Li-FT Power Ltd. (“
LIFT” or the
Company”) (
WS0) is pleased to report assays from 13 drill
holes completed at the Shorty, Ki, Echo, BIG East, Fi SW, Nite, and
BIG West pegmatites within the Yellowknife Lithium Project (“YLP”)
located outside the city of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
(Figure 1). These drill results are the final batch of results from
the winter 2024 drill program. Drilling intersected significant
intervals of spodumene mineralization, with the following
- YLP-0284: 25 m at 1.21%
Li2O, (Shorty)
and: 18 m at 1.41%
and: 10 m at 1.00%
Li2O and:
5 m at 1.76% Li2O
- YLP-0272:
13 m at 1.05%
(Ki)including: 8
m at 1.43% Li2O
Discussion of Results
This news release provides results for 12 drill
holes from LIFT’s 2024 winter drilling program and one hole from
the 2023 summer drilling. Holes are reported from seven different
pegmatite complexes that include Shorty, Ki, Echo, BIG East, Fi SW,
Nite, and BIG West. A table of composite calculations, general
comments related to this discussion, and a table of collar headers
are provided towards the end of this section.
Francis MacDonald, CEO of LIFT comments, “With
this being the last drill results press release for a while, I
would like to commend the team for operating a successful winter
drill program. LIFT has drilled approximately 50,000 meters in the
last 12 months and has shown the scale of the Yellowknife Lithium
Project. We look forward to reporting a maiden resource estimate in
the next months and also metallurgical test work.”
Figure 1 – Location of LIFT’s Yellowknife
Lithium Project. Drilling has been thus far mainly focused on the
Near Field Group of pegmatites which are located to the east of the
city of Yellowknife along a government-maintained paved highway,
and advancing to the Echo target, the first drilling in the Further
Afield Group.
Shorty Pegmatite
The Shorty pegmatite is formed by several
sub-parallel dykes that, together, define a pegmatite-bearing
corridor that is at least 1.4 km long, up to 100 m wide,
north-northeast striking, and dips 50°-70° to the west. The
corridor itself consists of both country rock and pegmatite, with
pegmatite occurring in either a single 10-40 m wide dyke or as 2-4
dykes with a similar cumulative width spread over 50-100 m.
YLP-0284 was collared within a few meters of the
lease boundary to test one of the thicker dykes within the Shorty
corridor on a center approximately 75 m below the surface and 25 m
downdip of previously released YLP-0283 (1.32% Li2O over 35 m). New
drilling intersected 47 m of pegmatite split by 7 m of country rock
as well as a 10 m wide dyke ~30 m further down the hole. The thick
pegmatite interval returned composites of 1.41% Li2O over 18 m and
1.21% Li2O over 25 m whereas the lower one returned a wall-to-wall
composite of 1.00% Li2O that includes 5 m of 1.76% Li2O. These
intersections indicate that spodumene mineralization widens in the
down-dip direction from YLP-0283 to 0284 and is open below that as
well as along strike to the north-northeast (Table 1 & 2,
Figures 2 & 3).
Figure 2 – Plan view showing the surface
expression of the Shorty pegmatite with diamond drill holes
reported in this press release.
Figure 3 – Cross-section illustrating YLP-0284
with results as shown in the Shorty pegmatite dyke with a 25 m
interval of 1.21% Li2O.
Ki Pegmatite
The Ki pegmatite complex comprises a
north-northwest trending corridor of dykes that extends for at
least 1.3 km on surface and dips steeply to the southwest. The
southern part of the corridor consists mostly of one large dyke and
several narrower flanking dykes that sum to a constant pegmatite
width of around 25 m. The northern part consists of two relatively
thick dykes that are between 50-150 m apart, with the western dyke
comprising the northern extension of the Ki dyke and the more
eastern dyke referred to as Perlis.
YLP-0272 was drilled to test the western part of
the Ki corridor at approximately 50 m below the surface and 75-100
m up-dip of previously released YLP-0278 (0.51% Li2O over 5 m), as
well as 50 m south and along strike of previously released YLP-0274
(1.16% Li2O over 11 m). New drilling intersected the Ki dyke (13 m
wide) and several subsidiary dykes that are 1-3 m wide, with the Ki
dyke returning a wall-to-wall composite of 1.05% Li2O that includes
8 m of 1.43% Li2O. Together with YLP-0274, this result defines a
new spodumene deposit in the western part of the Ki corridor that
is open at depth and along strike to the north-northwest (Table 1
& 2, Figures 4 & 5).
Figure 4 – Plan view showing the surface
expression of the Ki pegmatite with diamond drill holes reported in
this press release.
Figure 5 – Cross-section illustrating YLP-0272
with results as shown in the Ki pegmatite dyke with a 13 m interval
of 1.05% Li2O.
YLP-0269 was drilled on a section 50 m south of
the section with YLP-0272/0278, to test the Ki corridor from 10-150
m vertically beneath the surface. Over 185 m of core length,
drilling intersected the Ki dyke (15 m wide) as well as 10 other
dykes between 1-6 m wide and separated from each other by
3-67 m of country rock. The Ki dyke returned composites of
0.55% Li2O over 2 m and 0.50% Li2O over 3 m whereas the other 10
dykes all returned assays <0.1% Li2O (Table 1 & 2, Figure
YLP-0265 was drilled on a section 50 m south of
YLP-0269 to test the Ki corridor at 50-75 m below the surface as
well as 50 m downdip of previously released YLP-0261 (0.56% Li2O
over 3 m) and 50-75 m up-dip of YLP-0276. New drilling intersected
an 80 m wide corridor with seven pegmatite dykes between 1-12 m in
width in addition to a 6 m wide dyke a further 82 m down the hole
that is likely the Perlis dyke. Two of the wider dykes within the
corridor returned composites of 0.45% Li2O over 2 m and 0.45% Li2O
over 4 m whereas all other dykes, including Perlis, returned assays
<0.2% Li2O (Table 1 & 2, Figure 4).
YLP-0276 stepped back 125 m from YLP-0265 to
test the Ki corridor on the same section down to 250 m below the
surface. Drilling intersected five pegmatite corridors that are
each separated by 40-60 m of country rock, with each interval
hosting 2-17 m of pegmatite spread over 1-3 dykes and 2-20 m of
drill core. The two intervals with the thickest pegmatite likely
correspond to the Ki and Perlis dykes and returned, respectively,
composites of 0.56% Li2O over 8 m (including 1.17% Li2O over 3 m)
and 0.46% Li2O over 2 m (Table 1 & 2, Figure 4).
Echo Pegmatite
The Echo pegmatite complex comprises a steeply
dipping, northwest-trending, feeder dyke (“Echo feeder”) that
splits into a fanning splay of moderate to gently dipping dykes for
0.5 km to the northwest (“Echo splay”). The dyke complex has a
total strike length of over 1.0 km. The feeder dyke is 5-15 m wide
whereas the gently dipping dykes in the splay are locally up to 25
m thick. Two of the three holes reported here were drilled on the
splay and one was drilled in the zone where the splay merges with
the feeder.
YLP-0277 was drilled on a section located 400 m
from where the Echo splay merges with the feeder, testing the splay
down to 150 m below the surface and in between previously released
YLP-0281 (1.09% Li2O over 33 m from three intervals spaced a total
of 163 m apart) and YLP-0279 (no significant results). New drilling
intersected a 32 m wide pegmatite dyke that is centered at 75 m
below the surface in addition to several thinner dykes. The thick
dyke returned a composite of 0.48% Li2O over 26 m that includes
three higher-grade subintervals averaging 0.9-1.2% Li2O over 2-5 m
(Table 1 & 2, Figures 6 & 7).
Figure 6 – Plan view showing the surface
expression of the Echo pegmatite with diamond drill holes reported
in this press release.
Figure 7 – Cross-section illustrating YLP-0277
with results as shown in the Echo pegmatite dyke with a 26 m
interval of 0.48% Li2O.
YLP-0270 was drilled to test the Echo splay
approximately 200 m from where it merges with the feeder, down to
225 m vertically beneath the surface, and between previously
released YLP-0120 (0.60% Li2O over 24 m) to the southwest and
YLP-0273 (no significant results), which was drilled from the same
location as YLP-0270 but at a steeper inclination. New drilling
intersected three intervals of pegmatite each separated by ~75 m
country rock, with each interval comprising one to three dykes with
a cumulative width of 2-14 m. All assays returned <0.1% Li2O
(Table 1 & 2, Figure 6).
YLP-0266 was drilled within the area where the
Echo splay merges with the feeder, as well as on section with and
stepped back 80 m from previously released YLP-0099 (0.62% Li2O
over 11 m). New drilling intersected three dykes within 100 m of
the surface, all of which are just 2-3 m wide and returned
negligible grades (Table 1 & 2, Figure 6).
Nite Pegmatite
The Nite pegmatite complex is exposed along 1.4
km of strike length as a swarm of parallel-trending dykes that
occur within a north-northeast striking corridor dipping ~50°-70°
degrees to the east. The northern part of this complex consists of
a 5-15 m thick dyke flanked by one or more 1-5 m dykes whereas the
southern part comprises a fanning splay of 5-10 thin dykes within a
200 m wide corridor.
YLP-0286 was the last hole drilled as part of
the 2024 winter program, is the most southerly hole drilled on the
Nite complex and is the hole nearest the structural transition from
the narrower northern part to the wider southern part. This hole
was designed to test the Nite corridor at 50-75 m below the surface
as well as 50 m southwest and along strike of previously released
YLP-0142 (1.47% Li2O over 10 m). New drilling intersected a 63 m
wide corridor with 30 m of pegmatite spread over six dykes between
1-17 m in width. The thickest two dykes returned wall-to-wall
composites of 0.53% Li2O over 17 m (including 4 m of 1.56% Li2O)
and 0.91% Li2O over 6 m. This result indicates that the Nite
complex is open at depth and along strike to the south-southwest
(Table 1 & 2, Figures 8 & 9).
Figure 8 – Plan view showing the surface
expression of the Nite pegmatite with diamond drill holes reported
in this press release.
Figure 9 – Cross-section illustrating YLP-0286
with results as shown in the Nite pegmatite dyke with a 17 m
interval of 0.53% Li2O.
BIG East Pegmatite
The BIG East pegmatite complex comprises a
north-northeast trending corridor of parallel-trending dykes that
is exposed for at least 1.8 km of strike length, ranges from 10-100
m wide, and dips approximately 55°-75° degrees to the west.
YLP-0264 was drilled near the northern mapped
extent of the BIG East pegmatite to test this corridor at 50 m
below the surface and 25 m up-dip of previously released YLP-0267
(0.47% Li2O over 12 m). New drilling intersected 10 m and 13 m wide
pegmatite dykes separated by 24 m of country rock and with all
assays returning <0.1% Li2O (Table 1 & 2, Figure 10).
YLP-0268 is the northern-most hole drilled on
the BIG East corridor and was collared on a section that is 50 m
north and along strike of the section with YLP-0264/0267. Drilling
intersected a 15 m wide pegmatite dyke centered at approximately 65
m vertically beneath the surface as well as several flanking dykes
between 1-5 m in width. The wider dyke returned three 1 m assays
grading between 0.3-0.5% Li2O whereas the flanking dykes returned
<0.1% Li2O (Table 1 & 2, Figure 10).
Figure 10 – Plan view showing the surface
expression of the BIG East pegmatite with diamond drill holes
reported in this press release.
Fi Southwest Pegmatite
The Fi Southwest (SW) pegmatite is exposed over
at least 1.1 km on surface and occurs within a broader corridor
that is 50-100 m wide and dips between 60°-80° to the east. The
complex is cored by a 20-40 m wide main dyke that is continuous for
at least 800 m along strike, with numerous sub-parallel subsidiary
dykes between 1-5 m in width. At its northern and southern ends,
the main dyke splays out into a broader corridor with more dykes
that have narrower widths.
YLP-0209 was drilled to test the northern splay
of the Fi SW complex down to 175 m vertically and in between
previously released YLP-0201 and YLP-0215 (both no significant
results). Drilling intersected a 90 m interval, centered on 125 m
vertical depth, with 13 m of pegmatite spread over five between 1-4
m wide. All assays returned <0.2% Li2O (Table 1 & 2, Figure
Figure 11 – Plan view showing the surface
expression of the Fi Southwest pegmatite with diamond drill holes
reported in this press release.
BIG West Pegmatite
The BIG West pegmatite complex comprises a
north-northeast trending corridor of parallel-trending dykes that
is exposed for at least 1.5 km along strike and is steeply west
dipping to subvertical. The northern part of the complex consists
of a single corridor approximately 50-75 m wide whereas in the
south this single corridor splits into upper and lower pegmatite
zones approximately 125 m apart.
YLP-0175 is the last hole reported from the 2023
summer program and was designed to test the southern part of the
BIG West corridor at a vertical depth of 250 m below the surface as
well as 75-100 m downdip of previously released YLP-0170 (0.76%
Li2O over 1 m). Drilling intersected the upper pegmatite as a
single 7 m wide dyke with all assays returning <0.2% Li2O (Table
1 & 2, Figure 12).
Figure 12 – Plan view showing the surface
expression of the BIG West pegmatite with diamond drill holes
reported in this press release.
Table 1 – Assay highlights for drill
holes reported in this press release
Hole No. |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Interval (m) |
Li2O% |
Dyke |
YLP-0175 |
No significant result |
BIG West |
YLP-0209 |
No significant result |
Fi SW |
YLP-0264 |
No significant result |
BIG East |
YLP-0265 |
71 |
73 |
2 |
0.45 |
Ki |
and |
86 |
90 |
4 |
0.45 |
Ki |
YLP-0266 |
No significant result |
Echo |
YLP-0268 |
No significant result |
BIG East |
YLP-0269 |
69 |
71 |
2 |
0.55 |
Ki |
and |
75 |
78 |
3 |
0.50 |
Ki |
YLP-0270 |
No significant result |
Echo |
YLP-0272 |
56 |
69 |
13 |
1.05 |
Ki |
inc |
58 |
66 |
8 |
1.43 |
Ki |
YLP-0276 |
147 |
155 |
8 |
0.56 |
Ki |
inc |
150 |
153 |
3 |
1.17 |
Ki |
and |
218 |
220 |
2 |
0.46 |
Ki |
YLP-0277 |
86 |
112 |
26 |
0.48 |
Echo |
inc |
86 |
88 |
2 |
0.90 |
Echo |
and inc |
98 |
103 |
5 |
1.17 |
Echo |
and inc |
109 |
112 |
3 |
0.98 |
Echo |
YLP-0284 |
52 |
70 |
18 |
1.41 |
Shorty |
and |
77 |
102 |
25 |
1.21 |
Shorty |
and |
131 |
141 |
10 |
1.00 |
Shorty |
inc |
133 |
138 |
5 |
1.76 |
Shorty |
YLP-0286 |
76 |
93 |
17 |
0.53 |
Nite |
inc |
82 |
86 |
4 |
1.56 |
Nite |
and |
111 |
117 |
6 |
0.91 |
Nite |
Drilling Progress Update
The Company concluded its winter drill program
at the Yellowknife Lithium Project with a combined total of 286
diamond drill holes (49,548 m) completed between the summer and
winter programs.
General Statements
All 13 holes described in this news release were
drilled broadly perpendicular to the dyke orientation so that the
true thickness of reported intercepts will range somewhere between
65-100% of the drilled widths. A collar header table is provided
Mineralogical characterization for the YLP-
pegmatites is in progress through hyperspectral core scanning and
X-ray diffraction work. Visual core logging indicates that the
predominant host mineral is spodumene.
Table 2 - Drill collars table of reported
drill holes in this press release
Drill Hole |
NAD83 |
Easting |
Northing |
Elevation (m) |
Depth (m) |
Azimuth (°) |
Dip (°) |
Dyke |
YLP-0175 |
Zone 11N |
653,486 |
6,933,091 |
201 |
332 |
118 |
51 |
BIG West |
YLP-0209 |
Zone 12N |
371,597 |
6,941,115 |
249 |
240 |
302 |
50 |
Fi SW |
YLP-0264 |
Zone 12N |
346,308 |
6,933,466 |
197 |
89 |
121 |
45 |
BIG East |
YLP-0265 |
Zone 12N |
373,002 |
6,942,897 |
255 |
219 |
57 |
45 |
Ki |
YLP-0266 |
Zone 12N |
439,402 |
6,922,716 |
276 |
150 |
215 |
59 |
Echo |
YLP-0268 |
Zone 12N |
346,313 |
6,933,525 |
197 |
86 |
121 |
45 |
BIG East |
YLP-0269 |
Zone 12N |
372,999 |
6,942,956 |
255 |
201 |
58 |
54 |
Ki |
YLP-0270 |
Zone 12N |
439,348 |
6,922,810 |
277 |
306 |
215 |
60 |
Echo |
YLP-0272 |
Zone 12N |
373,002 |
6,943,008 |
254 |
87 |
60 |
67 |
Ki |
YLP-0276 |
Zone 12N |
372,895 |
6,942,828 |
253 |
360 |
59 |
45 |
Ki |
YLP-0277 |
Zone 12N |
439,159 |
6,922,882 |
277 |
207 |
215 |
56 |
Echo |
YLP-0284 |
Zone 12N |
372,957 |
6,938,377 |
251 |
257 |
124 |
88 |
Shorty |
YLP-0286 |
Zone 11N |
647,396 |
6,936,148 |
207 |
132 |
300 |
45 |
Nite |
QA/QC & Core Sampling Protocols
All drill core samples were collected under the
supervision of LIFT employees and contractors. Drill core was
transported from the drill platform to the core processing facility
where it was logged, photographed, and split by diamond saw prior
to being sampled. Samples were then bagged, and blanks and
certified reference materials were inserted at regular intervals.
Field duplicates consisting of quarter-cut core samples were also
included in the sample runs. Groups of samples were placed in large
bags, sealed with numbered tags in order to maintain a
chain-of-custody, and transported from LIFT’s core logging facility
to ALS Labs (“ALS”) laboratory in Yellowknife, Northwest
Sample preparation and analytical work for this
drill program were carried out by ALS. Samples were prepared for
analysis according to ALS method CRU31: individual samples were
crushed to 70% passing through 2 mm (10 mesh) screen; a 1,000-gram
sub-sample was riffle split (SPL-21) and then pulverized (PUL-32)
such that 85% passed through 75-micron (200 mesh) screen. A
0.2-gram sub-sample of the pulverized material was then dissolved
in a sodium peroxide solution and analysed for lithium according to
ALS method ME-ICP82b. Another 0.2-gram sub-sample of the pulverized
material was analysed for 53 elements according to ALS method
ME-MS89L. All results passed the QA/QC screening at the lab, all
inserted standards and blanks returned results that were within
acceptable limits.
Qualified Person
The disclosure in this news release of
scientific and technical information regarding LIFT’s mineral
properties has been reviewed and approved by Ron Voordouw, Ph.D.,
P.Geo., Partner, Director Geoscience, Equity Exploration
Consultants Ltd., and a Qualified Person as defined by National
Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI
43-101) and member in good standing with the Northwest Territories
and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists
(NAPEG) (Geologist Registration number: L5245).
About LIFT
LIFT is a mineral exploration company engaged in
the acquisition, exploration, and development of lithium pegmatite
projects located in Canada. The Company’s flagship project is the
Yellowknife Lithium Project located in Northwest Territories,
Canada. LIFT also holds three early-stage exploration properties in
Quebec, Canada with excellent potential for the discovery of buried
lithium pegmatites, as well as the Cali Project in Northwest
Territories within the Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group.
For further information, please
MacDonald |
Gordon |
Chief Executive Officer |
Investor Relations Manager |
Tel: + 1.604.609.6185 |
Tel: +1.604.609.6185 |
Email: |
Email: |
Website: |
Cautionary Statement Regarding
Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements included in this press
release constitute forward-looking information or statements
(collectively, “forward-looking statements”), including those
identified by the expressions “anticipate”, “believe”, “plan”,
“estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “may”, “should” and similar
expressions to the extent they relate to the Company or its
management. The forward-looking statements are not historical facts
but reflect current expectations regarding future results or
events. This press release contains forward looking statements.
These forward-looking statements and information reflect
management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by
and information currently available to the company with respect to
the matter described in this new release.
Forward-looking statements involve risks and
uncertainties, which are based on current expectations as of the
date of this release and subject to known and unknown risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially
from those expressed or implied by such statements. Additional
information about these assumptions and risks and uncertainties is
contained under "Risk Factors" in the Company's latest annual
information form filed on March 27, 2024, which is available
under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at, and in
other filings that the Company has made and may make with
applicable securities authorities in the future. Forward-looking
statements contained herein are made only as to the date of this
press release and we undertake no obligation to update or revise
any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
We caution investors not to place considerable reliance on the
forward-looking statements contained in this press release.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
All photos accompanying this announcement are available
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2025 to Feb 2025
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2024 to Feb 2025