granted and is considered the most appropriate method taking into account the effect of the vesting conditions, the expected exercise period
and the dividend policy of the Company. 

    There are no market vesting conditions attaching to any of the option grants and the amount recognised as an expense is adjusted to
reflect the actual number of share options that vest. 

    Employee benefits - Post retirement 

    UK resident employees are entitled to join the Group Personal Pension Plan ("GPPP"). The Group pays a defined contribution into this
scheme, whose assets are held separately from those of the Group in independently administered funds. The amount recognised as an expense
represents the contributions payable to the scheme in respect of the financial year.

    In addition the Group contributes to the defined contribution schemes of other UK employees not participating in the Group Personal
Pension Plan.

    Interest income and finance costs

    Interest income is recognised on a time apportion basis using the effective interest rate method.

    Finance costs comprise interest and charges payable on borrowings calculated using the effective interest rate method.


    Provision are recognised in the balance sheet when there is a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, and
it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.

    Provisions for environmental remediation and decommissioning of the Group's mining and exploration facilities have been estimated using
current third party estimates. While the provision has been based on the best estimates of future costs and economic life, there is
uncertainty regarding the timing of these costs.


    Share premium arises on the issue of shares, being the excess consideration above par value. This is net of costs directly applicable to
the issue of shares.

    The translation reserve arises on consolidation where a subsidiary's functional currency differs from that of the Group's presentational
currency. Exchange differences occur on reserves which are translated at historic rates.

    The minority interest represents third party holdings in subsidiary operations and takes into consideration their share of results and
net assets. A minority interest is not liable for net liabilities, and so is not shown as holding a part of any net liabilities.

    2.    Pension costs

    The Group operates a defined contribution scheme. Contributions are payable into a Group Personal Pension Plan (GPPP) whose assets are
held in separately administered funds. The amount charged against profits represents the contributions payable to the scheme in respect of
the period under review.

    3.    Share capital

    On 27 June 2008, 70,639,000 new ordinary shares were issued as the result of a private placing at 5p per share. 

    4.    Earnings (loss) per share
                                 6 months to 31.8.08  6 months to 31.8.08  6 months to 31.8.07  6 months to 31.8.07  Year to          Year
to 29.2.08
                                 Earnings             EPS                  Earnings             EPS                  29.2.08          EPS
                                 �                    p                    �                    p                    Earnings         p
 Basic earnings (loss) per       (2,359,034)          (1.42)               (2,432,124)          (1.74)               (4,169,654)     
 Diluted earnings (loss) per     (2,359,034)          (1.42)               (2,432,124)          (1.72)               (4,169,654)     

    The weighted average number of shares for the basic earnings per share calculation as at 31 August 2008 was 166,331,198 (29 February
2008 - 140,449,532: 31 August 2007 - 139,525,029).

    The weighted average number of shares for the diluted earnings per share calculation as at 31 August 2008 was 166,331,198 (29 February
2008 - 145,914,752: 31 August 2007 - 141,274,919). There is no dilution at 31 August 2008 as the warrants and options are anti-dilutive at
that date.

    6.    Dividends

               No dividends were paid or are proposed in respect of the six months ended 31 August 2008.

    7.    Interim Statement    

    This interim statement is being posted on the Company's website.


 Angus & Ross plc                     
 Robin Andrews, Chairman             01751 430 988
 Nicholas Hall, Chief Executive      07931 709 053

 Fox-Davies Capital                  0207 936 5200
 Daniel Fox-Davies

 Bishopsgate Communications Limited
 Nick Rome
                                     0207 562 3366
 Jeff Keating
 Sebastian Jones
                                     0207 131 3000

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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