Arctic Star Diamond Corp. ("Arctic" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:ADD) is
pleased to report on its ongoing work in expanding Providence Lake nickel
discovery, on its Credit Lake property NT. To date, results have been returned
for 689 till samples taken late last summer (from a total of 1325). With these
results, approximately 50% of the samples have been received by the Company,
with the remainder (approximately 600 samples) of the results expected in the
next couple of weeks.

These till samples were taken along a 22km strike of the Providence Lake Green
Stone belt which hosts the magmatic, komatiite-hosted nickel-copper-cobalt and
platinum group element (Ni-Cu-Co-PGE) sulphide discovery made by Arctic in 2008.
The best drill hole in the discovery area reported 5.1m @ 1.73%Ni, 1.75% Cu,
0.17% Co and greater than 2g/t platinum equivalent (Pt+Pd+Rh+Ir+Os). The
discovery drill hole was located on a coincident EM (Electro-Magnetic) and high
Nickel geochemical anomaly (soil sample) and the company hopes to continue to
use this technique to target similar or better examples of this mineralization
along the belt.

Buddy Doyle VP Exploration for Arctic said, "These results are exactly what we
were hoping for from the till sampling program, the results combined with VTEM
collaborate the potential that the original nickel sulphide discovery zone is
not an isolated occurrence and that there will be numerous other occurrences
that also have the potential to accumulate to a significant resource, similar to
other economic nickel camps around the world, such as Raglan, Thompson and
Kambalda. The proof will be in the drilling which we are now eager to commence.
We also await the till results from the western side of the belt which we expect
to be similar."

The till sampling results that have been returned to date cover the Providence
Lake Nickel Discovery area (PLND) and a 4 kilometre stretch of the Providence
Greenstone belt. These initial results are encouraging with eleven zones
anomalous in nickel, cobalt, copper, and chrome identified to date, each with
similar soil geochemistry to the anomaly associated with the PLND. (See Figure 1
below). The figure shows a gridded image of the nickel in till results in
colour. The "hot" colours, Purple, red, show the top 99 percentile of the nickel
in till results with a maximum of 420ppm. The warm orange yellow colours are the
top 75 percentile results, the blue represents all the samples below these
cut-offs. The heavy purple lines depict VTEM conductors thought to be associated
with nickel mineralization. Some of the other conductors in the VTEM survey
block have been field checked and shown to be caused by sulphide facies iron
formations. It is apparent from the figure that the geochemical/geophysical
expression of the PLND discovery zone frequently reoccurs throughout the sampled
portion of the belt and often these signatures are an order of magnitude larger
and more intense than seen from the samples covering the PLND.

To view the map accompanying this release please click on the following link:

Table 1 summarizes some of the drill targets generated to date.

Anomaly  Geochem       VTEM             Ground EM          Comments         
TZ28     Part of the   Deeper larger    Confirms the       Drill holes 08CR-
         600m long     target 100m      presence of deep   24 and 08CR-25   
         discovery     below surface.   EM and mag target  intercepted      
         anomaly                        at TZ-28. DDHs     shallow nickel   
                                        08CR-24 & 25       mineralization   
                                        apparently         above this target
                                        intersected only                    
                                        the very top of a                   
                                        deeper body                         
A11      A 309ppm Cu,  A conductor      To be completed    Petrology and    
Trend    150ppm Ni     1000m long,      prior to           probe confirm the
         and 159ppm    broad shoulder   drilling           presence of      
         Cr soil       to Fe-form                          komatiite and    
         anomaly,      conductor                           nickel sulphide  
         max,          similar to                          in this area,    
         elevated      discovery                           same stratigraphy
         along trend                                       as discovery     
TZ-36    A kilometre   Strong airborne  Very strong mag-   Outcropping Cu-  
(A4)-    east          responses in     EM responses at    bearing massive  
TZ35     coincident    swamp            offset in NW       sulphides have   
Trend    EM and                         striking           been mapped at   
         geochem                        Mackenzie diabase  TZ-35 along this 
                                        dike set           trend.      
A9-A10   Multiple      Weak magnetic    Moderate to        Northern Zone    
Trend    strongly      and EM           strong coincident  within the       
         anomalous     responses        EM and magnetic    greenstones,     
         Ni,Cu,Co                       anomalies, north   approximately 1  
         soil                           dipping with       km higher in the
         responses                      geochem            stratigraphic    
         coincident                                        section than     
         with                                              PLND. Suggests   
         geophysics                                        magmatic Ni-Cu-Co
                                                           may occur in     
                                                           sequences ABOVE  
                                                           the stratigraphic
                                                           position of the  
TZ29-A5  Good Cu in    Moderate EM      Moderate to        Northern Zone    
Trend    soils and     with weak mag    strong EM with     within the       
         high MgO in                    coincident weak-   greenstones,     
         outcropping                    moderate mag       approximately 1  
         ultramafics                    response           km higher in the 
         near contact                                      stratigraphic    
         with sulfide                                      section than     
         facies iron                                       PLND. Suggests   
         formation                                         magmatic Ni-Cu-Co
                                                           may occur in     
                                                           sequences ABOVE  
                                                           the stratigraphic
                                                           position of the  

The A9-A10 trend and TZ29-A5 trend may represent another stratigraphic magmatic
Ni-Cu-Co sulphide target within the Providence Lake Greenstone Belt.

The company expects to commence exploration on this belt that is west of the
Tibbett-Contoyto winter road in March, and begin its Spring drilling program in

The Qualified person for this news release as per the guidelines of the NI
43-101 is Buddy Doyle.

Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information: Some statements contained in
this news release are forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that
forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and involve risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. There can be
no assurances that future developments affecting Arctic will be those
anticipated by management.

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Arctic Star Exploration (TSXV:ADD)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 Click Here for more Arctic Star Exploration Charts.