GM Earns $3.8 Billion, or $7.14 Per Share in 2003 
                           -- Adjusted EPS of $5.62 
           Fourth Quarter Earnings $1.0 Billion, or $2.13 Per Share 
                           -- Adjusted EPS of $1.47 
              GMAC Posts Ninth Straight Year of Earnings Growth 
              GM Generated More Than $32 Billion in Cash in 2003 
    General Motors Corp. (NYSE: GM) today reported 2003 consolidated net income 
of $3.8 billion, or $7.14 per diluted share of common stock, compared with $1.7 
billion, or $3.35 per share, in 2002.  Revenue rose 4.6 percent to $185.5 
billion from $177.3 billion in 2002, which is restated to exclude Hughes 
    GM's adjusted income, which excludes special items and results from Hughes 
Electronics, totaled $3.2 billion, or $5.62 per share, in 2003, compared with 
$3.9 billion, or $6.98 per share in 2002. 
                             FOURTH QUARTER 2003 
    In the fourth quarter of 2003, General Motors reported consolidated net 
income of $1.0 billion, or $2.13 per share, compared with $1.0 billion, or 
$1.71 per share, in the fourth quarter of 2002.  Revenue rose 7.7 percent to 
$49.1 billion from $45.6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2002. 
    Excluding special items and Hughes, GM earned $838 million, or $1.47 per 
share, in the fourth quarter of 2003, compared with $934 million, or $1.67 per 
share, in the year ago period.  GM's fourth-quarter-2003 results reflect 
various special items with a net favorable effect of $339 million, or $0.72 
per share.  These special items include a net gain of $1.2 billion associated 
with the split-off of Hughes Electronics from GM and related sale of Hughes 
stock to News Corp., and a positive adjustment of $103 million to previous 
accruals for excess employees at certain North American facilities.  These 
items were partially offset by a charge of $725 million for the cost of lump-
sum payments and vehicle-discount vouchers to retirees as provided for in the 
2003 United Auto Workers (UAW) labor contract, and additional restructuring 
actions at GM Europe totaling $218 million. 
    GM's 2003 results reflect increased dilution primarily attributable to the 
status of employee stock options, which reduced earnings per share by 
approximately $0.03 in the fourth quarter of 2003 and $0.08 in calendar year 
2003.  GM's 2003 results also include preliminary earnings from Hughes 
Electronics (NYSE: HS).  Hughes, now an independent, publicly traded company, 
will report financial results at a later date.  GM split off Hughes 
Electronics and retired the GM Class H common stock on Dec. 22, 2003. 
    GM financial results described throughout the remainder of this release 
exclude special items unless otherwise noted (see "Highlights"). 
                                YEAR IN REVIEW 
    "GM reported solid overall results in 2003, reflecting strong 
contributions from GMAC and our Asia Pacific automotive operations," GM 
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner said.  "By leveraging our 
strengths as a global manufacturer with strong brands and great cars and 
trucks, we expect to improve our automotive profitability, increase revenue 
and build market share in 2004." 
    GM generated more than $32 billion in cash in 2003, about three times the 
company's original target, including more than $10 billion in cash from 
automotive operations, as well as proceeds from non-core asset sales and 
global debt offerings. 
    GM's strong cash performance enabled the company to contribute a total of 
$18.5 billion to its U.S. pension plans and $3.3 billion to the Voluntary 
Employees' Beneficiary Associated (VEBA) Trust for retiree health-care 
benefits in 2003.  As previously disclosed, GM contributed an additional $2.4 
billion to the VEBA Trust in January 2004. 
    "These moves considerably strengthened our balance sheet, and enabled us 
to end the year with our combined U.S. hourly and salaried pension plans fully 
funded," Wagoner said.  "This was a remarkable accomplishment considering that 
these plans were nearly $18 billion underfunded at the start of 2003." 
    Cash, marketable securities, and assets of the VEBA trust invested in 
short-term fixed-income securities totaled $26.9 billion at Dec. 31, 2003, 
excluding GMAC and Hughes, compared with $17.3 billion the end of 2002. 
                           GM AUTOMOTIVE OPERATIONS 
    GM's global automotive operations earned $396 million in the fourth 
quarter of 2003, compared with $574 million in the year-ago quarter, excluding 
special items.  The fourth-quarter-2003 results reflected sharply higher 
profits in the company's Asia Pacific operations, reduced losses in Europe, 
lower income in North America, and increased losses in Latin America.  For all 
of 2003, GM's automotive operations earned $1.1 billion, compared with $2.6 
billion in 2002.  The deterioration in profitability is partially attributable 
to higher pension and health-care costs in the U.S. 
    GM increased its global market share to 15.2 percent in the fourth quarter 
of 2003 from 15.1 percent the prior year.  For the full year, three out of 
four automotive regions posted gains, although GM's global market share 
declined to 14.7 percent from 15.0 percent.  The decline reflects primarily 
the mix effect of strong industry growth in Asia where GM's share is less than 
its global share. 
    GM North America (GMNA) earned $397 million in the fourth quarter of 2003, 
compared with $644 million in the year-ago period, as lower production volumes 
and higher pension and health-care costs were partially offset by strong cost 
performance and favorable mix.  For 2003, GMNA earned $1.2 billion, down from 
$3.1 billion in 2002. 
    Despite strong gains in the second half of the year, GM's share of the 
U.S. market in 2003 was 28.0 percent compared with 28.3 percent in 2002. 
    "While overall market share was down, we were pleased with our sales 
momentum in the second half of 2003 when our market share was 28.7 percent," 
Wagoner said.  "As we continue our aggressive new-product cadence, we are 
optimistic about increasing market share in 2004. 
    "Over the last few years, we have significantly improved the quality and 
competitive position of our vehicles," Wagoner said.  "This trend continued in 
2003 with Cadillac leading the way.  There's still more to do, but we believe 
our cars and trucks are beginning to change consumer perceptions." 
    GM Europe (GME) reported a loss of $66 million in the fourth quarter of 
2003, compared with a loss of $129 million a year ago as continued material 
and structural cost reductions were partially offset by foreign-exchange 
losses, continued price pressure and unfavorable mix.  For 2003, GME had a 
loss of $286 million, an improvement from the $549 million loss in 2002. 
    "While we're disappointed that we fell short of our financial targets in 
Europe, we continue to make good progress on cost reduction," Wagoner said.  
"In 2004, we expect to improve our operating performance as we launch new 
models such as the Opel Astra, Vectra wagon and a new small convertible." 
    GM Asia Pacific (GMAP) earned $177 million in the fourth quarter of 2003, 
a significant improvement from year-ago earnings of $66 million.  Continued 
strong performance by Shanghai GM in China and Holden in Australia, together 
with improved results from GM's equity alliances, contributed to GMAP's 
performance.  For all of 2003, GMAP earned $577 million, more than three times 
the net income of $188 million in 2002. 
    "GM's Asia Pacific operations delivered great results in 2003, led by 
China and Australia," Wagoner said.  "In 2003, China became the world's third-
largest market, and we expect sales to continue to grow this year.  GM is well 
positioned to participate in this growth through its joint ventures in China." 
    GM Latin America/Africa/Mid-East (GMLAAM) reported a loss of $112 million 
in the fourth quarter of 2003, compared with a loss of $7 million in the year-
ago period.  For all of 2003, GMLAAM reported a loss of $331 million, up from 
a loss of $181 million in 2002.  Results for 2003 in Latin America were 
negatively affected by weak economic conditions and an asset write-down in 
    GMAC reported record fourth-quarter income of $630 million in 2003, up 20 
percent from the $524 million earned in the fourth quarter of 2002.  All three 
of GMAC's business units -- Financing, Insurance and Mortgage Operations -- 
reported improved results during the quarter. 
    For calendar year 2003, GMAC posted another record year with income of 
$2.8 billion, compared with $1.9 billion in 2002.  Earnings from financing 
operations improved as lower credit provisions offset the negative impact of 
narrower net-interest margins.  Insurance operations benefited from higher 
underwriting income and a reduction in capital losses related to its 
investment portfolio.  Income from mortgage operations more than doubled, 
reflecting record originations in both the residential and commercial mortgage 
    "GMAC had an outstanding year in 2003," Wagoner said.  "In addition to 
delivering its ninth-straight year of earnings growth, GMAC also did a 
terrific job of diversifying its funding sources and supporting GM's auto 
sales around the globe." 
                                PROFIT SHARING 
    General Motors also announced that its approximately 125,000 hourly 
employees in the United States will receive a profit-sharing payment in 2004.  
A typical U.S. hourly employee, eligible under the profit-sharing program, 
would qualify for a payment of approximately $170. 
                                LOOKING AHEAD 
    GM expects global auto-industry sales to rise about 3 percent in 2004 to a 
record 60 million vehicles.  In the United States, GM expects total U.S. 
industry vehicle sales of approximately 17.3 million.  GM expects robust 
industry growth in Asia Pacific with moderate growth in Europe and the LAAM 
    GM expects to generate $5 billion in operating cash in 2004.  In addition, 
GM estimates that earnings in the first quarter of 2004 will be approximately 
$1.75 per share, excluding any special items and at current dilution levels.  
For the 2004 calendar year, GM's earnings target is $6.00 to $6.50 per share, 
excluding any special items and at current dilution levels.  (The dilution 
calculation may be affected by the Series C Convertible Senior Debentures 
issued by GM in July of 2003 and due in 2033.) 
    In this press release and related comments by General Motors management, 
our use of the words "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "project," 
"forecast," "outlook," "target," "objective," "plan," "goal," "pursue" and 
similar expressions is intended to identify forward looking statements.  While 
these statements represent our current judgment on what the future may hold, 
and we believe these judgments are reasonable, actual results may differ 
materially due to numerous important factors that are described in GM's most 
recent report on SEC Form 10-K (at page II-18) which may be revised or 
supplemented in subsequent reports on SEC Forms 10-Q and 8-K.  Such factors 
include, among others, the following: changes in economic conditions; currency 
exchange rates or political stability; shortages of fuel, labor strikes or 
work stoppages; market acceptance of the corporation's new products; 
significant changes in the competitive environment; changes in laws, 
regulations and tax rates; and, the ability of the corporation to achieve 
reductions in cost and employment levels to realize production efficiencies 
and implement capital expenditures at levels and times planned by management. 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                        List of Special Items - After Tax 
                 (dollars in millions except per share amounts) 
     Management believes that the adjusted information set forth herein 
     is useful to investors as it represents how Management views the 
     results of operations and cash of the Corporation and, therefore, 
     is the basis on which internal evaluation metrics are determined. 
     The internal evaluation metrics are those used by the Corporation's 
     Board of Directors to evaluate Management. 
                                   Three Months Ended     Year to Date 
                                     Dec. 31, 2003        Dec. 31, 2003 
                                    ---------------      --------------- 
                                     Net       $1-2/3     Net      $1-2/3 
                                    Income       EPS     Income      EPS 
                                    ------     -----     ------    ----- 
     Income (loss) from continuing 
      operations                      $(2)     $  -     $2,862     $5.03 
     (Loss) from discontinued 
      operations                     (164)    (0.06)      (219)    (0.09) 
     Gain on sale of discontinued 
      operations                    1,179      2.19      1,179      2.20 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Net income                     1,013      2.13      3,822      7.14 
     Hourly Retiree Lump Sum/ 
      Vouchers (A)                    725      1.27        725      1.28 
     Reserve for Idled Workers (B)   (103)    (0.18)      (103)    (0.18) 
     GME Restructuring Charge (C)     218      0.38        218      0.38 
     Gain on Sale of GM Defense (D)     -         -       (505)    (0.89) 
     Gain on sale of Hughes        (1,179)    (2.19)    (1,179)    (2.20) 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Subtotal                        (339)    (0.72)      (844)    (1.61) 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Income from continuing 
      operations                     $838     $1.47     $3,197     $5.62 
     (Loss) from discontinued 
      operations                     (164)    (0.06)      (219)    (0.09) 
                                      ---      ----      -----      ---- 
     Adjusted income                 $674     $1.41     $2,978     $5.53 
                                      ===      ====      =====      ==== 
     (A)  The October 2003 contract with the United Auto Workers 
          provided for lump-sum payments and vehicle discount vouchers 
          for retirees, accounted for in GMNA and Other. 
     (B)  The Reserve for Idled Workers primarily relates to adjustments 
          to previously established reserves for the Janesville, Wis. 
          Plant, accounted for in GMNA. 
     (C)  The GME Restructuring Charge relates to the initiative 
          implemented in the fourth quarter of 2003 to improve 
          competitiveness of GM's automotive operations in Europe. 
     (D)  The Gain on Sale of GM Defense relates to the sale of GM's 
          light armored vehicle business to General Dynamics Corporation 
          for net proceeds of approximately $1.1 billion. 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                        List of Special Items - After Tax 
                 (dollars in millions except per share amounts) 
                                   Three Months Ended     Year to Date 
                                     Dec. 31, 2002        Dec. 31, 2002 
                                    ---------------      --------------- 
                                     Net       $1-2/3     Net      $1-2/3 
                                    Income       EPS     Income      EPS 
                                    ------     -----     ------    ----- 
     Income from continuing 
      operations                     $934     $1.67     $1,975     $3.51 
     Income(loss)from discontinued 
      operations                       86      0.04       (239)    (0.16) 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Net income                     1,020      1.71      1,736      3.35 
     Fiat Investment (A)                -         -      1,371      2.44 
     GMNA Production 
      Footprint (B)                     -         -        116      0.21 
     GME End of Life Vehicle 
      Charge (C)                        -         -         55      0.10 
     GME Restructuring 
      Charge (D)                        -         -        407      0.72 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Subtotal                           -         -      1,949      3.47 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Adjustments to discontinued 
      operations (E)                 (170)    (0.09)      (228)    (0.13) 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Income from continuing 
      operations                     $934     $1.67     $3,924     $6.98 
     (Loss) from discontinued 
      operations                      (84)    (0.05)      (467)    (0.29) 
                                    -----      ----      -----      ---- 
     Adjusted income                 $850     $1.62     $3,457     $6.69 
                                    =====      ====      =====      ==== 
      (A)  The Write-down of Fiat Investment relates to GM's investment 
           in Fiat Auto Holdings, B.V. and reflects completion of an 
           impairment study relating to the carrying value of that 
           investment, which was reduced from $2.4 billion to $220 
      (B)  The GMNA Production Footprint charge primarily relates to 
           costs associated with the transfer of commercial truck 
           production from Janesville, Wis., to Flint, Michigan. 
      (C)  The GME End of Life Vehicle Charge relates to the European 
           Union's directive requiring member states to enact 
           legislation regarding end-of-life vehicles and the 
           responsibility of manufacturers for dismantling and recycling 
           vehicles they have sold. 
      (D)  The GME Restructuring Charge relates to the initiative 
           implemented in the first quarter of 2002 to improve the 
           competitiveness of GM's automotive operations in Europe. 
      (E)  Various adjustments recorded by Hughes. 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                    Fourth Quarter        Year to Date 
                                    --------------       -------------- 
                                    2003       2002      2003      2002 
                                    ----       ----      ----      ---- 
     (Dollars in millions except per share amounts) 
     Total net sales and 
      revenues                    $49,084   $45,584   $185,524  $177,324 
      Adjusted                    $49,084   $45,584   $184,710  $177,324 
     Income (loss) from continuing 
      operations                      $(2)     $934     $2,862    $1,975 
      Adjusted                       $838      $934     $3,197    $3,924 
     Income (loss) from 
      discontinued operations       $(164)      $86      $(219)    $(239) 
      Adjusted                       (164)      (84)      (219)     (467) 
     Net income                    $1,013    $1,020     $3,822    $1,736 
      Adjusted                       $674      $850     $2,978    $3,457 
     Net margin from continuing 
      (Income from continuing 
      operations/Total net sales 
      and revenues)                     -       2.0%       1.5%      1.1% 
      Adjusted                        1.7%      2.0%       1.7%      2.2% 
     Earnings per share - basic 
      $1-2/3 par value 
        Continuing operations         $ -     $1.67      $5.10     $3.53 
        Discontinued operations     $2.17     $0.04      $2.14    $(0.16) 
                                     ----      ----       ----      ---- 
        Net income                  $2.17     $1.71      $7.24     $3.37 
      Discontinued operations - 
       Class H                     $(0.18)    $0.06     $(0.22)   $(0.21) 
     Earnings per share - diluted 
      $1-2/3 par value 
        Continuing operations         $ -     $1.67      $5.03     $3.51 
        Discontinued operations     $2.13     $0.04      $2.11    $(0.16) 
                                     ----      ----       ----      ---- 
        Net income                  $2.13     $1.71      $7.14     $3.35 
      Discontinued operations - 
       Class H                     $(0.18)    $0.06     $(0.22)   $(0.21) 
     Earnings per share - adjusted 
      $1-2/3 par value 
        Continuing operations       $1.47     $1.67      $5.62     $6.98 
        Discontinued operations    $(0.06)   $(0.05)    $(0.09)   $(0.29) 
                                     ----      ----       ----      ---- 
        Net income                  $1.41 (1) $1.62      $5.53     $6.69 
      Discontinued operations - 
       Class H                     $(0.12)   $(0.06)    $(0.16)   $(0.38) 
     GM $1-2/3 par value average 
      shares outstanding (Mil's) 
      Basic shares                    561       560        561       560 
      Diluted shares                  571       561        569       562 
     Cash dividends per share 
      of common stocks 
      GM $1-2/3 par value           $0.50     $0.50      $2.00     $2.00 
     See reconciliation of adjusted financial results and footnotes. 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                    Fourth Quarter        Year to Date 
                                    --------------       -------------- 
                                    2003       2002      2003      2002 
                                    ----       ----      ----      ---- 
     Book value per share of 
      common stocks at Dec. 31 
      GM $1-2/3 par value          $44.96     $9.06 
      GM Class H                     N/A      $1.81 
     AO total cash & marketable 
      securities at Dec. 31 
      ($Bil's)                      $23.5     $14.3  
     Cash in short-term VEBA         $3.4      $3.0 
                                     ----      ---- 
     Total Automotive cash & 
      marketable securities plus 
      short-term VEBA               $26.9     $17.3 
                                     ====      ==== 
     Automotive and Other Operations ($Mil's) 
      Depreciation                 $1,380    $1,023     $4,526    $3,675 
      Amortization of special 
        tools                       1,362       751      3,391     2,647 
      Amortization of intangible 
        assets                         10         -         29         1 
                                    -----     -----      -----     ----- 
        Total                      $2,752    $1,774     $7,946    $6,323 
                                    =====     =====      =====     ===== 
     See reconciliation of adjusted financial results and footnotes. 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                 Fourth Quarter 
                                  2003 and 2002 
     (Dollars in millions) 
     Total net sales and         Reported      Special Items       Adjusted 
     revenues                    --------       ------------       -------- 
                              2003     2002     2003   2002     2003      2002 
                              ----     ----     ----   ----     ----      ---- 
     GMNA                  $30,979  $29,190      $ -    $ -  $30,979   $29,190 
     GME                     7,283    6,763        -      -    7,283     6,763 
     GMLAAM                  1,919    1,342        -      -    1,919     1,342 
     GMAP                    1,540    1,180        -      -    1,540     1,180 
                            ------   ------       --     --   ------    ------ 
      Total GMA             41,721   38,475        -      -   41,721    38,475 
     Other                     108       58        -      -      108        58 
                            ------   ------       --     --   ------    ------ 
      Total AO              41,829   38,533        -      -   41,829    38,533 
                            ------   ------       --     --   ------    ------ 
     GMAC                    7,201    7,050        -      -    7,201     7,050 
     Other Financing            54        1        -      -       54         1 
                            ------   ------       --     --   ------    ------ 
      Total FIO              7,255    7,051        -      -    7,255     7,051 
                            ------   ------       --     --   ------    ------ 
     Total net sales and 
     revenues              $49,084  $45,584      $ -    $ -  $49,084   $45,584 
                            ======   ======       ==     ==   ======    ====== 
     Income (loss) from 
     continuing operations 
     before income taxes and 
     minority interest 
     GMNA                    $(114)    $855     $556    $ -     $442     $855 
     GME                      (510)    (233)     311      -     (199)    (233) 
     GMLAAM                   (188)      (6)       -      -     (188)      (6) 
     GMAP                       31       45        -      -       31       45 
                             -----    -----      ---     --    -----      --- 
      Total GMA               (781)     661      867      -       86      661 
     Other                    (820)    (291)     447      -     (373)    (291) 
                             -----    -----    -----     --    -----      --- 
      Total AO              (1,601)     370    1,314      -     (287)     370 
                             -----    -----    -----     --    -----      --- 
     GMAC                    1,002      778        -      -    1,002      778 
     Other Financing            63        4        -      -       63        4 
                             -----    -----       --     --    -----      --- 
      Total FIO              1,065      782        -      -    1,065      782 
                             -----    -----       --     --    -----      --- 
     Total income (loss) 
     from continuing 
     operations before 
     income taxes and 
     minority interest       $(536)  $1,152   $1,314    $ -     $778    $1,152 
                              ====    =====    =====     ==      ===     ===== 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                 Fourth Quarter 
                                  2003 and 2002 
     (Dollars in millions)        Reported       Special Items       Adjusted 
                                 --------        ------------       -------- 
                               2003     2002    2003    2002     2003     2002 
                               ----     ----    ----    ----     ----     ---- 
     Income (loss) from 
     continuing operations 
     GMNA                      $52     $644     $345     $-     $397     $644 
     GME                      (284)    (129)     218      -      (66)    (129) 
     GMLAAM                   (112)      (7)       -      -     (112)      (7) 
     GMAP                      177       66        -      -      177       66 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
      Total GMA               (167)     574      563      -      396      574 
     Other                    (511)    (210)     277      -     (234)    (210) 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
      Total AO                (678)     364      840      -      162      364 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
     GMAC                      630      524        -      -      630      524 
     Other Financing            46       46        -      -       46       46 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
      Total FIO                676      570        -      -      676      570 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
     Income (loss) from 
     continuing operations     $(2)    $934     $840     $-     $838     $934 
     Income (loss) from 
      operations              (164)      86        -   (170)    (164)     (84) 
     Gain on sale of 
      operations             1,179        -   (1,179)     -        -        - 
                             -----    -----    -----    ---      ---      --- 
     Net income (loss)      $1,013   $1,020    $(339) $(170)    $674     $850 
                             =====    =====      ===    ===      ===      === 
     Income tax expense 
     GMNA                     $(97)    $246     $211     $-     $114     $246 
     GME                      (151)     (62)      93      -      (58)     (62) 
     GMLAAM                    (66)       3        -      -      (66)       3 
     GMAP                       18       43        -      -       18       43 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
      Total GMA               (296)     230      304      -        8      230 
     Other                    (329)    (114)     170      -     (159)    (114) 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
      Total AO                (625)     116      474      -     (151)     116 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
     GMAC                      283      243        -      -      283      243 
     Other Financing            13      (42)       -      -       13      (42) 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
      Total FIO                296      201        -      -      296      201 
                               ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
     Income tax expense 
      (benefit)              $(329)    $317     $474    $ -     $145     $317 
                               ===      ===      ===    ===      ===      === 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                 Fourth Quarter 
                                  2003 and 2002 
     (Dollars in millions)        Reported       Special Items       Adjusted 
                                  --------        ------------       -------- 
                               2003     2002    2003    2002     2003    2002 
                               ----     ----    ----    ----     ----    ---- 
     Effective tax rate 
     GMNA                     85.1%    28.8%    38.0%     -     25.8%    28.8% 
     GME                      29.6%    26.6%    30.0%     -     29.1%    26.6% 
     GMLAAM                   35.1%   (50.0%)      -      -     35.1%  (50.0%) 
     GMAP                     58.1%    95.6%       -      -     58.1%    95.6% 
     GMAC                     28.2%    31.2%       -      -     28.2%    31.2% 
     Total GM Corp. (2)       43.4%    29.3%    36.1%  41.4%    26.0%    26.0% 
     Equity income and 
     minority interests 
     GMNA                       $69      $35      $ -    $ -      $69      $35 
     GME                         75       42        -      -       75       42 
     GMLAAM                      10        2        -      -       10        2 
     GMAP                       164       64        -      -      164       64 
                                ---      ---      ---    ---      ---      --- 
     Total GMA                 $318     $143      $ -    $ -     $318     $143 
                                ===      ===      ===    ===      ===      === 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                  Year to Date 
                                  2003 and 2002 
     (Dollars in millions) 
     Total net sales and        Reported        Special Items       Adjusted 
     revenues                   --------        ------------        -------- 
                            2003      2002     2003    2002     2003     2002 
                            ----      ----     ----    ----     ----     ---- 
     GMNA                $116,310   $115,809    $ -     $ -  $116,310 $115,809 
     GME                   27,478     23,912      -       -    27,478   23,912 
     GMLAAM                 5,387      5,110      -       -     5,387    5,110 
     GMAP                   5,338      4,524      -       -     5,338    4,524 
                          -------    -------    ---      --   -------  ------- 
      Total GMA           154,513    149,355      -       -   154,513  149,355 
     Other                  1,318        895   (814)      -       504      895 
                          -------    -------    ---      --   -------  ------- 
      Total AO            155,831    150,250   (814)      -   155,017  150,250 
                          -------    -------    ---      --   -------  ------- 
     GMAC                  29,625     26,841      -       -    29,625   26,841 
     Other Financing           68        233      -       -        68      233 
                          -------    -------    ---      --   -------  ------- 
      Total FIO            29,693     27,074      -       -    29,693   27,074 
                          -------    -------    ---      --   -------  ------- 
     Total net sales and 
     revenues            $185,524   $177,324  $(814)    $ -  $184,710 $177,324 
                          =======    =======    ===      ==   =======  ======= 
     Income (loss) from 
     continuing operations 
     before income taxes 
     and minority interest 
     GMNA                    $915     $4,160   $556    $186    $1,471   $4,346 
     GME                     (909)    (1,523)   311     726      (598)   (797) 
     GMLAAM                  (474)      (240)     -       -      (474)   (240) 
     GMAP                      61         10      -       -        61       10 
                           ------      -----    ---   -----     -----    ----- 
      Total GMA              (407)     2,407    867     912       460    3,319 
     Other                 (1,101)    (3,040)  (367)  2,211    (1,468)   (829) 
                           ------      -----    ---   -----     -----    ----- 
      Total AO             (1,508)      (633)   500   3,123    (1,008)   2,490 
                           ------      -----    ---   -----     -----    ----- 
     GMAC                   4,442      3,001      -       -     4,442    3,001 
     Other Financing           47        (30)     -       -        47     (30) 
                           ------      -----    ---   -----     -----    ----- 
      Total FIO             4,489      2,971      -       -     4,489    2,971 
                           ------      -----    ---   -----     -----    ----- 
     Total income from 
     continuing operations 
     before income taxes 
     and minority  
     interests             $2,981     $2,338   $500  $3,123    $3,481   $5,461 
                            =====      =====    ===   =====     =====    ===== 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                  Year to Date 
                                  2003 and 2002 
     (Dollars in millions)       Reported       Special Items      Adjusted 
                                 --------       ------------       -------- 
                               2003     2002    2003    2002     2003     2002 
                               ----     ----    ----    ----     ----     ---- 
     Income (loss) from 
     continuing operations 
     GMNA                      $811   $2,992     $345    $116  $1,156   $3,108 
     GME                       (504)  (1,011)     218     462    (286)   (549) 
     GMLAAM                    (331)    (181)       -       -    (331)   (181) 
     GMAP                       577      188        -       -     577      188 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
      Total GMA                 553    1,988      563     578   1,116    2,566 
     Other                     (518)  (1,895)    (228)  1,371    (746)   (524) 
                              -----   -----       ---   -----   -----    ----- 
      Total AO                   35       93      335   1,949     370    2,042 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
     GMAC                     2,793    1,870        -       -   2,793    1,870 
     Other Financing             34       12        -       -      34       12 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
      Total FIO               2,827    1,882        -       -   2,827    1,882 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
     Income from continuing 
     operations              $2,862   $1,975     $335  $1,949  $3,197   $3,924 
     (Loss) from discontinued 
     operations                (219)    (239)       -    (228)   (219)   (467) 
     Gain on sale of 
     discontinued operations  1,179        -   (1,179)      -       -        - 
                              -----    -----    -----   -----   -----    ----- 
     Net income (loss)       $3,822   $1,736    $(844) $1,721  $2,978   $3,457 
                              =====    =====      ===   =====   =====    ===== 
     Income tax expense 
     GMNA                      $171   $1,213     $211     $70    $382   $1,283 
     GME                       (303)    (436)      93     264    (210)   (172) 
     GMLAAM                    (149)     (76)       -       -    (149)    (76) 
     GMAP                        44       55        -       -      44       55 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
      Total GMA                (237)     756      304     334      67    1,090 
     Other                     (632)  (1,134)    (139)    840    (771)   (294) 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
      Total AO                 (869)    (378)     165   1,174    (704)     796 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
     GMAC                     1,591    1,071        -       -   1,591    1,071 
     Other Financing              9      (49)       -       -       9     (49) 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
      Total FIO               1,600    1,022        -       -   1,600    1,022 
                              -----    -----      ---   -----   -----    ----- 
     Income tax expense        $731     $644     $165  $1,174    $896   $1,818 
                                ===      ===      ===   =====     ===    ===== 
     See footnotes. 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                       Summary Corporate Financial Results 
                                  Year to Date 
                                  2003 and 2002 
     (Dollars in millions)         Reported       Special Items      Adjusted 
                                   --------       ------------       -------- 
                               2003     2002     2003    2002    2003     2002 
                               ----     ----     ----    ----    ----     ---- 
     Effective tax rate 
     GMNA                      18.7%    29.2%    38.0%   37.6%   26.0%   29.5% 
     GME                       33.3%    28.6%    30.0%   36.4%   35.1%   21.6% 
     GMLAAM                    31.4%    31.7%     -       -      31.4%   31.7% 
     GMAP                      72.1%   550.0%     -       -      72.1%  550.0% 
     GMAC                      35.8%    35.7%     -       -      35.8%   35.7% 
     Total GM Corp. (2)        24.5%    25.6%    33.0%   37.2%   26.0%   32.2% 
     Equity income (loss) 
     and minority interests 
     GMNA                       $67      $45      $ -     $ -     $67      $45 
     GME                        102       76        -       -     102       76 
     GMLAAM                      (6)     (17)       -       -      (6)    (17) 
     GMAP                       560      233        -       -     560      233 
                                ---      ---       --      --     ---      --- 
     Total GMA                 $723     $337      $ -     $ -    $723     $337 
                                ===      ===       ==      ==     ===      === 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                              Operating Statistics 
                                    Fourth Quarter        Year to Date 
                                    --------------       -------------- 
                                    2003       2002      2003      2002 
                                    ----       ----      ----      ---- 
     (units in thousands) 
     Worldwide Wholesale Sales 
      United States - Cars           522        535      1,961    2,103 
      United States - Trucks         766        754      2,971    2,832 
                                   -----      -----      -----    ----- 
        Total United States        1,288      1,289      4,932    4,935 
      Canada, Mexico, and Other      196        205        675      786 
                                   -----      -----      -----    ----- 
        Total GMNA                 1,484      1,494      5,607    5,721 
      GME                            412        420      1,657    1,645 
      GMLAAM                         183        164        561      640 
      GMAP                            70         92        273      405 
                                   -----      -----      -----    ----- 
        Total Worldwide            2,149      2,170      8,098    8,411 
                                   =====      =====      =====    ===== 
     Vehicle Unit Deliveries 
      Chevrolet - Cars               189        161        801      747 
      Chevrolet - Trucks             460        466      1,855    1,896 
      Pontiac                        123        115        476      517 
      GMC                            153        146        579      561 
      Buick                           79        108        337      432 
      Oldsmobile                      30         32        126      155 
      Saturn                          54         69        271      280 
      Cadillac                        62         54        216      200 
      Other                           24         23         96       71 
                                   -----      -----      -----    ----- 
        Total United States        1,174      1,174      4,757    4,859 
      Canada, Mexico, and Other      169        192        683      762 
                                   -----      -----      -----    ----- 
        Total GMNA                 1,343      1,366      5,440    5,621 
      GME                            432        411      1,821    1,765 
      GMLAAM                         178        132        570      565 
      GMAP                           222        165        764      674 
                                   -----      -----      -----    ----- 
        Total Worldwide            2,175      2,074      8,595    8,625 
                                   =====      =====      =====    ===== 
     Market Share 
      United States - Cars          26.8%       25.5%     25.7%    25.4% 
      United States - Trucks        30.2%       32.1%     29.9%    31.0% 
        Total United States         28.8%       29.2%     28.0%    28.3% 
      Total North America           28.1%       28.5%     27.4%    27.9% 
      Total Europe                   9.4%        9.2%      9.4%     9.1% 
      Total LAAM                    17.8%       15.5%     16.0%    15.7% 
      Asia and Pacific               5.7%        4.6%      4.9%     4.6% 
        Total Worldwide             15.2%       15.1%     14.7%    15.0% 
     U.S. Retail/Fleet Mix 
      % Fleet Sales - Cars          36.9%       29.7%     31.7%    28.9% 
      % Fleet Sales - Trucks        15.6%       10.3%     13.6%    11.3% 
        Total Vehicles              23.9%       17.9%     21.1%    18.8% 
     Retail Lease as % of Retail Sales 
      Total Smartlease 
      and Smartbuy                   8.5%       7.1% 
     Days Supply of Inventory 
      at December 31 
      United States - Cars            79         77 
      United States - Trucks          86         62 
     GMNA Capacity Utilization 
      (2 shift rated)               94.3%      96.5%      89.7%    90.2% 
     GMNA Vehicle Revenue 
      Per Unit                   $19,311    $18,538 
                           General Motors Corporation 
                              Operating Statistics 
                                    Fourth Quarter        Year to Date 
                                    --------------       -------------- 
                                    2003       2002      2003      2002 
                                    ----       ----      ----      ---- 
     GMAC's U.S. Cost of Borrowing  3.30%      3.93% 
     Current Debt Spreads Over 
      U.S. Treasuries 
      2 Year                         120 bp     330 bp 
      5 Year                         140 bp     335 bp 
      10 Year                        165 bp     335 bp 
     Worldwide Employment 
      at December 31 (in 000's) 
      United States Hourly           118        124 
      United States Salary            40         41 
                                     ---        --- 
        Total United States          158        165 
      Canada, Mexico, and Other       32         33 
                                     ---        --- 
      GMNA                           190        198 
      GME                             62         66 
      GMLAAM                          23         24 
      GMAP                            14         11 
      GMAC                            31         31 
      Other                            5          7 
                                     ---        --- 
        Total                        325        337 
                                     ===        === 
     Worldwide Payrolls ($Bil's)    $5.7       $5.4      $21.5    $21.0 
     (1) This amount is comparable to First Call analysts' consensus. 
     (2) Total GM Corporation effective tax rate includes Hughes  
         operations results through December 22, 2003. 
                                            Three Months Ended December 31,  
                                                 2003           2002 
                                                 ----           ---- 
                                             (dollars in millions except 
                                                 per share amounts) 
     Total net sales and revenues             $49,084        $45,584 
                                               ------         ------ 
     Cost of sales and other expenses          41,894         37,388 
     Selling, general, and administrative        
     expenses                                   5,053          5,196 
     Interest expense                           2,673          1,848 
                                               ------         ------ 
      Total costs and expenses                 49,620         44,432 
                                               ------         ------ 
     Income (loss) from continuing 
     operations before income                     
      taxes and minority interests               (536)         1,152 
     Income tax expense (benefit)                (329)           317 
     Equity income and minority interests         205             99 
                                                  ---           ---- 
     Income (loss) from continuing                  
     operations                                    (2)           934 
     Income (loss) from discontinued              
     operations                                  (164)            86 
     Gain on sale of discontinued  
       operations                               1,179              - 
                                                -----          ----- 
      Net income                               $1,013         $1,020 
                                                =====          ===== 
     Basic earnings (loss) per share 
     attributable to common stocks 
     $1-2/3 par value 
      Continuing operations                       $ -          $1.67 
      Discontinued operations                   $2.17          $0.04 
                                                 ----           ---- 
     Earnings per share attributable to 
       $1-2/3 par value                         $2.17          $1.71 
                                                 ====           ==== 
     Earnings per share from discontinued 
     operations attributable  to Class H       $(0.18)         $0.06 
                                                 ====           ==== 
     Earnings (loss) per share 
     attributable to common stocks  
     assuming dilution 
     $1-2/3 par value 
      Continuing operations                       $ -          $1.67 
      Discontinued operations                   $2.13          $0.04 
                                                 ----           ---- 
     Earnings per share attributable to  
       $1-2/3 par value                         $2.13          $1.71 
                                                 ====           ==== 
     Earnings per share from discontinued 
     operations attributable to Class H        $(0.18)         $0.06 
                                                 ====           ==== 
                                            Three Months Ended December 31, 
                                                 2003           2002 
                                                 ----           ---- 
                                                (dollars in millions) 
     Total net sales and revenues              $41,829        $38,533 
                                                ------         ------ 
     Cost of sales and other expenses           39,157         34,870 
     Selling, general, and administrative         
     expenses                                    3,470          3,157 
     Interest expense                              710             48 
                                              --------       -------- 
      Total costs and expenses                  43,337         38,075 
     Net expense from transactions with 
      Financing and Insurance Operations            93             88 
                                              --------       -------- 
     Income (loss) from continuing 
       operations before income taxes                        
       and minority interests                   (1,601)           370 
     Income tax (benefit) expense                 (625)           116 
     Equity income and minority interests          298            110 
                                                  ----           ---- 
     Income (loss) from continuing                 
     operations                                   (678)           364 
     Income (loss) from discontinued               
     operations                                   (164)            86 
     Gain on sale of discontinued  
       operations                                1,179              - 
                                                 -----          ----- 
      Net income - Automotive and Other  
        Operations                                $337           $450 
                                                   ===            === 
     Total revenues                             $7,255         $7,051 
                                                 -----          ----- 
     Interest expense                            1,963          1,800 
     Depreciation and amortization expense       1,464          1,432 
     Operating and other expenses                1,999          2,172 
     Provisions for financing and  
       insurance losses                            857            953 
                                                ------         ------ 
      Total costs and expenses                   6,283          6,357 
     Net income from transactions with 
     Automotive and Other Operations               (93)           (88) 
                                                ------          ----- 
     Income before income taxes and               
     minority interests                          1,065            782 
     Income tax expense                            296            201 
     Equity income (loss) and minority  
       interests                                   (93)           (11) 
                                                 -----           ---- 
      Net income - Financing and Insurance  
       Operations                                 $676           $570 
                                                   ===            === 
                                                    Years Ended December 31, 
                                                   2003       2002       2001 
                                                   ----       ----       ---- 
                                                   (dollars in millions except 
                                                       per share amounts) 
     Total net sales and revenues               $185,524   $177,324   $169,051 
                                                 -------    -------    ------- 
     Cost of sales and other expenses            152,071    146,793    138,847 
     Selling, general, and administrative          
     expenses                                     21,008     20,690     19,433 
     Interest expense                              9,464      7,503      8,317 
                                                 -------    -------    ------- 
      Total costs and expenses                   182,543    174,986    166,597 
                                                 -------    -------    ------- 
     Income from continuing operations before 
     income taxes and minority interests           2,981      2,338      2,454 
     Income tax expense                              731        644      1,094 
     Equity income (loss) and minority interests     612        281      (138) 
                                                   -----      -----      ----- 
     Income from continuing operations             2,862      1,975      1,222 
     Loss from discontinued operations              (219)      (239)     (621) 
     Gain on sale of discontinued operations       1,179          -          - 
                                                   -----      -----      ----- 
      Net income                                   3,822      1,736        601 
     Dividends on preference stocks                    -       (46)       (99) 
                                                   -----      -----       ---- 
      Earnings attributable to common stocks      $3,822     $1,690       $502 
                                                   =====      =====        === 
     Basic earnings (loss) per share 
     attributable to common stocks 
     $1-2/3 par value 
      Continuing operations                        $5.10      $3.53      $2.21 
      Discontinued operations                      $2.14     $(0.16)   $(0.42) 
                                                    ----       ----       ---- 
     Earnings per share attributable to $1-2/3  
       par value                                   $7.24      $3.37      $1.79 
                                                    ====       ====       ==== 
     Earnings per share from discontinued 
     operations attributable to Class H           $(0.22)    $(0.21)   $(0.55) 
                                                    ====       ====       ==== 
     Earnings (loss) per share attributable to 
      common stocks assuming dilution 
     $1-2/3 par value 
      Continuing operations                        $5.03      $3.51      $2.20 
      Discontinued operations                      $2.11     $(0.16)   $(0.43) 
                                                    ----       ----       ---- 
     Earnings per share attributable to $1-2/3       
        par value                                  $7.14      $3.35      $1.77 
                                                    ====       ====       ==== 
     Earnings per share from discontinued 
     operations attributable to Class H           $(0.22)    $(0.21)   $(0.55) 
                                                    ====       ====       ==== 
                                                    Years Ended December 31, 
                                                   2003       2002       2001 
                                                   ----       ----       ---- 
                                                      (dollars in millions) 
      Total net sales and revenues              $155,831   $150,250   $143,173 
                                                 -------    -------    ------- 
      Cost of sales and other expenses           143,464    138,359    130,158 
      Selling, general, and administrative  
        expenses                                  11,863     11,749     12,430 
                                                 -------    -------    ------- 
        Total costs and expenses                 155,327    150,108    142,588 
                                                 -------    -------    ------- 
      Interest expense                             1,780        479        572 
      Net expense from transactions with 
        Financing and Insurance Operations           232        296        435 
                                                     ---        ---        --- 
      (Loss) from continuing operations before 
      income taxes  and minority interests        (1,508)      (633)     (422) 
      Income tax (benefit) expense                  (869)      (378)        56 
      Equity income (loss) and minority   
        interests                                    674        348       (68) 
                                                     ---        ---        --- 
      Income (loss) from continuing operations        35         93      (546) 
      (Loss) from discontinued operations           (219)      (239)     (621) 
      Gain on sale of discontinued operations      1,179          -          - 
                                                   -----        ---      ----- 
        Net income (loss) - Automotive and   
          Other Operations                          $995      $(146)  $(1,167) 
                                                     ===        ===      ===== 
      Total revenues                             $29,693    $27,074    $25,878 
                                                  ------     ------     ------ 
      Interest expense                             7,684      7,024      7,745 
      Depreciation and amortization expense        6,032      5,541      5,857 
      Operating and other expenses                 8,529      8,306      7,308 
      Provisions for financing and insurance  
        losses                                     3,191      3,528      2,527 
                                                  ------     ------     ------ 
        Total costs and expenses                  25,436     24,399     23,437 
                                                  ------     ------     ------ 
      Net income from transactions with 
      Automotive and Other Operations               (232)      (296)     (435) 
                                                  ------     ------     ------ 
      Income before income taxes and minority       
        interests                                  4,489      2,971      2,876 
      Income tax expense                           1,600      1,022      1,038 
      Equity income (loss) and minority  
        interests                                    (62)       (67)      (70) 
                                                   -----      -----      ----- 
        Net income - Financing and Insurance 
          Operations                              $2,827     $1,882     $1,768 
                                                   =====      =====      ===== 
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 
                                                               December 31, 
                                                               2003     2002 
                                                               ----     ---- 
                             ASSETS                     (dollars in  millions) 
     Cash and cash equivalents                               $30,054  $20,320 
     Other marketable securities                              24,715   16,825 
                                                              ------   ------ 
      Total cash and marketable securities                    54,769   37,145 
     Finance receivables - net                               172,423  133,964 
     Loans held for sale                                      19,609   15,720 
     Accounts and notes receivable (less allowances)          21,246   16,106 
     Inventories (less allowances)                            10,960    9,737 
     Assets of discontinued operations                             -   18,653 
     Deferred income taxes                                    27,190   39,767 
     Net equipment on operating leases 
      (less accumulated depreciation)                         34,383   31,026 
     Equity in net assets of nonconsolidated associates        6,032    5,097 
     Property - net                                           38,211   35,956 
     Intangible assets - net                                   4,760   10,796 
     Other assets                                             58,924   15,086 
                                                             -------  ------- 
      Total assets                                          $448,507 $369,053 
                                                             =======  ======= 
     Accounts payable (principally trade)                    $25,422  $21,138 
     Notes and loans payable                                 271,756  200,168 
     Liabilities of discontinued operations                        -    7,956 
     Postretirement benefits other than pensions              36,292   38,152 
     Pensions                                                  8,024   22,679 
     Deferred income taxes                                     7,508    6,523 
     Accrued expenses and other liabilities                   73,930   65,344 
                                                             -------  ------- 
      Total liabilities                                      422,932  361,960 
     Minority interests                                          307      279 
     Stockholders' equity 
     $1-2/3 par value common stock  
       (outstanding, 561,997,725      
       and 560,447,797 shares)                                   937      936 
     Class H common stock (outstanding,           
       958,284,272 shares in 2002)                                 -       96         
     Capital surplus (principally additional  
       paid-in capital)                                       15,185   21,583 
     Retained earnings                                        12,710   10,031 
                                                              ------   ------ 
        Subtotal                                              28,832   32,646 
     Accumulated foreign currency translation adjustments     (1,815)  (2,784) 
     Net unrealized losses on derivatives                         51     (205) 
     Net unrealized gains on securities                          660      372 
     Minimum pension liability adjustment                     (2,460) (23,215) 
                                                               -----   ------ 
        Accumulated other comprehensive loss                  (3,564) (25,832) 
                                                               -----   ------ 
         Total stockholders' equity                           25,268    6,814 
                                                              ------  ------- 
     Total liabilities and stockholders' equity             $448,507 $369,053 
                                                             =======  ======= 
                                                                December 31, 
                                                               ----     ---- 
                              ASSETS                     (dollars in millions) 
     Automotive and Other Operations 
     Cash and cash equivalents                               $11,924  $12,162 
     Marketable securities                                    11,567    2,174 
                                                              ------   ------ 
      Total cash and marketable securities                    23,491   14,336 
     Accounts and notes receivable (less allowances)           5,380    4,735 
     Inventories (less allowances)                            10,960    9,737 
     Assets of discontinued operations                             -   18,653 
     Net equipment on operating leases (less accumulated        
       depreciation)                                           7,173    5,305 
     Deferred income taxes and other current assets           10,851    9,631 
                                                              ------   ------ 
      Total current assets                                    57,855   62,397 
     Equity in net assets of nonconsolidated associates        6,032    5,097 
     Property - net                                           36,071   34,135 
     Intangible assets - net                                   1,479    7,453 
     Deferred income taxes                                    18,086   31,431 
     Other assets                                             42,262    1,461 
                                                             -------  ------- 
     Total Automotive and Other Operations assets            161,785  141,974 
     Financing and Insurance Operations 
     Cash and cash equivalents                                18,130    8,158 
     Investments in securities                                13,148   14,651 
     Finance receivables - net                               172,423  133,964 
     Loans held for sale                                      19,609   15,720 
     Net equipment on operating leases (less accumulated       
       depreciation)                                          27,210   25,721 
     Other assets                                             36,202   28,865 
     Net receivable from Automotive and Other Operations       1,492    1,089 
                                                             -------  ------- 
      Total Financing and Insurance Operations assets        288,214  228,168 
                                                             -------  ------- 
     Total assets                                           $449,999 $370,142 
                                                             =======  ======= 
     Automotive and Other Operations 
     Accounts payable (principally trade)                    $21,542  $17,919 
     Loans payable                                             2,813    1,994 
     Liabilities of discontinued operations                        -    7,956 
     Accrued expenses                                         45,417   39,113 
     Net payable to Financing and Insurance Operations         1,492    1,089 
                                                              ------   ------ 
      Total current liabilities                               71,264   68,071 
     Long-term debt                                           29,593   14,261 
     Postretirement benefits other than pensions              32,285   34,244 
     Pensions                                                  7,952   22,633 
     Other liabilities and deferred income taxes              15,567   13,734 
                                                             -------  ------- 
      Total Automotive and Other Operations liabilities      156,661  152,943 
     Financing and Insurance Operations 
     Accounts payable                                          3,880    3,219 
     Debt                                                    239,350  183,913 
     Other liabilities and deferred income taxes              24,533   22,974 
                                                             -------  ------- 
      Total Financing and Insurance Operations liabilities   267,763  210,106 
                                                             -------  ------- 
        Total liabilities                                    424,424  363,049 
     Minority interests                                          307      279 
      Total stockholders' equity                              25,268    6,814 
                                                             -------  ------- 
     Total liabilities and stockholders' equity             $449,999 $370,142 
                                                             =======  ======= 
                                              For The Years Ended December 31, 
                                                     2003     2002      2001 
                                                     ----     ----      ---- 
     Cash flows from operating activities              (dollars in millions) 
     Income from continuing operations               $2,862    $1,975   $1,222 
     Adjustments to reconcile income 
      from continuing operations to net cash 
      provided by operating activities 
        Depreciation and amortization expenses       13,977    11,865   11,764 
         Postretirement benefits other than 
         pensions, net of payments and  
         VEBA contributions                          (1,563)     (208)   1,882 
        Pension expense, net of contributions       (13,849)   (3,396)     144 
        Net change in mortgage loans                    456    (4,716) (4,608) 
        Net change in mortgage securities               236      (656)   (777) 
        Change in other investments and               
          miscellaneous assets                       (1,445)     (478)    (59) 
        Change in other operating assets and           
          liabilities                                 3,204       855    (622) 
        Other                                         3,722     3,221    4,215 
                                                      -----    ------   ------ 
     Net cash provided by operating activities       $7,600   $13,177  $12,180 
                                                      -----    ------   ------ 
     Cash flows from investing activities 
     Expenditures for property                       (7,330)   (6,871) (7,832) 
     Investments in marketable securities -          
        acquisitions                                (25,456)  (39,386)(38,248) 
     Investments in marketable securities -           
        liquidations                                 18,549    35,688   37,560  
     Net change in mortgage servicing rights         (2,556)   (1,711) (2,075) 
     Increase in finance receivables               (149,419)(143,025)(107,567) 
     Proceeds from sale of business units             4,148        -        - 
     Proceeds from sale of finance receivables      107,504   117,276   95,949 
     Operating leases - acquisitions                (11,761)  (16,624)(12,938) 
     Operating leases - liquidations                  9,952    13,994   11,892 
     Investments in companies, net of cash acquired    (201)     (870) (1,283) 
     Other                                           (1,422)    1,005      127 
                                                     ------    ------   ------ 
     Net cash used in investing activities          (57,992)  (40,524)(24,415) 
                                                     ------    ------   ------ 
     Cash flows from financing activities 
     Net (decrease) increase in loans payable           235       770 (21,740) 
     Long-term debt - borrowings                     97,391    51,411   62,957 
     Long-term debt - repayments                    (38,962)  (24,365)(19,790) 
     Repurchases of common and preference stocks          -       (97)   (264) 
     Proceeds from issuing common stocks                  -        62      100 
     Proceeds from sales of treasury stocks              60        19      418 
     Cash dividends paid to stockholders             (1,121)   (1,121) (1,105) 
     Other                                            1,319    2,638       924 
                                                     -------  -------   ------ 
     Net cash provided by financing activities       58,922    29,317   21,500 
                                                     ------    ------   ------ 
     Net cash provided by discontinued operations       275         -        - 
     Effect of exchange rate changes on cash 
        and cash equivalents                            929       495     (96) 
                                                    ------    ------   ------- 
     Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash          
        equivalents                                   9,734     2,465    9,169 
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the  
        year                                         20,320    17,855    8,686 
                                                     ------    ------   ------ 
     Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year   $30,054   $20,320  $17,855 
                                                     ======    ======   ====== 
                                      For The Years Ended December 31, 
                                   2003              2002                 2001 
                                 Auto.,          Auto.,           Auto.,  
                                 and    Finan.   and    Finan.    and   Finan. 
                                Other    and    Other    and     Other   and 
                                Oper.   Insur.  Oper.   Insur.   Oper.  Insur. 
                                -----   ------  -----   ------   -----  ------ 
                                              (dollars in millions) 
     Cash flows from  
       operating activities 
     Income (loss) from                   
     continuing operations      $35   $2,827      $93  $1,882   $(546) $1,768   
     Adjustments to  
       reconcile income (loss) 
       from continuing 
       operations to net cash  
       provided by operating 
      Depreciation and                  
       amortization expenses  7,946    6,031    6,324   5,541   5,907   5,857 
      Postretirement benefits 
       other than pensions,                        
       net of payments and VEBA 
       contributions         (1,563)       -     (223)     15   1,862      20  
      Pension expense, net of          
       contributions        (13,849)       -   (3,396)      -     144       -    
      Net change in mortgage               
       loans                      -      456        -  (4,716)      -  (4,608) 
      Net change in mortgage               
       securities                 -      236        -    (656)      -    (777) 
      Change in other 
       investments and                     
       miscellaneous assets    (200)  (1,245)   2,064   3,506     591  (2,194) 
      Change in other operating         
       assets and liabilities 3,067      137    3,808  (4,286) (1,152)  1,093 
      Other                    (762)   4,484     (659)  3,880     981   3,234 
                              -----   ------    -----   -----   -----   ----- 
     Net cash provided by  
       operating activities $(5,326) $12,926   $8,011  $5,166  $7,787  $4,393 
                              -----   ------    -----   -----   -----   ----- 
     Cash flows from investing 
     Expenditures for  
      property               (6,616)    (714)  (6,414)   (457) (7,812)    (20) 
     Investments in marketable         
       securities -  
       acquisitions          (9,934) (15,522)  (2,228)(37,158)   (767)(37,481) 
     Investments in marketable          
       securities - 
       liquidations           1,405   17,144      873  34,815   1,228  36,332         
     Net change in mortgage                 
       servicing rights           -   (2,556)       -  (1,711)      -  (2,075) 
     Increase in finance                    
       receivables                - (149,419)       - (143,025)     -(107,567) 
     Proceeds from sale of              
       business units         4,148        -        -       -       -       -     
     Proceeds from sales of                
       finance receivables        -  107,504        - 117,276       -  95,949 
     Operating leases -                     
       acquisitions               -  (11,761)       - (16,624)      - (12,938) 
     Operating leases -                     
       liquidations               -    9,952        -  13,994       -  11,892 
     Investments in companies,            
       net of cash 
       acquired                 (57)    (144)    (688)   (182)   (741)   (542)   
     Net investing activity with 
       Financing and                      
       Insurance Operations   1,000        -      400       -    (500)      - 
     Other                      332   (1,754)   1,513    (508)    244    (117) 
                              -----    -----    -----  ------   -----  ------ 
     Net cash used in  
       investing activities  (9,722) (47,270)  (6,544) 33,580) (8,348)(16,567) 
                              -----   ------    -----  ------   -----  ------ 
     Cash flows from financing 
     Net (decrease) increase in          
       loans payable           (234)     469     (335)  1,105  (1,440)(20,300) 
     Long-term debt -  
       borrowings            14,785   82,606    4,562  46,849   4,435  58,522 
     Long-term debt -  
       repayments               (19) (38,943)    (145)(24,220)   (884)(18,906) 
     Net financing activity with 
       Automotive and Other                          
       Operations                 -   (1,000)       -    (400)      -     500        
     Repurchases of common and              
       preference stocks          -        -      (97)      -    (264)      - 
     Proceeds from issuing               
       common stocks              -        -       62       -     100       - 
     Proceeds from sales of                 
       treasury stocks           60        -       19       -     418       - 
     Cash dividends paid to           
       stockholders          (1,121)       -   (1,121)      -  (1,105)      - 
     Other                        -    1,319        -   2,638       -     924 
                              -----    -----    -----   -----   -----  ------ 
     Net cash provided by (used 
       in) financing    
        activities           13,471   44,451    2,945  25,972   1,260  20,740 
                             ------   ------    ----   ------   -----  ------ 
     Net cash provided by                 
       operations               275        -        -       -       -       - 
     Effect of exchange rate 
       changes on cash                      
       and cash equivalents     661      268      485      10     (74)    (22)  
     Net transactions with 
       Operations               403     (403)    (467)    467    (414)    414         
                             ------    -----    -----   -----   -----   ----- 
     Net increase (decrease) in 
       cash and cash                       
       equivalents             (238)   9,972    4,430  (1,965)    211   8,958 
     Cash and cash equivalents  
       at beginning of 
       the year              12,162    8,158    7,732  10,123   7,521   1,165 
                             ------   ------   ------  ------   -----  ------ 
     Cash and cash equivalents   
       at end of the 
       year                 $11,924  $18,130  $12,162  $8,158  $7,732 $10,123 
                             ======   ======   ======   =====   =====  ====== 
SOURCE  General Motors Corporation 
    -0-                             01/20/2004 P 
    /NOTE TO EDITORS:  For additional media information, visit ./ 
    /CONTACT:  Toni Simonetti, +1-212-418-6380 (office), +1-917-822-3393 
(mobile), or Jerry Dubrowski, +1-212-418-6261 (office),  
+1-917-544-4885 (mobile), , both of General Motors 
    /Web site:  