MNGA Historical Income Statement and Balance Sheet Balance Sheet Assets (000 USD) 2020 2021 Sep-2022 Cash and cash equivalents 46,542 46,186 17,235 Trade receivables 17,743 26,748 17,478 - Related Parties 875 1,922 231Third Parties 16,868 24,826 17,247 Other receivables 17,868 35,019 61,084 - Related
Parties 17,375 34,676 59,694Third Parties 493 343 1,390 Inventories 2,371 2,960 4,771 Prepayments 3,245 3,279 971 Other current assets132 511 Total Current Assets 87,770 114,324 102,049 Financial investments 39 39 39 Property, plant and
equipment 163,185 211,387 219,682 Intangible assets 1,499 3,163 6,743 Equity accounted investees 1,825 2,015 2,135 Prepayments 14,740 18,853 25,992 Total Non-current Assets 181,288 235,457 254,590 Total Assets
269,058 349,781 356,639 Liabilities (000 USD) 2020 2021 Sep-2022 Short-term borrowings 29,487 35,704 13,495 Short-term portion of long-term borrowings 2,918 17,854 20,036 Trade payables 22,300 27,186
31,478 - Related Parties 633 1,873 875Third Parties 21,666 25,313 30,603 Liabilities related to the employee benefits 1,944 2,014 2,384 Other payables 1,343 1,055 8,622 - Third Parties 1,343 1,055 8,622 Current tax liabilities 3,546 2,893
2,352 Contract liabilities 140 8,485 -Short-term provisions 1,104 1,293 1,624 - Provisions Related to the employee benefits 1,097 1,290 1,081Other 7 2 543 Total Current Liabilities 62,781 96,482 79,991 Long-term borrowings 33,860 53,368 56,044
Long term provisions 3,173 2,363 2,732 - Provisions Related to the employee benefits 3,173 2,363 2,732 Deferred tax liabilities 25,203 28,637 27,063 Total Non-Current Liabilities 62,236 84,369 85,839 Total
Liabilities 125,017 180,852 165,830 Equity Attributable To Owners Of The Parent Share capital 33,285 33,285 33,285 Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit (383) (935) (2,067) or loss - Foreign Currency translation differences
111 (35) (356)Remeasurements of defined benefit liability (618) (1,125) (2,138) (asset) -Taxes on items that will not be reclassified to 124 225 428 profit or loss Restricted reserves 5,314 8,063 10,433 Retained earnings 105,825 128,516
149,158 Total equity 144,041 168,929 190,809 Total equity and liabilities 269,058 349,781 356,639 Source: Company information Notes: The financial information and data contained in this Presentation as of September 2022 is unaudited. Such
information and data may not be included in, may be adjusted in or may be presented differently in the registration statement to be filed with the SEC relating to the potential business combination and the proxy statement/prospectus contained
therein. Anyadjustments to this historical 38 information and data may be material